The Pacific Rural Press, of San I : STATE DEM OCRATIC CENTR A L Fraucisce, one of the ablest techan- COMMITTEE. ical journals on the coast, gets in a | Have you a feci- * good lick for the republican doctrine [bak er..........................Geo. B. Small ing of weight in ; Benton. ..................... E. L. Briar of protection in a recent article re-1 the Stomach — Clackamas..................... j . T. Lovett Bloating a fte r viewing the causes of the depression | C latsop..........................Thos. Daily eating — Belch­ • Columbia....................... James Dart iu the fruit business. It says: “ Times ing of Wind— ; £‘>08- ........................ J- W. Bennett i Vomitingof Food T H E W ORM TURNS. continue very hard with the classes l Crook.........................J. M. Baldwin _ — Watcrbrash— your doctor. The doctors ap­ Our spring weather changes often, i Curry............ ....... G. M. M. Bogardis Once in a while a tired editor gets who are the rnaiu consumers of our Heartburn— Bad Taate in the Mouth but in the East it changes much. prove of Scott's Emulsion. ¡Douglas Ctaas. U Fisher 1 in the Morning— Palpitation of th<* from an intelligent correspondent a jrunes and. as well, of all other va- Giliiam.............................yv. Hoover 1 Heart, due to Distension of Stomach T o r For whorrT5 For men and I Gran; ............ ..........Kveiett Ricks ities of our dried fruits We hear A ll April showers in the East this long manuscript, writteu with a . —Cantered Mouth—(¡a? in the Bonds | Harney.......... H E. Thompson women who are weak, when uuch ta'k about the revival of busi­ I — toss of Flesh— Fickle Appetite— spring are blizzards. pencil in an inferior hand and on Jackson........ ....... V N. Soils »Depressed, Irritable Condition of the they should be strong; for Josephine....... ...W F K ivnifi poor paper, and ending with this ness in the E .st. but i. is mostly l Mind — Diiiine s — Headache— Con- Ki math....... The deeper you dig in Bohemia .»i \V Smith babfes and children who are slipatiur or D¡ardura? Then you have polite request: “ Please to read the talk. As a matter of fact the only Lake..........................\V. A. W l-h iie 1 the more gold you will find. thin, when they should be fa t; Lane..........................I. L. Cam, M l proof with great care, ns I am to- -' business (besi lea gold mining and I Lincoln......................... ,1. j-’. S it« an for all who get no nourishment Do deep subsoiling and you will busy to read copy.” I f there ever one o f II» m an y form s. T he one p o sitiv e the bicycle trade) in the United i ¡L in n ......................... C. G. Dm kliurt ire for th is d istressin g co m p la in t is from their food. Poor blood find more gold ou the farm. See? Malheur...........................E. R Test was a case that called aloud for the Slates that is »euuinoly and largely | Morrow..................... J. L Morrow is starved blood. Consump­ waste-basket, this is one. It is suf- j prosperous is that of m—irtatiou.' Multnomah ............... Geo. C. Stout Blind is the man who cannot see, by m ail, prep aid , on receipt o f 25 cent». tion and Scrofula never come Polk............................. JohtiJ. Daily C h a r l e » R a m s e y . Hotel Imperial. N ew \ Those who provide the United Stab s how printers’ ink makes hard times ficieutly exasperating to be compiled f York , s a y »: “ I •nffered horribly tr<«in dys-c without this starvation. And Sherman...................... C. D. O’Leary ) p e n s ia . b u t A c k e r ’» T ab leta, ta k e n a l t e r , to straighten out the bad work of an with foreigu made goods do a rush flee. ________ _ ' meals, have cured m e ." * Tillamook....... ...............G. O. Nolan nothing is better for starved ) A vacr M edicine Ce., 16-18 C h a m bers S t , if. Y. Umatilla ................... W. J. Furnish honest but ignorant contributor, j ing traffic, but it is a business do:i< blood than cod-liver oil. Union.................... Dr It. 1. Liueoln About this time the winter resort To turn one's self into a mere bond at the cost of our own inanufactur Washington.. Thomas H. Humphrey Scott's Emulsion Is cod- puts on new frills and calls itself a. slave for those who are too indolent ing and producing classes. Theim A C hronic F ailing .— There are W a s e o ......................... J. B. Crosseii summer paradise. Wallowa....................... W. H. Myers liver oil with the fish-fat taste porting merchaut is, indeed, active to pay attention to their own work, many individuals on the top of the Yamhill................. M. D. . Rhodes taken out. The population of South Lane passes tho limit of all endurance .. W. G. Westaeott but his prosperity is based upon the earth who may imagine that a local Marion I Chairman state central committee, SC O TT 'S EMULSION h u b*»n .n d o n *4 by should be a phenomenal increase in Whatever is worth writing at all is the medical proleeeloo tor tw en ty yeere. (Aek fact that the American woolen fact­ paj»er exists for no other purpose F. A. E. Starr, Multnomah. the next two years, if the great yeur doctor.) Thle le bocauto It I* alwaye datable alw aya a uniform palatable n lferm -a alw lw a ays y e contain« ories, the American cotton mills, the than to conserve their interests, and wea’.th of natural undeveloped re­ worth writing well.— Christian A d­ (ho > pureat Norwegian Cod-liver OU and Hypo- " American shoe shops and the Atneri that when they speak the press [ Diirrant, the San Francise j murd- ntioephitc«. sources is any stimulant to so great vocate, Nashville, Tenn. Put up In ] • cant and $1.00 alia«, The ! erer, spends all his time in writing. small i l i a may be enoufh to cure year can iron works are wholly or large­ should a! wavs make oheisant homage I an object , . A M odel R oad . — Capital Journal: j cough er help y ear baby. , , r. , ! 1 he sueriff is making pieparatious ly idle ; and it hardly needs to be and do their bi filing Bereft o f 1 ‘ Work has begun today on a 1 ew SCOTT * BOW NE, C hem K ti. New York The shopkeeper who does n< t to drop him a line pretty soon. added that this partial paralysis of every motive fitlt unselfishness, there keep staple articles that are widely road to be built by the state between I S. F. Cafi: Tin fiill of Watson of Pacific Enterprise: Twelve years . our manufacturing trade implies ’ jR to llieir mind nothin ' that an advertised, but offers you something the state reform school and asyli m cottage farms, out of a $5000 appro­ t h; providing for an appro: nation that is “ just as good,” is a most ex­ T ti. I « “T * ! P -e r t y among wh - p ^ . i d y b • o ffe r -1 iu "extenuation cellent tradesman for you to pass priation by the last legislature. The Rob ii, $250.0(10 for tile ere, lion >u Wash­ wealth, were, by business ' allures, j work l u t l m In these days the of an imaginary <»v> might. road is to be built with couvict labor by and let him find a custom« r that thrown upon their own resources, j housewife, whose good man has Bui dell understood this failing in ington of a monument to the pi ivate and will be the first piece of state is just as good. road built iu Oregon. Jesse Macy they secured a room iu a business | worked perhaps less than half time human umure pretty thoroughly soldiers aud the sailors of the navy iu the war for the Union deserves and Arche Mason will be iu charge block aud established a luucliroom, j ¡n l D o year, is not buying fruits. Thousands of our people are look­ wilt ii he said: thev made a specialty of home 1 ,1 , , „ . 11 > I r, » i of nf i *,f .1. lies in ing fondly to the day when the of the work. With unlimited labor­ where , . . , r. , , with her and her little ones these “My son, if T should publish a , C- mgiess. J fie d ip n o iot the Nation wagon road shall be finished to Bo­ ers and plenty of money to oversee cookery, doing most of the work , 7 , ..1 . . hemia. Thousands realize fully the construction there is no reason with their own hands. The excel- ar* P °,,tto an,i beuu t,mes- Her daily paper for twenty y en s and in has been adorned with the statues of many Generals aud Admirals, and thllt timu uke occasion to men this as the opening of a grand and why the state should not build a eace of the food soon created a de­ prudent calculation is to sustain life | it is time the boys in the ranks mand. The little lunch-room be­ model piece of good road. There is at the least coot— not to tickle the tjon ,,,,, about U le e „ week as * 011 . brilliant future for South Lane— all a rock crusher and plenty of good came a success, and at the end of palate. It is enough now to fill the aistiu^oisbe«! fellow townsman aud were remembered. Lane county .n fact. material, including drain tile to five years, when the great Chamber stomach; it will be time to think that emjnwit of )atferM R11d S H E R IF F S S A L E ON E X E C Ü - Roseburg Plaindealer: District make a piece of road that should of Commerce building was put up about what is more pleasant aud ' Mierchant and shoiljd Hav and there was to be a large restau­ prove an object lesson for road TION. Attorney G. M. Brown, who went to building to all the people of Oregon. rant connected with it, the Misses wholesome when the mills start every time you crossed the river on Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an Ex­ the state convention last week, has It is hard to see why the state Steward boldly applied for it. They A s t o r i - a true o n e -Is ... p .iat:. ...... t,)e ...... ferry thftt TOU Llld departed for ecution issued out of the Circuit Court of the i...... State o f Oregon, for the county «»f Lane on the returned rejoicing. Though failing should not first build a road to the v^ere backed by many businass ineD, j a minor city in Ohio three ypars da;» of March, 18‘Hî ou a judgment rendered the Ens‘ . and win 1 you dime hark m a suit in sait! Court on the 7th day o f March, to secure the renomination for dis­ reform school. That would be far who hail known them in their davp .. * , ISiHi, in which iiichard White was Plaint id and . ago there was lo.ig Hlpitdowu in F shouni 11 .lice 11 ■>■ ", r justly pop­ W. K. Wliipnle and T. M. Hunt, partners in of wealth, ana been impress- t bv trict attorney, he will buckle on the more useful. business as Whipple & Hunt were defendants; their ability as business women* ^ 10 110,1 ira,*e ioeal paper an if in all tfie: ; and to me directed, commanding me that out of ular , iti /1 I rcllli 11 » armor and enter the fight heroically Their bid was accepted, the Misses nomiced one ov** mi? tlm* the fir - n ais 1 .-li ufi’ praise your dog your the personal propertj o f the said Defendants; or if sutlieient could not be found, then out o f the Cure F o r H eadache. for the success of the ticket includ- Stewart assumed charge of the would • e rtkiuoUd "ii the iolio wog goods, your wife ami your babies real pro; erty belonging to the said Defendants in the said County on or after the said 7th day of As a remedy for all forms of Head­ ing his lucky (?) competitor. Eugene Guard: Joseph Taylor, for many years a resident of Hebron, : this county, has just returned from | California, where he has been visit-1 PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. ing since last November. We are E. P . T H O R P . - - E P 1TO K . pleased to say his health is iinprov-1 SAT URDAY, APIt. 18, - - 1806. ed. The Leader. flilWs what ails yoa? Q & LEWIS&BDRKHQLDER. DYSPEPSIA A N ew Line of Ladies’ CAPES, CLAOKS AND JACKTS. Boucle Dress Goods. — CLOAKING — | Acker's Dyspepsia tablets^ Good roads are a glory to any nation, as well as a true source of material prosperity. Germany recog­ nizes this, and makes the care of her roads an important part of her pub­ lic economy. Compare the splendid roads in the Harz Mountains, for ex­ ample, with many of our highways, and the result is far from gratifying to national pride. L e i us hope that better roads are coming. ache Electric Bitters has proved to be the the very best. It effects a per­ manent cure and the most dreaded habitual headache yield to its influ­ ence. W e urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give this reme­ dy a fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation Electric Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bow. Is, and few cases long legist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Fifty cents and $1.00 at J. A. Benson’s Drug Store. Lane county court can well afford to help liberally in a financial way, the building of a wagon road to the rich Bohemia gold mines, because those mines are increasing Lane county’s taxable wealth in grand Public and .shape. 'Capital in great abundance N otary ■ will soon come from many Eastern •cities to be invested iu Bohemia. The mining business will soon de­ velop into the disbursement of hund­ O ffic e in M o ln ze r R esiden ce M a in S tre e t,C o tta g e reds of thousands of dollars for G ro v e , O rego n . working out the yellow metaL W. B R U M M E T T Real Estate A p t, The last issue of the Chautauqua Mngazine contains quite a little boom for the Willamette Valley As­ sembly. It is an unusual thing for this magazine to mention so flatter­ ingly any other than the great New York assembly and shows that they are waking up to the fact that a live Chautauqua has taken root out here in Oregon. The Willamette Assem­ bly ranks now among the most pro­ gressive and enterprising of any. No effort will be spared this year to make the programme the grandest that has ever been presented at anv Pacific coast assembly. The Discovery hared HU Life. Mr. G. Caillouette, Druggist, Beav- ersville, 111., says: “Te Dr. King.g New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physicians for miles about, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King’s New Discovery in my store I sent fora lx)ttie and began its use and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold W e won’t keep store or house without it.” Get a free trial at J. A. Benson’s Drug Store. Lane county court has now the grandest opportunity to dispel any fear of the people in South Lane, of selfishness or prejudice on the part of Eugene or vicinity in seeing sun­ shine and golden prosperity hover­ ing up this way. In helping liberal­ ly to build the new wagon road to Bohemia the county will build up largely its taxable property and the business of its own citizens. It is but a worthy right, gallant and noble help to the hundreds of in­ dustrious mining men, who are roughing it in those great moun­ tains to get out the millions of gold bullion from that richly favored mining country. G one E ast . — Tuesday’s Oregonian : Rev. G. A. Blair, pastor of the Cum­ berland Presbyterian church, left yesterday for a trip to the East. He goes on business connected with the Cumberland Presbyterian church, which is expected to lie finished this year. The ground of the church stands on East Twelfth and Salmon streets, where a portion of the site is covered by what trill be a portion of the main edifice. The main portion o f the money used in the portion erected was from the Christian En­ deavor organizations throughout the United States. The Endeavors made another special effort the first of the year all over the country, the pro­ ceeds of which are to be used to complete the structure. When fin­ ished the building will probably represent an outlay of $10,000. ^®~All who have country or city property for sale would do well to call on him The following is a few spec ial bargains in farms. F IN E B ARG AIN . A large, two story hotel, corner iot, furnished and good run of busi­ ness with livery stable building can be purchased for $2,000. A busi­ ness man can make money from the start on this property in one of the best towns in Oregon. Call on or address. W. B rummett , Cottage Grove, Or. Monday. The first public note of __, the news came from the thruat of a , lJttl,er bo^' ‘H t!re 8 J1'*- Evemn R-e- *>rd— all about the staitin up of the mills!” ‘Good, Bill, good,’ cried a not only paid all expenses, but live in comfort and are becoming rich. , . .. They have never lost social position by going into business, anil during their entire career they have uever had to borrow a dollar. Iu spite of their success, and the fact that, from their surplus, they have been able ()ala |lttle chaj>; .uow weTl have of the street and «»dt vvalk iu front . . ■ u 1 , sugar in our tea Perhaps when of your stole would you ever forgive . 1 r 1 1 *- . . , to make profitable investments, they have not ceased to give their person al supervision to each department —=— He was a charming little fellow of four, pretty in his ways, good to look at, but as naughty as they are made. He sat on the bottom step, kick- ing his fat little legs and refusing utterly to ami 4 o’clock r . M. towit: at 1 o’clock r. M. of i the said day. careful ex A. J. J o h n s o n , Sheriff o f Lane county, Oregon. dam aged cold speli lust mouth. A l»y amination of orchards throughout of 1 , he va„ ev ^ heen ma, ^ aljd irB u n m c u wi tiivu insects except VVimiv Aphis; use just :ifter the1 ^ . FARM S IN DOUGLAS CO. For sale or trade. Situated 6 miles east of Yoncalla on Elk Creek, 480 acres, 200 acres good bottom land, balance hills. This place contains about 5000 acres of out side range The place is well wateied, Elk Creek running through it and dozens of good springs on the place. Mostly all fenced; two sets of buildings; about 75 fruit trees; school aud saw mill within half mile from the Cin- nebar miues. Price $3800. Write W . B ru X imett , Q r. P ric e ’ s C ream B a k in g PD w der or call on earvdxl JdU A U U Mriwtattr Fair, fen Fnuni«* Cottage Grove, Or. From a Distance Promptly Attended To O rd ers Scud in your orders at once. COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON N e w Goods and N e w S ty les L U R C H ’S LEM A T I, - - - - - - O R EG O N. A F U L L L IN E OF C L O TH IN G , DRY GOODS, B O O T S and S H O E S . L a d ie s D r e s s G o o d s, H a t s a n d D o m e s tic s A ll Sizes of Trunks. This stock lias just been refilled and is the , . . . . S © l 0 C t 0 C i 111 elected in town. « lj0 S t ® r I I.. I iin h e fl p r i c e . p a iJ f « r .J ! k iu ilk u l p r o d u c e .. Z E I^ IF t D W A R E S. R . P I P E R . 11 , A (. I «ÎI50Y 1. l»KEGtt> 1 fi .di r» v] ii N O T IC E O I' F O R E F E IT U R E insects that infest vines vi-netat.les or plants. B. Wiseman and Charles Kevern. your The ingredients used in my formula canlb* heirs and assigns are hereby mdiAed Unit I flave I nund In any drug store, costs much less than expended one hundred dollars In labor on the I other washes. Full and explicit directions for clarence mine situated in Bohemia. Douglas mixing aud using. comity, Oregou, ill order to hold said mine ! Knowing 1 have a sure remedy, some onorili muter lhe provisions of section H324, Revised Clplesl parties are now selling Imitations, statutes being the amount reciuircd for linld- c h e r r i e s w h ic h h a s a l r e a d v s t n r l « i l T:aert'1"re to discourage all such parties I have ing the same for the year ending 1*95, and if c u e u i e s iv u iv u uns a t t e a o y s i a t t e u concluded [for a short time only] to reduce the within ninety days after this notice by puhliea- price of the three formulas to $2.50 by mail to tion. you fail or refuse to contribute ‘your pn w»^ l»e something more taan a anv address. Formulas copyrighted, |M>rtion o f sufli exiHMiditure as co-ow ners w hie 14,1890. By \V. H. BRO would be thirty-tnree and one-third dollars surprise party to the natives. It will Entomologist. ($33.1-3) as interest in said claim, w ill become the P. O. Box. 2237, San Francisco, Calif. property of the subscriber under said section, astonish them and make them open Mention this paper 2324. E l ij a h H a r l a n . T E R M S :—S IN G L E SE R V IC E , $5; Jan4-31-I5w : : WILKES. BANGS' STABLE. S E A S J N , $10; Engene. Oregon : : IN S U R A N C E . $15. >»i insure«l, m oney due w h e n k n o w n to I k - w ith foal. Insurance money clue on all mares changing hands or leaving the country. .Mares from a distance pastured on reasonable terms. Care will be tak“ii to prevent accidents, but will not 1« responsible for any. PEDIGREE. f Abdallah 1 .................( Mambrino Sire of ) Ainaz- niu. ■( Sir Walter 2 :27 Hambletonian 10 I and 3 others in. 2 30 Sire of Dexter, 2:17% I Chas. Kent mar«*....... I Imp Bellfoun 1er. Orange Girl 2:20 Grand dam of Green’s j One Eye. Bashaw 50 Nettie, 2:18 Geo. Wilkes, 519. 2 20 % Jay Gould, Record, 2:22 Gazette, 2:21 Sire of 2:21% Artillery, 14 in ( F avorite W ilk e s 3257 213 y , Dentation, f Henry Clay 8 ............ I Andrew Jackson 4. 2:22 70 in Record, 2 .25% 2 20 and 34 oth>-rs i 2:30 | Sir*) of I Lady Surrey. 2:20 Sire of 24 in ( Dolly- Span ker Black Douglas, 2 30 70 in Crawfo. r P, 2 07 % 0 '24 % and two others in 32 in the list J. M. D., 2 :1 3 1/, 2 25% 70111 Ollie Wilkes, 2 :16% 2 30 Telegraph j Baker’s Hv lander. Sweet Briar, 2 :17% } Phillips mare. Number Seven. 2 .20'-; f Hambletonian 10....... Ì Atxlallah 1. Hippia, 2 21 % I Abdallah 15............. I Sire of 41 it front 2:17% | Chas. Kent mare. and 14 otliers with rec­ Favorite ... [ Sire of ( to 2:30 ords of 2 :30 ntid better. Record, 2:35 % _ \ Goldsmith Maid 2 :14 [ Kale Darling i Ai drew Jackson 2 Full brother to Bourbon Dam of Bourbon \ and 5 others in 2 .30. i Sir Henry mare. Wilkes, Wilkes sire of 42 listed Lizzie Peebles s. t. b. Sire of in 2 30. by Billy Wagner. Coastman P, 2 :08% The only mare on Dam of Bourbon Patchen P ’ 2 09 earth that has 4 sons, 1 Cassius M Clay 18 by Joe Downing 710 sire -j Coast Bay P, 2-10% sires of a 2 :20 trotter, of Abe Downing.2:20% Cassius M. Clay 22 Henry Cla.. 8 Abdallah Wilkes P, 2:14 Record 2 :33% ( Daughter of Abdullah 1. Pat Downing 2:13% Burbon Wilkes Jr. 2:12^ Sire or Charleston, 2:12% Durango. 2 23% f American Clay 34___ and 36 ■ dhers with re­ Harry Clay, 2 .2..% Sire of cords of 2 :30 and better. Conscript’s dam____ ( Imp. Tranhy. Grauville, 2:26 Sire dams of j Aratus mare. 2 27 Flora Wilkes, 2 :19% 2:27% Maggie 145 and 20 others in 2 30 Dams of Record, 2:33 Sir Winter J &S 2 ;18% Sire of Nutmeg, 2:19 ( Edwin Forest 49___ ( Kantuck f r Chusauie G, 2 :15% Garnet, 2:19 f Edwin Forect, Jr.......•( Sire of 21 la 2 :30 | Highlander mare. Post Boy, 2:23 and 21 others in 2 :30 | Sire dams of ( Woodford mare. Keno, 2:23% Lualaba.................. { Chianie G, 2:15 Mystery, [ K a t e P a t t e r s o s ................ 2:25% Dam of | and 6 others in 2 :3a j Grey Eagle. Dam of Roger Hanson. 2:19% [Daughter o f............ | Bolivar mare. Valissa (3) 2:19 Madida, i Mambrino Paymaster, 2:30 Emulation, 2:21 [ Mambrino Chief 11. . . ' by Mambrino. Roslyn, (4) 2:25% Í Clark Chief 89 ....... j Sire of ( Gollias’ dam untraced. Vatican, (5) 2:27% Sire of | Lady Thorn, 2 :18% I Downings’ Bay Messen- Croxie, 2:19% [Little Norah.............. } ger. Woodford Chief 2:22 Sister of Big N orah; { Highlander mare, Meteor. . and 4 others in 2:30 grandam of Sultan, 2:24. Record, 2:31 Dams of Phallus, 2 :13% Majolica, 2 :15 Wilson, 2 :16% (W axi- [ Miss W axie............ •< Sire of 2 : 2 - 2 ’ ( Gano (thoroughbred) I American Eclipec. ( Grafton, Daughter of. [ Sire dams of ( Betsy Richards ( Lady Thorn, 2:18% Membrino Patchen 68. For farther particulars inquire of ¿x won t have to wait, y O T R E O F F O R E F E IT U R E CO p H M PH One Oi The Best Stock o > < Or. F IL L E D w ¡(fi «nv kind of lumber von may wish, which will then In* readv, and vou mm, Stoves, '!mm aal " W ill make the season of 1896 at E L I lo c a l eul j COSfS;;uui being unable to find personal property on his supper It must be admitted on h A M OREGON. LE M ATI. l I h flien toe door opened and a sweet er liberty? Do t h e v expect t o k e e n ,,„n „,i _ . ! , * . . ... „ „ „ . voice c a l t e l i out,. a l t o g e t h e r out of j a i l ? — S. F. Call. “ Father, have VOU c-ot over vour , p ‘ » u S F C a l l - The c a r lo n d o f S f ila n o tantrum yet? For I should like to O. r . v . B l l . rue c a r ifia u OI - Oiano F a rm fo r S ale o r E x c h a n g e fo r C ottage G ro v e P ro p e rty . 313 acres one mile west of Yoncalla, all under fence, about 90 acres in cul­ tivation. This place is a model farm, good orchard of about 1,500 trees, and well watered with running water all the year. Good soft well water. All farming implements go with farm and 9 head of cattle. This farm is sit­ uated only one mile from Yoncalla, a growing town on the Oregon & Cali­ fornia R. R. in Douglas Co. $4,000 for every thing. Write or call on W B rummett , Cottage Grove, Or reigned. Not a him for at least half an FOR 4 miles from Cottage Grove, all under good fence. 25 acres in cultivation, 150 fruit trees four ypars old, good buildings, well watered, two or three good springs, and one half miles from good school. Trice $1260. Write or call ou W. B rummet , Cottage Grove, Or. fruit 1 WOOL M i l . March. itfJG to satisfy the sum of Five hundred, Defendants on the 7th*day of March, 1896 and , sulisequently, towit: That mining claim known as tile Lucky B«»y mining claim, situated about *<»• yards unrth- j west of the foot » h Hardscrabble mountain; also we -ll,ve recoveied from the politi- me? You would ditiouitee tlx •* tiiat mining claim known as the Mattie mining Cl*i folly which has locked lhe loots I .«.,• H- fic in r illo iiK w h e e t a u d i t « e d -! H i i i ’ng the said Lucky Boy mining claim p e t to» a ii i liio u h i i f - e i . on the north east; als4 . that mining claim known of our American factories— when itoi as a Ring scandal monger ,lmt I as Hardscrabble m mine or m mining claim; all AH the the llards.TAl.ble ine or lniuK eUiin; situated in tile Bohemia mining district of Lane wig(>r !awa ppi „q t|le niiiis county, state o f Oregon. NOW TIIE B E FO B K , 1 . , ought to hi- wliipptd out of the in tlie name o f tlie state of Oregon and in com­ start up— there may lie not only 1 coiuuiuiiity " pliance with said writ, I will offer for sale all the / * t right, title and interest o f the said defendants, in m u /, n t * • « . .1 a | and ......................... to the above described * ‘ premises, * subject ‘ to t, and fifty dollars in labor ou said « mine in i«;*4. said fifty dollars being the loeal <»u camp assessment for the year o f 181K. In order to hold said mine under the provisions of section ... . ... . that for every ten thousand men 1 in jwia must IUUa. Spray. ‘*H**v», 2324, Revised statutes, being the amount ro- 1 , To make the orchard pay you After a few minutes of this clash rdf, RroMu’s e liin d b a iH w h i l e o f » n fh n that will kill all insect life without injury to by publication you tail or rclusc to contribufe parent picked him up some« hat I'emmi iihim , w uneoi emu n Xrt.e Fruit ,,r K(pliat,f. your ................ . *uWi expemllt :ro as n>- im up and set thousand women 111 our cmintrv Enuorsvd by iinlividual momlM-rs, the slate owners « l i i . l i sle>uld !«• tlfl.v dollars ($-•) ns suddenly, carried him / » i Board o f Horticulture o f Ualifornia, proper * alifornia, Oregon and interest in ; «id claim, will become the property him down very firmly oil a only 2. 10 are restrained of their "twkington. Used by man) nurserymen and f ihe subscribers under said sectiou 2324. »rchardists. M winter wash is the only solu- H P. BKiw>KHAKT chair in bis room, went out aud ... . , ,, tion that w ill kill the W SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANT TIME. Address all orders to THE LEADE] Wtite your name and address an a postal card, send it to G< Geo. V Room 2, Tribune Pudding, New York City and a -amr.ln copj New York Weekly Tribune will be mailed to you ' le