PH EN OMEN AL PROPOSITIONS ------F o a ------ CAPITAL AND ENTERPRISE VOL. 7. T H E LEADER ’ HE R A IL R O A D G A T E W A Y .....BOHEMIA GOLD MINES NO. 3t>. COTTAGE G RO V E. L A N E C O U N TY . OREGON. S A T U R D A Y . FE B R U A R Y 8. 18%. T H E SA LM O N IN D U STR Y. of the K ansas Pacific railw ay, held in enue tag. N ot the least significant of New York, a t w hich $6,500,000 in the recent extensions is the shop for bonds was represented, it w as voted M e m o r ia l t o C o n g r e s s o n t h e N e c e s s i t y steel shipbuilding w hich is now com ­ o f F o s te r in g I t. EP ITO M E O F T H E TE L E G R A P H IC unanim ously to accept the term s Devoted to the Best Interests pleted and ready to receive its m a­ offered by the U nion Pacific reorganiz­ SUC H IS T H E P R E S E N T T O N E O F R E P O R T O F T H E C O M M I T T E OF A storia, O r., Feb. 4.—A copy of a NEWS O F T H E WORLD. of Cottage Grove. Lemati and chinery and tools. ation com m ittee. The action taken T H E W H E A T M A R K E T. m em orial to congress on the necessity NEW Y OR K Y A C H T C L U B . R eal estate agents of Spokane are Bohemia Gold Mining District. of fosetring the salmon fishing industry A n I n t e r e s t i n g C o l l e c t i o n o f I t e m s F r o m binds all the bonds deposited w ith jn b ila n t over the increase of th eir the reorganization com m ittee, am ount­ by the establishm ent of a perm anent stock in trade of allu rin g inducem ents. t h e T w o H e m i s p h e r e s P r e s e n t e d In a ing to $10,400,000, out of a to ta l o u t­ F a r m e r . W h o H e ld O n t o T h e i r W h e a t hatchery, has been sent to each of our L E A D E R B U IL D IN G The bank clearances for the week C o n d e n s e d F o r m —A L a r g e A m o u n t standing of $11,000,000 to the U nion H a v e a o O p p o r t u n it y t o I ’r o t lt b y T h e E a r l ’s C h a r g e s A r e C o m p l e t e l y congressional repreaentatitves. The ending Ja n u a ry 26, exceeded those of Pacific reorganization plan. o f I n f o r m a t i o n In n S m a l l S p a c e . D i s p r o v e d a n d A l l S u s p i c i o u s C ir ­ m em orial seta forth the im portance and t h e B e t t e r P r i c e . P r e v a f t lia g —C o n ­ Seattle, Tacoma and H elena. I t may C. W. Sm ith, of San Francisco, has c u m s t a n c e s A r e E x p l a i n e d —D u n r a v e n need of fish protection, stating th a t the c l u s i o n . o n S m u t In O r a ln . John T yler, eldest son of President E. P. THORP, also be noted th a t the railroad traffic been named aa a new receiver for the salmon w ill become extinct unless a rti­ Tyler, died in W ashington, aged 76. D e c lin e s to B e I n te r v ie w e d . shows a rem arkable increase, and the The w heat m arket appears to be A tlan tic & Pacific railroad. ficially hatched and proper steps taken E d i t o r a n d B u s i n e s s M a n a g e r hotels and restau ran ts are filled w ith As a result of a fam ily row in Jeffer­ steadily im proving and ia relatively New York, Feb. 3 .—The New York for preservation. The m agnitude of The Coliseum in Chicago has been more strangers th an a t -this tim e for son, Ia., tw o men w ere killed, two higher than tne price in Chicago and Y acht C lnb’s home on Madison avenue three years previous. T his increase, w as crowded to n ig h t by members an x i­ the industry is shown by statistics, wonnded and a woman badly beaten. selected as the place for holding the Liverpool w onld w arran t, says the R a t e . o f S u b le t Ip tlo n . giving last year’s spring and fall pack national D emocratic convention. together w ith ten big m ines w orking W alla W alla Statesm an. As w heat . P o tter Palm er, of Chicago, ia being Almost everybody takes some laxative OMB Y E A R .____________ ___- .................... . . . • * OO . in the C'oenr d ’Alenes and a len g th en ­ ous to h ear the report of the inv estigat­ as follows: T hree members of the last Ohio legis­ ing com m ittee w hich w as appointed considered by the adm inistration as the latu re have been indicted for bribery. started in last fall as low as th irty medicine to cleanse the system and keep the Spring pack, 510,376 cases; fa'L, f j m - T h e n r .te a are U ric 11 jr I d a d v u ic e . cents the rise of tw enty cents and u p ­ blood pure. Those wlio take SIMMONS S u tw crlb er. w ith in » a c h a n g . In th e ir ing list of shippers in the Slocan and several m onths ago to hear the charges 127,084 cases, representing in all a possible successor to Theodore R unyon, The names are not made public yet. p ito d lce .tliire u ih o ttld give th e ir olC u w ell T r a i l C r e e k districts; w ith w heat ad- w ards is rem arkably and decidedly en­ LIVER R E G U L A T O R (liquid or powder) preferred by Lord D unrsven against valne of $8,342,928. It ia also stat*V as am bassador to Germ any. March 25 the G erm an reichstag w ill couraging to w heat growers. It is to get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant “ TbTtoSi-TiADiB will bo wnt to subscriber, vancing u n til it is w orth about 20 cents the owners of the victorious Yankee th a t there were shipped in a fresh sfc i A railroad bridge n ear Sansalito. s n t i l a ll arreara arc paid and paper ordered to per bushel more th an last year With laxative and tonic that purifies the blood celebrate in an elaborate m anner the craft, Defender. The report waB read salmon valued a t $133,564. C al., collapsed from the w eight of a lo­ signing of the prelim inary peace of be regretted th a t so m any farm ers and strengthens the whole system. And b . ^ n i i n u ^ ^ m u g w^Wvin- hi. paper new enterprises guaranteed for this by J . P. Morgan. fonnd it im peratively necessary to d is­ The m em orial goes on to say: comotive, resulting in the death of more than this; SlMMONS LIVER REGU‘ regu larly w ill p lease n o tify tbia office im m e- city and w ith the other signs of new pose of th e ir w heat when the prioe LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it aefjva The findings review the charge of " I f the Colum bia river was entirely the engineer and serious in ju ry to the 1871. '" j a r - w , invite .hort article, of g e n e ra l in- prosperity, Spokane has no com plaint the E arl of Dunraven th a t after being w ith in the boundaries of the state of hardly paid the oost of raising. Only The L iberty bell, w hich haa been on and healtny, and when the Liver is Tit fireman. te r e s i—lo n g o n e s , aa a ru le , n o t p u b liih e d . A ll to reg ister a t th is date. exhibition a t the A tlan ta exposition, a few of our most prosperous farm ers good condition you find yourself free from m easured, the yacht Defender was su r­ Oregon, or subject to its sole control, a rticlea m uat be accom p an ied by th e n a m e of It ia reported th a t G erm any has or­ th a w riter, n o t for p u b lic a tio n , b u t as e v id e n c e i reptitiously loaded so aa to sink her the state could take am ple provision dered tw elve torpedo-destroyers from a has been returned to Philadelphia. Its have held on to th e ir w heat, and now Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick- Id ah o. of good fa ith . We aastixne n o re a p o n sib ility for arriv al there w as annoonoed by a salute have an opportunity to profit by the Headache and Constipation, and rid of th e o p in io n * of correspon d en t*. The late Goddard m nrder case oost fonr inches deeper in the w ater; th at for the preservation of the fish supply; London shipbuilder. The new vessels that worn out and debilitated feeling. better prioes prevailing. of forty-five gnns. Filtered at th e poetofflee a t C ottage Grove aa she sailed in th a t condition the first but the Colum bia is a common bound­ the connty of Nez Perce $7,524. are to have a speed of th irty knots an seco n d clase m atter. These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. day; th a t im m ediately after the raoe, ary to Oregon, W ashington and Idaho, F a r m e r s E x p e r t H i g h e r P r ic e * . Cashier George B arnard of the For honr. Good digestion and freedom from stomach A shipm ent of 70,000 fru it trees was the w eight was secretly removed so A d v e r t is in g K a te « M a d e K n o w n o n A p ­ Stanw ix N ational bank, Rome, N. Y., and m any of ita trib u taries extend to Apropos of the present boom, the troubles will only be had when the live» reoently m ade from Moscow to Camas th a t when measured the next day, no G eneral Joseph H. P orter died a t the p lic a tio n . the body of each state. There is a t on being told th a t the bank exam iner O regonian states th a t w heat goes np at is properly at work. If troubled with any I P rairie. discrepancy was fonnd to exist between present a conflict between the statntes G rand U nion hotel, New York. The w as coming to look over the affairs of local m arkets because farm ers are hold­ of these complaints, try SIMMONS L iv e r A snowalide carried aw ay the m ill at the tw o m easurem ents. The conclu­ if the bordering states. Any appropria­ im m ediate cause of his death w as com­ his bank, im m ediately w ent to a room ing on in expectation of higher prices, REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi­ CHURCH DIRECTORY. plications from a gunshot wonnd in the and hung him self. the V anderbilt m ine, tw o m iles sooth sion reached is: tion by one state for propagation and, as charters m ust be filled, buyers cines, and Better than Pills. of Hailey. “ Upon careful consideration of the could not be expended for the exclusive lungs, received d arin g the w ar. fT K V E K Y PACK AG E-«!? H ’M BK RI.ASD PR ESBYTE RIA N C H C R C H — C harles Asim us, who m urdered m ust pay w hat is necessary to fill th eir j S u n d ay ach ool, 10 . . a . P rea ch in g , 11 a . m . The rolling m ills of the Illinois Steel Jam es Greenwood Septem ber 21 last, orders. Tnere is a possibility of bene­ Haa th e Z S tam p in red on w rapp er. A nother paym ent is dne the Ncz whole case, the com m ittee is u n an i­ benefit of its own citizens and a jo in t •m l 7 r. a . , Brat an d th ird Sun d ay in eacb It mously of the opinion th a t the charge appropriation is alm ost impossible. Company, located a t South Chicago, died on the gallow s a t K alam a, W ash. fit in tnis to the farm ers, if the result m o u th . P rayer m eetin g , each W edueaday at Perces in F eb ru ary of $160,000. J . H . Z ellln & Co., P h ila ., P a. I r. M. (" W e are Jou rn eyin g u n to a p la ce o l m ig h t be very handy these d n ll days m ade by Lord D unraven had its origin T his fish is largely consumed through­ w hich were shut down December 81, H is last w ords were: “ I m ust die; I is not the carrying over of too g reat a w h ic h th e Lord a ald , I w ill g le e It jtom ; co m a have resumed, giving w ork to 6,000 in a m istake; th a t it is not only not out the U nited States, and all are in ­ th o u w ith uv and w e w ill d o th ee good."— to be an Indian. am all rig h t; the sheriff be good man; surplus here and elsewhere, so as to N u m b . 1 « :» . R a v . C. A. WOOI.KY, P a ito r. sustained by evidence, bu t is com plete­ terested in preserving an abundant sup­ men, w ho have been idle since the one bad m an, I, m ust die. I'm all break the m arket down in the spring. I D O ING S O F C O N G R E S S . Development work on the Black H or­ ly disproved; and th a t all the circum ­ ply of wholesome and economical food. shutdown. O ar farm ers are in much better posi- r ig h t.” flH R lS T I A N C H U RC H —SERVICES AT 11 A. net haa suspended for the present. R o u tin e W o r k o f t h e F if t y - F o u r t h Soe- stances indicated by him as giving rise The dnties collected by the governm ent m . an d 8 p. m . S u n d ay sch ool at 10 a . m . A physician of R io de Jan erio de­ The A m erican board has reoeived tion to hold th eir w heat than they were _, P. 8. C. E .t ea ch Sunday at 4 p . m . M idw eek The owners w ill p n t op a ten-stam p to his snspicions are entirely and satis­ . I o n —S e n a t e . upon the tin-plate used in this industry clares th a t he has fonnd a cure which w ord from E rzeronm , Turkey, th a t p rior to 1893, thanks to the economical p rayer and p ra ise serv ices, W ed n esday e v e n in g m ill for reducing and saving the gold. W ashington, Feb. 8.— W hen the factorily explained. They deem it, approxim ate $60,000 annually, aside is alm ost certain in its effects for yel­ a t 7 o ’clo ck . M usical rehearsal, ea ch Saturday teachings of hard times. The aoienoe a v eu iu g at 7 o< ’lock. The m aoihnery for th e new packing therefore, bnt jn st to Mr. Iselin and from w hat is collected on the tw ine low fever. The physician's new rem ­ through the relief money w hich is sent, of farm ing is incom plete w ithout a senate convened today the silver bond oompany a t Idaho F alls has arrived and the gentlem en concerned w ith him , as im ported and used in the fishing gear, edy consists of the in tern al use of doses bread is given daily to about 1,500 knowledge of m arket conditions, and bill had the im m ediate rig h t of way. e t h o d is t c h u r c h - s u n d a y sc h o o l persons in th a t oity alone. B nt ap p li­ V illas addressed the senate in opposi­ Contracts w ell as the officers and crew of the De­ r t 10 a . m . P reach in g, each fourth Sunday is being placed in position. sm all portion of th is duty expended of the extract of eucalyptus. cants for relief are nearly tw ice th at its praotioe ia a t a disadvantage unless tion to the bill, w hich, he said, de­ m orn in g and ev e n in g . Prayer m e e tin g , every have been made for a large num ber of fender, th a t the com m ittee should ex­ propagation w onld keep up the sup­ the farm er ia prepared to act upon this T hursday n ig h t. •* T h e Lord :s in H is h o ly te m ­ A dispatch to the New York W orld number. hoga, so th a t slaughtering may com­ press em phatically ita conviction th a t ply. ple.** R kv . M. O. BR IN K , Pastor. It, therefore, seems to your from Caracas, says: knowledge. W heat exemplifies this. served its fate of being strangled by A nti-E nglish W h ittak er W right, an A ustralian Bo, also, in an em inent degree, does silver, and, in denneiation of the mine- mence a t onoe. n othing w hatever occurred in connec­ m em orialist th a t it is a proper subject m eetings are again being held. The yachtsm an, has offered a $500 cup, to fruitgrow ing. owners of the Rockies, who, he de­ The Boise m in in g exchange is i tart- tion w ith the race th a t casta the least for the national governm ent to take women ol Venezuela form branches of be sailed for dnriug the R iviera season, H ad the im provem ent come earlier clared, were responsible for the a g ita ­ ing off in a business-like manner. suspicion upon the in teg rity or pro­ hold of energetically and w ithout de­ society for the defense of national te r­ and w ith the object of bringing abont in the season, before ao much of the tion in favor of free coinage. The ritory, and w ill boycott all English The members seem to be in earnest in priety of th eir conduct, and the com­ la y .” a m eeting between snch big yaohts as g rain had passed ont of the grow ers' senate com m ittee on privileges and m ittee is not w illin g to donbt th a t if A copy of the m em orial, together household goods. the m atter, and filled w ith a determ in ­ NEWS OF THE NORTHW EST B ritannia, S atanita, A ilsa and possibly hands, the benefits w onld have been | elections decided to report in favor of ation to score a success. The exchange Lord Dunraven had rem ained present w ith a circu lar letter, calling atte n ­ Colonel Crofton has been requested an A m erican yacht. throughout the investigation, so aa to E P IT O M IZ E D . tion to the value of the salmon-fishing greater, bnt, even a t this late date, a J®**111* DuP°n t' ReP - *8 **n»tor from promises to be a g reat benefit to the to retire by Secretary Lam ont The The com m ittee divided on have heard a ll the evidence th a t was industry from a railroad standpont, The Japanese legation in W ashing­ fair proportion of the crop ia in first Delaware. m ining industry of the state. oolonel refuses to oomply, and relies on introduced, he wonld, of his own mo­ was also sent to the presidents of the ton has received an im portant cable­ hands. W hile in the E astern Oregon strict party lines, being five to fbur the influence of his nephew, D apont of D e v e l o p m e n t a n d P r o g r e s s o f t h e V a r i­ Borne Indiana citizens desiring to tion, have w ithdraw n a charge th a t various transcontinental railroads, ask­ Republican senators in cau ­ gram from the foreign office of Japan d istrict abont Pendleton the w heat is against. Delaware, who claim s an election as o u s I n d u s t r i e s o n t . . a P a c i f i c C o a s t - come W est have w ritten for offers and w a s plainly founded upon m istake, ing for th e ir co-operation. w ith a direction to make it public, by well cleaned up, there is said to be cus today decided to make an attem pt U nited States senator, to retain for him E v e r y t h i n g P o i n t s t o a B l i g h t a n d inducem ents as a bonne for th e ir s ta rt­ and w hich has been so u n fortunate in the term s of w hich the rich island of mnch g rain rem aining in the Palouse to complete the reorganisation of the his position in the arm y. ing a wood-pulp m ill. It w onld re ­ the publicity it has attain ed and the Form osa, w hich Jap an acqnired from country, the great w heat-grow ing re ­ senate, and to meet next F riday for P r o s p e r o u s F u t u r e —O r e g o n . M O TO R M A N L O S T C O N T R O L . The B eilin T ageblatt says: " I t w ill C hina, w ill be opened np to trade and quire considerable soft wood, such as fesling to w hich it haa given riBe. ” the purpose. gion of W ashington. A new steam er for the coal trade is oottonwood, lin n , buckeye, etc. A ll be the duty of continental diplomacy commerce. D uring the reading of the report, W ashington, Feb. 4.—The long con­ The cause of the present flurry has i A c c id e n t o n th e N ew S u tr o E le c tr ic soon to be p a t on between San Fran- things being favorable another desir­ every point made elicited hearty cheers to convicne A m erica th a t E ng lan d ’s L i n e in S a n F r a n c i s c o . In view of the repoit circulating in been shown to be the orop failure in test over the silver bond b ill is a t an oiaoo and C oqnille City. motives in the A rm enian question are able industry w ill be started in Idaho. and applause. W hen Mr. Morgan had end in the senate, th a t body having San Francisco, Feb. 4.—Tw enty political, and not hnm ane, and thna the U nited States th a t W illiam K. A ustralia, w hich haa opened np a new A m ining and ooal-shipping cor­ finished, the report was adopted, and M o n ta n a . V anderbilt is shortly to announce his m arket for the Paoific coast; not, aa passed the free-silver ooinage substitute people were more or less injured today dissuade the U nited States from co­ engagem ent to Mias Amy Bend, V anity some may believe, the European w ar f°r the honse bond bill by the decisive poration haa been started a t Bandon, The dip h th eria epidem ic has died out it was decided th a t the consideration by an accident on the new Sutro elec- operating w ith E ngland. ” w ith a capital stock of $150,000. F air, published in London, th is week scare. A ll the talk of probable hostil-1 vote of 42 to 35—a m ajority of seven a t B elt and the public schools have of the com m itee’a report be postponed trio road, ru n n in g to the Cliff honse. u n til the general m eeting of the club, A dispatch to the London P all M all asserts th a t W illiam K. V anderbilt ities has th u s far failed to excite the for free silver. The buildin g of the A atoria railroad reopened. T his result w as car, loaded w ith abont seventy-five G azette from Cairo, Egypt, says a seri­ F ebruary 14. haa already consumed $400,000, w hich people, w as boend in from the beach, ous revolution has occurred a t K h ar­ w ill shortly announce his engagem ent great w heat m arkets of the world. reached a t 3 o'clock today, after three B illin g s’ latest enterprise is to con- is a t the rate of $50,000 per month. W ar scares have been used too often by hours of caustic debate and sharp par- to an E nglish duchess. struct a $10,000 opera bouse w ith a London, Feb. 8.—Copies of the deci­ and, w hile descending a steep h ill, at toum , grow ing out of differences be­ w heat-pit m anipulators to have any liam entary fencing. The B lue Jay , Silver Bow and G ray A rab b it drive fad is now being in ­ capacity for 60C persona the bottom of w hich was a steep grade, sion of the special com m ittee on inves­ tween the m ahdi and the tribes belong­ The b ill provides: " T h a t from and fu rth e r valne in this connection. W ere dulged in by the citizens of Lakeview, A recent fire a t H elena destroyed a tig atio n of the New York Y acht Club the m utorman tost control of the car, ing to the in terio r of Soudan. The Rock mines, of the B atte & Boston group, in B nttf M o n t, have closed it known to a certainty th a t w ar was after the passage of th is act, the m ints and thousands of the anim als have been $30,000 m illin g p la n t of the Mor tana were delivered to th e press, and to and it plunged down at a high rate of inahdi ia practically overthrow n. of the U nited States shall be open to down, and over ;-.00 men are throw n ooming, things wonld be different. killed. Lnm berng & M anufacturing Com- Lord D unraven a t 10 o'clock tonight, speed. The car jum ped the track, and the coinage of silver, and there shall be W illiam Gambold, a railroad brake- ont of employment. The pnm ps have plnDged abont fifty feet through the M—» -e s tim a te d th a t th s wool orop pany. S m u t In G r a in . by Mr. Burns. Lord D unraven spent ooined dollars a t the w eight of 412)* m an, has begun a su it against the not been w ithdraw n from vhe mines, sand. Those of the passengers who alone told to inch good advantage th a t The M ontana experim ent station grains, Troy, of standard silver, nine- A brew ing concern haa jn st finished the evening a t the M arlborough Club, $600,000 was disbursed in the vicinity a fine cold-Btorage house and are pre­ and arrived a t his residence jn s t in were outside all jnm ped, and they were Pennsylvania R ailroad Comany for w hich shows th a t the shutdow n is sends out the follow ing conclusions on ten th s fine, as provided by the act of $25,000 damages for m alicious prosecu- J only tem porary. the ones most injured. Broken legs of The Dalles last year. sm ut in grains: Stinking sm ut a t­ p arin g to p n t in bottling w orks in con­ tim e to receive the d o cum ent Lord The London Observer says: "W e tacks w heat only. Loose sm nts a t ­ ; Jan u ary 18, 1887, and npon the same Benton county, now having six flour­ nection w ith th e ir establishm ent at Dnnraven im m ediately entered upon and ankles, brnises and wonnded scalps tion. The su it is the outgrow th of the term s and subject to the lim itation* the perusal of the report. An interview were num erous, abont tw enty suffering A m erican R ailw ay U nion strike of have good a u thority leading ns to ex- tack all of the sm all grains, but th a t ( and provisions of the law reg u latin g ing m ills, is to possess a seventh. The B e lt injury in gome way. Sim on Koshland, 1894, and is brought aa a test case. press the belief th a t G erm any recently of the oat is the most dam aging. , the coinage and legal-tender q u ality of Dew m ill is to be of a complete roller The m nnicipal auth o rities of Helena, w as songht to n ig h t w ith Lord D nnra­ w ealthy wool-dealer, had his left leg Belva Lockwood, once a presidential invited Russia and other powers to co­ Clean seed, or th a t effectually treated I gold, and w henever the said coins process and to contain m odern m a­ under auth o rity of a popular vote to ven, b n t he refused to express an opin­ shattered. None of the passengers candidate on the w om an’s rig h ts operate in a plan hostile to E ngland’s for sm nt, w ill produce a crop free from herein provided for shall be received chinery. th a t effect, tried to dispose of abont ion or to speak for publication on the w ere fatally h u rt, and the wonnded tioket, and now a practicing attorney continued occupation of Egypt. Ac­ sm ut, bnt an adjoining sm utty field into the treasury, certificates may be Pendleton is soon to have a new $600,000 w orth of bonds recently, b ear­ decision. were qnickly removed to th eir homes. in W ashington, has been debarred as cording to onr inform ation and belief may contam inate thia grain for next issued thereon in the m anner now pro­ hotel. A leading property.holder of ing interest a t 5 per cent. There was T H E ISLAND D E V A S T A T E D . practicing attorney or agent before th is proposition w as declined by y ear’s crop. The only safegnaid is vided by la w ." th a t ctiy has abont completed arran g e­ only one bidder, and the m atter was A P h ila d e lp h ia B la z e . Russia. ” careful treatm ent before planting. The the pension bureau. She is accused of m ents for erecting a brick edifice on postponed for th irty days. H ou se. Philadelphia, Feb. 4.—C hestnnt having im properly accepted a pension P o v e r t y , F a m i n e a n d W id e s p r e a d S u f ­ Em peror W illiam is firm ly d eter­ disease in w heat may be entirely p re­ the oorner of M ain and R ailroad street was visited early th is m orning W ashington, Feb. 4.—A ttendance in vented by thoroughly w ettin g the seed fe r in g W il l S u r e ly P r e v a il. fee of $25. B r i t i s h C o lu m b i a . mined to carry ont the project of doubl- streets. by one of the fleroest fires th is city has the honse today w as sm all. Powers Pinkerton detectives have arrested the size of the G erm an navy. A in a solution of copper sulphate, nsing It is likely th a t the W ar Eagle w ill The Portlan d O regonian has aw ard­ W ashington. —Special.— R epresenta­ known for years- The big seven-story eight ounces to a gallon of w ater, bnt asked unanim ous consent for considera­ ed $160 prize for the best definition of p u t up a m illin g p la n t of its own at tive Money, of M ississippi, the senator- bnilding of Chai les H. H azletine and Express A gent George K rout, of high G erm an official says th a t he has this w ill lessen in some degree the v i­ tion of a senate bill to pay the widow Rossland. Colorado Springs, Colo., on a charge had repeated conversations w ith the a baby. The H eppner lady who won elect from th a t state, haa reoently re ­ the adjoining five-stroy structure of ta lity of the seed. It may also be ef­ of the late Justice Sam uel F. M iller of being im plicated in the th eft of emperor on this snbjeot during the past A new brew ery ia soon to be erected ceived advices from Cuba w hich are o. the B aptist Publication Society and the prize sent in th is answ er: ' ‘A tiny fectually prevented, w ithout any dam ­ $7,419, the balance of hia salary for $35,000 from W ells-Fargo Company three weeks, and he asserted th a t dur- feather from the w ing of love, dropped a t Sappington. It w ill have a oold considerable im portance and interest. the A m erican B aptist H istorical Society age, by im m ersion for fifteen m inntes the year in w hich he died. Land ob­ storage p la n t in the same bnilding. into the sacred lap of m otherhood.” A ccording to statem ents of M rf were destroyed. The buildings dam ­ several m onths ago. K rout claim s to ing the com ing sum m er the plan for in w ater raised to a tem perature of 181 jected and the bill was referred. B ills The present a ir compressor a t the Money’s inform ant, the devastation of aged by fire and w ater and falling be innocent, saying he had been robbed the reorganization of the navy w ill be to 135 degrees F ahrenheit. O at sm ut were passed to g ran t to the S t Louis & An outside m arket for hops raised j draw n np. by highw aym en. in this state would be a most welcome Le Roi m ine having proven too sm all, the island haa been carried to snch an wallB were the four-story dry goods may be com pletely prevented by tr e a t­ Oklahoma C ity railroad rig h t of way A special dispatch from S t Peters- A terrific tornado, accom panied by boon to growers, who ere very mnch a new tw enty -d rill one w ill be p n t in. extent th a t poverty, fam ine and wide honse of Homer, L ebontillier & Co., a ing the seed fifteen m inntes in w ater through the Indian and O klahom a te r ­ circum scribed in th eir movements. An T his company ia a steady dividend spread suffering w ill surely prevail in dw elling-house and the Hotel L afayette bnrg says: A rrangem ents point to a floods, occurred in N orth (Queensland, raised to a tem perature of 182)* to 135 ritories; to amend the act g ran tin g to Russia, G reat attended w ith great destruction of life the n ear future, unless by some means a t Broad and Sansom streets. The two conclusion between experim ent of th is n atu re was recently payer. degrees F a h re n h e it Thia treatm ent the Kansas C ity, P ittab n ig & G u lf ra il­ tried in C alifornia when 60,000 pounds The people of Rossland are now con­ h o stilities are brought to a close. The B aptist societies lost large and v alu­ B ritain, France and Italy for a final and property. Many vessels are miss- not only removes the sm ut b n t pro­ road rig h t to build a branch road to w ere sent to lisw icb, England. sidering the proposition of m nnicipal w rite r says the crops of th is season able collections of paintings, books and settlem ent of the A rm enian question, ing as a result of the storm. The rain- motes the grow th and incresea the yield. F o rt Sm ith. A resolution reported by been practically destroyed curios. The detailed losses have not l ’hese include R ussia's occupation and fall d u ring the tornado am ounted to 22 The farm ers aronnd Rosebnrg have corporation. Two m eetings have been have It may also be prevented w ith o u t in ­ T aft from the com m ittee o r foreign been cashing up th eir w heat, taking held. A t the first m eeting a com m it­ throughout most of the island. The aa yet been m adenp, but a conservative adm inistration of A natolia, and the inches, and it is estim ated th a t the ju ry to the v ita lity , by im m ersing the affairs was adopted, calling on the purchase of C yprus by Russia. damage to property w ill am ount to advantage of the prevailing sdvanoe of tee was appointed to learn the concen oanem ills are stopped, bridges burned, estim ate places the aggregate a t oloae feed tw enty-fonr hours in a solution of president, if not incom patible w ith the I t is thought th a t this A large num ber of per­ A private b ill w ill be introduced at $250,000. the m arket value of th a t ccmm odity; sns of the property-holders on the sub­ roads torn up and bnsinesa alm ost en­ to $2,000,000. potassinm sulphide, made by dissolv­ publio interest, to tran sm it to the house the approaching session of the legisla­ sons were drowned. T his beiDg favorable, a t the tirely killed. In the province of Santa is alm ost fully covered by insurance. the result is mnch coin is being plaoed je c t ing one ponnd of the snlphide in tw en­ a ll correspondence between thia govern­ ture for the purpose of incorporating a in circulation w hich cannot be aooen second m eeting a com m ittee was d i­ Clara, w here 225,000 sacks of sugar The forthcom ing m onthly statem ent ty-fonr gallons of w ater. The copper m ent and G erm any relative to the ex - R e a d in g C o llie r ie s S h u t D o w n . company to bnild a railw ay from Pen­ of the governm ent receipts and expen­ sulphate treatm en t, used for w heat, clnsion of insnranoe com panies of the rected to d ra ft resolutions to the legis­ were gronnd last season, no wheels have tuated w ith the opening season. Sham okin, P a., Feb. 4.— Fifteen lature, now in session, pray in g for in ­ been tu rn in g th is season, for to sta rt a thousand men and boys in the W estern ticton to Cascade C ity. The proposed ditures for Jan u ary w ill show th a t ag­ w ill effectually k ill the sm ut in oats, U nited States from transacting bnsineaa A $5,000 nngget was recently found corporation. in G erm any. The honae then w ent m ill is to give a signal to th e in su r­ line w ill ra n from Okanogan lake to coal fields w ere told today not to report M idway, thenoe to the N orth Fork of gregate receipts w ill be approxim ately bnt w ill in some degree dam age the into com m ittee of the whole and re ­ in the V irtue m ine near Baker City. gents to blow it np. $29,237,670; expenditures, $32,696,430, germ inating power of the grain. B ritish Colom bia possesses the for duty u n til fu rth er notice, for the It consisted of a single slab of gold sumed consideration of the C olum bia The inevitable reanlt of the continu­ K ettle river and to G rand Forks, thence leaving a deficit for the m onth of abont w eighing in a ll abont $5,000 w orth, nniqne distinction of containing the ance of the w ar, says the w riter, w ill R eading colleries have been shut down east to Cascade City. Experience is teaching th a t the sm all appropriation b il l $3,459,160, and for the seven m onths of only quicksilver m ine under the B ritish and required no retorting before ship­ be a fam ine throughout the farm ing for an indefinite period. It was Btated The unexpected order for Commander the present fiscal year of abont $18, farm er who grow s fru it and berries, A r r e s te d fo r E m b e s s le m e n t. m ent to the m in t a t San Francisco. flag. It is situated on Kamloops lake districts of Cuba. The U nited States tonight by a prom inent official th at B allington B ooth's recall to E ngland 813,875. R eceipts from the customs a little hay and g rain and keeps a cow San Francisco, Feb. *8.—Clarence A three days run in th is m ine has jn st opposite Savonas, a sm all station on being the nearest power, the neighbor three-quarters tim e w onld be the order from Amerioa, has occasioned so much darin g the present m onth w ill am ount and a few sheep and bogs ia not com­ M urphy, alias C. F. C larke, w as a r ­ the C anadian Pacific, and the ore ia a produced $64,000. of the island, and having alw ays re when w ork is resumed. disquietude and m nrm nring among the to abont $16,380,796; from in tern al plaining like his big neighbor of hard rested today. He is w anted a t S ilem , oinnabar, or native sulphide of m er sponded to calls from suffering coun­ Tillam ook’s lum ber report shows T h e C a se M y ste r io u s. rank and file of the Salvation A rm y in revenue, $11,041,401; from m iscel­ times, low prices and a short crop. Mass., for alleged embezzlem ent of oury. W ith only tw o retorts in opera­ th a t over 2,000,000 feet were sawed tion the results have been surprising. tries, w ill n atu rally be looked to to Rochester, N. Y ., Feb. 4.—M artin th is country th a t G eneral W illiam laneous sources, about $1,815,472. The sm all farm , w ell tilled, is a suc­ $60,000 tw o years ago, from the Salem fnrnish assistance and relief. there in 1895. Of the three largest Lynn, his wife and tw o in fan t children, Booth, father of B allington and com- T his is a decrease of abont $1,000,000 cess in a ll parts of the country. From a teat lot of tw enty tons of crude Savings bank. He was taken to the Mr. Money ia a member of the house and his sister, w ere found poisoned in m ander-in-chief of the Salvation Army in receipts from the customs aa com­ m ills, one has a capacity of 60,000 feet cinnabar sixty flasks of quicksilver, N o te d C h e m is t B u r n e d t o D e a th . detectives' room in the city h a ll to be com m itte on foreign affairs, and has th eir cottage today. Miss Lynn is dead, foroes thronghont the w orld, who is pared w ith Jan u ary , 1895, and an in ­ another 20,000 feet, and the oth er 25, w eighing 4,590 pounds, were produced, Philadelphia, Feb. 3.—Dr. A lfred questioned, and w hile there succeeded taken pains to secure the most reliable Mrs. Lynn cannot recover, and Mr. now in A nstralia, has decided to visit crease of abont $2,000,000 in receipts 000 feet. Suppose the o u tp u t to be valued a t $2,180, at a oost of only Kennedy, a t one tim e a distinguished in m aking his escape. He w as p u r­ correspondence from responsible par L ynn’s recovery is doubtful. 40,000 feet per day as a low estim ate, The the U nited States next spring. from the in tern al revenue. $300. T his meronry was sold in San ehem ist and an authority on m edicine sued by policemen, fired a t and finally the combined product of all the m ills tins in Cuba. The tenor of his corres children are ont of danger. The case Francisco; b u t in future, when the The treasury departm ent is exceed­ U p to th is tim e the V enezuela com ­ and botanical m atters, w as burned to recaptured. for 800 days would be 12,000,000 fe e t pcndence is th a t Spain w ill never be is mysterious. new retorts are b n ilt, the quicksilver ingly anxious th a t a large proportion mission recently appointed by the presi­ death to n ig h t In hia office. An enterprise w hich is to be of great w ill be dispatched to C hina for the able to conquer the revolutionists, and The assessed valuation of M ontana of the gold offered in paym ent of the dent haa not reoeived notice from P r o te st F rom K e n tu ck y W o m en . the continuance of the w ar w ill in A dispatch to the London Stai dard is $124,076,685.60, w hile ita indebted­ im portance to the com m unities in the m anufacture of verm illion. new bonds shall be obtained in Europe, eith er the B ritish or V enezuelan gov­ volve more loss of life and the im pov­ L exington, K y .,F eb . 8.—The execu Rogue river valley w ill be the proposed F or a and for the purpose of encouraging im ­ ernm ent of an intention to avail itself from M adrid says: The papers here ness is only $2,798,030.82. erishm ent of both Spain and Cuba. tive com m ittee of the W. C. T. U. at H ighland canal, w hich is now taking FIVE K ILL E D , MANY H U R T . ports, it is intim ated th a t the bidder of the in v itatio n extended to appear protest energetically against the U nited young state th a t is only six years old, A recent letter says the rain y season th eir m eeting here drafted a protest States senate com m ittee's a ttitu d e on Montana is doing rem arkably well. definite shape. The m atter was for­ who offers foreign gold, or who demon­ m ally brongnt to the a t’ention of the B o i l e r E x p l o s i o n in a P e n n s y l v a n i a w ill begin in abont three m onths, and against the nse of whisky or any in strates th a t he has gold on the way at before the commission through repre­ the Cuban question. They declare th at sentatives. N othing is determ ined as O r . P r i c e ’s C r e a m B a l i n g P o w d e r . the poorly fed and nnacclim ated youths toxicating fluid in the christening of board of trade, before whom represent­ N a ll W o r k s . the tim e the bids are opened, w ill be yet, as to sending an agent to Europe the insurgents have fulfilled none of W orld'! Fair H lfh a tt M .da i and 0 pioma who oompoae moat of the Spanish arm y the new w arship Kentucky. The atives of the oompany appeared by in ­ given preference in the aw ards, other to collect evidenoe there for the con the reqniaitea by in tern atio n al law or H ollidayabnrg, P a ., Feb. 8.—Five may be expected to die like sheep. The board declined to give out a copy of usage for the recognition of beilger vitation, and detailed plans and speci­ persona were killed and nearly a score tilings being equal, over others who aiders tion of the commission. It is eccy. The governm ent organa, w ith fications on points touching on the en ­ in ju red , some fatally , by the explosion Spanish troops w ill be nnable to pur- the protest u n til it can have been offer domestic gold. said this w ork oonld not be in telligently a view of pacifying the public irrita ane any m ilita ry operations then, for m ailed to Secretary H erbert, and MisB terprise. of a th irty -in ch cylinder boiler a t the there are few roads, and the forests The first signs of the Dominion gov­ undertaken u n til the mass of m atter a l­ tion, point ont th a t President Cleve­ H a iriet Richardson of th is city, who The W illam ette riv er seems to be w orks of the H ollidayabnrg Iron ernm ent’s intention to carry ont its ready before the commission has been land, his m inisters and the federal B and even the caneflelds are impassable has been selected to christen the ship, steadily deepening every year and also N ail Company th is m orning. to people unused to the country. (T I f t O Q worth of lovely Music for Forty and who asked the privilege of using promises tow ards the protection of the thoroughly digested and the knowledge au th o rities ao far have preserved a per Increasing in volume of w ater. In The dead are: George Lane, mason c m u . consisting of too pages —- 5 The letter says many Spanish resi old bourbon for th a t purpose. Miss country, in the event of trouble w ith acqnired of jn s t w hat gaps rem ain to fectly correct and friendly a ttitu d e to­ X - n I I V I I . . fuu Sheet M usic of the places the channel has an en tirely d if­ Con Evans, helper; M errill Treese, 16 any other nation, are seen in the esti­ be filled from E uropean archives. dents of the islands and a ll the C abans R ichardson w hen seen said: S ^ - latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular — w ard Spain, contrasting strongly w ith ferent course th an th a t remembered by years old, and tw o unknow n tram ps selections, both vocal and Instrum ental.; m ates of the com ing year, w hich have support the insurgents. The Spaniards “ The action of the W. C. T. U is gotten up In the m ost elegant manner, in- * Lloyd M ontgomery, the self-oon- the popular sym pathy and a sai stance the oldest settlers. It really seems to who w ere lying near the furnace. been presented to parliam ent by the desire some form of antonom y and the eluding four large sire Portrait*. the insurgents have obtained from the be going back to its old bed of prehis­ The boiler was blown through the C abans w an t absolute independence or prem ature, as there has been no official Hon. G. E. Foster, m inister of finance. tessed m nrderer of his father, m other CARMENCITA, the Spanish Dancer, announcem ent as to w hat the K en­ and D aniel B. M cKercher, has paid A m erican people. PADEREWSKI, the Great Pianist, toric times. Snch radical changes roof 300 feet into the air, and came annexation to the U nited States. Most tucky w ill be christened w ith. The The total estim ate for the ensuing year the penalty of his crim e by death on ADEUNA PATTI and have taken place in th e cbnnels of down like a spent rocket, crushing MINNIE 8EUQVAN CUTVNQ. ; —The barkeeper's good m oral charac-1 of the holders of large properties are honor w as unsought by me, and 1 sug­ is $41,230,681, about the same as la s t the gallows. The prisoner exhibited other risers, b u t the cause of w hich through the roof in another d ep art­ A D D R C « « AL L o a o r a t t o said to be in favor of annexation, be gested old bourbon as a characteristic In the expenses for the m aintenance of considerable pluck, considering his ter haa never yet made whisky a l THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO CO.: has been jn s t as deeply involved in m ent of the works. The entire roof good moral drink, say* the Voioe. the m ilitia, however, there is ar. in ­ cause they believe the g reater protec product of K entucky.” Broadway Theatre Bldg., New York City. youth, and did not flinch upon the mystery. ________ w as precipitated to the floor below, tion to property wonld be secured crease of $372,716 over last. CANVASSERS W ANTED. scaffold. The execution took plaoe, as O r P r i c e ' s C r e a m Baking ; P o w d e r . I and the works practically wrecked. under control of the U nited States. F iv e T ram p s F a t a lly In ju re d IV A . h l n g t o n . ; The second opinion in the Eastern required by law , in an inclosure in the W orld's F a ir H ig h e s t A w a r d . The explosion broke hundreds of w in ­ T ir e d o f O k la h o m a . Lawrencebnrg, Ind., Feb. 4.— Last Oregon branch asylum case has been j ailyard a t A lbany, Or. An hour be Connty im m igration conventions are a ll the rage in the Evergreen state this dows a q u arter of a m ile from the m ill. South MoAlester, I. T ., Feb. 4.— n ig h t’s freig h t train , eaat-bonnd, on handed down by the suprem e court. fore Montgomery w ent upon the There was the greatest excitem ent The Osages, considered to be the the Big F onr was derailed on the T his tim e the injunction is dissolved month. scaffold, he w rote ont and signed the around the wrecked buildings. F am ­ C U PID EN E' A resum ption of th e operations of ilies of the dead and wounded are w ealthiest trib e of Indians on earth bridge by a broken wheel. The bridge and the com plaint dismissed, leaving follow ing statem ent; " I did i t I am the paper m ills at E verett la a m atter fran tic w ith grief. No explanation is have passed a h ill through th e ir conn broke dow n and the cars fell th irty eet. the constitutional question still unset­ guilty. O, God, have mercy on me. tion of a fam ous F re n c h physician, w ill quickly c u re y o u of all ner. The opinion was w ritten by Take me as I am, I am a poor sinner. of considerable im portance to th a t offered as to the cause of the explosion. oil, asking for separation from Okla Five tram ps w ere fatally injured. tled. Tons o r d iv a s* * of th e generativ e i.rgam , such as L o st M anhood. homa, and to be annexed to the Indian The property dam age ia $20,000. Judge W olverton and concurred in t y I am sorry for w hat I have done. Insom nia, I’u in sln th e B rick,Sem i ul N ervons D ebility. town. P im ples, U nfitness t*> M a rry , ¿.x h au su n g ism ios, V aricocele and territory. Lord and Lady Sholto Douglas have other two members. In its ruling, God, do have mercy on my poor soul; B o ile r m a k e r s a n d M a c h in is t s O u t. C onstipation. I t s te p s ail lfisses by d » v o r night. P rev en ts quk*k- Two carloads of m achinery have a r­ n-'ss of discharge, w hich if n o t checked leads to N perm iitorrhffia and abandoned th e ir th eatrical tonr court adm its th a t the qnestion is for my sake, do, and forgive all my U n d er t h e N o se o f t h e P o lic e . Eagle Pass, Tex., Feb. 4 .—Three rived from th e East for the Beattie firm a rro rs o i Im p o te n c e . I T P I M U F cleanses the liv er, the B E F O R E a m o A F T E R k all id n th e e y s h an d th e u rin a ry o rg a-iso f all im purities. through C alifornia and returned to San one °* Brave im portance, but does not sins, each and every one of them , and hundred and fifty boiler m akers and Loa Angeles, Feb. 4.— B urglars broke th a t successfully bid for tw o of the f r P I D E X E R tre n g th en sn n d resto res sm all w eak organs. Francisco. The lord attribnbtes the consider the case w ith in its jnrisdic- forgive those who sin against me. Ob, T h e t -a w n sufferer-« » re n o t cu re d by Ixm tom Is been use n in e ty p e r c e n t a re troubled w ith n e w w arships. The buildings are now m achinists of the Mexican In tern atio n ­ into the Boston O ptical Company • t a f l t U . C C P ID E X E is th e o n ly k now n rem e d v to co re w ithout an operation, mno teeMmoni- a ll in readiness, inclnding the bnilding al Company are out on a strike. They ■tore, on Second street, last n ig h t and failu re of the trip to the heavy rains tion *° determ ine upon constitutional God, help the precious souls to see the sls. A w ritten guarantee given an d m o n e y re tu rn ed if six boxes doe* not effect a p e rm a a e a te |L00 a box, six for (¿.00, b y mail. Send for r a x * circular and testimonials. way of life for my sake. Do help w ays, w hich are oovered by a roofed demand a 25 per cent increaae in secured $2,000 w orth of good a The and the fact that h is advance ag en t gr°“nds. A M iW P A Y O S . H X B i n i t C O „ P. C S « Z k i U l n i M M . >C 4 S r * M I f At a m eeting of the stockholders of them and guide them through this •bed 200x75 feet, giving ample room to wage#, and the reinstatem ent of aeveral plaoe ia d lreetly opposite the police ita left him in an Inopportune time. Ha J. A. B EN SO N, A f M L the oonaolidated first mortgage bond* life .’* I •ay» ha w ill try It again shortly. tion. build both the torpedo boat end the rev- men. Negotiations are in progress THE LEADER. DUNRAYEN’S MISTAKE EVENTS OF THE DAY DECIDEDLY BETTER GOOD FOR EVERYBODY ( e M NEIGHBORING TOWNS F R E E | MANHOOD R E S T O R E D » ^ ■