■ The Local World. S O C IA L F L U T T E R IM G . D o n ’ t F o rg e t Jacob Vorhees, master o i state ! R. J. Jennings came down from Bo- grange, will speak at Davis t i l l , in j hernia Wednesday. Now is the time to plant new ads Lemati, 1 o ’clock April 20, 1890. in T he L kyder , for business. Pacific Empire: Minister Brown * J ; aad P JeDninSs went to Planet jr. garden tools at reduced '»as willing to let a woman ruin her- Bohemia Monday, prices for ’96. F. L. C h a m b e r s , a g t ; self / or to save his reputation., L. M. Damewood wbo has been — r, .. n The juror ministers were willing to very ill for some time is able to be The Cottage Grove hotel Mrs. bramt every woman who testified aroun(1 a„ ain Blachley manager, gives fine chicken againat the honored minister as u n -! ° . dinners on Sundays. worthy o f belief, but women will g o | 1 L - C a m p b e ll» the member Some delinquent subscriber should un supporting the ministers. j from Laue county on the new dero- bring T he L eader a few bushels “ spuds.” of j The bloomer has budded t it nev- ucratic stute central committee, or blown. It don't go. In short, Hon. R. M. Veateh o f Roseburg, j the new woman doesn’t take kindly ! was down interviewing friends Sun- Fresh garden seed in bulk. i to pants. She is the same old girl. Ila y ' F. L. C hambers . | Mrs. Pen well and Mrs. Raymon of you any hauling done Medford have become residents of T he L eader , with new, stylish faces u «!. , ' ° U WaUi ... Lemati. and abundant material, is turniugout ,eave jo u r orders with some good job printing. J ack K nowlton . | Major Lockwood of Lorane has re- D. C. McClallen, proprietor o f the I Persons wanting Silver Laced *10ine aftera P'easant' isit w*th McClallen hotel at Roseburg, died W yandott eggs for batching can i van McQueen came over from Lo- in that city last Sunday, aged 60 have them by leaving their orders j rane, Thursday. years. McClallen was well known Eugene Guard: During the ab­ by mauy people all over ihe roast. at T he L eader office. sence of Deputy Prosecuting Attor­ J B. Rouse has been engaged Mrs. O. II. Willard will wtuTe most aii winter in getting out rail­ ney Williams in California, Potter & carpet for 12J anil 15 c.n ts per \ar '. road ties and running them la Comlou are prosecuting cases for the countv. and take produce, or orders for life Latham. The timber of South Laue is really one o f the marvelous re-1 Lake view Examiner: “ Miss Hattie same. One mile west of the Post sources o f this wonderful country. Dickinson has secured the Thomas Office. It is not a miracle. It won’ t cure | Creek school, and began teaching It’s all the same, a slight cold, con - 1 everything, but it will cure piles. last Monday. Miss Dickinson gested lungs or severe cough. One That’ s what DeWItt’s Witch Hazel ,auKllt ,n the EuSene 8chools laM Minute Cough Cure banishes them. Salve will do, because it has done it in .'ear- J. P. Currin, diuggist. Cottage hundreds of eases. J. P. Currin. F. W. Jennings, a brother of E. P. G rove; Joe. Lyons, Drain. druggist, Cottage drove ; Joe. Lyons, ' Jennings, has arrived with his family H eavy T ravel S outh .— E ugeut j Drain from Kansas and will take up his res- Guard. Apr. 13: The S. P. Co’s D ikd .— T hursday, April 9. 1896, id‘‘nc8 in this Edeu land- Mr- Jen' Special train, which passed through 1 nings is an expert miner and will op­ this city last night euroute to Sail ,lt 1,18 home on Fall Creek, William | erate in Bohemia. Francisco from Portland, consisted I Veateh, aged about 65 years. De- J Mrs. Lovelace who has been visit- o f eight tourist and three Pullman ceased was a pioneer resident of her daughter Mrs J Ostrander cars, and carried about 250 passeu- Lane county. | of Lemati, for several m months past, gers W e learn that the plant of the S. left on last Thursday night’s over­ D o not forget T h e L e a d e r when P. R. R. com| mnv will commence a j land for a visit with her son at Yreka I. D. Driver, republican candidate j Register: Irwin is clamoring for a State S e n a t o r went s o n t h on the skimming station for the Eugene i local „ „ , , Thursday t i ,.,™ ,» v afternoon afternoon. creamery. She will probably got it Perhaps I f » Angel F ood Y oo’ll Need and will tben be alongside of i Jum When your spirit is on the other tion, Creswell and Goshen. shore— that depends— but, if you J. P. Currin has a sugar beet want to stay here and be healthy about seven incbeB through that has and hearty, just take T he L eader been in his garden two years. It is claimed that they will make better and p a y f o b rr. See ? seed the third year than ever. This Eugene Guard: Mr S. E. Craig is a wonderful climate for raising of the creamery went to Goshea to­ root crops aud the proper feed for day. A meeting was held then this making cows give rich milk. afternoon to consider the matter of T h e y ’ re C o m in g . establishing a skimming station at Three families including eleven that place. children arrived uu the overland Burns are absolutely painless when Thursday uight, from Minnesota. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve is pro npt- Our magnificeut climate and product­ ly applied. This statement is trut. A ive soil is attracting the attention of perfect remedy for skin diseases, chap­ the people from states of blizzards ped hands and lips, and never fai.s to and cyclones. cure Piles. J. P. Currin, Druggist, DAVIS OPERA HOUSE. Cottage G roye, Joe. Lyons, Drain. fo r “ Superior” and “ Mohawk” stoves at bottom m i c e F T, C h . v b v r r ^ ” C hambers , * There are lots and lots that a man THE WEBFOOT PLANTER can there are lots of things he hail better pass by, but he is invest­ ing well when he subscribes and pays for T he L eader . • • AND• • Htirk 1« n’.< A r n ic a Salve. The hist salve In the world r -r Cuts. Bruise«, Bores, fleers, salt Rheum. Fever Sores. Titter, | f happed Hands. I'hilhlains. Corns and all Skin i Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no nav j required. It is guaranteed to eivc perfeet satis faetl.ci or money refunded. Price 2j cent pe x. For tale by J. A. 15_■ non. The lover sr.ys: “ In your sunny tresses, dear, the warm light loves to linger.” The husband says: “ Say, Bricktop, will you sew on this button ? THE LEADER TW O Dollars FOR BOTH ONE Year “ Get it” is good advice but “ Take Simmons Liver Regulator” is better Saturday Evening A p ril 18, 1896. foryour health and happiness. Every- Address all Orders to T he L e a d e r , Cottage GroTe, Or. | body should take a liver remedy oe- j easionally and especially intheSpring OÑE NIGHT ONLY. I to wake up the torpid liver and keep A sterioptican exhibition will be —. . . . . . ... „ , given by Mr Hall and wife Satuiday UP ° healthy circulation of the blood, evening. This conies highly recoin- free from poison and full of nourish- mended. The sterioptican is double ,nent to the bodv. “ We would not and many beautiful dissolving effects k hov.se without it.” - H . G. G. are produced. The pictutes are 8 ft. | ; , ,, Whose paper are you reading now? square and the views suit all tastes. * » dk , Sprlngdaid, Pa. If your subscription is not over-due & r l t f o anV s t dt : . CcTos-1 Eugene Guard: Mrs. Mary Jane j D e s i r i n g tO r e c U i e OUT S t o c k tO f a c i l i t a t e r e m o v a l O f you are readiug yours. If it is over­ ^ the same we ^ clof?e <™t, for the cash, a large line of due you are probably sponging on ^^A%TTdm Uion0fi 5 cVchii:! dren 10c. ' pn >’ nf'ot Her son ’ e’irs' 1 ladies fine shoes at cost. Yon can also secure some the editor, or negligent of the ex­ drenl0e Judge Fir Grove Anna No. 53912 one of rao“ th ftnd 28 da-V8' pense necessary to place it at your Campbell, of San Faueisco, the best Poland China, register­ disposal. Services ed brood sows in Oregon, is in the orrived tuesday m onun« The first ones to start a dairy farm were held in the Christian church by lovely heard of Poland China thoro­ ia South Lane will reap big financi­ Re>. E. C. Graff and the remains al returns. The numerous families ughbreds at Rose Hill Villa. Those who want to walk at the head o f th e ' were taken to Muddy cemetery for) in dress fabrics and many other lines for the next 30 brought here by the development of da VS. the Bohemia gold mining industry band wagon with stock will plense interment. full blood, registered Poland China male, at the bead of the heard o f thoroughbred Poland China Swine at Rose Hill v illa, enables the manager and ed­ itor of this journal to furnish gilt edge stock. L eader , Removal Sale! GOOD BARGAINS will create an immense demand for first class butter. Mining people make money and they want the best of everything. It will not cost any more to make good creamery butter than to dab up a conglomeration of sour, rotten and stinking stuff mis­ named butter. If not made here, there will soon come the time when hundreds o f tons of good butter will have to be shipped here. And yet there are thousands of acres of fine laud for producing green for­ age, hay, grain and root crops for inakiug cows give n great flow of rich milk. W hy not utilize the great propositions here aud create a prosperous people? Other places in Oregon are forging to the front in the line of progress. Why not emulate them in all aiming for a high degree of prosperity? make a note of this for future bene­ fit FO R E A ST E R TID E CASI fill hr CHEAP. Happy Eastertide brings to all—rich you want jo b printing. 70 day run in burnettizing ties right i Calif, Go to the Sherwood House and l-oor a lik e-its message of hope away at Latham. There are 222,000 j Most Rev. IVin. H. Gross, D. D., , and cheer, and even the most niatter- BOHEM IA MAPS. ties there now and still they are is considered one of America’s most jD a .K 6 ry of-fact delight to honor the Joyous A few maps o f valuable gold coming. For goods at the following prices: season with all things bright ami I eloquent divines. G o and hear his i beautiful. Before it coines we love to mines in Bohemia, made by Harvey | Grace at the Davis’ opera house l o r T h e K id n e y « . Ginger snaps 10 cents per doz. j think of it, to plan for it,—each in his Taylor, wbo was in that district “ I am 65 years old ; have had k y . I Tuesday evening April 21, 1896. Lemon snaps 10 cents per doz. | individual way,—and that everything _ should assume an Easter dress and surveying last fall, for sale at T h e ney disease und constipation for 25 Admission free, COTTAGE GROVE. OR. Cookies of all kinds, t ream puffs brightness is hut a natural result of years. Am now well—used your 8 B. | S. F. Call: Harvey W. Scott, ed- L e a d e r office. E. P. T h o r p . 20 cents per doz. Angel food cake the all-prevading spirit of the festival. Heudaohe anil Liver Cure one year, itor of the able p a p e r , the Portland Even the books proclaim the near Soothing, healing, eieunsing, De- 20 cents to 40 cents apiece. A l l 1 advent of the auspicious. Demorest’s Used 6 bottles at 50 cents each. J. H. Oregonian, and K. G. Cooper of the W itt’s Witch Hazel Salve is the kinds of cake, first class, made to j Magazine comes to us in Easter dress, i Knight. Rutledge, Or.” For sale by I Denver Republican, another noted enemy to sores, wounds and piles, , w i t i a i r i ' and with Easter pictures and poems, 1 ^ Mixed Varieties per pound 4 0 cents, J. A. Benson. ! newspaper property of the West, are order. Bread, two 12 oz. loves o cU. , nnd Reneral .‘si,rinpy-- character . which it never fails to cure. Stops. . Half pound 2B cent*. (6) in the city. They are in attendance Pies 15 cents each. Opened A p r il; makes one immediately feel in accord i Itching and burning. Cures chapped ^tn bead of cattle recently ship- Quarter pound 15 cents. fptj at the advisory board of the West­ 1 with the season. The first article, ____ T IIT 5 O N L Y 1st 1896. lips and cold-sores in two or three ped from Lane county aveiaged I “ Flower Fetes and Pageants,” intro- j ern Division o f the Associated Press. N E W D O U B L E S W E E T P E A Bride of Niagara hours. J. P. Currin. druggist; Joe. 1500. One steer weighed 1950. Civil Engineer and Surveyor, . „ i i duces . . . us . . to all . the .. lands where Elora . . When J. I. Jones finishes the , ■ , . ° . i is feted during the months of her True to name. Packet 25 cents, half Packet 15 cenlA. Lyons, Drain. j They netted $45 per bead. Every kinds of surveying, civil engineering , reigIli and pictorially one become* bl­ flume from his saw mill to the rail­ tv, Srrd Tilt« t.rrrj H o u r. farlI)er 8|,„uld d o more of Slich WOI k. and mining work a specialty. j timately acquainted with a favorite road he will have a bonanza in the spot in hpr kingdom, Southern Cal- T h e L i a d e r is in pressing need of It | nv„ ftud at tlie 8UIU<; time lin- A u r e l io u s T o d d , lumber business. r , .. r , I ifornia. “ Bermuda the Beautiful,” money and wants all of its subscrib- prov(.„ , he k lu , Or. Cottage Grove, transports one to the land of the East- ©) VICK S FLORAL GUIDE, IMS, Tried and True Novelties. S. F. Call: C done! Robert lu gcr- . * ........................ desire ns to pub­ THE PIONEER SEED CATALOGUE. Fuchsia double white Phenomenal ers to help it out by seuding what Take a dose of DeWitt’s Little Early er .. , lily, - where miles and miles of .... lily- lish thl foll.ovi ig • xtraet from a letter s i’s i lea of what a ' ¡ iuc • • :•* 1 Chromo-lillioj;r»phs of Double Sweet Hou. S. H. Friendly of Eiigetn I . fields furnish tlie “ pure, proud lilies Blackberry, The Rathhun. they owe on subscription. It is (5j) Tea, Roses, Fuchsia White Piienome- • > Cn.is. M. Gulf Id, or Reedley, Plsers J"8t for the e ° ° d tlM?y W|1‘ do for the adornment of our churches, ¿■.„•i : has I ecu entliusios icallv com p ii-1 to i" . io ii '. i I til*»* e * piel Vick's Early Leader, Fresno Co., Cub, as thej» handle the you. These little Pills are good for j A complete story by A. Conan Doyle, W nal. Blackberries, Raspberries, New Tomato, small matter to each one o f von but variety w T h e E a rlie s t T o m a t o k n o w n . I ineuted on the S[teech he mini • •* '.< n indigestion, good for headache, good “ The Medal of Brigadier Gerald,” jSJ Leader Tomato, Vegetables. remedy referred to ami want their to us it aggregates several hundred Filled with good things old and new. J. W. Baker. ■( Le u.iti, W. M. complaint, good for eonstipa- handsomely illustrated, carries one placing the name o f Hon. iiobt i l 8. customers to know what a splendid for liver Full list of Flowers, Vegetables, Small Fruits, etc., with description and prices. T. „ . i r i> c • ! along with the spirit and “ go from dollars, and we need the money. Houston, o f Junction and J. H. tion. They are good. J.l*. Currin. i th„ £ r8t wor(1 to { he Ulst Abp..iper on medicine it is : ■ Bean of Sulcin, before the republican Mailed on receipt of io ct9. which may be deducted from fu*t order—really It's just as easy to try One Minute Cottage Grove; Joe. Elizabeth Cady Stanton gives several pres —or free with an order for any of the above. “ It is with pleasure I tell you that druggist, convention for nomination for su- Whiteaker, of Creswell, Laue eouuty, portruits of that notable woman taken Cough Cure as any thing else. I*’8 ! were delegates to the democratic by one days use of Chamberlain’s Lyons, Drain. ROC H EST at different ages: and in “ Woman in <§) easier to cure a severe cough or cold Pre,ne Jlu‘ Ke- Albany Democrat: Had the Al- New Professional Fields” one may state convention. Mr. Baker says Cough remedy I was relieved of a with it. Let yc.ur next purchase for a The survey of T. 20 S. R. 10 W. everyone he met predicted a good very seA’ere cold. My head was com­ bany delegates been elected on tlie read the opinions of several prominent cough bo One Minute Cough Cure. Iving on the Umpqua river below pioneers in the profossson of law, arc­ sized boom for this part of Oregon pletely stopped up and I could not issue of Hennanu or anti-Hermann, hitecture, the drama, journalism, etc. , . , , . Better medieine s; ; better result; better d sleep at night. I can reeeommend Hermann would have we n 3 to 1, , . . ’ _ , bcottsburg, executed hv Aurelius this summer. There is ample information in “ House­ t.irnn druggist. C ot-1 _ TT try it. J. P. Currin this remedy.” A cold neaily always which would have resulted in his W. H. COOPER. J. 8. MEDLEY. Cham berlain’ » E ye and Skin Ointment tage G rove; Joe. Lyons, Drain. T,,dd U. S. deputy surveyor, Las Farmers are complaiuirig that starts in :lie head and afterwards ex­ nomination, hut a scheme was carri­ hold” aud “ Home Art” for the bless­ ed Marthas of our times, without Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Halt- ,, , . , i been approved bv the U. S eomiuis numerous hungry dogs from town tends to the throat and lungs. By Rliemn, 8o*ld Head, Sore Nipple», Chapped ed out, of ring politics order, that whom the world would be so cheerless; Already arrangements are made I * * go to the farms to kill and destroy using this remedy freely as soon as the home nurse will find admirable Hand*. Itching Biles, Bums, Frost Biles, to run a hack line right iuto the B - 8'OIie'' ,,f ‘ be genera! land office at beet this. -A .tt©rne 3 re a,t L a -w , Chronic Sore Eves and Granulated Eye Lida. suggestions for the season in “ Sani- their stock. The farmers should the cold at once and prevent it from hernia ruining district as soon as the Washington. Tins survey was ex- For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. C o ttage G r ove . O regon . Lake - 1 1 tariun :” and above all, the Fashion A number o f children of extending to the lungs. ,T. A. Ben­ I welcome all such dogs to a hospit­ wagon road is finished. This will ecuted in July, 1893. ami although I department i* replete with seasonable TO HOR8EOWNEBS. son, Cottage Grove; Joe. Lyons, view are afflicted with that peculiat novelties for Easter gowns, and the permit thousands of people to go everything was correct it has taken able death. Ccntrally Located. Five Bus to and From l ’or putting a horse in a fine healthy con­ malady, S t Vitus’ dance. Tht dis simple dresses that forehanded women Drain. prosjiecting for the yellow metal or It is said that a Eugene girl sent dition try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders. ease seems to have been very sudden like to make at this season. Every Special Rates for Families. alt Trains. all the intervening time since, for on niee, healthy cam ping outiuga in An exchange savs that a shrewd They lone up the system, aid digestion, cure fifty cents to an eastern firm who in its attack, as those who lit ve been numlier M Demorest’s contains a NEAREST HOTEL TO POSTOFFICE loss of appetite, relieve enustipation, correct those grand mountains, with their the field notes to secure the neces­ advertized to sell a beauty recipe father who wanted to break off the . ., . ; Fattern Order which entitles the hold- kidnev disorders nnd destroy worms, giving magnificeut scenery, splendid moun­ sary red-tape treatment. We hope 1 for 50 cents. The recipe read: engagement o f his daughter to a brought to our notice were appar-1 er ^ re-liaGle and stylish patterns at a new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 ently perfectly well a few weeks ago. merely nominal cost. The patterns tain spring water and amid the Mr. Todd will soon receive his pay “ Mind your mother and stay at home cer ts per package. For sale by druggists. that can be obtained during a year on man of whom he did not approve, — Examiner. charming, soft, cairn sweet breezes. nights.” This would certainly make the Orders given would, if purchased { for this contract so long delayed. a divine soul nnd pure heart, and didn’t tiy to persuade her that he I f you have never advertised in in the regular way, cost at least from A little ill, then a little Dill. The lil K O ilK M IA WAGON R O .tl). outward beauty would surely fol­ was false, but just contrived to have T h e L e a d e r , try it for n few months $50 to $75. is gone the pill bus won. Di*Witt’s Everyone who will take the trouble — FO R M ER LY B A K E R HOUSE — We learn that the Noonday Min­ low. them both join the same church and we think we can convince you to cut out this notice and forward it, Little Early Risers the little pills that ing Co will just as soon as the j with ten cents, to the address below Headquarters for Travelling Men. cure great ills J. P.Ciirriu. drug­ w ed her «»ill ¡ erinit. commence ! E J. McClanahan, o f E ug-ne lias choir, aud in less than a week they that it pays If you have spent a will receive a sample copy of Demor­ Sample Rooms Free. Rates from $1 gist, Cottage Grove; Joe. Lyons. buiidir / t .*• s, ven mih s el ne t rect i'e d orders for about. 300 Chin­ (lid’ut speak. few dollars in advertising aud did est’ s Magazine, containing a Pattern to $2 per Day. ese plica-ants mort than he can sup- Drain. .1 ■ i , Order which entitles the holder to any hernia t n * Willamette Street, Eugene. Or. f'o r «h e L u iic n . not get immediate returns, do not pattern illustrated in any number of Brother Thorp ot rii* f 1»: . V.,rn liuti fjrtne i ply. The birds are desired for th< cavu i S E. BROWN, Proprietor. Elder Alson W. Steers writes from get discouraged and say it does not the Magazine published during the T »»O I MA„_ Grove L e a d e r , was in t o * <- i tri: ! ! .• |. ■ h¡. «• con ■;#*»,tf-ri I pro paga tin g in sections where they last twelve months, at the uniform DESICN P A T N 1 Portland. Or ; “ There is no medi- have not yet been introduced. Some 1■ pay. You may have received busi­ price of four cents each: and frequent­ ‘ it . . .(Ill .it unii in In* first o f the week. Editor [ COPYRIOHTa, «to. For Information and five Handbook write to lilt u hi » ■ : r<L i* *•*,.u a- til* 1 «ul I* 1*0 ti- I of the orders are from Texas, Penn, ine for throat and lungs that I can ness through the ad and not known ly over thirty patterns are illustrated MUNH & CO.. 861 B r o a d w a y . M w Y ork . recommend to ministers, public In one number, thus affording an al­ Oldert bnr au for «m r ln c patents In America, and Virginia. lie will, like Horace Greedy. ♦»«<• ii.«j plcte-’ I 15 i i>i’uuii,:i 1 o f Fort lull — V IA — how you got it. If adv.-rtising does ¿.very patent tak*>n out by ur U brought before speakers and singers, with the confi­ most unlimited variety to select from tbe public by a not ice given free of charge in the place as editor, philosopher »m l j «ill < ommei ; e tinting in 100 lolls o f j In the fall or 189.1 a son of Mr. T. not pay, why is it that the leading Demorest’s is published f<>r $2 u year, dence that I can the 8. B. Cough farmer. It is perfectly fascinating ! Iu,i, j jcciu • r tt.e 2<’-d imp mill to ^ tlcFarland, a prominent merchant Cure.” 50 cents per bottle. For sale advertisers make the most money? by the Demurest PubllshingCompany, him ta.i. talk | be 1 io Fifth Avenue, New York. now to set down and hear uitu N. on the *»M Auna nunc. | nf Ljve Qu|{ «Sutter Co. Cal. was C u res C rou p . — OF T H E — by J. A. Benson. Largest circulation of any erlentlfie paper In the o f fruits and flowers, graiu-s and j From that time on, times will be taken with a verv heavy cold. The world. Splendidly Illustrated. No Intelligent “ My three children are all subject man should be without It. W Weekly. eekly. £ * 3 .0 0 a Brownsville Times: A letter from grasses, artichoke», vetches.***!■*auurtf T im i b a i l i . more. While abroad he will write a Brother Thorp to write a book aooti J ., __ « : the best cough remedy in the market. know that it cures a cough. Every FERRY’S Sherwood, aged about 33 years. Poland | A n n u a l E l e c t i o n o f O f f i c e r s . — *:30 a. in. I i L y . Portland Ar. | ! 4.4« p. m biography of Abraham Lincoln. 2:55 SEED A N N U A L one does who has used it. It is a per­ p. m. Lv. Cottage Grove Lv. 10:25 a. ni. Deceased was the wife of Deputy ! Oregon Citv Enterprise: The Blue , _ _ , k for 1 SOA. Brimful o f valuable j *:50 p. in. 1 Ar. China pigs. — Bioad-Axe. Uosebnrg Lv. 1 8:0Q a. m. / T 1" " '! which will be his magnum opus, fect remedy for coughs, colds, hoarse­ ^ in formation about beet and M h j .. Warden Sherwood, of the Oregon River Milling ami Mining Company ; Orove; Joe' Lyons- Dra,n' Everybody will rejoice in \ Y atter- t eeede. Free by mall. A ness. It is an especial favorite for state penitentiary, and has been ill South. North. HA LEM PASH ENGER. Busy people have wo time, and : en- held their annual meeting in this There wi], ,,e dozens of cew D. M. FERRY A CO.. Portland. Ar. 1 10 15 a. m. ehildren, being pleasant to take and only about a week from iufllamation son's success for he is the best fel­ 4:00 p. in. I Lv. Detroit. Mich 6:15 p. ill. 1 Ar. Salem. Lv. I 8:00 a. in. si hie people have no inclination to use city last Monday. The following : houses required in Cottage quick in curing. J. P. Currin drug­ low that ever lived. Only in late a slow remedy. One Minute Cough officers were elected f»r the ensuing Grove and Lenmti to accommodate gist, Cottage G rove; Joe. Lyons. of the kidneys. The family moved years has he been a money saver; if to Salem from Lane county about Cure acts promptly and gives perma­ year: S. It. Green, president, and the great flow of immigration to Drain. he bad begun earlier he would be a three years ago, and deceased leaves nent results. J .P . Currin, druggist. general manager; W. F. Hubbard, South Lane this year. The demaud rich man As it is, with a salary of Pullman Buflet Sleepers Albany Democrat: It is to be a husband and five children, the vice president; John J. Cooke secre- for houses the last year has been Cottage G rove; Joe Lyons, Drain AND $15,000 a year from his great news­ , tary; F. L. Charman, treasurer; great nnd the supply largely inade­ hoped E. R. Skipworth and Rev. 1. oldest being only 14 years of age.— Frcond ( l o t i M rcplnp Car« paper and a snug bank account, the D. Driver of Eugene, have joint de­ Capital Journal. boord o f directors, W . F. Hubbard, quate to meet it. South Lane is the Y A Q U iN A B A Y R O U T E . wolf will never cross bis threshold. ATTACHED TO ALL THROUGH TRAINS. ^ J. M. Sherwood and mother, and An Ohio girl -poured a cup of hot B. F. Long, H. C. Green, Jsuies one great garden spot o f Oregon. bates in the coining senatorial con­ Connecting at Yaquinu Bay with the He is well qualified to write tbe San Francisco and Yuquina Bay f i r s t S id e D iv is io n » water on the head o f her fiance for Tracy and Hiram Straight. The There is a wide difference regarding test in Lane county. If so the feath­ Mrs. L. C. Sherwood’s mother went Steamship company. Between Portland and Corvallis. to Salem Thursday morning to at­ biography of Lincoln, for, although making fun of her cooking. The committee appointed to negotiate the advantage of different locations ers will fly. tend the funeral. Mr. Sherwood re­ on the opposite side in the civil MAIL TRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) S team ship v ou ag roan sank in a dead faint, the a sale of tlie mine to a New York as enn be readily understood wbeD “ F a ra llo n .” Albany Democrat: Mr. Hermann war, he knew Lincoln, as the friend hair dropped from hi» head and he company, expect to have the deal the vast area o f this great common­ has been called the double hand­ turned home Thursday afternoon. of his father in boyhood and has 7:3t A. M. I L y . Portland" Ar. I CM p. Id. A 1 and first-class in every respect. 12:15 F. M. I Ar. Corvallis Lv. | 1:35 P. M. is likely to die. Other thoughtless consummated ns soon as an expert wealth is taken into consideration shaker; but there are men in Oregon Mr. L C. Sherwood has numerous I Sails from Yaquina for San i* rancisco studied his character thoroughly and At Albanv and Corvallis connect with trains of about every eifcflit days, young swains w ill lake notice aud can niak m examination of the same It must also be understood that the including Albany, he may well be relatives and friends in this corn- o. c. a E ly . Passenffer accommodations unsur- govern themselves accordingly. and transmit his report. Practical climate is varied and while the soil, excused if he fails to shake with munity who will deeply sympathize ^G ipatbcticallv Shortest route between the y.) passed. »Hottest with him in his sad bereavement Moreover, Watterson has bad tests show that the mine is valuable except in certain portions, is univer­ even one hand. ! Willamette valley and California. | more than any one else to do with Ar. O a r » » a w e iw « •* Lv Portland property, and they will no doubt re­ sally productive, that some locations 1:45 r M. , 8:25 a . M. Fare from Albany or points west to R aise G ood H orses. bringing the South to see the great­ 7:25 1' M. I Ar McMinnviDe Lv. j 5:50 A M. San Francisco: “ Four out of every five bottles o f ceive a snug little sum for the mine have special resources that offer Eli Bangs has an ad. in T h e L e a d ­ ness of Lincoln's character. De­ Tbrotiiii ticket* lo all poluta tu th» Ea*teru t ('a it ili. . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ..*12 00 medicines sold in the last five years that they have lieeu developing for a phenomenal propositions to live, 8.00 pend upon it, he will write a book state», Canada and Europe can l>e obtaiued at SteeraRe e r of great importance to stockhold­ U n it e d S t a t e s L a n d O f f i c e ,! lo west rate» troni M. C. B«»nd, a^ent. Cottage p i : D are 8. B. goods. The 8. B. Headache number o f years. The adjoiuiug pushing people. Agriculture can e . 1*. R ogers , ~ I Cabin, round trip, good for 60 \hat will live.— Correspendent Chica ers. Favoritus Wilkes has a grand ami Liver Cure I use myself as n gen-1 claims are owned by other parties Ite carried on here nearly the year R o s e r u r g , O r e g o n , A n r . 16. 1896.* A«sl. G. r . * r a n . A g t.' days ............... ..............18.00 Some go Times Herald, Notice Is hereby given that Ihe following- record and it; a noble horse. KOF.IILER, Manager, j f o r sailing days apply to H. L. eral physic. If you are sick and < and have been bouded by Euglisb round, while the raising of great named settler has Hied notice of his intention to of bis colts can be seen at Eugeue Portland Or. ■ — Walden, agent Albanv, Oregon. want to get well, the quickest, cheap- capitalists. The mines are situated varieties of the most charming fru t make final proof In support of hi* claim, aud They are | that said proof » ill be made before J o e l W a r e . and they are line us silk. CHAS. CLABK, Supt. Awarded est, and safest method is to buy the 8. , jn the Blue river district. Lanecoun- is practically unlimited. There is U. S. C. C. Commissioner, at Eugene, Oregon, on Corvallis, Or. M ay 30,1896. viz: Charles S. O'Brien, on H E. beautiful to the eye and charming J 15. remedies and use as directed. C. j tyr. EDWIN STONE. Manager, no time when flowers of some kind No. 7587, lor the VM Swl, & wU SE'4 Sec. 18 T. driving animals. Favoritus Wilkes \ Highest Honors— World’» Fair, 21 8, R. 3 West. He names the following Corvallis, Oregon. P. B a l c h , Druggist Dufur, Or.” 50 are not in bloom out doors. With witnesses to prove hi* continuous resi­ sold for $2000 wlis'ii a two year old. j F irst M o r tg a g e s On Im p ro v e d F o r O v e r F ift y le a n * D R dence upon and cultivation of. said land viz: cents p^r bottle. Eor sale by J. A. an ample rainfall, the beat of sum­ F a rm P r o p e r t y N e g o tia te d . A n O i - d a n b W e l l -T r i e d K e m e d t .—Mrs. J. P. KeWitte, of Cottage Grove, I»ane Co. Oreg­ He is gcutle as a Litton and is driv- j Benson. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup I has been used tor mer, although the thermometer sel- on. J. F. I)*'Witte, o f Goshen, Lane Co. Oregon, en with p eifict impunity by ladies. \ ____ _ syrup George Iaing and J. W. Walker, of Comstock, We are prepared to negotiate first childreii^while"teetwng! "wltV^perfi ct^Sicees* I Join registers above ninety degrees, Douglas TH E We publish d in last weak* L :\ d e r Oar Co. “ ’ Oregon. — M a w la Cwre K n e u m « l l * i « . aprls-46 mortgage* up'ili improved faints In E. M. V batch . Register. 18 tempered by the c o .l ocean breez- an article entitle l “ Improved Out­ A r a g o , Coos Co., O r e g o n , N ov 10 . Oregon, with eastern parties at a rate for Pisrrlioea. I* pleasant to the taste. Sold cs and sunstrokes are unknown. look for Horses.” It is genera Hy V W B of interest not to exceed s) per cent. v. 1893 —I wish to Inform you or th. ! * _ '•ruwtslsl-eyery^rydt^ ____ W ^ jw g m p ltm8ant eqilitable wuter8, atld in_ NOTICE OF FOREFEITURE. NOW M ADE BY THE thought that the price of good |,er annum. good Chamberlain’« S T i for Mrs. T. J. !-r*'iv George Pettey, Javper Wilkins horses will be b ic h ín _ . li i b f sure »m i iwiw n»r Mr*. Wi Winslow’ s soothing variablv cool nights for sleeping, the Mortgages renewed that have been the near «lone my wife. She has been trouble«! Syrup> %id take no other kind. anti Mat Wilkins your heirs and assign* arc taketi by other companies. : one choice spot in this great state is hereby notified that we have ex|»ended two future. Fim- driving and large,! and i dollars in labor on the Jasper & New­ Address with stamp, w i t h rheuiuu i s m t r ie d M a c h i n e r y H e r e . —Eugene G uard : ; South Lane county. We feel safe in hundred becoming ton mine situated in Bohemia Lane county. Ore­ well made ¡ o -e* are M F.RVfN »WORTS, hands for s mo ^ ribed ^ ^ T be machinery for Mr. Craig’s cream saying that no spot on this great gon, for Ihe year of taps and one hundred dol­ scarce. Of course there arc still too Baker City, Oregon. lars in labor on said mine in 1894 said one hund­ many c o m . d a i . i t t , ut f o u n d no relief until e r y plant arrived on this morning’s American et ntinent has any coro- red dollar* being the local on camp assessment mauy s n u b horses, but while they \ the year o f 1894. In order to hold said mine comph T r e s p a s s N o tic e . compum _ . one bottle freig h t The entire plant is now partson in number, of pure moun- tor under the provisions o'section 2324, Revised have been Li led by thousand* in the s h e used this Pain Balm; PHOTO COMPANY. I here and will be placed in positiou J tain springs o f cold, delicious and statues, being the amount required for holding last three years, there is still an Notice is hereby given that I. tbe the same for the year ending 1895, and if within o f which has completely cured her. undersigned, have posted trespass soon as the building is ready. ] sparkling drinking water. Then, ninety days after this notice by publication you over supply of such. Men who pos­ The above cut on any Photograph f or refuse to contribute your proportion of notices ou my respective premises and a guarantee of excellence, Enlarging take pleasure in r*-. un''V’n^j11** The cement work is not. yet finished with the marvelous climate, is the fall such expenditures, as co-owners which should sess first class brood mares should MOST PERFECT MADE. all_ persons trespassing thereon after from any kiud of Picture, In Crayoii one hundred and fifth dollars, (3150) as in- continue t o raise fii-sl claa* horses. th»» botUe’for sale b y aud will be delayed a few days as main cause no doubt, o f the vast be date to the full Ink or Colors. Call and see our sam- lerest in said claim, will become the property of i o ,atse n isi Class A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. F ree this ------------ --- will - be - - prosecuted . l o r d . I*0 c e D t , Grove Joe gravel cannot be gotten until the numbers of healthy people with the subscribers under i said section 2324. T-ieie will l e ready sale at good from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. , extent of the law. : pies and prices of Crayon work. C. A . H aklow , 1 . H Y \ * B * ’ o rr¡H roeie cheeks seen on all sides 8th and \Til¡8ii*'tt. St.*., Eugene, Or. prices for tin next five years. 4 0 YEARS THE STANDARD. aprll-45 Lyons, Drain. - high waters subside a l b e r t sto ck s . EAK IN & BRISTOW, MERCHANTS & BANKERS, Headquarters for Sweet Peas Twonderful C rim s o n R a m b le r R o s e 0 r 5 yoiñt». JAMES VICK’S SONS m COOPER & MEDLEY E A S T AND S O U T H The Shasta Route s'ricntif jr ¿American S o u t h e r n P a c if ic C o . FERRYSi SEEDS, “ . -«‘- ‘•¡r’ffr* ». ««<- Dining Cars on Ogden Rnote. Central & [astern R. R. Co. MONEY LOANED. Acknowledged to be the Best: PHOTOGRAPHS w CREAM BAKING POWDfR I