Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, July 21, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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J t
Annual Meeting of Trustees of j On motion, the course of study, and daily meals will l>e served at ' bell said, in effect, that no transla­
Christian College.
tor, ancient or ihpdem, Jew, Gen*
as advertised in catalogue, be the the cheapest rates.
Our former meeting was a most’ i tile or Pagan, ha»l ever translated
Trustees of Christian College met j course quirsued in Christian Col-
happy success. We would have , baptizo or any of its family by
in Monmouth, June 13, 1882, Ira F. i lege.’
The time of opening the session this one even better. L We look for sprinkle or pour. Mr. Rice quoted
M. Butle*-, President, in thé chair.
hw ujts-edokb a d
a number from a .dntelMffi i.'oHUX.
-.--Ateud ia rw pr êt ant i Wm... J À aw woup
L. Bentley, F. S. Powell, D. Stump, i Monday in September, and dose to the railroad depot, Downey city, : with a vesture dipped in blood.”
J. R. Caidwell, T. F. Campbell, W. Wednesday after the third Monday Cal., and if you cannot cohie, send i He produced certain versions, the
letters^ or substitutes. If you have i Peshito Syriac, made in the second
D. Fenton, J. L. Riggs, Win. in June.
• ; century, the Vulgate made by Je­
Prof. Stanley offered his resigna- not tents conic any l ow. We. * will
Churchill, L. B. Rowland, J. Wol-
verton, I. Vanduvn, 1). T. Stanley tion as trustee, which was accepted, endeavor to prepare a numlier of rome in the fourth century, ami
ami Prof. T. F. Campbell was tents for such as may need them. , some saying of Origin—all of
and A. W. Lucas.
...........straw-and ’ whichliadaword' w}i'ich~jne^
Ih-oceednigs »if “ last meetirTg n:ad eh’cted to said vnrrrrrry.----------- --- -
. Tin* Executive Committee -wore very little bedding, will I m : nee»l»‘d. j sprinkle in this passage, lienee,
ami approved.
the, author of the Syriac version,
Pres. Campbell next " rtstd Lis authorise«] to employ Ehler Bruce Bring tents if ]>ossili|ef............ . * .
ami Jerome ami Origin all iranslat-
annual report, which was accepted Wolvert» m as solicitor for Oregon
and placed on file.
: ■** . .____ _ and Washington * Territory, and
1. Organization ami Enrolling cd bapto to sprinkle, Mr. Rice
presseil this with no little effect up­
L. Bentley, Treasurer, read his foof. T. F. TJampTiell the remainder j I Names.
the audience. Mr. Carson,some
of the United States, where he may
annual report, received and filed.
2. Appointing Committees, viz. :
years Indoro, claimed that these
On motion, the faculty was . choose his-field. •
(1) On order of Worship uml Preaching.
lion. W. 1). Fenton offered the
(2) Ou order of Business, including translators »lid not know thè mean­
authorized to confer the degryb of
<[iiestions drawn up.
ing of bapto otherwise they would
A. B. upon W. E. Richardson, ami following, which was adopted:
(3) On Letters and Reports.
■' •
not have translate«l it by a word
WflEREAs, Owing to his con
(4) Lord’s Day Schools.
B. S. on O. D. Butler, Ada Waller,
that means* to sprinkle. But Mr.
(5) Missionary Work.
tinuous labors for thirteen years as
Clara Gar»l ami Stella Rowland."
f<»> Tiie Use of the Press.
.Campbell took higher grotimf ami
Otr-ttmtiott-,--the B»»ard - tlreitlvd President ofdiristian (Allege, foes ’-1-(T)^iTinr^Tntrt^Hrtrinr7WTreyri(TetTn
' claimed that these translators bada
an<l our future Evangelistic work.
that three years shall lie the short­ Campltell has deemed it prudent to ing,
an<l Refco- ■ ' »lifferent Greek text, a text that had
__ :
est time after graduation, that the abandon the class-room and re- Jutions. •
* __ .... ....I."
rantizo mid nut bapto.__ If they liad
__degree d £A u :.M. .ahall la:- conferred
—Jk-tuei-n the other sci'vledS-We"
a text containing bapto, how did it
has tendered his resignation as
upon a mei,nbcr of the Alumni. .
propose - having thirty minutes’
CT speeches, urtroducilig tlm following happen that all translated it here
On motion, the degree of A. M. President of Christian College
by a word to. sprinkle, but every­
was conferreil on j. Monroe Pojvell.' Now, therefore’, lie it
themes for further investigation,
where olse by dip on its equivalent I
Resolved, That in-accepting his viz.:
Ira FT M. Butler was elected
' its bearinga, by B. F. But, aside from this, planting him­
President, of the-Boar»I for two resignation, we hereby—express our 1 1. 'Prayer, in all
self upon the unchangeable laws of
years, W.Dawson, Vice-President, great confidence in our ltcloved CirtiRer.
philology, Mr. (’ampbell said it was
2. The Lord’s Day, by P. A. Wilkes.
A. W. Lucas, Secretary, J. President as a teacher, a scholar 3.
Lord's Day Schools, and their Liter- j impossible for bapto to have such a
ton, Treasurer, F. S. Powell, J. : ami a Christian gentleman, and we 'ature, by D. 8. Wardlaw.'
~ *
and hence
. must
including ; meaning, -----
---- there
------- w-w-
— -
Wolverton and A. *W. Lucas, Exe­
Pirrental res|s>nsil»ility, etc., by G. H. j haVe been another text, Io&t at
cutive Committee.
5. Difficulties in arriving at the Truth, ■
time, containing another word,
( )n motion, L. Bentley, W. Daw- . fidence of the general public, and
by J. C. Kendrick, M. D. ’
• was a wilv
Mr. Rice, who
son, 1. F. M. Butler, I). Stump ami
* debat.-
(». Intuition, or the Sixth Sense, by W.
R. Lawrence.
J. Wolverton were appointed a
Church Work, by L. B. Wilkes.
utler , Pres. ,
said that Mr. Campbell would
committee to examine the condition
8. Work for All, by W. J. Smith.
A. W. L ucas , See.
!>. The Office of the Holy Spirit, by W. change the word of God in order to
of the sinking fund.
carry his point; that no such extra
President Campbell next offered
10. The Duty of Christians as Citizens, i
I text had ever been in existence, and
W. W, Borden.
his resignation as President of
11. The Literature of the Bible, by we can imagine, made it unpleasant
Christian College, which was
—---- Coats.
12: OffenCes among Brethren, by C. ' for Mr. Campbell. Since, that time,
accepted, and D. T. Stanley was To all who desire to worship God as
By special request.
, however, an inmenfce advance has
the first Christians worshipped
elected to till said vacancy, and
This programme was adopted by i been made in Textual Criticisms.
Prof. W. E. Yates was elected to
to. the announcement the C'hurcli, June 18, 1882. ami we What has l>een the result ? Such
the chair of Greek, Latin and Ger­
man, and J. Monroe Powell that of, in the-minutes of our last meeting*, were instructed to have it printe»! | a manuscript has been found con­
Mathematics and Physical Sciences. you are affectionately and earnestly and sent to all concerne»! ; and to taining rantizo and not bapto,
Adjourned till 10 o’clock A. M. requested to meet with the Church say also, that it is very desirable which reading has been adopted by
of Christ, at Downey city, Cal., that those who.<lesign to attend will the recent Revisers: hence the Re­
the 14th.
Board met pursuant to adjourn­ August 18, 1882, at 10 a . m , under wml us a postal at an early »late, vised Version has —“ And he is ar-
whether fayed in a garment sprinkled avi th
ment, lia F. M. Butler in the chair. an arbor prepared for th^»>gcasion_p indicating finir
* blood.” It was this text that Ori­
< tther member-' presenFwere Daw­ andT to bring all the information they will bring tents, etc.
gin, Jerome and the' author of the
Affectionately and sincerely,
son, Fenton, Wolverton, Powell, you can concerning congregations,
Peshito Syriac had Indore them. If
Rowland, Riggs, Stanley," Sturfip fields of lai »or, Lord’s day schools;
E dwin F rench , i '
also, means for the support of
this had l»eon known at the time, it
S..A. S horlridge , ’ Com.
and Lucas
(J. K endrick ,
would have robbed Mr. Rice of a
On motion, all laws for the "Evangelists, etc. We desire to send
Downey Cify, Cal., June 20, 1882.
deal of thunder.
government of students in Chris- one or more Evangelists at om?e
We again jciterate the statement
into the great field, n»Av ripe for
tian College were repealed.
that no translator, ancient or mod­
It was decided the faculty i/liould the harvest. Come prepared to re­
Rantizing not Baptizing.
ern, Jew, Gentile or Pagan, has
<?ive one week vacation uring main several »lavs; bring v»»ur
Bibles, hymn books, Itcdding, etc.
Christmas holidays.,
On this subject the Old Path translated baptize or any of that
family of words by sprinkle or
It was ordered that the Board We will endeavor to have on tin* Guide says :
In his delude with Mr. Rice, jMHir, ami challenge any one to pro­
opcn a commercial department in ground a fruit stand, hay yard and
Christian College.
1restaurant, where food tor horses, nearly forty years ago, Mr. Camp- i duce such an example.'
; •*