If you’re in doubt whether your SHERIFF'S SALE ON FORE- GOOD TIMES AHEAD. HE W AS BASHFUL. Geo. D. Barton, of Oakville Or., trouble is Indigestion or Dyspepsia, CLOSURE. | gives bis experience with subsoiling j A Condon friend | M r- S ufert Report* Prosperous Time» in jugt take a few doses of Simmous Fossil Journal: ■ — -- j in the Oregon (Portland) Agrieult-1 t h e K ant notice is hereby given that by _ ___ ' | Liver Eegula or it will settle the 7 ™ p u b l i s h e d e v e r y SATU RD AY. uralist It is evident that subsoil- j told us the following story about * , ¡;f aI> Hxeoutlon, duly ¡«sued out of the tlr iu lt Court of the County of i^«ne. state of E. I*. T IIO K P, - - EDITOR. ¡ng ¡ n Oregon is on the eve of com- himself, never dreamiug that Oregon, !5th day of November, ik » , on a Mr. F. A. Sufert returned Mon- wbolft 1 ae8tioa- " l bave tried Sin- judgment on the rendered In »»Id Court on the 28tli 1 Ki)0. mg to tli" trout us 11 very import«»* wnuM print it: day from a mouth’s visit to New «one Liver Regulator for Dyspepsia dav of Octoher, h as for the sum of Two Hun- SATURDAY, DEC., 21, Nine and so-llio Dollars, ¡„ u . S. gold eo'n was York City, where he had been look- and find it just the thing to relieve dred, -----factor in the increased production “When I was a young uoan I rJV , Ki"h^ i ! U? rwm ,r"m said28th day of, October. 18 !» at the r.ite of ten (lo) per cent n>r Exchanges and letters should be of badly used and long leglected the most bashful boy west of the , ing after the fish shipping business. me. A small dose after meals is annum and Twenty-lire (25) Dollars Attorney's and the further sum of six (6) and.to-im Dol­ tt , ’ sure to r prevent Indigestion”—S. S. fee I Rocky Mts. I wouldn’t look at a : He lars costs m a suit In said Court wherciu A H addressed to T he L eader , Cottage, • land: says there is an increasing de- " I Lsk was d a m n s aud Ju lia Morey and C n ' Grove Or. To the editTr: On page 3 of girl, much less speak to a m aiden;; manj for flozell fish for to Perkins, Sharon, Ga. “It is the Morey, her husliand. were Defendants; and agahist the aN.vc named Defendant Ju lia Morey medicine to ^ i .di^ 8tioB-’' and t . N Morey, and on a decree of Foreclosure j your interesting issue of December ^nt for all that I fell desperately in | England, and the outlook for the j best ^ mf d,« ne lo and order of sale rendered in said suit, com­ manding me In order to satisfy said judgment ^bcr8 8ro “ : 1 P . P : 1st I notice some questions asked love with a sweet, beautiful neigh­ busin-ss next year is flattering. •J. Black, Duncan, Arizona. and costs and accurlug costs to sell the follow- world who are evidently constructed , , \ . . mg di scribed real property to-wit: The South­ j by correspondent A, and having bor girl. It was a desirable match Columbia river salmon and sturgeon east one quarter of S ec.34 in Tp lit s. it. 5 entirely of gall. containing tun acres of land more or less, situa- | had a limited experience with facts on both sides, and the old folks saw S are sought after both for cousump- L-ool lf,,,,‘„ C'Au,l,/v' ,,r ''K"ti. NOW LHEKE- rUIth. I will oiler for sale said real proiicrtv at Frequent and constunt advertis- j concerning each of the two subjects the drift and fixed it up. I thought, Uo„ fa N(jw York and for shipment public auction for cash al the Court House door tn Eugene. I aim- County. Oregon, m> Monlav the ing brought me all I own Alexan- j venture to send you my ideas re- I should die thinking of it. I was to Eniope, and the demand far ex 23rd day of Decemlier. ls>» In-tween the hours of gawky, awkward count}- loot, 9 " chirk A M. and 4 o'clock P M. to wit: at t der T. Stewart. lativo to them. For the past 4 coeds the supply. When ,..sked re­ o clock 1. M. oi »aid duv. about 19 years of age; she a refined garding times in New York, Mr D1 . A. J . JOHNSON, - . . —T_ . . _„.L,. vears I have used a subsoil plow on Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. It is hard to understand why - % l and fairly well educated girl iu the Sufert said they were good. Every­ C A V E A T«, i i -n tt,,*;. every foot of ground that I have some good people will allow their J b ,r , TR A D , m a r k « , SHERIFF’S SALE ON ¿ORE- .. My J * plau country at a time when girls had body see,ns to be prosperous. Fac­ D e s ic n p a t e n t s . children to read novels , by the doz- f planted to nursery stock. j superior advantages, aud were C O P Y R IG H TS , «to . CLOSURE , , .. . _ i has been to turn the furrow with a tories of all kiuds are running on For information and free Handbook write to . . , , Notice is hereby ylw n that by virtue of an KUNN & CO., 861 B roadway , N ew Y ork . en and smoke cigarettes by the bun-j therefore superior iu culture to the bureau for securing patents in America. I stirring plow about 8 inches deep, full time, employing full forces of Oldest Execution duly issued out of the Circuit Court of E rery patent taken out by us is brought before ■a* 1 “unty of Lane, State of Oreeon. on tli* 15th dreds. _____ _ following in bottom of furrow with boys. I fixed the day off as far as operatives, and an air of general tte public by a notice given free of charge in the »lay of November, 1895, on a judgment rendered in »aid Court on the 3»*lh day of October. i * k > for the sum of Ten Hundred, Forty-eight (itmo and There are about 780,000,000 pen- subsoil plow to a depth of about 7 possible. I lay awake in cold per­ prosperity prevails throughout the Ho 100 I> liars, in Gold coin of tne United states, spiration as the time drew near and cast. The wages of operatives are Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the with interest thereon, at the rate often (io) per nies in circulation in the United inches, and in every instauce have OREGON. LEM ATI. world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent ecut per annum from the aoth day of October, I shivered iu agony as I thought of man should be without It. Weekly, § 3 .0 0 a somewhat lower than in former year; 1 »;*:. undone Hundred (inn) Dollars Attorney’s States, and they are being absorbed mv trees made more vigorous $1.50 six months.* Address, MUNN^t CO.. fee aud tlie further sum of Thirty-four ( 34 ) and 7 n ino Dollars costs in a suit hi said Gourt where­ so rapidly that the profit to the growth, and provided themselves n the terrible ordeal. The dreadful times, hut they are getting what P ublish ers , 3 6 1 Broadway, New York City, in Martin Foster was Plaintiff and Ida L Corson, day came; I went through the pro­ it . O i ’orson her husband. Charlotte H. Elliott, they consume at 50 per cent reduc­ government is $1,200 a day. better root system than they ever Frederick Elliott, her husband, The State In- gram some how in a dazed, confus­ surance Company, a Corporation, C. A. | did before resorting to this plau. tion, hence are making more real iHovereign, <»eo A. Hill, and his daughters The literature that we place iu | It is quite reasonable to presume ed, mechanical way; the guests one money than formerly. The same is Antoinette Hill Clark and Annie Hill Childs Defendants- aud against 1 lie above named tbo bands of our children, will help the results should be just what they by one departed, and my hair stood true of the farmers, whose products I berebv announce to the citizens were Defendants. Ida L. Corson, and E. O. Corson, her husband, and on a decree of Foreclosure and to create and develop in the grow­ are with me, as the ground to a on end. I felt like fleeing to the are commanding a somewhat lower I of €ottnSe Grove and vitiui^ tbal order of sale S>nr SENDING TO -%» rendered In said suit, "oinmandlnu tn order to satisfy said JudL-inent and costs ing child, traits of character that greater depth is loosened, and the woods or spending the night in the price than they did a few years ago, 11 have °P«ued a grocery store on me and accruing costs to sell the following described property, to-wit: The N. w. V, of the S. w. ' trill last throughout life, and linger hard pan of tenacious clay underly­ barn or leaving for the east uever but on the other hand everything the corner of Main and Wall Streets real aud the w. v, of N. w. 1, of Sec. 21 ) aud w. W if the S. vv. and theS. w. >, of N. w. and to return. I was deeply devoted to where I will keep on band a fresh forever iu eternity. o ts l, 2 and 3 if See. 2« Twp. Ifl S. R. ■> west, they have to buy is also cheaper, ing my land is broken, which surely containing 320 Acres of land, more or iess, Sallie; loved her harder than a mule supply of fancy and staple Groceries known as the Donation land Claim of A H. bence they are comparatively pros­ Massachusetts is the only state iu wiL encourage the extension of also tlie S K. of the N. w. 1, and S. w. can kick, but the dreadful ordeal—I which I will sell cheap and hope bv Gridin; small and fibrous roots, which are perous. Throughout the east Mr. *• E. ‘ I and N. w. of 3. E. and N. E. \ the union with more than 13 cities of s. w. , Sec. 20 Twp. 19 S. It. 2 west, contaiu- could not, I dare not stand it. Sufert says there seems to be con­ fair dealing to gain our share of luir too acres, more or less; Also comineiK-lnza* whose population exceeds 20,000, also feeders, hence the increased south-east corner ot the Donation land Claim of Finally the last guest was goue, siderable activity iu all bran-hes of public patronage. s. H. Saylor aud wife. Not No. 8544 in Sec. 20 twp and it is likely to hold the lead, as vigor of the trees growth. Again 19 3. R. 2 west, west 01.14 chs. North 11 . 3 ! chs” the bride retired- the family gone business, and all are looking for­ E dward F. O wen East m.04 chs. South. 40 deg. west 14.47 chs to its cities with this distinction num­ on my grounds, which are mainly the place of beginning rm ilalning 74.50 „ores to bed and I was left alone with the more or 1 . ss; excepting therefrom 20 acres: viz: ward to prosperous times next year. ber 20. But a greater Boston will level and consist of a still clay soil, IK-Kin at S. w. corner of Caswell Hendricks' Do- old man. “John,” said he, “you can the great value of underdrainage is nallou Claim See. 20 Turn. 19 S. R . 2 . west, thence — East Oregonian swallow a number of them. N. 50 de«. w. 21.!» ells E. 28.05 oils. S. 40 (leg. w. take that candle; you will find your strongly attested by subsoiling. It 18.42 chs. to beginning; also except in« 31 acres No excuse for sleepless nights when FARMS IN DOUGLAS CO. deeded to John Winzenried by 8 . H. Saylor and room just above this. Good night, In the recent school elections in can invariably be worked and han­ you can procure One Minute Cough 40 acres deeded to Henry Niff and 40 acres deed­ to William Southwfck by Grantor herein «^-PACKING F R E E -^ b Connecticut but 1,906 women voted, dled ranch sooner after heavy rains, John, and may the Lord have mercy Cure. This will relieve all annoy- For sale or trade. Situated 6 milei ed n ab tejh .all. n lame County, Oregon. NOW THEREFORE. I will otter for sale said real while 3,806 voted iu 1893 aud 3,241 and always is more friable than on your soul,” and with a mischiev­ naees, cure the most severe couglt east of Yonealla on Elk Creek, 480 property «©-REMEMBER- -I cany Apples, Pear, Cherry, Prune, Plum. Peach, titi property, at _ public ____________ auction for cash ____ at file _ w Court ami give you rest and health. Can acres, 200 acres good bottom land, House door Iu Eu«ene, Lane County^Oregon,on « n(l ¡.Iso a v e rv fin e in 1894. This indicate;: that women gr0uud not so treated. I have had ous twinkle of the eye tlie old man Monday the 23rd day of December, 1895, between ftU - 1Iue balance bills. This place contains you afford to do without it? J . P. do not really want the ballot, no experience with subsoiliug left the room. When I heard him Currin. STOCK OF WELL TESTED SMALL FRUIT. about 5000 acres of out side range w it^ I V c to c k ^ 1^fnL*d"t!y0e,0Ck p' “ ■10 A. J. J o h n s o n , Mv trees will be sent TRUE TO LABILL. Atldr-ss all orders to though some of them think they do ^ ian(j. J cannot, however, slam the distant door, I staggere 1 A story is told of a Mississippi The place is well watered, Elk Creek nv23-25»w. . Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. to my feet and seized the candle running through it and dozens of M. L. FORSTER, —before they get it. j conceive of any good reason why it darkey named Scipio, who fell in with a nervous grasp. I knew that love with a dusky maiden named good springs ou the place. Mostl NOTICE ¿’tilt PUBLICATION! ~ i Tangent, Linn County. Oregon. The girfwhoTBtoie onT over her sboubl not 118 of Kreat value b? Pub it could not bo avoided, yet I hesi­ Mary, aud was accepted by Iter. all fenced; two sets of buildings; U n ite d S ta te « L and O f f ic e ) 1 mother’s sleeping form to elope ! verizinB to a Sreatea J e Ptb> tbereb? tated to meet my fate like a m;in. Believiug that uuder the circum­ about 75 fruit trees; school and saw R o c - b u r * , O ., N ov. 2, 1895 ( mill within half mile from the Citt- Notice is hereby given that the followlng-nam' with her young man, is a wife worth '«‘aining moisture nearer the sur­ stances he ought to give her a pres­ A happy thought struck tne. I has­ has Hied notice of his intention to uebar mines. Price $3800. Writ ed setiler linal proof In support of Ills claim, and that having. If she could do that she face to be of use to growing plants tily climbed the stairs, marked the ent, he vveut one day to the country or call on editor L eader , Cottage make said proof will he made before Register and store, aud, after examining the en­ Receiver, IT. 3. Land Office at Koschurg, Ore­ ought to be able to get out and kin­ when needed. position of the landiug and the dour tire stock, purchased two hoopskirts Grove, Or. gon, on December 21 , 18» viz: V Illiain K Your subscriber usks if subsoiiing 1 uccor on homestead entrv No. 627 ,. for the W. B rummett , dle the fire without waking her of the . bridal chamber. I would and took them back to , the girl. N «■',*, see. is. Tp. 21 3., U. 4 west. would be beneficial to poor lands Yonealla. Or. He Iianes the following witnesses to prove sleeping spouse. have tied before I would disrobe in She was delighted, but pietty soon Ills continuous residence upon aud cuRIvatlmi Permit me to state that five years of. said laud, viz: John Watkins, August she said, “Look heah, Scipio, wbat Heiiryni.in, Henry Mooney and W. H. G ray' of Col. Hamm, editor of the Georgia ago I purchased 10 acres of land that holy chamber, where awaite 1 j fur d’ you get two of dese hupes Comstock. Oregon, nov. »-zi. R. m . V eatch , Register. Cracker, says that a snollygoster is adjoiuiug my home grounds, the me a trembling girl. I therefore fer?” “Wbv, honey,” responded decided to make the usual prepara Scipio, “I didu’ want 'cher t’ look n o t ic e f o r p u b l ic a t io n . a man who is ambitious for office, feitility of which was considered to FOR SALE OR TRADE. to inform those who are con torn plating huiMing in the spring U* linn U n ite d S t a t e s L and O f f ic e , regardless of party, platform or have been cropped out, and for the tion outside, then blow out the lopsided.” “Wbus’ ’al? Lopsidetl? in llieir onltTH for lumher now. *o they can Situated near the town ot Yoncal Huinplt!” “Sualt, honey ; I got one K o eetiu rg , Oiogoii. Nov. 2. 1895. principles, and if he gets there at several proceeding years had been light, open the door, and friendly la in Yonealla valley, consisting of fur de right laig, an’ one fur de lef.” 4 0 a c r e s , 3 0 a c r e s in o r c h a r d ; 1 6 0 0 Notice is hereby given that the following- all, be does so by “monumental pastured and trod upon during our darkue.ss would at least mitigate the T in i Bwned settler lias tiled lint ice of his luteultnu to I f suffering with piles, it will inter­ p r u n e t r e e s o 1 t e a r s o it horrors of the situation. It was ld ; ( 0 0 p e a c h j make linal proof m support of Ufa claim, aud that talkuophical assumnacy.’’ | wet winters until it would absolute- 6 0 0 b n e e s s t t v v a a iie r i e t t y i [ *»il> proof U. will made before the Register ".nit W ith a n v k in d of lu her you may wish, which will th e n ' h - ready, and yon soon done, the dreadful moraeut had est you to know that De W itt’s Witch u t r t e e e s s , 2 i . y T e e a a r rs s o o ld u i , • own Receiver. s. be Laud office at Koaeburg, Oregon j ly produce nothing bnt sorrel and Hazel Salve will cure them. This w in t e r a p p le t r e e s ; 1 0 0 o ld t r e e s ; !,u lb-comber 21 , 1895 , viz: John Watkins mi won't liave to wait. Sira Jones oftea says some pesu come; I was ready; I blew out the medicine is a specific for all com­ V ,/ 1 1 1 1 I II homertcad eulry No. 8231'hir the Ne . see 18. other weeds. Indeed, it bad been h a lf a c r e b la c k - b e r m s ; h a lf a c r e , Tp. 21 s„ K. 4 w est He uames the .oimwlng ~ j liar and pointed things. In a tem -, , , , .. light, grasped the door kuob with a plaints of this character, and if in- strawberries; 300 best variety Cal. .m'lloi'enihSe.r,'.‘a (U>- O r d e r s From a Distance Promptly Attended To , , , tramped so deep and thoroughly in ’ •’ Oil add cultivation of. i*id laud, '-.•s.< viz: i,-,,.-o William perance sermon the other day he , . . . , . Tucker, 1 . . H. Gray; trank Stewart, August it ° deadly and nervous grasp— one i struct ions (which are simple) are car- g r a t c R . O n e 9 ro o m h o u s e g o o d Hauuemau, * . . . wet weather that in plowing ------ •* Oregon. r said: . “Any man that can t spit on- 1 moment and it would be over. 11 tied out. a cure will result. We have lirick chimney; two tliree room “ vMJ of t.'omatnck, K. M. V h a tc h . Keglier. | £ a r L a ^ .u d ^ il y o u r o n b 'iF (^a. o n c e . inches deep we often four d prints testeej^gi-j in iiiii [ | 1 ci / iii . s , cjis < ‘ s xtnrl al­ bouces, a larv'e barn atul other ‘out hands and lick his own appetite leu[>ed -within—and there, beeide u NOi J l l v B S o OU lt P PU U B B L L IC IC AT A IO T IO N *^ N ^ C o l T A liK iiR O V E , of horse and cattle hoofs to that ways with like results. It nevtir fails. buildings, all under good new five ^ “ ON. in a square toed scrap ought to have glowing fire, with candle burning J. P. Currin. U depth, which seemed insoluble. board fence; sidewalk running from i U nited S tates L and O ffice , been born a cow, brightly on the bureau, was the frout door to depot. Orly 400 K osehi ro , O r . Oétoliei 28, 189,v( We plowed well, harrowed thor- blushing bride, surrounded by six B e f o r e S u b s c r i b i n g f o r a M a g ­ yards from the new school house, uamed«mer'‘illS,nieS given that the following- (1 notice ot her intention to For the first time iu over thirty ouglily, and cut with disk several az in e . lovely bridesmaids.” which is one of the finest Belli J make linai proof m support of her claim, and that , O .1 ,-v 1 , • ! «a s! proof will be made before J o e l W a r s U. years the credit of Illinois is irapa <•- times, iu fact had it well pulverized , AT, h u il ili n g s tn S o u t h e r n O re. P u r e 3 C. C. ( iiininivauHier at Eugene, Oregon on SE E THE ed—those having claims over-due and planted part of it to nursery fo r enfili 01 - t ro do Stronfi M ia V V December 211 , 1895. viz: Ada Miller, widow of The Leader. LE V IS & BDRKBOLDER. A N ew L in e of L ad ies’ B o u c le D re s s G o o d s. = C L O AKIN G .= A gents for the sale of the III 11 M I B Jfrieniifir J)mmtira lew Grocery Store. t M. L. FO RSTER. M y Trees are all on Whole Roots, R aised on H ighly tilled Land, UM direct from tearing Trees and prices Cheap as F irst Class Trees Can be R aised For. One 0 ! The Best Stock L U M B E R . J. B . R O U S E , ¿ Fine Fruit Farm F IL L E D PROM PTLY New Goods and Mew s ty le s against the state cannot get their , stock. Well, to make a long story money and must wait until next short, we worked the trees thor- April for it—that is until the taxes oughly for two years, cultivating, clod mashing, hoeing, ^ weeding, now being levied are collected. —- ■ ■ _■!■ ■' ■■■ sometimes praying and sometimes Some pe-vp’e sometimes get miffed j doing other things, but to eay the at a newspaper and imagine they best possible thiug for ourselves arc strikig it a vital blow by stop- they were quite moderate fellows, ping their subscription. The effect After working an adjoining acre of of such silliness is very nicely illus- this tract well ami grow-ng two trated by poking your Huger into a ’ crops of corn upon it, I gave it a pail of water and then sizing up the ‘I®**p plowing and subsoiliug, and hole you left. planted it to nursery rows of Bart _ _ _ _ _ _ lett penis, aud I will inform you An exchange savs a man in Henry *otbl- ^le7 ale as ^Qe an^ vigorous r, ,r ., ., a block of trees us one often sees Co., Mo., is >0 enthusiastic on the acd the ground ha8 logt that tough> silver question that he digs up all tenacious texture that always ebar- the goldenrods and marigolds, rais- acterized the other plat, i cannot es white corn, won’t speak to his j do otherwise than give the subsoil- wife because she has golden hair, is r redit,for it8,,oosp> friabl° con- ditton, aud for the vigorous trees forever denouncing the gold cure, | now growing upon i t C c a s . P. W i l l a h d & Co., 197 Canal St., Chicago, make and handle every-1 thipg in the way of small steam launches and yaets and boilers, en­ gines and machinery for same. Cata logue sent free. roi casti ot irn u efO U U U ?D EM 0 REST’S A irs. O. j oil and cult ivation of. said land, viz: George ! , httsytt Of Cottage Grove, Oregon; Vreu Walker LEM ATI, NOI ICE FOK PUB dUATION. of Walker. Oregon; Benjamin Black and John Bennett of Eugene, Oregon. U n ite d S t a t e s I. and O f f ic e ./ AN UNPARALLELED OFFER uv 2-22 It. M. V eatch , Register. Ifeinorefii*. Cnf Roper P a tte rn , ere the K oì - ebckg ho (»regi w re g . n, n IL , . - (•• c 111 m er5 e r » ,189» , i c u « , , | —O fT lM .-F i/ llD 0 1 1 » . most practical on the market. They are **f any Nfitice is hereby jxiven that the f<*il«:\vinK- Tv/lv I U DL1GA 1 IU N . Five of tlie largest Western Ore­ »ize tuat any inonilicr of a h«»usehold could re- named »d tlcr lias filed notice <>f his intention to I TT 0 . quire. Ju each copy of tlie inj^azine is printed ' make final pro->f in support of his claim, aud I ^-N'1TEI) oTATKS L and O f f ic e , ) gon counties, Douglas, Lane, Linn. a coupon entitling the subscriber, or purchaser, | that said proof will ' e made before J oel W akk ! KoSEBl’ RG O n i*nn Nnv Id 1 CQ)7 1 to a pattern (wf.rtn ami regularly sold for 85cf) U. S. C. C. Connni»*l«»iier at Euuene Orw»n. on I K *» ►,,n ' Coos arid Marion, have a combim d or anv immbt*r of patterns for f<».ir cent# each to January 1 », ini)«», viz: Paul V. Schneider on Notice is Hereby given that tile following-nam­ , cover package anu postage, When the value of homestead entry No. 5547for the Ne , E-.. ed seiller h a. Hied notice of Id. iniention lo area of 9,513,200 acres. This a c r e - the tile pat1**»*'“- K considered »nnuldurud the tbu subscriber actual Nw , sec. 2«, Tp. 21 S. K. :i west. He nanus make linal proof iu support of his claim, aud that patterns is ! ly gets the following witnesses to prove his continuous said proof wlil lie made before A. C. Jennings age cultivated aggregates some­ residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: County Clerk of la n e Co., Oregon at (Igen**' Jam es P. Langdoo, J. H. Hlmtrtdge, John Oregon, on March 3 , 1896. viz: Frank H iurich i thing ever 500,000 acres, leaving on homestead entry No. 6178 for the wUNw , j u l a AiiA/wwi t | . | And what a magazine it is ! For 1806 it will be McWilliams; H. H, Brown, of Cottage Grove, lad . I and 2 . sec. 14; SE-, N E ,. sec., 15; Tp. 20 about 9 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 acres o f uneultivat- | more brilliant than ever before. New manage Oregon. 8 ., II, 4 west. He names the inflowing witnesses R M. V eatch , Register. copy con- to prove bis continuous residence upon aud cul­ ed laud. The total population of , ¡ 2® dec 7-27 n«*jD exquisite eW nK th,Kis’ new ,deas- in Each ------an reproduction colors of some tivations of, said land, viz: Joseph Springer the five counties is 88,606# T h e s e I celebrated picture by a famous artist, worthy to and Rosa G. l.eiter, of Eugene Oregon. August e . i i . ! adorn the walls of the most refined home, it is Letter and Larson Schlaglc, of Cottage Grove, c o u u t ie s c o n ta in so m e o f t h e r ic h e s t affirmed that o k m o k i x ’» is the only Copl­ Oregon. ’ a n d m o st J p r o d u c t iv e s o il in t h e s t a t e of S 'ih all R. M. V eatch , Register. tlie 5 most excellent points of f ts oml,|,‘*ng contempor- HOV23-25 LS THE a s a t t e s t e d b y t h e la s t c e n s u s r e - » r*cs, besides having inimitable features of its i Dtb.vlOKKS.i’S is actually a Dozen turns; and i ,i* the large acreage of e un- ¡own. M agazine* in one. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. c u lt iv a t e d la n d o p e n s u p a v a s t fie ld ! ,nj L f I V ^ * "IL 4 " rr,‘,,t E vent, am i id e m . r . 1 for the busy man or woman, a Kevivw and a U n ite d S t a t e s L and O f f ic e ,! f o r t h e in t e n d in g im m ig r a n t fo r a s tn r.i.o n » » of m o r e . i for nil wives, mo- fa The Prairie Farmer It is the Paper lor the People. grain gamblers in New York and j t0 a national cirt.lllation. It is a Re- mur‘le r- Housewives know it to I e Chicago to ask Congress to double ' publican paper, but men of all politics true when there is alum in baking the size of the bushel and thus r e - , take it, because of its honesty and pow.ler. A bitterness in the bread lieve the over-burdened farmers ? fairness in tlie discussion of all public i 0nce betrays the alum’s presence. Ans. Such a measure would be tbe fannU cmn^ conceal its true nature. paper, with something to interest ev­ ia entire harmony with tlie legisla­ ery member of the household. Serial The alum bitterness “will out” an;, tion upon othe- subjects. stories, poetry, -wit and humor; the because it will, physicians who uu- ' Household department (best > u the v..v i.lerstand the harmful effect of alum in After all the splendid achieve­ world), Toung Folks, Sunday School on {.lie system, are at a loss to kuow ments of the United States, its j Lessons, Tal mage’s Sermons, the why people continue to buy baking growth in population and wealth. Farmstead, the Question Bureau. , ... .. its vast territories, its boundless re- (whioh «"¡were questions for subscri- powders containing it. All baktng R oskritrg , Oregon, Dec. 2 1895 ( r i n ' highest prices paid for nil kinds ot produce. Notice is hereby given that the following. named settier lias tiled notice of h i. intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and rbos. F. Oakes, Henry C. Tayue, Henry c Kou«e that said proof will tie made before Jo hi. W are , Kecuivers. 11. s. C. C. Commissioner, at Eugene Oregon, on lanuary 14.1896, viz: Briuton Gates on tumie- sie.ulentry No. 6182 forthe K‘ , Nw w>., Ne . see. 12, Tp. 2(1 S., it. 6 west, fie names tlie fol­ lowing witnesses to prove his continuous resi­ dence upon and cultivation of. said land viz- Richard McGovern, John Clary, Francis j ' Schneider, Jam es Knob, of Imrane. Oregon. dec7-27 K. M. V eatch . Register. M O N E Y — V IA — H P A C IF IC iregon Central & [astern R, R, Co. | R. R. Southern Pacific Co. Express Trains Lon ve Portland Daily. U Connecting at Yaquina Bay with the ! ian Francisco and Yaquina Bay P u l l m a n itcamship company. E le g a n t steamship “ Farailon.” —OF T H E — R N S f AQUiNA BAY ROUTE. The S h a sta R oute I 8 :«) p. m. S te e p in g D in in g C ars . w a . i-r. notices on my respective premises and Points East and South, ill persons trespassing thereon after this date will be prosecuted to the full "Oeut of the law. T IM E SC H E D U L E . L . H. Y arbrough . F irs t M o r t g a g e s On Im p roved F a r m P r o p e r t y N e g o tia te d . For information, time cards, maps j aud tickets, call on or write W. P. LOCKWOOD, Agent, ilzivcvl>"'|?.' /."i*"* J “¡'r,'™ ^^*rn7.'Wtmd7s^ R o selm rg h i A sh lan d in c lu siv e , l l . » c b u r s Wuii D « IIt . I.r. Portland* Ar. | 4 : 40 *il~n Lv. h * Olere Lv. tO:2Sa- m ' >:50 |i. rn. Ar. u g Roschiirg Lv. I 8:00 a. m. i 8 : 3 » a. m. 2:5fi p. m. I North. SALEM PAS8KNOER. South. I I 4:00 4:00 p. p. m m. I Lv. Portland. Ar. I ift is a. m. 6:15 p. m. I AT. Salem. Lv. I 8:00 a. m. Bifliig Cars oo Ogden Rute. Pullman Bufiet Sleepers AÜD % eco«» d 4 I u » » M f i p l n g C a r s ,T T 1C H W TO t h r o io h H'sfsit M ebvin S worts , nevz life to an old or^ver-worked horse. 25 t Baker City, Oregon, cents per package. For sale by druggist«. Miss. P et S anford , Cottage Grove- t k a is s Dh Uieii, B etw een h r t k M »n d Corx»H it . MAIL TRAIN DAILY (EXCEP1 SUNDAY.) A. M. I Lv." l’on ¡and ’ Ar. I ft KT». 12:15 P. M. I Ar. Fervati is Lv. I |i :35 K M . Aitmnv am O. C. a E. ky. S x p b b u T ra in D a ii . t MÔ Y. M l.v 7:25 P. M. I Ar R x c r .P T 8 P K D A T .) Portland Me Min a ville Ar. Lv. * :» A. » . 5:54 A. M. Through tick et« to a ll ixilnts In the Eastern hiwe«t ,r°m M-‘ *"■ « S S S i t C ham berlain’s Eyo and S k in Ointment Cottage Grove, Or. K KOEHLER, M anaa-i''*1' ° -F ’ 4 Js unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt- — or — Portland Or. We are prepared to negotiate first Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped Hands, Itching Piles, Bums, Frost Bites, A. I). CHARLTON, Afist. Gen. Puss mortgages upon improved farms tn Chronic Sore Eves and Granulated Eve Lida. Agent, Oregon, with eastern parties at a rate For sale by druggists at 25 cents per'box. 255 Mou ibwon St., Port land Oregon. of interest not to exceed 9 per cent, TO H 0 R 3 E ~ b w N E R S . per annum. For putting a horse in a fine healtby con­ Mortgages renewed that have been dition try Dr. Cady’s Condition powder*. Clothing tor Ladies and Children taken by other companies. u - ‘t lo , OO.U „ Address with stamp, kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving c o u n ^ry p ro d u c e , b y North ; City, WtKHlhiirn, C ars lianaSr““13’0' ¡THROUGH TICETS 1 ______ ___________ I j L i. P o r t ia « « p . tcM a . ■ , 9' ,n I L-r. Cottage Grove Lv. I 2:11 , 10:4.) a. in. I Ar. San Fr ran e “ I.v. * 7:0* p! m Above tralim »toi (toil a t E ast P o rtlan d . O r e « .« ' 125 L O A N E D v EAST AND SOUTH OKTHErtN FAKMEB i Both Papers, tu CHICAGO WEEKLY TIMES ) - e a r STEAM GASOLINE Lilililhb t,,thect,Uo11-_ _ _ _ _ , Cunui THE A ll Sizes of Trunks. A 1 and first-class in every respect. |rr< iurist S iils from Yaquina for San Francisco S l e i ' p i n g C ars about every ei^ht days. Address Passenger accommodations unsur­ NL Paul Call and see our term s of T he L ead ­ T h e P r a i r i e F a r m e r , C h i c a g o . passed. Shortest route between the er and Domorests Family Magazine. Minneapolis iViliamette vailey nud California. DuLuth Fare from Albany or points west to B o s w e ll S p r i n g s , F argt> ian Francisco: (Formerly Snowden S p rin g.) ^abiu............................................. $12 00 1 Grniiil Forks Douglas County, Oreg.m, are loca 'te e ia g e .......... ..................... 8.00; Crookstou [ ted on tlie Southern Pacific Itaiirou- ,’aliin, round trip, good for 60 "Siuista Route” from S.m Francises Winnipeg d a y s ................... ......................... i s oo ! to Portland in Douglas Co,, Orego. Helena and For sailing days apply to H. L. | 1. P. trains stop at tbe Springs (tin .Viildea, agent Alliany, Uregon. Butte ] station ) Const intly open for th C11A8. CLARK, Supt. reception of guests. New batli room Connected with main building. Pos EDWIN STONE. Office and Express on the premises. C'orvullis, Oregon. T0 The waters of these springs contain ; ______________________________ i Chicago Iodine, Bromine, Potassium, Thi j \I asliington Carbonates of Iron and Lime ami Chlorides of Calcium, Magnesium ami Trespass Notice. Philadelphia Sodium Notice is hereby given that I, the S * " York Ono spring contains «35 ad tlie TMTflTlTTin other over 2090 gruins of solid mattei indersigned, have posted trespass Boslon "Ld all DKMOKEST l’ l’BLIrillING Co., 110 Fifth Avenue, New York. I bers), the News of the Week in com- j powders sold for tweuty-five cents a píete form, and other special features, j pound and less contain alum. PORTABLE AND Specimen copies gladly sent on uppli- There is surely no economy in using 91 ARINE cation, and if you will send us a list these cheap powders. F or a pure I f you think of buying an engine or of addresses, we will muil n copy to „„ , ,r r , _ each. Ouly $1 a year. If you wish crea,n of oi tarter la r,e r P °w,,er> 88 D r' any size or kind send for onr Cata raise a club, 1 write for terms. 1 Price’s was shown to be at tbe logue No. 30, containing illustrations W orld’s Fair, goes so much farth er |al"' Pr'<,e3 ° f every kind of engines Address T he B lade , . , i i from one up to 25 horse power at bot- Toledo, Ohio. and , gives so much better re su lts,1»____ __ __ T, „ tom prices, or List No. 29, for yaet there is no doubt of its being more engines, boilers and boat machinery. One Minute Cough Cute is rightly Either sent free. named. It affords instant relief from economical in the long run. suffering when afflicted with a severe Wife—Here’s an account of a man CHAS. P. WILLARD & CO. cough or cold. It acts on the throat, who shot himself rather than suffer 1 9 ' C a n a l S t r e e t ’ - - C H IC AG O broncial tubes and lungs aud never tbe pangs of indigestion. Husband— fails to give immediate rtllef. J . P. The fool! Why didn't he take De Currin. W itts Little Early Risers? I used to suffer as bad as he did before I com­ Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder menced taking these I’ttle pill?. J. P. t a w M üoW AMal Midwinter Feir, Sai Franeiac«. DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES. This stock has just been refilled and is the best selected in toT& n. Greatest 01 All Farm Papers. e a c h y e a r , p a t t e r n s o f a l l o f w h ic h a r e ol>- a it ia h le I » / * u b « c r ib r . a f 4 r. e a -li ) S a m p ie c o p y (w ith p a t t e r n co u p o n ) se n t f o r 1 0 «. OREGON. A FULL LINE OF Ladies D ress Goods, H ats and Domestics Demorast's Ma^azitL Free __ Toledo _____ W _____ ^ ....... I these is the eekly Blade, i Daniel W ebster in the famous A conesponcient alluding to the For thirty years it has been a regular White trial in Salem, Mass,, years fact that the corn crop is bo large visitor in every part of the Uuion, ago declared that “m urder will out.” that farmers use it for fuel, inquires ‘"n<^ '3 known at almost every This maxim lias been found applica- whether it would cot be better f o r ; 11"'"* 'b® 70,000 pi stoffiic s in tho Lie to many other things besides LURCHS OLOTHBhSC, It presents each week all that reniuneiative investment. Compar- i whi?’tm?J',".,“ntomSuSl‘*sSS iStnil'themfii». i> worth knowing in current parativelv little of this large »>ea K , ,^ ! ,i,1^ itT X g ^ ie L i Z " ^ agricultural literature. cannot be made productive by in- namenting of the home, embroidery, bric-a-brac, won't keep the golden rule, and artistic aud fancy work of all kinds, etc., etc., Each number contains more If you need an engine of any kind, tensive farmiug, and there is and suggestions and advice regarding tlie well- don’t want to eDter the golden gate, steam, gasoline, kerosene oil, send for solid reading mutter than uny and dressing of their own persons. enough land lying idle or used for beiug other ugrienitnnil paper, and Tlie scope (it the articles for 1895 and 1890 will covers a broader field While many of the metropolitan free illu8,ratS(1 clrpul‘ r *> C h a s . P. grazing purposes, in these five cover ilie whole country and Its vari, d interests, and the articles will tie pr»fu.< ly iliiw irw i. d counties alone, to support over 50,- w ith the fin .-.t, ((gravin g., and", tn addition, newspapers arc offering prizes for j go tt Will puhlish the I test and p o re.t Action. It 000 families, giving to each an av­ treats Subscription I’ric**, Ont' D ollar a Year. at length Out-of-i>oor ort*, Home ably written literary productions, erage farm of 160 acres. Aiuas**mriiti* Hntl Fntertaiiini«>nt^; it gives a great deal of attention to the Childrv u n i>«-- The Toledo W e ek ly lila.de and tho editor of a eouutry weekly in I artiu r nt. and “Our G lrK ” and has a Month C am paign o f 18!ML ly »ympoHium by Celt 1»ra1<:le. in Missouri doesn't propose to bs out­ which are discusse» BITTER TASTE. ----------- Important ed* w * I questions ■ ' oi the With a great Presidential Campaign j )ur of interest to the l______ __ hour ohier ____ readers. done, nud offers a years subeription S a m p le C lu b b in g O ffers f o r 1895-G Let us have your subscription at once. You S coming next yeur, every thoughtful get more value for your money than it is possi­ to his journal as a prize to the It Aids in th e D etection «1 Unwholesome T he P rairie F armer Both Paper s oni ble to secure in any other ma¿azine. ! citizen will need, besides his local Food. and Tlie .Magazine one y e a r for S 2 . 00 . young woman who will write paper, a great national weekly. The j O r s ix m o n th s f o r - - 1.00 W EEKLY I nter O cfan year for $1.25. -the best proposal of marriage. j greatest and most widely known of O v er 2 5 0 d if f e r e n t g a r m e n t s a r e sh o w n sources, its ability to produce everr thing necessary to the sustenance and comfort of mankind, what a dis­ graceful acknowledmeut that this great republic caunot shape its financial policies without a -eliance upon monarchical governments. If this is true, republican govern- ernment is a gastly failure. A gov­ ernment of the people, by tbe peo­ ple aud for the people cannot be compared with government of the people by Kinps and Emperors. The utterance of such a rentiment is a shame upon the people of the United States. \ miìiì „ ii e. Miller, deceased, on bom stead entry Brummett, Yom alla, Oregon. Oi Tp. 211 8., K * ,"t* 1 see . 2 3 west. She names the foilowmg editor L eader , Cottage drove Or. witnesses to pri prove her duittuuuus residence up- Aet- J . S. M E D L E Y , Justice of the Peace AND Beal Estate Agent Collections a Specialty. C o ttaoe G ro ve , O r .