T h e L e a d e r. A B E L IE V E R IN CREAM ERIES. The editor of T ue L e a d e r has al- j ways advocated creameries and I DOCTOR. Ä r ’$ A BAREFOOTED WEDDING. East Oregouian: Other towns in )regon may be interested in learn- ug that Pendleton has been corn- “lleil to gel out the street sprinkler f r tlie season. All over the fields iiin and snow have fallen so the g am is plentifully supplied with .luistuie. but our mod and disa­ greeable wether lias all gone. A \ e w .iw | H -r C n r r r - p .m l r n t ' , K ip tr ir n c « 1 in W e s t V ir g in ia . LEWIS & BIBKHBLDER. stock ritisiug sud fruit raising iD P U B L IS H E D E V E R Y SA T U R D A Y . It is not far from Washington to j K. P . T H O R P , - - E D IT O R tbe Willamette valley. The fertile I the mountains where people live in j v a l l e y land will produce immense ! ENGLISH - 1896. ' crops of green feed, beets nud car- the most primitive style. J . C. SATURDAY, F E B ., 22, . ' rots to keep up, with well made hay j Thinness is often a sign of Moffet, the well known correspond­ Monroe doc- i fodder, a generous flow of milk the poor health. A loss of weight ent, weut into McDowell County W. John Bull knows a | year round. With «11 the colosal1 generally shows something is trine when ^ he wee i t Yu. on a professional trip; and natural resources of this great val- among the stories he did not write, wrong. If due to a cough, for Coughs, Colds, I t is evident that one of the big- l * J including the foothill country cold, any lung trouble, or if and Consumption but preserved for private friends, is gest things in «his country n the 1 there should be 50,0000 more farm -1 there is an inherited tendency •* . . . J*«-, lies enioviug the phenomenal pros- is beyond question the gieatest of all one too good to keep out of priut. ^rell begun is h a lf d one. B egin modern medicines. It will stop a puhhc credit iperity. All required to make this to weak lungs, take care ! w e ll by g e ttin g Ferry'* W k . He stopped at a log cahiu and Cough in one night, check a cola in D on’ t le i c h a n c e d e te r m in e After all, the Monroe doctrine is the wealthiest country on earth is y o u r crop , bu t p la u t K e rr y ’s a day, prevent Croup, relieve Asthma, I was wood on good terms with his Seeds. K n o w n a u d sold backed by i and cure Consumption if taken in all r ig h t Lord Salisbury was only I capital and enterprise e v e ry w h e re . time. “ You can’t afford to be with­ , industrious workers with nerve and I host, who after supper said: B efore y o u p la n t, get m urmuring through I iíb tile. out it.” A 25c. bottle may save your of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypo- pluck and good management t o 1 “Stranger, 1 reckon yo' won't hcv Ferry's Seed Annual life! Ask your druggist for it. Send phosphites, is a fat-food and fo r 1 *JW. C o n ta in s m o r e p ra c­ England has discovered that she carve out a grand success with the | for pamphlet If the little ones have ¡a gvod time to-night” tic a l in fo r m a lio u fo r ta rm e rs can n o t regard this country with magnificent array of opportunities an d g a rd e n e rs th u n m a n y high- more. It causes such changes C rou p o r W h o o p in g C ough “What is up?” queried the. news- p riced text, b o o k s. M ailed free. pertect indifference. She can n o t1 here presented. We take the fob j use it promptly. It is sure to cure. D. SI. FFJtKY t UK, PFTKOIT. SCUM. in *he system that the gain is ! paper man. Three Sizes—25c., 50c. end St. Ail Dni?gi?ts forget 1776 and 1812. lowing from the Corvallis Gazette permanent and improvement A C K E R M E D IC IN E CO., I to show that we arc not tbe only ; "Ooin’ ter be a wedditi.’ Reckon 1 6 A 1 8 C h a m b e r s S t ., I f. V . continues even after you cease The census shows 4,990 legal person who can see the undeveloped ! vo’ kin go with me au’ the ole i * „ taking it. Sound flesh; rich voters and 17,518 population for ¡ and wonderful natural resources NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ■ oomaii. Lane county. In 1885 she had here. Tlio Lord has been wonder blood; strong nerves; good Laud Office at Roscburg. Oregon, Koseburg PUindcalcr; American The inviUtiou was accepted and 10,079 inhabitants. ¡fully kind in creating wonderful OREGON. L E M M I. baccn is a prime favorite in the the three started for a five: mile digestion; aren’t these worth February 4. 1896. ___ ____ 1__ —- *. climate and pbenoraeual natural re- j a thought ? English market, especially wl.cu N.itii-c Is hereby given Hint the fiillowhiu- The Saa Francisco Call utters tbe sources for the wealth and happi- walk over the mountain. Wbeu named settler lias lile.l uoriee of his Intention In S C O T T ’S EM ULSION has been endorsedbvthe Anal prtHif in nupport of his vlahn. and following golden truth: The only : DeBb Gf millions c>f people and they they can get it at their price. In thrv reached the cabin that was the medical profession for twenty years. (Ask your doc- make t i n i said proof will be made ln fore J o e l W a iu \ "TO v v ttt a m i _____ , n ^ 1895 they imported 88,279 hundred tor.) Tr.is is is because it is always f pilatmbfc—always way to reduce taxes to a minimum should be here hustling to enjoy all mi: form always coniami fbr purest Sorxvrgiam Cod- weight w dre American bacon than center of festivities, a cracked fiddle ■ Ihrr Orl and Hvbojibospbitrs. is to reduce bossism to nothingness, their great privileges: » t« u l entry No m s fur tb e Sw ’ , No’ , S e 1 Insist on S c o tt's Em ulsion with trade-mark of S W l ^ i l s 2 « X w c. lo. I p . « s , K. 2 westT E E. P ad d ock,'after spending in » 1894, but uu » it cost i them « » $2,434,000 could be heard and several men man and fish. H e nam es th e following w itnesses to prove his I’ut up in t;o cent and $1.00 sizes. The small sir* . . „ - 1 months m j . n t h c Hipong i m r . n prices will rule higher, I am - ______ ______ $40 per acre, five or six years ago f‘nd a c 0 P>’' Yli" can deduc* huin’t got none now, so them its i fobl-3»*\ sure. I have seen letters from In January 1, 1892, a barrel of bus doubled in price. ! ^ the fir* Y * der f" 9ced3 and shoes didn't wear ’em. Jim , the .country, buyers, who have Lad NOTICE OF F O R E FE IT U R E . onions was worth 50 pounds of Mr. Paddock spent several weeks > ^ f,*sl!rtMirK ln or|na on Kir ,IK *- au’ i granulated sugar This year it ,n Galana, Steele county, Minn., aud 8 lve » “ ‘ certainly induce you groom, is sorter sensitive like, au ti,j8 fruit, stating they want more; Jo h n Murphy your heirs and assigns are liere- bigbstruiig, so ef yo’ go in with it is such a good keeper, and I f i n d by notified th at we have expended one hundred bought only 17 pounds of su g ar.1 it was there that he noticed the ° * ‘ *' 11 •!11,11 ■ -1111 SENDING TO | dollars in labor on the Morning S ta r m ine situ­ ’ them shoes ou he might take it as a | that even when Italians were sold ated in Bohem ia, Lane county, Oregon, for the Truck farmers should think this most improvement. The town had year o f 1 M 06 , and fifty dollars in labor on said More than one-fotrtli of the ever. It represents the difference increased in population from 3.500 reflection on him au’ the bride an go for 60 to 70 cents per crate threugl m ine in 1894, said fifty dollars being the local on voters living in Stonebam, Me., are Chicago auction houses, they were camp assessm ent for th e year o f 1894. In order between Protection and Free-Trads. i to 5000 withiu the last five years. to hold said m ine under the provisions of sectiou ja | pensioners of the war of tbe rebell­ j to shoot in resold for 75 cents to $1, and in hi; ‘¿324, Revised statu tes, being the am ount re­ One of the principal industries is Tbe shoes were taken off and teu quired for holding the sam e for the year ending M y Trees are all on Whole Roots, Raised on ion, but there were more eulist- demand all the time. The whole county 189."», and if within ninety days a fter th is notice Canada’s militia is officially re­ that of dairying. , In Steele .. i meats fiorn Stonehsm than th ere! minutes later the coirespoudeut aucl proposition figured down, is this by publication you fall or refuse lo contribute thero are now no 3 less than fifteen or I j “* v" ‘‘ T L7" “ I , , Highly tilled Land, your proportion o f such expenditure as co - portad to have a strength of 35,782 twenty creameries, which are con- were voters wheu the war war was was lu i Ll8 host were “ auclnK ‘he There is money in growing Oregoi owners which should be fifty dollars ($ 5 0 ) as in terest in said claim , will becom e the property men of all racks. No doubt they ducted on the cooperative plan, progress. j mountain belles, occasionally hav- fruit if it is properly packed aui' o f the su b scribers under said section 2324. II. V. B r o o k HART »re brave soldiers, but they should Their output commands good There are more than a thousand j ing to stop to pick splinters out of marketed. This can only he don< febl-35 J oh n C l u c k y . by experiment, and where an exper butter seldom creamery prices. organized mining companies in the j tbeir fte t.— Washington Star. realize that their mission is not to iment has proved more successful, NOTICE O F F O R E F E IT U RE. I still have 3000 choice Italian prunes and 3000 Baldwin apples, also reverse the Mouroe doctrine uor to bnuging less than twenty-five cents ; Cripple Creek district, Some of j keep on improving on the same per pound, Stock and giain grow-! them have assets amounting to a jiarvetou, itemin. IT. B. W ibt m an and Charles Kevern. your strengthen the hold of royalty upon ing are also given attention by the j shovel and pick and some printed; From a letter written by Rer. J. line.’’ heirs aa d assigns are hereby notified that I have about 6000 in all, choice winter tipples and 6000 very fine cherry in all, expended one hundred dollars in labor on the Will lie sold at greatly reduced prices. Write for tbe weetern world. larence m ine situated in Bohem ia, Dou^la* and two years old. farmers there, but there are very j , shares ready to be sold. Ounderman, of Dimond.de, Midi., we i Wife—Here’s an account of amen C county, Oregon, in order to bold sanl mine prices at once. Address all orders to under the provisions of section 2324. Revised few indeed, who devote their ener- The apple apple crop crop of of Western Western New New ; '!,1,ke ,h' 5 extinct : who shot himself rather than suffer The S tatu tes, being the amount required for hold­ Prof. Eugene Haanel. of the gies exclusively to a single pursuit, j y ork was almost ruined last rear bv ! h£ e M. L. F O R ST E R , o ^ T I T S e ‘he °f Husband- ing the sam e for the year ending 1895, and if j u>s ing l)r. New Discovery, as the the The fool! Why didn't he take De w ithin ninety days a fte r this n otice by publica­ T i,. „ i,„ )r-K King’s in g s New 1 i.-coxery, as Syracuse Unversity insists that Edi- That is what Mr. Paddock believes' tion. you fa il or refuse to con tribu te your pro­ results Were almost marvelous in the j Tangent. Linn County, Oregon. Witts Little Eariy Risers’? I used to portion o f su< Ii expenditure as co-owners which son can not photograph the brain j to be the trouble with many Oregon ! ^ eg nU(i7 ia d 'a ''clean ^ H ' made l " " ; case of Were i,lmost While " 1:*rv’- I l'nls my wi'e. was pastor would be th irty -th ree and one-third dollars Buffer as bad as he did before I com­ because it is transparent Before farmers today: They raise to° | g00(j profits as usual, ($33.1-3) as interest in said claim , will becom e the ¡of the Baptist Church at Rives June j property of the su b scriber under said section, leaking such a positive assertion much grain and too little of other ” 1 tion she was brought down with I’neu- menced taking these little pills. J. P. 2324. E l m a i i I I a k l a . n . Prof. Haanel should have taken an produce. i moniu suceeediug La tiiippe. Terri­ Currin, Cottage Grove; Joe. Lyons. jan4-3J-I5w interior view of Lord Salisbury’s A few years ago, iu Steele county, j W . BRUM M ETT ble paroxysms of coughing would last Drain. NOTH K rOK PUBLIC A l ¡ 0 N. ermniura. If there is anything iu Mr. Paddock says land was cheap j hours with little iiiterruptinn and it U nited S tate « L aiyd O kficb , t density and absolute opaqueness, aud most of the farms were heavily M o f o i n r "P tlb lif* Ft Y ld ! 8<,fcmcd as if she could not survive Dou’t get angry. I t does no good. “ j them. A fiiend reucoinmendetl pr. It shortens life and the result is back R osebcrg , O r . 1 ni crtnlte! 24, 1895.1 _____ m-------------- the experiment would have been a encumbered, but those farmers who j N otice is hereby given that the following- have diversified their interests, aud U nnI l^ fL ltn i/VAni King’s New Discovery; it was quick bowling success. named settler lias hied n otice of his intention to acting. m ake final proof insupport o f liis claim , au d lh at especially LiSIti IU A ^ p l l , 1 ! n ’Milti*. n a " «J. ? A. a ’ said proof will he made before J o e l YV a r k , U. • i » i those * t who .• i have j given • J | [\ U \ \ J iliil Vu!m bottle i Iree jit . ,, , S. 0 . Com missioner a t Eugene, Oregon, on The Journal says the Grants Pass couhiaerabJe attention to dairyincf, ....... . .. j Ottic*© ill M ein z er K e su len ce Bensons Drug Store. Regular size F ebruary 15 ism;, viz: Thom as J . Ellison on No excuse for sleepless nights when out of debt, aud , .. xa ,. o*i bank shipped $4000 in gold dust are now mostly Hom estead Entry No. 6.3-35 for th e S E , see. 24, i „ , ., . ! M 00c,anti fl.W M ain ain S S tr tr e e e e t,C t,C o o tta tta g g e e you can procure One Minute Cough tp. 20 S, R .3 west. He nam es the following w it­ Wishes to inform thos»* who »ire mnb»teplating buil ling in tbe spring to han last week. Jew ell & Dodge shipped prosperous. In Oatana the two nesses to prove his continuous residence upon G rove, O reg on . Cure. This will relieve all annoy- and cultivation in I licit Orders for lumber now «o lh< \ ran be of. said land, viz: $1100 and Cramer Bros. $400, banks have deposits aggregating ^®-Ali who have country or city Ira Conner, D aniel W. 1 la n l ing. Charles \V. naees, cure the most severe cough than one half . , , ,, A MONEY MAKER. while au unknown amount was over $600,000, more S ears aud H iram B Yauocy, o f Cottage drove, . .. , , , property for sale would do Well to call and give you rest and health. Can Oregon. shipped by Wells-Fargo. Of the of which belongs to well-to-do farm- i • , dc28-30 R. M. VEATCIl R egister. ° on him Tbe following is a few spec i you afford to do without it? J . P. above Hull A Beck produced some, in the neighborhood. 8 0 acres of up land, rich soil, ¡Currin, ,C>. ttuge Grove; J ie. Lyons, * —I • • » V ial bargains in farms. No t IC E i o k PUBLIC v I ION.7* as did John Pernoll of Appli People will of.course argue that' : Willi any kind <4 I uui I kt \ ou may wii-h, wlii.-U will then !««• inulv,and j and all plow land, part cleared ami Drain. The B. G. C. Co., of Foots crec the business of dairying can be U n i t e d S t a t e s L and O ffice , A RARE BARGAIN. ) won’t have to wait. ! balance easily cleared, half dozen produced $800 and Bent H Alex­ overdone, but these are groundless! H o s k u i ; r < í , o , i ^on Nov. IS), 1895. ( 160 acres of la n l with running a.u 6 9 ,° . m "L 1 t unning tine spriugs and a stream of inoun- Kaffir corn is ju st now a it-ating N otice is hereby given th a t the fo lh m in c-n a n i-1 ander, o f Galice creek, $1700. fears. There ought to be at ¡ea st1 eel settler I lls filed n otice o f liis intention to *v ear; hne fir an.lf that is printed iu its on hom estead entry No. 6178 for the w*2Nw1«, tid in your orders at once. Lots 1 and 2, sec. 14; S E , NK ,. see., t:>; Tp. 20 The following persons attended products to fiml an eastern market. j and only 5 miles south of Cottage ; anc| grain land and the entire 80 favor. S.. 11. 4 west. H e names the following witnesses tbe popuilst convention in Eugene There is no reason why Oregon I Grove. W ill sell at a sacrifice. to prove his continuous residen ce upon and cul­ COTTAGE GROVE. - OREGON. tiv ation s of, said land, viz: .Joseph Springer but'er^ should not command as j t acres magnificent fruit land—near last week: Call at the L eadeii office. and Rosa O. Lei ter. of Eugene Oregon. August high ft price ns that manufactured L etter and Larson S clilag lc, o f Cottage Grove, I station on S. P. Railroad iu Lane Trespass Notice. East Cottage Grove— Jesse Mar­ Oregon. tin, Thos Allen, Dr. Snapp, W. V. in the northwest. Good creamery A 52 ACRE FARM FO R SALE, j county. 6 0 0 healthy, rapid grow- Notice is hereby given that I, the R. M. VtATc n, Register. DeWald, Isaac Thomas, G. L. butter is alwnys in demand iu Bos­ 4 miles from Cottage Grove, about ing prune trees, hearing nicely and undersigned, have posted trespass DOV23-25 notices on my respective premises and I ton, New York aud other eastern ten acres in cultivation, a good new Burch, C. Jones, C. H. Wallace. " , , a, ^ , , .... R osw ell Sp rin g s, West Cottage Grove— A. M. | cit'es, and throughout the year sells house i ost $400, good spring water, j ar* g°°d for ip1 0 0 0 °f fruit tins all persons trespassing thereon after; this date will be prosecuted to the full j (Formerly Snowden Spring?) per plenty of timber on place for fuel and | y ear.' Special bargain to one hav- year. Swoenay, Levi Geer, L H. Veatch, readily at from 25 tc 30 cents Douglas County, Oregon, are loea extent of the law. wus gone i Slicing, Price $1050. Write or cal) ted on the Southern Pacific Railroad, L. II. Y arbrough . George Thompson, John Overbolser, pound. If the Lusiuess ing something over $ 1 0 0 0 If | on W B kcmmett , “ Shufata Route” from S.tn Franebeo LEM ATI, - - - - - - OREGON. J . B. Bouse, John Sutherland, Sher­ into quite generally, it would ttien j or editor of T ue L eader , Cottage you want au ID EA L HOME and to Portluud in Douglas Co„ Oregon. man Sbortridge, Wrc. Small, W. W. be possible to market our dairy ! Grove, Or. S. P. trains stop at tlie Springs (flag mean business, call ou or address E. A FULL LIN E OF Sbortridge, C. H. Winecoff, A. H. products in the fnr east in car-load I station ( Constantly open for the lots. Of course three thousand j A F IN E 80 ACRE FARM FOR 1*. Thorp, L eader office, Cottage M O N E Y reception of guests. New bath rooms Powell, Harry Taylor. Connected with main building. Post miles seems a long distance to sh ip ! Grove, Or. SALE, butter, but we are marketiug our ' 4 miles from Cottage Grove, all under j F ir s t M o rtg a g e s On Im p rov ed Office and Express oil the premises. The waters of these springs contain : The Jacksonville Times seems to fruit in the east, aud there is no good fence. 25 acres in cultivation, j F a r m P ro p e rty N eg o tiated . Iodine, Bromine, Potassium, The hava thrown journalism courtesy to plausive reason why other commodi­ 150 fruit trees four years old, good j A man iu New York state has just Carbonates of Iron arid Lime and the winds in this almost unparlia­ ties caD not be disposed of there us buildings, well watered, two or three died after living sixty-flve years as a We are prepared to negotiate first Chlorides of Calcium, Magnesium aud good springs, aad one half miles from | mentary reference to a well-known profitable as prunes, plums, pears good school. Price $1200. Write or ! hermit. There is no excuse for such j mortgages upon improved farms in Sodiu tn. Ono spring contains 435 ad the candidate for congress: “Colonel ana cherries. Products thatennnot call on W. BitrMMET, | ascetism iu this advanced age of so- Oregon, with eastern parties at a rate other over 2000 gruins of solid matter B. F . Alley has decided to transfer be disposed of iu the local markets or editor of T he L eader , Cottage \ of interest not to exceed 9 per cent, to the gallon. «ability. his newspaper interests and congres­ must be raised in sufficient quauti- \ Grove, Or per annum. sional aspirations to Eastern Ore­ ties to permit of their shipment in j t ? a T?T? T JA T 3P 1 A TAT Mortgages renewed that have been R A R E B A R S A IN . gon. He will start a paper in carloads, otherwise the freight will! Among tlie fruit and flower novel­ tukeu by other companies. YAQUiNA BAY ROUTE. F a rm fo r S a le o r E x c h a n g e lo r ties which 1894 brings us, we notice Baker City in a short time. Colonel eat np a lurge share o f the profits. Address with stamp, In this connection Mr. Paddock C o tta g e G rove P ro p e rty . Alley’s chances are alwnys better Connecting at Yaquina Bay with the ! that the enterprising and reliable firm M ERVIN SW O RTS, San Francisco aud Yaquina Bay where people don’t know him, but spoke of the advantages that had | 313 acres one mile west of Yonealla. : of J ames V ick ’ s S ons , Rochester, N. Baker City, Oregon. Steamship company. he will have to move farther than accrued to shippers of green fruits ”.** under fence, about 90 acres in cul- y ,, are already calling attention to Umatilla county if he expects to get during the past season in localities ! ROO(, ori.hMrd !lbout x 500 treeSt and j three, which seem to have won g reat! Steamship “ Farallon.” The Prairie Farmer «war from his reputation.” where large quantities were grown, well watered with running water all ^ favor where known. They are the j A 1 and first-class in every respect. Tlie highest prices paid (»rail kind» ot produce, zx I S lils from Yaquina for San Francisco This was practically illustrated in ! the year. _ Good soft well water._ All DOUBLE SW EET PEA, the only one j i s T H E about every eight days. Corvallis last fall when the first car farming implements go with farm in the world true to name, “Bride of j Baker City Democrat; The and 9 head of cattle. This farm is sit­ Passenger accommodations unsur­ load of green fruit was shipped uated only one mile from Yonealla. a Niagara,” the “ E arly L eader T oma - j passed. Shortest route between the meanest person in tbe world, either T H E NAME O F TH E N E X T from this point. No siogle grower growing town on the Oregon & Cali­ to ,” the earliest of all the early toma­ SVillHtnette valley mid California. man or woman, is the sneak, except fornia R. R. in Douglas Co. $4,000 Fare from Albany or points west to had the necessary ten tons of fruit to family and sure to become a. great some other person who who is a It presents each week all that San Fruneisco: for a car, and it was only after con­ for every thing. Write or call on W. favorite, and the,.already fatuous [ is worth knowing in current bigger sneak. The man or woman B rcmme ' tt , or editor of T he L eader Cabin...................... ........................ $12 00 siderable solicitation that local Cottage Grove, Or. BLACKBERRY, the “ RATHBUN.” „ { agricultural literature. •Steerage ................................... 8.00 who will smile in the face of another I From the praise and compliments ; Cabin, round trip, good for CO Each number contains more with friendship, and who, with soft growers were induced to form a days ............. ................... 18.00 W ILL B E ANNOUNCED IN s did reading matter than any words will express solicitude for the pool and ship together and thus F o r S a le o r E x ch a n g e fo r C o t-i given so abundantly to the “ Bride of For sailing days apply to H. L. other agricultural paper, and ta g e G ro v e P ro p e rty . take advantages of isten offered on Niagara,” this sweet pea rnnst be health and prosperity of tbe person Walden, agent Albuuv, Oregon. covers a broader field carload lots. Had less fruit been 425 acres of land, all fenced anti more than charming and front tlie en­ CHAS. CLARK, Supt. addressed, and with soft compli­ cross fenced, about 40 acres of plow Corvallis, Or. ments will express the hope that grown, there would not have been a land. 40 more could be easily cleared, comium.-, lavished on both the new S u b s c r ip tio n I ’r io c , One* D o lla r a Y e a r . EDWIN STONE, Manager, the fortune of the enhanced: and car load to market, and consequent­ balance good pasture land. Splendid tomato and this new blackberry, it is Corvallis, Oregon. ly no shipment would have been garden land; about 5 acres of or­ pretty certain no garden desiring to who then behind tbe person’s back O F NOVEMBER 4th, 1896. made from Corvallis. Thus it is have the first and best of everything, chard : 1 good dwelling house and out will by whispers, innuendos, and buildings; 4 barns; 7 chicken houses. ean be without these three new plain to bo Reen that the more fiuit Public interest will steadily increase, and the question how the m m w h o a * where possible by open words try Horses, sheep and goats can be comers. votes turned the scab» at the la-t election „re satisfied with the results under grown in any locality the better will Sample nu bbins; Offers for 1893-6: to break down the reputation of bought on the place. Price per acre ihe administration t ,ey e h c e.1. will make the campaign the most intensely r i ­ o tin g in the history ot the country. .o u w u w r i j« T h e P r a ir ie F arm er B o th p 8ppr80n< that person, to cast doubts upon be tbe facilities afforded for ship- $8.00. .Situated 9 miles from Yoncal- The second choice idea is likely that person'« sincerity and try by ping and marketing same; aud la, l 1/, miles from Elkhead Quick Sil- ver Mines; 20 rods from school; 2% W e e k l y I n t er O cean ' ^e ’11 fo r 25' The New York Weekly Tribune, the means of a sueak to weaken tbe what is true with regard to fruit in ­ miles from church; 60 rods from post to be a very potent one iu the St. respect of others for that persou, dustry is also true of dairying. the leading Republf-an family newspaper <»r the United State« will „ .. i . ii . k office, mail twice a week. Call on or Louis convention, and its tendency Mr. l’nddock says that the Wil­ write W . B r l m m e t t , or editor of T h e T h e P r a ir ie F armer such an individual in a community I Both Pa persi ne is toward Allison more than any­ i M "*>'■ t ¡ 3 » and is a libel on humanity and is worthy lamette valley is better adapted to L e a d e r , Cottage Grove, Or. , J year for $1.25 CHICAGO WEEKLY TIM ES stock raising and dairying than any body else. of the contempt only, of decent peo­ Address portion of the ea.-.t that he ple. country, m arket report* which are recognized authority, fascinating sh irt T h e P r a ir ie F a r m e r , C iiieago. visited. Corn, clover, and the vari- stories, complete in each number, the cream of the hnm nrm» ‘naung snort If suffering with piles, it will inter­ 1 o u r grasses used for food, grow j and domestic, with their best comic pictures, fashion plates and eU bl./^uTlC Ewtni est you to know that De Witt’s Witch scriptions of woman’s attire, with a varied a n d - . t t . e e , i ‘•tore luxuriantly in Western Ore- I ARMS IN DOUGLAS CO. Electric Bitters i» » uie.ii household interest. The “ New York Weekiv T ribu n e^ i« i ' T * f noted y0|J than peri,apS j n aUy other j j For sa,e or trade_ Sitnnteri 6 miles Hazel Salve will cure them. This PO RTA BLE AN» paper, with it circulation larger than that of an y oth e, w eekly^ubliestio“ in tor any sea son, blit ] tiltsq him ie gen eali»y in the United Slates, while east of Youcalla on Eik Creek, 480 medicine is a specific for ail com­ M A R IN E the country issued from the or „ daily. Lar-m ch...,,.»L „ «rally needed, when the languid ex- the mild winters and cool summers ; acres, 200 acres good bottom land. plaints of this character, and if in­ t" i* Ure ,n*de I f you think of buying an engine of in its details, tending to give it greiit.-r life and vTriei haunted feeling prevails, when the liv- j ! of this section reduce the expense balance hills. This place contains structions (which are simple) me car­ j any size or kind send for our Cats interest to the women and young people of the houw*hoikl. ' '>spwda,,y Iuor* : l o g u e No 30. containing illustrations er i« torpid and sluggish and tlie need j of carrying on the business to a | about 5000 acres of out side rauge ried out, u cure will result. We have I ami prices of every kind o f engines ot a tonic and alterative is felt. A I minimum. When the Willamette | The place is well watered, Elk Creek tested this in numerous cases, and ^ »» ‘o offer this .plendld journal and | from one up to 25 horse power, at !>ot- T he LEADER^bir" C’ONTRACT always with like results. It never _ CAVEATS, | tom prices, or List No. 29, for yact prompt use of this medicine has avert­ valley turns its attention more to i running through it and dozens of fails. J . P. Currin, Cottage Grove; TRADE MARKS. One Year for Only $2 25 "Rgines, boilers and boat machinery. ed long and perbdp» fatal bilious; dairying, stockraisiDg and fruit- good springs on the place. Mostly Joe. Lyons, Drain. OESICN PATENTS, Either sent free. j growing and less to grain raising, all fenced; two sets of buildings CASH IN ADVANCE. COPYRIGHTS, etc fevers. No medicine will act more ! ‘ For information and free Handbook write to , . . , Mr. Paddock remarked, it will begin about 75 fruit trees; school and saw CHAS. P. W ILLA RD A CO. -------------- = (The regular subscription price of the two papers is $3 00, HUNN & CO ., 861 B roadway . N e w Y ork , .urely in counteracting and freeing fo pr08por M nevt)r before aud ° m Oldest bnreau for securing patents in America 197 C anal S tr e e t’ - - C H IC A G O mill within half mile from the Ciu- Every patent takrtn out by us Is brought before On January 1, 1892, the market SUBSCRipnoNS M AT BEGIN AT ANT TIME. the public by a not .oe given free of charge In the the system from the malarial poisou eventually become one of the wealtb- nebnr mines. Price $3800. Write price of wheat was $1.05£ pet- Address all orders to lleadacbe, Indigestion, Constipation, i iest and most populous sections or call ou W. B rt m m e t t , bushel. Granulated sugar was then f t i r i t l i f i f ^ m e t i c i t n Dizziness yield to Electric Bitters. | of the United States. __ __________ T H E L E A D E R . ! or editor of T he L e a d e r , Cottage worth 4 cents a pound. A bushel L»TT-?t elrmlatl^n of a n - e-l.ntlflo paver in the 50c. and $1.00 per bottle at J. A. Ben• world, bplendldly illustrated. No lntelllirent j Grove, Or. of wheat bought neatly 264 pounds man should bo without it. Weekly, £ 3 . 0 0 a })r. P rice's Cream B akin g Pow der ' ' Roo B 2 / r rib™ n e^ Cpffi hh ngf n U ' ‘ *° W B" t* son’s P m j Store. n a r ; 81.V* six months. A-Mr-SA M U S S * CO., of sugar. ’ Ç1— r?!t"TT. A g^nt. %wartjf i ’Jrild M’d * intf*- Fair. S^n Fr»ndic% V u .U iE £ « s 361 Broadway, S ew T o ri City, New York W eekly Tribu nfw iU be mailed ' ampl# ^ ot tQ* R em edy A N e w L i n e o f L a d ie s ’ CAPES, CLAOKS AND JACKTS. Boucle Dress Goods. S e e H i S m a k tc n * = C L O A K IN G . = Agents for the sale of the D U B EL 1 1 ¡LEM. Ä If You Want The Cream ot N u r s e r y S to ck : Fruit Trees of Perfect F ri Trees c i Be bad it M. L. FORSTER. B iM direct from bearing Trees. L U M B E R . J. B . R O U SE, PROMPTLY FILLED N ew Goods and N ew S ty le s L U R C H ’S LOANED. C L O T H IN G , D R Y GO O DS, B O O T S and S H O E S . Oregon Central A Eastern 1 1 . Co. Ladies Dress Goods, Hats and Domestics A ll Sizes of Trunks. This stock has just been refilled and is the best selected in town. Greatest Oí All Farm Papers. PRESIDENT OF TRE UNITED STATES THE BEK YORK WEEKLY TB1BIIHE It is the Paper for tlie People. , One Of The Best Stock GASOLINE ENGINES