Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, July 21, 1882, Image 1

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vol .
D. T. . sìanley ,
Publish«-!- nml l’rolli irt i»r, Moinifoiit li, Or.
Subscription Privet
“ one year...
Cue Copy,
One C’öpy, six mouths.
.... 1 o<> -
Lord Jesus is welcome to conic in
his own time. 1 h-âfh closes up the
career of each one, anyhow,
tism by immersion will be n«lminis-
feivd' t<>
five pensöps,^
Repulilican River, near‘the place of
F. I). Wilson, in connection with the
C'um'berland Presbyterian church.
F. M. M adden , Pastor.
T1 1 i.n ina,y - itiuoldn.ii.:.. a .t l'u s i <. h i i sL, .
but it will (jladden all hearts that
long f«>i- a ri'turn to apostolic prilc-
tice. \V*<- tak.e Mr. Ma«l«l«-n to be a
superior guide. Let the good .woi k
go on. --- —- ■ -■-- - ' --- —
"of a thousand
people. \’,,t only was this Chris­
tian matron/cf eighty years move«!
with the «h-epest «-motion, but, for'
a moment,- tMe surprise«! au«li«-nce
gaznd n,fam the um-x}H.-eU,-<l scene
with the stillness of death, many
eyes being suffnsrd““with tears of
joy ami a«linirati«ln. Th«- audience
was transtixedr- It was a silence
that could, be felt. It • was the
What t|w people <,»f Go«! nee«l for
elo«pienc(- of pj ofoun<Tan«l reverent
growth is to observe-the injunction
silence. Alexatxlcr ('amplall, in
of Paul to Timothy : “ Exercise thy­
hi s marble bust,, was'l<jokin'*
’ «lown
self unto godlim-ss.’
uj><m .th«- seem-.
We arè in receipt of tlie Annual
Catalogue of Kentucky University.
ll shows th«- various cpltriges in a
Prices will be given on application.
very fiourishing fomlitibn.^ In. ih<-
----- K..............
—............... .
. r---------
colleges (Arts,. €‘«hnmercial
I Entered at the P-ost-oflico at Monmouth, M
second claKH mail matter. |
■„ ..
ami Bible) there were in attendance
Pleas«' Notice,
«luring the session, just closed, about,
Va art not responsible fcr the opinions and 450 students. The faculty is com­
MUtimentH exprMH.ed by our contributor«, bitt
for our own writing alone. - Hence otn readers posed of able men in their pro­
niiHt judge for theniHeHsu.. We intend to give
• -
apa< e for the free expression of opinion, within fession/’and the curators are liar-
• ■»—
the hmita of wound di.-u're.ion, and the good of
W ho is a C hristian
We give
Advice to Young Ministers.
----- th e ea w wo ; bw^«ot-W.- lM >l d -a^Hii Airain g - wh a t monious in the management of the
others may write.
- _____ _ — •
1 niyersrt y. Good work is done in the (dtri st tun Advocate credit tnr.
Supply yimr libnu ies at the out­
All matter intended for piilllcatiop in thifr- TifTthe d epartments, and we Con­ this:
set with th«- best works on biblical
paper should be written :
A Christ ¡an' is one who loves Go«l
1. On one Hide of the sheet only.
j tidrntly predict- great go» m 1 from
Do not spar«- your,
2. In a plain legible hand.
ami keeps his commandments lit«*rature.
3. Let there be plenty of apace In-tween the Kentuckv
I irh ersit
Wear the old
L«*ve, then; is not a m«-r<-sentiimint,
4. Write with & jam dnaiead of a* pemul, si
The t)td~ piitk Phfdde, mak«-^ t4K. a.feeling, it is a principle, the prin- coat, ami buy tlx- new liooks. lu­
that it maj not lx- defaced in transit.
-.. uul any bazar. 1 or hardship, but
5. Write brief article*.
following «sanments. Further is ciple ♦ ‘ •’»r«
When you aenil money’for t he paper, pksisc'
It true iii
1~* Tl—T '—
lie sure and Htatc whether the name for which not necessary, •(If course*,some will
(host- of ill-lit aiuT iltstroniir, to get
to mair, true to GmL— -J-f ye love
it is Kent is now on onr list or not.
your outfit of tools to work with.
Expect no attention to articles, notices, or persist in saying that the M, E. me.L«-ep
\ my
T <*<immandm«-nt b's-”
queries not accom|>anied by your name.
If any subscriber fails to get the H erald in church is,the sana' “ yesterday, to­
'This is. what we have always You must have them «»arly in your
due time, or fails to go* it legularly. we will
take it as a great favor if he will notify ns at day, and forever :”
<4aim«-<l. Receiving—cr«-e«ls have ministry, if you are ever to use
once. Wo are very anxious that the pa[>er,
T he N ew D iscipi . ine . -All things nothin"- to do with making < 'hris- them. Your wedding can wait,
should reach every subscriber regularly.
human are destini ti to change, as tians. They sometimes unmake but .your library can not. Then
The synopsis of Un* debate be- the following shows:
( hristians. Keeping God's com­ systematize your biblical studies,
Before this number of the Ad mandments is a condition both of and give yourself to them Fe-
.t^veen Bro. C. J. Wright and Ehl.
Jones, now lieing published in the rocate reaches its rea«lers we hope becoming and continuing a ('liris- ligiouslv. Let the-garden go un-
to have the no ised edition of the
weeded, and let the potatoes rot ill
H erald , was prepared by Bro. T.
Discipline out of press, 'lite work tian. By the way, if he who loves the ground. Get rid of the church
M. Morgan from notes taken at the of revision lias lieen «me of some G«»d and keeps his coinman«linents
difficulty, owing to the death of.the is a Christian, why not call him a councils and eommittei-s, and execu­
•Secretary pf the Conference, Dr. ('hristian t Why call him anything tive miscellanies, so far as you
The Announcement and General Summers, after the business of the
honorably can. Leave the social
ids«- > And Path. Guide. .
Proo-ramme of the Annual Meeting session was in progress. Christiati
dinners, and the pleasure parties,
-, . .
for Southern California, appears in Advocate.
At the . annual commencement and the regattas, and the operas,
Every four years the Discipline exercises at Hiram college recently, 'and the fast horses, to those who
this issue. .We expect a full re
|iort of the meeting for publication is revised, as it appears from the Mrs. James A. Garfiel«! was elected need them. Say you, with Ne­
statement fou4d in the Christian to till the vacancy in the college
in due time.
ll emiah, to messengers who tempt
Advocate, that “ 188G calls for a board ereate«l by the «leath of her you with such tilings : “ I am 'lojpg
We heartily unite witJiXhCvflitor new revision.” 'Ibis is a little
husband. .General and. Mrs. Gar- a great work, so that I can not
of the C. C. Advocate in the follow­ wor^e than we thought? “ But the
del« I at onu-time taught classes si«le comedown; why-should the’ work
ing sentiment:
cease whilst I leave and come down
word of th«* Lor«I emlureth for- by si«l«‘ in this institute.
The Signs of the. Times, noticing ever.
to you ?’ Cultivate a stein unity
of purpose in your calling of God,
the terrible cyclones, tidal waves,
There was a touching and thriling and hold to it to the «leath. Come
earthquakes, etc , which have lately
Read and reflect upon the follow­
startle«! the country, concludes that ing from the (Christian scene, says the J. C. AVrtete, on thus-to your biblical sermons with
" God is warning the world by his
Commencement Day at Bethany a full mind which aches to deliver
The world do mov.e. Bro. Win.
Word afid Providence ” that these Sumpter, in a letter from Nelson, College. Just as Miss Mary» A. itself. ^Professor Phelps. ~
' - J
— -
are “ tile last «lays.” Itexpects the Nebraska, under date of June 29tli, Campl»ell, a granddaughter of Alex­
man who .
end of all things-soon. To all this states that the Cumlierland Pres­
ander Campbell; had conclude«! her is divided In-tween Christianity and
we have only to say, that -every byterian minister of Superior,-
Christian shoul.l be always r.-ady. Nuekols county, Nebraska., pub- beautiful poem .entitled “Jewels,” Masonry\as follows: He gives the
If we knew that the world was to lishe<l the following advertisement her grandmother, Mrs. Alexander church his prayers, <in«l his tears,
and his songs, and gives Masywry
come to an end next - Woek,• -w-e-
in T/te Superior Guide, of 'June CamfiTtelL wa,s seen mounting the his money. Jones can not tell .
shouhl get out as good a paper as
15th : —
— —platform, and'^piickly approaching whether the Hull’s heart gow»e-iVith
possible; should make clippings,
______ ____ IMMERSION.
the object of her love ami affection, his pray ers. awijjpngir or with hU*-
prepare items^read- proof, Kvo for
On-Sunday, July 2, 18.82, 1 ap embraced her lovingly ami tender- 1 ii oiv 'V^M^nyjer,
~Vtheriran«lto Jo good to the sound*