I should do, but as my wheel, owing to S T O R IE S O F T H E D A Y . Won by Girls. STOP, TH IKK! / superior weight, closed np the gap be­ This year the three prizes offered for tween us my thoughts began to take r h e I i i t c r s . t i n e an il T r a g i c S t o r y o f V e n n * .. ^«tjaling your The stars arc* in th ■ wky all day. ! t «top a «mall malady, wha^rpower to arrent the best year’s work iu the Brooklyn Symes. form. * Each linked coil <.f Milky Way wrength, before It outmaioOk from you The public schools have all been won by “ Tlie road, fortunately, was almost And every i-lanct that we know iti aaa recover whaj.fWupera'oT of waning George G. Byrnes was one of a family m I 'R O M actual analysis made by me, I pronounce promnfc* Stomach Bitters, which Behind t* < xun is circling slow. straight. I remembered that where it of ten children living iu Mornon Coolie, girls. Each w ill receive a year’s mem­ vitality, is Hos^Jfcnd nerve quietude became i They s .. e* they climb with stately tread, bership iu the Brooklyn library. These renews vigor, nqjr io t^o.-e functions whose in- came upon the valley there was a wide, near the Mississippi, in western Wis r i the Royal Baking Powder to be the Strongest Venus the fair, and Mars the red, 4’ W restores aeiyfetes ^ general health. l%e shallow river. It came down the moun­ cousin. It was in that vicinity that a are known as the mayor’s prizes and lt Saturn engirdled with clear light K terruption jfr dyspepsia, malarial, rheuma.ie Yoiir blood in Spring is almost certain to Or Jupiter v. th moons of white. and Purest Baking Powder before the public. tain at right angles to this river, then portion of the boyhood c f Hamlin Gar- j were established some years ago by Seth )plaint* and biliousness. I JT f/j Each kiotws his path and keeps due tryst. | be full of impurities—the accuuiula- turned to the left. There was a small land was passed. Both were farmer Low. The successful pupils are Eliza­ I I your heaviest wraps to wear Not even the smallest star is missed • tion of the winter months. Hail ven­ ojien field between the road and river. I boys. Young Syncs grubbed stumps, beth A. Flanagan of public school N a When you a-ska’ ing go, From those wide fields of deeper sky i tilation of sleeping rooms impure air # » j 1; E. Frances Sonthart of N a 15 and E’n though for frost you do not care; knew- that instinctively she would try plowed, drugged, planted, sowed, boed, Which gleam and flush mysteriously, / « 1 hey break the fall, you know. itr As in dwellings, factories and shops, over­ if God’s outstretched fingers must to turn away from tho river. In that cradled, mowed, dug, thrashed, fed Mabel E. Kennedy of N a 26. Have »own them thick with diamond dust. eating, heavy, improper f«Kxls, failure W H Y NOT. ♦ I case she would be hurled against a mass Pro/. Chetnatry, College o f Pharmacy D ept, pigs, milked cows and marketed crops There are they all day long, but we, of the kidneys and liver ¡properly to do University o f California Her First Picnic. of rock through which tlie road had Sun blinded, have no eyes to see. nine months iu the year. Tlie other It is said that if we take care of little home extra work thus thrust upon them, are been cut. Little Mabel, u^ed 4, things, the big things will take care of «v three lie was a student iu one of tlie The stars are in tlie sky all day, the prime causes of this condition. It tiree always ‘ ‘ I must reach her before wo came colleges of the masses at a crossroad. At from her first picnic a Eut when the sun has gone away. is of the utmost importance tint you prepared for many of onr little troubles. npon the river. For a time onr speed 18 he walked to La Crosse iu search of girl. LOVE AND T H E ECHO . And hovering shadows cool the west, T O BE A MODEL. What’s the u«e of suffering days and Aiul call the sleepy birds to rest, was terrific. The rocks anil trees seemed a chance to study law and found it in “ Did yon have •R'xxi ,t ime’ deaf weeks, when in ten minutes we can get rid “ L ot * me, lore me,” still he cried, And heaven grows softly dim and dur — She Wanted to Leave Housekeeping end to bo strangely blurred as they sped by. Ihe office of J. W. Losey. By the time “ Yes, auul^ " e P1“ ^ aud at* of the pain. A sudden attack of backache, Into its darkness one by one “ Ever ¡ovo, forever!” Pose For Pictures. We could feel the air like a resisting he had mastered the art of sweeping i bin os-ill tv' time, but wasn’t it queer, toothache, or neuralgic headache, finds Steal forth those starry shapes all fair— Cupid, laughing, turned aside. the most o f us without anything at hand, Not very long ago, while a prominent We say steal forth, but they were th« re. Echo from the hill replied, wall through which we were plunging. tud dusting, replacing books iu »be li­ aunt* »6 didn't pick any nicks?” while St. Jacobs Oil would cure and put Whoro all day long, unseen, unguessed, “ Never, never, never.” artist w»s busy at his easel, the brass Then we came npon a rise iu the road, I an end to the trouble promptly. brary and errand running Mr. Lincoln Climbing the sky from east to west. Both Have Tails. knocker rapped three times, and rising almost a hill, which reduced onr speed j “ Love me, for I love but thee. The angels saw them where they hid. wanted volunteers. Young Symes retired Ever, love, forever. he opened the door. “ Who is it?" he Ernest was 4 years old when he saw And so perhaps the eagles did. somewhat, aud I came nearer her. THE SECRET OF GOOD CHOP». from the law business and enlisted. His Heart to heart for thee and me.“ For they can face the sharp sun ray said,not very pleased at the interruption. Now, as when warmer weather comes and “ As I came close beside her wheel | regimen; was at Boll Run aud one of his first monkey, which was on the Eeho sighed, “ It may not be. Nor wink nor heed to look away. “ Do you want a model?” was the re- j The modern farmer is not coutent to use th« sho turned her head as if sho conlil not the first at Washington the next morn­ street with a hand organ man. He rush­ the tonic effect of cold bracing air is Never, never, never.” But we, blind mortals, gazed from far antiquated tools and methode of his father* sponse. bear the sight of the water toward ing, though it fought as well as any. It ed into the house, saying: “ Mamma, Iu this age of keen com petit on, the farmer whe gone, your weak, thin, impure blood And did not see a single star. “ Love me now In life and death. He looked at her with the rapid to prosper, needs nnd gets the most im which we wore plunging. will not furnish necessary strength. Ever, love, forever.” was made up of hardy western boys, mamma! Him looks like a man, hut wishes I wonder if tho world is full proved farming implements; aud by reading glance of the ’ran who knows the mean­ 8adly, in an tmderbreatb, “ Sho saw me, and iu all tho horror used to fast walking. They scorned to him am a kitty. ’ ’— Youth’s Companion That tired feeling, l«>ss of appetite will Of other secrets beautiful, the best agricultural lit«ra lire, he keeps ii. SobMng Echo anawereth, ing of form iw i color and the value of touch with the spirit of prog'ess that pervade« As little guessed, as hard to see. that surrounded ns I felt a great happi­ let the cavalry pass them until the Wash­ open the way for serious disease, mined “ Never, never, never.” our farming communities He is particular every feature. Apparently there was As this sweet starry mystery. ness, for there was trust, confidence aud ington end of Long bridge was reached. T h e J u g g lin g E le p h a n t. health, or L eaking out of humors and also, in regard to the kiud of seed he plants and Do angels veil themselves* in space nothing to recommond her. The face “ L ot # me, I shall worthy prove, the manner of planting it. The seeds must be admiration in that look. It said, ‘ Yon Symes, though slightly wounded, trav­ im.urities. To make pure, rich, red And make the sun r.heir hiding place? of highest fertility aud grown from the highest Ever, love, forever.” was not beautiful, the skin and features w ill save me. ’ blood Hood's Sarsaparilla stands un- Do white wings flash as spirits go cu tivated and most profitable var.e ies of stock eled with tl e fast moving procession, “ Till a fairer face ahull move’ ” were coarse, there was no pomegranate The great seed firm of L>. M. Ferry & Co., De­ On heavenly errands to and fro, “ Up to that tim o l helievoshe thought quickening his step with tlie rest, when ejualled. Thousands testify to its Mocking Echo answers, “ Love?” troit, Mich., fully appreciate this fact, as is at­ While we, down looking, never.guess on the lips, no rose petal on cheek nor Never never, never.” sho was riding to death alone. merits. Millions take it as their tested by their progressive business meth ds somo one said he heard the clatter of How near our lives they crowd aiul press? shell tints in the ear. Tiie hair was a and the quality of the seed which they supply “ Then I was close beside her, and as I the Black Horse cavalry in pursuit. It Spring Medicine. Get Hood’s, l*ecause “ Love me,” atiil the lover sings, If so, at life’s set we may see farmers and garden* rs through the dealers ail dusty, yellow gray, the eyes dnll and wo came toward tho turn in the road I I was better for the nation aud mankind “ Ever, love, forever,” Into the dusk steal noiselessly over the country. The reliability and fertility heavy, the month and jaw thick ¡Bid Sweet faces that wo used to know. Cupid plumes for flight his wings of their seeds are proverbial and the largest reached over and seized, for ono instant, that the victorious southerners did not Dear eyes like stars that slowly glow, As the last faint echo rings— s ‘ed business in the world has bfen created by hard. A ll of this detail he saw as she tho handle bars of her wheel, keeping ! run a foot race with their brothers of their sale. In evidence of this firm’s knowlekge “ Never never, never.” Dear hands stretched out to point the way- passed through the door uninvited. of the wants and r« qulrementt of planters, both wheels pointed for the open field tho north that hot aud eventful July —Clara B. St. George in Chicago Inter Ocean. And deem the night more fair than day. large and small, is '‘ Ferry’s Seed Annual” for “ What are your recommendations?” —Susan Coolidge in Congregationalism j and tho river. night, or Washington would have fallen. 18J6. This book is of the greatest value to he asked her half sneeringly. “ There was a minnte’s jar as we farmers and gardeners -a veritable encylo- T H E ELD ER ’S PRAYER. P® ia of planting ami farming knowledge. It “ I have a good figure,” she answered ; crossed the field, then tho river seemed S ym es w as a stm lftit, an observer, a contains more useful and practical information It W u Ont of the Kegular Order, but promp'ly. to spring forward to meet ns. There great reader when off duty. He fre- than many text hooks that are sold for a dollar Proved Efficacious. or more, yet it will »«e mailed free to any one Is th e O ne T ru e B lood P u rifier. All d r u g g i* ‘ s f i * ‘ Are yon a professional model ?’ ’ was was a dnll shock, and a plunge into the qnently visited the Lulls of congress. He sending his name and address on a postal card Prepared only by 0. I. lI<*od A « o.. Lowed, Mas*. The Rev. H. D. Fisher could not the next query. “ Fred, old man, yon are indeed for­ water. to the firm. would sit for hours an 1 watch tie gieat resist the temptation to tell a ctory on “ I have never posed at a ll,’ ’ she re­ tunate,” Raid I ns I leaned back in the “ I found myself, when I had recover­ meu and listen to tlieir debates. o n ly p it ta 'o lake • loo R E W A R D SIOO. H o o d ’s Pills; fl h the H otel's n brother minister: .Saraapan Ila plied. “ I ’m a housemaid. I read some­ ed from tho fmee of tho hit w, half stand­ “ Jim, some of these times others will An elephant sat on some kegs " I t was Presiding Elder Still of the thing iu the paper about the lots of eiify chair before the grate fire iu his ing, half floating in the shallow water j watch and listen to me as we watch aud And juggled glass bottles and eggs. The readers of this paper will be p.eased Methodist church. The good old man money the models made, and I thought cozy home. And ho said, “ I surmise to learn that there is at least -tie dreaded holding Emily Brant, who was white j "Y es. fortunate is tho very w ord,” and unconscious. Tho landscape seemed listen to onr congressmen.” This occasions surprise— is dead now, and it can't do any harm I ’d like it better than being ont at serv­ disease that science has been able to cure But, oh, dear, bow it tires one.’s legs!* iu all its stages aud that is Catarrh. Hall’s he answered musingly. “ The events of ! to be spinning round like a top. to tell this story of him. ice. ” In ISfi2 Symes was made adjutant of —St. Nicholas. Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now “ Tho early traveling of the elder in The artist looked at the young Irish on hour changed tho course of my life, j “ I realized wo had escajiedserious in­ tho Twenty-fifth, of which the late known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh Kansas was not easy. He hud a mule woman a moment, and glancing about If that hour had been left ont o f the jury, as the river had acted as a cushion Governor Kink was major, aud later its Perfect »« nh I h grow being a constitutional disease, requires a D o T o o O w n a F la g ? rpaytaff crops. Perfect seeded constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh on which he nsed to ride, and this mnle the room, wondering what to say to day, I should not bo tho possessor of and lessened tho force of tho impact as commander. In a few months he bios IF is r s s o t p s w bjduoM ss. Rotfc^ Every household should own a flag, Cure is taken internally, acting directly was not always obedient. One day the her, his eves fell upon his half clad 6ucb a home, bnt would be back in the ; we plunged from onr wheels. Slio s on ; soun d into Captain Symes. In one of PiSE feasor left to c h u o s ta i r o o > l upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the ' ing F e r r y * » Se«*«l». 1 H*Hi«*r* *ell 1 just as much as it should have bed elder and his mnle encountered a swol­ model seated upon the stiind. “ Miss old bachelor quarters. They were not so revived, but was very weak and dizzy. the battles on tho road to Atlanta, iu linen. The flag should not only be system, thereby destroying the foundation [ them everyw here. W rite fur len stream. Along the edge of the B ., ” he said, “ w ill you tell this youug of the disease and giving the patient That night, tho order of tilings was 18G4, Symes was dangerously wounded owned, but put out on every occasion on strength by building up the constitution F E R R Y ’S stream the elder and his mnle strayed woman about the life? She wants to be bad, and there was only ono woman for changed. I remained, and it was Fer­ anil sent home to die. Uo didn't die. whom I would give them up. At that which there is the least excuse. Patriot­ and assisting nature in doing its work. ill hope of finding a safe crossing SEED AN NUAL a model. ” now who left for tho city. There was a call for more regiments. The proprietors have so much taith in its i far is«h ;. r.nmtui off n taa M li Finally the eld r found a tree that over Miss B ., with an easy, natural move- ' time she had refused me— was, in fact, “ From that day the haze of Indian The governor sent hint a commission as ism is inborn, to be sure, but lots of In­ curative powers, that they offer One Hun l tafarmot ton «bout beet and hung the stream, and from which he nieut, threw the end of her garuet vel­ engaged to another. summer that threatened to envelop my colonel. His regiment served in Tennes­ born sentiments need development and dred Dollars for any case that it fails to Lest k *‘ fi I m . Krif by ui cure. Send tor list of Testimonials. fostering. Love of country is one of the believed lie could swing to the other vet toga across her shoulders and gave “ I have never before spoken of this, life has given place to the glory of noon­ see and Kentucky. It was at orueai Pa­ D. M. FERRY & CO.. Address, Detroit. Mich. things that we -cannot bring out too sale. But the mule couldn't swing tho vis tot such a lengthy description of bnt what I liavo pained has been well tide.” ducah when the war ended. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. early or have too strongly demonstrated. He could swim, however, which the the trials, hardships and troubles of a earned. I was favored by fortune in that For a moment or two as Fred ceased J ® ^ “Sold by Druggists, 75c. elder couldn't. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. model’s life iu tlie studios that when hour, but it was seizing tho opportunity speaking wo both si t looking at the Symes, as a private, sergeant, adju­ “ All tlie extra clothing and Ihe Bible she advised the artistically« inclined grato firo where the coals glowed in the tant, captain and colonel had studied a FITS.—All flu «topped tree by Dr. Kline'« that made mo successful. Great Nerve R u to rer. Nn flleaflei the Aral were made into a bundle and tied on housemaid “ to go back to making beds ruddy flame. great deal. He was a well informed 4 »y’i use. Marveloaa cure«. Treatiee ard (X 00 “ A party o f us liad gone away on a tiie mule's back and tho animal led to and scrubbing and waxing floors” the trial bottle tree to Pit .tares Seed to Dr. Kline. I was thinking, knowing Fred as well man and had made a good deal of head *il Arch St Philadelphia. P a the water. He swam safely across and latter concluded she had better “ bear wheeling trip. We were young, gay aud as I did, that Emily might well consider way iu the law at the end of Ihe war. E rom th e T r o y , N. Y ., T im es. began fating grass oivthe other side. the ills she knew than fly to those she joyous, and tho weeks slipped by nutil that hour a fortunate hour for her, Ho had developed into a fine, intellec­ T bt Q zbhka tor breakfast. R. W . Edwards, of Lansingbnrgh, Electrotypers “ The elder looked at the swinging knew not o f” aud took her departure as it came time for us to think of return­ though at tho time it carried with it a tual appearing man. Freckles and sandy was prostrated by sunstroke during the Stereotypers... ing. limb, and dropping to his knees, prayed abruptly as she had come.— Philadel­ great dread, bnt all I said was, “ Thanks hair do not count against a man or war and it has entailed on him peculiar From C.fLJournal of Mttdlrin fervently that he might make no mis phia Press. “ From being iu love with Emily for tho story, old m a n ."— Henry E. woman of bright eyes, an intellectual and serions consequences. A t preeent Prof. W . H. Peeke, w h o makes a specialty o! Merchants in Gordon and Pecrlesa Brant I became madly infatuated with Haydoek iu Once a Week. take in getting across. Then he swung face aud a fair form. Noticed that, writing Mr. E. is a prominent offioer Epilepsy, has witnou! DRAW ING UP WILLS. her. Though she treated mo in tho most out and landed safely. Presses, Cylinder Presses, Paper doubt treated and cur haven't yon? of Post Lyon, G. A. R ., Cohoes and a ed more cases than am distant maimer, I still thought, with, “ H i knelt and thanked the Lord. Lead Pencils. “ I shall remain at Paducah,” Symes past aid de camp on the staff of the Lawyer* D o Not W ant Their Name* Iden­ Cutters, Motors of all kinds. living Physician; hi; “ B it there was a new obstacle. The 1 tlie conceit of youth, that she cam l a tified W ith the Documents. success is'astonishing The ordinary sized lead pencil, snch laid. commander-in-ohief of Albany Co. In We have heard of case? Folders, Printing Material. little for me. I was helped ont in this mnle was having a g o o d time in the A few lawbooks were bought, a room the interview with a reporter, he said: as ono gets when he g 'o s into a store That it takes a smart man to draw n of ao years’ standing grass and »,'fused to bo cangiit again ^ c u r e d b\ w ill is an adage tho respect for which idea by little incidents aud trivial cir­ and asks f i r “ a lca d pencil,” is seven rented, a sign painted, and within six “ I was wounded and sent to the hos­ h im . II« Several well directed efforts flew wide in the legal fraternity is evidenced by cumstances which led me to hope she 1 inches iu length and a trifle more than mouths Lawyer Syines was a man of pital at Winchester. They sent me to­ publishes £ of tlie mark, and the good elder was iu tho fact that few lawyers want to furnish would accept me. val.ua bl< note in that part of Kentucky. A man a quarter i f an inch thick. Pencils are gether with others to Washington— a w o r k or deeper.itlou Ho must keep his appoint­ visible evidf nee of their part in draw­ “ I had a rival— a man who did not made in many different styles aud shapes who had liad a steamboat taken and ride of about 100 miles. Having no t h i s di s ment and he couldn't walk it. There ing up wills. It is perfectly easy lur a seem to consider my actions of any im ­ anil for many uses. Sjiecial pencils of wrecked wanted Symes to take the ease. PINTS $3 TO ORDER ease, which room in the box cars we [ were placed was but one thing for the elder to do, man to hire a lawyer to draft his testa­ portance. I could not seem to make him very small diameter are made for math­ “ It is an important case, sir. I want a h e 6end? Tailor-made, finished and sewed .with a and tho elder did i t Down in the ment, of course, no matter how compli­ jealous in tho slightest degree. He had i ematical instruments Another small retainer of $5,000.” “ I haven’t that face np on the bottom of flat cars. The with silk throughout, perfect fitting large hot • sun beat down on our unprotected —by fl strcUss white tailors—Irons damp grass ho dropped on liis knees .le of hts absolute cure, free to any sufferers cated its provisions may be. It is quite naturally u very self composed manner, diameter pencil is tho programme pen­ many cents.” “ Do yon expect me to your measure. On Hpplh'aticn will may send their P. O. and Express address. and prayed the Lord to help h on catch another thing to get tho lawyer to w it­ bet this alone would not account for his cil made fur dancing orders, o f which work for glory and amusement?” " N o ; heads. When I reached Washington I who send samples of cloth and directions We advise any one wishing a cure to address was insensible and was unconscious *rot W H- P E E F . D . 4 C«Ur St.. Hew York for self measurement. Black Chev­ the mnlo tho sale in this country is estimated at I expect to give you half of my claim ness it. 'He w ill not even allow clerks bearing. iot suitings, S i 2. Filiform* and “ This is the only instanoa 1 ever in hif office to do so except perhaps “ I cam oto the conclusion that I must 5,000 gross annually. Programme pen­ lor $80,000.” “ That w ill do, I guess.” for ten days while in the hospital. An Bicycle Suits a specialty. abscess gathered in my ear and broke; heard of in which a man called on the where the client is an old or regular propose to Emily 1 efore we returned to cil.-. are made round and hexagon iu Night and day for weeks tlie steam­ BLAIN ( BLACK CLOTHING COMPANY, PORTLAND, OREGON Lord to help him catch a mule, and to one Ho wants him to go elsewhere to tho city, as [ would have a lunch better shape and finished in a variety of colors boat case was given his best thought. it has been gathering and breaking ever | - FO R C H IL D R E N T E E T H IN G - , sinoe. The result of this 100 mile ride l|is ilvmg tiny tho el . r firmly believed get the necessary attestations. There are opportunity of stating my case amid fa- rphlr?" Habit Cured in IO and styles Borne are wound with silk. The case was won, and Sjmes banked ! For by «11 DruffUU. 25 Oenta • botile, , ■___ ;0 «*»* •»• N o p a i ti * sari im the rear < f tho party. Tho cils, with red, blue am: green crayons, an nomination for congress in the Fa and they helped me to a wonderful de­ speedier bird and better lilted f >r long undertaking as a lawyer can fare to road \.;..i i : • !i, the trees arched over­ are now used extensively in e mmiercial ducah district. The convention ad gree. My rheumatism is gone, my distune- ;. Tho h nner has the widest draw up a w ill where the bequests are head, the sunlight streamed in gold establ aliments and by express and rail­ jonrned while a delegate ran over to heart failure, dyspepsia and constipa­ tion are about gone and the absoess in spread wings of all pigeons, and can surrounded with conditions that w ill shafts through them, falling alternately road companies and in r.'inost every Symes’ office. “ Colonel, w e’ve got to have a candi­ my ear has stopped discharging and sail for an enormous distance through close up all loopholes to a contest. Most upon Emily as she rode her wheel so office. Thousands of gii f checking * midair. It is also considerably lighter testators know how they want to dis­ easily and gra< efnlly, lighting her pencils rre sold annually, and the sale date for congress. Will you accept the my head feels as clear as a bell when before it felt as though it would burst than tho carrier and is possessed of pose of their estates, bnt it is exceeding­ beauty with n soft glow. I oon!.l keep of them s constantly increasing. Crayon nomination?” and my once shattered nervous system mure phenomenal powers of encnrtuice, ly bard to express their wishes iu a way silcnco no 1 nger, and riding closo be- pencils tor various uses are nn.de o f all “ When do yon want my answer?” is now nearly sound. Look at those having been known to fly 800 miles that w ill leave no doubt when subse­ sido her, ns v o sped on together, I told colors and in many t in t s — New York “ Now ; the convention is waiting. ” fingers,” Mr. Edwards said, “ do they * without alighting. On a clear day, with quently disappointed heirs call it into her how much I loved her and ashed rfnu. “ I 'll take it. ” a good sky and favoruble wind, 400 question. The books teeui with instances her to bo my wife. Being a ready speaker, lie stumped look as if there was any rheumatism “ Then came the breaking c f the dream mill's is an admirable record, although of the inability of smart men, some of tho district. Both candidates claimed there?" He moved his fingers rapidly 500 miles a day is tho goal of every pi­ them distinguished lawyers, to make a I had had for so many weeks aud ihe election, bnt the Democrat was giv- and freely and strode about the room H E WAS A BAL S H O T . geon flier ’s ambition. A bird that can w ill that w ill stand under u stiff fight. months. In a f< v; wonki 1 learned there eu the certificate. Symes contested aud like a young boy. “ A year ago those l e t Every Tim e IIo Fir«*1 tlie Bu!S~,rye perform this remarkable feat is worth at Lawyers naturally don’ t want to bo as­ was no hopo f r m t ; that though she | lost. fingers were gnarled at the joints and C o n f Hang. least $100, and may ba valued at $500 sociated with a” document that may be admired and respected mo she had never “ SorTy I can’t sit in the gallery and so stiff that I conld not hold a pen. My A good story oil tlie In * - 1 General Dan hear Congressman Symes this winter,” knees would swell up and I conld not if it is capable of a better record. The pronounced bad, and so they are unwill­ thought of me in any other w a y ; that bird's gaweness, stamina and sjieod ing to sign as witnesses or to let tlieir there was already an understanding be­ McCauley of Indiana is related by Jud e remarked skeptical Jim. straighten my leg out. My joints reai’ li their highest point of excellence employees do it. I suppose it to some ex­ tween h r. Femow and lerself, and John N. ¡Scott, r.ow of Port Townsheud, “ Wait a spell,” said the colonel. would squeak when I moved them. at 8 and 4 years of ago, which is the tent argues a lack o f confidence iu their that tie :r e’.i.'i.igi uient was soon to be With. That is the living truth. While iu Washington Symes became On Jndge Scott’s last visit to Wash­ natural prime o f 1 fo for a flier. After work. Anyhow the precaution is of lit­ ; announced. “ When I came to think that I was acquainted with President Grain, who they have passed their prime they de­ tle use, for invariably the lawyer vvhc If you want “ A t fir. t I could hardly believe my ington he, with his old eolleg" chum, sure relief for pains in the back, side, chest, or going to be crippled with rheumatism, limbs, use an teriorate in a scaredy noticeable degree drew it is disclosed in any litigation ears. Y .'er ilo tho re t of tho way in General Joe Fullerton, and General : ,‘ ook quite a fancy to him. Oue day together with the rest of my ailments, and at 10 or 12 years of age are still over a w ill.” — Chicago Tribune. | silence. U r mo the glory of the day McCauley, went on a trip up tho river ; Grant asked him how he would like to I tell yon life seemed not worth living. go to Montana as a judge. He liked the I suffered from despondency. I cannot good for the shorter distances.— Chicago had depa: .t d. It was u.i if a haze, like to one of tho clubhouses. Tlie two former gentlemen wanted to idea, but it did not meet his expecta­ begin to tell y ou ,” said Mr. Edwards, Journal. tlie mi hniehr.Iy haze of Indian summer, MRS. PEARY W AS F R IG H TE N E D . throngh which I eh mid c e all things indulge in some target practice. General tions upon trial. Statehood and a sen as he drew a long breath, “ what my The Avsxl>*nclie. atorship were far away. He resigned feeling is at present. I think if yon McCauley protested vigorously. Ik Was W11oil She Went Hunting Walrus for all time, had clo/i-d around me. B e a r i n M i n d —Not one of the host of counterfeits and imi­ The guide gave the word to leavs anil went to Colorado. In time ho be­ “ If it had i •1 feasible, I should Being pressed for his reason, ho said W ith Her Husband. lifted ten years right off my life and tations is as good as the genuine. the channel of icu and tako to the rock.- avo I ft th.t ’ ;lit ! i thotity, but the fact was ho was such a bad shot he came one of the best mining lawyers left me prime and vigorous at 47 I Mrs. Peary, wife of the famous arctic on tlie side, for a snowball or two hud had made np his mind to quit it last there ami was a rich man 15 years ago. could feel no better. I was an old rcni-icta’ ; i .1 n ;::j olii d me to uecoiu explorer, declares she lias had more rolled down from above, and he was time ho tried it He had never hit the Iu 1884 he was elected to congress aud man and could only drag myself pain­ ji-y the 1 ..iy uia one List ride. than enough of the polar regions, and is afraid moro might follow. Scarcely had “ 1 It ’VCt* I ,v.- a gayer set of people bulkseyo iu his life, he confided to them, re-elected in 188«>, when his a, petite fully about the house. Now I can The very remarkable and certain determined that her husband shall never we got ont of ont trough aud upon the , repeat his travels iu those frigid lauds. was appeased. Life as a congr ssmau walk off without any trouble. That in relief given woman by MOORE’S inn v. 0 v. ero wl a n we started the next and he was a little ashamed of it. crags when down came an avalanche REVEALED REMEDY has given After some little trouble they eon did not snit him as well as he thought itself,” When asked vvliat experience stands out day. Some of them guyed mo a little continued Mr. Edwards, it the name of TV Oman’s Friend. It ie ■■ | ■ . nniformlysncceee- with a vengeance, and we were within most prominently in connection with about my he itof gayety, bnt I answered viuced him that they were both worse it. would hack iu 1801, when ie and “ would be gjfficient to give me cause fnl in relieving the backaches, headaches j —I f ) J V . and w e a k n e s s 20 feet of a tremendous discharge of t > leave tho next day anil shots than he, and they’d shoot foi Jim were interested onlookers. tho nnm-nal life while exploring, Mrs. that I \ for rejoicing, but when yon oome to winch burden and shorten a woman’s ^ l i f e . Thousands of thousands of tons of snow and ico, “ place. ” Peary, without a moment’s hesitation, h it sail in consequence. Colonel Symes was a hard " orker. consider that I am no longer what yon women testify for it. It will give health and strength which swept down the truck that wc said: “ Our hunting the walrus. It is First tho judge shot and made a fair “ V o were to ride down one valley, and make life a pleasure. For sale by all druggists. He showed himself uo mercy. When the might call nervous and that my heart had jnst ascended. We were perfectly BLUM AU ER-FRANK DRUG CO., P o r t l a n d , Agents. the only occasion in my life when I was then descend a mountain into another showing, and then General Fullerlon, j crash came iu 1898, he worked hardei is apparently nearly healthy and that I safe, bnt somehow the half hiss, half making a lietter, and last General Mc­ valley. 1 was the only one in llio party so frightened that I would have wel­ can sleep nights you may realize why I than ever. Suddenly the mental machin roar, remained in my ears for Rome comed death as a relief. We were out in | who had been over the road, and it was Cauley, who hit tlie bnllseye. may appear to speak in extravagant time, and for many uiglils afterward, No one was more astonished than the ery flew out of c o g ; lie was u i, vously a boat with Dr. Cook, Mat, aud some -o lin g ago I had partially forgotten it. praise of Pink Pills. These pills quiet prostrated. Still he tried to woik. One when Indigestible onpprrs or bad Swiss general himself. He began to bo inter­ natives. Mr. Peary had broken his leg, When we began to descend the moun- clay iu July of that year he was found my nerves, take that awful pressure beer produced evil dreams, the ava­ bat was steering the boat, bis leg, iu i tain, I told them we had better walk, ested. They took another tnm. Again at his desk dead. Other cogs tzd slip­ from my head and at the same time lanche was snro to figure in them.— I splints, stretched out before him. We ' as the road was very steep. They took he hit the bnllseye, aud yet again and ped ; the brilliant mind was running enrich my blood. There seemed to be Blackwood’s Magazine. saw the walrus coming toward ns, and my advice for a time, aud we had gone again, and the ringing of the gong was w ild; sleep was a stranger to h im ; lie no circulation in my lower limbs a m a r i n e music in his ear. tha greater part of the way, when one A vagabond was originally only a when the natives said, ‘ Shoot at them,’ could not control his thoughts any moie year ago, my legs being cold and clam ­ The others declared they’d shoot no i of the party, in a spirit of frolic, mount­ PORTLAND, o r e c o n traveler or persen who went from place ; we took onr rifles and did so. than a babe could stop the flow at N i­ my at times. Now the circulation “ Then followed a scene too terrible ed his wheel anil dared the others to dc more with him mid threatened dire re­ to place with or withont a definite ob­ there is as full and as brisk as at any agara. He committed suieiile while venge for his deception for words. The bnllets had only entered ' likewise. ject “ A FAIR F A C E M A Y P R O V E A F O U L B A R ­ Iu vain he assured them that it was working 20 hours a day before the cogs other part of my body. I used to be so “ Thinking we were almost at thefoot the hides of these animals, enough to began to slip, as many another 1 as done light-beaded and dizzy from my nervous infuriate them, and they came forward : of tho mountain, we all followed his the first time iu his life ho had hit the disorder that I frequently fell while G A I N . ” M A R R Y A P L A I N G I R L IF S H E U S E S j example, i was ruling in tlie lead, Ear- bnllseye. He treated liberally, anil they and us countless others w ill da E V E R Y F A M IL Y enraged and with bnt one determination George G. Symes was a good sold'er. crossing the floor of my house. Spring uest Fernow was close beside me. Sud­ all enjoyed tho jaunt, particularly the SHOULD KNOW TH AT — to tnru over the boat. They placed is coming and I never felt better in my denly, on tnrning a bend, we came upon boy who tended the target, who was sev­ an honest man, a fine lawyer, a faithfu their long tusks on the gunwale and at­ a pitch in the road so steep as to greatly eral dollars wealthier for their visit. public servant, a self made in in. and life, and I am looking forward to a tempted to tip us cut. I crouched at the busy season of w ork.” alarm us. They came hack to town, dined at Gen­ tho world conld have spared a btitalio bottom of the skiff, loading the rifles, “ We had all been riding at good eral McCauley's expense, ami he de­ of other men better than it could hin so that the men would not have to wait —Colonel J. A. Watrous iu Chirac speed. This iu itself would have mat­ clared he had made the hit of liis life. a second. The sea was crimson with tered little hail each one of ns had our “ Dan never suspected us.’ ’ laughed Times-Herald. M U T U A L ADM IRATION their blood, and for a few moments I No Sanctity In Garments. did not know whether I should be shot wheels under perfect control, bat timid­ the judge,-” of having bribed tha! target “ I'll bet you n ity, carelessness or fright might mean boy to ring tho gong every time lie shot. “V th at lady is There is no sanctity iu garments. A by the excited men or drowned by the r i d i n g on«* of great danger. Aud he couldn’t see the trick in it be­ ¡walruses. We killed about 1?, and have rose iu a man’s hat does not enlarge hil th*» e beautiful “ I saw Earnest Fernow tnm white cause his bullets never even touched the piety. Grace is not conveyed by a piecz ‘ R am bler' Biry- seme of the tu ks. Bnt don’ t let me talk H e*; t ecausen be anil jam his brake down hard, while he target, not o n e !" — Washington Star. of lann or chastity by the wealing of a ridpn so easy and about it any more. A ll that is past.” — back pedaled with all his might. Sud­ look* so grace girdle. A black gown lias neither more Philadelphia Times. Ill* Idea o f M artyrdom. denly we were startled by a cry of fear sense nor bettei manners than a black “ And 1 11 he*I —a cry for help, ‘ Earnest, save m e!’ you an X ' th a t » Child of 8 (returning from school)— coat. Nor is a black cloak more edify­ Costume and M ortality. she bought 1 o f ’ A W ARRAN TED French Briar Pipe, Hard Rubber A remarkable effect of costume on Tlie next instant Emily Brant sped by Mamma, we have been reading of such ing than a fustian frock, uo more than vV .V T! O c . ii -I i i V ; renrttr. bnt J P * T ; . " — •" •‘ ■'■ycl* *«•-. 1*7 »la th ns. i-he had lost control of her wheel. T B g X A L «il • /. X TE R N A L d W, a dreadful times. I should not liked a cambric bib is mi antidote against Stem, equal to those usually retailed at ¡ o cents, mortality is shown in n very instructive They ? now i ow to uke <«r* »• their 4crful In its quhk action torchere “ Femow paid no heed. He was too I to have lived then, and I am sure you lewduess or an atonement for it.— In- wil1 be sent free I a i T H ” 0 * . *° m ,k * rf'1*»* »•* tra e rln l: be. manner by one cf the English registrar *i; »rnlrrV« C lin c h e r l ir e ., and yrm w ill be “ w ell r o o u n M d " children aged from 1 to 5 years there is cycle into the bank and jumped. Even of mutton ami after gunpowder had Cholera, and aU Bowel t 'ompLunU. a .ia w ill n o t w alk h o m e , w ith a fiat c e m e n t lire. at the ei>eed with which she was going been put round they were all blown np. A r u e f u l F it-liio n . an equality iu the number of deaths by OR. Mamma—Are you sure it was not a scalds and burns among boys aud girls, I knew sho realized he had deserted her. N t R K I Z D I.AI>IKN| K KNAl.IlO “ Ah, professor, what a charming col­ CMrkne»«. Nick IZrft'Wlir. |»n|, “ Unless you have been similarly stake they were tied to? H mcm or JiMf, Kilt'uni hi Uni anti Se AND bat from 5 to 10 double the mtmber of , , 1« a hr nit h ttmu-kr. It lection of stuffed birds yon have here! dc'troya all orrvu and w ill prraerr, yonr h ealth , Child— Oh, yes, mamma, it was a Where did you get them from?” girls to that of boys die from these placed, yen cannot understand the è t ì su re and h arm leie No m edicin e in tern ally You will find one coupon inside each i ounce bag, MA DK< It brtotfn tceedy and pernia causes, while frc:u 10 to 20 there die gliust ly feel ng of horror that come3 over steak! I knew it was meat of some Part c u la o on w ritin g na. bnm cien (or * “ Oh, that is quite simple. I have In ail ca*w* of ttru lm , Cuts, and two coupons inside each 4 ounce bag of »'■n h l O K li Addre«. K rno C hemical to . 102 women and only 27 men, and from yon as yon know your wheel is beyond kind. — Exchange. S#»*re Horn*, &<• been collecting them for years from the boa 0W, San Jone. (Jal. your control on a steep mountain. There 20 npwaid 71 women and 22 men, show­ wornout hats of my seven daughters. ” — trusted fri«*i Women w ill find their place, and it THF A M t MOTI IP. c o . fleea hall um m i , ing xhejnfluence of muslin aud flounce is no way to stop bnt by turning into M ffhtnlr, Farmer, IMantrr. Sa Znr Erheiterung. wlminili lenlnwi, Mcaoae 11 ha» redueed u . » «r w ill neither be that in which they have to fact all das*/« aantinj: a inrrfirinr tho hank and taking a headlong plunge, iu - producing death, notwithstanding wlid power t o l a ehat It wan.. K u man, branca — hand, and taf* to u»e iute mall; or ex been held nor that to which sotne of and tho chances of injury or death, or to ---- boum. ami rjppiiM Ita ronda and repain with certainty of relief. the greater caution of the female sex. “ Who is this Dr. Holmes?” asked a -■ — r door. U eaa and dosa furatoli a keep on, while the speed increased with them aspira Nature's old Salic law lady of a New England bookseller re­ /S R E C O M M E N D E D . better an ele lor lem mone, tnan ®T Ffiy strums, by Missionaries. by Minision by J “Uicm. It marre 1-umplng and w ill not be repealed, and no change of cently, according to the Boston Literary Bend coupons with name and addreaa to each revolution of the wheels, and the Thoroughly Hainan. Mechanics, by Ann*i in HospiOJLs. ' Ideami. Iteel, OalranUM after dynasty w ill be effected.—T. H. Hux ■ Completino Wlndmllto, Tliune Bloo; in— That street just below is chances c f escape grow less. »* BY EVERYBODY. World. “ I've never heard of 1 im, but BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM, N. C. . an* Zlied Steel Tower». Steel B ob Saw “ I l 'I:zed f I tsrted in pursuit my ley. quite a thoroughfare, isn’t it? his wife, Mary J. Holmes, w r it'- lovely fraine». Steel Peed Cutter, and Zeed a i in * * *•»«*•»• r P c u -K t - i ille ijc / r ■ llJtlf f, „ ciM , w Nthi ll Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco and read the \ d ri rider», io. application It will u n a ma Blagzin— N o; that's not a thorough­ wheel won’ 1 l 1 in a mum, . ; u. robe port whhoat « supply of lu Malevolence is misery. It is the mind books I” — .J * artici«« th«t 11 Will foratoti ontll coupon which gives a list of other premiums, and how to get them. H r No family run to 1 » without this yoml my control. Still, my opportunity Janoan m a» 1/3 u„ urna! prtee It atoa u h fare at all, but the crowd likes to use it of satau, the great enemy, an outcast Iny.luttblo remedy in the house. Iu» price brings Tanta and Pump« 4 «il »arto send Mr calarne»« A German proverb says, Honor the 2 C a N T STAM PS ACCEPTED. It within tbs nsrli of «11, «ml 't will annually because there’s a sign there that reads, had come, aud I did not hesitate. A from all joy aud the opponent of all hodey : litt. Iackw.il «od FIU ums Strana. Cktcaum gave many llnio us cost lo doctor»’ bills. & old, instruct the young, consult the wise “ Private way— dangerous passage.” — moment more, and I was close behind goodness and happiness.—J. Hamilton. Bsware of Imitations. Take anal bat ■ > . : N. P. N. u. No. « 40 —g. F. N. Ü. No, 717 j her. I had no idea np to this time what 1 and bear with the foolish. •wains "raaai Davis." | Roxbury Gazette. 5 i \t i/j * t V + a V. STARS ARE IN T H E SKY ALL DAY. Spring M edicine "X I P urify Your Blood Hood’s S a rsa p a rilla A RUNAWAY WHEEL. FERRYSj SEEDS. He Will Not Drown Himself ImerioanType Founders Co. Fits Cured! »¿Z P a n t s ? MRS. WINSLOWS "SWP*! OPIUM 3= Premium No. 1 Chocolate £ Made by W alter Baker & Co., Ltd., $ Dorchester, Mass., has been cele- £ brated for more than a century as ± S a nutritious, delicious, and fiesli- x I forming beverage. Sold bv gro- x i s cers everywhere. Allcock’s Porous Plaster I MI l NI ^ ur Y . ’ .V MACHINERY'S? NC « • • • * . . . . WARE-HOUSE • • THE WILLAMETTE IRON WORKS S A P O L IO PIPE SENT FREE Pain-Killer Pain-Killer^™*»* Pain-Killer S S T ? Pain-Killer FOR 2 4 C O U P O N S FOR 2 C O U P O N S Blackwells 2 4 CEN TS.