c # THE LEADER. PH E N O M E N A L PROPOSITIONS --------FOR-------- CAPITAL AND ENTERPRISE C O T T A G E King W illiam of Prussia, the grand­ father of the present emperor, as em­ peror of Germany, and the consequent Devoted to the Best Interests re-establishment of the German empire of Cottage Grove, Lemati and was celebrated in some form or other. The government of Chile has failed Bohemia Gold Mining District. ! to float a government loan of £4,- | 000,000. L E A D E R BU ILDIN G A special decree has been issued an nonneing the coronation of the czar w ill take place in Moscow in May E. P. T H O R P , next. Ex-President Harrison has announced E d it o r a n d B u s i n e s s M a n a g e r that he and Mrs. Dimmick are engaged to be married. The marriage w ill not take place until after Lent. R a t e s o f S u b s c r ip t io n . The Panama Canal Company is mak- ONE YE A R ................... ..................................M2 OO ing gigantic preparations for railroad g J tf These rates are strictly in advance. gNF* .Subscribers wishing a change in their construction. It is purchasing im ­ p stoffice address should give their old as welL mense quantities of oross ties and coal. as new address. The E cmo -L bader will be sent to subscribers The Deutsche bank has obtained a until all arrears are paid and paper ordered to be d «continued accordiug to law. contract to issue the Chinese loan of Any subscriber n ot receiving his paper regularly will please notify this office im m e­ 100,000 teals, with interest at 5 per diately. cent, to cost 89 , and to be issued fP" We invite short articles of general In­ teres t-lon g ones, as a rule, not published. All at 95. articles must be accom panied by the nam e of A dispatch from Yokohama says the the writer, not for publication, but as evidence of good fulth. We assume no responsibility for queen of Corea is certainly dead. the opinions of correspondents. Eutered at the postoffice at Cottage Grove as There iB no truth in the story that she escaped at Seoul. Two Coreans have aecoud-class matter. been executed for participation in the A d v e r t i s i n g R a te a P ia d e K n o w n o n A p - murder. p l ic a t i o n . A Berlin dispatch to the Standard says all the German sovereigns w ill CHURCH DIRECTORY. grant a limited pardon to criminals 1UMBEKLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH— upon the occasion of the celebration of j Sunday school, 10 a . m . Preaching, 11 a . m . the anniversary of the proclamation of and 7 p . m ., first and third Sunday in each m outh. Prayer meeting, each Wednesday at the empire. 8 p . m . (•• We are Journeying unto a place of A dispatch from Peking says the w h ich the Ix>rd said, I w ill give it y ou ; com e thou with ns and we w ill do thee good.” — British minister has presented an ulti­ Numb. *0:29. R ev . C. A. WOOLEY, Pastor. matum to the Chinese government, de­ f 1HKHTIAN CH U R C H -SE R VIC ES AT 11 A. manding the opening of West river. I M .andK P. m . Sunday school at 10 a . m . The truth of the report has been de­ Y. P. 8. C. E., each Sunday at 4 p . m . Midweek nied in London, however. prayer and praise services, W ednesday evening at 7 o ’clock. Musical rehearsal, each Saturday A series of postoffice robberies has evening at 7 o c ’ lock. just been discovered in San Francisco eth odist c h u r c h —S u n d ay school by the government, and three Chinese , at 10 a . M. Preaching, euch fourth Sunday The robberies m orning and evening. Prayer m eeting, every firms w ill lose $4,000. Thursday night. •* The Lord is in His holy tem­ were committed by Chinese who had ple.” Kiev. M. O. BRIN K, Pastor. keys to open the mail boxes. The Ashantee war in South Africa is ended. Sir Francis Scott, in com­ mand of the British expeditionary forces, has occupied Coomasie, the King E P I T O M E O F T H E T E L E G R A P H I C capital, without opposition. Prempeh accepts all t’ ''J British de­ NEWS O F T H E W ORLD. mands. It is officially stated that Dr. Jamie­ A n I n t e r e s t i n g C o ll e c t i o n o f I t e m s F r o u son and others who were in prison with t h e T w o H e m is p h e r e s P r e s e n t e d In * him w ill be released unconditionally C o n d e n s e d F o r m —A L a r g e A m o u n t by the Transvaal government, and that o f I n fo r m a t io n in a S m a ll S p a c e , the Uitlanders, in due coarse of time, w ill be enabled to make their demands Canada is to have a naval reserve clearly understood. Whiaky. not wines, w ili be used for There is a rumor current in Wash­ christening the new battle-ship Ken- ington to the effect that the United tucy. States is preparing to enforce its de­ Peter Hougaard, believed to have mands against the Turkish government been insane, killed himself and his for the protection of Americans resid­ w ife and five children in Chicago. ing in Turkey, and the payment of in­ The matter of the Behring sea arbi­ demnity for property losses. A frightful accident occurred on the tration treaty ia at last in a fair way to be settled, Canada having agreed to Midland Terminal railroad. The train was en route to Denver and Colorado ita terms. Vigorous search is being conducted Springs, and was above the city limits „.for the -hidden wealth of an o ld of Victor, Colq. Fiftee i p a ;,' Spaniard, who died some years ago in were injured, six seriously, two of whom w ill probably die. Los Angeles. Captain-General Martinez de Campos The Occidental college of Los A n­ geles, Cal., a Presbyterian institution, formally resigned his command of the has been consumed by fire. The loss is Spanish forces in Cuba to General Marin. The ceremony took place in $70,000, partly insured. the great salon of the captain-generals’ The overtaxation of the public archi­ palace. There were present all author­ tect’ s office is given as the reason for ities of the city of Havana and the the delay in the construction of the ohief officers of the army. Portland, Or., public building. The London Chronicle believes both Colonel Ingersol, the great infidel, England and Venezuela w ill institute has been extended an invitation to inquiries into the settlement and ces­ preach in a Chicago church, and to sions of land in the dispnt-'d territory. give hia views of ideal Chriatianity. It says this w ill present a basis for the The second coming of the redeemer renewal of negotiations. It is now has been prophesied again by an evan­ most probable that arbitration w ill be gelist of Baltimore, who thinks the war resorted to. talk is the beginning of the millenium. After a two-days’ meeting held in Through the cheapness of corn, St. Louis, by the Populist national American distillers, for the first time committee, it was decided to leave the in ten years, can successfully compete matter of selecting the time and place in the French market with the Her­ for the national convention to the ex­ mans. ecutive committee. At a subsequent The candidacy of Senator Allison is meeting of the committee St. Louis announced for nomination on the Re­ was chosen, and the date set at July 23. publican ticket for the presidency. The president of the Manufacturers’ Iowa's congressional delegation is solid Trust Company of Brooklyn, has of­ for him. fered to place gold in the treasury, and It has been authoritatively an­ take a recoipt therefor. Being a bid­ nounced that the Yale management der for the new issue of bonds, he sug­ has decided to abandon the project of gests that if his bid is accepted the a race with Oxford-Cambridge crews, amount be deducted, and the balanoe returned. It is said that in this way of London. the treasury would be afforded imme­ The sultan of Turkey has issued a decree probibitiug the distribution of diate relief. The return of Commandant Herbert funds collected in this country by the Red Cross Society for the relief of suf- Booth, of the Salvation Army, from fering Armenians. London to this conntry is likely to A dispatch from Loudon says the clreate the officers and statements made in the Italian news- the rank and file oi the Salvationists in the United States. If he succeds in papers that Great Britain had ceded supplanting his elder brother. Balling- Zilah, ou the Straits of Babel-Mandeb, ton Booth, in charge of the army here to Italy, is officially denied. public meetings w ill be held in New A dispatch from Vienna says Count York and protest against the change. Thun, governor of Bohemia, has re­ The wheat market took a sudden signed, and that his resignation is ex­ pected to lead to a healing of the jump in W a'la Walla and caused con­ Over 100,000 breach between the young Czechs and siderable excitement. bushels were sold in one day. It the Germans. I reached 50 cents for bluestem. One The members of the gnovernment buyer purchased 95,000 bushels of blue bond syndicate received a letter from | stem at 50 cents, while another lot was J. P. Morgan & Co., releasing them j sold at 50 >4 cents, f. o. b. Buyers at- from the commitment to furnish their tributed the rise to the excessive de- pro rata of $100,000,000 in gold, taking mand for m illing purposes on the Pa- payment in 4 per oent government cific coast. bondi. There is no longer any doubt The report o{ the immigration inveg. of the success of the loan by popular I tigating committee appointed by Secre- subeoription. tary Carlisle June 18, 1894, has just The liabilities of Keene, Satterlee & been published. The chapter on Can- Co., leather dealers, of Philadelphia adian migratory laborers says: The Pa., whose failure is announced w ill commission nevertheless advises, in reach N ,000,000. Nothing can be j view of the injury done to American learned of the assets. Frederick W. | labor by Canadian migratory laborers, Satterlee, head of the firm, left the that congress provide a law regulating city before the assignment was record- immigration into the United States ed, in company with John M. Fenlin, from contiguous foreign countries, by a tobacco merchant, who failed at the water or ¡and, in such a manner as to u m e time, and neither has been heard protect our workmen from the imports- from. tion of the transient cheap labor across ( M EVENTS OF THE DAY Sir Hercules Robinson, the governor of Cape Colony, South Africa, and British high commissioner, has sent a message to Pretoria that matters have been satisfactorily arranged in the Transvaal and that bloodshed is ended. Final agreement between President Kruger and Sir Hercules Robinson, governor of Cape ColoDy, regarding the disposition of the prisoners oaptnred as the result of Dr. Jamieson’ s raid into the Transvaal has been oompleted. Jamieson and the officers w ill be tried in England. The rank and file of the freebooters are now on their way to Natalia where they w ill be turned over to the British authorities, who w ill decide the treatment they are to re­ ceive. _ , , „ . . Throughout the German empire the twenty-fifth orowning at Versailles o f C is t r ^ NEIGHBORING TOWNS NEWS OF THE NORTHW EST E P ITO M IZ ED . D e v e l o p m e n t a n d P r o g r e s s o f t h e V a r i­ o u s I n d u s t r ie s o n t h e P a c i f i c C o a s t - O r g a n iz a t io n of an I m m ig r a t io n B o a r d —O r e g o n . Umatilla oounty has a movement on foot to stamp out the Russian thistle. The Bandon woolen m ills have started np again and are running at fall capacity. Eighteen millions of oans were made during the past season by an As­ toria can company. Lakeview has been indulging lately in rabbit drives, and thousands of the animals have been killed. The work on the lighthouse at Cape Arago has been abandoned for the pres­ ent, owing to rough weather. A new steamer called the Rath has been put on the Columbia river by the Oregon Railway & Navigation Com­ pany. The machinery has been plaoed in the iron works at Ashland and every thing is now running very nicely with a full force. Material has arrived at Bandon for the lights and fog-horns at the light­ house there. The tower fixtures are now being placed. A cumber of bob-tailed quails have been reoeived from Ohio and turned loose near Pendleton. It is the first of the variety in that section. The reports from Tillamook come to the effect that ther» is one of the largest runs of steel-hei.d salmon ever seen in the W ilson, Trask or other rivers. The farmers of Wallowa have placed ou the market this fall about 4,000 head of bogs, whioh at the prevailing low prices have realized the owners about $15,000. Pendleton’ s first installment of fionr shipments, is the first ever made from Eastern Oregon to Australia; it consists of 5,000 barrels, which in Australia w ill have a valuation of abont $15,000. Although little work has been done on the actual construction of the As­ toria railroad, the surveying is being pushed right along, and the prospects of building the road are now considered good. Oregon shows a great increase in the manufacture of butter and cheese in the past ten years. In 1885 the num­ ber of pounds manufactured was 3,286,928; in 1895 this increased to 5,821,667. Tne Beaver H ill coal mine distriot is reported to show indications of a very prosperous future, and an extra fine vein of coal has been discovered and small camp ’ uaa grown to be a prominent district The state military board have de­ cided against an encampment of the Oregon National Guard. The expenses would have been about $20,000, and the members of the board were averse to so large an expenditure at this time. Before the ooming summer is over upward of 500 more stamps w ill be dropping in Baker county than daring 1895. Hundreds of men w ill be added to the payrolls, and pi icer mines w ill be operated on a scale unprecedented in the county. One of the sheep kings of Umatilla oounty says there is a heavy increase in the demand for sheep for spring de­ livery, and he believes that sheep w ill be worth more this year than for some time past, and that there wonld be an increase of 75 per cent over last year in the number of sheep. Shipments of ice have commenced by the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company from their ponds at Ferry. Their icehouses at Pendleton hold 600 tons, which are nsed entirely by themselves. The oity of Pendleton consumes about 1,000 tons. Dealers have not yet commenced shipping. The Pacifio Northwest immigration board, an organization that promises to be a most important faotor in the near future, in advertising Oregon throughout the East and turning the tide of a desirable kind of immigration in thiB direction, has been organized by some of Portland’ s most prominent business men. As soon as ita proposed subscription fund of $30,000 of which $10,000 has already been secured, has been raised, the work of the board w ill begin in earnest. The new board w ill have a much larger amount of money under control, and, with the applica­ tion of basiness ideas and principles to its expenditure, its work is likely to be much more effective than that of the Oregon immigration board, and should secure for this state its share of im m i­ gration. W a s h in g t o n . A new road has been opened from the Sillaquamish at Grand Falls to Canyon creek. Walla W alla county is advertising for bids for the erection of a house on the oounty farm. A large number of men are engaged rebuilding the Northern Pacifio tele­ graph lines between Pasco and Prosser. The work w ill be oompleted this month. A regulalry organized band of horse and saddle thieves have been operating in Yakima and Kititas valleys. The counties that have no bonded debts in Washington are Cowlitz, Garfield, Klikitat, San Juan and Whatcom. A log boom In the Snohomish river, ° nr ________________ containing about 10,000,000 feet of C o n fe s s e d a n d W a s S e n t e n c e d . Colorado Springs, Jan. 18.— Robert logs, has broken and the logs art fast r . Smith today pleaded guilty to im- going to sea. The saloon men of Blaine have plication in the robbery of the Wells- Fargo express office of $16,000 in inaugurated a crusade against the Grassy Gulch, near Victor, some minors, who have been in the habit montLo ago. Smith was driver of the of visiting their saloons. wagon. He says his confederates were | The shipment of Washington lumber George Smith, recently killed in Vio- to foreign countries inoreaBed from tor; Gray and Weloh, who broke jail 86,000,000 feet in 1894 to 130,000,000 here some time ago, and a man named feet in 1895 with prospects for still Mays. Smith was sentenced to six heavier shipments in 1896. years’ imprisonment Parties have leased a boom at the I mouth of the Nooksack river and w ill H o m e f o r S a lv a t io n A r m y O ffice r s. Newark, N. J., Jan. 18.— It is an­ begin work at once to remove the jam nounced that General Ballington Booth that has made steam navigation and has purchased a farm in Bergen log driving impractical for the last oounty, near the place of Theodore four years. A Havemeyer, to be used aa a home A vigorous fight is predicted between , , or W0rn.0D, Salvation Army ofloera. the stookmen of the Big Bend, and the G R O V E small farmers for possession of the north half of the Big Bend.. Some of the settlers are trying to take up land under the desert law, and the cattle raisers w ill fight the matter in the courts. Evertt has several mills in view. The construction of the Bell lumber mill, on the subsidy site w ill begin at once. The new oompany, who are rebuilding the burned Smith m ill at Lowell are actively pushing the enter­ prise forward and preparations for the foundation of a plant are now being made. The local land office at North Y ak i­ ma has an application from the com­ missioner of arid lands for the segrega­ tion of 77,180 acres of land in Yakima county to be withdrawn under the Carey act. The work of selecting lands and making preliminary lines for the canal has been quietly going on since the existence of the oommison, though advantage has been taken to a very large extent of previons surveys made. The contract for furnishing and placing the machinery in the flour m ill at Spokane has been concluded, and the m ill w ill be in operation about the first of April It w ill rank as one of the best equipped m ills in the United States, being one of the very few hav­ ing only the latest improved ma­ chinery throughout This establish­ ment w ill not contain a single piece of machinery or material of any kind that was ever in place before in any mill, and every pieoe is of the most recent design. Great interest has been manifested throughout Washington in the im m i­ gration convention which has just con­ cluded its session in Seattle. The re­ sult of the convention was the organ­ ization of a permanent Btate immigra­ tion asociation. The plan of organiza­ tion provides that the organization shall consist of one member from each county; that there shall be an executive committee of seven chosen who shall elect a president, secretary and treasurer from their number. C. L. Webb, of Seattle, has been elected president. The oommittee earnestly recommend that an appropriation of not less than $25,000 per annum should be made by the next legislature, and there seemed to be no doubt that this recommenda­ tion would be granted for the ques­ tion. Id a h o . The railroad payroll at Pocatello is $40,000 per month. A Orangeville citizen intends to put in a hotel and a livery stable at Dixie the ooming spring. Boise City is ready to reoeive bids for city sidewalk bonds; the improve­ ments were recently voted by the peo­ ple of that city. The People's Canal Company have a large number of teams on their work at the west side where they are grading a ; rapidly as possible. The estimated cost of the woolen mills project at American Falls is $54,000. The actual construction w ill probably commence in the spring. A movement is on foot for the in­ corporation of the town of Wardner. An attempt was mads to incorporate it three years ago but the legal require­ ments were not all fulfilled. Pocatello is the town chosen as the next meeting place for the Sb-.te Teachers' Association. The recent ses­ sion at Boise was a great success, and H. Barton, of Idaho Fall, was electad president. There was patented in the state of Idaho during the year, 9,893 acres of land in aid of the Btate Agricultural college, 8,703 for insane asylum, 19,- 954 acres for penitentiary, 1,820 for publio holdings, 22,383 for soientific school, 96,492 for charitable institu­ tions, 5,607 for the normal school. Of public lands in Idaho there were sur­ veyed during the year 430,895 acres. The Northern Pacifio Company re­ ceived patents for 91,411 acres of Idaho land during the year. M o n ta n a . The war department has issued a call for bids for the erection of five brick buildings at Fort Assinnibone. The bids w ill be opened February 1. A oolony is being organized in Cen­ tral Illinois to settle in Montana on government lands. Abont 400 families are preparing to move to the state in the spring. -AJXTID d e m o c r a t ic W i l l B e H e ld BE P E N D I N G F O R T H E TRANSFER O F CUBA. The U n ite d M ilit ia H ave S ta te . W ill o f S ou th ern B een P la c e d K e a l .t - T h e S ta te . S a id to In R e a d in e s s t o T a k e th e F ie ld . Tallahasse, Fla., Jan. 21.— Sensa­ tional stories are afloat here tonight. Governor Mitchell, at the request of the war department in Washington, has or­ dered Adjutant-General Houston to see that the Florida military be placed in readies» to take the field at a moment’s notice. The governor, it is reported, w ill call the militia together tomor­ row. In the meantime, the adjutant- general is quietly issuing orders. Similar requests, it is reported have been sent to the governors of other Southern states. The story has become generally known and is causing excite­ ment thronghout the South. Governor Mitchell and Adjntant- General Houston were asked in regard to it, but they refused to talk. Gen­ eral Houston has been in bis office all day, and has sent telegrams to all bat­ talion commanders in the state. Major Turner, of Jacksonville, commanding the First Florida battalion, has re­ ceived several messages from General Houston. The battalion commanders at Tampa and Pensacola bave also re­ ceived messages from General Houston during the day. It is stated, as coming from the ex­ ecutive office, that the Washington authorities have reason to believe that a deal is pending between Spain and England for the sale of Cuba to tne lat­ ter; that the United States is preparing to resist the transfer of the island, and that the flying squadron is ooming to American waters to be ready for the war with the United States which w ill inevitably follow an attempted cession of Cuba. Dispatches from various cities in Florida report that the troops are gathering and that the war fever is higher now than the day after Presi­ dent Cleveland’ s Venezuela message. THE FLY IN G a New York, Jan. 21.— A special to the W orld from Boston quotes Rear Admiral Belknap retired, as saying: “ If the British flying squadron shonld come over to American waters it would not astonish me. I wrote to Admiral BnDce, at Hampton roads, three days ago, that it wonld not sur­ prise me in the least if the flying squadron Bhould be first heard from at La Guayra. From the moment it was annoupoed that the squadron was to be m i , r , -mod, I made up my mind it was fV. American waters. I came to that conclusion because matters had qieted down in the Transvaal, and the excitement over Emperor W illiam ’ s telegram to Kruger had subsided. “ In my opinion, if that flying squad­ ron does appear in American waters, under existing conditions, it can only be construed as a menace to the United States. ’ ’ __________________ CAMPOS A s a P r iv a t e IS c o n v e n t io n In C h i c a g o o t J u ly . th e . IN D IG N A N T. C it iz e n a n d N o t e r n o r - G e n e r a l. f -TO - .BOHEMIA GOLD MINES NO. 34. Washington, Jan. 18.— The Demo­ cratic convention w ill be held in Chi­ cago, July 7. That was the decision reached today by the national Demo­ cratic committee after an interesting and, at times, exciting session, which continued until 11 o ’clock tonight. There was cosiderable difference of opinion as to the time of holding the convention, the proposition advanced by Mr. Thurman who held the proxy of the New Mexico member, being to hold it June 2, two weeks before the Republican convention, and the other by Hugh Wallace, of Washington, to hold it Jnly 7. The oommittee de- oided upon the latter date by a vote of 32 to 18. The main interest seemed to center in the choice of the convention city. For this honor there were four appli­ cants, Chicago, St. Louis, Cincinnati and New York. Thirty minutes was allowed each in which to piesent its claims. The speeches made by distin­ guished citizens in each instance, were of a high order of excellence, and, at times, aroused the greatest enthusiasm. The balloting began at 6 o'clock this evening, and from the first a long and bitter straggle was indicated. The first ballot resulted: Chicago, 6; Cincinnati, 11; St. Louis, 19; New York, 14. There was practically no variation, except for the change of a vote or two, until the twenty-third ballot, when Chicago began gradually to increase her vote at the expense of New York. On the twentieth ballot New York’ s strength was rapidly disintegrating, her vote going almost bodily for Chicago; bnt St. Louis, whioh had tenaciously clnug to her nineteen votes, also cap­ tured several of Cincinnati’s votes, and, on the ballot before the last St. Louis led Chicago by one vote. Before the last ballot, the twenty-ninth, whioh was taken shortly before 11 o'clock, the four remaining votes of New York were thrown to Chicago, and she ob­ tained the necessary plurality. Sena­ tor Brioe voted for Cincinnati to the last. D O IN G S OF CONGRESS. a . G ov­ New York, Jan. 21.— A dispatch to the W orld from Havana says: "G eneral Martinez Campos, after surrendering the supreme command in Cuba to General Marin, made an in ­ dignant statement to the World. The censor forbids its transmission by cable, and I send it by messenger to Key W est.” General Campos’ statement is: “ I speak because I am now a private citizen and not the governor-general Be it known that I have not resigned; the government has removed me, and has done well. " I feel a great resentment, caused by the conduct of the parties in Cnba. Nations exercise their sovereignty in various ways, bnt the bead should al­ ways rale. The principle of authority shonld rise superior to all else. “ I have been opposed, because, while I may break, yet I never bend. I have prevented a repetition of the sad scenes of the last war, and this has been distasteful to the mob. “ The situation is this: Here is a province, distant from the mother country, where the political parties, by the attitude they are taking, think to shape the policy of Spain. If they had ] not this idea, I could speedily show what the necessities of the situation are. But they known that they would find me in the way if they should ask me to shoot 1,700 students (an allusion to the massacre of students in the last war), and because of this knowledge they conspire behind my back. “ Yes, this justifies the true saying that Spain has lost the Americas be­ cause of the Spaniards themselves “ This is a country of shopkeepers who want to govern, and it is they who are sweeping the country to min. Time w ill tell if this be not so ." The Boss Tweed gronp in the Poney mining distriot is now nnder option of English capitalists. When the sale is consummated the sum of $1,000,OOOwill be spent for the purchase of the prop­ erty and the erection of an immense m illing plant. One of the largest concentrators for mining machinery concerns to submit estimates on w ill be the new plant of the Katie mine at Basin. It is under­ stood the concentrator w ill have a capacity of 500 tons. In addition to this w ill be a smelting plant to treat the concentrates. The work of removing the debris from the Muir tnnnel is being pushed from both ends very successfully. About 100 men are being employed. It is the intention of the company to N ew s F ro m th e F ron t. arch the center with brick material. Havana, Jan. 21.— Further reports Surveys have been made for an over­ head line to prevent the track crossing have now been received of the engage­ ment between Colonel Galbis and the the tnnnel at any point. insurgents near Batabano. It is said the insurgent forces that attacked him B r it is h C o lu m b ia . were those of Gomez. The troops met The steel pipe works at New West­ the attack of the insurgents on their minster have been reopened, enough knees, and withheld their fire until the orders being on hand to run several enemy was within a short distance. months with a fa ll cords. The report says the insurgents left The Clngston creek iron properties eleven killed on the field, and nine are new being woiked to their full ca­ were fonnd in a canefield a short dis­ pacity, and the product is being tance away. The insurgents retreated, i it is said, with a numerous loss, while shipped to Pilot bay smelter. Some fine specimens of mica were the losses to the troops were insig brought into Ashcroft the other day. nificant. Although it is reported that Gomez They came from the section south, and there is said to be a large ledge of was repulsed and defeated, it is stated that he afterward moved south of Met- mica there. lena upon Gaines and in the direction The work of the government bridge of the village of San Nicolas. These is to commence at onoe at Vi ctoria. points are east of the military line of This bridge w ill give the settlers a Batabano, and would indicate that road to the sea on the Indian reserva­ Gomez was successful in his attempt to tion side of the river, where the govern­ break through the line. ment wharf is also to be bnilt. — In a suburb of Macon, Ga., last The Canadian Pacific railroad bridge over the Coqnitlam barely escaped be­ week, a house took fire during the ing carried away by the recent high night and the neighbors gathered to water. Dynamite was successfully help the inmates in saving their effects. used to break up the jam of driftwood Four women carried a large upright that was tne immediate cause of dan­ piano from th« parlor all the way into the middle of the street, unassisted. ger to the fine structure. R o u t in e W o r k o f t h e F i f t y - F o u r t h s io n a t W a s h i n g t o n —S e n a te . S e s­ Washington, Jan. 17.— M ills’ speech on finance, with frequent direct criti­ cisms of the president and the secre­ tary of the treasury, was the main fea­ ture of today’s session of the senate. Wilson has introduced a bill in the senate allow ing mineral propeotors and claims on Colville reservation the same as on other public lands. Chief Engineer Craighill, in a letter to Squire, estimates the oost for Puget sound defenses at $2,822,000, not in­ cluding torpedo sites. Washington, Jan. 18.— There was no session of the senate today. • POULTRY INTERESTS 9 ev en th SQUADRON. B e lk n a p S a y s I t s C o m in g W i l l B e M e n a c e t o t h e U n ite d S ta te s. r L E M A T I. ENGLAND AND SPAIN D E A L S A ID T O ¿ ’ HE RA IL R O A D G A T E W A Y COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY. OREGON. SATURDAY. JANUARY 25, 1896. VOL. 7. THE LEADER. i. House. Washington, Jan. 16—The house spent today in further discussion of the pension appropraation bill. A ll fav­ ored a liberal administration of the pension laws and the adoption of changes of the existing laws proposed by the bill. Shafroth of Colorado in­ troduced a Pacifio railroad bilL It contemplates a foreclosure sale of the Union and Cetnral Pacific railroad properties, and, in the event that the titles were vested in the government, there shall be organized a government railroad company. The oompany is to be managed by a board of directors appointed by the president As soon as oragnized the property vested in the United States by foreclosure sale is to be oonveyed to it. The oompany is then to deliver to the United States fifty-year 8-per cent bonds to the amount of the total indebtedness to the government, secured by a mortgage on all the property subject only to the bonds secured by first mortgage upon the property in the event the United States has not purchased or paid the same. The stock of the new com­ pany is to be sold at publio auction, and the amount realized applied to the indebtedness of the gvernment, and when the latter is tally paid, the stock holders are to organize a new corpora­ tion. The government railroad oom­ pany is to oonvey the railroad and porperties to it upon the surrender and cancellation of the stock of the old company. Washington, Jan. 17.— In the house today the speaker announced the ap­ pointment of Allen of Utah to the oom­ mittee on publio lands, in place of Curtis of Kansas, resigned. “ A free- home b ill,” making actual residence on railroad land grantB unnecessary where the lands have been fenced and improved, was pass' d. Grow opposed the idea of communications being sent to the house by the president ant: cabi­ net officers for the purpose of creating legislation, and referred to the letter sent by the president to Mr. Catching», adding: "T h is boose should resent any attempt by the president or his olerks to diotate legislation to the house.” The rest of the day was con­ sumed in discussion of the pension ap­ propriation bill. Washington, Jan. 18.— The house to­ day passed the pension appropriation bill, to the consideration of which it has devoted the entire week, and ad- journed. Tho clause in the bill chang­ ing the existing laws so as to allow widows to obtain pensions under the act of 1890. whose net inoome did not exceed $500, per annum was stricken ont. The provisions under the act of 1890, rejecting, suspending and dis missing applications were allowed to date from their first application. It was announced that bills covering the amendments ruled out would be re­ ported from the invalid pension com mittee. The pension bill aB passed carries $141,825,820, abont $50,000 less than the estimate. The bill was passed fifty days ahead of any previous pen sion appropriation bill. THE RECENT SHOWS AND F IN E BR EED IN G . T h e L a r g e s t C h ic k e n R a n c h A N ew o n E a r th — M e t h o d o f G e t t in g B reeders E a r ly o n t h e M a r k e t —V a l u a b l e H in ts t o C h ic k e n K a is e r s . There has been a decided interest in the poultry industry of the North- ^ G O O D FO R EVERYBO D Y shows. Speaking of the Gref try show just closed in Portland, Theo­ Almost everybody takes some laxative dore Sternberg, the official judge, said: medicine to cleanse the system and keep the “ Fanciers should train their birds blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS for exhibition; namely, render them L iver R e gu lator (liquid or powder) docile and aoenstom them to being get all tiie benefits of a mild and pleasant handled, so that, when they are laxative and tonic that purifies the blood brought iudge the birds 1 the whole systtm. And urougnt before Detore the tne judge, | and more strengthens t]lan this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU-* w ili readily stand at attention, thus LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active showing themselves off to the best pos­ and healthy, and when the Liver is in sible advantage. In a close show, it j g pod o condition you find yourself free from is the careful attention to all those M alaria. Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick- details that secure prizes for the Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated feeling. owners.” On the question of breediig, Mr. These are all caused b y a sluggish Liver, G ood digestion and freedom from stomach Sternberg talked intelligently, as fo l­ troubles will only be had when the liver lows: is properly at work- If troubled with any “ There is no bird in the proper of these complaints, trv SIMMONS LIVER breeding of which all the akUl and R e g u l a t o r . The King of Liver Medi­ intelligence of oui best people sre not cines, and Better than Pills. brought into action. It is no child's ¿ » - E V E R Y P A C K A G E -« « play to breed a fine specimen of any H as th e Z Sta m p in re d on w ra p p e r. kind, and there is no man whose posi­ J . H. Z eiliu & Co.. P h tla., Pa. tion in life or intellectual endowments are so great bnt that he can find ample use for them in the poultry fancy. T H E CU BAN R E B E LLIO N . “ Breeding line fow ls is not only science, but an art as well. W hile I i i . u r g e n t . A r e B r i n g i n g M a t t e r , t o a C ríala—E d it o r i a l C o m m e n t . like produces like, like appeaarnoea do not always produoe like appearances, I Chicago Record.] but like combinations of blood and an­ Making all due allowanoe for pos­ cestral lines are neoessary for ot rtain sible errors in the latest repot ts of the results. sitntion in Cnba, it is still not im ­ No person can really have his yards probable that the insurgents aie on the in hand until he has bred fow ls long eve of a stroke which w ill Iriu g the enongh to know the color beauties and . warfare to a crisis. During the last the color defects, the shape excellencies | few weeks the tight has tie* n waged and shape defects, for five or six gen- j steadily, the insurgents being ¿.euerally erationa. Then he w ill begin to have the gainers. General Campos sx-ms to some knowledge of what one bird have been unable to make any head- mated to another w ill produce, by rea­ way against his opponents, who, aside son of his knowledge of the ancestry of from the ad^antgae of a complete fam i- the birds. liartiy with the topography of their “ The true fancier w ill keep a rt lord oountry, are inured to its climate and of the birds he breeds from, oarefully have abundant refuges in which to take noting the color, shape, defects, beau­ shelter. Unless the Spaniards have ties and proportions of each m ating." been resorting to a ruse, and leading the insurgents on simply for the pur­ W i n t e r L a y i n g Q u a lit ie s . pose of trapping them, the fall of Ha­ That oertain breeds are better vana is within reasonable probability. equipped with winter-laying qualities than others, has time and again been W e M u st A c k n o w l e d g e T h e r a . proved, says Farm Poultry. But that [Chicago Inter Ocean ] those qualities w ill amount to naught W e are nnder no obligations of unlses proper conditions are oomplied oourtesy toward Spain. She was one with, has been equally w ell settled. of the few powers that acknowledged We know that the Brahmas, Lang- the belligerency of the Confedeia’e shans, Plymouth Rocks, Wyandottes, states during the war for the Union. Houdans, and some others, w ill, if in She hastened to assure Great Britain the proper condition, and with good of the paltiy aj*i g t Met feeble lurce in__ care, lay a good many eggs righc resistenoe to our application o f the through the worst kind of winter. So Monroe doctrine to the Venezuela issue. w ill the Leghorns, Miuorcas, or any of Nor are we under any obligation of the heavy layers; but the latter require s* ntiment. The Spanish government warmer quarters, and mnoh better care is the most illiberal, the most hope­ than the first lot we named. lessly unprogressive, in Europe. Cuba The whole matter of eggs in winter has borne impositions tenfold more oan only be settled by propor food and aggravated than those which foroed care. No breed can give eggs if they the thirteen American colonies of have not warm housing, and suoh foods Great Britain into successful revolu­ as make eggs. During rainy, snowy tion. A congressional declaration in and windy wheater, hens must have favor of acknowledgement of the Cuban protection. The farmer who never republic w ill be approved from Maine bothers about sheltering his fow ls dur. to Florida and trom tho Atlantio to the ing winter, and who is satisfied that Pacifio. corn is the best egg food, is the very I n s u r r e c t io n o r R e v o l u t i o n . W h i c h ? man who is oontinnally complaining [New York Independent ] about poultry being a dead loss. And Shall we call it a revolution or a some of this very class write to know “ Revolutions” which breed can be relied upon to give mere insurrection? have been numerous in Cuba, as Senor us eggs in winter. So that the only reply to give is the Ponce de Leon tell our readers this best winter layer is the ben (no matter week, and he ought to know, for he to what class she belongs) that has the has had lively experience in them. best housing and the best food. If Bnt somehow the Spaiush power has one stndies the natures of tho breed on not been overthrown. Senor Palma, hand, he w ill soon learn what is most who is the chief representative of the “ Cuban Republic,” tells our readers needed. this week why Cuba ought to be free; T h e L a r g e s t C h ic k e n R a n c h . and he and Mr. Crosby and Senors A t this period of the year when the Pierra and De Qnesada appeal with old bens are still molting and half mnch eloqnenoe and earnestness for naked, and the nights and morning American sympathy, dwelling bitterly quite wintry, they should have a upon the wrongs aud cruelties and op­ warm house and extra care, and es­ pressions of Spanish government, and pecially a clean plaoe to roost, says their words cannot but excite sym ­ the Argus, of Petaluma, Cal., which pathy. is one of the great poultry oenters of B e f o r e T h e y A r e W ip e « ! O u t. the coast [Atlanta Constitution.] A few days siuoe the writer bad Let the American people hasten to the pleasure of looking through the great chioken ranch of Sprockets & C o., demand belligerent rights at once be­ the largest one on earth, situated fore Spain can gather her forces to about twelve miles north of this oity, wipe the Cubans out. Let these rights and we are now more than ever con­ be granted them at once so that the vinced that cleanliness, proper food struggling Cubans may have this ad­ and attention is what makes healthy vantage in their efforts to secure self- chickens. On this ranch of 200 acres government there are tens of thousands of chickens, H o w S p a in T r e a t e d A m e r ic a . big and little, yonng and old, and we [P itt'b u rg Dispatch.] walked for miles through long lanes of If a third of the provinces of Spain houses and yards critically looking for 1 were to declare that they had seceded sick or delicate chickens and did not and this country shonld recognize them see one. Not over 160 ohickens were as belligerents in less than three confined together in any one yard, aud months the proceeding wonld be an eaoh lot bad a warm house that was exact parallel to Spain’ s action when kept as clean as a pin. the Southern Confederacy was pro­ Chickens, like all other animals, en­ claimed. Cuba is Spain’ s distant col­ joy a change, and a hot breakfast these ony and our neighbor, and yet we bave oold mornings is actually neoessary if not imitated the unfriendly Spanish you expect any profit from hens during example under the greater provocation. antnmn and winter. Bran or meal scalded with boiling water and mixed D r. P ric e ’s C r e a m B a v i n g Po w de r. with scraps or boiled potatoes, which i World’s Fair Highest Medal and 0 ploma. at present prices are the cheapest and 1 best food, are also good for a change. Chickens that have a large range re­ quires less feed, but always remember that it takes liberal feeding to briDg eggs in paying quantities. Those 0 0 worth of lovely Music for Forty which have grown their new plumage 1 . . Cents* consisting of too pages ^ and are in good order are laying, but, g — full size Sheet Music of the brightest, liveliest and most popular some animal food must be given to w - latest, selections, both vocal and Instrumental. secure the best reslnt. gotten up in the most elegant manner. In- | F K E B | £ C o a lm in e r * S tr ik e . Columbus, O., Jan. 18.— One thou­ sand miners employed by the Morris Company struck today on account of trouble said to be locaL D r P r ic e ’s C r e a m B a k in g Powder. W orld 's F a ir H ig h e s t A w a rd . eluding four large size Portraits. CARMENCITA. the 8panlsh Dancer, — “ PADEREW8KI, the Great Plan let, ADELINA PATTI and ^ Z MINNIE 8EUGM AN CUTTING. • OONCM AU. OFDCM TO E THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO CC. 3 - - Broadway Theatre Bldg.. New York City. CANVASSERS W ANTED. ^ UmuiurnkuLuimM* M rs. L a n g t r y ’ s S t o le n J e w e l s . London, Jan 18.— Governor Schust­ er, of the Union bank, of London, said today it was true that Mrs. Langtry had brought action for the loss of her jewels, which were entrusted to the care of the bank, and which were obtained from it by a forged order. Mr. Schuster added, however, that the bank was resisting Mrs. Langtry's claim. The jewels have been variously esti­ mated in value from $50,000 to $200,000. MANHOOD RESTORED “ CUPIDENE” This great Vagatatela Vitalizar, the prese rip- tion o f a famous French physician, will quickly cure you o f all ner­ vous or diseases of the generative organs, such as Lost Manhood, I’alns In t ie B < ck ,8em > J Emission*. N ervous Debility. . I'nflmevs to Murry, Kxiiaosting l/rnlns, Varicocele and ist¡nation. It str |>* a.I lo**es by day or night. Prevents quF-k- s of discharge, w -»ich if not checked leads to Hpermaiorrnoea and I B E F O R E i n d A F T E R all the horrors of Impotency. < V 1*1 !»*•: A K ciaaases the liver, toe | B t f U K L .NO « f T t H kid-iers.nd th . urlr ary n r .. "I of ail UnpunUta C U P I D E N E strengthens nnd restores small weak organs. The reason sufferer': s* -e riot cured by Doctors Is because ninety p*-r cent sre tronbled with P r o a t a t l t l* . O CPIDEXF Is the only known remedy to cure without mi operation, ¿or*) t»-*tlxnonk ais. A written guarantee given and money returned If six boxes does not effect a permanent cure* $L00 & box, six fur $5.00. by mail. Send for rax*circular and testimonials. Address P A V O L M E D IC IV F . C O ., P. O Box 277b. aau Fra.-deco. Cal / V £