T h e L ead er. — ---------- TREATMENT OF F R U IT TR EES. WHY H ER Danger Signals B L O O M E R S D ID N O T A C h ic a g o W o m a n H ad a n A n g ry W ith H e r T a ilo r . K IT . S ce n e hcrc is... no virtue in C the nasty taste of The general opinion seems to be hat the result of the bond sale will he an improvement of busin-ss everywhere throughout tin country, nd it is to l»e hoped that th e S. u- >te will push this good p r o s p e c t i ng i y a s . g tin i u reven­ ue bill. LEW IS& BURKHOLDER. ' -~= Mr. Emil Schanno, member of More than h a lf the victims o f consump­ ¡Chicago Tribune: published every SATURDAY. the state board of horticulture, who tion do not knave they have it. Here is a list Into the tailors presence she of symptoms by which consumption can R. I*. T H O R P , * - E D IT O R , has devoted considerable study to came like a shot from a gun, and the treatment of fruit trees and the certainly be detected j looked such daggers at him be felt SATURDAY, F E B ., 15, — — 1896. j destruction of pests that infest Cough, one or two sligH efforts on inclined to run. rising, occurring during the day and fre­ --------------- ------------ ----------- them, gives the following formula Her black eyes flushed with anger quently during the night. The monthly Treasury statement and directions of using the same. Short breathing after exertion. and her language was profuse, which, he says if properly carried Tightness o f the chest. dhows a deficit of $3,45G,000. j and when she raised a threatening Quick pulse, especially noti.*eable in the _ _ t_ r_____ ____ out, will produce au effective solu- | hand he trembled in bis shoes. evening and after a full meal. A National Sunday School tion for San Jose scale and aphis: “You ninth part of a limn,” she Chilliness in the evening, followed by k for th em — Teachers’ Seminary is to be estab- 5U pounds of lime, 50 pouuds sub Slight freer. yelled, “I ’ll crush you as a flv, this | g e t th e m , p la n t' lished at Jackson, 'Tenn. i ph.-r, 50 pounds of rock salt, will Perspiration toward morning and earthly planet never held a greater «th em . T h ey are t h e ^ P a le fa c e and languid in the morning. ■■ i make 150 gallons of wash. Like * standard seeds e v e r y - * fright than 1.” Loss o f vitality. Mr. Daniel Gorden of Knox, Me., ] proportions should be used in smal- r w h e re ; sown by t h e 1 “Gaze on the bloomers which I If you have these symptoms, or any of ! l a r g e s t planters in the" world. 1 has been teaching school for 67 Jej- amounts. wear. You made them, sir, for roe. them, dc not delay.' There are many W hether vou plant SOsnuare feet years aud is still in harness and j Directions: Slack 25 pounds of of around or 50 acres, you should I preparations which claim to be cures, but Don't look with such a stupid stare, have K erry *. Herd Annual for 116. working hard. I lime, then add the 50 pounds of sul- Or. Otker't E««llth Remedy for Consumption The m ost valuable hook for far­ but scau them carefully, has the highest endorsements, and has m ers and gardeners ever given - —“ phur, boil it over a brisk fire for “You guaranteed a perfect fit to . away. Mailed free. stood the test of years. It will arrest con­ j An American engineer, just re- one ¿ our . t ken K]ack the remaining D . M. KICK It V A C O , . sumption in its earlier stages and drive ! measure, which I bought Now, Ho, turned from the gold fields of 25 pounds of lime, then place all D e tro it, M ick . away the symptoms named. It is manu­ you think it strange a bit that I am Venezuela, says that they are the ; sldt wRi, it in the boiler and factured by the Acker Medicine Co., 16 fighting hot ? and 18 Chambers St., New York, and sold richest in the world. ^ boil for fifteen minutes more; then “Gaze on them well, you senseless * NOTICE r o l l PUBLICATION. by all reputable druggists. ----- * - : add the necessary amount of water goose. Say, am I not a fright?! The governor has received a war- to inake ]50 gallons, Laud Office at Rosebury. Oregon, Where they are tight they should j rant on the United States treasury ( This Tlus solutiou s0i„tiOu should be used at a Kl. Falls Express: A new deal is February 4, 18i)G. be loose; where they are loose they OREGON. LEM ATI. - - for $1,446, as 5 per centum on pub- temperature of at least 100 degrees, reported in the Klamath River ! Notice Is hereby given that the followinji- ! named settler has tiled notice of his lutention to lie land sales^for the year ending Refore using strain it. This is an : Lumber Company. An eastern should be tig h t” inake final proof in support of ids claim, and She slowly turned that be might June 30, 1885. excellent winter wash for fruit trees, capitalist, Dame Rumor says Gov. ! that said proof will l>e made licfore.JoEL W a k e , senu the fituess of the clothes, and U. S. C. C. Commissioner at Kugenc, Oregon, on ****"“" . . and should be used between this Alger of Michigan, lias purchased I April 3, 18%. viz: James K. Land, on home- About 25( 0 versts o le gieai time and April 1st. an interest in the company, and it is as he gazed that tailor man blushed ! stead entry No. 5995 for the Sw‘ , Nc , Se*4 N\vl4, Lots 2 A 3, Sec. 1«, Tp. 21 N.. It. 2 west. Siberian railroad have ctn C,UI1 The utility of this wash depends expected a logging road will be like a red, red rose. He names the following witnesses to prove his With laugh suppressed and bows j continuous residence upon and cultivation of, pleted and the con rac n s aie a great deal upon the strength of built from the mill to the timben. said land, viz: actly on time. The czar will doubt-1 the 6 sulphur. 1 - I therefore reconi-j It is to be hoped this is true, for a profuse, be said she'd spoken r ig h t;! Oliver Vcateh, James Bedford, James Teeters and J . A. Kirk, all of Star Oregon less put through tlie remaining less pul imougu me leiumuiug | that ^ o se who U8e this wash railroad built to tap the easterm ost• 'v^*re weic tight they should feb8-36 K. M. V batch , Register. | W lio C a n B r a t I t ? 4625 versts with hi« usual prompt- 8l|0uld have a Beauroes’ scale for ; timber of the company would reach ! b,e ¡’ w(be!«! tbe* werB loo8e th*-T BUY YOUR tig h t NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ,)es>8' acid, aud when it shows eight de- j as far as Speucer creek or the Aspen S 10U 1 e Corvallis Gazette: Oscar Toro, “These no doubt are the first,” n well-to-do stock raise]' livinr» on i S°W** ls hereby given that by an onler of Uic grees when cold, it is of the proper ; lake county, and from there it wen-io-cio siochiaisci, living on »-curt of Laue emint».Oregon llu-under- A Missouri farmer figured out 1 strength. These scales can be ob- j would be an easy task to reaeh j said he, “tho madam ever wore. a Fail creek in the Alsea valley, i sigued lias been duly appointed administratrix ' You’ve made a slight mistake, I see. . ,x | of the estate of Ihinlel Keogh, deceased, an«t all one rainy day that he had walked ‘ taiued through any druggist, and , Klamath Falls. This manufactur­ writes to the Oazette giving an ac- persons having lawful claims aguiust said estate 1 They’re on bind side afore." , 300 miles in cultivating one acre of do not cost to exceed fifty cents. are hereby req u ited to present I hem to me at ing industry is the greatest that has couut of bis experience in h u ttf -r ! try home or to K. K. Skipworth at his office in A redder blush, the tailor corn. He therefore sold his farm i ¡ever been attempted in Southern 1 making, that is hard to beat. l i e Eugene, Oregon, duly verified within six months ! he never saw, and as she in u con- u u - ; ! . . - . a ■. i i i from tlie date hereof. and moved to town, where he If suffering with piles, it will inter- Oregon or Northern California, aud ! fusion fled, he laughed Law ! }»i'v ’ 8 bo has ail old scrub cow, which I Dated at Cottage drove Or., this 1st day of walked 600 miles to find a job. gave birth to a calf, December 4th, j February, iswl est you to know that Dr Witt’s Witch ! benefit may yet accrue in this ! haw! 1 ° L A l HA IV E< K ■ H , last. Five days later he begau sav- ¡ E. r . skipw o k tii Administratrix, The finance committees free-sil­ Hazel Salve will cure them, This countrv from it, i . i Attorney for estate. as aforesaid. ing the milk, and on January A8fi ! fehl-35. medicine is a specific for,all com­ ver substitute for tho house bond T ho Id e a l P an acea. ] twenty two days later, he had A MONEY MAKER. bill was passed by tho senate, the plaints of this ehuracter, and if in­ NOTICE OF FO REFEITURE. - churned twenty pounds of butter. James L. Francis, Alderman, Chica­ vote being yeas 42, nays 35. Sena­ structions (which are simple) are car­ John Murphy your heirs and assigns are here­ 80jl | Duriug this time the calf was per go, says: “I regard Dr. King’s New 8 0 acres of up-land, rich by notified that we have expended one hundred tor Mitchell voted for the measure ried out, a cure will result. We have SENDING TO fc* mitted to run with the cow and I dollars In labor on tlie Morning star mine sltu- tested this in numerous cases, and Discovery as an Ideal Panacea for i Hnd aj[ p]ow ]and( part cleared and K and Senator McBride against i t -i„ _ i , ,,, j ated in Bohemia, Lane county, Oregon, for the help itself to whatever amount d y earo ! lsss. uml tiftv dollur-i in lai*or mi said It never _ .... . . . always with like results Coughs, Colds and Lung complaints, Wiance easily clearedi half dozeQ milk it desired. Mr. Tom th in k s mine in ix:n. said fifty dollars helm; tli.- lueal mi Queen t iciona has five maids to ^ , p Currln. Cottage Grove- baving used it my frtmily „ ,, , , , . esmp assessment for the year nf ls;H. In order for the attend to her wardrobe and toilet— fine springs and a stream of moun­ the calf sucked at least one-half ol j to hold said mlue under the imivisimiaof section Joe. Lyons, Drain. ' lust five years, to the exclusion of phy-. 2.‘I24. Revised statutes, being the amount re- three dressers and two wardrobe tain water with mountain trout run­ the cow’8 milk. He says he fed liei , sician’s prescription or other prepara­ women. The senior dresser is 18D5, and if within ninety days after this notice oats, hay and about ten pounds of by publication you fail or refuse it» contribute A pound of pork in a well-bred tion. Itev. John Burgus, Keokuk, ning through the land, the whole specially charged with all her royal potatoes at night, aud in the morn­ your proportion of such expenditure as co­ pig can be made more cheaply than | j OWil_ wrjtes : “ 1 have been a tuinis- year. Some specially fine garden ing, nothing but cheat hay. In owners which should I k * fifty dollars ($50) as mistress’ shopping. interest in said claim, will become the property a pound of any other kind of meat, j tcrof the Methodist Episcopal Church and grniu land and the entire 80 closing bis letter, Mr. Tom *asl.s of tlie subscribers under said section 2324. II. P. 11 KOOK HART It is said that enough money was The whole effort of the breeder *>f for 50 years or more, and have never acres magnificent fruit land—Dear | “Who can beat it ?” febl-33 J ohn c l v c k y . ofPtheeDNewa York cTeanng-house’s P^ 8 is to 9ecure lbe cheapest meat | found anything so beneBeUl. or that ; station on S. P. Railroad in Lane ! Wife—Here’s an account of a man NOTICE OF FOREI m tTRE new buildings lately to have cleared product Concentrating Ins effort gave me such speedy relief as Dr j county. 6 0 0 healthy, rapid grow- who shot himself rather than suffer H. B. Wiseman and Charles Kevern. vour and assigns are hereby notified iliat 1 have off the public debts of both Great thus it is not strangw that be is suc- King’s New Discovery.” Try this j ing prune trees, bearing nicely aud the pangs of indigestion. Husband— heirs expended one hundred dollars in labor on the rlaTeuee mine situated in Bohemia, Douglas Britaiu nnd the l uited States, and ce88ful. The bog has a smaller pro- I leal Ci.ugh Remedy now. Trini bot-, are j,ood for ¡jjlO O O °f fruit thi8 i The fool! Why didn't he take De county, Oregon, m order to hold said mine j e t have a handsome surplus. 1 portion of 1)onu and iute8tine than tie Free at J . A. Benson’s Drug Store. | vear Special bargain to one hav- Witts Little Early Risers? I used to under the provisions of section 2324. lievi>ed _ . _ . suffer as bad as he did before I eom- statutes, being flic amount required for liold- » -P A C K IN G F R E E “©a in:; tlie same for the yvar ending ikb .», and if The Orauge Judd Farmer estima- any other domestic animal. Evan • Knoxville, Tenn., Las received a ‘ 1Dff something over ¡{> 1 0 0 0 . If raen«Mi taking these little pills. J . P. within ninety days after this notice by publica­ Prune, Plum. Peach, iia^E E M E M B E R — I cnriy Appl» - , 1’ctr, Chi you fail or refuse to contribute your pro- tod the number of farm animals on bis feet when cleaned and cooked coutract for furnishing 500,000 you want an ID EA L HOME and Currin, Cottage Grove; Joe. Lyons, tion. porlion of sin it expenditure as co-ttwners which and also a very line i pounds of dried apples to the Ger- would be thirty-three ami one-third dollars mean business, cail on or address E. j Drain. Jan. 1 as 4G,302,000 hog, »50,389,000 excellent eating. There is per (« y .u t; as in!crest ill saiil vlalm. « ill bcs-oinetbc STOCK O F W E L L T E ST E D SM ALL FR U IT. cattle 32,848060 sheep, 15.867,000 ^ nnothe. reason whv the . hog! i man arniv. ■ iinipc-rty of Hie subscribe under said section, P. Thorp, L e a d e r office, Cottage It is said there are 10,000 e s s i 2K4. E l ija h H a k l a s . My trees will be sent T R U E TO L A B IL E Address all orders to «horses and 2,310,000 mules. This 1 * . jau 1-31 -law Grove, Or. Its | people iu San Franciscos Chinatown shows that the number of bogs is | produces meat more cheaply. — , I j than eleven years ago. This is a NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. leas than 2 per cent smaller »liau a excretions are less in proportion to j W . B R U M M E T T ' good showing us far as the Chinese T o K i l l G ro u n d S q u ir r e l* . U nited S tates L and O ffic e , t \ •year ago, whereas Hie trace had its food than those of other animals. 1 | are concerned, but the Japanese j H o seiii ' hg , O r . lYcemtiei 24, 1S95.( 3«11 C l' The following offered by an ex- itigured it was some 6,000000 head j Joes not even sweat excep t, | have been flocking iu, aud are very Notice is hereby clveu that the foilowlDg- | change has been proven to be tbe .less than noted above. The govern- . . . ____ , • , __ uaiiied settler lias tiled llotiee of his intention to , , , . . ” tbrouga the small issues which are little better than the Chinese. i make final iirool lusupiHirtof his claim, and that ; best for the exterminalion of | inent reports, now about due, mav * ' said prisif will he made before J o el W a ill. L". gophers aud ground squirrels: make a different showing. found ,n ,t8 front leS8- « « naces-1 ('. t:. C'oiniulssioner at Kiutriie. Oregon, on Divorces are granted to three S. February 13 1 »*.<*;. viz: Tlmmas J . Ellison on ■■ ■■ sary, therefore, that the other excre- \ O ffic e in M ein zer R e sid e n ce Take a five &"llon can aIul Put a! members of one family at the same H onus lead Entry No. 6333 for the s E , see. 24, 20 S, U 3 west. He names tile billowing wit­ Congressman Cnnuen has a dry tory orgaus be active and in healthy I M a in S tr e e t,C o tta g e , little water in the bottom of it. time at Salem, III. A general tp. nesses to prove tils continuous residence upon w it lo a constituent who was j worjljn «ord er. This is one reason , and of. said land, viz: G rov e, O reg on . ? our, in hot- n0t bo‘llne - w“ter> family row caused tlie separations. I Ira cullnation Conner, Daniel W. Harding, Charles W. urging lnm to favor a certam ai>- , , .. Jffr-All who have country or city hot enough to melt the phos- Sears amt Hiram B. Yancey, of Cottage Grove, propria tion, recently, the Illinois why it is a good practice to give o c -' 1 phorus gradually. Add two pouuds The country appears t be entire- .. , veteran replied: “You do not un­ casional doses of sulphur to fatten­ property for sale would do well to rail of sugar and stir. Ihen add corn] \y witling to take Hnnison at itis on him The following is a few spec n «’•ml. nijdating Lini ling Tu Ite -print; fn derstand my duties to the-..Gv meut. I am not chairman of this charcoal. If these are given fie- ial bargains in farms. in th e ir o r d e r s 1 to make a thick batter. Then stir - — . .......... .......... I U n it e d S t a t b s L a n d o f f i c e . / I committee for the purpose of mak­ quently the bowels will be kept A RARE BARGAIN. in whole wheat until the batter is T r e s p a s s N o tic e . i R oskuuro , Or* (Ton Nov. 19. 1895 ( ing appropriations, but to prevent stiff. Pour VT T the .i open, which, in the pig is especially jgo acres of land with running quite 7 , in . at , tlie , same' , Notice is hereby given that . I. Notice is hereby given t-liat the foliowing-uatn- appropriations.” seitler lias filed notice of his intention to __ necessary in maintaining health water the whole year; fine fir and time hfteen or twenty drops of tho- undersign«-«!, h*ive posted trespass i ed make llo«cl prmif in support of hi* claim, and that With a n v k in d of lUM»bi‘r you in..V wi-li, «bi- I. will tlii'ii 1* ready, and you dium. The wheat will absorb all notices on my respeetive premises and | said proof will be mauc before A. Jenningi, A few years ago, Sousa’s entire in- There should also be given some cedar saw timber, never culled; 20 the water and the mass will become , won’l have to wait. persons trespassing thereon after l.’ounty Clerk of l^aue Co., Oregon at ugeiie, i come was the $1,200 a year Le re­ re- ?reen food tQ hogi tLat are falteucd acres cleared with some fruit trees. hard. For use chip off small pieces ,hi" d" ^ w.i,11be I'rosee'ited to the full Oregon, 011 March 3, I flii, viz: Frank Heinrich on homestead entry No bits for the w’ ^Nw,,. ' - . . . » - 1 . : extent of the law. I Will make a splendid fruit place ceived as manager of the United Lots 1 and 2, sec. 14; SE14 NK 4, sec., 15c Tp. ‘in the size of n hickory nut aud place : S B, 4 west. He names the following witnesses 1 1«. H. YARtmonoit. ! S., and only 5 miles south of Cottage I • States Marine Band. Last year bis to prove his continuous residence upon and cul- j iu the runs. Grove. Will sell at a sacrifice-! ti vat ions of, said land, viz: Joseph Springer] royalties on liis inarches amounted _____________ j Is S in A ttractive ?— I t is a mis and Kosa (¡. Letter, of Eugene Oregou, August : 'S e n d in v o n r o rd e rn a t o n c e . office. to $25,000. Mr. Sousa is a native No excuse for sleepless nights when , Call Lall at the L eader eader office, Leiter and Larson Sclilagle, of Cottage Grove. — I take to say that sin is repulsive and Oregon. of Washington, where he has lived you can procure One Minute Cough ^ ACRE FARM F 0 R SATE i _ Among the fruit and flower novyl- ] unattractive. The truth is there aie COITAGLI GROVE, OREGON. R. M. VBATCH, Register. most of bis life, aud he is 40 years Cure. This will relieve all annoy- UOV23-25 . ; ties which 1804 brings us, we notice tj)OUB;inds 0j nanghtv tilings that of age. His father was a musician naces, cure the most severe cough | f mil™ f:? m ,^,ott^ e Grov“ .jbont that the enterprising and reliable Arm i tLfc onregenerate think are nice. „ » « " " e l l Sp rin g s, before him, and h i. first appearance j and give you re3t and health. Can h m . ^ ^ ^ S ’s p r i n r l a t e r o f J am es V ic k ’ s S o n s , Rochester, N. ; sin ia ofton attn!Ctive aljd enticing m public as a performer was made y0U afford t0 do without it? J . P. ! plenty of timiter on place for fuel nnd Y., are already calling attention to ] E |se fewer peopie w.n.id he sinners S i*r,B5* \ «r* * 1 • • r i ! Douglas! .unity, Oregon, me loen when he was 10 years old. Currin Cottage Grove* Jo e Lyons ] fencing. Price $1050. Write or c a ll1 three, which seem to have won meat g i e a v | Too olten uieu are m sinful ways j ,ed on tlie Soul hern Pucilir Railroad, i J _________ D r a ! n ’ ’ ’ | on W B rummett , favor where known. They are the because the. like the ways of sin.— I “ biiasta Route” from Son Franeiseo A b long hr there’s life there’s] ’ _________________ " r f'di,or of T he L eader , Cottage DOUBLE SW EET PEA, the only one Rev. B. Mitchell, Kansas C itv ,! to Fortlund in Douglas Co,. Oregon, trouble aud taxes, A widow ib ~ (»rove, Or. ‘ ; S. I*, trains stop at tlie Springs ( Hag i in the world true to name, “Bride of vr hardlv ever satisfied with l.er name As au 1,,dlcatloD of the recogm- | ‘ lu' - station ) Constantly open for the i LEMATI, Niagara,” the “ E a r l y L e a d e r T oma ­ OREGON. T, • • , , , t , tion wliich women are beginning to A F IN E 80 ACRE FARM FOR i r e c e p tio n o f g u e s t s . N ew b a th r o o m s It is not necessary to have four legs . . . . i „ to , ” the earliest of all the early toma­ Connected with main building. Post A FULL LINE OF M O N E Y L O A N E D . to be a bog. A man with a red receive m German-speaking conn- SA LE, to family and sure to become a great Office and Express on tlie premises. headed wife seldom talks too much. tne8’ lt m:l-v .be mentioned that up- 4 mi|os from Cottage Grove, all under favorite, and the already famous | The waters of these springs contain : C L O T H IN G , on the occasion of tho discussion of i good fence. 25 acres in cultivation, If none but virtuous men go to F ir s t M o rtg a g e s On Im p rov ed Iodine, Bromine, Potassium, The the bill for the admission of women 15° fruit trees four years old, good BLACKBERRY, the “RATHBUN.” DRY COODS. Carbonate» of Iron and Lime and lieaven it will be a mighty lonesome F a r m P ro p e rty N eg o tiated . From the praise and compliments to universities, a member of tlie ! I'" il,,lin«s' wel1 " f e r e d two or three Chlorides of Calcium, Magnesium and place for old maids. Office seeks a . . . n . . . . « epoil springs, and one nail miles from given so abundantly to the “ Bride of Sodium. B O O T S and S H O E S . man with about the same energy ] Austrian 1 arhament said of rrau good school. Price $1200. Write or Niagara,” this sweet pea most be O lio spring contains 435 ad the We are prepared to negotiate first W. B rcmmet , ottier over 2000 grains of solid matter that a rogue seeks seeks a a uolieetnan von ^izyeki (whose husband w as, call on ,, J ' the well-kuowu writer on ethics and ! °r editor of T he L eader , Cotttige more than charming and from the en­ mortgages upon improved farms In to tlie gallon. AVhcn a man marnes the second; _ , r? • *■ f w , Grove Or comium.} lavished on botli the new Oregon, with eastern parties at a rate time he always makes an excise of professor at the University of ^ w o e ' U1' tomato and this new blackberry, it is of interest not to exceed 9 per cent, some kind to bis friends. Women 1'».) referring to her recent.speeches I pretty certain no garden desiring to per annum. iu \ lenna, that she would ue an talk of owing oilier women a call in ,, . have the first and best of _everything, Mortgages renewed that have been Y A Q U iN A B A Y R O U TE . F a rm fo r S a le o r E x ch a n g e fo r the same wav that men speak of lH>nor to «ny parliament in the world can be without these three new taken by other companies. C o tta g e G ro v e P ro p e rty . Connecting at Yuquinn Bay with the owing other men a grudge. A man and tlm tLof tlie 3o3 « t “ f“ Address with stamp, Sun Francisco and Yaquiua Bay 313 acres one mile west of Yoncalla, comers. will look through his pockets fou r! Pre^ nt there not many who M e r v in S w o r t s , Steamship company. all under fenee, about. 90 acres in cul­ tin es before he will give bis w ife' P00^1 n’f asure ‘ » p e l v e s against tivation. This place is a model farm, Baker City, Oregon. the S tea m s h ip “ F a ra llo n .” bis 4 *oat to sew a button on i t her for e, newspaper of the United 8tales will nuMl.h court, the effect would be beneficial. duee and the amount we would pro- i office, mail twice a week. Call on or God, man or woman. It is no sur-1 •» H i t l r a l.o « - Of the day. In v e stin g t every A J r i w S i t E ! , g a d prise to me that in his profession less of party uffiiialioDH. " dues tf we did as well proportionally ! ivri,e W or editor of T he T he IbiAiKiE F armer I BothPapcrsi-ne L eader , Cottage Grove, Or. there are some skeptical men. I ] and Also general news in attractive f . „ m, foreign correspondence covering as Wisconsiu, is nearly 20,000.000 * ,4 - I year for $1.25 Au exchange says: Don’t ask an only wonder that newspaper men ! CHICAGO weekly tim es ]the news of tho world, an agricultural department second to none In the pounds. The value of this would j country, market reports which are ----- ii„ized authority. W in a tin g short Afldrcss editer to suppress an item of news; believe iu anything.'’ Stories, cemplete In each number, the m „ „ , ,,f humorous foreign some other paper will get it any way. be about 82.000,000 and the addi­ I T h e P r a ir i e F a r m e r , C h icag o . ami domestic, with their best comic pl, tares, fashion p l X 5 R The next day somrthing will hnpp/n tion of that sum to the revenues of BcriptloiiH of woman s attire, with a vari.nl and attractive «leD.iitincnt of A V a lu a b le P r e s c r ip tio n . FARM S IN DOUGLAS CO. to your neighbor : ml if l e asks to D e preseut population of Oregon] household ,nterest. The “New York Weekly Trim ,,.e” is a K to .lr ««•"Id make a very perceptnble I paper, with a circulation larger than that of any ..the weekly nublic .t ™ l i have it suppressed ' - i i w , 1 1 l a - t l w Editor Morrison of Worthington, P O R T A B L K AN D Situated 0 6 miles difference iu the prosperity of the - ^ or 611 hade. Situated the country issued from th. .ffi...... . a daily. L .rg e h T T ^ iw e b J C mads M A R IN E first one to jump on the editor for slate. ‘ ' east of Youcalla on Elk Creek, 480 la d .,“Sun,” writes: “ You have » n its details, tending to give it ............. lib and variety, and esrsn-Ully more not “daring to ray that. Lis soul was acres, 200 acres good bottom land. valuable prescription iu Electric Bit­ If you think of buying an engine of interest to tho womeu uud young people of the household. * y bis own.” Take your medicine any size or kind send for our Cata By the way, rea«Jers, are any of you balance hills. This place contains ters, and I can chtcifully recommend login* N" 3u. containing ¡'lustrations when tbe news happens to fall your so far behin"d tho times as not to about 5000 acres of out side range v i n m 1, CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid journal and and prices of every kind of engines t T he t LEADER way, for really you havo no more kuow “ V i c k ’ s F l o r a l G c i d e ?” If j The place is well watered, Elk Creek it for Constipaliou Sick Headache, for fr«*m one up t« > 25 h«*rsf* power, at bot­ claim on the paper than your any of you hare never seen it, send 10 running through it and dozens of ¡■nd as a general system tonic it has tom prices, or List No. 29, for ya-t neighbor. Nearly every day the cents to this firm at Rochester, V. Y , good springs on the place. Mostly no equal.” Mrs. Annie Stehle, 2625 TRans MARKS, engines, boilers and boat machinery. CASH IN ADVANCE D e s ic n p a t e n t s , Either sent free. editor is called on for roasts and and get a co p y " You candeduct thD all fenced;!w o sets 'of 'buildings'-! Cot,:lSe 0rove Ave» Chicago, was COPYRIGHTS, «to. (The regular subscription price of the two papers is f j oo, F or Information and free Handbook write to CHAS. P. W ILLARD A CO. several other kinds of cookery for from the first order for seeds and the about 75 fruit trees; school aud saw run down, could not eat or digest to.«d, MCTfN At CO.. 861 B roadway . N ew Y ork . HL BSC1IIPTION8 MAY BFX5IN AT ANY TIME. 197 C anal s tr e e t’ - - C H IC A G O Oldest bureau for securing patents In Am erica the benefit of this and that one, and pleasure aud information their Guide | mill within half mile from the Cin- bad a backache which never left her Every patent taken out by us is brought before Address all orders to yet those who request this would no will give you will certainly induce you 1 nebar mines. Price $3800. Write and felt tired and weary, but six bot- (be public by a notice given free of charge in the more think of writing what they to keep up the acquaintance. or call on W. B rummett , j ties of Electric Bitters restored her want the editor to writ« and assume ---- r or editor of T he L eader , Cottage health and renewed iter strength. U m t clrroUM«^i o f u r K lm t U o paper In th e __ _ the responsibility for it, than they w orld. Splendidly Illustrated. No In te llig e n t New — - — r:. ” 1 « r k L»ty, and a sample copy of tn« Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder UrQTe’ Price 60c and f l 00. Get a tottlc at m an should be w ithout It. WeelclT, « 3 . 0 0 a would attempt to fly. New York Weekly Tribuie will be mailed to y o ^ r e a r ; 81.VI elx months. Addtess. MU> >' A CO., kamrdeit GoU Midvinttr F*lr, S.n ErinciKS. ” B t t t n i T , A£ 'Ct, J , A. B n t i t ’: Drug 8torc. T t r u s s m » . 3 « l P r ' . - * - a r . » w Y o rk C ite, cod-liver oil. Then why take it clear? A N ew L in e of L a d ie s ’ CAPES, CLAOlvS AND Boucle Dress Goods. = C L O A K IN G . = 5 c 3 tt£ e m u te Agents for the sale of the M E M ill I I breaks the oil in­ to drops so small that you can hardly taste it. .. If You Want The Cream of N u r s e r y S to c k : Fruit Trees of E. P. THORP. t M. L. FORSTER. M y Trees are all on Whole Roots, Raised on H ighly tilled Land, Bnfldefl direct from bearing Trees and prices Cheap as First Class Trees Can be Raised For. M. L FORSTER, Tangent. Linn County. Oregon. Notary Real Public L U Estate Apt j. BER. B. R O U S E , PROMPTLY FILLED Ordei’s From a Distance Promptly Attended. To N ew Goods and N ew S ty le s LURCH'S c. | RARE BARGAIN. Oregon Central A Eastern R, R, Co. Ladies Dress Goods, Hats and Domestics All Sizes of T ru n k s. This stock has just been refilled and is best selected in town. is Greatest 01 All Farm Papers. OF THE 1ITED STATES KOBE WEEKLY TH1B0NE SIMM GASOLINE ENGINES One Oi Tbe Best Stock One Year for Only $2.25, s'iicutifir °r- / _________ THE LEADER. w*£JiTw52.,TftSutoT v.’Vkcuv':: t !R to?PO w-