fi y P H E N O M E N A L PR OPOSITIONS -F O R - CAPITAL AND ENTERPRISE VOL. 7. THE LEADER. 'HE RA IL R O A D G A T E W A Y .BOHEMIA GOLD MINES COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY. OREGON. SATURDAY. MAY 2. 18%. C O TT A G E ed, caused by a log jam, and the em­ EXPULSION OF KNAPP ployes barely escaped. The camp with its equipment and provisions was Devoted to the Best Interests swept away. Many farmers in the of Cottage Grove, Lemati and Menominee valley have been driven T U R K I S H G O V E R N M E N T W E N T from home, and have suffered great B ACK O N I T S P R O M I S E S . Bohemia Gold Mining District. logs in stock and oropa. One hundred men are guarding the log booms at varions points on the river. The back­ .H ia siotiary W a g I m p r is o n e d a t A le x - L E A D E R BU ILDIN G water in this city has driven sewage a n d r e t t a , b u t W h e n a B a t t le s h ip into the city water mains, and 50 cases W a s S e n t f o r , W a s R e le a s e d —T o B e of typhoid fever have resulted. T h o r o u g h l y I n v e s t ig a t e d . G RO VE CYCLONE THE LEADER. IN KANSAS. -AJ>TD NO. 48. H-EIMI-A/TT. NEIGHBORING TOWNS S ’S ' J ' i S Í Í a Í íuo * CONGRESSIONAL N E W S ’ It is claimed that over 1,000 head of t h e S ta te . cattle have been bought by Montana PROGRESS AND D O IN G S OF THE R O U T IN E W O R K O F T H E F IF T Y - stockmen from Big Bend farmers, for Kansas City, April 28.— A special to P A C IF I C N O R T H W E S T . F O U R T H S E S S IO N . shipment from Davenport this spring. the Times from Topeka says five per­ It is proposed to bnild a small steam­ sons at least were killed outright, three were fatally and seventeen seriously in­ A B u d g e t o f I n t e r e s t i n g a n d S p ic y er to ply np and down the Cowlitz river daily to bring the milk to a S u b s t a n c e o f t h e B il l s a n d R e s o lu t io n » jured, and great destruction of prop­ N e w s F r o m A l l t h e C itie s a n d T o w n s I u t r o d u c e d in t h e S e n a te a n d H o u s e creamery, to he established at Castle erty was wrought, by a cyclone which o n t h e C o a s t —T h r if t a n d I n d u s t r y Rock. —C o n d e n s e d R e c o r d o f t h e D o i n g s o f passed over Clay county last nigh t in E v e r y Q u a r te r —O r e g o n . t h e N a tio n a l L a w m a k e r s —S e n a te . The names of Bender and Barnes, The dead are: Frank Petersen, wife and child; Eastern Oregon hills w ill rejoioe in two stations on the line of the North­ There was a large increase in Berlin Washington, A pril 24.— The senate Constantinople, April 29.— Rev. Mrs. Ole Halverson, and a grandchild a fine ccrp of bnncbgrass this year, ern Pacific, below Prosser, have been E d i t o r a n d B u s i n e s s M a n a g e r during the past week of deHths from today disposed of the sectarian school George P. Knapp, the American mis­ of Peter Anderson. changed respectively to Gibbon and owing to abundant moisture. THE BEST influenza and pnenmonia. question by adopting a compromise sionary who was expelled from Bitlis Chandler. The injured belong to the families of Bids are being received by the sisters framed by Senator Cockrell, of Mis­ Russia has ordered seven ironclads by the Turkish authorities without R a t e » o f S u b s c r ip t i o n . A salmon tront weighing eight souri. The Indian bill, as it came and ten cruisers for her Pacific fleet, in trisl, on the charge of having incited John Morris, F. W elkin, Peter Ander­ of Joseph’ s academy, Pendleton, for an pounds and six onnees was caught in ONB YEAH......................................................« 2 OO addition to the school, which w ill cost from the house, provided that "n o is S im m o n s L iver R e g u l a t o r —don’t view of Japan’s extensive naval prep­ the Armenians to rebel against Turk­ son and H. Gardner. the Walla Walla river by W illiam t J G " These rates are strictly in advance. Passengers on the Rock Island train money herien appropriated shall be forget to take it The Liver gets sluggish Subscribers wishing a change in their arations. ish rule, was surrendered to the from the Northwest this afternoon some $7,000. Oswald, with a No. 15 fly hook, says p -stofflce address should give their old as well paid for education in sectarian schools. ’ ’ during the Winter, just like all nature, Klamath oounty owes in warrants the Union. The conference for international ar­ United States consul at Alexandretta. brought partial details of the cyclone. at? new address. This provision is struck out by the and the system becomes choked up by The K cho -I . xadkk w ill be sent to subscribers bitration held in Washington, which Details of the affair which reached and interest $78,737.41. The resources, The Shelton sawmill, in Mason It started about six miles south of C lif­ un til all arrears are paid and paper ordered to Cockrell amendment, as adopted, and the accumulated waste, which brings on counting unpaid taxes since 1892, as has been a very harmonious one, has here show that the step was not taken oounty, is getting out ties for the rail­ be discontinued according to law. ton and went in a northeasterly direc­ it is declared to be the settled policy Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma­ Any subscriber nor*receiving his paper jnst closed. nntil the United States warship had tion for twelve or fifteen miles, then assets, are $18,540.20. way extension, to be made this season tism. You want to wake up your Liver regularly will please notify this office im m e­ The annual convention of Benton by the Shelton Southwestern & Penin- - ,• ^ . en . ma ® nndents. width. It tore through a farming com­ A crap game on Grant avenue in A hnman skeleton wai unearthed in You get T H E H E S T B L O O D when The amendment was adopted by the de- Entered at the postoffice at Cottage Grove as d’ affaires. munity and left nothing standing. an alkali lick on the miadle fork of the engage in the stock industry, says the oisive vote of 88 to 24. The Indian . your system is in A1 condition, and thac San Farncisco was held up by two men. second class matter. Mr. Knapp, as already cabled, was Houses and barns were wrecked, trees John Day river last week. It ia sup­ Asotin Senitael. About $150 was taken. They were bill was not completed when the senate will only be when the Liver is kept active. A d v e r t i s i n g K a t e s M a d e K n o w n on A p - expelled from Biltis about a month torn up or broken, fences leveled and posed to be that of an Indian. The Waitsburg fire department has adjourned. During the day a bill was Try a Liver Remedy once and note the captured by the police soon after. p l ic a t i o n . difference. But take only SIMMONS ago, in spite of the agreement reached haystacks blown in every direction. Miss Laura White created a senia- The state university is rejoioed over ordered a racing cart for the tourna­ passed providing for government regu­ L iver r e g u l a t o r — it is S im m o n s between United States Minister Terre'l The cyclone was followed by a terrific the fact that four of the Multnomah ment of the Eaatern Oregon and Wash- lation of excursion fleets attending re L iver R e g u lat o r which makes the tion in Ardmore, 1. T ., by publicly and the Turkish government (after the ra.n storm, which lasted several hours, CHURCH DIRECTORY. county nominees for representatives are j ' nKt0U Firemen’ s Association, to be gattas; also a resolntion calling for in- difference. Take it in powder or in liquid horsewhipping Professor Linn, a drug­ charges agaiust Mr. Knapp had been flooding the devastated district. already prepared, or make a tea of the gradnates from that institution. held iu Pendleton. It is ball-bearing formation as to the arrest of Bishop gist, because he had charged her with discussed) that the American mission­ U M B E R LA N D PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH— The cyclone took the people un­ powder; buttakeSiMMONs liv e r r e g u ­ The Dalles citizens are considering an<* ca9bic'u-tired. Diaz in Cuba, ) Sunday sch ool, 10 a . m . Preaching, 11 a . m . theft. ary should not leave his post until awares. There had been indications of l a t o r . You’ll find the RED Z on every and 7 p . m ., first and third Sunday in each the feasibility of putting in an electric ^ serious ac -ident occurred at J. D. Washington, April 25.— Several mi- A Rome dispatch says the cabinet April 1 or nntil the roads were tolera­ a heavy rain all day, with local package. Look for it. m outh. Prayer m eeting, each Wednesday at fire alarm system and of pnrohasing by Hays logging camp at Belfast, What- nor bills were passed at the opening of 8 p . m . (*' We are journeying unto a place of has decided against the campaign in bly free from snow, in order that he H. Zellin & Co., PlUUdelptJ*« **». showers, but nobody expected a storm. w h ich the lx>rd said, I w ill give it y ou ; com e Abyssinia in the autumn, com county, on the Great Northern the senate today. Prior to taking np on the might be able to take his family with subscription a chemical engine. thou with us and we w ill do thee good So far as learned, the viotims were in ground that such a course would be him. Numb. 10 29. R e v . C. A. WOOLBY, Pastor. Sheep-shearing in the southern part railroad, in which a man whose name the Indian appropriation bill Call asked FIGHT N EA R B U L U W A Y O . their honses, and most of them bad re­ f o r an agreement by which the senate disastrous to Italy. of Wasco connty has begun in real was Whitney was killed. As it was the missionary was com ­ tired. /T H E IST ! AN C H U R C H -SE R V IC E S AT l i A. Judge Pritchard, of the superior would take up his resolution directing B r itis h S u ffe r D e fe a t a t t h e H a n d s It is said in Washington that there pelled to leave Bitlis before the time l y m . an i 8 p. M. Sunday school at 10 a . m . A large number of cattle and horses earnest, and in a short time the wool Y. P. S. C. E., each Sunday at 4 p . m . M idweek is a strong possibility that the dele­ agreed npon and without his family. oourt of Pierce county, holds that a the president to dispatch a naval force t h e M a t a b e le s . were killed. The fruit in the storm’ s crop of 1896 w ill 'regin arriving in The prayer and praise services, W ednesday evening chattel mortgage in Washington is a to Cnba for the protection of American at 7 o ’clock . Musical reheart-al, each Saturday gates from territories who have state­ When he reached Diarbekir, in cus­ path was ruined. Heart rending tales Dalles. Cape Town, April 27.— Telegraphic even ing at 7 o c ’ lock. hood bills in charge w ill not attempt tody, the news was telegraphed here, of suffering are told by all persons who Plaoer mining has been commenced mere lien npon the chattels, and does interests, but on appeals not to inter - communication with Bulawayo was to secure congressional action nntil the and the Turkish government positively visited the scene of tha storm. Many all over Eastern Oregon. This promises not affect the ownership of the goods rupt the Indian bill he withdrew, stat- reopened for a short time today, after e t h o d i s t c h u r c h —S u n d a y s c h o o l ing that he wonld oall up his resolu­ which there was another break. W hile at 10 a . m . Preaching each fourth Sunday next session. asserted that Mr. Knapp was the of the injured lay all night pinned to be a very prosperous season for this mortgaged. m orning and evening. Prayer m eeting, every Adjutant-General Boutelle has re- tion later. The Indian bill was then the wire was working dispatches were A serions conflict between Christians “ guest of the vali of that place and not down by wreckage or paralzyed in the industry, owing to the abundance of Thursday night. •* The Lord is In His holy tem­ voked the appointment of Captain C. taken up, the question being on Platt’ s reoeived from several sources in the ple.” R e v . M. O. B RIN K, Pastor. and Turks has occurred at Episkopi, a prisoner.” It is now stated that the mnd, while others crawled or hobbled free water. The Fossil Journal says divorces are killings, . Company G, N. G. W ., amendment extending the services of beseiged town. The news is somewhat been a prisoner across the country to the houses of Island of Crete. There were two days’ missionary has Tacoma, owing to his failure to file the Dawes committee, with a view to conflicting, but the main fact seems fighting, and fifty persons were killed throughout his journey to the coast, neighbors. In several instances people more numerous than marriages in Gil- Five divorces were an aooePtable bond. Lieutenant Stew- the making of a roll of the Cherokee well established that a Britsb foroe and wonnded. The Cretans have ap­ and that the vali of Aleppo detained were lifted into the air by the oyclone liam oounty. and kindred nations. The committee while on a sortie encountered large him at that place five days, while mak-. and carried for a distance, and then granted at the session of circuit court art was made captain, pealed to Greece for aid. On March 1 the city of Tacoma had is given directions toward terminating numbers of Matabeles, killed perhaps Buildings were in one week. In Houghton, Mich., sixty trammers ing fntile efforts to make him sign an suddenly dropped. The 9-year-old son of Mr. Roberts, oat8tanding general fund warrants the tribal relations of the Indians and 1,000, were at one time in danger of « P I T O M E O F T H E T E L E G R A P H I C have struck in (Rainey mine to enforce agreement not to return to BHlis. Mr. lifted up and then hurled to the Knapp steadily refused to sign any of Grant’s Pass, fell thirty feet from a amountln8 t0 $896,118.27. Funding dividing their lands in severalty. The annihilation, and finally retreated. ground with force enough to demolish a demand for higher wages. The mine N E W S OF T H E W O R L D . such agreement, on the ground that he tree top and struck his head on a rotten bonds to the amount of $350,000, added debate was protracted. The Indian ap­ The official version of the sortie says them. is still in operation, but the trouble log. The boy was unoouscious twelve to this, left the city in debt $32,878.82 propriation bill, as thus amended, was that Ithe British foroe, shortly after w ill probably extend to the miners of had committed no crime and had in no then passed. At 6 o'clock the senate midnight, was quietly oalled to arms, over the legal limit. way broken the laws of the country, honrs, but w ill recover. the Quincy and other mines. L A I D L O W BY F L A M E S . went into executive session, and soon and without apparently alarming the it I n t e r e s t in g C o l l e c t i o n o f I t e m s V io m and that the charges brought against A new sawmill to cost $50,000 is A large amount of wheat is being In Glasgow, Scotland, the steamer him were entirely unfounded. He also after adjourned. th e T w o H e m is p h e r e s P r e s e n t e d in n soon to be erected on the water front native part of the town, a force of 800 Marsden collided with the British bark distinctly gave the vali to understand C r ip p le C r e e k , C o lo r a d o , N e a r ly D e - received daily at the warehouses in The Washington, A pril 27.— The move­ men, nnder command of Captains Na­ C o n d e n s e d F o r m —A L a r g e A m o u n t in Taooma by a company, at the head s t r o y e d t y F ire. Dalles. It is part of last year’s crop Firth of Solway, near Kish lightship, that he intended to protest to the o f I n fo r m a t io n In a S m a ll S p a c e . of which is H. M. Lillis. Work on ment for international arbitration was pier and Dnncan, with one Maxim gun causing the latter ta sink. Thirteen United States government against his Cripple Creek, Colo , April 28. — An that was held by the farmers who were the m ill is to be commenced in thirty referred to in the prayer of Rev. Hugh and a Hotckiss quick-firing gun, mas­ not satisfied with prices last fall. of the crew and Captain Kendrick’ s Captain-General Weyler has decided expulsion from Bitlis, and his treat­ angry courtesan threw a lamp at her “ Let tered outside the barbed wire defenoes. days. The capacity of the mill w ill bs Johnson, in the senate today: w ife and child were drowned. Trains running through Pendleton to release R ot . Alberto Diaz and his ment in general, and to hold the Turk­ lover at 1 o ’clock today, and $1,000,000 the armies be disbanded; let the world There they were served with a ration 80,000 feet of lumber per day. brother Alfred from oustody, on con­ The London Chronicle has a dis­ ish authorities responsible for the safe­ worth of property was destroyed in have been swarming lately with hobos be at peace,” he invoked. The sundry of rum and saddled for a dash at the Secretary Robinson, of the horticu three boars. The lamp hit the stove, and large numbers have been stopping dition that they w ill leave Cuba imme­ patch from Brussels, which savs that ty of his family. civil bill was taken np. A t 2 o ’clock enemy’s lines. Swords and all clatter­ off there. The railroad yards oontain j tural society ’ requests that the school igniting the oil and setting fire to the the Baroness Herri, a lady 80 years diately. When the vali saw it was useless to clerks of the districts adjacent to Lake the bond resolution was laid before ing accoutrements were deadened with In a few minutes, the good-sized populations each night. old, was strangled, her body mutilated continne his attempts to get Mr. Knapp furniture. The trial of Scott Jackson for the ] Chelan, while taking the census of the senate, and Peffer, its author, pro­ cloth, and the feet of the horses, com­ and her house robbed at Ixells, a fash­ to sign the agreement mentioned the building was in flames. This was A. S. Bassett died at the home of his posed modifications to meet the criti­ posing the advance-gnard, were “ bag­ murder of Pearl Bryan has commenced ionable snburb. The murderer es­ missionary was allowed to proceed, Gough's dance hall, on Myers avenue, son, near Halsey, in Linn oounty, at their respective districts, also take cisms in the reoent speech of Hill. A ged” (hoofs covered with strong Back­ at Newport. The speed made in seour- down the total number of trees that In a very short the age of 72. Mr. Bassett was a pion­ still treated as a prisoner, to Alexan­ near Third street. in” a jury astonished the court and the caped. have been planted, number Venezuela debate came up when the ing). time, the adjoining buildings had eer of 1851, coming to Oregon from item of the Bundry civil bill was Owing to the precautions it was The treasury deficit for the fiscal year dretta. connsel on both sides. | bearing, etc. -S f Mr. Riddle, during the past few* caught despite the efforts of the fire de­ New York state. He left a widow and reached, aothorizing the Venezuela necessary to take, there was consider­ ending June 30, 1896, w ill be approxi Estrada Pglma, president of the Cu­ matair tsa .eoo 000. This is the opin- ( daya. ,it ia understood, has been in corn­ partment. It soon became evident that several children, Id a h o . commission to pay rept for it» quar­ able delay in getting off, and ban junta, issued an address to the pqo- ice ->! officials unrt others beat qua-.iRal munuation with Washington regard- the conflagration wry» to be a big on it, Robert' Harris^ a prum nf«11 notf^ » The Golden Winnie, near Murray, ters out of me plu.uuU) apppropriated streaks of gray on the horizon oould be |>u> o , A j u U u i k c d U t e t u a . i n w h i ° k YltJ bnt no one thought it would reach snch to make an intelligent estimate of the 1D8 the case of Mr. Knapp, and it is Indian, is at tEe C h e m a ~ ~ ~ —n has one of the most oomplete m illing for its expenses. Gorman suggested seen when the column arrived within declares that the introduction now of i result of the fiscal operations of the believed that a most searching inquiry an area. school from Alaska. He says many plants in the state. It has given splen­ that legislation was in order. In great striking distance of the enemy. The reforms in Cuba by the Spanish gov­ One million dollars is a conservative 1 w ill be made into all the circnm- haste and a great emergency, congress latter were quietly ramped behind Indian ohildren in the territory are did satisfaction from the first day. ernment w ill have no effect upon the year. stances attending the expulsion of the estimate of the damage done by fire anxious to come to the school, and he had appropriated $100,000, at the sug­ their stone-topped earthworks, about A Madrid dispatch says the minister The Daddy mine has laid off revolution. this afternoon, though some estimates American missionary from Bitlis in or­ w ill probably be able to make arrange- shift in order that development work gestion of the president, for the pur­ four miles from Buluwayo. But, con­ of finance, Senor Juan Navarro, has no­ are as high as $2,000,000. The amount The Rome Tribuna,commenting upon tified the cabinet of the necessity of re­ der that no doubt shall remain as to ments for their doing so. may prooeed. This w ill only last a pose, as was supposed, of preventing a trary to expectations, the Matabeles the ruptnre of the peace negotiations lief measures on account of the pro­ who is to blame in the matter, and in of insurance, as nearly as can be ar A family named Smith, who had few days, when a full force w ill war. But now it appeared that the had thrown out pickets, which al­ between Abyssinia and Italy, violently longed drought, which has caused a order to establish a precedent which rived at, w ill not exceed $250,000. again be employed. The oompany is legislation was not effective in geting though surprised by the advance- The fire started about 1 o ’clock, and I h®6“ LT| ng in a tent below John Day, attaoks the government, declaring the rapid rise in the pric« of cereals, also may serve as a guide, should farther quarters for the commission. guard, raised the alarm. This was no by 4 o ’ clock it bad demolished the j . * their little boy laBt week under making arrangements to add a battery and similar occurrences be reported. ministers to be responsible for the “ dis­ injuring livestock. sooner done than the troopers in ad­ of five stamps to the mill, blocks between Third and Fifth on I distressing circumstar.ces. The little H om e. honor suffered by Italy through King vance charged and shot down many of fellow had eaten a w ild parsnip which | The miners of Florence district in A $10,000,000 bicycle trust is being Myers, between Third and Fifth on F O U R T O N S E X P L O D E D . Washington, April 24.— The Fifth Menelek’ s attitude.’ ’ the fleeing natives. formed in New York. A piominent Bennet, stopping just this side of the he found in that vicinity, and only mass meeting assembled decided unan- Alabama district was not represented The schooner Prosper.Captain Hulm, member says the trust w ill cut the lived a few honrs thereafter. im ously npon the location o f a new B R A D S T R E E T ’S R E P O R T . G ia n t P o w d e r In T r e a d w e l l M a g a z in e new Midland depot and warehouse, i the house last night. Cobb bad been returned to San Francisco to have a price of high-grade wheels from $100 and between Third and Fifth on Carr, P rop erty . The late rains have swollen Coos tow n to be situated a quarter o f a m ile unseated, but the seating of bis contest­ leak repaired. She started for Cook's to about $65, eliminating jobbers' A B e t t e r F e e l i n g P r e v a l e n t In T r a d e south o f the old tow n o f F lorenoe on ant went over until today,when the re­ Port Townsend, Wash., April 29.— with the exception of a few buildings river to a higher mark than for years C en ters. inlet on April 6 with a number of gold profits and advertising expenses, and Sum m it F lat, says the O rangeville port was adopted, 144 to 55, and Good­ on the Third street side. Nearly all past. The low places in the bottom The steamer A l-K i arrived tonight from - hunters, and was about 800 miles up w ill make money at that. . __ . | Free Press. T he new tow n is to be New York. — Bradstreet's weekly the buildings between Third and Fifth lands have been covered to a win was sworn in. On motion of Juneau and Sitka, with forty passen­ the ooast when a leak was sprung for­ The feeling is on Eaton were destroyed. Many peo­ several feet, bnt very little Cockrell, a bill was passed to organize trade review says: Senator Warren, from the commit gers and a light cargo of freight. From ward, on the evening of April 17. reported. If the rain keeps on though I John Kent, who left Clark oounty the territory heretofore known as Greer more hopeful at many trade centers, tee on claims, has reported the amend­ ' papers brought down it is learned that ple lost everything they had. The people tl < \ affected have offered it is feared it w ill oanse a destructive about twe years ago for Johannesburg, oounty, Texas (decided by the supreme owing to continued improvement of A dispatch from Ottawa to the Lon­ ment to the sundry civil appropriation four tons of giant powder exploded in South Africa, writes to his brother. court to be a part of Oklahoma), as demand in retail lines, better weather, don Times says: Sir Mackensie bill for the payment of the French the magazine property of the Tread- shelter to the homeless, of whioh there flood. several hundred. The First Na- Bowell, the premier, has announced the spoliation claims, which have been al­ | well Mining Company at 1 o'clock on W. R. Cunnington and A. 8. Rine, Amandus Kent, that he was quite seri- Greer connty, Oklahoma. By an general favorable crop prospects, and resignation of the ministers w ill be lowed by the court of claims. It car­ the morning of April 16. As only tional bank was doing business in an­ of Fremont, Neb., have been for thé on81y hurt by an explosion whioh oo- amendment adopted, the present connty the activity whioh naturally follows nanded in in a lew days, 't is expected ries an appropriation of $1,020,000. | Nightwatchman W illiam Cata was other part of town while its building past week engaged in buying a band of °urr®d at that place February 17, when officers were confirmed in their tenure distribution of implements and farm supplies and attendant activity. Mors Sir Charles Topper w ill be the new A mob of armed men, about fifteen there, he alone was killed. One of the was burning. The burnt district is to something over 6,000 2 and 8-year-old Bixty tons of dynamite on a tourist oar until the election in November next. be rebuilt at once with brick and stone. wethers in Grant connty, to be driven exploded, killing about 400 people. Mr. Pickier, chairman of the committee on favorable reports come form commer­ premier. ' papers says: in number, entered the jail at McMinn­ It is thought the fire was the work of to Nebraska and fed next winter on Kent was standing about 300 feet from invalid pensions, then called np his cial travelers, representing Pittsburg, An official dispatch from Batavia ville, Tenn., dragged the jailer from “ A visit to the spot in the morning, general pension bilL Pickier took the St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha and says the endangered post in Achin his bed and forced aim to give up the as soon as it became light, disclosed a incendiaries and for the purpose of corn grown on Mr. R ine’s 1280-acre the scene of the explosion. Milwaukee houses. Moderate improve­ territory has been relieved, after a keys. W illiam and Victor Hollis were hole in the ground twelve or fifteen robbery. Several suspects have been farm, to prepare then for the Chicago Shoshone county has added $100,- floor and made an extended speech in market next spring. The prioes paid 000,000 to the mineral wealth of the support of the measure. A t the con­ ment is shown at a few other Western fight with the rebels under Toekod- taken from the jail, carried on horse­ feet deep, fifteen feet wide and about arrested. centers, but at most of the larger dis­ were from $1.50 to $1.60 per head. johan, who lost 70 killed and had 200 back five miles from McMinnville and twice as long. The snow for a space world in the thirty-five years of its clusion of his remarks the house, at STA TU E OF GRANT. tributing points throughout the coun­ 4:40 p. m ., adjourned. wounded. The Dutch loss was yne hanged. | of forty acres in extent, was strewn Since January 17 last, the treasurer history, and great as that sum is it try, the movement of merchandise on officer wounded and 83 iio.diers killed Washington, April 25.— The house A Louisville & Nashville fruit train witb tma11 Pieces °* wood, not one U n v e ile d a t B r o o k l y n , W i t h I m p r e s s iv e of Benton connty has received from the w ill be more than equalled in the next the whole shows no material change. and wounded. sheriff in taxes, including the anm ten years, while the sneoeeding decade today, on motion of Talbert, unanim­ and the Evansville & Terre Haute pas- j Plece of ™h,ch conld be f°ond larger At almost all cities mercantile collec­ C e r e m o n ie s . ously adopted a resolution oalling on reoeived from the distribution of the senger train collided at a crossing near tban one a finger. The awful force of w ill produce wealth beyond the powers Baron von Hammerstein, the former tions are slow, remaining relatively the the secretary of state for all informa­ Brooklyn, A pril 28.— The Union Oregon Pacific sale fund, the sum of Mount Vernon, Ind. Alexander Dris- j powder was shown by the trees and of men’ s mind to comprehend. editor of Beuz Zeitung, Berlin, and most unfavorsble feature of the week, tion relative to the arrest and imprison­ League equestrian statue of Ulysses S. $56,846.96. Of this sum a lump of oity coll, a brakeman, was killed; James stomps in the immediate vicinity being The cattle men between Cheney and leader of the conservative party, was even where the tendency in other direc­ ment in Cuba of Rev. Diaz. Consider­ Grant was unveiled this afternoon. and oounty warrants turned in by Cow creek, two weeks ago, formed sentenced to three years penal servi­ Covington, an engineer, and F. R. I oprooted and tossed downhill. A huge tions is toward improvement. tude, to be deprived of civil right for Thompson, a brakeman, were seriously bank of snow lying at the back of the The bronze statue, which is the work Sheriff Osburn, and which had been protective association and waited on ation of the Piokler general pension Exports of wheat, flour included, | bouse was shoved up the h ill en masse of W. Ordway Partridge, is oolossal, turned in on taxes on the 1895 roll, the owners of sheep who were herding bill was resumed, and McClellan spoke five years and pay 1,500,000 marks. injured from both coasts of the United States in opposition to the measure as intend­ measuring from the hoof of the horse, aggregated $13,000.30. Of this amount The two associations of manufac- J 8 distance of several feet, and a stump on the strip, and requested them to The charges against him were forgery, this week, are the smallest sinoe the turers of wire and out nails have closed , three feet in diameter, situated a short where it rests on the granite pedestal $776.64 waB in city warrants. move their flocks below a certain line ed to be a republican sop to the sena­ third week in July, 1895, and with • fraud and breach of trust. * tors, and a reflection on the administra­ a three days’ conference in Chicago. [ dBtance aw ay,w -s split in twain. The to the top of the bat, fifteen feet and The Corvallis Times says that the jig The sheepmen have declared that they that exception, the smallest of any tion and pension laws by the present The house committee on military In consequence of the rise in the steel to06*1 diligent s arch for particles of eight inches. The pedstal is sixteen is np with the old steamer Three Sis­ w ill not be driven off the range, and week during the past six years, amount­ executive officers. The best the ma­ feet high, and the entire height of the affairs have decided to reports resolu­ market, it was decided to raise the , *be remains of t. o unfortunate man re- ters. Daring the late high water she they are also organizing and w ill resist ing to only 1,286,000 bushels; com ­ tion authorizing the sepaker to appoint of both wire and cut nails 15 stated in finding ae eye, a piece of the statue is thirty-one feet eight inches. was towed out on the river bank below I with arms any attempt to put them off. jority oould do for the old soldier, he pared with 2,017,000 bushels last week, The dedication today was made the said, was to bring in this bill, which a committee of five members to investi­ cents per hnndred weight, to take with sikn and hair attached, the Corvallis, and she is to be dismantled. 2,431,000 bushels in the week one year M o n ta n a . is reported to pnt npon the pension gate the charges of mismanagement cf effect May 1. i size °* 8 half dollai.and a piece of skin occasion of a splendid military pageant, Her hull had become so decayed and i The Etta Mining Company composed ago, 2,727,000 bushels two years ago, ' abont as large as tbe palm of a m a i ' 10,000 soldiers of the United States . . . . . . rolls the names of bounty jumpers and the soldiers’ home at Leavenworth, Senator McBride has secured a pro­ and with 2,507,000 bushels in the cor­ leaky that the company decided that of Portland meDi and nnder u ,e man. , men who had deserted from the ranks army, the National Guard of New Kan., made by Representative Blue of vision appropriating $50,000 for con­ hand. responding week of 1893. er day of usefulness was over. The agement of Arthur Wilson is operating | 0f the Confederacy. “ The explosior occurred on Douglass York and sailors and marines from the that state. tinuing the work at the Cascades, $20,- work of taking out her machinery and some valuable claims near Radersburg. There are 240 husiness failurea re­ island, three miles across the bay from Washington, April 27.— This was ported throughout the United States A movement is on foot in Chicago 000 of which shall be used for extend­ Juneau, but in the latter city many navy-yard being in line. The Grand other nsefnl parts w ill be com­ Part of the work laid out for immedi- Army of the Repnblio was largely private-bill day. By nnaniomus con­ for the purpose of crystallising public ing the walls of the lock, so that it may menced in a few days. The Sisters was ate construction is a 700-foot tnnnel this Vffek, compared with 244 last windows were broken by the shock. represented. When the procession opinion against an exclusive arbitra­ be opened for commerce. The appro­ built by the O. D. Co. in the year 1887. running from Keating gnlch which sent bills were passed empowering the week, 233 in the corresponding week reached the clubhouse. Governor Mor oity of Tuscon, A T., to issue bonds to one year ago, 201 two years ago, and tion treaty with Great Britain. The priation is intended to secure the build­ J a i l e d f o r B ig a m y » Little Banna Knox, so badly burned w ill tap the main shaft the 200-foot ton and Btaff, who were in waiting, the amount of $100,000 for the con­ as contrasted with 186 in the like measure is being vigorously pushed by ing of another lock. Ironton, O , April 27.— Harvey G were loudly cheered. After the recently in Gilliam connty that skin- level. struction of a water and sewer system, week in 1893. many prominent citizens who desire The crop bulletin for the northern Salter, alias Frank Bailey, was bands had played the "Coronation grafting had to be resorted to, is doing Considerable excitement was caused and to authorize the return, free of that arbitration treaties shall be mad« part of Idaho indicates that in a general brought here from Portsmouth and well and the skin has begun to grow March” and other American national in Great Falls over the arrival of a duty, of articles exported for exhibition D r. P r i c e ' s C r e a m B a k i n g P o w d e r . with every nation, instead of England way the wheat crop w ill be late, and jailed for bigamy. Fifteen years ago airs. General Stewart Woodford, presi and spread. The skin used is being Soadinavian known as Illing Elwing, purposes. Jones presented a report on World’* Fair Highest Modal and Diptania alone. the fruit crop good this year. Cold Salter married Nancy Fields, of Scioto dent of the Union League Club, pre­ peeled off of the editor of the Fossil The committee on text books of the and unfavorable weather has checked county, O ., from whom he was di sented the statue to Mayor Frederick Journal, for the reason, that paper with nearly $2,500 worth of gold dust the contested election case of Cornett The man zealously vs. Swanson, of the fifth Virginia dis­ board of education, of Omaha, Neb., the growth of vegetatior. Over the ' vorced. Five years later at MoArthnr, W. Wurster as the representative of says, “ the doctor decided that it must and nuggets. guarded the exact location where it trict, in favor of the Democratic sit­ has determined to introduce a book of greater portion of the state ice formed O ., he married Christina Oaks, whom Brooklyn. come off of some one having a healthy A b General Woodford The pension bills came from, but said that he and his ting member. _______ tions into the publio schools. nearly every night the past week. he deserted. „ n o years ago, in Floyd stepped to the platform Ulysses S. akin, and a clean heart and a right partner had washed the gold out in two favorably acted Jupon Friday night M a jority of the school board is in spirit within him, and be being the county, he was married to Ellen Os­ The ten days allowed the president O O worth o f lovely Mask for Forty Grant, a grandson of the general, were passed. Am ong them was one to weeks’ time. Cents, consisting of 100 pages —^ favor of the movement The commit­ for the consideration of the agricul- borne, but deserted her within a year. pnlled a string and the statue was ex­ only pesron in town possessed of all pension the widow of the late Briga­ full size Sheet Music of the Bnt one of the bodies of the six un­ tee Will submit its report at the next tnral bill has expired And that measure November 14, 1895, under the name of posed amidst cheering from 20,000 these requisites. If the little girl don’ t latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular fortunate men who met their doom in dier-General Ferdinand Vandervere, at selections, both vocal and Instrumental. regular meeting, and its adoption is re­ w ill become a law without his approv-1 Frank Bailey, he eloped to this city throats. General Horace Porter de­ make a mighty smart woman when she the rate of $50 per month. The house gotten up In the most elegant manner. In- —^ the Hope mine at Basin has been recov­ grows up, w e’ ll miss our guess.” garded as a certainty. al. The measure contains some fea-1 with Rosa Stafford, a 17-year-old girl livered the oration. eluding four large size Portraits. ered, that of John Buckley. The other then proceeded with the debate on the CARMENCITA, the Spanish Dancer, The New York Herald says: Through turns supposed to be objectionable to of Richardson, K y., and they were pension bill, and adjourned at 5:80. PADEREWSKI, the Great Pianist, W a s h in g t o n . bodies w ill not be recovered for some special correspondence, news of import­ the president, but they are not suffi- j married. W ith his last w ife Salter A n o t h e r V e to . ADELINA PATTI and time as a new shaft w ill be sunk and The first number of the Cheney Free MINNIE SEUGMAN CUTTING. I ant executions in San Domingo has cient to cause him to veto the whole ' has been living at Quincy, K y., and — A well ben, if not too fat, is full Washington, April 28.— The presi Press has been issued. k D O k lk t ALL 0 * 0 1 * 1 TO the mine drained of water. A thor­ | while on a visit to Portsmouth was reached the United States. The min­ bill. of life. Sick hens mope. dent today sent to the bouse a message the NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO CO.: ough examination has been made of One million dollars worth of supplies recognized and arrested. He has con ister of war. General Ramon Castillo, The town of Ritzville is advertising Broadway Theatre Bldg.. New York City. vetoing the bill granting a pension of every part of the mine above the 200, D r P r i c e ’s C r e a m B a k i n g P o w d e r . CANVASSERS WANTED. and Jose Estay, governor of the prov­ of all sorts, for Indians under govern­ fessed. for bids for funding bonds, in the sum $50 to Francis E. Hoover. The presi­ and it is now definitely certain that the W o r l d 's F a i r H i g h e s t A w a r d . ince of Macoria. were executed at Ma- ment control, w ill be bought by the F o r g e r 's C h a n c e f o r L ife . dent says he does not understand that of $5,700 on May 19, 1896. men are on the 300-foot level. coris, onMarch 28, by order of Ulysis go ;, missioner o f Indian affairs at Chi- Memphis, Tenn., April 27.— A. K. it is claimed in any quarter that the W illiam Swafford pleaded guilty of Report says that the rich streak of Hereaux, of Sau Domingo, General oago this week. The articles to be pur- Ward, the noted forger haB been grant­ present helplessness of this soldier is at burglary before Judge Denney, in Sno shipping ore in the breast of the adit Picardo, boarded the steamer Presi­ eba red include vast quantites of drugs, ed bail in the sum of $25,000. Ward all attributable to his army service*. bomish, and was given one year in the tuDnei of the Trade Dollar mine is now dente with 150 soldiers, went to Ma- meclicines, meats, corn, flour and has been in the hospital for several The president says: ‘ CUPIDENE* penitentiary. about twenty inches in width, besides ooris, and at è o ’olook in the morning hominy, and oats in large quantities weeks and may never be brought to This great Vegetable “ To grant him a pension of $50 a VI tai ie»* r, the preser1 n- nearly three feet of m illing ore. These of the day mentioned, had the officials w il be needed. A burlgar succeeded in making off tion o f a famous Trench physician, will quickly cure you of &1I ner- month without the least suggestion trial before an earthly court reoent developments in the mine w ill , , vons or di>«*ses of the gene-ative ».reamu such as Loet Manhood, shot. About 7,000 Cubans have fled to Secretary Carlisle has issued an or­ that his pitiable disability is related to with $280, taken from the bouse of ¿ ) InsommajTaii.sin the Back.Sem i Kmisstnos. Nervon* be of incalculable benefit to this whole San Domingo during the last six der to the superintendent of the mint M tgDHU Pimples. Unfitness to Marry, KxUan-un* i/rnlns. Varicocele a> d W hile leaving work at lock 9, a skiff his army service, and in view of the Charles Gnstavers, a flour and feed .:ination. It steps a.I losses by b y e oay .., or night. Prevents qnkk Constipation. ail looses district, as it shows great valne and months. at Philadelphia to coin $50,000 in pen­ which contained nine men, npset and fact that he is now receiving the high­ dialer of Anbnrn. of discharge, which If not checked lead* to Spermatorrhoea ard permanency of the Florida mountain II the horrors of Impotency. cton»_i* because ninety per cent are troubled with _ ____¿ f f l a . C C PID E X £ I m«-«l y t*» cure without an operation. S(M> testimoni­ are out of their banks, and the floods introduce these smaller coins in Cali­ colored, of Gallipolis, O .; Richard seems to me, would result in an unfair ter of appraising the oyster lands in shipments of concentrates and bullion. als. A w ritte n gui ran tee given and m o n e y re tu r n e d If six boxes does not effect a perma&efitcor«k are causing heavy losses to logging fornia. The present order was made Dickinson, colored, former home nn- discrimination as against many thou­ Mason and Thurston counties. ' — The highest liquor license in this $ 1.00 a bo t , six fo r $0.00. by mail. S e n d f o r f r e e circular a n d testimonials. Addreu D A V O L J IE D IC IM F . C O ., P. O Box 207h, aaa Frandaao, Cal. F v rB n U N f interest*. The logging camp of Isaac at the request of the subtreasury at i known; Jordan, white, 16 years old. sand worthy soldiers similarly situ Alexander Smith, an old settler of country is at Great Barrington, Mass- I The other six swam ashore. J. A. BENSON, A gen t Monroe, on Fenoe river, has been flood- í San Franoisoo. ated.” the Homestead neighborhood, near 1 — two thouaaand three hundred dollar*. A D e a t h - » r u l i n g S to r m S w e p t a P a r t o f E. P. THORP, SPRING MEDICINE C M EVENTS OF THE DAY I F R E E 'i RiiUiUtitiliUiUitoliiUlUlU MANHOOD RESTORED,