THE LEADER P Hl'NOMENAL PROPOSITIONS ------ f o r ------ CAPITAL AND ENTERPRISE HE RAILROAD GATEW AY -------- T O --------- .... BOHEMIA GOLD MINES a c 3 W COTTAGE GROVE. LANE COUNTY. OREGON. SATURDAY. JANUARY 18. 1896. VOL. 7. ( C THE LEADER. THE P R E S ID E N T 'S LE T T E R . O T T A G E EVENTS OF TH E DAY G R O V E enced in consenting to these subscrip­ tions by the strained relations now ex­ isting between Germany and England. -A .T S T D OREGON’S POPULATION E j E Z V E -A -T I. ‘A GOLDEN’ Ol'TLOOK decided to call a convention on Febru­ ary 22, at Spokane. Invitations w ill M r. C leveland W r it e , to Senator Ceirery be extended to the state officials of ' A n e n t th e Bond l.a u e . Devoted to the Best Interests E P ITO M E OF T H E TE LE G R A P H IC RAPID INCREASE N O T E D SIN C E Three brothers were fatally injnred Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Mou- RAPID D E V E L O P M E N T O F TH E Washington, Jan. 11.— The debate of Cottage Grove, Lemati and by an explosion of dynamite in Phila­ NEWS O F T H E W O R LD . tana. D AIRY IN D U S TR Y . T H E YEAR 1890. on the Elkins resolution in the senate delphia. The boys expeirmented with Bohemia Gold Mining District. The Everett school board has deter­ last Friday, when the administration a toy safe, which they were trying to mined to bond the outstanding indebt­ was aconsed by several senators of An In terestin g C o llection o f Ite m s From open with dynamite, an explosion oc­ In terestin g nnd Spicy X » v a Note* From edness of the district, and then to put T he B est W in te r F eed for C ow s—Som e L E A D E R BU ILDIN G the T w o H em isp h eres Presented in a having entered into an agreement with curring, breaking open the door. The The board F oreign D airies — T h e W a sh in g to n Condensed F o r m - A L arge A m ou n t Our Slater S te te . N otable Inerenac expenses on a cash basis. the syndicate to float the expected issue three were so badly burned that their is not inolined to issue any more war­ D airy S c h o o l—Som e V a lu a b le In fo r ­ o f In form a tion in a S m all Space. In A g ric u ltu ra l P r o d u c t« -M in in g nnd of bonds, ia the subject of a letter w rit­ death is daily expected. The mother rants. The problem it has to solve ia m ation for D airym e n . ten Sunday, January 6, by President D n iryln g—O regon, Disastrous prairie fires in Western also sustained serious injuries trying to run the school without giong in Cleveland to Senator Caffery. The to put out the flames. None of the resources of the great There are five stamp m ills now in debt. E d i V or a n d B u s i n e s s M a n a g e r knowledge that inch a letter had been Kansas have caused great loss of life . . . . . . . Northwest « give , , « . more . . . . . uuw hope .... for ...... future A dispatch from Johannesburg says Jackson county. addressed to Mr. Caffery was obtained and property. The leading educators of this state development than does tl.e dairv i in- An explosion ° f natural gas in a it ia reported from Pretoria that Dr. The Columbia river ia now lower are to hold an important meeting in dnstry. tonight, and the letter was made public R a t n o f 8 lb sc rlp tio n . by the latter. It is in the handwriting Chicago tenement house wrecked a Jamieson aud other officers interested than it has been for many years. Spokane, next summer to organize a A careful and conservative estimate, with him in the recent disturbance ONE YE A R ....'............................................OO Almost everybody takes some laxative of the president, and covers six pages building and injured three people. O f forty-three vessels examined by society and take action for a unifica­ printed in the Yakima Republio, fixes These rates are strictly in advance. medicine to cleanse the system and keep the of closely written paper. It is as fo l­ The gross earnings of the Northern with the Boers, in South Africa, have the health officers at Astoria, during tion of the public school system of Subscribers wishing a change In their the amount of butter used daily in the blood pure. Those w ho take SIMMONS Paoific for six months ended December been started for Natal, where they w ill the last quarter, no oontagiona diseases Washington, including the state uni­ p stoffice address should give their old as well lows: state of Washington at 50,000 pounds, LIVER REGULATOR (liquid or powder) as new address. “ I have read today in the Congres­ 81, were 111,588,148 an increase of be handed over to the British authori­ were found. versity, agricultural oollege and state The E cho -!,« A nar w ill be sent to subscriber», and for the week, 350,000 pounds. get all the benefits of a mild and pleasanf ties to be tried under the laws making until all arrears are paid and ;>aper ordered to sional Record the debate in the senate 91,625,533. The total sales of land through the normal school» This, at 25 nenta a pound amounts to laxative and tonic that purifies the blood it a punishable offense to prepare a N d scon tinned according to law. Friday, concerning the financial situa­ A board of naval officers has been ap­ offioe of the board of school land com ­ ■ggg* Any subKcriber nor receiving his paper Aa a result of the prospecting done 987,000 weekly. Now of this amount, and strengthens the whole system. And I am amazed pointed by the na” y department for in­ warlike demonstration against a friend­ missioners during 1895 was 71,923 HfjTuTarly will please notify this office im m e­ tion and the bond issues. by a diamond drill on the ooal proper- » s near as can be ascertained, the state more than this: SIMMONS LIVE» REGU­ diately. at the intolerance that leads even ex­ vestigating the condition of the nine ly state LATOR regulates the Liver, 1 reps it active acres at the value of 992,956. ggg~ We invite short articles of general in­ ties o f the Everett and Monte Cnsto of Washington only furnishes 50,000 and healtnv, and when the Liver is in te re s t-lo n g ones, as a rule, not published. All cited partisanship to adopt as a basis of monitors lying at the League island Alexander J. Boroday, an electrician A cargo of lumber ia strewn along Company, aboot three and one-half pounds, which, at 86 cents per pound, good condition you fin i yourself free from articles must be accom panied by the nam e of attack the unfounded accusations and yard, Philadelphia. of the Westinghonae Company, of Elk Beach for miles, which ia supposed miles southeast of Granite Falla, a amounts to 912,600, leaving 300,000 the writer, not for publication, but as evidenc Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick- ol good faith. We assume no responsibility for assertions of a malieiously mendacious Pittsbnrg, Pa., is believed to be held a to have been floated off the decks of tributary to the town of Everett, it has pounds to be furnished from the East Headache and Constipation, and rid of Disorders have occurred in the East the op in ion » o f correspondents. and sensational newspaper. End of Londcn growing out of the fact prisoner by the Russian government, lumber schooners during the late storm. been decided to develope the property and outaide the state, which, at 26 that worn out and debilitated feeling. Kutered at the posioflftce at Cottage Grove a> “ No banker or financier, nor any second class matter. that the German and Dutch sailors probably in Siberia. He was a natur­ oenta per pound, amounts to 976,000 These are all caused by a sluggish Ll\ er. Stnrgeon fishing has beoome quite an by jinking a shaf . ether hnman being, has been invited to about the docks were hissed. The alized American citizen, but had been industry around The Dalles. Several v. hioh goes out of the state weekly for G ood digestion and freedom from stomach visit Washington for the purpose of ar­ The salmon pack statistics for the troubles will only be had when the livet A d v e r tisin g R ate« M ade K n ow i on A p - windows of the shops kept by German setive in political agitation in Rnasia that one article alone. Urge catches are reported in that dis­ ranging in any way or manner for the is properly at work. If troubled w ith any p lication . Jews were broken, and several German before coming here. Albert Schmidt, trict, a recent one weighing 425 Colombia river for 1895 show: Spring of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER A b o u t W in te r F eed . disposition of bonds to meet the present paok— Chinook salmon, 437,810 cases; general superintendent of the West- clubs were closed. pound» or future needs of the gold reserve. bluebacks, and steeiheads, 52,566 Since dairying has became a leading REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi­ ioghouse works, has communicated the The London Times in an editorial, CII URCH DIRECTORY. No arrangement of any kind has been The Southern Miners' Association oasea. Total value. 92,711,868.76; feature of Eastern Washington agri­ cines, and Better than Pills. facta to Secretary Olney. the United States that » E V E R Y P A C K A G E 'S ^ made for the disposition of such bonds reminds has formed a permanent organization amount paid for fish, 91,776,647. culture, writes Professor Spellman, of 1ÜMBKKI.AND PRF.HBYTFRIAN CHHRCH— “ whether we have troubles in Enrope A representative gathering of men at Grant’ s Paaa H a . th e Z Sta m p in re d on w r a p p e r . About 200 miners A llow ing one-half the catch to the the Pullman Agricultural oollege: j Sunday school, 10 a . m . Preaching, 11 a . m . to any syndicate, or through the agency aud Africa or not, we w ill not yield on and women of Detroit, took action ex­ were present and genuine enthusiasm Washington fishermen and 7 p . m ., first and third Bn-iday in earn of any syndicate. No assurance of such J . H . Z e llin & Co., P h lla ., Pa. makes the “ The question of winter feed for m onth. Prayer m eeting, esca Wednesday at a disposal of hOEda has been directly or the Venezuela question. W e have in­ pressive of keenest sympathy with the prevailed. amount received by the fishermen of dairy cattle is an important one. In 8 ?. m . (M We are J ou rn eyn g unto a place of sulted nobody, but if we are compelled Armeni jus, and also by a gift of over In w h ich the lo r d said, 1 w ill give it y«*u; com e indirectly given to any person. Wheat ia now moving out of Pendle­ Washington for spring salmon deliver­ ivew of the fact that the various root A H U M AN LAD D ER . thou w th us and we w ill do the« good.” — point of fait, a decided leaning toward to fight we shall be ready to defend $500 made a substantial beginning in ton about as rapidly aa the railroad can ed to canneries 9888,273.50. Fall paok crops do unusually w ell in this section, Numb. 10 29. R ev . C. A WOOLBY. Pastor. rendering financial aid to that op­ a popular loan and advertising for what is worth fighting fo r ." handle it. The movement was started — 92,86 cases of silversides, 81,500 and are eminently adapted for stock By T h is M eans W a s a Y oung G irl r e s ­ The meeting also Stephen V. Emmons, a prominent pressed people. riHRCSTIAN CHURCH—8ERVICE8 AT 11 A. bids has been plainly exhibited on the by a recent bulge when 400,000 bush­ cases of Chinook, 3,600 oases of steel- feed, a few facta in regard to these cued F rom a Burning B u ild in g a . and 8 p. m . puuday school at 10 a . m adopted memorials to the United head; total, 187,086 oases, valued at crops w ill doubtless he appreciated by Y. P. 8. C. E., each Sunday at 4 p . m . Midweek part of the administration at all times gold miner of New York, has addressed els were sold at 40 cents n et Sturgeon Bay, W is., Jan. 14.— Fire States government, and to tho queen pruyer and prmlae services, W ednesday evening when the subject was under discussion. an open letter to President Cleveland, our farmers. The Polk oounty census returns show 9456,60980. a t7 o ’clock . Musical reLear»al, each satarcla) in the residence of Banker James setting forth a unique plan for main­ of Great Britain, urging action which “ Those charged with the responsi­ "T h e particular root crop that has evening at 7 o c ’ loek. Id a h o. His shall forever end the atrocities perpe­ 2,440 legal voters. The entire popula­ bility of maintaining our* gold reserve, taining the treasury reserve. proven the beet adapted to feeding Keogh early this morniing came near tion ia 9,193. Over 2,000,000 pounds A new lumbering enterprise has just e t h o d is t c h u r c h - s u n d a y sc h o o l so far as legislation renders it possible, suggestion is that if the secretary of trated by the Turks against Christians. dairy oows ia the mangel wurzel, resulting in a terrible holocaust. As it at 10 a . m . Pre ch iu g each fourth Sunday of hops were raised; 795,951 bushels been started at South Boise. The m ill was, four members of the family aud m orning and evening. Prayer m eeting, ever) have anxiously conferred with each the treasury w ill put himself in com­ The London correspondent of the As­ of wheat, aud 580,607 bushels of oats. ooat 940,000 aud w ill cut about 4.000,- while carrots are the best for horses. the domestic went badly burned, aud Thursday night. •* The lo r d is in His holy Urn other, and, as occasion permitted, with munication with the owners of gold In selecting a variety of mangel Wur­ sociated Press says t lat Great Britain pie.” Kiev M. O. BRIN K, Pastor. The Coos Bay Creamery Associa­ 000 feet this year. The maximum ca­ zel, three points should be taken into one severely cut with glass. Mrs. those having knowledge of financial mines throughout the country, he can ia seriously and steadily preparing for and of the monetary conditions as to cause the entire product of the United war on a very large scale at sea and on tion paid in aotual cash to its milk re- pacity ia 40,000 feet per day. consideration; first, seleot one that ia Keogh was ill, and the shook aud the best and most favorable means of States to be at the disposal of the gov­ land, against Germany, or against Ger­ duoers during 1895, 913,500. Notwith­ A ooal mine has been located about free from fl ne, fibrous roots, so that burns she received, it is feared, w ill ernment in exchange for silver coin. many, France and Rnssia, should they standing the low price of butter this twenty-five miles from Idaho Falls, when pulled it w ill be free from dirt; cause her death. selling bonds for gold. Mr. Keogh saved four children by “ The nsnal importance of a success­ He promises the oo-operation of all his combine against her. Emperor W ill­ season, the year was fully as good as It is a superior quality of ooal, and can too muoh dirt fed to a oow may result in 1894. ful result if the attempt is again made interests. be delivered at that plaoe for 93.60 in death. Second, one that does not heroic dashes through the flames. iam threw down the gauntlet; it was Work on the construction of the per ton, one-haU of the prioe of soft grow too deep, so that it may be pulled Upstairs were two daughters. When JO H N B U L L IS F U L L O F C O N F I- ought to be apparent to ( very American 1 At the request of Senators Mitchell promptly picked np and energetic steps citizen who bestows upon the subject a and McBride the secretary of the in- were immediately taken by the British freezing and packing houses, at Goble, ooal at the prevent time. It is a very without too mnch effort; and third, awakened, the downstairs part of the DENCE. HO W EVER. house was ablaze, but one of them moment's patriotic thought. terior has directed a special agent of government to back up this action by is progressing as rapidly aa possible. light ooal, free from iron and with one that yields well. “ The secretary of the treasury from the department to proceed to Oregon a most imposing display of sea power. The machinery w ill arrive this month great heat A road is to be constructed “ The Golden Tankard fills these rushed down and out of doors, reoeiv- iug only slight injuries. The other the first moment that another sale of immediately, to make such investiga- and the establishment w ill be ready for to the mine. conditions pretty well. No F a rth er A nnouncem ent* o f M ove Ten days of suffering from oold and feared to follow and broke the window bonds seemed to be approaching desired tions as can be made at this season of operation by May. “ In seleoting a carrot, 1 would ad­ m ent« L o o k in g to an A llia n c e o f A oompany has been organized which to offer them if issued to the people by the year in relation to th6 alleged ap- privation on a rocky blnff, during Mrs. Warren, the first white child has secured deeds to gravel bars and vise planting one of the half-long or to call for help. Pow er* A g a in st E n g la n d —T ransvaal a publio advertisement if they oould propriation and occupation of lands which time seven of the crew, includ­ By this time the young men outaide stamp-rooted varieties; they are easily born in Oregon, and one of the sur­ A g a in to the F ore . formed a human ladder several feet thus be successfully disposed of. After within the Bull Run reservation (from ing the captain and mate, met their vivors of the Whitman massacre, was water rights about the Horseshoe Bend pnlled and yield well. Carrots are death, and the other mate and a aea- to Salmon river. It is the objeot of high, and by standing on each other’ s Loudon, Jan. 14.— Interest in the full consideration he came to the o o n -; which Portland receives its water sup- man terrible accidents, tells the tale of recently married to W illiam Cochran. the oompany to con stru cts large c u t ! ‘ l8° feed a° d h,Te„ the shoulders were able to rescue the dis­ elusion to which I fully agree that the ply), the pasturing of cattle and sheep The oorple have moved to Ban Jose, through the neck of the bend which T * Transvaal question in its immediate the wrecking of the big four-masted £ of hbntter tracted girl, who was badly cut about bearing has revived to an appreciable amount of gold in the reserve being thereon, and the destruction of timber English ship Jeannette Cowan, on Cal. The bride was 60 years old at the w ill be 18,000 feet long, and by this ° ° \ ° t . «° « the body in getting out, being clad only extent, while the incidental strain of now (20,000,000 more than it was in by forest fires and trespassers. This Vancouver island, Puget sound, other­ time of her marriage. means drain 9,000 feet of the present ” ° ‘ v IL T l in her night dress. relations between Great Britain and February last, when a Bale of bonds agent i3 directed by the secretary to wise known as the "Boneyard of the The estimated amount of revenue to river channel. the m ,lk b*dl5’’ Man« el and ***' toP* was made to a syndicate, and oth er1 confer with the chairman and other are excellent cow feed. Germany, which so completely placed A Train Itelied for T axes. officers oir'the PortlTud W «er"com “pa“ny Paciflo Ocean. ” Seven people are dead be raised this year, 9783.000, ia based A Chicago capitalist is about to “ In regard to turnips, it may be sa:.d the Bears in the backgrcnnd of the pic­ conditions differing from those then ".tchison, Kan., Jan. 14. — An and their attorneys, to co-operate with and two injured. The officers of the upon the assumption that, if the ordin­ launoh on the Snake river a veritable that this section is best adapted to the existing, justify ns in offering the ture for a,time, has in its turn reced­ Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe freight tug tell a harrowing story of the ary expenses of government are the them in every way. floating mining camp. On the boat culture of the Swedish turnip, or ruta­ train was in charge of Sheriff Larkin, ed, but /b y no means disappeared. bonds nowabont to be for sale by popu- wreck and of the crew and its sur same aa last year, 994,524, the excesses lar subscription. — There is little apprehpension of war The rebel chieftan, Gnngnnhana, w ill amount to 996.459, which w ill there is a good sized boarding and baga, as it is called. These do well of Atchison county, for a fsw hours “ This is the entire mitter. and all who has been making war on the Por­ roundings as found by them. with Germany, over the present com ­ bring last year's figures np to, in round lodging house to acommodate 150 here, and are excellent for sheep and last n igh t The oompany refused to The interest of American millers ia, plication at least, and the British pub­ those particulars oould have been easily tuguese in Mozambique, Sooth Africa, numbers, 9768,000. This would give miners an immense stationary engine cattle, but for cows giving milk they pay ita 1896 taxes, assessed by Atchi- and boilers together with dredgers and must be fed just after milking, and at ( ^ county, levied for street improve- lic her an enduring sense that, if there obtained by any member of the senate has been captured, and the rebellion centered in the next meeting of the a rate of 5.4 mills. executive oommittee of the National pumps of all sizes. This mechanical least ten hours before milking again, ment, olaiming such levy was illegal, is to be a war, England is ready for it. by simple inquiry. w ill be terminated. The promoters of the Oregon sum­ boat battery w ill move up and down “ If Mr. Morgan, or any one else, Millers’ Trade Association, to he held or they w ill taint the milk and the | This „fternoon Treaauaer MoCul The prominent and efficient measures corporation Snake «jvrniea a oorporanou riy6r wording WOrkipg the backs for butter mada~,—~ » H j reason: easoning Jrom his own .ta o d iw in » !, Judg8- Morrow' ° f San Francisco, January 27, in Chicago. Millers h?^e mer school have ¿formed Snake^riv6r — a r t e T iiîv iî I tur*'t^ the o o lle o tio q ^ f the ta / '* ■* * * “ ^ recefrtr, prni!iiudliVd*tMiaeciupon i , âirided - „ o l c i . * ------- ^ midable show of strengthw m ch is the w w iu r h f t a a f f - f g .flg 'i ^ ^ l g d y passenger who ,ti was refused accommo­ i5 ò u t f T DdtrTlf all, Y ^«-*«crS h«- Tli«> Dairy S ch oo l. into 20,000 shared. The objects of the government would be constrained to sistent agitation for reciprocity with result, give John Bull a feeling of con­ dation on the steamer Willamette South American countries, and w ill Association are to advanoe the standard The report of Wells, Fargo & Com- The dairy school of Washington, at Larkin. Yesterday waa Larkin’ s last sell bonds again to a syndicate, I sup fidence. There are no further explicit Valley for tho reason that he had a make a determined effort for the re­ and efficiency of the teachers of the pany gives Uie total mineral production Pnllman, w ill begin February 17, and day in offioe and he wanted the fee, and announcements of movements looking pone he would have a perfect right, if scalper’ s ticket went to work to earn it. He learned he chose, to take snoh steps as seemed peal of that portion of the tariff law various eduoational institutions of the of Idaho, in 1895, at 97,863,320, an oontinue eight weeks. The work in to an alliance of the powers against A dispatch from Berlin says that which they think conflicts with the state of Oregon. It ia intended to increase of 9511,900 over last year. this school is entirely different in char­ of a freight train that would reaoh the to him prudent to put himself in con­ England today. Berious rumors are in circulation there flour interests of the United States. maintain and conduct one or more Of this production the gold was 92,621,- acter from that done in the farmers’ Atchison yards last night, and going Nevertheless, it is keenly perceptible dition to negotiate. The regarding the situation of Italians iu B. A. Hart, a member of the associa- schools and to provide lectures and in ­ 000; silver 92,807,450; lead, 92,026,- school. The dairy school is intended there, he attached the same. I expect an issue of bonds w ill be by the public that the sentiment dis­ struction on pedagogios and the asso­ 680. The difference between W elli- for the butter and cheese maker, and legal department of the road at Topeka Erythrea. Their position is said to be tion, says the prospect of the Cubans advertised for sale tomorrow, and bids played by the German government has Fargo's total and the assay offioe esti­ thorough instruction, aooompanied by telegraphed Larkin that the oompany ciated sciences. a far wider bearing than the present to be invited, not only for those allowed almost desperate. It is learned that gaining their independence w ill have mate is largely aooonnted for by the regular work in the laboratory, cream­ would pay the taxes under protest the tension between England and Italy a tendency to promote commercial rela- by law, but for such other and differ­ Moat of the shipments from Portland dispute in the Traoavaal, and there are regarding the refusal of the former tions between the new republio and to the Sandwich islands up to this different value per ounoe of silver, the ery and oheese factory, w ill be offered within five days. This was sufficient visions of future complications on ques­ ent bonds as congress may authorize during the pendency of the advertise- power to allow the latter to disembark this country. time, have been bran, feed, shorts, mint using the ooinage value and in milk testing and in bntter and and he released the train. It was de­ tions of conflicting interests. layed five hours. troops at Zeilay has beoome very seri­ middlings, etc., and some lumber, W ells-Fargo the commercial prioe. cheese making. It is not believed that President meut. T H E NEW T A R IFF . The difference, 62 oenta, amounts to ous. In order to make the instrnction “ Not having had an opportunity to while fruit, bananas and oranges have — Pnljr T em porary Kx peri lent«. Kruger has demanded the abrogation _________ offered in the dairy school of the most ^ ItifladelphU North A m erican.) oeen brought back. The Oregon R ail­ 92,600,000. Judge Shiras, of Iowa, in the federal of the London convention, which pro­ confer with you in person since the W h a t the Great D a llie s A re S ayfn g way & Navigation Company have ar­ practical value, the agricultural oollege The president cannot shape the vides for the suzerainty of Great present session of congress, and notic­ court at Omaha, rendered a decision de­ M ontana. A b o u t the New E m e rg e n c y B ill. has secured for instructor in dairying policy of the Republican party. He ranged that their outgoing steamers Britain over the Tranavaai as the price ing your participation in the debate of claring that in cases where Indians A new hotel is to be built early in (New York Time«.) last Friday, I have though it not amiss have become citizens with all the ac­ w ill call at the islands, au dit sufficient the spring at the Old Hunter’ s Hot Adolph Sohoenmann, of Plain, Wis. asks for help, and he moat expect help of sparing Dr. Jamieson’ s life. This is a “ general tariff b ilL ” trade they w ill call on their way baok Mr. Schoenmann has been iDstruotor as Republicans may see fit to prescribe A dispatch from sources sympathetic to put you in possession of the facts companying privileges, the govern­ Springs resort. daring the past three years in the W is­ it. He w ill probably acoept such help _ ment ____ is _________ _ by ^ Those who said in the majority report here. and of the information herein con­ still bound the treaty stipu- Feed, fertilizer, lnmber and with the Transvaal government in The Odd Fellows at Belt have let a consin dairy school, which ia, perhaps, as is foreshadowed by the house. Hav­ la tions existing while the tribal rela- ways and means committee and floor are the products which Oregon Johannesburg tonight assert the plot tained. “ contraot for a new building. The the leading school of its kind in the ing led the country into embarrass­ tions were sustained. He holds that on floor of the house that it is not intends to ship to that point. for Jamieson's raid and the coincident Six H undred P eop le K ille d . lower floor is to be used as a public oountry. He is also secretary of the ments, the Democrats cannot expect to It applies on all reservations, and ia such a bill knew that they were guilty The total population of Oregon is hall. uprising of the Uidanders was the Teheran, Persia, Jan. 11. — Two wide in soope. Wsoonain and the Minnesota State be permitted to deviae the means of : of deliberate misrepresentation. The most shameful in history. The abont 878,000, a gain of more than earthquakes occurred in the district of • bill changes every duty in the present A stucco company has been incor­ Dairymen's Associations, and he holds getting back to firm ground. They The notorious outlaw, B ill Dooley, is blackest part of the plot, the dispatch Xnalkaly. 100 per oent over 1885, and of 18 per The first occurred the tariff, except those relating to sugar, a diploma and a gold medal for oheese had that privilege last year, and utterly again creating trouble for the officers, asserts, was the intention of the agents cent over 1890. Between 1880 and porated with a capital stock of 915,000. night of January 2. The large village i and it also takes wool and lumber from It is to work the gypsum fields at exhibited at the w orld's fair in 1893. failed to raise to the level o f the oc­ this time in Texas. o f the Chartered Sou^i Afrioa Com­ 1890 the state increased at the rate of of Janjabad was destroyed and several the free list. W hy should any one He ia the author of two well-known casion. None of the measures offered pany to set loose the savages to invade Increase has been Kibbey. A special from Rome says 10,000 deny that such a measure ia “ a general 79.5S per oent others partially destroyed. Three The long bridge over the Y ellow ­ books on dairying, namely, “ Milk are the embodiment of the policy of the the Transvaal from all piointa and kill hundred persons were killed. The sec­ Abyssinians were killed or wounded in more rapid, therefore, between 1885 Testing” and “ The Bntter Fat and Republican party. tariff b ill?" And so the programme ia They are provided every white man. It had been en­ ond shock oocurred January 5, aud an attack upon Makile. and 1895, than between 1880 and 1890. stone, five miles south of Livingston, laid out— to take wool from the free for the emergency, are merely tem­ was blown into the river by a high Dividend Calculator.” gaged mat all over South Africa pro­ On the other hand, the rate of increase was very severe. It was felt over an The heirs of the late Jay Gould are list now, imposing the McKinley dutiee porary expedients to tide over a diffi­ wind. It is a total wreck and cost visional stations should be erected on F oreign D airies. area of ten miles. The town of Goi being made to pay their inheritance on the carpet makers' raw material was greater between 1885 and 1890 Park oounty 98,000. culty that only a powerful remedy can the lines of route, and the pointa had than between 1890 and 1895. It w ill In some of the dairies in the neigh­ was destroyed and thousands of houses tax by the New York courts. I and 60 per cent of the MoKinley du­ remove. been fixed. The object was to destroy demolished. Iu addition great damage never be as large again, because a Montana produced in metals about borhood of Edinburgh, and in all those Both Cincinnati and St. Louis are ties on clothing wool, with a corre­ greater immigration w ill bear a 940,116,000 during the year 1895, just near Glasgow, (ays the American A g ri­ Pretoria and to present England with was done many villages. The loss of T h « Syndicate C ondem n ed. working hard to secure the national sponding increase for woolens, and to smaller proportion to the whole. Ore­ ended, taking the value of the silver at culturist, the butter is made by churn­ 4 [Cincinnati Enquirer ] a fait accompli before any interference life was very great There were 600 enlarge all the other rates by 15 per oould reach them. Sketches ot Pre- persons killed in G oi alone, and a large Democartic convention. gon^ gained 94.65 per cent between the coinage rate and estimating the ing the cream and milk together. This If the managers of the majority in ' cent; “ in 1897-98” to enact the entire torsi and of the “ Rand” made by number of cattle and sheep perished. The available cash balance of the McKinley tariff, or something worse; 1860 and 1860 because the original last two months of the year on a pro­ is done in order to obtain the butter­ the house were in real earnest about military men have, it is said, been treasury is something over 9180,000,- to subject all business interests to population was so small that the im ­ rata basis. The official report of the milk, the demand for which ia always this business of finanoe, why did they seized. 000 and the gold reserve below 960,- tariff agitation during this session of migration of that era exoeeded i t The assayer for this office w ill not be ready great in large cities. When the milk not prooeed to investigate the much A M ost D estructive Gnn. gain of 18 per oent between 1890 and until some time in March, but it is and cream are to be churned together, condemned transaction under whioh a 000,000. In G erm any. congress, during the political campaign New York, Jan. 10.— A special from 1895 is just abont anch aa shown by believed that the figures given w ill not the milk ia kept in the coolers for from syndicate made an enormous and un­ The government is taking active , of next year, and (if the Republicans Berlin, Jan. 14.— There ia distinctly Washington says: A new machine states which are growing, but not re­ vary more than a few thousand from twelve to twenty-four hours, and then natural profit out of the taxpayers of stepe to put a stop to poaching in Y el­ shall win at the polls ui 1896) during less at -esa of feeling here today in re has been adopted for use on naval ships ceiving considerable immigration. the real amount. The production of poured into a milk-tub. It remains the United States? How do gard to the international complication which the small-arms board reports to lowstone Park, in order to protect the the two years thereafter. New York gained 18 per oent between gold was 94,100,000; of silver, 4,500,- here until required for churning; and W h y D em ocrats O ppose. few remaining buffaloes. business men like this prospect? growing out of th6 Transvaal crisis, be the most destructive weapon firing 1880 and 1890. (Philadelphia Inqnlrrr.) 000 ounoes; of oopper, 212,000 pounds, w ill, during this time, have coagulat­ Mrs. Alva E. Vanderbilt, the di­ a bullet of its caliber yet found. The and the German press, as a rule, de­ ed. If a certain quantity of milk ia Our Progress Is T h reaten ed . The Democrats attack this bill be­ and of lead, 24,500,000 pounds. The vorced w ife of William K. Vanderbilt, votes less space to it than for some gun has a record of 420 shota a minute, W a sh in g to n . [Philadelphia Times.) output of oopper ia estimated as being put into the milk-tub, and has ooagu- cause it is a step away from the Wilson- time. The tone of the oomment of the and requires no work except the pres­ has been married to Oliver H. P. Bel­ A new logging camp has been estab­ The many and various arguments 65 per oent of the production of the lated before any more has creamed, Cleveland abomination. These Demo­ newspapers, which means so much in sure of an eleotric button to maintain mont, Mayor Strong, of New York against an increase of the tariff are lished at Sunnyside, on Lake What­ United States. The receipts of bullion the ooagulated milk must in no way be crats declare that we do not need this land of press censorship and in­ the terrific fire, the automatic system city, performing the ceremony. com. reinforced by the latest treasury state­ at the Helena assay offioe during 1895 disturbed, or, if the two quantities are money. That is funny. Great publio spired expresson- in newspapers, is having been applied to it. The gun ia The term of F. B. Rockefeller, the The large log jam in the Coweeman in were 10 per cent greater than last year mixed together, too much fermentation enterprises are still held op. ment, whioh shows the revenues for The a self-feeder, aud grinds out Bhots with rather more p-wv-able, and there ia less ex-banker of Wilksbarre, Pa., who The milk is Philadelphia mint, for instanoe, lan­ the past six months to have been Cowlitz oounty, was broken with dyna and 47 H per cent greater than during may be the oonsequenoe. talk of aetive hostilities and more hope a rapidity that w ill make it a most closed the doors of his private bank in mite. not churned till it haa beoome acid; guishes. 98,000,000 greater than in the oorre 1898. expressed of an unarmed settlement of dangerous pieoe for landing parties. February, 1898, defrauding 600 de­ and when onoe coagulation haa taken sponding period of 1894 snd the ex­ Adams county claims not to have had the question < at isaue. Expressions of As compare«' to the Gatling, which positors out of nearly 9600,000, has ex­ B ritish C o lu m b ia. plaoe, it should be churned as early as D r P r ic e 's C r e a m B a k in g P o w d e r. penditures 94,000,000 less. W hile re a sheriff's sale advertised for two irritation at the British government, has been the naval machine for years, pired. W o rld ’s F a ir H ig h e s t A w a rd . Plenty of aurfaoe indications of crude convenient. If the milk has not fer­ fined mineral oils and their products months. and of rancor against the English peo­ it is jnst about as superior as the petroleum are reported in East Koo­ mented before churning, the buttermilk Edwiu Fields, who at one time represent nearly a fourth of this value, Waitsburg is discussing the matter modem rifle gun is to the old smooth ple, are still more or less hitter, how­ tenai. The indications oover a very w ill keep for a much longer time, w ill owned a large paxt of th eoity of Tom b­ bore. The Gatling has a weight of stone, Ariz., and a mine worth more the increase in the exports of iron and of putting in a pumping system daring large area and two different qualities ever. have an agreeable taste, and w ill bear steel, machinery, leather and manufac the dry season. 850 pounds, while the new gnn weighs than half a million, has been taken to of oil have been obtained. M ore T rou b le in Pern. to be mixed with a little water. When tures, china and glass, chemicals, silk only thirty-five pounds, and can be the poor house at Dunning, 111., to E. P. Brinnon, a pioneer of Jefferson Lima, Peru, Jau. 14.— The enemies The output of the ooal mines at the milk has fermented before being fabrics, and several other items, ia taken by a man on bis shoulder and spend his few remaining years. oounty, ia dead. The town of Brinnon I f l O O Ytorth of lovHy Music for Forty - — of the government and a number of Issaquah during the last month was churned, the buttermilk w ill never be even more remarkable, snowing conclu­ easily carried from point to point. p- I II • • C«nti, consisting of 10 0 pages - was named after him. gendarmes created a disturbance at the heaviest ever known. The out­ so good Dor w ill it keep for such a »y 1 full slie Sheet Music of th* - Attorney-General Maloney, of Il­ sively the influence of lower duties, Snohomish expects to add an import­ ■ — latest, brightest, liveliest snd most popular - Monuega. The outbreak was sup­ put for 1895 was 92,869 tons, a gain of length of time as the former. linois, has begun quo warranto pro­ especially on raw materials, in enabl­ ^ selections, both vocal and Instrumentai. A ll Sorts o f R um ors In V en ezu ela. ant industry this year to her resources, pressed promptly. Troops have gone 20,000 over the preceding year. ►- gotten up In the most elegant manner. I ceedings against the National Linseed ing American manufacturers to enter No L ecture by In £ e rso ll. New York, Jan. 10.— A steamer just ^ eluding four large sire Portraits, namely: a beet sugar factory. to the support of th« officials of the Vancouver has had some heavy snow Oil Company on the ground that it is the markets of the world. This moat Little R ick , Ark., Jan. 10.— The e - CARMENCHA, the Spanish Dancer, arrived from Venezuela, brings news plaoe. valuable progress the tariff proposed The teachers of Walla Walla oounty falls this year, a recent one averaging PADEREWSKI, the Great Pianist, a trust. The case is similar to the pro­ municipal authorities of Little Rock that the greatest excitement prevailed e- A DE U R A PATTI and have decided to have a permanent or­ by the house of representatives would two feet. The weight of the snow was today refused Colonel Robert G. Inger- against the late R e b e llio n Is to Be M ode Treason. UIHHIE S t U G H AM CUTTJMQ. : throughout the country over the atti ceedings pushed abruptly destroy. ganization, to hold a monthly meeting such that the telephone poles were un­ whisky trust. * »DDklM All )*OIM TO soll permission to lecture in this city. La Guayra, Jan. 14.------ The legisla tude of the United States government at Walla W alla, Waitsburg. Presoott able to bear i t The wires were down Ingersoll desired to deliver a non-re­ B THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO CO. = D o Not A lw a y s Accord . Sir Mackenzie Bowell, of Ottawa, < turea of Miranda aud Zula have ap on the boundary question. Demonstra­ and Dixie. te- Broadway Theatre Bldg.. New York City. over moat of the town. (New York Tribune ) proved Crespo's decree making rebel­ tions were numerous in all the prin­ O n t, authorizes a statement relative ligious lecture Sunday, February 2. £7 CANVASSERS WANTID. The new fish cannery at Richardson Probably d o one haa supposed that The fire losses in 1895, in New lion now treason, and have petitioned cipal cities. Troope were constantly to Canada’ s position iu regard to arbi­ D r . P r lc e 'a C r a a m B a k in g P o w d e r .! congreei to enact a law maikng it so marching through the oities of Porto tration of the Behring sea seizure the tariff hill passed by the house w ill be completed during the coming Westmin er, were the worst in several WsrM't Fair Hlftwst ■•rial sari DlpJwia- Cabello, La Guayra and Caracas, and olaims, that Canada has agreed to the would be adopted by the senate w ith­ March. Ita oapaoity w ill be 60,000 years. The losses being 9140,000 in I t . l t . n V ictory In A b y ..In in . ses and w ill employ not less than out any alteration. It aoaroely ever 1896, 960,000 in 1894 and 928,000 in terms of the treaty ant promptly for­ the American flag was carried in all Rome, Jan. 11.— News ia reoeired the parades, oauaing the wildest en­ warded her 1898. The insurant» amount on this assent lo the British happens that the judgment of the senate twenty people. that the Italians in A byain ia have de­ thusiasm among the populaoe. It was authorities. aooorda in every detail with the judg­ The Wateom board of trade baa ap­ year's losses was 978,000. “ C U P ID E N E * 230247324848 ment of the house. feated Emperor U enelik’ s forces at rumored at La Guayra that the sum of pointed a oommittee to look up a site Tbla tr e a t V e«*ta b l« Those in a position to have early in­ T h a t Perm anent Court o f A rb itra tio n . ----------- ---------------------- yitalisri-r.thepreecflp- Makeltb, the engagement taking plroe 9 100,000,000 was being raised by the for the Lynden creamery on Belling » o n o f a fanioo« Trench physician, will quickly cure y o n o f ail aer» A T ariff for R «T «n n c . London, Jan 10.— The Chronicle haa diseasea generative «.rami»«, ww ■ h ■ u ._,u Lnet . M January 7. The Shoals lost heavily, United States government to aid the formation on the subject, claim to have K VI Tons or _____ ____ o - f the __ __________________, _X1 anhood, J.__ , ham bay, where good «hipping facili [New York Mall and Express.) good reason for believing that large W A ê ÊÊI Inaom nla, l'a lnsln th* Bacfc.Sam ii al Lrohsfcio«. N e e * «« * DefcOlty. a long article in advocaoy of a per­ while the Italians ha I only three of Venezuelans in case war should be de­ ties can be had. W £tm pie% U nûinf** to M arry. Kxi.aueri,,« i / tb I-. a , V a ü m rel* a<4 No patriotic Democrat can consist­ German banks intend to subscribe for V V Constipation. 11 steps all losses b r day or n ig h t Prevent« qnk*k- manent oourt of arbitration, and it the native troope killad and a few clared against England. n< *a o f d iw b arge. w l.lcb If not checked leads to HpermatorrtMBa and 940.000. 000 of the new government ently object to the emergency measure The merchants and ship owners of ■ays of this». "N aturally such a tribu all the horrors o f Im p oten ce. € I ' P I D M E cleu w ounded.___________ ______ BEFORE ano AFTER kidneys and the nrtnary organs o f all impurities. loan. The Deutsche bank, it ia said, just passed by the house of representa­ Ban Francisco and Puget aoupd con­ nal must be constituted, subject to C I J P I D E X E strengthensand restores sm all weak organs. Charles H. H ill, a former hall-player intends to subscribe for 925,000,000 of tives. W hile it does not essentially template t«-telegraph line from Tatoosh Associate Justice Beckham, the T h e reason sufferer« are n ot cored b y iJoctom is heo«n*e ninety per ren t are trot >ted with Am erica's reasonable views upon the P r o a t a t l t l * . C C P ID E N K in the on ly know n rem edy to cure without an operation. SOOOtestla latest acquisition to the supreme benoh, of note, shot and killed bis w ife on the the botids, and the Bleichroedera for sacrifice or surrender the principle of island to Gray's Harbor. This stretch Monroe doctrine. ala. A written guarantee given and m on ey returned ir r z boxes does not affect a » parm i Cardinal Vaughan, aatotearat $U30 a b o x , six fur f V.00, by mall. Send for n t x c circular and testlmootaia. Domestic 916.000. 000. It is also said that the protection it ia nevertheless practically of oountry ia totally unoovered. baa taken his a « t Chief Justifae Fuller streets of Oakland, CaL when approached upon the subject, . Address E A T O L M K B 1 C IF 1 CO,, F. O. Bag 307%, «aa Fre»etoeo, Cal. troubles wars the oausa. a tariff for revenue. administered U s oath. imperial oounoil ha* been largely influ- The scegutive oommittee of the gave the idea his warmest approval E. P. THORP, GOOD FOR EVERYBODY C M NOT MUCH W AR TALK j % P R B B | SmiUiUiuAUUiUiUiUiui \ j . A. 1EN SO N , Agrint. ■ Y