The Leader. BOTH GONE. TAINTED MONEY. SHE WAS RUNNING RANCH. THF. Albany Imprint: During the >onth of November the Albany reamerv made 3,350 pounds of utter, being a gain of 594 pounds ver the previous mouth. Up to ie present time this month, 2,802 •ounds have been made. The rul- g price per pound during October! a s 20cts, Nov 221 and Dec. 27J ! With the kdmiamon of Utah into * * * * *" I“ *“ ' “ of th* Pr**' e n t T im e. the Union of the Sates, as final by j fWashington Gladden, in “The Outlook.”] Ë. P . T H O R P , - - E D IT O R _ . the proclamation of the President, I Not a little tainted money has ________________________________ SATURDAY, JAN., 18, - - 1896. polygamy is constitutionally wiped been turned into the channels of the ------ o u t It used to be classed with higher education. It seems to have Frequent and constant advertis­ slavery as a blot upon our civiliza- been assumed by many of those ing brought me all I own—Alexan­ tiou, and these two were spoken o f • who have this work in charge that as the twin relics of barbarism, j all money is pure and holy, and that der T. Stewart. They are now both gone. One was : just as much good can be done with If more men would pound rock wiped out by the sword and the | the money of a robber as with the as vigorously as they do the card- other has fallen before the progress ■ money of an honest merchant or table there would be fewer women of civilization. manufacturer. It seems even to taking in washing to keep them out All this has occured in this coun- have been regarded as a meritorious of the poor house. try within thirty years or within the ! achievement to pave the highways It will "hardly take the C u b i n g » '™ of a generation. It cost a ! of learning with the price of blood, LE VIS & BURKHOLDER. “While traveling through South­ ern Oregon last summer on horse­ back, I lost my wav. After follow­ ing several little trails that seemed Children should be happy to lead nowhere in particular 1 1 and plump. A child of seven came to a little clearing in the tim­ should not be thin and pale, ber in front of a log house. I rein­ with the aged look of twenty. ed up at the little gate and hallow­ No ach es; no whines; no INAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ed. Half a dozen bounds rushed house-plant. Running, jump­ Notice Is litrebv given that the final account from the back of the house and ing, laughing. Children the executors of tin- estate of f b ue.n Massey, sceased, lias been tiled in tile county court of barked furiously. Getting no an should grow in weight and ane county. Oregon, tor settlement ot said os Te. and that Monday the 2nd (lay of February swer I halloed again, and when the strength; eat heartily and s'.ifi. lias been appoluted by said court for the -ettiemeut thereof, at ah ich time any person in- dogs had stopped barking I heard a show plump cheeks. rested in said estate may hie exceptions If ny, to said accouut. Dated this 6th dav of female voice from the back of the 5 c o t t ’ s E m u l s i o n of Cod- ■ anuary, 1696. M a b v F. M a s s k y house shout: fiver O i r with Hypophos- W i l l i a m G . M a s s k y , revolutionists eight years to achieve 1 Kreat d««1 oi Wood ftnd t,ea8ure to It is passing strange that the ira- . .. Executors. “ “ Round this way, stranger.’ phites fills out the sunken of the island ! destroy slavery, but polygamy fell plications and consequences of such J o h n M. W i l l i a m s , the independence Attorney for executors, “I rode my horse around the without the expenditure of either, an alliance should he ignored or cheeks and gives color to the am 1-32 Judged by the progress made in And now the people who fought disregarded. 13 it not plain that fence and found u little, thin, mid­ lips. It furnishes material NOTICE OF FOREFEITC BE. ten months they ought to add Cuba j ---------- — * - 1 dle-aged woman sitting on a stump for the growth of bone, and an institution which accepts sub- H. B. W isem an and Charles Kevern. your to the list of American republics be for slavery are more than contented, | etrs and assigns are hereby notified that I have and would not restore the institu-1 sidios from notoriously iniquitous in the shade of a tree, with a shot- food for the brain and nerves. xpended one hundred dollars in labor on the fore the end of the year 1896. . ...................... „ gun between her knees, while a big, lareuce mine situated in Bohemia, Douglas It lays a strong foundation ounty, __ j------------ tion if they could. It is to be sources, by this act virtually resigns Oregon, In order to hoid sa il mine tinier the provisions of section 2324, Revised rawboned man with a grizzly beard fQr future growth and develop OREGON. The world is just learning to eat I h o p e d the same may be said of the privilege of bearing testimony 'tatutes. l>emg the amount required fur hold­ REMATI. ing the same for the year ending ls% , ami if fruit, and an enormously increased I those who practiced and contended against such iniquities? When we was sawing up the trunk of a tree. ment. «Yithin ninety days after this notice by publica- S C O T T ’ S E M U LSION bas been endorsed by^tbo “ ‘H’ye, stranger,’ said he. tion, you fail or refuse to contribute your pro- ( . ! . * Tour Doc- consumption is sure to be the result.. for that lesser form of barbarism . enter into partnership with corrup- medical professton fo r twenty yea ■ortiqu o f such expei expenditure as co-owners " hich 'ways palai able— always tor.) This is because it is alwa “ ‘Shet up,’ snapped the little vould he thirty-three and one-third dollars CbQorwegian Thero is a fine out-look for apple But it must noi be forgotten that tionists and extortionists in the uniform— always contains the purest ; $33.1-3) as interest in said claim, will become the Cod-liver O il and Hrpophospbites. . •roperty of the subscriber under said section, 'Put up in s o cent and $ 1.0 0 siges. The small si{* culture, and we believe that onr Mormons are in the majority in the 1 business of education, we must, in woman. ‘I’m runnin’ this ranch to­ -324. E l ij a h H a r l a n . may be enough to cure your cough or help your baby. day. Excuse me, strauger, fer not jan4-31-15w people should set out as many fruit i state of Utah, and that, while the common decency, refrain from turn- trees as possible. constitution adopted by the people [ ¡ng round and abusing our part- receivin’ you better, but I’m busy. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Apropos the question now being If I went 'round in front ter tell yon SENDING TO t —W „ 7 ~ ~ " ■„ „ of that State forever prohibits poly- ners. Whatever public teaching U n it e d S t a t e s L a n d O f f ic e , ) discussed in some parts of the state Tramps in Holland are put in a • . ; , , , howdy, I reckon Bill’d scoot.’ | K o s f . b u k o , O r . P e c e m b e i 2 4 , 1 8 9 5 .i .... • , gam v. or plural marriages, constitu-i may be needed respecting the evil regarding the validity of Oregon cistern which has a pump in the 1 ° 0 ’ , ] .... . . ...... , . Notice is hereby given that the following- ... . • » ._ „ j „ tions do not enforce themselves, conditions out of which this fortune “1 remarked that Bill looked like a county warrants, the following is : named settler has filed notice of his intention to bottom, Water is turned on in a .................... , . . good, hard-working man, and he make flnal proof in support o f his claim, and that them The Mormon Church is still a great i has sprung, this college, at least, proof will be made before J o e l W a r e , U. M y Trees are all on Whole Roots, Raised on quoted as the opinion of Judge E. i «aid sufficient volume to keep C. C. Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon, on in Utah. It has not been ' can offer none. It is foolish to say would hardly desert so charming a D. Parks of Denver: “As to the < i S. February 15 1890, viz; Thomas J. Ellison on pumping briskly to keep* from | P0* 6* Homestead Entry No. 6335 for the S E ‘ 4 see. 24. Highly tilled Land, dissolved, but while it has ceased that the donor has imposed no re- woman as she validity of county warrants, issued j ip. 20 S. K 3 west. H e names the following wit- drowning. One dose is generally! j nesses to prove his continuous residence upon to rule politically, the doctrines1 strictions upon the teaching; cer- N e w I ' m f o r M u s t a r d 1M a l t e r s . by the several county boards of the | and cultivation of, said land, viz: sufficient. Ira Conner, Daniel W . Harding. Charles W . wbich control it have been aban- tainly not; there ;s not the least To a Berlin fictory girl belongs state of Oregon, I have to 6av tuat ‘Sears and Hiram B. Yancey, o f Cottage Grove, . . ! Oregon. With England and Germany doned. While plural marriages ; need of it. Some things can be the credit of having found a new all such warrants, i s s u e d in accord- j de2M 0 R m . V e a t c h Register. crossing swords over the Transyaal, j may not be legalized, the same taken for granted, among gentle- cosmetic. It had been noticed for a ance with the statute, in payment NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. and England and Russia growling thing may, under the cloak of relig- \ men. It would be utterly dishonor- long time that every Saturday she of ordinary county expenses, the over the Armenian troubles and ion, be practiced, and probably will able for an institution thus founded would complain about toothache, payment of which is provided for Laud Office at Roseburg, Oregon, December 23,1895. America after England with a sharp be, unless a Legislature should be : or largely befriended, to enter into which always disappeared by Sun- and imposed on the counties by the | N otice is hereby given that th« following stick over the Venezuelan boundary elected to enforce the provisions of ft thorough investigation of the ' Jay morning, As sure as Sunday specific law of the state, are valid, i named settler has Hied notice of Ids intention to « “PACKING F R E E -® « make final [»root in support o f his claim, and that it is indeed a case of “ Merry Old the constitution as similar laws are methods by which its endowments came around she would be seen a n d p a y m e n t o f t h e s a m e m a y b e sai.i ' ' pr°nf ............ ile Get.ire l ' will tw ma.le J o e i . W a k k r . « “ REMEMBER -I cariy Apples, Pear, Cherry, Prune, Plum, Peach, r J J m S. C. (>. ( onimiHsioniT at Eugene, Oregon, on enforced in Ohio and other States, were accumulated. The teaching with her face swathed in bandages, enforced against the courts issuing i Uet'ruan l, IH96, v U; John W . Frost on lu>mc- aud also a very fine England.” ** B ! stead entry NoSTno for the • l’ S W.4 * 1, -vn Nw 4* ,, S w 'i on i STOCK OF W ELL TESTED SMALL FRUIT. It is to be said of the Mormon might deal, in an abstract way with but otherwise attended to her du­ them under the constitution and sec. ” t>, tp. 20 “ S,K * 3 west. He names the follow­ ing witnesses to prove Ms continuous residence The newspaper is your friend in My trees will be sent TRUE TO L A B IL L Address all orders to I Church that, while it ruled Utah, social subjects; but it could not ex­ ties as usual. Finally the people the laws of the state of Oregon.” upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: John W. Nokes of Cottage Grove. Oregon, and spite of your criticisms. It helps to it gave the people a good govern- amine historically and scientifically became curious as to what caused M . L . FO R STE R , Daniel I*. Sheridan, Dan. B. Sheridan and Isaac N. Dresser, of W alker. Oregon. build up the community that sup­ ment The church not only pro- certain burning questions of its own this regular occurrence of the evil, K. M. V e a t c h , Register. The following is said to be an ex­ dc2*-30 Tangent, Linn County, Oregon ports you. When the day comes to mulgated laws, but it enforced ! neighborhood and generation. Its and one day the foreman loosened cellent remedy for a cough: One NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. any people that the newspapers are them, aid the people, with that instructors will be constrained to her bandage, and l o ! there were two pint of the best cider vinegar, one U nited S tates L and O ffice ,! dead, the people are on the ed„e of reguujj)g from religious convic- “say to themselves— perhaps to one strips of mustard plaster on her pint of molasses, one pint of the R oseburg Oregon, Di-coni' cr 5 ,1895.j the grave, with nobody left to write Notice is herebv given that the following- another— “ All this is valuable and cheeks. After close questioning best tar. Let these simmer to named tions, obeyed them. settler has File«! notice of his Intention to 1 the epitaph. Do you contribute to make final proof »a support o f his claim, and necessary work, but this is not the she confessed that she had done the The Mormons, too, were an indus­ gether four or five hours, and when that said proof will he made before J of . l W a r e the newspapers? U. S. C. C. Commissioner at Eugene Oregon, on trious people, and the State of Utah, institution where such work can be same thing every Saturday in order cool remove the tar from the top. January 18, 1890, viz: I’ aul F. Schneider on homestead entry N o. 5547for the N U Ne’ 4, E ‘ .> The most absent minded man was built up from almost a barreu waste, done.” Think of a college— above to have nice red cheeks when going Dose— one teaspoouful. Nw 1.,, sec. 2«. Tp. 21 S. R. 3 west, l ie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous not the man who hunted for hit- is evidence of tb ii There wore all, a “ Christian” college— putting to church Sunday morniug. The residence union and cultivation of said land, viz: James P. Langdon, J. H. Shortridge, John M an and W o m a n . pipe when it wns between his teetu, few, if any drones in the Mormon itself in such an attitude as this be­ plasters hurt her somewhat, but she McW illiams; H. H , Brown, of Cottage Grove, Wishes to inform those who are contemplating building in the spring to ban Oregon. Always man needs woman for his preferred a little pain in order to nor the man who threw his hat out hive. Except as polygamy was im­ fore the world! R M. V e a t c h , Register. in their orders for lumber now. so they can b« dec 7-27 But this is not all. An institu­ appear more wiusome at church in friend. Ho needs her clear vision, the window and tried to hang his moral, immortality did not exist in NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. At anv rate, the tion thus allied must needs pay- the morniug and at the dance in the her subtler insight, her softer cigar on a peg. No. But the man that country. ) •who put bis umbrella to bed and backbone of a relic of barbarism honor to those whose benefactions afternoon. Where this girl suc­ thoughts, her pure, tender heart. U nited S tates L and O ffice , With any kind of lumber you may wish, which will then lie ready, and you has been broken, and it now re- | it is sharing. There will be a place, ceeded others would fail; because Always woman needs man for her K osebukg , Origon Nov. 19, 1895.1 went and stood behind the door. Notice Is hereby given that the follownm-nsm- won’t have to wait. mains to be seen whether a people ; and a high place, at its feasts for there are faces so ugly that the friend. She needs the vigor of his ed senior has tiled notice o f his intention to make linal proof in support of Ills claim, and that Don’t worry about what people with a form of government recog- { the men to whom it owes so much. strength of mustard plasters could purpose the ardor of his will, his said proof will lie made lietore A. C. JennliiKs, From a Distance Promptly Attended To Clerk o f Lane Co., Orecnn at t-uitene. Orders say of you. No matter what you nized by the United States will be ' Glowing words of eulogy will not not draw admirers to them.—The ca mer judgment, his braver force of County Oregon, on March 3, 16*6. viz: Frank Heinrich on homestead entry No. »178 for the w ’ . N w ., say o r what you do, the action will as successful in governing them- be wanting. The young mea of the New Orleans Picayune. action, his reverence and his devo­ Lots 1 and 2 .sec. 14; S K '.N K 1, sec , 15; Tp. 20 'Send in your orders at once. S., K, 4 west. H e names the roliuwing witnesses be different in different eyes. One selves as they were under the con- institution who look and listen will tion. to prove his continuous residence u|M>n and cul­ tivations of, sa.d land, viz: Joseph Springer COTTAGE GROVE, East Oregonian: Loyd Mont­ OREGON. will pronounce it good, the other, trol of, the Mo.mon Church, thus be aided in forming their and Rosa G. Leiter. of Eugene Oregon, August Leiter and Larson Schlagle, o f Cottage Grove, gomery, boy murderer and ir­ evil. You cannot please more than theories of life. The whole world Oregon. A MONEY MAKER. R. M. V e a t c h , Register. a -certain few, wbilo the great major­ will see who it is that these Chris­ responsible as he is, should be nov23-25 ity don't know wbat you are doing tian scholars and leaders of the peo­ hung without any further loss of 8 0 »eres of up-land, rich soil, r....... ......... . . FARMS IN DOUGLAS CO. J t e s w ll and don’t care. Do what you think ple delight te honor. So it is that **DDe or an^ ^Ul^jler interviewing by and all plow laud. I '.-cleared and (Toi brmerly Snowden Springs) morbid people, best, aniUet results be whah they H^ wôftlüêsâKÿor sole or trade. Situated 6 miles — - fftHjttë fjpiiiioti is iSrmed,, a n d ' .uut DouglasCounty, Oregon, are loca lialàncë- easil misguided, misdirected human be­ east of Yoncalla on Elk Creek, 480 ted o d the Southern Pacific Railroad, ozen mon who are the pirates of industry acres, 200 acres good bottom land, “ Shasta Rente” from Sun Francisco line springs and a stream of moun­ OREGON. and the spoilers of the state are ad­ ing whose presence in life is worth balauce hills. This place contains to Portlund in Douglas Co„ Oregon. LEM ATI, One of the things most essential tain water with mountain trout run­ nothing to society. There should 8. P. trains stop at the Springs (Hug vanced to the front rank in modern A FULL LINE OF about 5000 acres of out side range to the progress of a town is harmo­ ning through the laud, the whole be no feeling against him, any more The place is well watered, Elk Creek station ) Constantly open for the society. reception of guests. New bath rooms ny among the business men. If a year. Some specially fine garden Is it true that one man’s money is than is against any other vicious ir­ running through it aud dozens of Connected with main building. Post customer wants something that you and grain land and the entire 80 Office and Express on the premises. responsible animal. He should not good springs on tbe place. Mostly The waters of these springs contain : do not happen to have in the store, acre6 magnificent fruit land— near i worth as much as another’s, to a be submitted to pRin or punish­ all fenced; two sets of buildings; Iodine, Bromine, Potassium, The chnrch or a college? Is it not about 75 fruit trees; school aud caw Carbonates of Iron and Limo ami go to one of the other stores and station on S. P. Railroad in Lane ' ment, but simply be put out of tbe , ,, ., rather true that there is a great mill within half mile from the Ciu- Chlorides of Calcium, Magnesium and get it for him, or tell him where he county. 6 0 0 healthy, raptd fftow-1 dea, way as easily and quietly as possi­ nebar miues. Price $3800. Writ» Sodium of money with which the hands can get it, and not send him to ing prune trees, bearing nicely and Ono spring contains 435 ad the that are seeking to do the will of ble. His deficiencies may not be o r call on editor L e a d e r , Cottage other over 2000 grains of 6olid mutter some other town, simply because ai4 good for $ 1 0 0 0 of fruit this j ^ “j Grove, Or. due to bis own actions, but that is to the gallon. _________never haT_ , | F °r. Q{ th.g defile themselves nnJer a]1 ? you cannot make a salo, “ In unioQ , yo#r gpecial bargain to 0Qe bav W. B r c m m e t t , no reason that he should Le allowed Yoncalla, Or there is strength.’ life when he has no comprehension ing something over $ 1 0 0 0 - If! I sound ethical standards must bs you v ant an IDEAL HOME and of the duties of it. H eaven E n o u g h f o e H im .— A considered as stolen money. And M ONEY L O A N E D . Y A Q U iN A B A Y R O U TE . mean business, call on or address E. country editor who died of starva­ do our churches and colleges need Wife—Here’s an account of a man Connecting at Ynqnina Bay with the ^ parU k er fa „ tion was being escorted to heaven P. Thorp, L e a d e r office, Cottage j t o b e { o ] d ^ who shot himself rather than suffer First M ortgages On Improve»! San Francisco and Yuquiuu Bay Steamship company. by an angel who had been sent out Grove, Or. the pangs of indigestion. Husband— bad as the thief ? Farm Property Negotiated; J C ^ T h e highest prices paid f»rnll kinds ot produce. « » 1 The fool! Why didn't he take De S team sh ip “ F a ra llo n .” for that purpose. ‘ -May I look at But it may be said that a great the other place before I ascend to If suffering with piles, it will inter­ deal of the money in circulation Witts Little Early Risers? I used to A 1 and first-class in every respect. We are prepared to negotiate first suffer as bail as he did before I com­ mortgages upon improved fttrms In Sails from Yaquiua for San Francisco eternal happiness?” “ Easily,” said est you to know that De Witt’s Witch comes from questionable sources. menced taking these little pills. J. P. about every eight duys. the angel. So they went below and Hnzel Salve will cure them, Thi9 Oregon, with eastern parties at a rate Passenger accommodations unsur­ skirmished around, taking in the medicine is a specific for all com­ Fraud aud falsehood and extortion, Currin. of interest not to exceed 9 per cent, passed. Shortest route between the we are told, play a large part in the sights. The angel lost track of the plaints of this character, atd if in­ Willamette valley and California. per annum. F’are from Albany or points west to editor and went around hades to structions (which are simple) are car­ building of many fortunes. Much A Canyon City man says bis wife Mortgages renewed that have been San F’ rancisco: hunt him. He found him sitting by ried out, a cure will result. We have of the money that comes into our is clear gone on economy— recently taken by other companies. Cabin.............................................(12 00 a furnace fanning himself and gaz­ tested this in numerous cases, and Address with stamp, BUY YOUR Steerage .........................................8.00 hands has been tainted by methods she bought a hat for fifty cents and ing with rapture upon a lot of peo­ always with like results. It never Cabin, round trip, good for 60 M ERVIN S WORTS, of which we are not aware. This put eleven dollars and fifty cents d a y s ............................................ 18.00 ple in the fire. There was a sign on fails. J. P. Currin. Baker City, Oregon. For sailing days apply to H. L. may be true, but so long as we are worth of trimming on it the furnace which said: “Delin­ Walden, agent Albany, Oregon. quent Subscribers.” “ Come," said The Prairie Farmer not aware of the evil sources we are PLANTING FRUIT TREES. CHAS. CLABK, Stipt. the bngel, “ we most be going.” Corvallis, Or. Tbe business men of Pendleton not contaminated. It is impossible IS THE EDWIN STONE, Manager, “ You go on,” said the editor,” " I ’m are attracting much outside trade for ue to investigate the business of Experience has taught a good Corvallis, Oregon. E. P. TH O RP. not coming. This is heaven many men, but not all, that it is all our neighbors; it is our d jty to by their vigorous use of printer’s enough for me.”— Exchange. Trespass Notice. better in almost every way to plant assume that they are honest until ink. The newspapers ot the towns THE NAAIE OF THE NEXT It presents each week all that Notice is hereby given that I, the Some people think Los Angeles i fruit trees one or two years old in there is good evidence to the con­ in the country tributary to Pendle­ is worth knowing in current undersigned, have posted trespass is a sort of a second paradise. A ! the nurecry rather than those four trary. But when their transactions ton are being freely used in display­ agricultural literature. notices on my respective premisesand are flagrant and notorious, we may all persons trespassing thereon after Grants Pass man has just returned or five years old, says the California ing the advantages and enterprise Each number contains more at least decline to enter into part­ this date will be prosecuted to the full solid reading matter than any from there, and he says: “ Mr. Fruit-Grower. Some men buy nership with them in the business of Pendleton merchants. This is as extent of the law. WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN other agricultural paper, and L . H . Y arbrough . Kane does not think Los Angeles is nursery trees as some Chinamen °t religion or education. There is it should be, Pendleton will find it covers a broader field near the Paradise the boomers are buy boots. They get the largest! enou£h clcan mone-v in the country profitable to be thoroughly alive. Su bscrip tion Price, O n « D o lla r a T e a r. trying to make it and he predicts size possible for' the money paid. j^ “ £t*trmde * ^ 60911 ? “ ined “ Pendleton can get thousands of or productive industry dollars of trade by striving for it. that all those Grants I'assites who But others, and probably the better —to furnish the churches aud col­ OF NOVEMBER 4th, 1896. have gone there will return to Ore- orchardists, do not care to buy cord- leges with all ths necessary resour­ People will come to Pendleton from Public interest will steadily increase, and the question how the men whose gon before many moons. He says wood of nurserymen and hence take ces. a distance to trade when they arc S a m p le C lnbbing; O ffers fo r 1 8 9 5 -6 : votes turned the scale at the last election ure satisfied with the results under Really— must it be said?— money Los Angeles is a city of perhaps younger certain they can do better here than the administration they elected, will make the campaign the mostintenselv ex­ trees that have more T h e P r a ir ie F a r m e r citing in the history of the country. J Both Papers one 60,000, situated in a small oasis sur­ fibrous roots. The smaller trees is not the first requisite of a great at any other places, and Pendleton aD d chu-ch or a great college. Some is in position to treat them better, W eekly I nter O cean year for $1 25. rounded by a big desert of rocks ; generally cost less, are more easily T h e N ew Y o rk W eek ly T rib u n e , things are more important. Is it to sell them goods at lower prices, and sand A building boom is now handled in transporting and plant- not well for churches and colleges the leading Republican family newspaper oi the United States, will publish than any other town in Eastern Ore­ T he P rairie F armer ) „ .v.., AND anj ! r~ BothPapersone »11 the political news of the day, interesting to every American citizen regard­ on, but be predicts that there arc ing and in a few years time will be to ask themselves what these things gon.— East Oregonian. ond less of party affiliations. " year for $1.25 more houses now than will be need­ likely lo outstrip those which were are? What shall it profit a church CHICAOO WEEKLY TIMES ) J Also general news in attractive form, foreign correspondence covering or a college if it shall gain the Address ed when the boom subsides." the news of the world, an agricultural department second to none In the much larger at time of planting. TO EXCHANGE whale world and lose its own life? The Prairie Farm er, Chicago country, market reports which are recognized authority, fascinating short Many good orchardists maintain T h e D iscovery Dared H U l i f e . stories, complete in each number, the cream of the humorous paper» foreign Five acres of frostless land, four an.) domestic, with thelr best comic pictures, fashion plates and elaborate de­ Mr. G. CsillouetU', Druggiat, B av-j that at tiTe or six years from plant­ PO R TA BLE AND barn, scriptions of woman s attire, with a varied and attractive denartment of No excuse for sleepless nights when room house, store house, ersville, 111., says: “ To Dr. Kii.gai ing the smaller trees will 6how the you can procure One Minute Cough M A R IN E household interest The “ New York Weekly T rib u n ?’ is .n K fain dr chicken house, two acres fenced paper, w th a circulation arger than that of any othei weekly publication in New Discovery I owe my life. Was best results both in fruitage and Cure. This will relieve all annoy- If you think of buying an engine of with wire netting, 400 egg incuba­ he cou n try‘ssu^d from the office of a daily. Large changes are being made taken with La Grippe and tried all bealthfulcess any size or kind send for our Cata n its details, tending to give it greater life and variety, ard especially more of the orchard naces, cure the most severe cough tor, six brooders, two horses, two logue No. 30, containing illustrations the physicians for miies about, but of Those contemplating planting or­ and give you rest and health. Can interest to the women and young people of the household. and prices of every kind of engines no avail and was given up and told I chards during the coming season you afford to do without it? J. P cows, household goods, organ etc., from one up to 25 horse power, at bot­ A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid Journal and 1J miles from town of Ramona, 35 tom prices, or List No. 29, for yact could not live. Having Dr. King’s may well consider the subject of Currin. -------- —dTS« engines, boilers and boat machinery, T he LEADER for trade m arks » miles from San Diego, all valued at New Discovery in my 6tore I sent for a size and age of trees they select. - j Either sent free. d e sig n p a t e n t s » One Year for Only $ 2.25 , There is a wonderful fascination eight hundred dollars, to exchange bottle and began its use and from the COPYRIGHTS, «to. CHAS. P. WILLARD & CO. For Information and fie« Handbook writ* to In any event, it is always well to CASH IN A D V A N C E . . . . . , . . for journalism. Nelly Bly left the for property of like value in Ore­ MUNN Sc. CO.. 861 B roadway . NEW Y owl tint dose began to get better, and after 197 C anal S tr e e t' - - C H IC A G O Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. (The regular subscription price of the two papers is |3 00j Every patent taken out by us is brought before nsing three bottles was up and about World to » « ,, . millionaire. I , gon. „ „ _ _ _____ _ „ „ Railroad building into town. the public by a notice given free of charge in tbe SUBSCRIPTIONS M a t BEGIN AT ANT TIM E. again. It is worth im weight in gold. t h . ___:A 'ieQ. ( . p t o ^ r . ¿¡don't take Iona to .a u .fj her with Climat, her. it b«et on th . coast for Address all orders to We won’t keep store or house without I ßround and ldaot. housekeeping and she has returned lung trouble. Sure cure for it Get a ir«« tri d : J A B ns> u s ^ _____________ TH E LEAD E R . to the World and is writing up asthma, Write for particulars. P** » un Baking Powder Drug Pore Wüte your name and address an a postal card “end it tr G .n W R h » voar; $1.50 six months. Address," F«ir, San Francs»«» police courts L B D avis . Rirnons. Csl rriL P H rw , 8 8 1 Rroed«wy, K»w York City, - PU B LISH ED EV ER Y SA T U R D A Y . A New Line of Ladies CAPES, CLOAKS AND JACKETS. Boucle Dress Goods. = C L O A K IN G .= Agents for the sale of the H E M. ILL L. FO RSTER. Budded direct from bearing Trees and prices Cheap as F ;rst Class Trees Can be Raised For. L U M B E R . J. B. ROUSE, PROM PTLY One Oi The Best Stock F IL L E D New Goods and New Styles 'L U R C H 'S C L O T H IN G , DRY GOODS, B O O T S and S H O E S . Ladies Dress Goods, Hats and Domestics Oregon Centra! A Eastern R. R. Co. All Sizes of Trunks. This stock has just been refilled and is the best selected in town. If You W ant The Cream of N u r s e r y S to c k Fruit Trees of Greatest Ot All Farm Papers. PRESIDES! OF THE UNITED STATES NEI YORK WEEKLY THIBUNE It is tbe Paper tor tbe People. STEAM GASOLINE ENGINES Jtffutifif §œfïi(an