The Local W orld. How about that new leaf. Have See new ad. o f \V. Brummet in T he L eaker . If any one can find a custom­ er for you, he can, sure. S O C IA L F L U T T E R IN G . “ Man is somewhat like a sausage, Fair enough upon the skin; But you never know exactly, How much hog there is within. F or S ale . — Clark’s Seedling strawberry plants, $2.50 per 1000, Ryan Blatchley is visiting in Eugene. Do not forget T he L eaker when cash. Address, Walter Davis, J. H. Wait, was on the streets in you want job printing. Roseburg, Oregon. Lemati Thursday. Send T he L eaker to some one an a One Minute Cough Cure is a popu­ S. F. Younger and J. B. McGee present lar remedy for croup. Safe for chil­ went to Roseburg Wednesday. Hay and oats taken on s u b ­ dren and adults. J. P. Currin. Jas. Shortridge, returned from scription. Send ten cents to James V ick’s Engene Saturday. Parks’ Tea clears the complexion. Sons, Rochester New York and you Mr. and Mrs. W. Brummett went to Sold bv J. A. Benson. will receive information many times Roseburg Tuesday. The pay car came in Tuesday at its value. Dr. Snapp went toCresweli Wednes­ 2:55 and the railroad boys were all De Witt’s Little Early Risers for day. Mrs. Anna Millerd, of Junction City biliousness, indigestion, constipation. smiles A small pill, a prompt cure. J. P. is visiting friends in Cottage Grove Call at T he L eaker office and pay and Lemati. | Currin. up for your paper. It will do you Mrs. J. M. Berkshire, of Goshen, A novelty in advertising is shown bo barm. eatne up Saturday to visit with rela­ in a Scotch church. The congre- tives and friends « few weeks. I f yon need an engine o f any kind, steam, gasoline, kerosene oil, send for ii®Ron could not pay its minister, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wallace of free illustratsd circular to C h a s . P. when a soap firm offered to pay Creswell have been visiting friends W il l a r d * Co., 197 Canal St., Chicn- $500 a year for five years on condi- this week. i tion that its advertisement be hung Capital Journal: Harry Wynne, of If you want any hauling done up in front of the gallery in the Cottage Grove, arrived in Salem to- leave your orders with church offer; accepted. day, and will bo the guest o f friends. J ack K n u w l t o x . , A cQp o J Parks- Tea at night >Lss Smith is visiting her aunt Mrs. you turned it ? The Ei. gle Hose Co. will give a : cleanses the system in a pleasant but . for croup. o Sufe f<*r # a.-, n tin -1 h*iv6 ffivon the lar ehil- aivanvo <* instead of the uumber commenced taking these little pills, j business this winter. J. P. Currin. spoons, knives aud forks and Royal ^ illumette Street, Eugene, Or. t » ». j , lunprs. We know it will cure any cold ‘ of your shoes. F R O M IN S E C T R E S T S . Don t miss a <"»od thing when . . . ..... I J S. E. BROWN, Proprietor. . . I and do it m the shortest possih'e tune. , One Minute Cough Cure is^ rightly j glitter napkin rings aud also docs a you can obtain it for asking for it. Yo|I dop-t knilW this> but you will * “ e Fireman s Ball, St. 1 alen- named. It affords instant relief from Send for a Free Catalogue. general hook canvassing business. C h a m b erla in ’ s E y e a n d S k in Ointment Every person who in taking T he agree with ns if you only try one hot- tine s night, is being anticipated suffering when afflicted with a severe Address all orders to the W. A. Kelly has a fine lot of pil- Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt­ L ead er c a n have The W ebfoot j tie of Parks’ Cough Syrup. Sold by with much pleasure. The printing cough or cold. It acts on the throat, ing ready to drive but the water is {l1,eu,m’ IIe?,d- *''iPI>K Chapped Planter oue year without costing ' -E A- Benson, J . . Hands, Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Bites, o f posters and tickets are being pre- bronchial tubes, and lungs aud never P A C I F I C N U R S E R Y CO., fails to give immediate relief. J. P. still too high to drive them safely. | Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. t h e m one cent. If you want it, say Monday a person in a bu ?y w>fo««t Planter is a live, !1 pony tied to the back part of it boys perfecting arrangements that TO H O R S E O W N E R S . ---------------- Bloomers are more popular iu iauuui | about me tbe ouuuuug sbooting iiiuicu match oi of laie; late; I v 1 ‘ ^ , , , p-to date p ip er for the farmer. stopped to talk with some one when will be unusually pleasing to their San Francisco than skirts The , • > . , • , l or putting a horse in a tine healthy con- ! Acres, ->an r lancisco man . eihs . i high water— perhaps their powder dition try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders. : Established in 1857. 500,000 Traes caved — iu, d rop l>io G' the numerous friends. Piles of people have piles, b u t! the bank — men say the reason is the high j They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure j We N eed This Every Hour. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve will cure Pon> 10,0 r,vei- The Pou-v " as I 033 of appetite, relieve constipation, correct j winds that blow through the golden lutciiu-- ui me om i u m i hi y i kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving 1 them. When promptly applied il supposed to have drowned but next T he L eader is in pressing need of gate elevate the ! skirts c of the wheel- | . jluo ,, , ° ’ ‘ new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 I cures scalds and burns without the | morning was found two or three ! money and wants all of its subscrib- woman to a position position they were i USt J evening was indeed a certs per package. For sale by druggists. | .«lip F 'te K ip tiin - J . P . C u r r in . miles below where lie fell in, stand- erg i,ejp ¡t out sending what The oldest nursery in the stale...... | very pleasant oue. The q u e s t io n -------------------------------- -------- ------------ | never expected to occupy. The are 109 wourmn in the world ,ng in water about three feet deep. they owe on subscription. It is a for discussion was skillfully- handled THE LAR G E ST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF An Old Soldier’s Rvcom i validation to every 1B0 men. It is the best Some time ago Mr. Simon Gold- small matter to each one of you but | In tUe late war x wa9 , soUHer ln 1 aud the program _ . was , carried out to TH E kind of a surplus to have. The civ­ bamn o f San Luis Bey, Cal., was trou­ F R U IT , to us it aggregates several hundred j the First Maryland Volur .eers, Com- [ the letter. Good order and a gen- ilization aud the humanities of the bled with a lame be -k aud rheuma­ P H O T O G R A P H S pany G. During my term of service el'al good feeling prevailed. Only **r SHADE AND dollars, and we need the money. world are largely dependent upon tism. He used Chamberlain’s Pain I contracted chronic diarrhoea. Since j one young lady- got mashed a little Balm and a prompt cure was effected, The large amount of rnin fall and *** O R N A M E N T A L TREES, the women. j He say-3 he has since advised many of the unusual melting of snow iu Bo­ medicine, but when I found any that j wr ROSES. VINES, DeWitt’s Little Early Risers for fric-nii^ to try it and all who have hemia mountains at this season of the i any other part of the exercises. biliousness, indigestion, constipution done so have spoken highly of it. It year, converted the calm waters of would give me relief it would injure | wr SH RU BS, W e are proud to note the fact A small pill, a prompt cure. J. P. is for sale by J. A. Benson, Cottage Row river into a raging torrent. It my stomach, until Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy that the enterprising tax payers of Currin. w ETC. G rove; Joe. Lyons, Drain. came out of the banks in some places was brought to my notice A P oor R e c or d . — The first mur­ Editor Tliorp, of the Cottage and swept everything before it. Wo and will say it is the only remedy that [ ■ My trees are large aud thrifty— no old, cut back stock. My nurseries are in g the extrem e hard tim es aud j The above cut on any- Photograph der was committed in Douglas Grove and Lemati L e a d e r , has ns learn that in many places there is no gave _ clear of all insect pests, nnd everything is guaranteed true ___ me permanent relief and no bad snow in Bohemia and spring 19 is ap' ap- ! results follow. I take pleasure in rco- ~ ; scarclty tax ? a guarantee guarantee of of excellence excellence. E'llarg.DH Enlarging o f “ m oney. oney, voteJ voted a a tax to name. The most reliable and cheapest nursery 1853. and and it it has county in 1853, has hud hud nine- nine Hociate(l fruit cu ltu re-p rin cip a lly S,‘° W *" Bohem,a “ n . results follow. I take pleasure in rcc scarcity of J . , . . , ! BOC,» leu Kuimre pnuupauy proaching so near that the miners are 1 „ .. „ - for the nui-nnan o f l>nildin r < paiat.on to all of l pose of buii ll in a sclu ol Illk or fa ll and see our sam- pried list for 1895. Address i X T a one .... o £ i. _ a ___ i.. hn,. ° 1 . 1 m vT old n i I'fitnt-Hflfvc mvinfT nm < iiit;. inrr The no mrnv,! nine aiul m.,1 nn.ioi: rnvivii u ' ii I' h my comrades, whn who, while giving building. contract was u*V award- . . . . i • l . , ... . vi't »» a»»'» whip iiua / H' l,la u unu a u c t oAnti-nof u u i l (ibt woo diU* pies prices ..t or ( Crayon work. record. Not f * the twenty has with the newspaper business and . between now and spring, will be so „ . . . . - 1 i. . . . . . | their services to their country, con- a w Hi alow o f t lie Red Tfvl.- Stil and Willamette Sts.. Eugene, Or. W . H. SE TTLE M IR E . consider himself authority j that commence , tlacted ......... .. . thi3 . . \d! give an immense amouut ATTACHED TO ALL TIIIIOI'GII Tl.AINs. and that they need not fear glutting o f v e r y c h o i c e reading f o r a dtth As she sees llie vast improvement r you have l ais« d up three as y . >d the market. Since she used Parks’ Tea each night. -iioney. \\>M S id e D iv id i o s ) , imvv She is never tired or weary, preartiers as I have then you cu'i Between I’ortland and Corvallis. The hotter the feeling between Chuintierlain’s Cough Remedy is Her ills and her pains have fled; M A H . T R A I N l» A II A (EXCKPT SCNI>.\Y.. M *- ! fumi >us for Its cures o liad colds. It Since she drank Parks’ Tea each evening, England and Germany grows, the SU IE E T I R O N W A R E , A cap lull on golug to lied. 1’oriland  r.fc:^ M. I 7::u» A. M. Lv. If th -re Is any om- thing needs ; tiie secretions, relieve- the more affectionate the former be­ Cor\allls Lv. | l:3i» 1*. M. 1 12:15 I’. >!. I Ar. Sold by J. A. Benson. to Is* purified, it is politics, so tae re- j bmgn «ind aids nature in restoring the w o o d A x e s , A m u n itio n , a n d a ll of comes to America. They are now At Alhanv and Corvallis connut l with trains of W i l d former says, und many agree thereto, system to a healthy condition. Jfj o r * K. Icy. ready to embrace us, and are pass­ F o r O v e r F i f t y Y e a rs But blood tells, and as a blood purifier j freely used as soon as the cold had j C A R T R ID G E S . LxVKKris T h a i s H a i l y ' K m e e t S i x d a v . and liver corrector Simmon’s Liver liecn contracted, and before it lias lie j a n O ld a n d W e l l -T r i e d R e m e d y .—Mrs. ing at Salisbury for not arbitrating _ . . . . i> » .» .« . i l . ! , , « «. r .. i • *.1 « W inslow’s Soothing Syrup has beeu used for Ar. I ? ;® A. M. iCl-ep a full i>tO*:k Ilf Portland Lv 4:45 T. M . NAILS, CUTLERY Shelf and Building R e g u l a t o r , n tht* b e a t h ip iih lu e . 1 c o m t * S uttie«! m t h e s y s t e m , it g i e a t l \ over fifty years bv millions of mothers for their the puny Venezuelan boundary. ■ 7:25 V. M. I Ar McMlmiu!!«* I.v. use it iu preference to any other.” So lessons the severity o f tiie attack and _ ------------------ ------------- --— .,— .... The Britons waut the whole of Through ticket' to all points In the Kaattern H A R D W A R E , wrote Mr. S. M. Hysell, oi .Middle- 1ms often cured iu a single day what pain, cares wind rbolic, aud is the best remedy ,, , , states, r a natta and Lurope can obtau.ed at MOST PERFECT MADE. \ « i ti ». ta 'J Tin .»»l ,,p , , .. . , » r .. for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold oOUtD A lnca &llu will let British lowest rates from M. C. Eonrl, a;:ent. Cottage port, Ohio. Arul I r. D. ^ . Ru^stl, tl would httV« bct“U u. Sf.*\tT6 cold l’ ol by Druggists in every part of the World. Twen- p iiring neatly done (irove. E. I*. IttK» LiKb. Asst. •; i*. Ä. Faiw. Ast. F a r m v iU e , Va., writes, “ It fulfills all sale by J. A. Benson, Cottage G rove ; « ve cents a bottle, its value is meaieulabie. Guinea go to the bow wows if uec- A pure Grape Cream o f Tartar Powder. Free x , j* ^ Be sure and .isk for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, K KOI H IX I! M iihit-f. cessarv. v e t promise for it T Lyon«. * • ..... Drain Syrup, and take no other - kind. * Joe. Portland < >r. LOST! LOST!! Tangent N u r se r y ! j Acknowledged to 1)8 the Best: J If Yon are G oii to Plant FRANK EAS T AND SOUTH JORDAN Tennant Prune, British Coiumbia Apple, Lincoln Coreless Pear, Deacon and Dwarf Rocky Mountain Cherries, DWARE S. R. PIPER. v tic tt W CREAM BAKING POWDER m, sizes 4 0 YEARS THE STANDARD. V