Cottage Grove echo=leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 18??-1895, February 01, 1896, Image 4

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Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report
Games A m o n g Monks.
The recreations of the monk were few
and monotonous. The chief of them was
perhaps the pacing np and down the
little walks of the narrow lim its of the
cloister and garden, or cemetery, during
certain hours of the day, where even
such gossipy talk as Jocelyn de Brake-
londa tells ns of in his quaint “ Memoirs
of the House of S. Edmund at B ury,”
in the days o f K ing John, was sternly
checked by that obedienciary, the Circa,
as he moved about among the brethren
•t recreation. There was a bowling
green for the novices, which the pro­
fessed monks seemed to have used at
times. These novices and the other
schoolboy pupils in the house have left
the traces of their games. On the stone
benches of the Gloucester cloisters, where
we know these boys were taught, and
where they spent a portion of their
lives, are playboards not obscurely
marked in the stones.
These gamebcards for “ fox and
geese,” “ Nine men’s M orris,” “ in aud
out” and other games are found in oth­
er conventional building at Westmin­
ster, Norwich, Salisbury, Durham, etc.
Other vestiges of unlawful recreation of
the more youthful dwellers in a monas­
tery, such as cutting aud carving the
stones with letters and other devices,
are occasionally fonnd— for instance,
half way up the winding stair of the
great tower at Gloucester there is a
rough little figure in the perfect dress
of a burgher of the time of the wars of
the roses, evidently the secret w ork of
a youthful amateur carver in stone.
In some monasteries the monk was al­
lowed to possess and to amuse himself
with strange pet animals, snch as apes,
peacocks, falcons and even tame bears.
— Quarterly Review.
[ f W e ll F ed and T rea ted , T h ey A tta in to
Enorm ous Size.
B ig fish chronicles are always inter-
jsting. Attention is just now being be­
stowed upon the weight possibilities of
;arp. These fish are notoriously long
lived, and, provided they are not caught
before they have had a chance of living
long, aud, provided again, they have
few enemies and solicitous keepers to
»upplement their natural food supply
tegnlarly, it is only natural that they
thould grow to a relatively great size.
\ Under normal conditions, of course, they
do not exceed a few pounds, and, as it
A rc tic Sunburn.
H O W HE W O N .
is the normal conditions that prevail,
T o hear of suffering from heat in the
discussion of what they might attain
•retie regions sounds incredible to T h e Strobe o f Gcnlua That G ave a W e ll
may be regarded by not a few as some­
K n ow n Readl-tff C lerk B le P lace.
those who have never been there. L ieu ­
One of the interesting incidents at the thing of a futility. Still, they are some­
tenant Qilder relates the experience of
times placed in peculiarly favorable cir­
his party from this cause while one sum­ opening session of a new congress is the
cumstances, and, as the question is
mer in K ing W illiam ’s Land and declares
I really concerned with what weight they
that probably nowhere on earth is the
can reach, it is not such a fu tility after
traveler more annoyed by acute sunburn by the clerk of the honse, bnt candidates
than in the frigid zone. The heat of for the place must take part in a com­
We must go abroad for the biggest
ordinary exercise compels him to throw p e titiv e ‘ speaking contest’ ’ before the
carp of which angling history has to
back the hood o f his coat, and by thus house. John A. Reeve, who was read­
tell. In a private pond in Saxony there
exposing the head not only his entire ing clerk during Harrison’s administra­
ased to be a pair of breediug carp whose
face becomes blistered, but— especially
united weight in Saxony measure (7 per
if be is fashionable enough to wear his and one of the best known characters in
cent heavier than English) reached 91
hair thin on the top of his head— his Washington at the tim a Reeve tells this
pounds. The male was 43 pounds and
entire scalp is affected about as severely story:
“ I didn't suppose I had any show for the female 48 ponnds. By good living
as if a bucket of scalding water had been
the place when it came to the test,” said and attention they even exceeded this.
poured upon him.
In 11 years the male put on 9 pounds
A t a later period Lieutenant Schwat- he, “ for most of the candidates were
and the female 12 pounds. The pond
ka's entire party, while upon a sledge
which afforded a home for these crea­
Journey from Marble island to Camp ists, while the only elocution I had ever
tures was a famous one. In one year
Daly, were so severely burned that not practiced was calling bogs in southern
4,000 ponnds of carp were taken from it
only their faces but their entire heads Illinois, though I had been able to get
— to say nothing of tench and jack. In
were swollen to nearly twice their size. np in a political meeting and make the
this same pond— which, by the way, cov-
And a fine looking party they were. fellows on the back seat hear m e ; so I
; ered 17 acres— the proprietor had left
Some had faces so swollen that their thought I would go into this contest
several carp for breeding. F ive of these
eyes were completely closed on awaken­ anyhow and do my best in my own
weighed 103 pounds Saxon, and the
ing from sleep. When one was fortu­ way. Bnt yon onght to have heard those
largest of the five, a Spiegel carp, aged
nate enough to be able to see the others, elocutionists. The way they rolled their
16 years, drew in the scale 31>, pounds
he could not refrain from laughing. A ll r ’s and hissed their s’s and said ‘ ah’ and
T w e lv e Series o f Perfum es.
English. The age of ti e two first alluded
dignity was lost. Even the augnst com­ ‘ 1-1’ was acantion I Some of them didn’ t
authority on perfumes d i­
mander of the party was a laughing talk like beings and others had
the estate when it was purchased from vides the entire list into 12 series; 1,
stock, and, though he knew why they voices so rich and melodions you
Floral, as of the rose, violet and the
another fam ily, 50 years before.
laughed at each other, he could not un­ couldn’t hear them 10 feet away.
We have never to our personal knowl­ like. 2. Herbal, as of bergamot, mint
derstand why he should excite such
edge known a carp that exceeded 22 aud other aromatic plants. 8. The grass
mirth. Pretty soon he saw his face in sized up the hall and knew just abont
ponnds to be canght in English waters. series, comprising several fragrant
u mirror and fonnd that when he tried
A brace which weighed 85 pounds was grasses which grow in Ceylon or India,
to smile bis lips were so thoroughly
as the orange gras?, which contains au
swollen that the effect was auythiug nothing else. Each candidate lmd re­ once presented to the late Lord Egre- essential oil identical with that of the
but happy. The contortion expressed ceived a copy of a house b ill to read. I mout. A carious thing about these big orange, aud ginger grass, which has the
sentiment, but hardly that of pleasure. noticed that the other fellows started fish is their tameness. Mr. Pennell tells perfume of the ginger root. 4. The cit­
He could readily have been taken for a out this way, ‘ Uh b ill,’ and soon. N ow us he has seen carp in the garden ponds rine series, comprising the orange, lem­
grimacing idiot, or a malicious lunatic, ‘ uh’ is a sound that w on’t curry, and of Rotterdam eagerly follow ing visitors on and their combinations. 5. The spice
according to the preference of the be­ you can’t attract the attention of the about to be fed, while one immense fe l­ series, derived from the clove, cinna­
honse by grunting ‘ U h l’ So when I low, with a side as broad as a flitch of
holder.— Cassell’s Magazine.
started I sang ont in a lond, clear voice bacon aud an appetite that seemed in­ mon, allspice and the like. 6. The wood
B arb er's Pecu liarities.
that took them off their feet, ‘ A-a-a-a-a satiable, actually pursued him for near- series, as the sandal wood, sassafras,
rosewood, which derives its name not
" D id you ever k n o w ," said a Ninth b ill!’— lo n g ‘ a .’ They weren’ t nsed to | ly 100 yards along the side of the bank
street barber, "th a t certain men who that, and wondered what had broken until his stock of bread bad run out. from the fact that it has the color of roses,
come into this shop to be shaved exert a loose, bnt it seemed to catch them. I This fish, he adds, must have weighed bnt from the odor exhaled by it when
freshly cnt. 7. The root series, as the
queer hypnotic influence ovor one or saw I was on the right track, so I went 15 pounds. Their rate of growth has
orris root and many others. 8. The seed
more of the barbers? I t ’s a fact. Now. on singing her ont clear as a bell, and been approximately computed to be
series,as thecal away and vanilla. 9. The
there’s a man over there at the next
balm and gum series, of which there are
chair but one. He doesn't look like a I ever did in the hottest speech of a 6 pounds before the tenth year.— Pall
many varieties.
10. A ll perfumes and
M all Gazette.
nervous fellow , does he? N o ! Well, he campaign.
essences derived from fruits. The elev­
“ The thing they gave me to read was
isn’t nervous as a rule, but there’s a
T h e P o ta to I n France.
enth series consists of combinations of
certain man about town whoso very ap­ a terror. It had words in it as long as a
In France w e find that the potato the foregoing varieties, and the twelfth
pearance in the doorway sets that man dictionary, hut I hurried up aud slid
comprises all animal perfumes of what­
shivering like a man in a fit. He could through them and was doing pretty w ell was placed on the royal table in the
ever nature.— irt. Louis Globe-Democrat.
no more shave that particular customer when I looked down the page and saw a year 1616, bnt it was Parmeutier, au
than fly. Another man who nsed to lot of Spanish proper names. Now, I apothecary, who really introduced it and
A Tran sform ation Scone.
work in this shop a couple of years ago didn't know Spanish from Apache, but ; did all he could to get it generally cul­
A fashionable audience in Paris re­
was sim ilarly affected, but to a greater I was going about 100 words a niinnte, tivated, though not without the assist­
cently listened lo a lecture on chemistry
degree, by a prominent business man, a so without stopping I gave them two ance of the government. In 1771 a high
verses of a little German i»oem I had prize was offered by the Academy of by a celebrated chemist. A t the conclu­
Mr. B------. Whenever Mr. B------canto
info the shop, the barber won Id grow learned when a boy, and hang me if a Besancon for the discovery of a new sion of the lecture a lady and gentle­
man who were among the first to leave
deathly pale and quiver spasmodically. man in that hall seemed to know the food which would fill the place of ce­
the hall had reached the open air, when
It frequently compelled him to knockoff difference except Congressman Nied- reals in case of a famine. Parmeutier
work for a whole day, and finally the ringhans of St. Louis. Yon ought to showed his potatoes, and Louis X V I gave the lady canght her escort staring at
boss had to discharge him. F act! Here's have seen him laugh when he heard his him 50 morgen of laud to plant them her. “ What is the matter?” asked the
another funny thiug. Did you ever know native tongue worked off on the house on. When showing the first flowers of rnadame in surprise. “ Pardon me, bnt
his potatoes, the king used them as a you are quite b lu e!” The lady returned
that the average barber hates nothing so of representatives for Spanish.
“ Yes, I got the place, and it was the buttonhole bouquet, Qneeu Marie A n ­ to the hall and approached a mirror.
much as to have to shave a man's upper
lip? I don’ t know why it is, bnt I feel long ‘ a’ aud tbs German poetry that toinette had them in the evening in her She started back in horror. The rouge
hair, and at once princes, dukes and upon her cheeks had been converted in­
that way myself. I ’d rather lose a day’s saved m e.” — N ew York Snn.
high functionaries went to Parmeutier to a beautiful blue by the chemical de­
pay than shave off a man’s mustache,
H e A dvertised .
composition which had taken place un­
to obtain snch flowers.
and when a smooth faced man comes in­
der the influence of the gases which had
“ Once, when I was publishing a pa­
A ll Paris talked of nothing bnt potu
to this shop yon ought to see the way
The been generated during the lecture. The
each of us ‘ soldiers’ and ‘ monkeys' per in Seattle, I convinced a man in a toes and the cultivator of them.
around, so as to keep him from getting most emphatic way that it paid to ad­ king said, “ France w ill thank you some m ajority of the women in the audience
vertise,’ ’ said an old jonrculist. “ He time hence because you have fonnd had suffered in a similar manner. There
in our chairs.” — Philadelphia Record.
was a fairly prosperous merchant, aud I bread for the poor. ”
And France has were all sorts of colors— blue, yellow,
had tried for a long time to get him to not forgotten Parmeutier, for I saw m y­ violet aud black. Some whose vanity
H I. Sw eeth eart amt H U T a ilo r.
self in 1882 potatoes growing on his had induced them to put iv o iy on the
A young man whose income is by no insert an advertisement in my paper.
“ ‘ Oh, i t ’s no use,’ he would say. ‘ I grave in the grand cemetery of Paris, skin, coral on the lips, ronge on the
means sufficient to keep up his style of
livin g received a tailor's bill. He is en­ never lead the advertisements in a pa­ the Pete la Chaise, and I was assured cheeks and blank on the eyebrows had
gaged to a young lady who is the happy per, and no one else does. I believe in that they were planted there every year, undergone a ludicrous transformation.
possessor of a comfortable bank acconnt. advertising, bnt in a way that w ill force so that his services might never be for­
Salt M ake« Sugar Streeter.
The young man’s tailor sent him a b ill itself on the public. Then it pays. Bnt gotten by Frenchmen. — Journal Royal
Who would think of making sugar
with the remark written cn it that it
sweeter by the addition of salt? Such,
was long past due. When he received who reads a newspaper dodges the ad­
T h e R h one a L ig h t H ea rted R iver.
however, is asserted to be the case by
the b ill, he was engaged in w riting a vertising pages as if they were poison.'
O f all the rivers which, being navi­ Professor Zuutz at a meeting of tbe
“ ‘ W e ll,’ said I, ‘ if I can convince
note to his fiancee and in some way had
gable, do serious work in the world, the Physiological society of Berlin.
his attention called away as soon as it yon that people do read the advertising
From liis experiments lie finds that if
Rhone is the most devil may care and
was finished. He returned to his desk, pages of my paper, w ill you advertise?’
light hearted. In its 500 m ile dash to a solution of sugar there be added a
placed the tailor’s b ill instead of the
down h ill from the lake of Geneva to slight amount of salt and water so weak
note in an envelope and directed it on ever I think it w ill do any good. ’
“ The next day I ran the following the Mediterranean its only purpose— that it excites no saline taste, the result
his typewriter, which fact was a ll that
other than that of doing all the mischief is extra sweetening of the sugared wa­
saved him. When he called, she was line in the lightest faced agate in the
possible— seems to he frolic fun. Aud ter. The weakest of quinine solution is
very indignant, but he was quick wit- office and stuck it in the most obscure
yet for mere than 2,000 years this ap­ said to produce a practically similar re­
ted and began berating tbo tailor for corner c f the paper between a couple of
parently frivolous, and frequently ma­ sult.
sending her an account which ho disput­ patent medicine ads. :
The explanation given of the above
levolent, river has been usefully ein
ed in order to prejudice her against him
seeming incongruity is that the ever so
"T h e next day so many people annoy­ ployed in the service of mankind.
out of spite because the young man
It has served under many masters. In feeble saltness or bitterness imparts an
would not pay an unjust claim. The ed him by asking what that line meant
the Rhone valley of the present day C el­ increased sensibility to the sensation uf
next morning the lover told the tailor that he begged me to explain the matter
tic flints aud pottery underlie Roman taste by tbe simultaneous stimuli and
ull about the affair, paid the bill, and in my next issue. I promised to do it if
rnins; here and there a bit of Roman hence an appreciation of additional
the »inker of clothes helped him out by be would let me write the explanation
magnificence remains almost intact, tin sweetness.
■ending the g irl an apology, by which and stand to it. He agreed, and I w rote:
the hilltops still stand the broken strong
kindness he obtained an order for two
W a les and W ork in gm en .
holds of the robber nobles who m ain­
ADd he d d. " — San Francisco Post.
suits of clothes.— Washington Post.
The Prince of Wales is remarkable
tained their nobility upon what they
E lo q a .n o « C ru elly In terru p ted .
were able to steal. Naturally, these for the tact of his hearing toward work­
castles, and the still existent ingmen. He invited Mr. Henry Broad-
When Sala went to Australia, he ar
T im e warns ns w ith a voice that even ranged to deliver a series of lectures, towns of the same period, being so con­ lmrst to visit him at Sandringham. Mr.
the sages* discredit too long and the s il­ and ho wi,s fond of telling an anecdote spicuously in evidence, the flavor of the Broadhursi declined on the gronnd that
liest believe too late. Wisdom walks be­ abont one of his platform experiences river is most distinctly mediaeval, bnt ho had no dress suit. O f course a dress
fore it, opportunity w ith it, and repent­ there.
everywhere, to the discern ng eye, are suit could have been bought, but the
fact of his possessing it would have in­
ance behind it ; he that hath made it bis
‘ ‘ I was describing to my audience.” traces of the barbarism, of the c iv iliza ­
friend w ill have little to fear from his he said, “ in my very best English the tion and of rhesemiharbarism which suc- jured him w ith workingmen.
enemies, but he that bath made ir his coronation of her majesty. I had seen j cessivelv were plowed under before what prince renewed the invitation, and Mr.
enemy w ill have little to hope from his fhe procession from the corner of Par
we have the temerity to call onr own Broadhurst said he would accept i f he
were allowed to have a bit of dinner in
friends. — Colton.
liament street, aud was telling how the civilization began.— Thomas A. Janvier
his own room. This was courteously
in Ceutnry.
U i i Sacrifice.
conceded, aud Mr. Broadhurst went. He
ness of childhood's simplicity, the d ig­
Mamma— Yes, darling, those dear lit­
was shown to his room by the prince.
B onnet« C om ing Back.
tle boys have no father and no mother nity of sovereignty already seated upon
Bonnets, I am led to believe, after Noticing that the fire was not lighted,
her pale young brow, with heaving
— and no good Aunt Jane. Aren’t yon
the prince took matches, went on his
breast. ‘ A hectic flush upon her blanch quitting the field of fashion for some
sorry for them?
knees and kindled it lnmseH
ed cheek,’ I was saying, ‘ her sweet, time past, are likely to enjoy a renewal j
Freddy— Oh, poor little boys (w ith
pallid lips slightly parted, a teardrop of favor, but they w ill be somewhat
cheerful aln crity)! Mummy, dear, may
larger than heretofore— o f the Salva­
I give them Aunt Jane?— N ew York trembling on her quivering eyelid all
showed’ — ‘ Bosh!’ suddenly murmured tion Arm y pattern. Hardly becoming, }
a buxom old dame in the front row, aud fancy, yet I am told that in hairy or
my inspiration was gone. ” — Westmin­ smooth felt, with trimmings of velvet
or ribbon loops or tufts of plumes, and,
ster Gazette.
moreover, nicely tied under the chin
Bad Case o f B ack A gu e.
with bows of old fashioned sajeenet
“ I f ever a man had buck fever, Rea­ ribbon about 6 to 7 inches broad, they
gan had when he killed his first deer,” are ever so quaint, and with the hair
said Duke.
over the ears style of coiffure most ad­
“ Several of ns young fellow s were out vantageous to young and pretty faces. [
I d Potter county hunting, and some had We can bnt hope that none other than
never seen a deer.
I was walking ladies possessing tfce above mentioned
through the woods, when I heard ahead gifts of Dame Nature w ill live np to
o f me the report of a rifle several times this style of coifluie.— Paris Cor. Lou­
in quick succession, and yon bet I got don Telegraph.
there m ighty quick, for I thought some
A Mascot.
o f the boys had run on a bear.
when I got in sight there stood Reagan
“ He is the luckiest man I ever knew. ’ ’
pumping his old winchester .44, aud
“ In what way?”
not a shell in ii.
When I came np, he
"W e ll, he was never sick a day in his
Presen tinij A r m . to a Cat.
J let a y ell out of him and said, ‘ I ’ ll wear life and there is every likelihood that he
Some 50 years «g o a very high Eng­
Family Medicine ci the Age. j the feather n o w !’ We had an old feath­ w ill live to a green old age, aud yet he lish official died in an Indian fortress
er, and whoever killed the last deer wore is so thin and pale that every life insur­ at a place that is ono of the centers of
»Taken In tern ally, It Cures
it. There must have been a dozen bul­ ance agent who comes along skips him Braliminic orthodoxy, and at the mo­
Diarrhoea, Cramp, and Psjn in the
lets in that deer, and he couldn’t tell as a dangerous risk.” — Chicago Post
ment when the news of his death met
Stomach, Sore Throat, Sudden Colds,
anything abont how it happened, only
Coughs, &c., &c.
the sepoy gnard at the main gate, a
S a tisfa ctorily Defined.
that he tried to shoot as long as it
black cat rushed ont of it.
Used E xtern ally, It Cures
kicked.” — Forest and Stream.
The guard presented arms to the cat
Cuts, Bruises, Bums, Scalds, Sprains,
the expression “ touch aud go?”
as a salute to the dying spirit of the pow­
Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neu­
W a les’ Clears.
Papa— I t ’s very simple, my son. It erful Englishman, and the coincidence
ralgia, Rheumatism, Frosted Feet.
An American paper says that the means extreme speed, and refers to the took so firm a hold of the locality that
Wo Article erer attained to ruch unbounded
popuUnty.-A»f#*» Obaarrrr.
PriDceof Wales spends over £300 a year professional borrowers, who make a up to a few years ago neither exhorta­
An Article of great merit and virtu#.— Cinn.
on cigars alone. This is, of course, ab- touch and go so fast yon seldom see tion nor orders cotld prevent a Hindoo
b**4,<<■'*'"">"7 to til, e a „»c j of th.
1 surd, says London Tit-Bits. As a mat- them again.— Philadelphia Record.
Pain-Killer. Wo hare seen It« rnagic effects ia
sentry at that gate front presenting arms
soothing the severest pain, and know it to be a
ter o f fact, his royal highness buys com­
food article .— Cincinnati DispatcS.
Men ot u o q nave aiways, from time to any cat that passed out at night,
“ A »g
»-™ / vu
xv m
a in —n o fa rail j should be
for i p p\in—no
m fh o n » It
It .—
_ Montreal V
. anneri
j no need to do so.
Both the emperor of to time, walked among men and made
baa yet »nr
1 » ha.
surpassed t ie Pain-Killer,
“ Do yon say that as a lawyer or a
which is the moat raina
valuable family medicine now
Austria and the czar of Russia make it taeir commission fe lt in the heart and man?” exclaimed an exasperated w it­
in ose.— Tenn. Organ.
It bu rasi merit ; •• » mam. of minorine pnln.
a practice each Christmas to send cabi­
ness whom a lawyer was cross exaatiu -
so medicine ha. acquired a mpo ation eqnal to
Ferry Darie ^Pain-KUler.— y . * p . r t l M y .) Dot).
nets of the very choicest Havanas to
ing. “ I f you say it as a man, it is a lie
Marlborough House, and the collection
It ia really a ralnabla medlolne-lt la naed bp
Every year sees a development in the and a slander, bnt i f you say it as a
■any Phymciana. —A»«lo* TVar./f—
i of weeds maturing there is quite suffi- manufacturing interests, and it has lawyer i t ’s not of the slightest conse­
of imltatlona, bqr only tb* cannino
made by -P i s s t D a ti * .'' Sold araxynbara.
i d en t to stock any tobaoconist’s shop.
fi* * . botUta, It sad Ms.
spread toward the west and south.
L a tte r P a rt o f a C om plex Scheme
F a ils to W o r k Successfully.
G U N M A K Efi
In states and territories where snow and
ice lest all tbe long winters through, where
J E F F E R S O N M .C L O U G H REFUSES men are much exposed and suffer much
from cold, it is a wonder they do not pro­
vide better against some of the conse­
quences. In some lumber camps, chop­
H i . H e a lt h H u T o o P o o r to P e r m it pers stand all day in knee-deep snow with
A tt e n t io n to B u s ln e .e — A G re a t S u f­ half frozen feet. 1 h ' feet are much more
tender than the hands from being covered
fe r e r f o r M a n y Y e a r s , b u t H e H a . up all the time. Mi n are often lame all sum­
mer from tbe trost bites of the previous,
N ow R ecovered .
winter. W h y it is so. is simply because
they do not know that St. Jacobs Oil wii;
From the Springfield, Mass.. Union.
There isn’ t a gun manufacturer in cure frost bite in a night.
Take Care
Of your physical health. l>uild up vour
Said a wholesale whisky merchant:
sy* ten», tone your {‘tomach and digestive
“ We have the reputation of givin g more
organ*, increa*« your appetite, enrich
for charity than any other class of men.
your blood, drive' out all impurities and
prevent sickness by taking
W hile we get credit for some things we
do, yet there are many calls made upon
us that are never recorded. I remember
a case not long ago. A former prosper­
ous citizen came into onr establishment.
He took out his handkerchief and wiped
the tears that came into liis eyes. In a
broken hearted manner lie said that his
w ife was dying, and that the doctor had the United States who does not know
He—Don’ t yon think Flynn’» conversation The OneTiue lV.ood Purifier. $1; six forfV
prescribed whisky, but that he did not Jefferson M. d o u g h , and why? Be­ smacks of egotism? Sbe (thoughtlessly)—I
<1 f»H ’ c P i l l c
h z r t n o n t o u s ly with
have any money. When he told such a cause he has been intim ately associated have noticed the smacks.
auu u s r iu b
* s«i>«p*rLU. *«1*.
all his life w ith the development of the
tale of woe, I said:
H O W S T H IS ?
“ ‘ My friend, i f your w ife is really tw o best Am erican rifles, the R em in g­
ton and Winchester. F or years he was
sick, I w ill give you the whisky.’
We offer One Huudrcd Dollars Reward for
“ He swore he was telling the truth, superintendent of the E. Rem ington & any case of Catarrh that camiol be cured by
Catarrh Cute.
and I put the whisky in a bottle on Sons' great factory at Ilion, N . Y .
F. J. CHFXEY ¿1 CO. Props.. Toledft, O.
We the undersigned, have known K. J. Cheney
which was our brand. He left, the hap­ A fte r leaving there he refused a tempt­
last 15 years, aud believe him j»erfectly
piest looking man in the world. I was ing offer of the Chinese government to honorable in all busiuess transactions and fin­
feeling good also aud was flattering go to China to superintend their g ov ­ ancially able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm
myself into thinking I might be another ernment factories— and accepted in­
W est T r u a x ,
Whole*ale Druegists, Toledo, O.
good Samaritan, when presently my stead the superintendency o f the W in ­
W a l d in u , K in n a n & M a r v in .
friend reappeared. This tim e his tears chester-Arms Co., at N ew Haven, at
Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, Ohio.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
were rolling down and liis frame was a salary of $7,500 a year.
upou the blood and mucous surfaces of
It was after this long term of active directly
shaking w ith convulsive sobs. I went
the system. Price. 75c per bottle. Sold by all
over to him and asked, ‘ Is your w ife labor as a business man that he found druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's I Family Pills are the best.
him self incapacitated for further serv­
F I T « . —AU Fits mopped free by H r , K
i l n « __
“ ‘ Oh, n o !’ he replied, ‘ bnt I am ice by the embargo which rheumatism
G r e a t N e r v e R e s t o r e r . No F*fcs after the first
afraid she w ill die, as just as I was at had laid upon him and resigned his day’s
use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and |2.00 |
my front gate I slipped on the steps and position more than two years ago, and
Ml Arch St., Philadelphia. Pa.
dropped the bottle, which broke into & returned to Belchertowu, Mass., where
N E W W A Y K A S T -N O D l’ST.
thousand pieces. I picked up the pieces he now lives and owns the Phelphs
and have brought them back for you to farm, a retired spot where he has five
Go East from Portland, Pendleton. Walla
see, and to beg that you w ill g ive me hundred acres of land.
W alla via O. R. & N. to Spokane and Great
another bottle.’
B eing a man of means he did not Northern Railway to Montana, Dakotas, St
“ I was touched and turned to get him spare the cost and was treated by lead­ Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, Omaha, 8t.
another bottle, when to my surprise I ing physicians and by baths at celebrat­ Louis, East ana South. Rock-ballast track;
tine scenery; new equipment; Great North- !
got a glance at a piece of the glass. I ed springs without receiving any bene­ ern Palace Bleepers and Diners; Family
said, ‘ Excuse me, my friend, hut the fit worth notioe. During the summer Tourist Cars; Buffet-Library Cars. W rite!
bottle I gave you was white glass and o f 1893 and the w in ter of 1894 Mr. A. B. C. Denniston, C. P. & T. A., Portland, N O T E D F O R ...
that one is green. ’ I then examined the Clough was confined to his house in Oregon, or F. I. Whitney. G. P. A T. A.,
8t. Paul, Minn., for printed matter and in­
pieces aDd found that it was not the bot­ Beichertown, being unable to rise from formation about rates, routes, etc.
tle nor onr brand. The liquid on the bis bed w i thou ^assistance, aud suffering
T ry G krmka for breakfast.
glass was water. As I looked at my continually w ith acute pains aud w ith
friend lie picked up the pieces, turned no taste or desire for food, nor was he
M A N S H IP...
red, mumbled an excuse and sneaked \ able to obtain sufficient sleep.
From C.S. Journal o f Medieina
off. ” — Louisville Courier-Jourual.
E arly in the year 1894 Mr. Clough
Prof. W . H. Peeke, who
Those engines are acknowledged by expert
makes a specialty of
heard of Dr. W illia m s ’ P ink P ills for
Epilepsy, has without engineers to bo worthy of highest commenda­
Caithness F olk lo r«.
doubt treated and cur­ tion for simplicity, high grade material and su­
Pale People. He began taking these
ed more cases than any perior workmanship. They develop the full
Caithness (G aelic “ G ollabh” ) Cat- pills abont the first of March, 1894,
livin g Physician; his actual horsepower, and nin without au electric
teynes, the I.and of the Sti anger, and and continued to do so until the first
success is astonishing. spark battery; the system of ignition is simple.
W e have heard o f cases inexpensive aud reliable. For pumpiug oufita
Snderlanil, the South Laud, are steeped part of September follo w in g.
o f 20 years’ standing for irrigating Purposes no better engine can be
in strange superstitions, some traceable . first effect noticed was a better appetite
c u r e d by found on the Pacific coast. ForhoisMng outfit*
h im . H e for mines they have met with highest approval.
to Norse, others to Celtic influence. The and he began to note more ab ility to
publishes a For interm ittent power their economy la un­
lone, wind swept home of the clan of help him self off the bed and to be bet­
v a l u a b l e questioned.
o r k on
the Catts, w ith its miles of moorland ter generally. Last August (1894) he
thi s d i s .
and peatfields, its bold, rocky coast, was able to go alone to his summer
ease, which
he sen d s
this county, w ith Sutherland, aud the residence and farm of 163 acres on
w ith
----- M A N U F A C T U R E D B Y -------
groups o f islands to the north are in a Grenadier island, among the Thousand ■
_ ■ ■.
large bot-
peculiar sense the home of folklore, le ­ islands, in the rive r St. Lawrence, \ tie of his absolute cure, free to r.ny sufferers
who may send their P. O. and Exp ess address. American Type Founders’ Co.
gend, myth and peasant wisdom. To where from the highest land o f his I W e advise anv one wishing a cu te to address
P O R T L A N D . OR.
this day the cider members of the fish­ farm he commands a view for thirteen Proi.W. H. PEEKE. F. D., 4 Ce<Ur S ... Hew York
Send for catalogue.
ing community take off their bonnets as miles down the river, and sixty of tbe
I suffered terribly from\
they row past the head of Whailagoe, Thousand islands can be seen.
roaring in my head during
and thus express, in their simple way,
Instead of being confined to bis bed an attack o f catarrh, and
the deep reverence which they feel for Mr. Clough is now and has been for
• •
because very deaf, used Ely's
the “ great m itlier” on whose breast they some tim e able to be about the farm to
Cream Balm and in three
are tossed.
direct the men employed there and he weeks could hear as w ell as
The lassies of Freswick dress their is thankful fo r what Dr. W illia m s ’
ever. — A . E . Newm an
hair before snurise on pain of causing Pink P ills have done for him.
Graling, M ich.
their sweethearts to be lashed with
These pills are manufactured by the
these silken tresses by the ev il kelpies Dr. W illia m s ’ Medicine Company,
of the ppol. The farmer of today lights Schenectady, N. Y . , and are sold only
Patentees o f Self-Spacing Type.
tbe bonfire at midnight on N ew Year's in boxes bearing the firm ’ s trade mark K L Y '8 C K K A M B A L M Opens and cleanse»
Sole Makers of Copper-Alloy Type.
eve and passes his key throitgh the and wrapper, at 50 cents a box or six
tlon, Heals the Sores, Protects the Membrane
flames to secure them from disease,
boxes for $2.50, and are never sold in
while the herdboys jump over the fli-nj- bulk. They may be had of a ll drug­ Smell. The Balm is quickly absorbed and give*
relief at once.
iug pouts for good luck. Changeling
A particle is applied into each nostril, and it
gists or direct by m ail from Dr. W i l ­
H. E. N O B LE
agreeable. Price, 50 cents at Druggist®’ or bj
children are regarded with the same
liam s’ M edicine Company.
2 1 2 C o m m e r c ia l B l’ k, PO R TLA N D , OR.
awe as of old, and witches, elfins and
56 Warren Street, New York.
I a lliitg F rom the Sun to the K a rlh .
sprites can, it is said, be discerned
around the Maiden Paps weaving the
The philosophers have figured out
MRS. WINSLOW S S0 s 0 vtrhu V n 0
threads of fate.— Scottish Review.
some queer problems since the time of
Itching and Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles yield at
PR. absorbs
B Q -8A N -K O S PILE REMEDY, Mops Itch
Horatio, lint none of them is more cari­ ing,
For M l e by al 1 Drugs IM r . **» O u t« a but 11«.
tumors. A poniti ________
ve core Circulars
sent freo. Prio*
A Tough N iaga ra Hackm an.
ous than that relating to the amount of 60s. Druggists or mail. S i t U l sAXkO, I'll li*.. P *
Hero is a somewhat new story of the time it would take for an object to fall
Niagara falls liacktnan:
from the sun or moon to our earth. It
T w o tourists, a lady and a gentleman, has been decided, after au immense
stopped off at the falls between trains. amount of figuring, that i f a bowlder
A hackniau engaged them for a brief weighing a ton slionld fa ll front the suu
tonr of sightseeing. The tim e actually it would take it 99 years, 9 months, 7
consumed was 55 i.iinn’ es. The hack- days aud 2 hours to reach the earth.
mail said he must have $10. The gentle­ The same bowlder could make the trip
man remarked that it was an outrage. from the moon to the earth in 4 \ days.
The driver explained tl-at he had been — St. Louis Republic.
of great assistance in pointing out the
T h e .‘I Ctoliaii League,
places of interest and stood firm. The
gentleman prepared to pay under pro­
The -lEtolian league was a confeder­
acy of Greek states formed B. G. 823.
This is Walter Baker & Co.’s Cocoa
Unfortunately for him self he handed An annual assembly was held in the
box — be sure that you don’t pet an
the man a $20 bill.
autumn at Thermum, and this confer­
“ Do you pay for the lady also?” ask­ ence was called the Pumetolicou. The
imitation of it.
ed the hackman promptly.
league was dissolved on the couquest of
Sold by Grocers Everywhere.
“ Do I pay for the lady?” repeated the the .Etcliau states by the Romans, B.
fare in astonishment. “ O f course I do. C. 189. The original purpose of the
W alter B aker &. Co , Ltd., Dorchester, Mass.
What do you mean?”
league was to free Greece from the rule
“ Then there w ill he no change,” re­ of the Macedonian kings.
plied the liackman. “ M y charge of $10
is for one person ; $20 for tw o persons.
Onr soldiers, considering the fact that
The amount you have handed me is ex­ their clothing, rations aud quarters aio
If you want a sure relief for pains in the back, side, rhest, or
actly correct. Thank you, sir. ” — Buf­ famished, are better paid than the la­
limbs, use an
boring men of most European countries.
falo Express.
...EN C IN ES...
W h e n Hansoms A r e Dangerous.
The hansom cab is perhaps the most
convenient hackney carriage in the
world. It is light and handy to drive,
reasonably safe, and, to the trained Lon­
doner, not too difficult to enter. Bnt it
has one Berious drawback, of which we
are reminded every returning winter.
This is that :Se seat is very liable to
get damp in wet weather. A m ile or
tw o’s sitting on the soaked cushions
may easily result in rhenmatism, sciati­
ca or a general chill, ending in a more
or less serions illness.
The hansom cabman is very amenable
to public opinion, and i f the public gen­
erally were to take to examining the
state of the cushions before engaging
the cabs it is probable that means
would be found to keep them dry. Even
as it is, the men take a good deal of
pains, but are not too w e ll seconded by
their “ fares,” who are very disposed to
get out, leaving the doors open, where­
as a moment’s care w ill shut them.—
British Medical Journal.
M i-t th e Em ergency.
The follow ing incident happened at
the Criterion theater in London the oth­
er evening. A t the end of one of the
scenes Mr. Wyndham tells a fellow actor
'o go down stairs aud he w ill follow
him in three minutes. Then, us he takes
ont his watch, the enrtain should de­
scend. On this occasion, however, it
failed to do so, aud the Squire of Dames
reclined on tbe sofa, patiently waiting,
ku almost painful pause occurred. The
curtain jerked, bnt would not fu lfill its
mission, aud Mr. Wyndham, realizing
the sitnation, again pnllcd ont liis
watch, and said, “ Ah, tw o minutes
have passed.” There was another pause,
after which he arose and announced
that “ the tim e was np and be must g o .”
As he left the stage the curtain at last
descended, and Mr. Wyndham’s ready
w it was lunch applauded. — London
T h e Secret W a s Safe.
“ Why did you talk in French to Ethel
last night?”
“ Because I had something to impart
to her that I wished no one else to
“ But there was a French lady sitting
close behind you. ”
“ Yes, bnt I have discovered that she
did not understand a word we said.
Boston Transcript
T h e o e e tle .
In most European countries the tap­
ping of the beetle known as tbe death-
watch is regarded as an omen of ap­
proaching death. Naturalists say that
tbe curious habit this insect has of tap­
ping the w all is a means of signaling to
its mate, and that tw o deathwatebes
have been know:: >. come together, each
attracted by the other's tapping.
With a woman it is a struggle to pro­
vide something for the inner man, aud
with a man it is au effort to provide
something for the outer woman.
B e a r in M in d — N ot one of the host of counterfeit» and imi­
tations is as good as the genuine.
T o o k H im at H i . W ord .
Employer (to new office boy)— I f any
one calls, James, he sore aud remember
that I am not in. (H a lf an hour later)
D idn't you hear me call, you young ras­
James— Yes, sir. but I t ’ouglit yer
wasu't in.— London Tit-Bits.
“ Did you bear the joke on Dobson?" “ No."
“ Took a cab last niaht for fear o f being held up
and the driver charged him £0 cents more than
Dobson had."
W E L L -K N O W N
---- (IN KEGS OR BOTTLES)-----
StTond to none—
T K Y IT ...
No mutter where from
P O R T L A N D , OR.
The very remarkable and certain
relief given woman bv M O O RE’S
R E V E A L E D R E M E D Y has given
it the name o f Woman's Friend. I t is
uniform ly snccess-
ful in relieving the backaches,headaches
and w e a k n e s s
which burden and shorten a wom an’s
life. Thousands of
women testify for it. I t w ill give health am) strength
and make life a pleasnre. For sale by all druggists.
B L U M A U E R -F R A N K D R U G CO., P o r t l a n d , Agents.
The parchments aud papyrus used by
the ancients seem to have had a special
preparation, by virtue of which they ab­
sorbed the ink aud thus caused the w rit­
ing to be almost indelible.
1« ore of the most beneficent donations
von-hsafed to us bv nature. How often it is
grossly abused I Whether the stomach is nat­
urally weak, or has been rendered so by Impru­
dence in eating or drinking. Hostetler's Stom
aih Bitt) rs is the t>est agent for its restoration
to vigo-- and ac ivlty. Both digestion and ap­
petite are renew* d by this fine tonic, which also
overcom* s constipation, biliousness, malarial,
kidney and rheumatic ailmen's and nervous
1896 S E E D ...
Waiter—What shall I get for you? Professor
(absent-minded, jeadli g the bill of fare) -Is m
busy now; a k me after dinner.
Piso’s Cure is the medicine to break up
children’s Cougs and Colds.— M rs . M. <>.
B l e s t , Sprague, Wash., March 8,1894.
Now ready
Send for one..
...P O R TLA N D , OR.
Mention thin paper
F a s h io n s ? JaL F I E L S
Illustrated by 6 dolls with 31 dresses, 6 suits, 23 hats,
end 35 other articles, furnishing the ladies with the latest
French fashions as well as the children with an amusing toy.
W a y s to
G et These
F a s h io n s .
8end 6 Coupons, or
Send 1 Coupon and 0 cents, or
Send 10 Cents without any
coupon, to
B la ck w ell’s D urham Tobacco Co., Durham , N. C., and the
Fashion Dolls will be sent you postpaid. You will find one coupon
inside each 2 oz. bag, and two coupons inside each 4 oz. bag ot
l a c k w e l l ’S
Buy a bag o f this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the
coupon, which gives a list o f other premiums and how to get them,
-------________ __ _
A .»TIM 1‘ bynic
O n r P H I f o r a !><$•«.
A movement of t tt»<
M how*la ®&cb d»y m nocMeair for
bMhh. Thom
--- pills —pply
* «feat
‘ ‘ tb* i.----------
mm U ria --
mmk* N wmlw Th*y cor* H**4*eb*. bnrht*« tbm
Lrwt.and el*ar tb*( k>ujpl*x»oo botti than com
Tb*ro*ah er rn p* nor ticken. To emnnem roa, t
m il mail
npl* free or foil boi far ’Ac. Bob!**«*.
DR B O H A X k o MED. fX ) . P>i’iw/VlPb i p«_
T H E A R K X C T O R C O . Q o m half tb*
windmill bualDww borauM It h *« roduood th* coat <4
wind power to 1 « what It « m .« It baa many branch
hot!***, and «uppliM Its goods and repairs
, at ycuir door. It can and does furnish a
- better article for lew mooej than
I others. It make* pumping and
I Geared, Steel, Galranlaed-after-
I Completion wlndmMIs. Ti/ting
’ and Fixed Steel Towers. Steel Bass Saw
r Frames, Steel Feed Cutters and Feed
* Grinders. On sppllcatloc It w ill name ooe
of these articles that It wUi furnish until
January Mt at 1/3 the usual p ric e .'"It also makes
Tanks and Pumps *f all kinds
Send for catalogue.
Factory: 12th, Rockwell tod Fillmore Streets, Chicago
A f l l l l l l M o r p h i n e H a b i t C a r e d In 10
I I M I 1 1 m to '»O d a y s . N o p a y t i l l c u r e d .
W I I V I V I DR. J. S T E P H E N S L eban on ,O h io.
fy .
p i I
S O ’ S C U R E FC>R
C9KS WHtft M i B K ÍAU
Cough gyrap. Tastes Good L Coo
In time, gold by dmgglou.
X. P. M. C. No. »84.-6. F. N. U. No.