i bank note must be divided, because W . H. COOPER, j I don’t owe Frank five dollars more. , How much must I pay yet?” A t t o rn e y a t L a w , Or H ow to P ay Y our D eb ts. The abolishment of scholarship I “Two dollars and sixy-two cents,” ' will make another era in the advanc C ottage G rove . O regon . P U B L IS H E D EV ERY SA TU R D A Y . ing prosperity of the Oregon Agri .One evening that I took tea with replied Frank. E . P . T H O R P , - - E D IT O R cultural college. The majority of NOTICE F O R PUBLICATION. an intimate friend of mine, while we J “Can you change it ?” Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, those who attend a mechanical and DEALERS IN SATURDAY, SEPT. 28, - - 1895. agricultural school are students | were seated at the table, Hr. Baker,1 “Let me see—two thirty-eight; j August, 28, 1895. W. C Mitchell, editor of the whose purses are fight,"and"¡’ ¿ « a t my friend’s husband, while absently ! yes, there is the change. The spell Notice is hereby given th a t th e following- named se ttle r has tiled notice of his intention to 4 00 to 412 K St., Minto Journal, was married recently many have to earn their expenses feeling in his vest pocket, found a j is broken, Grace, and you and I di- m ake final proof in support o f his claim, and th a t said proof will be m ade before A. C. Jennings to Miss Mary Coffey. There will be while attending the college. To five dollar note which he had no re -1 vide the spoils.” County Clerk of Lane countv. Oregon, at Eugene Sacram ento, Cal. Oregon, on O ctober 18,1895, viz: no need of his going dry with Coffey them the tuition fee is a consider*- coiiect;on o{ putting there. I “This bank note beats all I ever W illiam A. Spong, on H. E. No. 5539, for th e w u Laixsl G e n e ra l E ’-ail H o u s e ci C o a s t N E‘4 & S’ , NW 4 Sec. 24 T. 21 S. It. 3 W est. with him for life. ll,( n,a tfi. This will result i n a “H ello!’ he exclaimed, “that is saw. much has it paid? Let saw. How How much has it He names the following w itnesses to prove his ■ greatly increased attendance. T he, W earing Apparel of a ll kind« for m en, continuous residence upon and cultivation of, an<l ch ild r en ; Dry Good,«, Shoe«, said land, viz: For gross fraud, nothing exceeds state has hitherto provided 70 free . H0 place for you. I I should have us count up,” said Grace. Mrs. w t la om ’i, en, M illinery, V alises, F urniture,C arpeta, Rawlings, David Itissue, Jam es Lebow, Here, Baker gave Aunt Susan fifteen dol- Crockery. N otion», S ta tio n ery , Silverw are, a Kufus the action of the Oregon school j scholarships, distributed among the put you in my pocket-book, n d John Lebow, all of Cottage Grove, Oregon. t o y s , U o u teh o ld S up p lies, etc. R M. V e a t c h , Register. land ring, as it existed before it was various counties, but as they were wife, don’t you want some ready lars, whi eh Aunt Susan gave to m aug3l-i3 C a ta lo g u e Free. scotched by the last legislature, obtained through personal favor I j monev mon6T r, ■> and he threw the note —I gave Frank twelve dollars and A h and som e illu str a ted ca ia lo g n e NOTICE TO CREDITORS. The bill was not passed a moment and influence and not by competi ! across ■ the table to her. sh o u t our goods and prices sen t lr e e to sixty-two cents—Frank gave Mr. aii* add: i"-s Teo* o f th ousan d s of cue- E state o f W illiam Shields, De or merit, — it was that too soon.—Hillsboro Indepent. -- tion ----------------, ----, proper . ---- .... ,, , „ , ... D-iaer* Ibid b p ro ’i table a rd * at is (a©- _ i they should be abolished, or all t u i - “Many thanks, she replied; Baker ten dollars—altogether fifty- ceased. lo r y to buy through m is book. Notice is hereby given th a t T. G. H endricks Parents had better use their m on-' tion made free. Over $3000 w as i “money is always acceptable, al- two dollars and sixtv-two cents ” TK R M S C A SH . has been duly appointed adm inistrator of the cl.'.j-e m on ey for goods w ith order, and U esta te of William Shields deceased. All per ey while they live doing good. | expended for student labor on the ' though I have no present need of “It is all nonsense, I tell you,’’ to f-.i in? s f ’ii by m ail a llow for postage, a n y sons having claims against said esta te are here First of all, give your childen an ’ the college farm last year, and the i ¡^„ She folded the note and put it cried Mr. Baker again; “you all owe ba.au<* lett over w ill be returned. by notified to present the sam e to the adm inis tra to r a t the F irst N ational Rank in Eugene City, education, develop their self depen -| board has decided to increase the i if interested in any of th e item s be- Oregon, w ithin six m onths from the d ate of tile each other what you owed before.’’ dence, cultivate their genius, estab- amount in 1895-6. Students who uudtr c'd«»e °t riie ^ea fray, and iow , order prom ptly, giving item nnui- publication of this notice. Dated this u til day of S e p t 1895. T. G. H e n d r ic k s , “You are deceived, my dear, by lisli good characters. In short are industrious and frugal can make then proceeded to pour out the tea G e o . B. D o r r is , A dm inistrator. A ttorney for the estate. make men and women of them and their way through college, though and attend to her guests, the rapid, unbroken race this little they will get along all right, and be . they enter practically penniless.1 At her right sat Mrs. Eason, or sum has made; to me it is as clear N O T IC E F O E P U B L IC A T IO N . 10. Plain Punjum Silks th a t will wash a blessing to the world.—Oregon Several bright young men walked Aunt Sarab_ wbom we aU knew as as daylight,” replied Mrs. Baker. like gingham. Pink, blue, cardinal, cream, U nited S tates L and O f f ic e j Blade. ! from Coos countv to Corvallis last ,, . . , , Nile green and rose red. 20 Inches wide. R oseburg ,O r . Sept. 5, 1895.( “If it is all nonsense, how could black, •--------------------- \ fall, arriving with hardly a dollar in an old ^ “'»“ tance, who from time OREGON. LEMATI. Price, 25c per yard. N otice is hereby given th a t the following, Thia is how a Kentucky judge their pockets, They entered the i time spent a week with Mrs. Ba- the note you give Mrs. Baker, if 11. Double M ilitary B lack Beaver Cape, named settler has tiled notice of his intention to ake final proof in support 01 his claim, and that charged a jury the other day. “If j college and completed the year, get- ker. Her visit was just at an end, nothing to you or to me, be divided wide sweep, tailor made. U pper cape and deep m said proof will be m ade be for ? A. C. Jennings, storm collar stitched all around. A warm, ser County Clerk of Lane C< untv, Oregon, a t you believe what the counsel for the ting good grades in their studies, and she was about to return home between us two?” asked Grace. Mr. viceable garm ent. Sizes, 32 to 44 inches, bust Eugene, Lane C ounty Oregon, on O ctober 21. 1895, viz: plaintiff has told you your verdict [ They went home on the train after | that evening evening. As Mrs. Baker was Baker didn't see it very clearly, but m easure. Price, $4.75. Jo se p h Sams on hom estead e ntry No. 7933 for will be for the plain tiff; if, on the | commencement with good clothes 12. Special value in H air O rnam ent. T or the NR1» N Eli of see. 8, Tp. 2u S., R, 3 West. to the others did, and they often relat on their backs and money in tbeir j pouring out the tea it occured He nam es the following w itnesses to prove his other hand, you believe what the toise shell p attern. H andsom ely carved top. continuous residence upon and cultivation of said de'JjJdeut’s counsel has told you, pockets. But they worked and j her that she was somewhat in her ed this little history for the amuse P rice, 9c. land, viz: D aniel Sheridan, Isaac N. D resser 13. W hite C otten B lankets. M ay also be and C harles B. Sweet, of W alker, Oregon, and you will give a verdict for the de were not fastidious as to the quality aunt’s debt for certain small matters, ment of their friends. Jo h n VV. Nokes, of C ottage Grove, Oregon. used for warm sheets. Price, fi.oo per pair. K. M. V e a t c h , R egister. fendant. But if you are like me, of work. Some of the boys waited ' and when she had the opportunity septf-14 B eautiful Changeable Silks for w aists and don’t on’t believe what either of OD tables, one performed housework sbe bed the note unJer her lat, e, Children, especially infants are soon and 14. dresses. New’ fall colorings, such as navy Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. them said, I don,t know what you a private family. They were m t run down with Cholera Infantum or blue, old rose, brown and cardinal com binations. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. will do.” Thè jury disagreed. ashamed of honest labor, and their ! BaJ 1DS- “Summer Complaint ” Don’t wait Special value, G9c per yard. Here, aunty, take this five dol to determine, but give De Witt’s Colic fellow students were not ashamed 15. W oman’s Stylish English W alking United States Lund Office, Roseburg, Wishes to inform those who are contemplating building in the spring to ban The appointment of Henry McGinn of them. They were among the lars in part payment of my debt.” a c k e t, in black or navy blue clip volt. New Oregon, September 5, 1895. & Cholera Cure promptly, you can J mandolin sleeves and trim m ed w it i Soutache as judge in Portland, to succeed most popular young men of the col in their orders for lumber now. so they can be “Very well,1’ she replied, “but the rely on it. Use no other. J. P. braid, cord edging and round reveres, sizes, 32 Notice is hereby given th a t in com pliance w ith the provisions of tlie act of Congress of J u n e 3, Judge Hurley, is not the best for lege, In such is the material of Currin. ______________ to 42 inches, bust. Price, $5.00. 1878, entitled “ An act for the sale of tim ber lands the people, by any means. McGinn which men are made.—Corvallis money does not belong to me. I the States of California, Oregon, N evada, and 16. Stylish N eck Scarf o f black coney fur. in owe you fifteen dollars, my dear W ashington T erritory,” as extended to all the has been a “rotten ward politician” Gazette. 27 inches long. The clasp is concealed in the Public Land States by act of A ugust 4, 1892, THE RUSH FOR GOLD. With any kind of lumber you may wish, which will then be ready, and you and knows more about practical pol Grace, which you lent me last Satur jaw s of the anim al’s head, which fastens It in Milton F. Ambler, front, Price, fl.oo. itics and how to “put up a job’’ than Self-denial is the one thing most day I had to pay the taxes on iny won’t have to wait. of Comstock, county of Douglas. State of Oregon Never, since the rush to Califor 17. Womeu’s Kid B utton Shoes, round toes, has this day filed in thi«-- office his sworn state- he does aliont law and justice. He difficult to inciilate ami always hard little house and had not the ready nia for gold in 1819, has there been patent leather tips, medium heels; sizes, 2 to 8. has “stood in” with “birds of a to practice, especially when there are S ‘2 SE1, of section -4o 4. in to w nship2 N o 'l u 's ! O rd e rs F ro m a D istan ce P r o m 17 p tly A tte n d e d To good things to eat within reach. But money at hand, and Grace lent it to such a craze for gold. Prospectors $1.50. range No 4 west, and w ill otter proof to show th a t feather” so much that it will be hard there is no self-denial necessary if the land sought is more valuable for its tim ber are rushing to the mountains from me,” exclaimed Aunt Susan. Grace, for him to sit on the bench with you take Simmons Liver Regulator. or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to ,! establish his claim to said land before the Reg £^"S en d in your orders at once. proper dignity and decorum.—East It promotes digestion, prevents Dys an orphan, was cousin to Mrs. Ba every county and every state. It is ister and Receiver of this office a t Roseburg. Or pepsia and a dose after a hearty meal a veritable gold craze. And what egon, on M onday the 18th nay of November, COTTAGE GROVE, WEINSTOCK, LUBIN & CO., Oregonian. ker. She and her brother Frank OREGON. 1895. H e nam es as w itnesses: of delicacies will prevent any discom does it all mean ? It means that William G. Chandler, Louis Antone, fort. It’s the best good-night toddy. hoarded with her and made a very the desire to dig down into a moun 1. Aikius and th a rle s I’. M errellof Com Dr. J. D. Hearne was a man who SACRAMENTO, CAL. Samuel stock, Oregon. pleasant addition to the family cir tain of rocks to bring from thence a wanted to attain to fame by suing a Any and all persons claim ing adversely No. 112. N e w Goods and N e w S ty le s the above-described lands are requested to file POTATO GROWING. newspaper for libel. He lived at cle. She was studying music, and little yellow metal is irresistible, not th e ir claims in this office on or before said 18th day of November, 1895. San Diego, Cal., and sued the San her brother was in a mercantile es because the remuneration begins to sepi4-iow II. M. V e a t c h , R egister. Francisco Examiner for an allusion Oregon Statesman: The Willam tablishment. As soon as Aunt justify the effort in one case in a FRUIT RAISING. thousand, hut because some one made to his past life, stating that ette valley is adapted to potato B o s w e ll S p rin g s, his wife’s former husband Amos growing. Our people are raising Susan received the note she handed somewhere made a “rich strike” (Formerly Snowden Springs) The following from the Oregon Stillwell, bad been mysteriously more of them this season than ever it to Grace, saying: “HI give you which started a gold fever and the Douglas County, Oregon, are loea OREGON- murdered at Hannibal Mo., and that before. Last year was the first time this on account, and the reBt as soon the contagion sweeps from land to City Enterprise will apply not only ted on the Southern Pacific Railroad, L E M A T I, to Clackamas county, but all other “ Shasta Route” from Sun Francisco land. It is emotional insanity sup rather too soon for propriety his any considerable number of cars as I get i t ” A F U L L L I N E O F to Portland ,in Douglas Co,, Oregon. erinduced by a desire to discover a counties iu the state, as well, and is S. I’, trains stop at the Springs tflag widow had married Hearne. The was shipped out. They did not “All right,” answered Grace, whole lot of something in one pile well timed: newspaper defended by plea of jus bring high prices, hut the aggregate Constantly open for the C L O T H IN G , Fruit raising could be made one station.) laughing, “and since we all seem to reception of guests. ’ New hath rooms that will transform poverty into tification and went to Hannibal to was quite a considerable sum. It D R Y G O O D S, with main building. Post take depositions with the result was new money, from abroad, com be in the humor to pay our debts, I fabulous wealth iu the twinkling of of the profitable industries of Connected Office and Express on the premises. Clackamas county if properly carri that both Hearne and his wife are ing in to pay for the use of resour follow suit. Frank, I owe you an eye. B O O T S and S H O E S . The waters of these springs contain : If these hunters after fortunes in ed on, but as now handled it yields Iodine, Bromine, Potassium, The now in jail under indictments for ces that might otherwise have gone someting for music you have bought about as little returns as any pro the murder of her first husband. to waste or been unemployed, It for me; here is part of it,” and she the depths of mountains, who sub duct of the farm. There are a few Carbonates of Iron and Lime and Chlorides of Calcium, Magnesium and mit to hardship and danger almost This is what cutie of one libel suit. helped the farmers to pay their bills farmers who make money out of Sodium. They sometimes prove to be a and the merchants in turn to pay threw the bank note to her brother past description, would expend the Ono spring contains 435 ad the same amount of energy and muscu their fruit but the great majority of other over 2000 grains of solid matter boomerang. theirs. We can hardly raise too who sat oppsite. them by their ignorance and cupidi many potatoes. They will always AVe were all highly amused to see lar force in farm work found iu lar ty make disimal failures of the busi to the gallon. A ll Sizes o f T ru n k s . sell for something, and, year in and W ere W ell O ft . —People who how the note wandered around the ger quantities and very much sooner ness. Their failure commences than it can be dragged from un read the news from other sections of year out they will he a profitable table. known deposits in far away piles of with the planting of the trees and the world cannot complain. Here’s crop. Then they are good feed for “That is a wonderful note,” said This stock h as ju s t been refilled an d is th e earth and stone. But the desire to continues with them until the fruit Y A Q U iH A B A Y R O U T E . hogs and poultry. The growing of something that should make us con Mr. Baker. I only wish somebody go from penuary to opulence at one is marketed aud a failure is experi Connecting at Yaquina Bay v ,th the best selected in tow n. tented: Agricultural reports from more potatoes will naturally induce enced in the returns expected. Francisco and Yaquin . Bay the Moscow. Idaho, part of this the raising of more hogs and chick owed Hie something, and I owed bound runs through the human To begin with not half of the I ! San < jy jT ie highest pncesxayd for all kinds ot produce. Steamship company. family, and too, notwithstanding the northwest country are very discour- ens, and this will consequently he a somebody something, so that 1 farmers know what kiud of trees to experience of the race is that they aging. Out of the vuri/£., o f. pro-1 benefit to intensified agriculture in could come into the ring.” Steamship “ Farallon.” Thos. F . O akes, H enry C. Payne, H enry c Rou<»e who persist iu purhing on through plant to bring the best returns or ducts raiSeii’in that vicinity, flax is general, and a great help to the E A ST A N D S O U T H A 1 and first-class in every respect. that there is a difference in quality, “You can,’’ said Frank. “I owe the forest for a straigliter and taller Receivers. the only one that will be harvested prosperity of all classes The pota Sails from Yaquina for San Francisco —VIA— buying their trees of the first can or handled at all this year. All the to is one of the staples of intensified Airs. Baker or you, it’s all the same, tree at last accept a crooked stick— vasser that comes along who offers 1 about every eight days. Passenger accommodations unsur N O R T H E R N wheat, oats, hops, etc., crops are agriculture. AVe are therefore for my board. I herewith pay you they have to because the forest of to sell a little cheaper than the Tue Shasta Route passed. Shortest route between the opportunity lies behind and they total failures. A gentleman of Sa much pleased to see the acreage de part of it.” Willamette valley and California. home nursery, regardless as to —OF THE— cannot retrace their steps. History lem in communication with that voted to this useful tuber increas P A C IF IC R. R. Amid general laughter Mr. Baker of gold and silver mining the world whether the trees are healthy or Fare from Albany or points west to San Francisco: part of the country, in conversation ing. It is one of the forerunner of true to name. The numerous cow S outhern Pacific Co. with some friends yesterday, said the great prosperity of the future took the note and playfully threw it over is full of wretched failures. pastures and meadows scattered Cabin........................................ $12.00 Steerage......................................... ¡¡.00 R ! Express Trains Leave Portland Dailv. that the Vermont Loan & Trust Co. that will certainly be ours. This again to his wife, saying: “I t’s Indeed, with few exceptions, there over county iu which a lot of for Cabin, round trip, good for 60 u I smith. i t N orth. had taken, either by foreclosure or increased potato acreage is induced yours again Lucy, because what be have been no great successes in lorn and abused fruit trees are days ................................. 18.00 .-5 N 8:50 p . ill. I Lv............... . ......... Ar. I suo a. in - by deed, fifty-niue farms. A recent more than in any other way by the longs to me belongs to you. It has mining for the precious metals struggling for existence attests the For sailing days apply to II. L. 2:51 a. in. J.v. C ottage Grove Lv. 2:11 S issue of a Moscow paper has several dealers who have been shipping completed the rounds and we have where the enterprise was not backed fact that even after the trees are Walden, agent Albany, Oregon. io.45a. ni. I Ar. San Francisco Lv. | 7:oo CHAS. CLARK, Supt. by large capital and expensive ma P u llm an pageb devoted to advertising farms them The growers are thus assur Above train» stop a t E ast P ortland. Gri-i bought many do not kuow how to C o rv a llis, O r. all had the benefit of i t ’’ ( t ’itv, Woodburn, Salem. T u rner. M arion, J e t chinery. S le e p in g C ars for sale. ed a certain market whether at a EDWIN STONE, Manager, son. Albany, A lbanv Ju m lio n T angent, sliei care for them. Then when it comes “And now it must go around But how many realize that of the H alsey, H arrisburg, .luiiellon t ’itv. Irvi Corvallis, Oregon. E le g a n t fair or low price, and this induces to marketing what little fruit they Eugene, t ’reswi 11. D rains and ail statio n s fi It is pretty sure that a future in them to plant and cultivate the crop. again,” replied she, gayly. “I like great fortunes that have been made do raise is it that their ignorance, D in in g C ars ( Koseburg to Aslilaud inclusive. i i o t r b u r c W a il D a ilv * T o u rist dustry in the Willamette Valley is The buildiug of creameries and pork to see money circulated; it should iu gold and silver mining, perhaps aud too often times cupidity shows a. to. I Lv. i'ortl.iiol Al. I i nTp. to be silk culture says the Times. packing establishments will in the never lie idle. Aunt Susan you more than 95 per cent of them were itself. No special care is taken in M O N E Y Sleeping Cars LOANED. 2:55 p. ni. Lv. C ottage G rove Lv. ’ 10:25 a. the outcome of adroit manipulation An intelligent anil well educated same wav encourage dairying and St. Paul , 5:50 p. in. | Ar. Koseli irg Lv. i 8:no a. picking to prevent bruising and iu Japanese has a thousand mulbery rnising of hogs. So will the estab- j take it; now I have paid you ten of the slock of the iniuing company packing any old dirty box is used Minneapolis 'North. s a i . em i > \ - s i .x . ,u t . S i.ii F irs t M o rtgages On Im proved miles and miles away from where trees growing on his ten acre ranch lishment by enterprising and relia-1 dollars.’ D u L u th 4:00 p. m. I Lv. Po rtlan d . Ar. 110:15 a. and the knotty fruit placed at the F arm P ro p e rty N egotiated. ; 6:15 p. m. | Ar. Salem. Lv. koo a. back of the Portland Heights, Mult ble dealers of markets for their j “Dear Grace, here is another five the pick and pan were at work. No bottom and the fine perfect fruit on Fargo nomah county, nml their thrift indi wares increase the production bv j dollars on my account,” said Aunt one prospector in ten thousand re top and then they growl because Grand Forks We are prepared to negotiate first Dining Cars oa Ogden Rnole. turns a rich man. The character of cates that they must flourish in this our farmers of eggs and poultry. Susan, handi it to Grace Crookston their fruit does not bring the top mortgages upon improved farms In the busiuess does not warrant any price. climate. He has also many thous should have firms engaged here ex- Winnipeg / . , ° . P u llm a n B u ffet S leep ers “And you, Frank, have received other expectation. There is more Oregon, with eastern parties at a rate ands of silk worms, already in their clusively in the shipping of eggs Helena and AND Fruit is a commodity that is sold cocoons, and at the Portland exposi-, and the preparation and forwarding ten dollars for the music you certainty of making money iu specu largely on its appearance and the of interest not to exceed 9 per cent, [ Butte S e c o n d C l* « * M r e p i n f e a r n per annum. tion will exhibit raw silk of Ins own ' to market of dressed poultry, bought me,” said Grace, handing it lating in mining stock in the great price is set by the manner of pack ATTACHED TO ALL THROUGH T K A IX 8. Mortgages renewed that have been ' T H R O U G H TIC E TS cities than for digging for money in manufacture. Of the industry he! Thus will intensified agriculture to her brother. ing and by the poorest and not the taken by other companies. tlia great mounTains.—S. F. Call. We« Side Division, says in the Oregonian: “I am satis-1 find markets for its products. Our best fruit that is in the box. A box “And I pay you ten dollars for Address with stamp, Betw een P o rtlan d an d Corvallis. fied that silk culture will one day large farmers used to despise the Chicago of apples that has the bottom half M ervin S worts , M A IL T R A IN D A IL Y (R3 . E L T M NDAY.) become a great industry in this re-1 methods required for itensified agri- my board,” continued he, and the Severe griping pains of thd stomach made up of inferior fruit will only Washington Baker City, Oregon 7:30 A. M. I Lv. Portland gion, giving employment to many culture because they entailed so i note 012Ce more rested in Mr. Baker's and bowels instantly and effectually bring the price that such fruit sells Ar. I P. M. Philadelphia 12:15 P. M. | Ar. Corvallis Lv. I 1:35 P. 14. people who would otherwise be idle. much drudgery. But modern in- ] hands. stopped by DeWitt’s Colic and for iu the market regardless of the New York At Albany and Corvallis connect w ith tra in s of It is useless for anyone to say now vention is changing all this. There The exchanges were as quick as Cholera Cure. J. P. Currin. Boston and all fact that the top of the box is made O .C . & E. Ry. T re sp a ss N otice. that it cannot be made a success j are machines for nearly everything thought, and we were all conyulsed up of fruit that would briug a fancy Notice is hereby given that I, the Points East and South. E x p r e s s T r a in D a il y í E x c e p t S f k d a T .) here, for I have demonstrated the j now—even for hatching and raising F rankfort , I nd ., September 5.— price if packed separate. As an undersigned, have posted trespass with laughter. 4:45 P. M. I Lv Portland Ar. I 8:25 A. M . contrary. It will afford employ- J chickens. The chief drawbacks to evidence as to what honest, clean, notices on my respective premises and 7:25.P. M. I Ar M cM innville Lv. I &50 A. M. TIME SCHEDULE. “Was there ever so wonderful an For varied matrimonial experience, careful packing will do in selling fruit all persons trespassing thereon after ment for farmers wives, anil many I raising potatoes in the days of the John AV. Strawn, a Frankfort attor this date will he prosecuted to the full For information, time cards, maps Through tick ets to ail points in th e E astern other women will find in it a means j boyhood of most of our readers exchange?” exclaimed Grace. states, C anada and Europe can be obtained a t ney, is certainly, entitled to some it may be mentioned that right here extent of the law. and tickets, call on or write lowest ra te s from M. C. Bond, agent. < o ttage of gaining a comfortable income. | was the great amount of labor Its all nonsense,” cried Mr. Ba- recognition. On the 16th of last in Oregon City, Ashland aud Hood L. H. Y arbrough . Grove. E. P. ROGERS, W. P. LOCKWOOD, Agent, The sample of raw silk which I pro-I required in digging. The spade or ! A sst. G. F. & Pass. A ct. June acting as his wife’s attorney, River compete successfully with our R. K O EH LER , M anager, Cottage Grove, Or. pose to exhibit, with other skeins of the potuto fork released the tubers! vr • i. t » Portland Or. he got a divorce for himself and growers the merchants having learn — or — my manufacture here, is ns fine as j from the soil and the small boy or “Not in the least, answered his three days later was married to Airs. ed that when they receive a box of À. D. CHARLTON, Asst. Gen. Pass any that was ever made anywhere.” i hired man gathered them in a pail wife- “It s all quite right. ’ Emma Cullitty, an Indianapolis Ashland peaches or Hood River ap C ham b erlain ’» E y e a n d S k in O intm ent J. S. M E D L E Y , Agent, - — — ------- - j or basket and carried them to a pit ! “Certainly,” said Frank; “when woman, for whom he bed secured a ples marked No. 1, No. 2 or No. 3 Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt- Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped SOME FRUIT FACTS. or the celler It was slow back- the m ‘ bel d to divorce two mouths previously. that it contains just the kind of fruit Hands, Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Bites, 255 Morrieson St., Portland Oregon. Justice of the Peace A\ alter Lyon writes in a Portland !breakinS "’ork and one of the thiugs , , ,. . u t After being granted a divorce, and indicated and that ti e bottom of the Cli ronic Sore Eyes and G ranulatcd Eve Lids. AND paper: UaDd Hvhicli tilled the young man with a could dl8Pose of ll as you would’ 1 the residence property, Mrs. Strawn box is ofthe same quality as the top. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per bos. Clothing tor Ladies and Children According to the estimate of G. I. 1 desire to get away from the farm. I have tlia 8ame right. It is a fair No. 1 rented her home to her ex- When the fruit raisers of Clacka TO H O R.siToW NEB3. Made to order cheap for cash or | Sargent, secretary of the board of Now, however, digging requires al- j exchange, although very uncom- i husband and bride, and with her mas county take inserest and pride # I or putting a horse in a fine healthy con country produce, by Collections a Specialty. most as little labor as cutting hay. j mon.” horticulture, there are about 565,000 child, went to live with her parents enough to see that their fruit goes dition try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders. M rs . P et S anford , C ottage G rove , O r . They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure T , , acres of pit and core fruit in the In the general improvement of farm i in the country. A month later, to market iu a clean, perfect and Cottage Grove. “It show9 the use of money> sald July 20, Strawn decided that he had honest manner then will the greater loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct state, and 1500 of berry variety. machinery the potato digger has not kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving Of the former estimate, 35,000 acres been forgotten or neglected. After Aunt Susan. “It maks the circuit of committed a great wrong to wife part of their difficulties be overcome new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 L IG H T - r tftAOZiRJ, the spade and the fork came the or- I the world and brings its’ value to are set to prunes. Air. Sargent has No. 1, and resolved to set things in finding a profitable market for cents per package. F or sale by druggists. ) JJOH KRS R U N N IN G estimated the yield of orchards diuarv breaking plow, which turned every one who touches it.” right. He accordingly purchased a the products of their orchards. L iu b a jje h u hills and the pickers i , this note . has not » finished « • i j •. ticket to Indianapolis for No. 2 and under his observation, and feels up the u. . . enabled , i ! .. “And its to get the potatoes quite readily. warranted in making the statement filed a complaint for divorce, alleg that at bedrock prices prune raising This was followed by the somewhat work -v et’ as 1 Wl11 8bow -vou m-v ing cruel treatment, etc. The next Mr. A. A. Snyder, Supt. Poor farm, IS T H E best . is a profitable industry in Oregon. flat subsoil-like plows with iron rods ; ^ear husband, if you will give it to day wife No. 2 and child returned Winnesheik Co.. Ia., says:—Last win ----------- TIT FOR A K IN » . R. F. Meyers, of Jefferson, has 23 diverging from the rear. Improve- me again,” said Mrs Buker, bowing and took possession of the home, to ter Mr. Hubert Leach used two boxes 5 . co rdo van ; of De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve and acres of prunes. The trees are sev ments continued to’ be made until j deeply FRENCH A CNAMCUXO CALF. to await the convening af the Sep cured a large running sore on his leg. ‘ . ’4*3S> F ine C au &K angarhi en years old; and the orchard promi ! today we have a machine which digs tember term of court, when the ex- Had been tinder care of a physician Pre8ellt i 011 with this “ Te Pol *3.60 POLICE, 3 SOLES. ses an average yield. Air. Meyers the potatoes, frees them from earth husband and father could get free estimates the yield at from 80^000 and rubbish and sorts them, all in ' ar note,” said Air. Baker, bowing dom from No. 2 and the family be for months without obtaining relief. I Sure Cure for Piles. J. P. Currin. to 100,000 pounds dried. The cash ! one operation. The drawbacks to deeply. uuited, Last evening Court grant ^ 2 ^ 1 7 ’ BOYS'SCHOOLSHOa ppre being offered for died prunes P°tat° growing are thus decreased “And I give it to you, Aunt Su ed the decree, wife No. 2 failing to L A D IE S ’ jr a e m 4 cents to 5 cents, From and 1118 PO8Slble for small farmers P leased W ith th e B o h e m ia D istrict. appear, and this morning Air. san. I owed you fifteen dollars and I „ the lowest estimate, 80,000 pounds to ,aise large tields of this proti ta- Strawn was remarried to wife No. 1 C ottage G rove , Or., Sept 19.—L. r I have paid my debt. SEND FOR CATALOGUE »nw n . . ____ ™t Fii-wMete, on tk , n>Ho t and - at 4J - cants per pound, the in 1 ble vegetable. '•L -D O U G L A ^ . by Justice Kramer, the same Magis C. Karrack, a practical miner of S alt! BRO C KTO hUM ASS. come from this orchard will be “You have, my dear friend with- trate that officiated at the marriage Lake, Utah, representing an Eastern j TH E PLA N O LEA D S Because IT IS THE BES Over One Million People wear the T iiC n V U l l i r n Gives it steady motion in tangled grain, and on rouvh. $3400, or a little more than $147 Diarrhœa should be stopped out doubt; and now, my dear Grace, with No. 2, two months ago. The syndicate, returned last night from 1 W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes I II L 1 r h L. i T O Kto’mt* -causes it to run Iighily over soft places, m a t. n i rl i L i . L oothois»i,8httrdriJsn5b in>dlbundltjitrtii”1“ per acre. The cost of evaporating, promptly. It soon becomes chronic. I pay you my indebtedness, with present Mrs. Strawn has lived hap Bohemia where he has been inspect-1 All our shoes are equally satisfactory • More Jones Steel Header:: Sold In ’9^ than all others combined at 1 cent per pound, will be about De Witt’s Colic & Cholera Cure is i many thanks for your assistance.” T hey give th e best value for th e m oney. pily with her husband for fifteen ing two of the leading mines with T hey equal custom shoes In s ty le and fit. ¿ S S r t e S g r e G flflIN MOWER S B ’a - ’S x f t 'T E $ per acre. Allowing $17 for j effective, safe and certain. Hundreds years, until the Indianapolis woman the object of purchasing. Mr. Kar- I Their w earing qualities are unsurpassed. “I take it with thanks, Aunt Su came between them. prices are uniform,—«stamped en sole. spraying cultivating, etc., leaves a of testimonials bear witness to the rack stated that he was very favor»- j The From Si to $3 saved over other makes. net income of $100 per acre. Sec- virtue of this great medicine It can san,” replied Grace. “And now the If your dealer cannot simply you we can. SoW b - ble impressed with the outlook for FOR O U R F R E E -F O R -A L L IL L U S T R A T E D C A TA LO G U E D e n ie rs e v e r y w h e r e . tV an»e I. a g e n t ta k e retary Sargent considers this a con- always be depended, upon, its use I ime has come when this wonder- West Pullman, Chicagc Or. Price’s Crer.m B ak in g Pow der the Bohemia district, and he believes ev»l,«»ive •«!«« fo r th in v l r o b i , W r l 'e a t I he Plano M ig . Co., M.nufarturtr., iervative estimate. save' time cd w.-,1 _ '.hi. inexhaustible -ich F. Curi in. it has a splendid future. i Q iii Midwinter Fair, San Franuat% N. H ’<J \K T IN , 1 o ral \g e tit. L rinuli, O r, Ctiltase Grove Echo-Leader. FREE TUITION. THAT FIAT DOLLAR NOTE. OCTOBER NEWS. LHinmramR. General Merchandise WOOL, HIDES AND FURS, Lumber, Shingles and G rain. Agents for the sale of the BROWNVILLE ALL * J. UB. B. R O U SE , PROMPTLY FILLED L U R C H 'S Ladies Dress Goods, Hts and Domestics- Oregon Central & Eastern 0, R, Co. Real Estate P ] L A I N f SHOE Agent.