Z e iL n A C o ., P h ila d e lp h ia . also the G rand T runk railroad of C an­ distrust thereby created. eveu iug at 7 oc’lock. Unsold stocks are 88,000 tous sm aller, The city is the b ank’s principal ' schooners aud larger sloops rem ained nieut of N icaragua dispatched addi- disgust of the police authorities. ada, doubtless covering $3,000,000,000 Mrs. Leak, a mem ber of Em anuel tioual soldiers there, aud recently a the steel companies having made M I FHOIlIST CHURCH—SUNDAY SCHOOL creditor. The c ity ’s deposit am ounts J *n the open until given the opportunity of organized money. The C anadian B aptist church, w-ho resides opposite at 10 a . M. PreAChlug each fourth Kunday heavy purchases in advance of needs, Several commissioner, in the hope of influenc­ BOTH WERE R EJEC T E D . lorning and evening. Prayer m eeting, every Pacific road is not included, fo rtunate­ to $228,664, and a ll other deposits, in- °f seeing the English boat. ___ike sanctuary, aud who w as intim ately but the actual consumption is large, Thursday night. •* The lord 1» in His holy tem eluding bills payable and rediscounts, ; tugs were sent out by the newspapers ing the Indians to become quiet, and ly for New England. The object is to comply w ith the labor o b l a t i o n s to «cqnaiuted w ith both D u rran t aud Miss aud prioeVriL* in pie ” REV. E. G1TTINS, Pastor iu the face ot an in- The city is se- - anct “lost of these w ent close enough to R e c e iv e d b y t h e S tu te t a p i - abolish com petition on freig ht aud to less than $15,000. w hich they have bound themselves. Lamont, voluntary gave the police t h e ' creasing output. Bessemer iron is t o l C em iiils a io n . cured by a Ixjud iu the am ount of *?ive her a becoming welcome. passenger rates; to guard against any ; A t this date the results are not known laat and most im portant link iu the 5 $14.15 at P ittsburg, and plates have $233,664 aud securities consisting of 1 be fleet of vessels was the largest O lym pia, W ash., A ugust 22.—The possible low ering of prices aud to ac­ at M anagua. T hetale and com plaint ohaiu oi evidence against the prisoner. I advanced $ 1 per tou’ The sale of steel state capitol commissiou m et today ami complish as soon as the traffic w ill bear m ortgages on real estate and stocks, i th at ever sailed to meet an incom ing of the Indians is th a t the V irgin Mary Mrs. Leak is 70 years old, and lias rails in 1895 to A ugust 1 were 20 000 having a par value of $157,000. The yacht. opened bids for construcOou of the it, a raisin g of the present rates. to the Indians, J k**’11 a member of the church several tous, and the deliveries 582 000 securities are in the city treasurer’s j Tlle V igilant w as towed down " I n view of the immense in terests' superstructure of the capitol building. principal men ! {«ara- s h e knew both D urrant and W ages iu th is industry have b e e n ’g e u - But two bids were on file. Gne was involved affecting the public, w hich is possession. Some city officials think through the N arrow s to Sandy Hook, ireat S pirit iu- Mlas Bamout intim ately and therefore erally advanced, aud strikes are few from W. M. Shewry, of Chicago, who to pay, as w ell as the railroads, which w ith prudent m anagem ent of the I passing Q uarantine a t about 9:30 A. section w ith a cannot be m istaken w ith regard to the ( M inor m etals changed little, though F iled in th e S u it to O ust bid $1,223,700, for com pletion of the are to receive the sums charged for hank’s affairs and by realizing on the M. and dropped anchor in the H orse­ senes of severe disasters, intended to identity of either. She says she has large sales lifted lake copper to 12 1-2 shoe. The Defender turned w estw ard securities in its possession, the city building; the other was from Jo h n a ­ transportation by the different com-1 th e N. P. Officials. on leaving the dock and w ent up the punish the occupiers of those lauds rem ained silent since the discovery of ' cents. than Clark & Sons, of Chicago, for panics co nstituting this g reat com bina­ w ill come out nearly even. E ast river aud thence to New Rochelle. u n til tw elve or thirteen years ago fke tw o girls because she did uot wish ! “ T extile im ports have been verv Assignee A lexander w ill commence $1 ,054,354. Both were rejected be­ tion, I desire to ask w hether the iuter- I t was a long w ait for the boats th at owned by the Indians, and th a t the In- to undergo the annoyance of beiug a heavy, and advances iu cotton goods to cause they were not in accordance w ith sate commerce commission, as the ap­ taking an inventory tom orrow , and , , at tke parochial * ltne“ > ““ d d»d not consent to divulge ' some extent check buying w hile Fall RECORD GF THEIR PROCEEDINGS the call for bids in th a t they exceeded propriate aud faith fu l guardian of the Saturday w ill begin receiving claims. | w ent to meet the V alkyrie, and for the churches frequently aud attend mass. h«r lntoruiaiiuu to tlie police uutil she River spinners are organizing for re- The Bank of Tacoma was chartered crowds on shore, for the w hole fore- the lim it placed on the cost of the rig h ts of the people as against railroad A dispatch has been received ____ since became convinced th at it was a duty ! storation of' wages paid before the b uilding by the act of the legislature, exactions, is w atching and in vestigat­ as a state bank and commenced busi- noon wore aw ay w ithout a sign of this letter was w ritten announcing th at she °w ed to the state, *„„¡1 vr 1 1 panic. The sales of wool were 6,313,- ness in May, 1887, under the nam e of ber. The dock a t Q uarantine was T lie A tta c k to B e Mu«le A g a iiis t T h e m aud so were not accompanied by suffi­ ing the situation by the present com­ the trouble has been settled by the In ­ p n l 3 Mrs. Leak sat a t the win- 600 domestic, aud 5,274,900 foreign cient bonds. A new call for bids w ill bination for the purpose of discoveriug the Tacoma T rust and Savings bank, ; crowded w ith people, w hen, at 9:30, the dians agreeing to fulfill th eir “ labor dow ot her residence nearly all the this month, against 12,870,650 d o .m - s - la <>■ tlie 4«ro«in«l o f N on -.l nria- be made, to be received up to 2 o’clock w hether its proposed agreem ent w ill its capital stock being $50,000. In word w as given th a t the English craft obligations.” d ic tio n o f .liH ig e .le n k in a . w h tm ’X looku,e ‘or her d au g h ter, tic and 1,602.500 foreign last year, and November 19. be in accordance w ith the common law , 1894 it was reorganized, the name was heading tow ard the upper bay. The cause of the trouble was th a t whom she expected from ban Mateo. | 11,889,800 domestic aud 4,566,500 for- A t 9:45 the V alkyrie, in tow, slowly Sent tie, A ugust 22.—The p etition of A num ber of contractors were pres­ and w ith the state laws against pooling c'lauFet‘ to the Bank of Tacoma and u u til 1889 th eir woods were filled w ith A t 4 o clock she saw a couple co m -! eign in 1892, indicating th a t the do- B rayton Ives, through G eneral C oun­ ent aud the governor asked them for and trusts; and in view , if they are il­ the capital stock increased to $120,600. Pa«sed Q uarantine aud was boarded by game and fru its enough to feed them , ‘“ g up the street, one of whom she 1 mestic wool is largely held for SDecuia- sel Silas W. P e ttit, to oust the re- expressions of opinion regarding the legal, of preventing, if possible, th eir The present officers are: President, ! tbe h ealth officers. The cup-challen- Now all those lands are cattle ha- recognized as D urrant, but a t first she tion at prices about 1 ceut higher than ceievers of the N orthern Pacific rail- rime required to m ake new bids and confirmation, instead of allow ing them W. B. A llen; cahier, G. H. W heeler. Ker looked trim and neat in the glim - cieudas, coffee estates, or cocoa estates. waa puzzled over the identity of the m anufacturers feel able t o p a v . ~ — —_ inering lights. On her decks were ap- m a il and appoint others in th eir stead, also to adjust the questious of finance to enter unrestricted iu full operation. The Indians had beeu tem pted by 8lrl- sb e first thought the youug lady j ” F ailures for the week were 196 in KU CHENG MASSACRE. parently all the members of her crew. w ill be heard by Ju d g e H anford aud involved. V arious opinions were ex­ “ The T ribune says the counsel of the sm all sums of money, from $10 to $20. " a s Lucille Turner, but as the couple the U nited States, against 220 last I H earty cheers of welcome were ex- Ju d g e G ilbert T hursday, aud today pressed before the tim e of three m onths oompanies w ill see th a t the agreem ent under the law s of N icaragua, to sell ca“ie nearer Mrs. Leak recognized the ' week, and 39 iu Canada against 45 there w as filed iu the U nited States was determ ined upon. The law re­ complies w ith the law s of a ll the T h e i n v e s t i g a t i o n C o n d u c t e d A l t o g e t h e r changed w ith the English sailors and th eir w i .es and children, and were grrl as B lanche Lamont. Miss Lam ont last week. ” b y t h e C h in e « « . the usual form alities having been c irc u it court the receivers’ answer. quires bonds of $250,000, aud th a t the states, as well as those of the U nited London, A ugust 21.—The Tim es has ¡complied w ith, the V alkyrie continued forced by the m ilitary aud civil author- w°re a school g irl's short dress aud; Y esterday was tlie day set on w hich bondsmen should ju stify iu tw ice the States. W hile the attorneys for the carried a package of school hooks. The ’ E d u c a t io n K i ll P a » Me d in B e l g i u m . ities to comply. th e last papers should be filed, but ex- am ount. The contractors were in ­ railroads are w orking on this, it seems a dispatch from Houg Kong confirming on her journey up the bay. Off Quar- dress aud ihe school books w ere a f te r - . Brussels, A ugust 19.—The educa­ S euator Spooner aud Counsel C. W. clined to regard th is requirem ent as im perative th a t the officers of the the Shanghai dispatch containing the antine the V alkyrie w as hoarded by a ID E N T IT Y O F “ H A T C H .’ w ard found secreted iu the church. tion bill passed the second reading to­ B unn secured an extension. The h ear­ exorbitant, a view w hich th e commis­ U nited States should also labor to see report th a t the Chinese governm ent has representative of the press, who obtain- ‘ W hen the couple reached the church day by a vote of 81 against 12. The refused to allow .American and B ritish ed the follow ing story of the voyage in g w ill be held in the rooms of the sioners also seemed to en tertain , but th a t if the agreem ent is u n law ful it I » S u p p o s e d t o K « C h M r le » gate they stopped for a moment, D ur­ tu m u lt caused by the socialists in the consuls to make any investigation into from C aptain W. W . Cranfield. crim in al departm ent of the superior the governor stated th a t th is w as a shall be kept from going into effect. o f P r o v id e n c e . ra n t opened the gate and they passed cham ber w as so great th at the presi­ the Ku Cheug massacre. The Tim es “ We left Gourock Ju ly 27 w ith a court, iu order to afford accoinodatiou m atter beyond the power of the com­ It seems to me th a t all law s against Providence, R. L, A ugust 20._In- t^lrougil- Mrs. Leak from her point of dent was forced to suspend the sitting. dispatch adds th a t the soldiers are en ­ A fter for the crowd th a t is sure to atteud. missiou to remedy. Gne contractor any kind of monopoly and trust, gaged in plundering the place. They fu ll crew of forty-tw-o men. spectors iu the providence police de- observation was w atching them , and leaving Tory island, Sunday, Ju ly 28, Iu th eir answ er the receivers recite stated there would be difficulty experi­ w hether enacted by state or nation, partm ent have discovered th a t wbeu tlie g irl stepped through the gate ' the history of the litig atio n leading up enced in placing the w arran ts so long w ill be insignificant and w orthless, if feel th at the foreigners are the cause we rau into a fresh north-easter-north “ H a th ,” the much w anted accomplice she said to herself: “ W hat au iin- of th eir sufferings, aud therefore the gale, accompanied by high seas, which t o aud follow ing th eir appointm ent, as a portion of the laud g ran t rem ained th is gigantic railroad tru st cauuot be la tter should be destroyed. F u rth er blew hard for tw enty-four hours aud of the notorious Holmes, form erly prodent thing for her to do.’ aud they have filed as exhibits and as uuselected. The governor answered by defeated.” Alrs- Beak knew nothing detrim ental inceudiary placards have been posted then moderated. W ednesday m orning, lived in th is city, and th a t his deserted a p art of the answ er the record of all saying th at the state was proceeding in a t Canton. The prefect sent w ith the Ju ly 31, it commenced to blow again w ife is living here a t present. They to B urrant. She had alw ays consid-! AT ENG LAN D'S CAPITAL. the proceedings from A ugust 15, 1893, the m atter as fast as circum stances commission to Ku Cheng, together w ith from the northw est to southeast. It have suspected for some tim e th at ere<* him “ such au exem plary young- “ In February, 1862, 1 had six hem- to the present time. would perm it, as tim e m ust necessarily “ H atch ” and one C harles Brace, for- m an>” but, notw ithstanding th a t fact, orrliages from the lungs and for some t h e I r is h Ou«Hti«>ii in the Chinese officials a t Ku Cheug, have blew hard for five days, when the The attack to be made against them be consumed iu w aiting upon surveys refused to allow- the presence of the w eather moderated to lig h t southwest inerly a photographer here, were the sat‘ thought it exceedingly im prudent m onths was under the care of two doc- I* a r lia in e n t. is on the ground of the non-jurisdic­ aud final approval by the secretary of same person, but were unable until a th e &Irl to into the church w ith tors, and finally w ent to Denver, but re­ consuls during the exam ination of the tio n of Judg e Jenkins, in the U nited the interior. Reference to the records London, A ugust 21.— In the house of prisoners. The m a tte r has been re­ winds, w hich lasted up to Cape Race. day or tw o ago to confirm th eir sus- “ lm alone- She feared some one m ight turned w ithout any benefit to mv There we caught a northeast w ind S tates court, for the eastern d istrict of iu the office ot the land commissioner commons today, the R ig h t Hon. picions. Samuel L. K irk, of th is city, have seen them and m ake unpleasant health - - - ferred to the viceroy. Serious trouble w hich carried us to Sable island, when I then read of your treatm ent, 1 W isconsin, the question of collusion shows th at of the g rau t of 132,000 George N. Curzon, under-secretary of is feared. the w ind became lig h t and left us be­ is a friend of Brace. K irk w illingly rem arks- She im agined they had some and sent for some, from which I felt having been reserved for a future h ear­ acres, 89,116 have been selected, 81,- state for foreign affairs, replying to a calmed at times. It lasted up to our adm itted th a t his sister m arried Brace errand in the church, aud expected iu great relief, and have continued using it ing in cane the court holds w ith the 913 approved by the local land offices question by J . F. Hogan, mem ber from R e fu te s to A llo w an I n q u ir y . tw elve years ago. He was considered a few niinutes they would come out. receivers. They deny th a t a t the tim e and 50,044 approved by the secretary Tipperary, regarding the arb itra ry a r ­ Shanghai, A ugust 21.—A dispatch arriv al here. a model youug man, and was a Sunday w atched carefully, but the gate steadily up to the present tim e, with “ We sighted Shinn Rock lig h t at of their appointm ent, no p art of the ' and subject to sale, The average ap- rest of B ritish subjects in H onolulu, to the M ercury from Foo Chow says it school teacher. Soon after Dr. Mud- n° l °Pen. T here is only one en- good results.” noon today, and a t 6:30 this afternoon, railroad or laud g rau t of the N orthern praised value of this land is $12.10. for alleged com plicity in the plots to is reported on good au thority th a t the “ I am certain your treatm ent has g ett came to board in the fam ily, and tra a ce to Em anuel church during the Pacific, or the property covered by the restore the queen, said th at some of the Chinese governm ent has refused to al- when tw enty m iles west of F ire island, young Brace and the doctor became week> a“ een several narrow escapes, but 2:30 A. M. tracted by the uproar th a t came from island for one night, and w ill be taken established, aud it w as learned th a t he Hom the church a few m inutes before pages, sent free. Or call and see us. to the E rie basin in the morning. Her to the N orthern Pacific Railroad C0111- close inq u iry fails to corroborate the The Sun today devotes a colum n a to the open w indows of the hall where had m arried a 19-year old girl. Mrs. 4 o’clock Now comes Mrs. Leak, We tre a t patients a t the Office as well I*auv, aud the proceedings resulting loss of a life iu any portion of the scathing comm ent ou the alleged u t­ the A rm enian N ational U nion was tim e of passage was I Brace followed her husband to Chica- w bo says she saw D urrant and Miss as at home. The V alkyerie II made it in 29 days . . . from the default. burning country. The fires also annoy terances of M. F. D wyer, after his re­ holding a m eeting. In a few m inutes 18 hours, aud the V igilant in 18 days. \ DRS. STARKEY A PA LEX, but he refns^ 1 to B»ve her any sat- Lam ont enter the church a few m in ­ G reat space is devoted to an attem p t people living near the wooded hills, tu rn to New York, and says: the street w as blocked. From the j isfaction, and the next day, w ith his utes later. >529 Arch St., Phila., Pa. to show th a t a t the tim e of the ap­ th irty m iles south of Spokaue, iu the “ The subject has been w arm ly d is­ w indows of the hall came sounds as of second wife, he left Chicago. L a te r , George King, the organist, has al- R e le a s e d o n a H a b e a s C orp u s W r it. pointm ent of the receivers, the N o rth ­ Palouse country. The damage so far cussed iu racing circles, and iu the end a terrible battle, of flying chairs aud A ugust 2 0 - ** was learned the young woman whom [ rea(Iy testified th at he entered the G rand Island, Neb. ern PaciHc hail valuable property iu the lias been confined to the destruction of there is a general feeling of relief th a t furious voices. Then suddenly the - a ' le ' t­ Brace m arried in Chicago was not w ith cburcli about 5 o’clock and saw Dur- County A ttorney P rince received jurisdiction of Ju d g e Jen k in s' court. tim ber. A t Rosslaud, the people of the English tu rf has lost the patronage noise w as hushed, aud down the stairs him , and Brace advanced the opinion ran t coming down from the attic. Dur- F'rom the tim e of th eir o riginal ap ­ the town have relays of men w atching of a person w ho used it purely as a came 100 men. Some w ere blood­ ter today from George P. Dean, sher­ th a t she became a victim of Holmes. i.;.. face ra n t t’s « h a air ir w as *t.ehav-.i^a disheveled, his iff. dated Springfield, 111., in w hich pointm ent, they say, they have held the progress of the flames. W hen gam bling investm ent, aud w ith o u t a stained. Gue w ith his head bound in was red, he was pautiug for breath aud the la tte r stated th a t liaw lston, ac­ C I n ° O worth °r ,ove|y Musk for Forty possession of the property aud have op­ the fire w as at its w orst, the w ind siugle sportsm anlike iu stiu ct to guide a handkerchief, appeared to be insen­ I’ e W i l l E x p l o r e A la s k a . was in a state of u tter physical aud * 111 . . Conti, consisting of 100 pages — erated it, aud n eith er th eir authority veered and saved the town, w hich is h is actio n s.” full size Sheet Music of the sible, aud had to be carried aw ay by cused of attem pting to steal half a m il­ London, A ugust 20.—H arry Dewynt, nervous collapse. Iu answ er to in ­ latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular nor the auth o rity or jurisdiction of made of new fram e buildings, and The intern atio n al co-operative con­ his friends. There was scarcely a man lion dollars’ w orth of steel rails from the w ell-known traveler and explorer, quiries he explained th at he had beeu selections, both vocal and Instrumental, — gotten up in the most elegant manner, in- any of the courts has ever been dis­ would have easily ignited. No train s gress m et today in the h all of the So­ w ithout a black eye or some m ark of the U nion Pacific road recently, has in an interview said today: “ A fter a engaged in repairing electric lig h t eluding four large size Portraits. puted. They have done various acts have been delayed or stages stopped, so ciety of A rts, T here w as a large a t­ conflict about him . The trouble seems been released on a w rit of habeas cor- w inter lecture tour in A m erica I start w ires in the organ loft and had beeu * * CAHMENCITA, the Spnn/eh Dancer, aud various proceedings have been the conflagration is mostly aw ay from tendance. E arl G rey, who presided, to have arisen over the election of i P«s. »nd th a t he m ight have trouble iu in A pril from Vancouver, via S itka, to J overcome by gas. PADEREWSKI, the Great Pianist, An expert electric- ADEUNA PATTI anti A fter the riot had subsided 5n<^luB bim . Shauk, the partn er of taken, nt w hich the railroail company the settlem ents. The rain iu Eastern iu his speech of welcome to the dele­ officers. M ount St. E lias, whence I w ill attem pt j ian afterw ard exam ined the w ires aud MINNIE SELIGMAN CUTTING. ; has appeared and to w hich it has con­ W ashington th is afternoon may ex­ gates alluded pleasantly t ) the presence the police arrived, but they could not I , . . „ A O O R I i a ALL OH O CRB F O to cross an unexplored part of Alaska tc | testified th at no repairs of the nature this evening before Dean left for Chi- sented. of the A m erican representatives to the THE NEW YORK MUSIC AL ECHO CO.: tinguish a portion of the fire. Prince of W ales Cape, aud thence j D urrant claim ed to have m ade had Br< adway Theatre Bldg.. New York City. —» Septem ber 1, 1893, they w ere a u ­ congress. The earl then introduced a made. None of those injured was I cag0 t0 bring R aw lston hack, accom­ across to East Iceland, proceed to Chi- beeu made w ithin six months, CANVASSERS W A N TED . = 3 panied the la tte r as far as Lincoln, but T h e B u ll F ig h t. thorized to issue $5,000,000 of certifi­ question looking to the constitution of thought to he fatally hurt. ju ija, and home through Russia. The j The attorneys for the defense were w het straig h t through to Chicago, cates; Septem ber 22, 1994, they were A tlanta, G a., A ugust 22.—The b u ll­ an intern atio n al alliance. object of the journey is to explore ! disturbed in court today over the pub- aud his earlier arriv al in Chicago is a * * « « « u llu w olum v m e uuu allow ed to renew and extend the cer­ fight w hich has beeu so extensively ad ­ A U ta h T o w n o n F ir e . | Alaska and to study the condition of ; lication of Mrs. Leak’s narrative. The Bingham , U tah, A ugust 2 1 ,- T h e ' ‘° bave som ething to do w ith the political exiles of Siberia. tificates for three years. These cer­ vertised to take place in connection prisoner also showed signs of uneasi- > » t e r m i n a t i o n o f S a lm o n » - - - 1 Rawlston s release. 1 tificates are now alleged to be o u t­ w ith the Cotton States and In tern a­ whole tow n is ablaze and the loss is es­ I ness for the first tim e since his arrest. Port Townsend, A ugust 21.—P rivate G o n e A b roatl. standing, 111 the hands of innocent p u r­ tional exposition w ill not come off. tim ated a t $200,000. The fire origin- f ' Tbe defendant’s counsel refused to dis- M ex ica n M at er». chasers. The receivers have expended The proposed exhibition has never had uews from southeastern A laska has ated a t 3:30 P. M. in B u tler’s livery o ., A ugust 19. - Ex- cuss Mrs. Leak’s story, but adm it its Spnngfield O beeu received to the effect th at u n lim it­ money to keep down the interest on any connection w ith the exposition i t ­ City of Mexico, A ugust 20.—P rep ar­ Mayor Jam es Johnson, jr ., a prom i- seriousness. stable. R oberts’ dw ellug house, a the first principal on other param ount self, being merely a sideshow, in ten d ­ ed quan tities of salmon are being de­ saloon and stable were consumed, then ations are m aking on a grand scale for neut attorney and physician of this . ------- -------------- — CAVtAIO.inAUt MARks^F stroyed by fishermen obstructing the . . « “G- liens. They have appointed a land ed to be presented ou the Midway. the fire spread to C hinatow n aud wept celebrating the anniversary of national city, left last n ig h t for London. He C O PY R IG H TS, stream s w ith nets, and preventing the Anconia, Italy, A ugust 19.— W hile comm issioner, have sold land along The directors of the exposition have 1 OBT*JN a PATENT? F ora everythng ou the east side of the independence and the birthday of Pres­ goes abroad as the representative of the fish from ascending to the breeding hi' ¿’v 2 ai" h0'?e"t opinion, write Io a a ar- HI 1' NN A < O .. “ who the whole line of railroad, ami have discovered, however, th at the proposed street. Amoug the buildings con­ ident Diaz, whose nom ination by the Baldridge Investm ent Company, of P,'’ 1 todayJ w®re arresti“ g have bad nearly flftv vmiw * grounds. The governm ent has au of­ in the patent busineee. Communloa. psid contracts ami conveyances to pnr- fight has become confounded iu the sumed on the w est side were the Griffin liberal party for the fourth consecutive th is city, w hich is incorporated under , °, st named B ernadeill, who was experience tloiueu-ictiycontldentlaL A I l n n d b e o k ^ l T i l i ’.V on ooaosrtan« P a te n ts and how to ob­ « h astrs. They have paid debts of the public m ind w ith the exposition, and ficer there try in g to prevent violation house, Q aiu u ’s building, postoffice, term is practically assured. A lthough the laws of Ohio. It is a stock com- p}acar(ll“ K thoroughfares w ith a man- i tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of tnechan- « im > in y runn in g into m illions; they in view of the im possibility of erad i­ of the law s, but, ow ing to the great rniuing recorder’s office, U uited States be has giveu no intim ation th at he w ill pany, and has about 300 members, f lte8t® eulogizing Cesaerio Santo, the Ital and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn A Co. reiwtva distance between the canneries, he is scattered from New York to Los An- m nrderer President C arnot, have made traffic agreem ents and have cating this im pression, they form ally comm issioner’s office, aud Rocky accept, leaders of his party are going special notice In the S c ie n tific A m erica u . and unable to properly protect the salmon. arf ?ro.1?ht w lde|F before the public with­ wa« exploded in front of the out cost executed »-outracts of all kinds, ou the decided to w ithdraw from the conces­ M ountain B ell Telephone C atholic > ahead w ith preprations for renom iuat- geles. The object of the company is ’ to the inventor. Thia splendid naner A t the present rate of exterm ination, it renc“ consulate, doing much dam- »»ued weekly, elegantly illu»trated h i b? . i i tK i faith of w hich vast am ounts of money sionaires the rig h t to present the tight. Church aud a num ber of boarding ing him , and it is now reported th at a to try to secure possession of the v a s t! age, S'rcnlation of any scientific work in tba is estim ated the fishing in d u stry in orld. S 3 ,a year. Sample copies sent free have been invested, not only by the re ­ houses. Many people are homeless. ; grand convention of the party w ill be Holmes estate of $400,00v.000, approx- Building Edition, monthly, •2^0 a year. Single three years w ill be wholly destroyed. S h u tte r an d Ir«»u W o r k s Ettil. ______ ___ 1 called for a date early in the coming im ately in England. ceivers, but by the public. A new map of Josephine conutv hus * 2f^ies- ‘— •- bean- _ ®r«ry numi tber ' r coutains Kansas C ity, A ugust 22.— Bordeu & been completed by a G ra n t’s Pass, O r., ¡ f“ 0“ " " - p ”»n».1 “n ab S lÇSim ^^Show'uî P u llm a n am i W a g n e r to C on tm lh late. Y^ar. F'rom the beginning to the end of P e a c e A r b it r a t i o n . Sw earington, sh u tter aud irou works, W i l l I m m i g r a t e t o C a n a d a . engineer. ¡ “ iSL’N ^ f ^ N T ^ o “ ^ ! buoa ^ aw . the proceedings, eoutiuues the answ er, Chicago, A ugust 21.— It was report- S ta te F a ir a t S a le m , Brussels, A ugust 19.—The interua- M ontreal, A ugust 21.—The A ustrian ed today on w hat appeared to be excel- j The thirty-fifth annual state fa ir at the railroad company has expressly w ith a branch iu St. Louis, w ere closed , . .v . .u . .. .. . - ------------ ---- — .tio u a l parliam entary conference on today under tw o ch attel mortgages governm ent, w hich has been hereto­ lent authority th a t negotiations are Salem th is year w ill he a ten day festi- peace arbitration today adopted a reso- consented, through its eonnsel and ex­ VMTifi i ii a Tiie t n m rvinanl iriu ticin ot on4. »1.10 a b u t, ,1 x for by m ail. Send fur r u t K i lrc u l.r a* JI tid m o u tata“ p erm .u eu t e a r » O r P ric e's C ream B aking Pow der. bilities. The company has been in bus- ble, b u t w ill pass most of th eir tim e alleged consolidation w ill adm it it | balloon ascensions, thirty-four horse tional court for the settlem ent of dis­ , ines here for several years. in M anitoba and the territories. AddrM . D k V o L M E 0 I C I X E C O ., P. O. Box Mb, tiaa F rancato Cat FUrÄVehj, W orld's F a ir H ig h e st A w ard. until it has been carried through. races, and bicycle races every day. putes by pacific methods. J . A . BENSON. A gent. E. P. THORP, A bsolutely pube THE EAST LINK ADDED sessss ” . kss & sss - - ..- - —... ■ 1 I WILKINC ADVÍRTISEMEHT I | ilUuutiMiUMuaiiUUU? 9A1T EN » MANHOOD RESTORED z wk