Cottage Grove echo=leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 18??-1895, May 30, 1896, Image 4

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I n
In ven tion F o r C arry I n f Sound W it h ­
out V i m
M ine. D a rre l, th e A c tre s s A lw a y s C elled
H im H e r “ G ood Dog:.“
When walking through the laboratory
of the V olta bn man with Dr. A. Graham
Beil, the inventor of the telephone. I
p:ckfd np on one of the shelve) a piece
of pine board abont half an inch thick
and eight inches square. Out of the cen­
ter of it extended a speaking tube,
Which apparently rested against a thin
disk of bright metal sank into the oppo­
site side. This rm tdl was like a silver
mirror, and was abont as large around
ar the bottom of a rambler I asked Dr.
Beil what it was, and he told me that
it was a perfected instrument whose
original construction enabled him to
project his voice from one point to an­
other through the medium of a sunbeam.
It enabled him, in other words, to send
sccnds along a ra j of light without the
aid of an electric wire. He took the in­
strument and pnt the tube to his mouth,
holding the mirror sc that it caught the
sun and cast a little shadow disk of
light on the opposite wall. Then by
breathing slightly he made this shadow
increase and diminish, and assume va ­
rious shapes by the action of his breath
against the mirror diaphragm.
“ That shows yon ,1' said he, “ how
the action of the diaphragm is carried
along the ray.
Now, i f yon w ill put a
’ ittle bottle w ith some soot in it where
that shadow is on the w all, and speak
into the tnbc, yon w ill find that the
sound w ill travel along that ray of
I'ght, and by having a receiver connect­
ed w ith «be bottle one wonld be able to
hear what yon are saying.
We have
spoken by this means to and from points
*00 yards apart, and there seems to be
no reason to doubt that speech may be
sent along a beam of light for great dis­
la our experiment in this we
first nsed selenium, a very rare sub-
atanoe, and very sensitive to lig h t
have fonnd, however, that we can pro­
duce very good results w ith common
soot, and the discoveries may yet be
m ide which w ill make such an in­
vention commercially practicable.” -—
W o rld ’s Progress.
I did not meet the elder Dnmas until
he was on the wane, but was acquainted
w ith him before he fe ll under the in ­
fluence of Adah Isaacs Menken. When
young, his hair was fair, l*1®11 dark, but
when I saw him it was gray and in tex­
ture less woolly than the negro’s. His
lips were thick and extended from ear
to ear when be laughed, and his teeth
were uneven and set apart from each
other. He flattered himself that his nose
was straight. It was, however, lumpy,
with wide, strongly marked and quiver­
ing nostrils. T o the pride of life he was
insensible. But he was a slave of the
flesh, though in a fitful way, and the
never ending pressure of creditors oblig­
ed him to react against his conviviality.
One saw that he was n force of nature
and a child of nature.
His small hands and feet and his sin­
gularly acute though good natnred blue
eyes alone indicated blood derived
from a long line of civilized northern
ancestors. There were traces of Africa
in his speech. His langh was a guffaw,
but its hilarity was contagious. When
a case of suffering was made known to
him, his face at once fell, and if he
knew the snfferer the broad face con­
tracted, and he howled nutil he bad
spent his grief, lim e. Dorval, whom he
and Victor Hugo thought the greatest
actress of her time, for emotional parts,
used to call him her “ bon chien” and
her “ gros chien.” In the honr of death
she did not lay aside this term of en­
dearment, which aDy one else wonld
- c Q ’» -
have resented. He was doggish in many
respects, but o f the generous, impulsive,
the glories o f the season when all na­
Newfoundland type.— “ The Elder Dn­
ture wakes to new life and vigor, but
mas,” by E m ily Crawford in Centnry.
o f all the poets who have celebrated
the season o f the opening leaves and
Stephen Salisbury.
A writer in the Worcester (Muss.) Spy budding flowers, It is likely that not
thus describes Stephen Salisbury of more than 1 per cent lived in the coun­
that city, who has jnst given the city a try or had to take any active part in
site for an art museum and (100,000 to the rural duties inseparable from the
build it : "S im p le in his tastes and youth o f the year.
The city resident may poetize and
mcdest and democratic in spirit, Mr.
Salisbury’s single aim is to spend money moralize over the coming o f the beauti­
so as to relieve want, to raise to a high ful spring, but the man who makes his
The new poci. ui>ireato o f Britain Is
! plane the lives of persons of small living In the country has no time for
!n desperate straits. His poetry Is too
means and lofty and earnest purposes, either poetry or philosophy, for to him
bad for the newspapers and not bad
and to add to the prosperity of Worces­ the advent o f spring means nothing but
enough for the magazines.
ter. His intimate friends love and ad­ a great deal o f hard work. No matter
mire him. His gifts are never the off­ how florid the poets may become about
spring o f impulse, but the product of the new birth o f the flowers and trees,
anxious thought, yet they are never ac­ to the farm er this event is o f signifi­
companied by troublesome conditions. cance merely as indicating that the
Wbat a beautiful example Mr. Salis plowing and sowing must begin. H e has
bury is of practical wisdom and simple no time for sentiment, for the spring is
Kitrems tired feeling afflict! nearly every
body at this aeaeon. The hostlers cease to goodness 1 Gratitude cannot outrun his altogether too short for the amount of
push, the tirelc v grow weary, the ener­ generosity or the warm interest which work he is obliged to squeeze into It,
getic become enervated. Yon know just he feels in the w elfare of his townsmen and summer treads so closely on Its
heels that before he is ready the heated
what we mean. Some men and women and fellow men. ”
term begins. It Is not likely that more
endeavor Uxnpoiarily to overcome that
P e p p erm in t.
than once In ten years the farm er sees
The preparation o f peppermint is es­ summer come on when he Is fully pre­
pecially an American industry. The pared for i t Not that be Is dilatory,
peppermint is CDt when in bloom, like or that the sea .on Is short, but that
hay, dried, placed in close wooden vats there is so much to be done. Someone
asd steamed. The oil cells burst and defines a farm er as “ a mac who works
Feeling by great force of will. But this
as hard as he can all the year round for
is unsafe, as it pulls powerfully upon the the oil passes upward with the steam,
which is condensed and conducted into his board and clothes, and not very
nervous system, which will not long stand
good board nor very fine clothes.” The
such strain.
Too many people “ work on a receiver, where the o il rises anc is
piped off. It takes abont 850 pounds of definition seems extravagant, but that
their nerves," and the result is seen in un­
dry peppermint to produce cne pound of fact Is due to the circumstance that it
fortunate wrecks marked “ nervous pros­
oil. An acre of land yields from 6 to 10 Is full o f truth, for the farm er's work,
tration,'* in every direction. That tired
pounds of oil, often more— even as high ' like woman's, is never done, as by the
as 50 pounds. N ew York and Michigan time It reaches a certain stage, It begins
again and goes the same dreary round.
prodnee the most. —
..-biugton Post.
The farm er regards springtime there-
T h e Best.
j fore, not from a poetical, but from a
Traveler— Where es the best hotel in j purely practical, point o f view, for it
lng is a positive proof of thin, weak, im
! b the season when he begins all over
e blood, for, if thg blood is rich, red, this
P o i.e r— Do you see that honse over i again. I t is a common saying that you
died and vigcrout, it imparts life ar.d
never know how much you have until
r ry to every neyte, organ and tissue yonder? That is the worst.
ewe fcoilse The nece-stiy o f takfne
Traveler— I don’t want the worst. It 1 you begin to move, and In the same
sense the farm er never realizes how
Hood’s fia •apariff-'"Ai3i-HI*t the I fts.iing' I5TJTS TOBtTTOfsl I wa it.
Porter— Can’t tell you, P m sure. much trssh can sren m n lsi» suuut a
it, therefore, apparent to every oue, and
the good it will do yon is equally beyond T h at’s the only odo wo ve got.— Lon­ place until he starts to elenn up in the
don Tit-Bits.
question. BememLwi that
T ir e d
F e e l-
eral unpleasantness grabbing ranks
about m idway between cleaning the
fence comers and brush burning, being
a little more troublesome than the for­
A SEASON FULL OF POETRY TO mer and not quite so hot as the latter.
It is, however, troublesome enough to
meet all ordinary demands on the pa­
tience o f a Job, and hot enough to cre­
T h e re 1» N o R o m a n c e In G r a b b in g , ate a lively Impression that the back
has been exposed to a specially heated
B r u s h B n r n l n - , P l o w i n g o r C le a n in g
F e n c e C o r n e r * - A D r e a r y R o u n d o f draught from a blast furnaee. It Is a
labor full o f disappointments. A fte r
O ft e n I l l - R e q u i t e d T o il.
toilsomely working your way through
a wilderness of hazel brush stumps you
W o r k , N o t S e n tim en t.
insert your grubbing hoe into a patch
Youth of the year! Celestial spring!
o f sod in the confident expectation that
Again descend thy silent showers;
New loves, new pleasures, thou dost for a few yards at least your burden
w ill be light. A t the first stroke, how­
And earth again looks gay with flowers. ever, you hit a root, and In the convic­
tion that it ought to be short, you take
It is altogether probable that hun­ hold and begin to pull. when, to your
dreds o f poems have been written on amazement, the root keeps coming un­
the beauties o f spring, and barrels of til you have dragged six or eight feet
Ink and reams o f paper have been shed o f it up through the sod. then it breaks,
and wasted In the effort to show forth and you wonder wbteher anybody ever
Order is tbe sanity of the mind,
be;.1th of tbe body, tbe peace of
city, the security o f the state. As
beams to a bonse, as the bones to
microcosm of man, so is older to
— Southey.
S a r s a p a r illa
T h e L e i ter B a b j.
lithe One True Blood Purifier. All drneettts. »1.
Preps red only byC. I. Hood A Co . Lowell, M ss.
a* f have named the Leiter baby
M ay Curzon.
co U
d ’s
S> P
l - I i M
*re operate.
e""T ,0 2 •***•
.5 cents.
lusK li-« SU'I ttuisa, hi. rd iu g o r Fru ir udtug P ile s yield at onre to
r. ÌO -8 A N -K O ’ 8 P IL E R E ttE D Y. Stops Itch-
¿ .• ■sorb« tu mors, a p o s i l i 'e cure. C irculars sen t free. P rice
Druggist* or asiL
D U . BO M ANKO . P h il« .. P a .
Upon the tongue, yellowness of the akin and
eyeballs, nause and tine rines3 beneath the
right ribs and shoulder blade, is that the vie
tim of these discomforts is bilious. The ‘-proper
caper” under such circums ances is to take
Hosietter’s btomach Bitiers, which also cures ai d fever, constipation, dyspepsia, rheu­
matic and kidney complaints and nervousness.
He (from Boston; very musical)—'Wagner’s
works are simply grand. She (from Chicago) —
Oh, you ought to see Pullman's I
Itr, wearing qualities are unsurpassed, actually
outlasting two boxes of any other brand. B E W A R E O F O IN T M E N T S F O R C A ­
(r o il Animal Oil*. G E T 1 H K G E II1 N E .
T A R R H T H A T C O N T A IN M E R C U R Y ,
W A S H I N G T O N M F R * »1 A N T S ^ |
and Dealers eeuernlly.
i As mercury w ill surely destrov the seuse of
smell and completely derange the whole system
when enteriug it through the mucous surfaces. should never be used except on
| prescriptions from reputable physicif.ns, as the
Line of Cut’ ery, Sporting Goods, damage they w ill do is ten fold to the ¿ood you
Barber Supplier and Bazaar GoodsT Why, don’ t can possibly derive from them. H all’s Catarrh
you know
Cure, manoiai-tmred bv F. J. Cheney & Co., To-
! ledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken in-
They w ill supply you with anything yru want i Urnally, acting directly upon the blood and
at lowest market prices. Send fnrii*-neral Cata­ ! raucous surfaces of the syst- m. In buying H ail’s
logue or Catalogue o f Sporting: Goods or Barber Catarrh Cure be sure you ger. tbe genuine. It ie
Supplies. 820 Martet street, ban * n ncisco, Cal. ; taken in ernaiiv, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by
j F. J.Chenev & Co. Testimonials five.
, Sold by druggists, price 75c pt*r bottle.
| H ali’h Family Pills are the best.
Y o u r Dealer
Two bottles of Piso’a Cure for Consump­
tion cured me of a bad lung trouble.—Mrs
J. Nichols, Princeton, Ind., Mar. 26, 1893.
F I T S .—AH Fits stopped free by D r. K i l n e '»
G re a t N e r v e R e s t o r e r . No Fits after the bra
day’s use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and |2.0
trial bottle (tee to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline
»1 Arch 8t., Philadelphia. Pa.
will not sell you
6» &
we will.
W rite us for free samples showing
la b e ls a n d materials.
*' Home Dressmaking.” a new book by Miss
Emma M. Hooper, of the Ladies' Home Journal,
telling how to put on Bias V elveteen Skirt Bind­
ings S'Siit for 25c.. postage paid.
5. M. A M. Co.. P. O. Box 6o9. N. Y. City.
1$ Ibis wbat ails you?!
Then yon h a n
Have you a feeling 1
of weight in the <
Stom ach— Bloating \
ing of W ind—V om it' 4
mg of Food—W ater-
l. rash — Hea rtbu rn—
Bad Taste in the ’
Mouth in the Morn- \
log—P alpitation of A
the Heart.due to D iv \
ten«loo ef Stomach
—Cankered Mouth i
—G as la the Bowels <
—Loss of F le s h -
F ick le Appetite —
Depressed. Irrita b ie 1
Condi ion of the .
Mind - Dizziness— '
Headache—Constip- i
-----------------atlon »r Diarrhoea? I
la one of its m an y forms. The one positive cure
lo r th is distressing complaint in
fle k e r’ s Dyspepsia Cablets,
k j m all, r r e p . 14 , no receipt ef i ; ceata
C a B A e .I T . Hotel Im p -rta l. New T o t » . ,
J .ufT.-r.-it h o rrib ly from SM S m SU , b n t j
A c k e r'. Tablet*, token after m eala.heve cured me ” '
A C K E R M E D IC I' E CO., to A 18 C h am be r, St., S .V .'
Gladness Comes
ith a b etter understanding o f the
transient nature o f the many phys­
ical Ills, which vanish before proper e f­
forts—gen tle efforts—pleasant efforts—
righ tly directed. T h ere is com fort in
tlie knowledge, th at so many forms o f
sickness are not due to any actual dis­
ease, but simply to a constipated condi­
tion o f the system, w hich the pleasant
y ru p o f Figs, prompt-
fam ily laxative, Syrup
ly removes. T h a t ; is
' w h y it is the only
on sof fam ilies, and is
rem edy w ith m illionsof
everyw here esteemed so highly by a ll
w h o value good health. Its beneficial
effects are due to the fact, that it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness w ithout debilitatin g the
organs on w hich it acta I t is therefore
a ll important, in order to g e t its bene­
ficial effects, to note w ion yon pur­
chase, th at you have th,. s nuine arti­
cle. which is manufacture T hy the Cali­
fornia F ig Syrup Co. on ly r nd sold by
a ll reputable druggists.
I f in the enjoym ent o f good health,
und the system is regular, laxatives or
other remedies are then pot needed. I f
afflicted w ith any actual disease, one
may be commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need o f a laxative,
one should have the best, and w ith the
well-inform ed everywhere, Syrup of
Figs stands highest and is most largely
,«ed and fives most general satisfaction.
farm er le a 11 In vain. Dependent as be
is on the vicissitudes o f the season, no
wonder he sometimes becomes a fatal­
ist and finds signs and wonders where
others see natural phenomena easily
susceptible o f explanation.
w W . W a ts o n , Le ad in g Real Estate M a n , Restored to
Health by Paine’s Celery Compound.
A Denl*h S a il.r Sara H l* In ven tion Can
M ake F orty -flve M iles an H o a r — H a* Done
P lu c k y S o u th S ea Q u e e n W h o L e d H e r
F o r c e « to V i c t o r y .
a M ite I n T w o M inute*— H e Ha* N ot the
M oney to B u ild One.
Queen Mamea o f the Island o f IIna-
To ride a bicycle across the Atlantic
heme o f the Society g 'Qup is a buxom
ruler who for years ha < defied the pow­ ocean from N ew Y ork to Liverpool in
er o f the French authorities at TahitL 70 the ambition of Charles
Mamea has often been spoken o f as the Flint, a Danish sailor man, who is re­
handsomest woman In the South Seas, siding now at 148 Columbia street,
Brooklyn. Mr. F lin t came to this coun­
try from Copenhagen 19 years ago. He
has followed the sea since he was 12
years old, and he is now 40.
T w o years ago Mr. F lin t read an ac­
count of a flying machine, and it gave
him an idea. He worked on the idea un­
til he had constructed a boat 20 feet
long, 8 feet w ide and 4 feet deep, in
which was a bicycle attachment con­
necting w ith a big flywheel and a pro­
peller. Mr. F lin t launched this boat in
the Passaic river, at Newark, and got
B ,- . * \ » \ \
\ V ' Wo.
aboard. He began to work the bicycle
pedals. The boat moved ahead. Mr.
F lin t said that he made 81 miles an
hour in the boat.
“ It went so fast that I had to ease
np,” he said the other day. “ It was an
open boat, and when I went at the rate
of half a m ile a minute it cut under the
waves, and I had to slow np or swamp
her. ’ ’
This boat was destroyed by fire a
month after it was made. N ow Mr.
did get to the end o f a hazel roof, it
but whether her claims to tills distinc­ F lin t wants to build another boat on the
is a singular fact about a patch of
tion are based upon substantial grounds same plan, but larger. He has con­
ground that needs grubbing that it al­
residents o f Rateatea are inclined to structed the model and claims that when
ways has more roots in It than any oth­
doubt. “ W e w ill annex the island, and the new boat is completed he can easily
er patch o f ground you ever saw. W hy
you must submit," was the edict sent make 45 miles an hour in it. The new
this should he so is a mystery, but then,
out by the Governoi o f Tahiti to the boat w ill be 40 feet long, 5 feet beam
farm ing is full o f mysteries, and this is
Queen. H er reply was a raid on the anc 11 feet deep. It w ill have a fly ­
perhaps no grealer than a hundred oth­
French missionaries near Uturoa and wheel 7 feet in diameter and a number
Chicago, May 26.— Mr. W . W . W a t­ led to worrying, frettin g and despond­
ers, It being more observable because
the slaughter o f several traders Tlio of other wheels connected by gearing son's reputation throughout the W est ency, that need only Pain» s oelery
more troublesome than some o f the
French shelled l i r a heme and landed
“ I calculate,” said the inventor, for unerring judgment in the valuation compound to banish the unhealthy a t­
The mention o f mysteries invite« at­ troops at the Queen's palace, but the I “ that by my arrangement a man can c f land has made him foremost among mosphere and make things bright and
tention to the fact that by some curious w ily indy led her forces by a rapid get ten horsepower out of each leg, the most conservative, careful class of cheerful again.
It is the only spring remedy uni­
freak of nature the spring time is the march into the mountain fastnesses of making 20 horsepower altogether. That investors in Chicago.
most favorable season for all sorts, the interior, and at the head o f 500 an w ill be sufficient to send the propeller
U nlike many hard driven business versally prescribed by physic iana
kinds and conditions o f breakages in
men, the owner of “ Alptne H eights,” makes people w e ll by g ivin g them a
farm implements, harness and appli­ losing but a few follow ers in adminis­ miles an hour, and it w on’ t be any that splendid suburb of Chicago, has hearty appetite and a relish for their
ances generally.
Philosophical per­ tering to the French soldiers a sound harder to work than a bicycle. The ma­ not neglected his health on account of food. Hard-worked men and women,
sons. who are always prying into the thrashing.
chinery w i l l weigh abont 700 pounds, his exaoting business. The follow in g the nervons, weak and debilitated, get
reasons o f things and finding explana­
and there w ill he 800 pounds o f lead on unreqnested statement from Mr. W a t­ j new strength, fresh nerve energy and
tions that no one else can discover, pre­
the keel. She w ill have a displacement son shows how consistent w ith his life ­ I a purer, more vigorous blood supply
tend to say that the spring epidemic
of seven tons. It w ill be an easy matter long, oarefnl, conscientious and success­ from Paine’s oelery oompounr
o f breakage in harness, wagons, plows,
This most valuable nerve and brain
for three men to cross the Atlantic in ful business habits has been his atten­
runnel o f N e a rly T w o M i l e s E ic a T a ts il by
hoes and other tools is due to the fact
He states in the invigorator and restorer practically
an Industrious M ole.
her in abont 70 hours. As the boat w ill tion to getting well.
that these articles are not properly
demonstrate): the lifelo n g oon fiction o t
Down along the river bank after the be all decked over she cannot be swamp­
cared for in the winter; that, i f after
"U p o n tbe recommendation of a its
ed. In smooth water I can take off the
using them in the autumn they had
hatches. Then, too, I w ill have water friend, I used Paine’ s oelery oompound Phelps, M. D ., LL. D , of Dartmouth
been oiled and put away in a dry house
Professor Phelps was for a
for headaches, oonstipation, indigestion College.
tight bulkheads in her.”
during the cold season, then oiled and died and beicbed up g-ear rings, there
Mr. F lint says that it wonld be easy snd loss of sleep, and found it a ll it long tim e convinced that sot nd nu tri­
cleaned in the spring before using
fle- ¿ «ii uff in broad steps, in which to rnn her by some motor, bnt that he was recommended to be. I suffer no tion was tbe keystone of f i r s health,
them, most o f the breakage could b*
prefers tbe man power idea, and that it more from headaches, sleep soundly at and that where there were signs ot
avoided. But this view o f the case, here and there were left shallow pools.
is perfectly practicable. The only thing night, and am now in perfect health. poorly nourished nerve tissues, and ot
which, to the philosopher, seems so
in tbe way of completing this boat and This is the only medicine that I have thin, pale-oolored blood, some means
plausible, is regarded by the farmer frown many miles np the river, had oo
getting to Europe in less than three ever taken for these complaints, which must be devised to supply theae defici­
with distrust, not to say with incredu­ tasioually stranded, after floating down
encies briskly and rapidly.
days or over there and back in less than has benefited me at all.
lity. The friskiness o f the mules when on the river ’a surface, and gathered
“ W .W . W A T S O N , 225 Dearborn st.” Phelps prepared Paine's oelery com ­
a week is that Mr. F lin t has not the
first led forth from the stable and
Busy men and women are apt to pound on this basis. It has proved an
capital he requires. He says he can
placed in front o f a plow which they ami boxes of all sorts of strange plun­
bnild the boat for (700, bnt he is work­ tnink there is always time to get w e ll , invigorator. strengthener anc a great
are expected to persuade through more
ing for the Barney Dumping company Tbe fact that only one person in a hun­ spring purifier, such'us the world has
or less rooty and cloddy earth for the gether unlikely that one, by looking
and gets only (1 5 a week and has to dred dies of old age shows how reok- never enjoyed iiefore onr day.
next sixty days is not difficult to ex­ closely, might have found more than
Tom orrow, or next day, ot the day
support a w ife and tw o children. T o lessly men and women postpone at­
plain. They l.are been doing nothing one article of value.
the lay mind it seems pretty hard for a tending to their health and allow it to after is not soon enough to h o k about
but eat their heads off during the win­
man to send such a big boat through go to pieces w h ile they devote them­ getting rid of weakness ot disease.
ter, and have, therefore, acquired at. firm ss on any Atlantic beach. It was
tbe water at the speed contemplated, selves heart and soul to affairs that are Take Paine's oelery compound today.
amoum. e f adipose tissue qu’ te unbe­
W ives and There is no tim e equal to three early
bnt Mr. F lin t says that he is certain it trifling in oottpm soo.
coming to the degenerate sons o f an ig­ walking. And walking on it was a joy.
mothers have no greater duty than to spring day. for throwing off poor
can be done.— N ew Y ork World.
noble sire. W ere this the sum total of There were neither jostling elbows nor
see that those dear to them do not be­ health. There are few persona who do
their offending, no harm would tv sweet smells nor sounds, just the gray
come so absorbed in the work of provid­ not need to take a spring remedy.
T H E ID E A L M A N .
done, for roo much fat on a mule Is an sky Shove, the damp wind and the yel-
ing for the household as to lose their
Many not downright sick, but tired
Infirmity t \sily overcome by a judicious l6w river oozing along a stone’s throw
W h o H e Is, W h a t H e Is and W h e r e to
health and shorten their days.
or ailing, would be immensely bene­
system ol heavy loads, a long thrash
F ind H im .
N o more thoughtfnl step oonld be fited by taking Paine's oelery com­
Traversing this flat was a lemarkable
pole a yd t.ueh profanity. But a mule,
The follow ing is the response to a taken during the spring days that are pound, espeoally at this pertionlsrly
j little ridge or welt. It started in the
' sand where the last river bank had be- toast at tbe Philomathians, a woman's now here than to urge such tired and favorable season of the year.
This great compound will bauialt
< itun just before the river receded. Above club of Cincinnati, by Dr. Ida B. Rnli- often irritable home providers to take
Paine’ s oelery compound.
There are that tired feeling, cleanse tbe blooS and
it tlie grasses hung over the five foot < r°":
(dbank, and towering aloft was a large , “ The ideal maw is a married man, of thousands of homes Mjhere overwork has regulate the nerves.
itotionwood tree. The vrelt ran straight "course, and he gives all his saliry to
, out toward the river 1,000 yards or his wife. He belongs to no lodge, clnb
T h e P o litic ia n 's R e p ly .
t mere, then turned west and wound in a or building association to keep him out
«M * M r e r e r e M r e r e M iitr e > ir e ir e if
What is “ reform ?” Oh, foolinh lad!
waving line up stream. For nearly two late at night. He carries no latchkey.
And have you thus let paws
“ He permits his w ife to rni; the
miles it could be followed, weaving
Y ou r chance for knowledge which brings \ 3
here and there, never disappearing be­ honse after her own fashion, and he
joy ?
low the surface and never changing in makes her bis trusted confidant or all
Such are the times, alas!
appearance, until it suddenly lost itself
But since all tardily you ask
“ H e neither smokes, chews, driuks,
in another bank of sand against which
F or wisdom ’s kindly light,
You come to one who finds the task
j it had run. It was the burrow of a
Miss Della Slovens, o f Bouton. M u l , ]
and easy quite.
1 j
w rites: I have always suffered from ]
i « o l e . ADd who knows but the little care of the babies when his poor w ile is
Scrofula, for which I tried I
i blind burrower is still working his way nervous and tired, uud especially when
‘ ‘ R eform ’ * is a great moral throb
various remedies, and many relia b le ]
Whose cause we scarce can trace,
physicians, but none relieved me. A fter ]
i through half of Clay county to find the she goes to her chin,
«b o u t tt'
t le s o f
Which makes some big man lose his job
“ He does not Jive in this neightor-
; end of the bank. Or maybe he started
I am now well. I
And puts me in his place.
am very grateful
upward after awhile and came out in hood, however, he dwells only— in the
—Washington Star,
to you, as I feel
spring. Then dead weeds and brush
the middle of some farmer’s frozen gar­ imagination, ’ ’— Cincinnati Enquirer.
that it saved me
R a th er a R e m ark a b le Speech.
and branches and all the odds and ends
den patch or cornfield.— Kansas City
S from a life o f un­
told agon-
of plant life seem to breed before his
Congressman Morse o f Massachusetts,
Biiall take pleasure in speaking only
eyes, and the places which during the
words o f praise fo r the wonderful med>
better known as “ the rising sun states­
A W e s t V ir g in ia Ju d g e Sued F o r th e P r ic e
ietne, and in recommending It to all.
prevloussummerand autumn appeared
man,” made a somewhat remarkable
Treatise on
o f H is Ow n Coffin.
reasonably free from nature's debris when he gets fat, is sure, in rural par­
Blood and Hkin
H ow at Last He B ecam e a T ru e E x p e rt In
For the first tim e on record in West which did not find its " a y to the official
Disease» mailed
seem to have served as trash factories lance, also to become “ ambitious,” and
Patches on Shoes.
free to any ad-
V irgin ia a man has been sued for h:s
during the winter. The corners o f the Injudicious ambition is as bad for a
“ I thought I was a connoisseur in own coffin. The defendant is Jndge W. record. Mr. Morse, who is generous and
old style stake and rider fences are the mule k s for the hereditary ruler of a
kindly, was arguing in favor of a private
worst. There is a superstition that this warlike people. Properly directed, the patobes,” said the man of moderate P. Thompson, for right years treasurer pension bill, and endeavored to rouse S j f S W IF T S PECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. Oa.
particular brand o f fence was invented ambition of the mule, like that of the meins, “ for I had four patches on each of the state, the present jndge of the the sympathies of his fellow members
by the enemy o f all mankind, who, find­ king, can be worked off in peaceful shoe. I nsed to langh as I looked at crim inal court of Cabell county, anti by telling them the sad case of a veteran
ing thorns and thistles and other weeds channels, but sometimes the mule, like them and fancy that I might almost call one of tbe most prominent Democrats whose application fora pension had been
did not grow with sufficient luxuriance the monarch, has not quit« sense, myself an expert. But, alas, as I soon in tbe state, w h ile the plaintiff is ex- denied. "T h a t old soldier, who had
in the opeu field to suit his diabolical enough to perceive that the ivays of discovered, I was scarcely more than an Mayor Dickey.
fought so bravely for his country,” cried
purpose, went to work and persuaded peace are preferable to the paths of amlitcu:
Jndge Thompson had had an elabo­
QIu t'.e course of tim e a new crack rate and costly tomb built for the nlti- Mr. Morse, “ died of a broken heart.
men to build worm fences, whose tri­ war, and so manifests his ambition by
angular corners, which could not be kicking the harness to pieces. Of develop; d in oue of my Ghees, in the up- mate reception of his remains and or­
heart, of a broken heart, sir, and he
cultivated at all, and were with diffi­ course, this reprehensible act meet* perj crosswise of the shoe and about dered a coffin from ex-Mayor Dickey,
never smiled again; be never smiled
culty reached by the hoe, afforded har­ with prompt retribution at the Sands midway between the sole and the top or now an undertaker. The coffin was not
again. ” — Washington Cor. Chicago
boring places where all sorts o f weeds o f the enraged granger, and a conflict highest point of the shoe. A t the same delivered when specified, and Thomp­
“ J u .* D o n 't Fast W o ll,“
could spread themselves like a green
son bought another. When Dickey de­
“ (ìe t ou your iiusbîiuil’s cravat, ha ve­
bay tree aDd flourish to their hearts’ vantage of the mule.
ar« tu« One Thin« to u. «.
livered his coffin, it was refused, and
O n ly O n e f o r g D l « e .
content. The superstition may have as
But grubbing and cleaning and brush to the shoemaker. He had put other the suit followed. Thompson defended il*! you?” jiskeil :i neiglilHtr o f Mrs.
Bold by drngfM U at 2 5 c . * boi
ttamplM F r e e .
Addrores th «
little foundation as superstitions gener­ burning and plowing ar5, after all, the patches on my shoes in the most perfect his own case and won it.— Philadelphia BilkiiiK. “ Yes.” replied Afra, B.. siidly,
Botin ko Med. Ca., PkOa. *'%.
ally have, but considering the facilities Introduction to the planting
‘«m l It’ » tlie only tie there U between
with manner, and he had always Heated me Times.
afforded by the rail fence for weed wb ch tbe laliors o f spring may be said when I came for a new patch w ith the
ua now.” —Harlem Life.
N. t*. ft. U. NO.V61.—H. F. N. U. No. 728
Snoe t abinets.
growing, it is not remarkable that some to ’ lose. There Is no more romance same politeness us thongb I had come
The furniture-makers are showing a
such idea should have come into being, about planting than about any other each tim e for a pair of new shoes.
“ He looked the shoe over, and said he beautiful article o f mahogany and
for o f all the jobs that the farm er and part o f the farm er’s spring toil, for
the farm er’s w ife and the hired man nothing is more fatiguing than to walk wonld make one patch to ccycr both glass which remind« one of the cabinets
for bric-a-brac, but it Is more substan­
do not enjoy doing, cleaning the fence
ornca or
all day over newly plowed ground, places, the place along the w elt and the
B l a c k w e l l ' s D u r h a m T obacco C o m p a n y .
corners is the least highly appreciated.
new crack in the top. This was obvious­ tial and Its legs are shorter. It Is
sinking to the ankles at every step,
D u r h a m , n . c .
It is, so to speak, purely a labor o f iove,
ly the thing to do. It would make one made to hold a woman's shoes and to
dropping exactly the same number of
or, rather, o f cleanliness, and fo- th#
patch instead of two, anti so would look stand across the corner o f her dress­
Dear S ir:
grains in every hill to the subsequently
looks o f the farm, for nothing e « i be
better, and, with its greater area and ing-room. One Easter bride has such
Yce srr rntitLJ u> receive
covered by a dexterous stroke o f the
planted In a fence corner, no matter
wider distribution of the wearing strain, a cabinet well filled, and It is an Im­
T R E E from j our wholesale dealer,
how clean It is kept, and if It could, hoe. It Is hard work, and the only it wonld last longer than two smaller portant feature o f the trousseau. H er
‘ IIT E S T A R S O A P with sll
nothing w ill grow there but weeds. As representatives of animate nature that patches. So he pnt it on that w ay; run­ cabinet bas three plate-glass shelves
fte H I
M a ._ Tw ain said about screening tail­ really enjoy seeing anybody do it are ning aloDg the welt and then making a and a drawer which holds the polish
ings at an ore mill, it is a constant job the crows. T o them it is a joy, if not turn and running np to cover the crack and small articles for repairs. On th?
always w aitlag to be done, and when a forever, at least during the spring sea­ in tbe top.
top shelf is a row o f slippers for even­
farm er has n 'thing else on hand he can son. nor are they deterred from It in
“ As I looked at the new L shaped ing wear. The next shelf holds the pat­
ar.y wise by the erection o f sca-ecrows, patch I realized how limited my pre­ ent leather ties, the c-loth top boots
go and weed the fence corners.
you buy. One bar
There is m oth er odd Job that Is rea­ for crows have a world o f sense for vious knowledge of patches hail been. 1 with big buttons and the stout little
of soap Fret with each pound,
sonably certain to turn up sometime Is crows, and can tell the difference be­ had had many patches, bnt they had calf ones for street wear. On the liot-
whether 16 <«., 8 o x „ 4 ox., or
the course of every spring, and that il tween a scarecrow and a man as far as been bnt commonplace, jnst plain, ordi­ tom shelf is rather a motley group—
a oz., packs g ;s .
brush burning. Only the hottest d ajf they can see. The farm er may erect nary patches, but as I looked at the new Cycle shoes, riding ltoots, tennis shoe*,
W e have notified every whole­
o f spring or early summer will do for his vyorsf suit Into manly guise, and patch— and looking down at my shoes tan shoes, hunting boots and soft In ­
sale dealer Iri the United State*
brush burning, for If it were done on <! q his planting in the belief that the } saw in them (and in t i e near future, dian moccasins o f tiger skin, beaver
th*-* we will slipp y them with soap
the cool days those engaged at it would crows are deceived, but the sly rogues i f I'w ould keep them n repair) the trimmed.
to give you F R E E , «‘•■deragood
not sweat enough, and so could not know better, laugh his scarecrow i o prospective need of othsr patches, al­
supply of GENUINE DURHAM at
A n c ie n t T im b e r ,
persuade themselves that they were scorn and follow along in his tracks phabetical and geometrical— I knew
once, at?,d Insist on getting your
Probably the oldest timber In the
really working. But when the ther­ and pick up his corn as he drops It, thai I was now in a fair way to become
•oap. On.- bar of Soap FR E E with
each pound you buy.
Soap |s
world which has been subjected to the
mometer gets up toward 00 in the sha le without, by so much as a single cronk, an expert indeed.’ ’— New York San.
offered for a limited tim e, so order
use o f man Is found In tbe ancient tem­
and everybody still has his winter givin g an Indication or hint o f their
very t-ruiy,
Th© C om ing Fashionable Bonnet.
c- -
* yours
0 TV1/
ples o f Egypt, in connection with stone
clothes on so that he feels three times nefarious presence. They know he has
Tiiat plaited straw, yellowish in tint. work which is known to be ct least
as hot as he ought to feel, the farmer no gun; they also know that he cannot
announces that a piece o f land must be throw a clod as straight as his youngest Will form the fashionable bonnet there 4,000 years old. This, the only wood
cleared, and everybody falls to with all boy, so they hop along from hill to bill, can be no doubt. But the shape selected used In the construction o f the temples.
his might. The trees are cut down, as though measuring the distance to w ill depend this season, more than ever Is in the form o f ties, holding the end qf
If y o u h a v e a n y d if f ic u lt y in p ro c0 * ’! n g y o i i r
•oap. c u t o u t t h is n o tic e a n d « « n d 1» w it h ,
the trunks and larger limbs rolled to ascertain where they w ill have to dig before, on that fancied by the wearer. one stem to another.
y o u r o r d e r to y o u r w h o le « « !* d rafter.
one side and the undergrowth and for what is left after he has covered It Sinc§ the direotoire, tlr.-t empire and
A Last W o r d to th e Lion.
smaller branches piled into heaps for up. The farmers’ seed-time is the Lonis X V I styles are all in vogne, with
Distinguished Naturalist (in A fr ir- !
burning. A brush fire enjoys the repu­ crows’ harvest, and keenly do the lat­ a suggestion of tbe large bonnets fan­
— My boy, I goes* I'm your breakf;
tation, deserved or not, o f being the ter enjoy It. Thus it is that the farmer cied during the early part of this century,
Bnt jnst wait till yon commence to ft * . |
hottest fire this side o f that other fire, sees no romance In the beautiful spring. and the small bonnets such as were in
r a t . ™ * O m G lH A L A N D G E N U IN E .
T h e M h H ref*.
the pangs of tbe dyspepsia I ’ve had for
Ladle«, aak Dmcrtst tor Ckicktmmr • AurOah
^ *+ ***'• PIU lev sal*
which, according to the statement of F or him the words mean, not the wak­ vogne among the beauties of tbe second
f F bsire srelad »W ?*» l l W T r e w S i i w E S ?
the last 20 years, and you’ll wish yon
H oiy W rit, is not quenched, and any­ ing o f natural world to fresh life, but a
had let me alone.— Harlem Life.
body who has burned brush under a renewal o f coarse and often 111-re- should be suited. The fact that tbe
IH X H K H T K lt C S » „ T t C O ,
■ U A , P , . , * .
blazing sun In May, with the thermom­ qulted toil. No mistress is so eaprious stock and the jabot are growing nearer
The cartbamine flower has for tbou- I
eter 114 degrees Fahrenheit in the open as Dame Nature. Sometimes she and nearer to the ears me ans, so say tlie sands cf years been used to dye fabrics '
field, will readily VcVeve that at a pitch­ opens her hands and pours out her milliners, the coming in of ribbon ties, of a yellow color. The mummy cloths
The very remarkable and eert
fork's length from f .ie flames the heat blessings until the barns burst and the and broad ones at that. Importers an­ found in Egyptian coffins are dyed y e l­
Di!?-L^.V,e?.,W':man h? MOOR]
w ill attain 1014 ano not exert itself in granaries cannot contain, but at others nounce that the enormo is straw hats low with this flower.
R E V E A L E D R E M E D Y hai-giv
it th* name of Woman’s Friend It is
w ill be tied by inch wide ribbons under
the least.
uniform ly soecs
the fails to send the rains and the dews
Ful in rel.eving the backaches, hsadaches
and w ea k !.»
Tree-falling and brush-burning are and the genial heat at the times when the cliin, while tbe small bonnets w ill
Watermarks were originally nsed on *hich burden and shorten a woman’s
life. Thousand'
* It. " It will
~ give health and strength
the preliminaries to the more serious most demanded by the exigencies of be pet on s e c u r e w i t h three inch wide bank uo;es as a means of preventing women tastif
testify for
tnd make lii,
operation o f grubbing. In point o f gen- plant life, and then tlie labor of thf ties.— Ladies’ tumie Jouraal.
S crofula
Who Retail
B L A C K W E L L ’S D U R H A M
Blackwdll’s Genuine
Durham Smoking