A - i A H int to O regon .— The West < sprw kie. «* » Prophet. DOCTOR I OK ^ AAAAAA f Exports of corn the lust week and without price” bring upon him­ > i AAAAAAA i DOC and Southwest have got to wake bp 1 If *8 ,n.r belief that a revolution were four times greater than a year self sneering and reproach for a -.................. itim e—there are brighter sties be­ or be left in the lurch. The immi- in t,le .'natter of railw ay construc- ago, while those of wheat and flour hind the clouds which will finally gration societies in the South were tion and travel is at band. I be- reached the grand total of 3.810.000 t'L'Bl.tSHBD EVERY SATURDAY. .i. .) i • i ou, the , corn ligures reveal all their grand beauty and b , , bein*r 3 192 ’ 000 ENGLISH never before so alert as uow. They , heve beve that with new uew ami improved improv« i , I*. T H O R P , - - KD1TOR. K. bu. America is a liberal feeder glorious rays to lighten our final want immigrants. We repeat, if methods of construction, and with the world. - 1896. I pathway beyond the dark, rough, SATURDAY, FEB., 8, the rich acres of the West are to b e ; the use of' new motor-power, trans - | heaving bosom of the river that re tilled the people of the west will portaliou speed will be immensely quires but one crossing. The will stop a cough in a night, check a cold A GRAND LETTER editor has all his eveitful life j in have to do better work thnu they ' increased. Electricity will take the a day, and cut e consumption if taken have C r o u p or labored for others hundreds of dol- i in time. If the little W ones h o o p in g C ough, have been doing of lute. .Excepting place of steam and a single track use il prom ptly. TO THE EDITOR OF TUI. U l l l E B lats, to cents for his own benefit. ,fo r th em — F '~ 'r^sSi Croup xs\a very 1 California and slates of the West, as will take the place of the present Some perhaps appreciate his efforts . fatal disease, J get them, planf» far as regards encouraging itutni- ! double rails, aud whereas 60 milts r , i o t Fully one­ • them. T h e y are they The editor of T ue L eader appre­ to help some one in the uneven rs v gl flL ^ * 4 . h a l f o i r Standard seeds every- gration by the best methods, have uu hour is now the very limit of t those at* ciates an encouraging word from struggle of life for bread and for jA f » ¿ V p i -r 12» tacked die. w ile r e ; sown b y the1 those who are pleased to see success! comfort, while there are some, who The great ! been taking a profound sleep. Mil- speed, 150 miles an hour, aud possi- . a , largest p lan te rs in the world. 1 / ip —r - . „ .>x danger is crown his efforts to press forward in the natural inate selfishness of W hether you plant . j 0 square feet ’ \ i > 4 in d e la y . j lions of acres in the Dakotas, iu l,!y more than that, will be attained £3 of ground or 50 acres, you should I The disease progresses so rapidly that in the uew departure here, in ; their own avaricious greed, would—-, have F e r r y ', Scest pros- such money will do 'much good -this as the prophecy of a man w ho named“ ettleMi£V'd intention iftUT u.rttce - .>( his — '• in management. Even those who are universal desire to spread geueros- The people of the middle west and j can remember when there wen- j S i ' S .atoi'ejo^’ivA*^ I perons experienced in this section OREGON. p r e d i c t i n g failure because they d o ! ity to the worthy Millions toiling for ' LEM ATI. the East have very imperfect ideas almost no - raoroads * aud no tele- ' t. v..ru*> s. <;. c. tkM Commissioner O on rt wm. on . . , at i> K^y;en«, » imma not see as the editor views the out- j bread and higher hopes, broader since 18.12. Our belief is not based of the great W est'and ‘ will eagerly graphs and no telephones.—Claus j ^ ‘.i eu t ™No‘ 5 W"ur'the _ sw Sw { Ne'i Se’4 come, will be the first to appreciate I and grander aspirations of success j 0n national or political events, but read facts re^ar \iug it.—Chicago Spi ferkle«. Nw;4, Lots 2 & 3. sue. 10, Tp. 21 S., K. 2 went. , He names ih • following witnesses to prove liis the new methods adopted, and they J in whatever sphere tney move and | on purely local conditions. There j Inter Ocean. The Klamath Falls Express sa y s: i uP°n and cultivation of, * ” live. While we labor to benefit the , ,g Will surely fall into lino. Already Whileiwo t of activitv j | Leap vear is very much in evidence Oliver W atcli, Jam es Kc sperity is likely to be ; 8 0 . acres of up land, rich soil, number of young men, middle aged, ■ Notice is hereby giveu that by an order of the old men and that beiug which court of Laue county, Oregon, tin* under- prise at Rose H:li Villa start the will be many whose hearts ne\ei disseminated amoDg the people. J ami all plow land, part cleared and comes under no particular bead— couiitv signed has been duly appointed administratrix ball rolling that will revolutionize . boat with more enthusiastic p ulsa-. silver Citv to Willow creek 1 balance eusilv cleared, half dozen tile bachelor, to tile Presbyterian of tile estate.af Daniel Keogh, deceased, and all O ffice in M e in z cr R o su lrn c c M a in St root, C o tta g e G ro ve, O rego n . persons having lawful claims against said estate i .................................... Jwreby «que u-e this state ever knew ! Grove, Or. 1 worm that cats the divine life out of fcln ls V ohn rLia kv ART M. L. F O R ST E R . M y Trees are all on Whole Roots, Raised on i Highly tilled Land, Buflflefl direct from Mm Trees heart, outing era u n s biait t v n suew the heart of man. Selfishness is t h e ------- -- ------- ----- I an eounty, Ore.gtm, m order to hold said mine P n in c r tr j under the provisions of section 2:124, Revised independent of personal advantage i *" ‘ ‘‘ cy; M ercir, Utah, just beginning to j feelin>f .¡t „iu gs to fly on a ** P * 4 ? - a c r e s o f la n d , a lf fe n c e d n m l : "•■‘ m s . « ' » " u n t re yu lr«! for I...W- to yourself. You arc, and will &&-PACKING FREE—&a x *•* •' f inti the same tor the year ending 18%. audit « id be be j t p 4I3 T0 A dvertise .—One of be, and the vast belt of southwest- ' ' vvonl fntm ovl l»v tito liiiR ÎK n s if v o n , w o rn nam ed o j n it u p s in a s 11 yon croó», fe n c e d , a b o u t 40 ucr**s o f p lo w .within ninety day? after this n uiee by publica doing a vast amount of good iu fiairREMEMBER—I c a n y Apples, Pear, Cherry, Prune, Plmo, Peach, ern Idaho barelv known. Thev are : mined and minted gold and breath- li teaching others what may be done our Main Street firm» advertises aud also a very fine in planting and adopting a system one of STOCK OF W ELL TESTED SMALL FRUIT. of doiug what no one else lias have “300 My trees will be sent TRUE TO LABILL. Addrcsn all orders to thought practicable in this country. | jjrn, (ja . Price per acre M e have come to the problem — t;8j D£r 8Paco iu tho N ew », (a p a p e r ! the precious m etal in a reg u lar and | ground when you utter not the erv bo ight on the M. L. FORSTER. NOTICE KOI! PUBLICATION. how to economize— how to make ° ' 1 ‘ I- - - - — - ?8.00. Situated 9 miles from Yoneal- a beast, bnt a thought, that le*. \l/% miles from Elkhead Quick Si!-1 U nited S tates L and O eeice , Tangent, Linn County. Oregon. ) little things aggregate to big re - 1 that is read by the in tellig en t p u b lic) bountiful stream and then w ill come of reathes, a word that burns, V' « i»u*s ; 20 rods from school; 2% l.'o B E itru o , O k . I'<rtof liis cliiiin. .iii*lt!i.tt u few acres produce more than on theh. haUlls Gus Frank, last w n t e \> . liKlM M ETl, ot c u u o r OI 1 Hi. silici proof will be made in* fore J oel W ark , V. sion for looking forward with hope K O U ^ - Speech is a creation gi eater LEADEB. C >tt fg c (jri ove, U r. s. c. C'omuiisNiom r at Eugene. Oregon, on largo farms. The day of ranch i , .. . , , b- , ,, • , ., fall, purchased 47o cloaks, then or- and assurance. The clouds of a,|.: than that of man him self Rev. R. ................. — v — Febriury i > 18%, vi/: Thomas J . Ellison on farmiug has passed by ami the peo- 1 r*, ' . Homestead Entry No. «SW for the S K»4 see. 24. 'versify are rapidly dissolving aiu! Sawyer, Springfield. Y ass dered a double col. advertisement X i ’GSP3;SS JNOtlCe. tp. ::o s, K :i west. He names the billowing wit- pie will be obliged to turn to ; ; ' nesses to prove his couttuunns resilience up«m The Secret of flood Crops. Notice is hereby triven that I, the ami cultivation of, said land, viz: Webster to kuow what ranch means. in tho News, and the happy result as the light of prosperity begius to rift j * Conuei Daniel W. liarding. Charles W. 1 the darkness. Ninety-six €•01008 The modern farmer is not content '»'dersignod, have posted trespass I believe your movement will rev­ fellows: Sold -173 cloaks for spot notices on my ro sp ec tivepivinisvsand * ** * Yiu,ce5’ ui inform those who are coiitenipUting huildjng in lite -iiring te hnn careful cultivation not only in south Germany. Sol lost a $65 seal skin j N o lìó li FOU PUBLICATION. keen competiop, the farmer who extent of the-tew; Old People. L H. YAHBitoroH. „ , , in ih,-ir orders for lumlK-r now. so III, y can Ire Lane county. I heartily sympathize wrap by bettiug it with a Republi- i , , , i- A tile . . I U n ite d S t a t e s L and O f f ic e , medicine t«» i wishes . . to prosper, • , „ needs - . and get.? , with you, anil enter in your plans can lady that Kentucky would go i Old . people who , require . ... most improved farming implements; U osE M 'H ti, t ir , go n N óv. 19. IVI5.1 the bowels ant kidneva will ; and , . by reading ,. .. best , " . u^rieultiiraj .... , as if I had a personal interest aud I Democratic last F a ll!—Petersburg | regulate ® the Notlee ts berstiy glven tbat thè folinwinz-tiam- i-il settler has nicii lini ice nf bis inlintinn tu find the true remedy in Electric Bit trust nothing may interfere with ( Iud. )News. literature, he BVVl keeps in touch ( . ¡ 1 ««i»’ » 1* ''''* ' > llv- '° ‘d1 ‘'VH' lJ with n1111 the «.XIV- I malie linai gmnt tu siim crt ni Ubcliuin. jiu lllia t | salii proni » in |,e ni.uh- befnre A. €’. jenmnga, With any kind of lumber you may wish, which will then I k 1 ready, and you yon.” Iur8. I litri medicine does not stiniu— spirit of |,rogres& thrift pervades our FARMS IN DOUGLAS CO. Cnunty Clcrk nf Lane Co., Oà'egnn a l agene, Won’t have to wait. Thif new method of cultivating no Marcii a, tsj6, vlz: Frank Il -iuricU Rural Northwest: Apples __ of the | l;l,e a id contains no whiskey nor : farming communities. n ,‘ is l'''ll ,i,,|1V For sale or trade Situated 6 mile (ovgn!i, ,mbnmc j east of Yoticalla on Elk Creek, 480 s t.nls . . 1: 4 west, tic namesTUefnttowtng wì U icm .- s Orders From a Distance Promptly Attended To of planting! of large fields of golden graiu by , prices in Portland. Messrs. Frank ¡and alterative. - Ii sets mildly on lire be plants atrd , the manner . . „ , . . . , " acres, 290 acres good bottom a n d . tn jirn'vc H A coni timoni, residence o|sm and cul- The seeds must be of highest: for- , , , ... ,„? • , i tlvntioiis of, sii iti land, vtz: .losepli Springcr those who want to, but it does open Chandler and \V. A. Slingerland, of stomach and bow, Is, adding Mrengtl, It. , , , ; Balance hills. Hits place contains and tinsii ,4. Leiter, Ad' Eumene Oregon, Aiigust up a grand movement in progres­ Hood River, have been disposing of *ud giving tone to the organs, tlrer,■- , tility , and grown , from the highest.eul- , . , t. citer and t.ars ni Sclilaglc, nf Cottage Grove, 1 in your onior* at once. ' , and , most - profitable .. , , varieties . . about 5000 acres of out sale ,, rung«' , Oregon. sive farming and will create an in­ good many apples iu -his city re |»y aiding Nature in the piuformances 1 .. 1 voted ™ , . ^ I ih e place is well watered, Elk Creek IL M. V batch , Uegtster. I p y j •j-aVCSA UKOVE, dustry that will make labor for the eently at satisfactory prices. For OREGON. of stock. The great seed farm of D. through it and dozens ot 110V23»25 industrious man, boy or girl who j Swaars and and Spitzenbergs f the functions. Electric Bittern is M. Ferry & (jo., Detroit, Mich., fully, running . . - ...... good springs on the [►lace. Mostly ' , 7 B o sw ell S p rin g s, wants work, and cash for i t I t ! the leading grocers have been pay- in excellent appetizer and aid* diges­ appreciates tins fact, as is attested by nil fenced; two sets of bull lings ; New Goods and New Styles will increase the home demand for [ them $1.50 per box. These vari- tion. Old People find it just exactly their progressive business methods i about 75 fruit tre is; sehiHil and smi .(Formerly Snowden S p rin g s) Douglas County, Oregon, are lorn grain, for butter, for beef, pork an 1 j eties aro now at their ln-st and what they need. Price fifty cents and ! and the quality of seed which they I AT, mill within iralf ni ile fimii the CL - led on tire Southern Pacific Railroad, and gardeners | potatoes. It will increase the cash j neither variety can easily be sur- ! 00 per bottle at J. A. Benson’s j supply fanners Debar mines. Price $3800. Writ, "Mu.sta B. itc” from S.m Francisco I through the dealers all over the conn- ! or call ón trade for the business man and m cr- . passed as a dessert fruit. It is said ! Drug Store. to Portland iu Douglas Co„ Oregon.! 4V. Bin mmett , chant, because the uew liue of pro­ that the Swaar is the choice of the — — ——— try. The reliability and fertility of, S. P. train -sto p at the Springs (fla g ' of T he L eadeh , Cottag* Litton i Constantly open for tin* j ducts raised are money makers aod majority, but both are so good that Do you ever stop to think that of j their seeds are proverMlityTatid the ] 6 ,1 .'J1 reception of gue.ts. New bath rooms LEM ATI, OREGON. instead of sending money out of there is little to choose between all mean detestible living mortals ; largest, seed business in the" world has \ irHVe> 1 ' .nm eted with main building. Post the state, will bring money to the them. Of course these apples for tlmt the backbiter is the worst. He been created by their sale. In evi­ A FULL LINE o í tffice and Expicss oil III,' preiuiscs. state. Every car of winter apples which the grocers are paying $1.50 !7oes about from place to pla e say- dence of tliis firm ’s knowledge of the | f ile waters ■ f the-e >i>i ings contain : Iodine, Bromine, Potassium, The i C L O T H I N G , shipped from this place—every ten per box are perfect specimens, care- 111 behind jo u r back what he dare wants and requirem ents of planter», j 'ai Inmates of Iron and Lime and j of evaporated berries will bring fully packed and of almost uniform ; no* sa-' D RY GOODS. y our fa*-e. Lut he is not large and sm all, is F erry’s Seed An­ F irst M o rtg a g e s On Im proved Idoridesof Calcium, Magnesium and alone, (far from it) for next to him nual for 189',. This book L of the money here, and every citizen— 8ize; F a rm P ro p e rty N eg o tiated . Sodium walkin hand iu hand is the gossip- greatest value to farm ers and garden-1 small or great—will be m utually * , B O O T S and S H O E S . —_ Olio spring confutes 435 ad the j benefited by it. We cannot raise er and busybody. Better by fnr to ers a véritable encyclopedia of plant- | \\-e ure prepared to negotiate first 'tiier over ‘2iHlO grains of solid mutter If suffering with piles, it will inter- be bit, by a rattlesnake than to be­ ing an,l farm ing knowledge. It con- mortgages up ti improved farms In t . tlie ¡'niloii. too much first class fruit with the | [ est you to know that De Witt’s Witch growing world for a market. Hazel Salve will cure them, This come the companion of any of tbe tains more useiul and practical infor- Oregon, with eastern parties at a rate There will be years when there are three. For when once under their j mation than m any text books that are of interest not to exceed 9 per cent. ■Jregon Central 4 [astern ft, R. Co. small __| medicine is a specific for all com- influence will find yourself in a sold for a dollar or more, y e t *t will per annum. ** crop in i pin Hits of thi9 character, and if tn- I dangerous you /AQUiNA EAY ROUTE. position with a very nar­ be mailed free to an y one sending liis sale, because of a general Mortgages renewed th at have been All Sizes of Trunks. , most „# ,i.„ i strnctions (which are simple) are car- (,'onnecting at Yaquina Bay wit lithe row passage through which to es- name and ad Iress on a postal card to takeu by other companies. of the states of America. But . , . ... ... . ne«l out, a cure will result. M e have an Fram-isco and Yaqnina Bay I cape. only one who s wise euough to the firm. Address with stamp, tested this in numerous eases, and Steamship company. raise fruit, knows that' a] general! always with like results. It never MERVIN SWOKTS, - This stock has just been refilled and is the s te a m s h ip “ F a r a ilo n .” i-rop of all kinds of fruit is not raised ' Two Lives Saved. Tbe re onlj four cou litica tu Iowa B iker City. Or, fails. J . P. Ciirrin. every year or every third year. without a ereamery, and thè re aie j A 1 and first-class in every respect. __ Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, ot Junction best selected in town. .Sails from Yaquina for San .Fr nieisco Hence those who embark in fruit 774 in thè entire state. Of* these | The Prairie Farmer Tlrirty-flve vears ago today on ^ y . 1» . was told by her do, tors that Tl.< liigiic.-t j.rir, * paid fundi kindi-ot protluce. about every eight days. culture with careful and j>ains- 301 are operateli hv iuiijiidu.il>, • Passenger a......nimodatinns unsur­ IS THE taking methods—ami who remaiu tho 4th day of February 1861, th e ! I‘1,e ,ud c « n*umpti„n and that there 275 by co-opemtive societies unii ! passed. Shortest rout between the with it— will on an average, make a first number of The Morning O re-tw,,? no hope for her, b u t two b o ttle s 116 l,y stock compatnes. The bnt-i A’ illamctto valley and California. THE NAME OF THE NEXT gonian appeared to herald the ] Hr. King’s New Discovery completely Fare from Albany or points west to good living. There will always be ter produci irom these eotu ei lis ng ■San Francisco; a demand for first class fruit put on events of stirring times. It is older j cured her and *h" says it saved her I gregates in vaìue about 815,000,000 : Cabin.................'. ...........................$ 1 2 00 _____ _ than tbe administration of Lincoln, j life. Mr. Tlios. Eggers, 139 Florid 1 , a vear. It presents each week all that the market in first ___ class ____ shape. Steerage ................................... 8.00 - _______ r is worth knowing in current There will always bo a growiug de which lias become histoiica to tbe Ban Francisco, suffered from a I " Cabin, round trip, good foi 60 :-t •- agricultural literature. »uand for such fruit, wbilo the de- ‘ n,aj oritT of those now liv in g — ; ,|rPadful cold, approaching ...................... Consmnp- ___ I Among the fruit aud "flower novel-1 days . ------- ...'....1 8 00 WILL HE ANNorNCED IN Each number contains more For sibling days apply to H. L. mand for inferior, scrubby fruit o f1 I Oregonian. _______________ lion, tried without result everything ties which 1894 brings us, we notice sol d reading m atter than any .Yabieu, agent Albany, Oregon. any kind will as constantly decline. " " - j else then bought one bottle of Dr. that tlie enterprising and reliable lii m ; CHAR. CLARK, Supt. other agricultural paper, and If i a man raises a first class , article No excuse for sleepless nights when v ... n Disoov, , rv and i in two of J ames V ick ’ s S ons , Hoc ¡tester, N. Corvallis, Or. covers a broader .-field _ 1 ... _ , 'K in g s New | EDWIN STONE, M anager, Y„ are already ctilling attention to j of anything it will command sale on ■ >ou can procure One Minute Cough , , r* A rr..m u Corvallis, Oregon. its own merits — while the careless Cure. This will relieve all annoy- 'VM S " as <',lri'1 • *' 18 naturally tliree, which seem to have won g r e a t, Subscription Price, Oiu* D ollar a Y ear. j OF NOVEMBER 4th, 1896 iind indifferent producer of poor i u^ecs, cure tho most severe cough •hankful. It is gucli results, of which favor where known. They are the Public interest will steadily Increase, »rid the question how the men whose stuff cannot sell or give it away, »nd glvo you rest and health. Can these are samples, tlmt prove the won DOUBLE SWEET TEA, the,qiAiy one ; ■tes turned tlie S"«lc at tin- lu-t el ■••ti,in are s.itjsri,‘.| with tfce result« imd~r In the advance of progress, the m.iu ; y ° u afford to do without it? J . P 'lerful efficacy of tliis medicine in in the world tr.:e to name, “ Bcide of it. admi. istri.tion t ey el, c ed. will mate tl e ■ am paign the uu stin t-n selv ex- who has nerve aud pluck to grasp Currin. Coughs aud Cold*. Free trial l>oitl< * N iagara,” the “ E arly L eader "T oma ­ ■iting in the hist m y ot the country. J Saiti|>lc Clnhbinu: Offers for 1805 <»: the situation and come in touch s i s 1 ■ ....... • • __ at J. A. Ben»on'* Drug Store. K 'gu to ,” the earliest of all the early toma-1 T h e iMew Y o rk W eek ly T rib u n e , to fam ily and sure to become a great T he P r a ir ie F arm er ¡ with the great tidal wave of sejenti T he C all .—The Saa Francisco \ lar sizes 50c and $1.00. Ii Papers on favorite, and the already famous W eekly I tml ¡ne lending R-lmi.ii a,, temily n. wsp.iper the United Stwtes, icr of '.f tlie States, will publish fic progress and the higher advance i fa ll, an enterprising Republican R A R E B A R G rA IN nter O cean ' y ,‘ ‘“ f" r $1 25‘ ot wisdom, anti good management . „ . . ‘ x v a x v li j a z ix v o r z u it i. ail the p liti« -il !»#•* of thf-«In} , interestiiif'* —---- American 4-----* • • 1 blackberry , the "RATH B0N .” ig t . every citizen regard- i less «»f party airmail*>r»*. will be be who will soon step from ! P'‘per '* rap,dljr d» P lw m B tl,c S6I>- F arm fo r S a le o r E x ch an g e for From the praise and compliments Al-o general u-w* In attra, five form, foreign correspondence covering the lower to tbe higher round on j s* tional dailies which flood Oregon C o ttag«‘ G rove P ro p e rty . /_ ButhPnpei - ne given so abundantly to the ‘ Bride o h i1 HE '^ " n d tiie n e «* ,,r the w,>rid, an agin ultnrHl department second to none iu the ggf year for $1.25 tbe ladder of brilliant fame aud 1 'lt times. Six hundred copies were 313 acres one inilo west of Yoncalla, N i.igara, this sweet pea must be : chicaooaye : klytimes country, market reports which are ree,iguizcl recognized authority, „uthortty, fa*, fas, inutins touting short »olid, fs not nni 1 put nut in in at „* Portland, P„v«ln„.l 250 o zo at „« Oregon ! “! ' 90 !|cres . in more than charm ing and from the eu- j A,hire-s stories, eemplete i i each nuudrer, the erenm of the humorous parares , foreign I , . substantial success. It ' w ' xh ,a . , ... enl- I and domestic, with their U-st comic pictures, fashion plates and etol.ir irate de- ter “broad, beautiful acres,” that the 1 Ci»v and 100 copies at Salem, as good orchard',.' about"i 500 trees.'äüd comiuim; lavished on both the new T*i«‘ P r a i t i e F a n n e r , C icitfr,. script ion- of woman’* atti, with >. varied and attm erire dct.irtm rtnient of editor of T he L eaks cares, it is bo' me ........ c, , rVttlil8 and other vallev "*‘ ,er “» tomato and this new l.lackbet ry, it is la»" "hold late r,-;. ! in- "N _ w : . ri; Weekly I'rimin,'” i* ....... an ideal , .. . o fam ily ■ ft for a little proper! ' i uiotiev liuti year. Good.soft well water. All pretty certain in. garden desiring to prtvre. witii a ":r .1 ■ i,‘!t 1 i’ :re r tc t: O ,tii «r.o-Vlv otil.li 'll I t l iar ;a' of It in. ot.ii’ wee!f lui i ;g un engin or m irre-: tie oil*, hold. I" hours, when thousas.U have not the ; '" it his paper is selling on merit growing town on the Oregon & Uali- comers. .. .nv «tzc or I ind • em! • •• ,r '*«» ■ desire or energy to even plav with alone__ Capital Journal fornia B. R. in Douglas Co. $4,000 teglie N<> Su. cenp.inin ' i.lu ,< icio ? A SPECIAL Ct/NiRACT r. r til! • dal )• ,li nai and their fingers for pass time—but he ’ | for every thing. Write or call on W. L uck and P luck . —Titere is no and p r ie « ■ >f evcr . kitnl ci engi,.,> T ue LEADER for ■ ■ ------------- B kcmmett . or editor of T he -L eader Tom niii1 tip to 25 I, 'rso , w,'i'. ,i ,.yt- has a desire to demonstrate u ew , ¡such thing as luck. Luck is piuck ; toni priccs. or L i-t No. 29. !■ r .a d One Yea. ior Only ¿2.25, CAVEAT8, By the way, readers, arc any of you Cottage Grove, Or i Luck is a foolish doctriue of fate; it. problems in scientific horticulture _ TRAD c m a r k s . , ■ ngine«. Imiterà «mi U nt in ehi rv t-A$H At/vV.f’sv/L. and agriculture that will benefit the so far bcl‘ted the times as not to D e s ic n p a t c m t s . Eitiier -"ut fc-e. Hon. Win. Galloway, of McMinn- 18 c? nj c.*sm incompet- COP Y R IC H T 8, e t a (Tho rtguiur subscript ion prit« of the two papers $3 00; toiling millions of honest, industri-: know "Tjc* ’8 F ixjral C ube V” If . , d»mocrn*i candidate for ents and failures. You never hear For Information and free Handbook write to CHAS. P. WILLARD A CO. MUN'N & CO., 361 B roadway , N ew Y ork . a real sensible man talking about Oldest OU8 laborers in this grand world of iin->' of J’0*1 h#ve n”V(,r «ten it, send 10 ’ flt'BOIPTIOSh MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME. l a t Canal 'I r e ,» ' - - CHICAGO bureau for securing patents in America, glorious sunshine, magnifieent, ‘-ents to this firm at Rochester, N. 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No intelligent iris /ellow creature«, “without money i wi" ” iv° -vol‘ " i!l ‘v ta in ly induce you Dr. p rice s Cream B ak in g Powder liev' J ' bust, Baptist, Nashville world. man should be without lu Weekly. K3.0O a New 4ork Weekly Tribun«' wtiJ iw ntailed t 'v r,u . year; Si-50 Six months. Address, MUNNr & CO., i to keep up the acquaint ttree. VrankJ G.,tJ M-t’ Fdr. Su Fnnci«* Conn • „ n _ n u- E ditor h. P T horp — Dear Sir. ,T closing throb of the w eary and p rices Cheap as F irs t C lass T rees Can be R aised F or. LU j. •i One Oí The Best Stock ' E R . B. ROUSE. PROM PTLY F IL L E D LURCH’S MONEY LOANED. L ad ies D ress Goods, H ats an d D om estics Greatest Oí All Farm Papers. iSHEHT OF THE UNITED STATES THE NEK YBEK WEEKLY THIBONE lì is tiie Paper for the People. STEAM .. GASOLINE j jjrieiittEtr ¿bumtan ’ T - Mg —— •s V *v jr * . V