mm mà VOL. 7. COTTAGE GROVE. LANE COUNTY. OREGON. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 30. 1805. Cottage Grove an] Lemati Leader NICARAGUA CANAL COMMISSION EXTRA GUARD SHIPS SALISBURY’S REPLY. NO. 2ti. all the lumber she wants. THE STAPLE FRUIT. The smallest place in the world is E n g la n d 's A n s w e r R e g a r d in g V e n e z u e la R e p o r t V ery t n f a v o n t b le to th e C a- the miniature place known as Steward I to B e D e liv e r e d to B a y a r d . •m l C o m p a n y . City, Alaska, United States, its three Devoted to the Best Interests AMBASSADORS AWAITING THE MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES APPLE RAISING PAYS IN THE London, Nov. 27.—The Marquis of New York, Nov. 26.—A special to inhabitants being respectively mayor, of Cottage Grove, Lemati and the Herald from Washington says a SULTAN’S REPLY. AND DEVELOPMENT. Salisbury, it is understood, has com­ NORTHWEST. chairman of the board of aldermen and pleted his reply to Secretary Olney's serious blow has been dealt the Nicar­ Bohemia Gold Mining District. the president of the oominon counoil. note regarding Venezuela. The mar­ agua Cana. Company’s project for the The last stone of the great dome that construction of a waterway across the W h e n I t 1« R e c e i v e d A n o t h e r C o n f e r ­ quis was busily engaged npon it dur­ O u t p u t o f t h e M i n « . —W h a t t h . R a i l ­ is to surmount the new parliament A m e r ic a n A p p l e s B r i n g H i g h P r i c e s In LEADER BUILDING ro a d a n d S te a m s h ip L in e , a r e D o in g iBthmus by the report of the Nicaragua e n c e W i l l B e H e l d b y » h e R e p r e ­ ing the most of last week, and numer­ F o r e i g n M a r k e t s —O r e g o n F r u i t B e ­ buildings of Pritish Columbia has been canal commission. Inevitable delay — F o r m a t i o n o f a C a n n e r y S y n d i c a t e s e n t a t i v e « o f t h e 1 o w e r g a n d a J o i n t ous papers dealing with the subject i n g S h i p p e d N o r t h —E x p e r i m e n t i n g in laid. The copper roofing—upward of were sent to the Hatfield honse from and further and more thorough inves­ —O r e g o n N e w t . N o t e P r e p a r e d in A n s w e r . S h ip p in g b y W a te r to B o sto n . fifty feet in height—to be surmounted E. P. THORP, the foreign office. It is expected the tigation of the entire subject are de­ by a statue of Captain George Van­ A shingle mill is about to be erected Constantinople, Nov. 27.—The main Some American apples sold in Glas­ answer w ill be delivered to the United E ditor and B u sin es s M anager clared to be necessary before even the couver— is all that remains to complete gow recently brought net prices like engineering feasibility of a caDal across question now being discussed between States ambassador, Thomas F. Barnrd. at Tillamook. the exterior of the dome. One of the aldermen just elected at these: Forty-eight barrels at an aver­ Nicaragua can be decided upon. The the porte and representatives of the Three hundred thousand dollars will age of $3.22; 45 barrels at an average N o F u r th e r P r o p o s a ls . K iit c s o f S u b s c r i p t i o n . the town of Beaverhill is a negro. Herald correspondent is able to make powers is the demand of Great Britain, be spent ntilizing the water power of London, Nov. 27.—Nothing is known of $2.78; 18 barrels at an average of ONK Y E A R .................... ...................................... »•» 0 « public the review of the contents and ! Italy, Russia and Austria for flrmins Bandon woolen mills are making Almost everybody takes some laxative the text of the conclusions of the report ' for passage through the Dardanelles of at the colonial office here of the alleged large shipments of blankets to San Seymore creek to operate the street $2.14. Sales at Liverpool were: Fifty- medicine to cleanse the system and keep the T h e se ru le s a r e s tr ic tly in a d v a n c e . railways of Vancouver and Westmin­ two barrels at an average of $1.48; 84 f S u b sc rib e rs w is h in g a’ c h a n g e in th e ir of the Nicaragua canal commission. an extra gunboat to be attached to statements of the administration of Franeisoo. blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS p s to nice a d d re s s s h o u ld g iv e th e ir o ld as w ell ster, besides the elcetric light system The report is now lying on the presi­ their respective embassies. While ad­ British Gniana that the imperial gov­ >4. n e w « d u ress. Prineville is to have a new public and branch lines of electric railways. barrels at an average of $2.67, and 37 L iver R egulator (liquid or powder) T h e E c iio -l k a d f r w ill be Aent to s u b s c rib e rs dent’s desk, and is being considered by mitting that the powers possess the ernment is preparing to assert its rights all the benefits of a mild and pleasant u n ti l a l l a r r e a r s a re a n d papier o rd e re d to hall, which w ill be erected by a joint The power will be concen rated at one barrels at an average of $2.60. These get figures show a price to the grower of laxative and tonic that purifies the blood him in connection with his annual mes­ right to have two guard ships each in by arms. Newspapers reaching here stock company. >>e d »con ti n u e d a c c o rd !u g to law . point to operate all u.ese undertakings. Any s u b s c r ib e r n o t re c e iv in g h is p a p e r sage to congress. the Bosphorous, the porte considers say the legislature of that colony had about 70 cents more a barrel than he and stiengthens the whole svstem. And re g u la rly w ill p le ase n o tify th is office im m e ­ Steamboat navigation has been re­ Arrangements have been completed, could get by selling in New York. more tl an this: SIMMONS 1 TVER REGU­ The report is at snch variance with that the proposed increase of the num­ been acquiescent tç the proposals of the d ia te ly . We in v ite s h o r t a rtic le s of g e n e ra l in ­ the numerous rumors and predictions ber of foreign war vessels there under secretary for the colonies, Mr. Cham­ sumed on the upper Willamette, after it is understood, for the purchase by an Freight charges average 15 to 20 cents LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active heaithv, and when the Liver is in t e r e s t - l o n g o n e s , a s a ru le , n o t p u b lis h e d . A ll four months of low water. Eastern syndicate of all the canueries a barrel. Not 2 per oent of the apples and a r tic le s m u s t be ac c o m p n i led by th e n a m e of which have, from time to time, been present conditions, might excite the berlain, to increase the colonial force good condi" in you find > ourself tree from th e w r ite r , i o t for p u b lic a tio n , b u t hs e v id e n c e published concerning it that it w ill ! Mussulmans and produce an effect far by two inspectors and another Maxim Coos oounty has manufactured over for which Turner, Beeton & Co. are the that are shipped from American ports Malaria, Biliousness. Indigestion, Sick- of good fitlih . We a s s u m e n o re s p o n s ib ility fo r cause great surprise and disappoint­ from the one desired by the powers. gun, the legislature also notifying the 20,000,000 feet of lumber during the agents, us well as several other can­ go anywhere except direct to Great Headac ie and Constipation, and rid of th e o p in io n s of c o rre s p o n d e n ts . E u te re d at ih e p o sto ffic e a t C o ttag e G rove as ment among those who have heretofore In addition the porte points onr that in government that it is prepared to vote past year and mined 50,000 tons o f 1 neries. Then are nine in all, includ­ Britain. In 1894-95 out of the 1,438,- that worn out and debilitated feeling. s e c o n d c la s s m a tte r. ing both Northern and Fraser river 000 barrels exported only 23,110 were These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. placed credence in the rumors which view of the measures taken to preserve anything the colonial secretary consid­ ooal. digestion and freedom from stomach usually stated that "one in the highest order there, an increase in the n amber ered necessary for thf defense of the The whole amount of land owned in canneries. It is said that the Royal sent to ports other than London, Liver­ Good A d v e r t i s i n g R a t e a M a ile K n o w n o n A p wil, only be had when the liver To Liverpool troubles authority" said the commission favored of gnard ships attached to the embas­ colony. No further proposal, how­ Harney county is 519,690 acres. The Canadian Canning Company’s can­ pool aud Glasgow. p lic a tio n . is properly at work- If troubled with any the route proposed by the company, sies is not required. It can be said ever, has been made by the imperial property belonging to the Miller & nery at Claxton, the Balmoral, Inver­ alone went 868,198 barrels, a consign­ of these complaints, trv SIMMONS LIVER ness and Carlyle canneries are included ment going over every week of the sea­ REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi­ and placed the cost of the canal at npon good authority that this is the government. There has been no change Lux estate is 83,080 ac.os. in the deal. substance of the note the porte has sent in the boundary dispute, and the gov­ about $110,000,000. CHURCH DIRECTORY. son, from July to April. In one week cines, and Better than Ifills. The Postal Telegraph Company ex­ ernment, it is added, w ill not tolerate The report points ont that it is the representatives of the powers. alone, that ending October 27, 1894, I pects to extend the line down the ooast J # -E V K R Y PA C K A G E1V S K7M RKKLAND P R E S B Y T E R IA N C H U R C H — neither practicable nor advisable to at­ As soon as the note shall have been Venezuelan aggression beyond the to Tillamook from Astoria at an early EDITORIAL OPINION. • 8,927 barrels were forwarded to this H a s t h e 7. S t a m p in r o i l o n w r a p p e r . ) B u iid sy sc h o o l, 10 . . P re a c h in g , 11 . . Schombergh line. Otherwise it is one city. a n d 7 p . .v.’, first a n d th lrc Su d a y in e a c h tempt the construction of the Nicara­ received and considered at the British, day. There is talk of building a line J . H . Z e l l i n & C o .. P h l l a . , P a . m o n th . P ra y e r m e e tin g , e .C 'i W e d n esd a y a t gua canal npon the data at present Russian, Italian and Anstrian embas­ stated that the warlike statements T o p i c s o f th© D a y D i s c u s s e d b y th© In each of these great markets of the from Jordan to Woods, extending it to 8 p . m . ( • 'We « re J o u rn e y in g u n to a p la c e of printed in certain newspapers are not L e a d in g P a p e r s. available, and that the undertaking sies a conference of the representatives world there occur weekly apple auction w h ic h tu e liOrd s a id , I w ill g iv e it y«»n; c o m e Tillamook. th o u w th u s a n 1 w e w ill d o th e e go o d .” — would be fraught with hazzards too of those powers w ill be called and a founded on facts. sales, and to these oome buyers not j [ P h ila d e lp h ia T im es.] COURT OF APPEALS. The grand lectnre bur ear of the I. N u m b . 10:29. R e v . C. A. W O O LEY , P a 'to r . obvious to disregard. joint reply may be sent the porte. only from everywhere in England, , The fact that agriculture is in pro­ B a r r o w ’s N e w F i o l d . O. G. T., of Oregon, have t t great ex­ That the necessary knowledge may Turkish representatives at London, St. Ireland and Scotland, but from Ger- /C H R IS T IA N C H U R C H —S E R V IC E S AT 11 A. Chicago, Nov. 26.—The Rev. John pense, secured the temperance lecturer, cess of gradual abandonment in Great many, Holland and Belgium. Thus, I S e n a t o r W i l s o n W i l l T r y t o S e c u r e T w o \ ; M .a u d H P. M. S u n d a y i-chool a t 10 a . m . be had of the physical and topographi­ Petersbug, Rome and Vienna w ill be A d d itio n a l T er m s. Britain may account in part for the Y. P. H. C. E ., e a c h S u n d ay a t 4 p T m . M idw eek Henry Barrows, widely known as the Howard Carleton Tripp, of Kingsley, great increase in immigration from though the export tables do not show i Washington, Nov. 28.—Senator W il­ f t s f i r an 1 p r a i s e s e rv ic e s, W e d n e sd a y e v e n in g cal conditions affecting the construc­ instructed to earnestly request the four president of the world’s fair parliament la , who w ill lecinre throughout the . a t 7 o 'c lo c k . M usical te L e a r-a l, e a c h S a tu rd a y tion and maintenance of a canal across powers not to insist on their demand. that country, the number of arrivals it, a very large quantitiy of the Amer-1 e v . n i n k a t 7 o c ’loek. In political circles the repngnanee of of reliigous, today tendered hiB resig­ state in behalf of the temperance cause. since August aggregating 238,000. It ican fruit finds its way eventually into lson is going to try and secure some Nicaragua, upon which to form a final action by the present congress looking nation as pastor of the First Presbyter­ Mr. Tripp comes highly recommended I f E T H O D IS T C H U R C H —SUN D AY SCHOOL judgment as to the feasibility, perma­ the porte to grant tho flrmins applied evidently does not pay the British all the southern countries jf Europe. to carrying out the provisions of the He has been as a first-class speaker. i l l . a t 10 a . M. P re c h in g e a c h fo u rth S u n d ay nency and cost, the commission recom­ for contributes to the belief said to ian church, of this city. Our state farmers and orchardists) farmer to raise wheat ol high-priced m o rn in g a n d e v e n in g . P ra y e r m e e tin g , ev e ry law establishing the circuit oourt of pastor of this church for fifteen years. ---------- should turn their attention to this nu­ T h u rs d a y uighi.. ‘ T h e Lord is in H is h o lv t m- mends an appropriation by congress of exist among the Turkish ministers that British land. The next proolem is to appeals, relative to the establishment W a s h in g to n . pl e . ” RE.'. M. O. B R I N K , Pastor. $350,000 for extensive additional sur­ to grant the flrmins would be a sad It is his purpose in December, 1896, to tritions and wholesome fruit as part of ; The bureau of immigration at Spo­ make this land profitable in Borne other the product of their farms. The mar­ of two additional terms in the circuit. veys and examinations covering a per­ blow to the dignity of the snltan and a go to Bombay, Calcutta, and MadraB, way. The decline in wheat acreage direct proof of the lack of confidence to deliver a course of Christian lec­ kane is reorganized and is vigorously this year is 26 per cent less r,han 1894. kets are to be reached and it is only It appears that the court has not held iod of eighteen months. any terms in any other state than Cal­ pushing its work. tures, to which he has been assigned With the data at hand, however, the npon tht part of the powers in his This indicates that upwards of 200,000 quality which need be considered.—Se­ ifornia, and all the litigation of the ARMENIANS’ DANGER commission J. L. Johnson, one of the founders of acres of land have failed of cultivation attle P. I. makes a provisional esti­ ability to govern and maintain order. by the university of Chicago, and for states of Oregon, Wsshiugton Hnd Ida­ mate of the cost, $133,472,893, or Behind "this, it is claimed, the Turks which invitations have been extended Ritzvillc, well known there and in because agriculture no longer pays. ho, ar- well as Montana, which is T o T e s t S h ip p in g Q u a litie s . nearly double that of the Maritime Ca­ fear the demanded increase in the num­ by several missionary conferences and j Eastern Oregon is dead. brought in that oonrt, compel itie par­ THEY ARE NOW THREATENED nal Company’s nnconditional estimate ber of foreign gnard ships in the Bos- by many men of influence in the East. T o rr en s L und T it le L ew . Aberdeen has succeeded in raising A fruitgrower of Tacoma has been ties interested to travel great distances WITH A FAMINE. [C h ic ag o T lm c x -H e ie ld ] of $6,9893,660. The commision makes phorons is really only a cloak for the In addition to this work, Dr. Barrows enough money by subscription to have carrying on a series of experiments for to attend the courts. The selection of its estimate “ provisional. ” The com­ intention of the powers to make a w ill lay the foundation of a Christian the city lighted by electricity. The Torrens law, affecting as it may some time past looking to the produc­ two judges in California could not, of lectureship already endowed, which is missioners say the existing data are in­ naval demonstration in Turkish waters Harry Krech, of Tacoma, convicted every land title in the county, is of in­ tion of a variety of apples that will course, have anything to do with this, A r m e n ia n s E s t i m a t e t h e L o s s e s a t A n a ­ adequate as a basis for estimating the in case of renewed disturbances in Asi­ to be permanently sustained in the finitely more importance to all the peo­ stand shipment to Asiatic ports. He under the city ordinance for keeping bnt there are men who think that per­ cities of India. Some por­ atic Turkey. t o l i a A l o n e a t F i f t y M i l l i o n s a n d t h e cost of many structures. his barber shop open on Snnday, has ple than any other law of recent has placed aboard the bark Guy C. haps if the judges were distributed tions of the work may cost more; oth­ times. There are immense interests Goss three cases of apples, one of which N u m b e r o í V ic t i m a a t F o r t y T h o u ­ R e tu r n o f A d m ir a l K ir k la n d . appealed to the superior ccurt TO MODIFY SHIPPING LAWS. ers less. opposed to it, and everything that can w ill be opened at the equator, another among the other states, it is probable s a n d - T h e F l e e t s G a th e r in g . that the intention of the law might be New York, Nov. 26.—Rear-Admiral A force of men is at woik on the Bo- The report further says the official T h e H o l d o f F o r e i g n N a t i o n s o n O u r be done to discredit it w ill be done. when rounding the Horn and the third carried out relative to terms in other W. A. Kirkland, who, it is officially nanza queen mine at Monte Crist», re­ It is therefore important that the Constantinople, via Holla, Nov. 28. estimate by the company of $69,893,- Carary in g S h i p p i n g T r a d e . at Boston harbor, whither the Goss is states. Senator Wilsun w ill not try reported, has been recalled from his ' cently bonded to Seattle and Eastern friends of the law as speedily as possi­ —Now that matters seem to be quiet­ 660 is insufficient for the work; that bound. The boxes are made of kiln Tacoma, Nov. 27.—Ora up, the Phil­ command of the European squadron, capitalists for $250,000. Work will to designate where these terms should ing down here and in the Asiatic prov­ "in several important cases the quan­ ble bring abont a case that may be dried hemlcok, and are airtight. Cap- j inces, people are beginning to form es­ tities must be greatly increased, and adelphia ship builder, is engaged in se­ "because of certain indiscretions," was be begun on a large scale in the spring. taken to the supreme oourt and have tain Malletl w ill keep a record of the be held, though personally he would like one to be in Spokane, lo t he is in­ The mill of the Pacific Coast Milling the law brought to its ultimate test timates of the amount of damage done in numerous cases the nnited prices do curing reliable data regarding all the a passenger on the steamer La Bour­ temperatures through which the ship terested in having terms twice a year and the number ot lives lost during the not make proper allowance for the dif­ steamship lines plying between the gogne, which arrived here this after­ Company, which was recently burned, passes, and the condition of the apples in the Pacific Northwest, so that men recent disturbances. Well informed ference in cost of work between the United States and foreign countries, noon. The powers at Washington are is to be reconstructed. Subscriptions T h e H a w a iia n G o v e r n m e n t. as each box is opened. and has sent here for information re­ said to be displeased because of a letter of cash, labor and merchandise have who have litigation before the oonrt Armenians asúmate the losses through United States and Nicaragua.” [B u st u H e ra ld .] garding the steamship lines radiating are not compelled to travel great dis­ the events which have just taken place The general trend of the entire re­ from Puget sound. The firm intends he wrote to President Faure, of been made to the amonnt of $1,478.50. Minister Castle’s announcement that R e s u lts o f E x p e r im e n ts. tances to attend to their business. France, his personal friend, congratn- The mall will be in operation in abont the present government in Hawaii is in Anatolia alone at $50,000,000, and port is certainly very unfavorable to to present to congress reliable informa­ lating him npon his election to the a m ^ M . . Colonel N. H. Owings, of Olympia, From Helena to San Francisco men the numebr of victims are 40,000. Of the canal company. increasing in populatrity with every­ ; tion showing what a great hold Eng­ office of chief magistral«,. The ad­ course these are Armenian rmtiraefn. machinery at the peni- body except the Kanakas appears to be has been doing a little figuring on the have to travel 1,900 miles, and there __________ ~ - f land and other torei^* nations Live miral was seen as he left tfie ship. He success of fruit In tills locality iritk p“-»” mnch further bnt there seems good reason for believ­ te fl!H H F a8 been thoroughly over- tantamount to a boast that ir is in dii apples, prunes, strawberries and cher­ «*• distant. npon the carrying trace of this coun­ seemed in a happy frame of mind, and S e n a t o r H i l l ’* L e c t u r e . ( ing that the property destroyed, the favor among about two-thirds of tie hanle^ nd repaired and ia now in con­ L ord S h o lto hs M an ager. Milwaukee, Nov. 28.—Senator Hill try, the object being to secure the pas­ was willing to talk on almost any sub­ dition to resume operations in the population. Minister Castle is scarcely ries at the production and price of this 'number of lives sacrificed and the ter­ season. He presents the following San Francisco, Nov. 28.—A local rible outrages committed are far be­ was greeted by an audience of 400 peo­ sage of more favorable shipping laws, ject but that of his rumored recall. diplomatic. spring. Other improvements have array of figures: Number of acres of mnsic hall, to which no admission is yond anything hitherto estimated or ple at his first appearance as a public which shall make American shipbuild­ been made, including electric alarms first-class fruit land within radius charged, announces that Lady Sholto lecturer in this city tonight. The ing more advantageous and profitable. described. in the sleeping rooms of the guards, A L in o ty p e C o n te st. D is a p p o in tm e n ts o f G r ea t M en. of ten miles of Olmypia not now uuder Douglas w ill soon appear on its stage. Bnt this is not all. People compe­ prices of admission to the theater were The firm believes that a great com­ [■st L o u is G lo b e-D em o c rat.] Chicago, Nov. 26.—A oontes» for the by which they can all be brought out cultivation, 130,692; 130,692 acres in tent to pronounce an opinion upon the too high, and that is given as the ex­ merce is soon to grow up on the Pa­ championship on the Mergenthaler lin­ in an instant at any hour of the night There is nothing more than the suc­ fruit valued at $300 per acre, $89,207,- She and her husband are said to be to­ day on route to this city from Los An­ subject say that, with the comiug of planation of the small audience. The cific ocean Charles H. Cramp stated otype machine took place in this city cessive disappointments of great men Joshua Isaacs, a pioneer resident of winter, there w ill be many more audience consisted mainly of old-line to L. Holmes, of this city, who has today between George W. Green, of Walla Walla, is dead. He came to in the matter of the presidency. They 600; value of crop per year, $45,101,- geles. It is said that hereafter Lord deaths from exposure and famine, and Democrats, who entertained the sena­ jnst returned from the East, his belief the Boston Standard, and Eugene Tay­ the Pacific coast in i860, engaged in have dedicated their lives to the ser­ 200; cost of labor per year, $12.025,- Sholto w ill act as his wife’s manager. that even the prompt collection of re­ tor during the day. The lectnre was that the marine laws would be modi­ lor, of the Rocky Mountain News, of the mill business at Boise City until vice of the country with the belief that 920; 10 per cent interest on invest­ T li e N e w C h i n e s e L o a n . ment, $3,920,760; taxes, $784,152; lief funds, food and clothing cannot on the snbject of "Liberty,” its under­ fied in the near future. Denver. The stake was a purse of 1861, and theD came to Weila Walla their labors would surely bring them total, $16,730,832; net profit on in­ London, Nov. 26.—A dispatch to the avert mnch loss of life and gTeat suf- lying idea being that the safest road H e A d m i t s t h e H u g g ir .g . $500. Green set 70,000 corrected solid and amassed a fortune in the mill busi­ what they earned; but after all their vestment, $28,3 10 ,368; net profit on Times from Berlin confirms the report ering. Famine is threatened in a of liberty and government was that Leavenworth, Kan., Nov. 27.—Miss nonpareil in seven honrs, to Taylor’s ness. He constructed the firs» water endeavors they have been disappointed, number of districts, and there seems to which did not interfere with individ­ Etta Morley of this city has begun pro- 6i,027, smashing all previous records. works in the town. Jacob Lucinger, a and the prize has gone to men of infer­ one acre, $217.08.—Olympia Standard. that China is negotiating with a Ger­ man syndicate for a new loan for the ual liberty, and did not attempt to leg­ cedings in the district court for $5,000 Mr. Green holds himself ready to de­ be no way of preventing it. pioneer from Walla Walla, is also ior merits, as if in contempt of the T h e B e s t V a r ie t i e s . purpose of securing funds with which The powers instead of ordering their islate in matters of personal customs damages against Walter Willis, of At­ fend against all comers the title which rules of justice and propriety. dead. Few varieties of apples have a wide j to pay a portion of the indemnity fleets away from Turkish waters, as and habits. It was an elaboration upon chison, alleging that during the apple today’s victory gives him. At the The next thing of importance and general adaptation for commercial pledged to the Japanese st the conclu­ the sultan earnestly requested, seem to a former speech he delivered in New carnival Mr. W illis hugged her and close of the contest, Mr. Green received A N e g r o O b t a in s D a m a g e s . planting. The intending planter of sion of the reoent war. be detei mined upon keeping them in York, explaining why he was a Demo­ startled her in such a manner that she a challenge from Reilly, of Boston. the last act in the work of completing [ M ic n e a p o lls T rib u u e .] an orchard can do no better than con­ the vicinity for an indefinite period. crat and why every true lover of liber­ has since suffered with a serious nerv­ Mnch money changed hands and great the big dry dock at Port Orchard to be The supreme court of Kentucky has F r e ig h t D e p o t a n d C ars B u rn ed . A portion of the British Mediterranean ty onght to be a Democrat. He spoke ous attack. Willis has been served interest was manifested in the result. done will be the placing in position of decided that negroes are entitled to sult his neighbors who are practical the big gate at the entrance. This is fruitgrowers and find ont what var­ St. Joseph, Mo., Nov. 26.—This fleet, w ill soon leave Salónica bay for at length of the Monroe doctrine, of with papers and tells an Atchison re­ protection from intrusion by white peo­ a powerful piece of machinery, for it ieties succeed the best and pay the most morning a fire broke ont in the old Smyrna, where the powers are muster­ which he showed himself to be a porter that he has hugged several girls S e a l s k i n s a t S a n F r a n c is c o . holds back the water in the sound from ple into the separate cars set apart for dollars with them. Sometimes a var- ! Hannibal & St. Joseph freight depot, ing their fighting ships. The warships strong adherent, and proclaimed his during the Leavenworth carnival, but their use, aud a colored woman re­ iety with only a local reputation, on Seventh and Olive Btreets. The San Francisco, Nov. 23.—A report pouriDg into the drydock after it has of Great Britain, expected to rendez­ sympathy with the Cubans in their that he did not hug any of them hard cently recovered damages from a rail­ known only within a limited range of | structure, which was 600 feet long, of the sex aud number of pelagio fur been pumped out. The dredging in vous at Smyrna this week, w ill consist present struggle for independence. enough to hnrt; the girls did not seem road company because the conductor terriotry, succeeds far better within its was soon consumed, along With eleven sealskins landed at this port this sea- the ohannel leading from the bay to of nine battleships, fonr cruisers and to object to it, and he thought every­ permitted a white man to enter the four smaller boats. The rest of the thing passed off satisfactorily. He son has been prepare» by Deputy Col- the entrance to the drydock is progress- colored ooach to speak to an old friend. range than any of the standard sorts. cars of the Missouri Pacific road and T h e C h r is t ia n K m l e a v o r e r s . lector Newton S. Farley, and has been ing well, bnt it is not a part of the or- Where such varieties have been well seven cars of the Burlington. A large Salónica bay fleet will, it is expected, , While in the car the white man in­ Boston, Nov. 28.—The completion will fight the case. tested and can be obtained, plant a fair amonnt of goods in the cars and in the snbmitted to Collector Wise for traus- iginal Bartlett oontract. The work on remain off that port for the present, T h e I ta lia n B u d g e t. of all business relating to the great structure was destroyed. The loss to mission to Washington. The report the offloers’ quarters and permanent sulted a oolored woman, hence the suit. proportion of them. ready for any emergency. Rome, Nov. 27.—In the chamber of shows that 1,530 males, 4,298 females, buildings is nearing completion. the Missouri Pacific will be about $15,- France has already at Smyrna one Christian Endeavor convention, held T h e N lc .r a g a a C a n a l P r o je c t. 000, and to the Burlington, $10,000, ______ C o m iu g M e e t i n g o f t h e F r u i t g r o w e r s . battleship, two cruisers and two here in Jnly, was celebrated tonight deputies today Signor Sonneningo, and 295 skins of which the sex could j [C h lc ag t E v e n in g P o st.] smaller ships. Italy’s flag floats from by a banquet at the Hotel Brunswick, minister of the treasury, in presenting not be determined, were landed here. Pomology w ill be the subject of the partly covered by insurance. Id ah o. The Nicagraua canal is to be bnilt. two battleships and two cruisers and at which the now famons committee of the budget, annouoed that the surplus The large per centage of females cap­ The Dew hospital at Wardner is com­ New York and London capital will foot meeting of the Washington Horticul­ fonr small craft in the waters of Smyr­ thirteen sat down with President Fran­ would be 1,250,000 lire this year, and tured is very noticeable, and, if the pleted. the bills, and American contractors tural Society at Walla Walla Decem­ na. Russia has two cruisers on the cis E. Clark, D. D., and Secretary that he expected a surplus next year of same proportion is captured in the next w ill do the work. It is also said Chi­ ber 10. At the same time w ill be held O r P r ic e ’s C r e a m B a k in g Po w d e r. Boise has carried her proposition to way to Smyrna, in addition to a pow­ John W illis Baer. The committee 8,020,000 lire without a new loan. few years, the seal herds will be great­ issue bonds for the purpose of buildiD g cago engineers and drainage canal con­ the annual meeting of the Northwest W orld 's F a i r H ig h e s t A w a r d . erful fleet cruising in the Western por­ snbebairman and treasurer read their He added that the position of the treas­ ly diminished, if not entirely extermi­ sidrwi.lks. Fruitgrowers’ Association. Oregon, tractors w ill have a leading part in thu tion of the Black sea. The United reports. The latter was of great in­ ury was improving gradually; that the nated. Washington, Idaho and British Co­ The commercial association of De construction. States has been represented at Smyrna terest. The total receipts were $22,- payment of the coupons of the foreign labia are represented in the associa­ S an F r a n c is c o S t ill H o p e fu l. loans was completely assured, and Lamar has under consideration a 782, with contribntions in labor and C l e v e l a n d ’s I n h e r e n t G r e a t n e s s . ------ tion. by tvro cruisers, and Germany has one Dr. Blalock of Walla Walla, is finally that the depression on the be- proposition to put in a manufacturing San Francisco, Nov. 23.—Jest [N ew Y o rk M ail a n d E x p ress.] small gunboat there, but it is rumored material of nearly $1,000 more. The president. Packing and shipping of bourses of Pans and Vienna has had fore leaving for the East C. P. Hunt- \ plant on the foundry site, President Cleveland’s inherent great­ fruits w ill be the chief topic to come that two German battleships are on expenditures were $22,286, leaving a no serious effect upon Italian funds, ington subscribed $1,000 to theconven- ( t I f l | 0 0 worth of lovely M usic for Ftrfty There is a body of fine cedar timber ness nowhere appeared more vividly liefore the meeting. There onght to be their way. Austria has off Smyrna balance of $496. J l l l l . - C ents. cons isting of 100 pages which are still quoted above their tion fund. He refused to allow the i the valley of the Upper Clearwater than in his issnb of the nsnal Thanks­ a good attendance from this connty. one battleship, two cruisers and two *** v full size S heet Music of the value. latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular Southern Pacific to subscribe, for he th© Nez Perce reservation, which £ giving proclamation, jnst in time to small gunboats. Of course, this is not S m it h D e f e a t s B u r g e . selections both vocal and Instrumental. thought that the reduced rates his com- has just been thrown open to settle- head off the election returns. It gotten up In the most elegant m anner. In- a "naval demonstration." It is sim­ T h e C o lt D i v o r c e S e t t l e d . London, Nov. 28.—At Bolinbroke C a r e o f B e e . In C o ld W e a t h e r . pany would give, if the national Re Re- ment. eluding four large size Portraits. wouldn’t have been taken seriously by ply a concentration of the foreign fleeta Club today in a twenty-round contest Pro-idence, R. L, Nov. 26.—James publican convention came here, would j CARMENCITA, the Spanish Dancer, —^ Winter weather will soon set in, and any Democrat in the land if it had at a point agreed upon apparently be­ for £700 between Jem Smith and Dick M. Ripley, Mrc. Colt’s counsel, return­ PADEREWSKI, the Great Pianist, A movement is on foot at Idaho bets w ill go into winter quarters and be a sufficient contribution. There is . .. .__ ._. ... been delayed another day. ADELINA PATTI and ^ tween the powers. Bnrge, Smith won in the ninth round. ed from New York last night. He says about $100,000 now in sight, and it is j M INNIE 8EUQM AN CUTTING, , cease operations. The ordinary life of ‘* ° * C° “ pany WUh Smith weighed 178 pounda, while the Colt case has been settled, and that the opinion of the committee AD B M C B S ALL O S C C A I T O ^ ee that that this this \ . __ , *»6,000, for the bee is abont six weeks, bnt all that . . the purpose ..... L o rd D o u g la s ’ M o th e r -in -L a w . Burge weighed only 140 pounds. In he thicks no more w ill be heard of will be raised to $150,000 if it were THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO CO. 8 “ Pork PacklD8 establish [ I n d ia n a p o lis J o u r n a l.] go into winter quarters, will live until T h e W a lle r C a se . Brosdw sy T h**lr. Bid*., NewY ork City. .. ment. the first round Burge appeared to have either Mrs. Colt’s snit or the suit When Lord Sholto Douglas mirried, abont five months. It is con­ C A N V A S S E R S WANTED. Washington, Nov. 28.—The Kansas Smith at his mercy, but he unwisely against J. J. Van Allen. Francis Col­ definitely known that the convention A large first-class hotel is to be a California variety actress it was ex­ tended by some that this time is not to was coming to San Francisco. congressional delegation, as soon as allowed his opponent to rest during the well, attorney for Colt, also says that erech d at Kayserville by Henry Kay- plained that the bride was descended be estimated in the life of the bee, but possible after the fifty-fonrth congress next round. As a result, Smith palled the case is settled. Although particu­ i>r. Kice in ba < i shape. ser. He also intends to put in a well through her mother from the British is merely suspension of existence, or begins, w ill introduce resolutions in himself together, and, by sheer force of lars cl' the settlement have not been St. Paul, Nov. 28.—Dr. Rioe, win- e ,-i ission*. N ervous D sbU rical performances, probably three a troupe. State Attorney Kerr today Starbrongh at Madison Square Garden. San Francisco, Nov. 28.—All that just been bought by a Chicago firm. Gluckmau, one of the merchants ar­ Pimpl«**. I uctru » a io Murry, J-.x..uu*ii» * jar;.!'.*, Varirorei* a Q cv n v t—d o n . J , ,, | I ,* » « , h y r t . r ,r I v Z r ^ q n T i,- week, for two weeks. The plays are nolle prossed the case against the In­ A n o t h e r V ic t i m o f F o o t b a l l . remains for Sarah Althea Hill Terry’s | This purchase makes a total of $300,- rested here charged with having ap­ m mi o f d is c h a r g e , w in c h If n o tc h © « * e d to * p e rm a tn r r h « B » a n d to be selected from the French, Italian dian. The father wrote that, upon h o r r o r s o f I m p o t e n c y . « I* f* I D E M E H e a u a e s t h e liv e r , u .a fn l^Dds held by Eastern capital- plied the torch to his stock of goods Memphis, Nov. 26.—George Phelan, estate to support her for the rest of her B E F O R E ano A F T E R a k il id n t;ie e y s a n d th© u r in a r y o r g a n s o f a li im p u r itie s . and German schools. The profits, if investigation, he is convinced the deed son of the late Representative Phelan, life is $168. A recent sale of her e f-1 Ists in that company, C T P I D E N E strengthens and restores sm all w eak onrar*. and store building during the confla­ T h e reason sufferer* «re not cu .ed by Doctor* i* b©c»u«© ninety per cent are troubled with any, are to be devoted to charity. was wholly accidental. Mr. Cody has died at the university of Virginia, fects netted $329, but there were sev- j gration of Tnesday night, committed P r o s t a t i t i s . CCPI D E N E Is the on ly known rem edv to cure without an operation. Vntifi sitthnni aiw. A written gnrtranfee given and m oney returned If six boxes dr*’» not -tjecl a i*ermaoeut cur% come forward and paid him a sum of Charlottesville, today from injuries re­ eral claims against her which the court Briti.h Colombia, suicide last night The disgrace of his $1.00a box, pit fo r $3.00,by m ail. S end for fh e k c !renior a n d testimonial». money for expenses, e ta , and he ia un- ceived in a football game yesterday. allowed, this bringing her money down Trail expects to be three tines bar arrest for arson is supposed to have Address D A V O L M E D I C I N E C O ., P. O. Box 3J7b can Fraoclaro. C at Por S o it t a D r. P r ic e ’s C r e a m B a k in g Powder, 1 willing to prosecute the esse futther. Ha will ba buried here. to the small amonnt msntionsd. , prsssnt sis« by spring if aha «as .b u ll. prompt«! th* da«d. J. A. BENSON, Agent. WtrM'i Fair H ljhstt MaSal an« D ip an a NORTHWEST NEWS. GOOD FOR EVERYBODY C a m a m ^ F R E E P O I N T 'S MANHOOD RESTORED •