PHENOMENAL PROPOSITIONS —FOR- C A P I T A L A N D E N T E R P R IS E VOL. 7. THE LEADER. ■HE RAILROAD G A T E W A Y - TO - B O H E M IA G O L D M IN E S COTTAGE GROVE. LANE COUNTY. OREGON. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 29. 1896. COTTAGE PROJECT SALMON GROVE .AJNTD OUR SISTER STATES NO. 39. H J E O Æ A J T I. rd said, I w ill give it you; come member that almost anything can be thou v it h us and we wilt do thee good.'’— ing the men before escape was pos­ Senator Mitchell intends to introduce a Company has now a small steamer, the nected and have relatives in the city salely scattered over and on straw­ their sheep this season. Numb 10 » . R ev . C. A W OOLEY, Pastor. sible. DOINGS OF CONGRESS. bill to cover the case, and in accord­ South Coast, on the roure, and as soon berry plants while in dormant state— An important strike was made in worth $100,000. Another big gun has reached the ance with the wishes of the people of as the merchants here are w illin g to /THRÌ8TIAM C H F R O I—HERYK E8 A T 11 A. Arrangements are being made where­ while not growing. Should the ap­ B o u l i n . W o r k u f t h . K i r t j . F o u r t h See- \ j M . a n d K f . M. Hunday school at 10 a . m . Presidio in San Francisco. It was Oregon and Washington on this im­ guarantee a larger freight and passen­ the upper tnnnel of the North Pole • I o n —S e n a t « . Y. P. 8. C. E., each Sunday ai 4 r. M. Midweek hauled to the top of the ridge back of by water w ill be taken from the Snake plication be unavoidably delayed till mine at Bonrne receutly. A body of portant subject. The text of the reso­ prayer and praise services, Wednesday evening ger traffic a much larger and better a t? o'clock. Musical rehearsal, each Saturday I Fort Point. This is the second 30-ton lution introduced by Senator Mitchell steamer w ill be put on. This company ore about eight feet in width of high river to irrigate 1,000 acres of Frank­ growth begins, it should be applied Washington, Feb. 21.— The Cnban evening at 7 oc’ lock. lin oounty land. It is expected that just before a rain, which w ill wash it question came before the senate today | rifle to be added to the Fort Ponit bat­ is as follows: has a road from Portland to Umatilla grade was enoountered. “ Whereas, The salmon fishing in­ Junction, where a connection is made A gravel train of nineteen cars is the canal w ill be completed in time for off the leaves into the ground; or it for defluiro and final action, and it is ETIIO PIST CHURCH—-SUNDAY SCHOOL tery and completes the trio ordered lor at 10 a . M. P re id lin g each fourth Sunday this coast several years ago. dustry of the Columbia river is one of with the Great Northern for Spokane now working betwten Merlin and Ash­ the ground to be seeded in the spring. can be scattered around and between expected tUat votes w ill be taken at an morning and evening. Prayer meeting, every land, filling in depressions with de­ A London special says the Natal vast magnitnde, the pack of last year and the East Thursday night. •* The Lord is in His holy tem­ Prepaiations are being made to estab­ the plants. Where the soil >- not so J early d»y on the several pending prop- ple.” REV. M. O. B R IN K , Pastor. Times claims to have the best authority amounting to 655,410 cases, of the ag­ From Umatilla Junction its line ex­ composed granite obtained from the lish a cold storage and meat-packing ihlested with weeds as to ne i much ositious— requesting Spain to recognize for the statement that the Sonth Af- gregate value of $3,342,928, giving em­ tends to Huntington, where it meets cats north of Grant's Pass. plant in Walla Walla. The total cost scraping, the manure and ashes are the belligereucy of Cuba, aud request­ l«s t applied late the previona fall. If ing a recognition of Cubau indepen­ rican republic w ill, on the fifteenth an­ ployment to 1,574 operatives and 8,775 the Union Paciflo. The Oregon R ail­ Work on the ladies' hall of the East­ of land, machinery and bnildiugB w ill niversary of the Boer victory over the fishermen, and investment to more way & Navigation Company then can ern Oregon state normal school at be abont $30,000. It is expected that weeds appear after the fertilizer is dence. The first thing of importance British under General Colley at Ma- than $3,000,000; and offer to the people of this section the Weston w ill be begun in a short time, an average of 250 hogs a day w ill be applied they must be dug out, or re­ in the senate teday was the reading i f moved by baud, so as hut to draw the a resolution from the secretary of treas­ ju\ia ta’A, yoclAira its independence. “ W is evident from past choice of two connecting routes to the and it is expected that the building slaughtered. lertihzer or manure from the plants. ury as to coin and other money iu circu­ E P I T O M E OF THE TELEGRAPHIC The great tailors’ strike, wYilcc hi.., experience elsewhere tils? th? Ssk I f any arrangements can be w ill be completed by Jnne 1. The opposition looking to the redac­ The weeds well overcome apply mulch- lation, whioh was ordered priuted for NEWS OF THE WORLD. been in force several weeks in many said river will''become extinct unless made so that the same through rates A La Grande man has discovered an tion of the prioe of Balmon has culmin­ lug. It is best to scatter it over and the nse of the senate. The senate then cities of Germany, has been ended by properly protected and artificially enjoyed by the Washington shingle and ingenious devioe for olearing the side­ ated in the Columbia River Fisher­ lumber men can be secured by the walk of snow. It is simply a lawn- men's Protective Union addressing a let the plants grow up through it. spent some time indiscuBsiug the ques­ the employers granting a 12 per cent hatched; and “ Whereas, From the fact that said Eureka manufacturers it w ill not be mower, with a box attached behind to letter to the seiners along the river, and The berries thru form above the mulch tion of official procedure. Sqiure re­ increase of wages. The seamstresses' A n In t e r e s t in g C o lle c tio n o f Ite m s F r o m Columbia river is partly within the long before redwood s ingles, doors oatoh the snow— and it is said to work also np-river fishermen, asking them and keep perfectly clean. Pine needles ported favorably it bill reqiuiiug that t h e T w o H e m is p h e r e s P r e s e n t e d In a j strike, a movement allied to the tail- (teu loans au acre) are best. But any marine eugineeis be American citizens. jurisdiction of the state of Oregon and an^ window sashes w ill be laid down to perfection. to combine to resist any attempt at C o n d e n s e d F o r m — A L a r g e A m o u n t j ors' strike, is also on the eve of a settle- straw or hay chopped small enough not Minor bills blocked the way for some partly within the jurisdiction of the jn Kansas City, Chicago, Buffalo and reducing the prioe of raw fish. o f I n f o r m a t i o n In a S m a ll S p a c e . | The oity council of Ashland has a to blow off w ill answer. With plenty time, bnt Call dually had the Cuban state of Washington, and therefore, other Eastern markets, to compete with Arthur C. Newsan, the former The Whatcom county shingle output of manure no mulch is needed. Take case against an agent of a sewing ma­ resolntious called up, and they took not wholly subject to the legislative the pine industry, which now controlls Thomas Howes Hinckley, an artist Hritiah magistrate at Cedros. Trini- chine company for violating a oity or­ for 1895 was 488,600,000, of an esti­ the advice of au old grower of straw­ np the time until adjournment. of wide fame, died in Boston. dad, who was arrested in Brooklyn, control of either state, it becomes of these markets. mated value of $488,600. There are dinance regulating peddling. The ma- berries: Keep your nelds clean, ma­ the utmost importance that whatever For many years San Francisco has Washington, Feb. 25.— The senate Chicago clothing-cutters and trim- July 7, last, charged with having forty-five mills in the county, employ­ nure them well, and, unless your vari­ legislation is necessary looking to the monopolized the entire trade of this chide company w ill probably make a mere have ordered a strike, and 20,000 embezzled about £100,000 belonging to ing on an average 947 men in various eties are worthless, you w ill hot fail of committee on public lands decided to protection and promotion of this great country. Lately, however, the mer­ test ¡of the matter. favorably report the house bill extend­ are thrown out of work. the British government, has been ac­ capacities, and disbursing $366,282 lor industry shonld be enacted by the con­ chants here have secured some of their Within a radius of forty miles around labor. In addition the larnber mills your reward. ing tho time vhich suits may be The secretary of the interior has ap­ quitted after two trials, and has been gress of the United States, provided wares from Portland, and now a con­ G raft's Pass there is said to be in paid $105,000 for labor, making a total brought by the government to annul B o g u s B u tte r. proved a list of eighty acres of land se­ set at liberty. jurisdiction over the subject exists in siderable trade is in a fair way to be operation fully 100 giant hydraulic The produce exchange of Chicago unauthorized grants of pnblio lauds. of $471,252 by the lamer industry, from lected in Oregon City land distict, Or­ State Senator Gny, of New York, congress; therefore, be it established between the two places. plants, which speak well for the won­ a total of $761,252 wages earned in the gives the following figures on bogus The committee made several verbal egon, by the Oregon & California rail- j has prepared a bill which w ill be pre- “ Resolved, That the committee on Next to securing an Eastern railroad derful richness of placer deposits ot batter: in 1894, in the United Slates, amendments to the bill, and also added county. ruad, under its grant. j stinted to the legislature very soon the judeiary be, and it is. hereby in­ direct, this is considered by the busi­ that portion of the state. there were mauulactured 70,1100,000 canal lands to those which are inolnded John L. Waller, confined in a French which authorizes the city to purchase structed to investigate and report to ness men as the best proposition the peo­ Id a h o . pounds of oleomargarine, equal to the iu the bilL The decision of the corn- ¿»Tty-nine people joined the First prison, has been granted a pardon by and remove the Edgar Allen Poe^cot- the senate at the earliest practicable ple of this district can expect. The Northern Pacific railway has product of bUO.bOo cows, of which i » mittee was preceded by a 4warwg_uL. Pre^uyterian church at Brownsville re- President Fanre, due to the represent;!- ! tage. The bill provides for an ;}ppro- date whether or not the congress of the just issued a valuable folder that is ceuíhT as the result of revival work, Illinois there were made about 6 0 ,0 0 0 ,- representatives of the various localities tiuns made by the United States gov- priation of $50,000, which sum, it is United States has jurisdiction to legis­ devoted exclusively to the Nez Porce the oonverts is Orville Mont- (100 pounds, equal to the product ot interested iu the proposed legislation. THE FIGHTING AT JARUCCO ernment in the prisoner's behalf. | estimated, w ill cover all expenses. reservation. late concerning the protection anu pro­ 4 5 0 ,0 0 0 c o w b . During the above per­ There was a proposition before thi g»ib i * a brother °* the recently The Elicott Square building strike in , The monitor Monadnock has been motion of the salmon fisheries of the L a t e r R e p o r t a S e n t O u t F r o m H a v a n a n-^Jvoi Lloyd Montgomery. The bicyclists of Boise have peti­ iod the agricultural producer for the committeee to include Mexican land Buffalo, N. Y „ is ended, and a thou- forxnally placed in commission at Columbia river tioned the council for permission to raw material entering into a pound ol grants iu the txteusiou, but White ap­ F a v o r a b l e t o t h e S p a n is h , The taxroll has been placed in the sand or more work neu have returned M are-.slaudnavyjard, San Franc.sco ride on sidewalks between November butter received 16 cents, while under peared iu opposition to this, contend­ AFTER TH IRTY-TW O YEARS hands of the sheriff of Benton county. Havana, Feb. 24.— The government, Monadnock was commenced 1 and May 1 at four to eight mile the same conditions for the raw ma- ; ing that the Mexican grant question to work. The differences between tho . The The aggregate amount of taxes to be H o r r i b l e F a t e o f T h r e e D e s e r t e r s In a Tuesday, sent a force of troops to gaits. superintendent and the men have been twelve yeais ago, and has dragged terial entering into a pound of oleo­ should be settled as soon as possible, collected is $60,301,46. Last year the W e s t V i r g i n i a f o a l M in e . Juarcco, this province, on the report i along at intervals. Navy officers say The Rnby Creek miuing district in in the interest of all concerned, and amicably settled. Colliers, W. Va., Feb. 25.— People that Gomez and Maceo were attacking amount was $55,132.46. The roll was Northern Idaho bids fair to make margarine be received three cents, i ■ she is now a most powerful battleship This diff erence represents a loss of 18 the amendment was not made. Dr. A. T. Perkins, of Chicago, has and able to hold her own against any are mnch excited over a recent find, the town. The insurgents burned the placed in the sheriff's hands last year, a good showing the coming season. cents on every pound of oleomargarine ! patented a process of keeping fruits, thing that float;. U O U M . which, it is claimed, clears up a mys- jail, liberated thirty-fonr prisoners and February 23. Several properties, notably among sold and consumed as butter — over j meats and perishable products during tery of thiry-two years’ standing. The destroyed a number of hnts by fire, but The Bandon school district has voted which are the Grey Eagle, the Silver Washington, Feb. 20.— The house The Chicago Post's Washington $8,000,000 in the United States and 1 today passed the agricultural apprupri- transports tun by the use of sterilized remains of four human bodies have were repulsed by the garrison while a levy of six mills for the pnipose of It is acuns<|rv- air. His patents extend to the antip­ special says that on authority of a been discovered in an abandoned coal trying to capture Juarcco itself. Gen- paying the indebtedness of the district. King, the Big Bine Bird and the F 7 , 600, 000 in Illinois. , , , ation bill. It carries $3,168,192. The Happy Three mines, show some very ative estimate that gentleman who enjoys the personal 80 to 95 per cent of ion Qf tbe reTiged a,atutt)n for the odes. mine east of here. David Snyder has eral Hernandez, at the head of 1,000 It is expected that the amonnt of the high assays in gold and bat very little confidence of the president as fo lly as F r í a r oleo t lo n o n u a m n û ri l is a n n n a n m o n as oa a n d . • the consumed, consumed and A faotory for the making of reme­ explored the old mine, which has not Spanish cavalry, arrived at Juarcco at levy w ill clear the district of ail debt, purchase uud distribution of “ rare and dies similar in nature to the proprie­ any one, the statement is made that if been worked since the '60s, and discov- sunrise yesterday, and soon afterward except the $3,000 of bonds issued for silver. Mining men who have visited for butter at the price of butter. Ev-1 uncommon” seeds, which Secretary congress adjourns without currency the district lately speak well of the ery pound of the oleo consumed takes tary medicines now on the m aiiet is ered the human bodies. One of the attacked the insurgents. The enemy the new school house. Morton declined to execute in the cur­ mineral possibilities. the place of and destroys the sale of a to be started by Chicago retail drug­ legislation along the lines suggested skeletons was sitting npright against a left twelve dead on the field and re­ rent appropriation law, was repeated, The driver of the Vale-Ontario stage, by Mr. Cleveland, he w ill call a special It is understood that the oontraot o pound of butter. It is further true gists. A majority of the city phar­ log. Beside this skeleton was found a tired with many wounded. Only three on arriving at Vale one day last week, | the appropriation for seed was in­ M. J. Shields, of Mosoow, on the in that it is the yellow color, or the shade macists are interested, and they hope session and force the issue upon the flask that contained notes explaining soldiers were wounded. made the disoovery that a mail ponch dnstrial school bnilding has been de­ of yellow color artificially given to oleo creased from $130,000 to $160,000 and to drive the patent medicine makers country as being the one question of the mysterious disappearance of John The insurgent leader, Sanchez, is re- containing ________ registered packages had been its execution was made mandatory paramount importance. clared forfeited by the government af that enables it to be sold aud oous> med from the field. EwiDg, Ben Ayers, Tom Ackleson and turning to Sancti Spiritus province of . upon the secretary. Cousins intodnoed open%nd’ \obbed”of iVoontentt, James Fitzgerald was banged at St. ter one or two extensions of time and as butter at the price of butter. In Alaska travel from the Bound is Joe Obney thirty-two years ago. The Santa Clara, taking with him his amendment to rednoe Mr. Morton's but not the slightest cine to the per indications of an early and satisfactory other words, it is the meins whereby growing to inch an extent that the Pa­ Louis for the mnrder of his sweet­ notes were written in pencil, but are voy of seventy-two wounded. salary from $8,000 to $25 until he ex- petrator of the robbery was known. completion of the work. It is cur­ the frand is committed aud the public cific Coast Steamship Company has de­ heart, Annie Nessens, on the night of well preserved. They read as follows: General Pando is at Sarto Domingo, | pended the appropriation In the cur- rently said that Jim Smith, of Mosoow, deceived. termined to put another steamer, the November 24, 1893. The rope broke Judge Thomas Smith, of Rosebnrg, "Novem ber 2, 1868— Shonld this and has done a great deal towards con­ Mexioo, on the route, in addition to and the victim lay struggling on the ever reach the outside world, let it be trolling order in the district of Sagna has in hiB possession two gold coins has been placed in charge of the build l le n a in C o ld W e a t h e r . ruled out on a point of order. A reso­ ground beneath the gallows. The the Topeka and A l-K i, which are now known that we (giving names) are la Grande, through which the insur­ called the “ Beaver,” on account of the ing and w ill complete it as superin Certainly, hens relish a “ hot mess” lution was adopted directing the com- doctors fonnd Fitzgerald still con­ crowded every trip with freight and These tendent for the government. prisoners here owing to the caving-s.n gents have so frequently marched on beaver on the obverse side. in the cold mornings _ of autumn aud mittee on waj s and means to investi- scious. Stimnlants were given and he of the mine. We are deserters and their way westward, the planters have coins were struck by a firm at Oregon assengers for the North. M o n ta n a . wiuter. Bran or meal scalded with ' gate the effect the difference in ex­ Hope is about abandoned for the revived. A new rope was sent for and were in hiding here when the mine gone to work again disposing of their City in 1849. They are of gold and of The value of beef cattle shipped from boiling water and mixed with scraps change between gold and silver-stand­ barkentine Discovery, owned by Pope an hoar later the sick and trembling, caved in. Food and water are all gone. grain and other products without in­ the nominal value of $5, but they Montana during the past year exceeded from the table makes an exceileut ard countries has upon the uanufaotur- bat very nervy victim, was again taken could not be purchased of the judge for that of the previous year by over $ 1 breakfast for them. Boiled potatoes, \ ing industies of the United States. & Talbot, of Ban Francisco. The vessel We are doomed, as no one outside is terference. This is is now out twenty-eight days from Port to the scaffold. This time there was aware of onr whereabouts. 000,00». The sudden death of Senor Manuel "five times their weight in gold.” which at present prices are hot dear The house went into committee of the no hitch. Gamble, loaded with lumber. Bhe about the eighth day of our imprison­ de la Cruz, private secretary to Tomas Coal has been discovered near Hina food, makes a capital change. If they whole and resumed consideration of The logging ontfit that has been get­ was commanded by Captain Christen­ Estrada Palma, and the receipt of a ting oat logs in Benton oounty, for the dale, about eighteen miles from Glas­ have their freedom, they find a consid­ | the agricultural appropriation bill. Under the new postal appropriation ment.” sen. There were twelve men in her, bill the secret inspection of letter car­ "November 4— John Ewing and Tom cable message from Madrid announcing pulp mills at Oregon City, has re gow, which is said to be of a good erable quantity of forage until the Washington, Feb. 25.— The sent to and there is scarcely any chanoe of riers by special agents w ill be stopped. Akelson have jnst killed Ben Ayers the death at the Spanish penal colony moved to the Kiger island, where all coking grade and in great abundance. ground lreezes hard, but liberal feed­ amendments to the military appropri­ them turning np alive. The bill provides instead, that there and are eating him. I have already : at Ceuta, Africa, of Jnan Gualberto tjje balm and white fir trees on the ing is also required to bring eggs. In ation bill were concurred in by tho A number of Mosoow citizens inter in the Gomez, who was the first man to lead : neighboring farms are to cat be and ested in mining have organized i the flock best known to the writer, house today. The senate bill to amend As far as can be learned cx-Preeident shall be thirty additional postoffice in­ eaten my bootleg. The water spectors, who shall be assigned to the mine is terrible. Onr oil is getting a Cnban force in the field at the open- gent down the river, Harrison has not oonfided to bis friends A raft containing branch of the Northwest Mining As fresh bones seem to have the most im ­ | section 5,294 of the revised statutes, delivery service exclusively. scarce and the air is becoming foul I ing of hostilities on February 24, 1895, ! jo .OOO feet of logs was towed down sociation. Jhe branch has a member mediate effect of any tidbit that can relative to the power of the secretary the day and hour of his wedding, but free the day of the month V by has my cast has a cast Cnban d o o a m gloom o ver over the the Cnhan ool- ool I r iv e r last w eek it is believed it w ill occur Wednesday W hile these men w ill be nominally un- j only know be offered. With excellent care and a o{ the treagary t0 rerait cr niitigHie ship of thirty. ony in New York. The news from of the next week following Easter, der the authority of the fourth assist- watch.” warm shelter there is really no diffi- fiuegi pemltiea or forfeitures, war An improved miners' cage is report Corey Bros, have established two “ November 6— Ewing has just killed Ceuta, by way of Madrid, was tele- whioh closes the Lenten season, and ant postmaster-general, they w ill be oulty in having eggs in moderate pro- pas-ed; a)8o the senate bill relating U ed from Montana, the principal fea­ until after which, be said in acknowl­ sufcjeot to the orders of the first assist- Ackelson. Cut off one of his feet and graphed by the jnnta to every Cuban new camps above Tongne point, mak­ fusion at all seasons. final proof on timber onltnre entries. around and revolutionary clnb in thiB country, and ing ten camps in all on that portion of tures being a method of doing away edging the engagement, the marriage ant and the superintendent of the free- is eatiDg it and dancing Representative Colstn introduced a M i s c e lla n e o u s with the aooidents to life and limb and the Astoria railroad line. Four of del .very service. They w ill devote flourishing his dirk-knife like a was cabled to every similar club in wonld not be solemnized. resolution to investigate the action of the desrnction of property in mines The oow ought to be kept neat and these are operated by the firm them­ then time exclnsively to the inspection roaniao.” Sonth America and elsewhere. A t a masked ball in Lisbon fire of the free-delivery service, and w ill comfortable if yon expect her to give Secretary Carlisle in refusing «.'"accept selves. while the others are in charge using the old-style chairs. “ November 7— I am now alone with the bid of W illiam Gravea tor $4,600,- broke out and a panic followed. Men, pnrsne the same methods pursued by the dead. I had to kill Ewing in self- yon good returns. W ALLA W ALLA WHEAT RATES of subcontarotors. Between 850 and Very flattering reports come from 000 at 116.3391. women and ohildron jumped from the the special agents. 400 men are now employed, and it is Tony regarding the recent great strike defense. I have jnst eaten my other The Plymouth rocks are an excellent windows, seriously injuring them­ — When Governor Richards, of j bootleg. I am sleepy. Good-by. I I n t e r s t a t e C o m m e r c e C o m m is s io n D e ­ estimated that the first ten miles of made in the 700-foot level of the Clip fowl for the farmer, as they are good The secretaries of the American Bap­ selves. Friends of the revelers rushed road w ill be ready for the iron in about per mine in that city. Shipments to foragers, lay well, make good mothers, Wyoming, leaves the capitol, bis | enclose this note in this flask to pre­ c id e s T h e y A r e T o o H i g h . tist Misaionary Unoin, the American into the burning building to aid in the two months. daughter, aged 19, who is his private serve it if possible, so that if it is ever Bntte and Helena prove this to be have fair size and mature quickly. Washington, Feb. 24.— The inter­ work of reacne, and many of them were Baptist Publication Society and the i fonnd onr sad fate w ill be known. secretary, becomes governor :n eviey- W a s h in g to n . probably the richest large body of ore state commerce commission has an­ canght by the flames. Thus far forty- American Baptist Educational Society, (Signed) Joseph Obney.” The Malay cock, in his perfection, is thing bnt the name. There are 420 inmates of the Walla ever discovered in the W est This acting under the advice and anthority nounced a decision in favor of the com­ four bodies have been taken out. remarkably conrageons and strong Several of the old residents here­ mine is among the twenty-five claims of their respective boards, at a meeting plaints in the cases of Milton Evans Walla peniteniary. bird. His beak it very thick and he is O r. Pric e 's C r e a m B a l i n g Po w d e r. Aooording to advices received at held in Philadelphia, unanimously abouts remember these men. It was under option to an English syndicate, and H. D. May, against the Oregon The First National bank of Spragne World’s F a ir Highest Msdsl and 0 plows. a formidable antagonist when offended. Port Townsend from Alaska by the voted that it is impracticable to hold generally believed they had been killed Railway & Navigation Company, Mnd and it is expected that the purchase steamer City of Topeka, the Bank of the anniversaries in May in Portland, in battle. As no relative of the de­ its receiver and others. The cases in­ w ill follow the machine shops to Spo­ prioe w ill be paid in a short time. Those who wonld thoroughly appre­ kane. Juneau has failed, owing depositors Or., according to the previous arrange­ ceased men conld be fonnd their re­ volved reasonableness of wheat rates ciate the beauty, profit and pleasure of Despite the bad roads travel has al Seventy-five bales of hops were sold about $16,000. There are no assets. ment and announcement. The recent mains were given in charge of Andy from Walla W..lla and Dayton, Wash., the thioronghbred fowl shonld be sure ready commenced to the Nez Perce in Chehalis last week at 2 cents a J. N. Harrison, the bank's cashier and destruction by fire of the Baptist Pub­ Lister for interment to get the best that money can bny or to Portland. reservation and it is estimated that pound. manager, jnst before the steamer sail­ lication Society bnilding in Philadel­ skill produce. D u ir * W e e k ly R e v ie w The main rulings are: Prior leave 1,500 white settlers w ill be on their ed, was arrested for larceny by embez­ phia is given as one reason. An invi­ Colonel Ninevah Ford is, it is said, Oat straw, a waste prodnet of the O O worth of lovely Musk for Forty New York.— R. C3. Dun & Co.’s of court which has appointed the re­ claims before Jnne. The new city of Cents, consisting of too pages zlement of $400. The cashier and his tation to hold the anniversary at As- ceiver of railroad company is not neces­ preparing to write a history of Walla Nez Perce is already the scene of ac farm, conld and shonld be utilized by weekly review of trsde says: full size Sheet Music cf the b.-other operated the bank as a joint bnry Park, commencing May 20, has Walla and Umatilla counties. onr dairy farmers, by a little jndicions latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular - ^ a The restoration of the treasury re­ sary to entitle a shipper to complain tive business operations. A new stage selections, both vocal and Instrumental. copartnership. The Tacoma Smelting & Refining and mail line w ill be in operaion by management; of itself alone, oat straw been accepted. serve has boen effected with remark­ against such receiver in proceedings be­ gotten up In the most elegant manner, in- — produces the thinnest of thin milk, ; eluding four large size Portraits. Company shipped 3,200 bars of bullion fore the commission, nor is such leave ably little monetary disturbance, A deal is said to have been made be­ A t Ellis island, in New York har­ April 1 from this place, whioh w ill CARMENCITA, the Spanish Dancer, tween the Southern Paciflo and the bor, the immigration committee of the though stringency in many markets, necessary to give the commission juris­ daring January, valued at $55,913.76. give direct communication with the when if pnt through a feed cotter and PADEREW8KI, the Or cat PlanJit, ^ mixed with nitogenons fo c i such as ADEUNA PATTI and Seaboard A ir Line, v whereby all the house w ill take evidence bearing on greater elsewhere than here, and great­ diction. The wheat rates to Portland, Spokane stationary engineers are terminus of the Spokane & Palonse UINHIE 8EUQVAH CUTT1NQ. ootton seed meal or oil mea.’ it could traffic which can possibly be diverted the administration of existing immi­ er in commercial than in other loans, 23)^ cents per 10C- pounds, from Walla laying plans for securing the passage branch of the Northern Pacific railroad. scon ceo A LL O P O I M T O all be made available and turned to to the former's Sunset route w ill bo gration lawB. The Walla and 23% cents from Dayton, by the legislature of a state license The committee w ill has somewhat retarded bnsiness. THE MEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO CC. ^ good account. Broadway Theatre Bldg.. New York Q iy . delivered by the latter at New Orleans. witness the landing of two shiploads rapid rise in the price of bonds strength­ when the complaints were filed, were law. P h o t o g r a p h o f a B o y ' * B r a in . CAN VASSERS W ANTED. This deal is considered to be a direot of immigrants. A general consulta­ ens pnblio confidence. In no import­ nnjnst and unreasonable; a reduced New York. Feb. 24.— Dr. F. D r P r ic e ’s C r e a m B a k in g Po w de r. In spite of the assaults made npon blow at the Southern Pacific's direct tion on the subject of immigration and ant branch of business is the apparent j wheat rate of 2 % cents per 100 pounds, Kolle, who has been experimenting W o rld ’s F a i r H ig h e s t A w a rd . them there. Chinese are again em­ connections at Ogden. Its objeot is the class of immigrants w ill be held disposition to expand. The distribn- put in force from both shipping points with the Roentgen rays, states that he said to be to divert as much traffic as with the government inspectors at El­ tion to consumers has been slow and since the cases were instituted is still ployed on the railroad section at Ken- has sneneded in securing a photograph newiok. possible from the Central Pacific road, lis island with a view to learning redactions in prices have not brought above a reasonable and just charge for of a boy's brain, which he says was dis The Adams County Immigraiton As­ the Southern Pacific having entered more about the workings of the exist­ a renewal of snch buying. I’rices of service rendered; the rate on wheat in ‘C U P I 0 CNE* tinctly shown as a dark object with Tbl* great Vegetable upon a deliberate and systematic policy ing laws. It is generally conceded commodities as a whole are now the carloads from Walla Walla to Portland sociation has been oragnized amid perfect outlines. He claims that be is Vitails^r,the prescrip­ W. K. Kennedy of impoverishing that part of its sys­ that if any immigration law is passed lowest average ever known. Reoeipts should not exceed 19% cents per 100 ranch enthusiasm. tion o f a iam ou*French pi;rslcian. will quickie cu ie vou o f all n»r- the first to make a satisfactory photo­ v< na or di**afies o f the generative organ«, such ».« Loot Mat brod. tem, with the view of frightening the by the present congress it w ill be the of wheat oontinne heavy. There were pounds, or $3.90 per ton, and the rate was elected president. Insomnia, Ibuns In the B >ck, fc*en»i- -.! Kmlso»>n«. Nervous Debill tv, graph of the brain. Nikolai Tesla is Pimples, Unfitness to 3Jarrv. Lxiiatiktu.g u n i» «, Varim reie a- d United States to settle its claims Lodge bill now pending before the sen­ 2,415,558 bushels for the week, against1 for the somewhat longer distance from The health authorities at Spokane still conducting experiments with the Constipation. I t stf-pe n I l<>«Hes by «1»r o r night, p r e v e n t s qoP*ic* riiss o f discharge, which If not checked '¡e*ds to *r'»rmatorrhOMion»: * E c'eaa»ea the liver, Lbo BE F OR E a n d A F T E R All kidney« and the nrinary orga s o f all impurities. Irving Flemming committed suicide, tional test, in addition to the restric­ crease depressed the price, although 20 cents per 100 pounds, or $4 per ton. of selling impure milk. Three promi­ ago, bat is working on his own lines C U P I D E X E strengthens and restore* «m all weak orga n t wheat is nominally called T% cents The complaniacts’ claim for a money nent dea ers have been arrested. and with his own tubes. Just how T h « reason «offerer« nre r o t cn.ed by I w u m i Is beninst ninety per cent are troubled wltfc by cutting his threat with a razor, at tion of present laws. P r o a i « t i t i » . C U P I D EN E is the only known rem edy to cure w li “ bout an operation, lonote ‘ ea*ta®nnl» higher for cash. Failures for the week reparation is denied. Anditcr Schooley, o f Lewis county, far he has advanced, however, nobody Woodburn, Or. IA writtenjrnsrante«.given and money re'ar^ed if s z boxes does ro t effect a pan — Several rich strikes have recently in the United States have been 280, ---------------------- |L00a box, six f..r by mall. Send for m e circula rand tesUmooiaia. has determined not to draw any more knows. He w ill make no annonnoe Tbs entire family of Jaoob Jaoodi been made on the Yellow creek, in against 809 last year and 66 in Canada Address D A V O L M K D I C 1 X L C O ^ P. O. Box 2fft, ¿aa FraKOsoa. C a l J W -A H s tf — The enrve of the upper lip is warrants against the oocnty general ment, he says, nntil he has completed was asphyxiated In his farmhouse. the BUek Hills oonntry. J. A. BENSON. Ag*nL , against 36 last year , oalled by poets "Cupid’s bow.” or rood and bridge fond nntil the eonn- hie experiments. THE LEADER. E. P. THORP, C M EVENTS OF THE DAY W -7 I f r e e i is iO m m m rn tm ef- MANHOOD RESTORED