s H ig h e s t o f all in Leavening Power.— Latest U . S. G ov’t Report WOMAN'S WORLD. GOOD SHOWING MADE BY WOMEN IN TH E CIVIL SERVICE. is s ts s æ s Powder A bsolutely PUBE W om an lu P u b lic A ffa ir s —T h e M ade U sefu l— W om en B icy cle D octors F o r In ­ sane W om en — D ressing the B r id e —L e g ­ isla tion F o r W om en. 1 W om en D octor* I or I p u i i a W om en. A bill is ilending in the V irgin ia leg­ islature for the election of a woman physician for each of the insane asylums of the state, to have charge of the fe­ male departments therein, it is prac­ tically the same b ill that passed the house tw o years ago almost without dis­ sent. There is considerable agitation over the matter. Mts. Sallie <». (Jib- lioney o f Tazewell, who for six years was matron and housekeeper in an in­ sane asylum, lias written a convincing letter to the Richmond Dispatch in lie- half o f the measure. It is strongly sup­ ported by the N orfolk Landmark, tlie Broadway Enterprise and the Staunton Vindicator. The latter paper says: The movement in V irgin ia has grown in the two years that have passed since one house of the legislature delayed the reform, in opposition to the almost unanimous voice of the other house mid of the people, and we look with confi­ dence to the passage of tile bill this ses­ sion. Make the b ill tor the election of women physicians mandatory, make it fix their status as in charge of the fe­ male departments, and not to lie subor­ dinated liy the superintendents by being placed nnder male assistants, and yon w ill have no trouble getting southern women physicians. A t one college alone, the Woman's Medieal college of Pennsylvania, located in Philadelphia, there were five southern women gradu­ ated last June, mid there are now there 13 women, four o f them Virginians, completing their medical studies. conditicu. T o prevent any such disas trons result again the number o f presen­ tations this spring is to be lim ited to 200 at each reception. Meanwhile the first ladies o f our republic seta brilliant example by holding weekly receptions, at which it is not imnsnal for thou­ sands of persons to be received in a sin­ gle afternoon — Exchange. Kansas W om en M ayors. Pleasanton, Kan., has elected a wom ­ an mayor. Several small Kansas towns have within the past three or four yeare chosen women for mayors, and there if no recorded instance o f any of them having cause to tegret it. In a short tim e the Kansas women w ill be full fledged voters, clothed w ith the com­ plete te g a iia o f citizenship, and then we shall have feminine mayors in some ot the laiger towns as w ell as women county clerks. Measurers, recorders, etc. The Kansas woman is the coming man, so to speak.— Kansas C ity Journal. liO IT T ’S Calist lienic K iercU rn . A writer in a leading London pajier nays it is a mistake to think that we can­ not undertake ealisthenic exercises with­ out attending a course and paying some one a fee for teaching us. and this falla­ cious notion prevents many of us from practicing daily a few exercises that would do an amount of good that we can scarce­ ly realize without haviug experienced it. She recommeuds all her readers to be gin by devoting tive or even two minutes every morniug before donning the coat or bodice, or every night after taking it off, to three simple exercises for the expansion of the chest and the strengthening of the spinal muscles. Turn the palms down­ ward and just meet the finger tips across the chest. Now extend the arms in a hori­ zontal direction to their fullest capacity. Repeat this movement somewhat slow­ ly, . Northern Railway to Montana, Dakotas. 8t. in the public eye today. I ’ nited States c iv il service commission, Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, Omaha. St bus hronght about a decided increase in Lou is, East and South. Rocs ballast track; A TRUE FISH STORY. Hood** -'Hr*iti.an ils . Ac. tine scenery; new equipment; Great North­ the chances tor women who wish to en­ ern Palace Meepers and Diners; Family I t lx a C onnecticut Prod u ct and R elates to ter the public service. The c iv il serv­ Tourist Cars; Buffet-Library Cars. Write a Lost B ra c elet and an Kel. P H Y S I C I A N S A R E A S T O U N D E D B Y ice law practically went into effect in C. C. Donovan, General Agent, Portland, Savilian Beebe o f this place made a I 1883. The report for 1884 stated that Oregon, or F. I. Whitney. G. P. A T. A., A P E C U LIA R C AS E. Th« Larfect Marufceturer« ot big haul with his eel spear a few days St. Paul, Minn., for printed matter ami in­ while th e ” la w ” made no distinction on P U R E , H IC H C R A D E formation about rates, routes, etc. ago. Last July among the people who iicconnt o f sex the “ appointing power” sojonrned at Essex was a wealthy C in­ ocoas hocolates had this far used its discretion in the Y ou n g Alan I n S trick e n W it h Lan M U S IC s t o r k W it.y B. Allen Co , the cinnati fam ily. A young lady member On this Continent. h»ee received oldest, the Urgent, 211 First St., Portland. selection from the list of eligib lesof less d r y ’ s I ’ aralyNlN itnd I n C u red In Chtckering, Hardman. FibCher Pianos, Estey of this fam ily went ont boat riding one than one-sixth as many women as men, K lg lit M onths. Organs. lx»w prices, easy terms. evening, and daring the trip she lost a lO - C K N T M I ÍT8 l I C —8 -Send ' for catalogues. although a larger proportion o f female ftora the frreal From the Times, Philadelphia, Pa ] She I .oven Doves. valuable bracelet from her arm. than male competitors passed. During I use Piso's Cure for Consumption both Stricken w ith Lan dry’ s Paralysis The bracelet was in the form of a gold Miss Louise Im ogen* Guiney, author the fiscal year 1890-1 147 women were in my family and practice—I)r. <1. W. rhtin that fastened with a hook. The and yet cured. That means but little to appointed to the classified departmental ot " A Roadside H arp,” in g ivin g the E X P O S ITIO N S P a t tf . r « o s , Inkster, Mich.. N o v . 5, l^H. yonng lady was very mneh distressed the averge layman but it means a m ir­ service— exclusive of 122 printer's as­ date of her birth for a biographical note IN EUROPE AND AMERICA acle to a physician. Such is the ex­ T r y G k r m k a fo r breakfast. over the loss of the ornament, and she recently, wrote playfully, " I am the sistants in the bureau of printing and C a u t i o n ; L'i.V'Tmiu..'»*. offered a reward o f $-’ 0 for its recov­ perience of O. E. Dallim ore, now a engraving. During the same period 776 only lady with a permanent date at­ o f the label« and wrapper* on our ery. Fishermen searched the river bot­ resident o f Madison, N. .1., and a rare men were appointed or a proportion of eonwRitruhoulti make »ure tached.” Miss Guiney, who lately re­ S «od', at our place ot ptatiuNictur*, experience it is. ceived the appointment of postmaster at tom for it in vain. 'namelv. D u r c h n t r r , M m **. women to men of somewhat less than la printed on each p*ck*c*. “ Yes, i t ’ s true that I had Landry’ s 1 to 5. In the year 1891-2— the period A few days ago Beebe, who usually her home v illage— Attburndale, Mass, makes abont two eeling trips to the Con­ Paralysis,” said Mr. D allim ore to a re­ covered by the present report— the — is a great admirer of pigeons. “ 1 SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. necticut river during the winter, hitch­ porter,” or else the most celebrated number o f women appointed in cor­ greatly love,” she says, "b o th the sight and the sound of doves.” — Boston Com­ ed up his horse and drove down. The physicians of London were mistaken. responding departments was 86 and WUT« BAFFR A M. ITT. DWCHESTIR, «»SS. monwealth. ice was rather thin on the old eeling ‘ It was on the 15th of March, this of men 245, showing a proportion of gronnd, and Beebe was obliged to go year,” he continued, “ when I was in women to men o f a little more than Tli«* T w e lfth Su prem e Court P o rtia . abont a m ile up the river to Brockway's N ew York city, that I first felt the 1 in 3, a very decided gain tor wom­ Dressing tli«* I5ri«le. Miss K ate P ier of Milwaukee has liend. Here the tee was soft, and Beebe symptoms of my trouble. 1 had ex­ en. W h ile the commission naively V ery heavy white satin is used for the been admitted to practice liefore the began work. He worked all day like a perienced difficulty in going up stairs, expresses itself as unable to account for if V'-u use the Pctnlum* beaver and succeeded in getting but one my legs fa ilin g to support me. I con­ this change of animus on the part of the wedding gown, writes Isabel A . Mallon United States supreme court, making I mobster* A Brooders- the twelfth woman for whom the bars in The Ladies’ Home Journal. The Make money while very small eel. sulted a physician 'h o informed me appointing powers it comments on the others are wasting o f that forum have been let down, the skirt, which is qnite plain in front, has The next morning he decided to have that I had every symptom of Loco- fact as one o f general interest and sng- time by old processes. a flare abont the lower part, the result first venturesome lady being Mrs. Belva Catalog tells all about fried eel for bieakfast anyhow. He took motor Ataxia, but as the case developed ts that jt ••1,r„ t >at,ly shows that the it,and describes every all and have made it the most the skirt in front and over the entire I What the opinion o f college women is H O W ’ S T H IS ! after h-eakfast Savilian hitched up his Goudy, a clergyman who had visited That the extension o f the m erit sys­ popular remedy known. HAND-CASE S E P A R A T O R S AND ENGINES horse and headed tor Essex, where be me in my last hours, us he supposed, tem is the main explanation c f the re­ length of the train at the hack. It is on the question of suffrage may be gath­ Syrup o f Figs is for sale In 50c We offer One Hundred Dollars reward Aud other Machinery o f S ta v frA Walker delivered the bracelet to the people with told me of the marvellous cures of par­ markable increase in the nnmber of necessary in arranging this veil to re­ ered from the tact that 500 W ellesley stock to close out cheap. whom the Cincinnati fam ily boarded alysis that had been performed by Dr. women appointed and promoted in the member that while it is worn over tht j college women sent a congratulatory for any case of Catarrh that cannot be ind $1 bottles by all leading drug­ cured liy H all’s Catarrh Cure. W r it e f«»r C a ta lo g u e and T ilr e a . A n y reliable druggist who and leceived the $20 reward.— Salem W illia m s’ Pink P ills for Pale People. classified c iv il service is disclosed by face going up the aisle of the church il telegram to the Colorado Suffrage as­ F J. C H E N E Y A CO., Props., Toledo, O. gists. is thrown back alter the cerein nv in (Conn.) Special. We the undersigned, have known F. J. nay not have it on baud will pro­ Room 550 Worcester Block, Portland, Or. I started to take the pills abont A p ril the elaborate tables incorporated in this such a way that the bride may look liei sociation when women gained the ballot Cheney for tbe last 15 years, and believe cure it promptly for any one who in that state. 28 and a week after that fe lt an im ­ report. A t the c iv il service examina­ best when the veil is off her tace. him perfectly honorable in ail business PEACEABLE SNAKE INDIANS. vishes to try iL D o not accept any provement in my condition. There tions throughout the country a higher Fashionable hairdressers say that hair transactions and financially able to carry uhstitute. out any obligation made bv their firm. Y ou ng C h ie f D eliv ers an K loqu en t Addrenn was a warm, tin glin g sensation in the general average of marks is secured by L eg is la tion F or W om en. brushed to a satin finish w ill be worn W e s t A T rcax , Wholesale Druggists, To­ R e p le te W ith L ove F or the W hites. limbs that had been entirely dead and women than hymen, except in the moro “ Is Legislation Needed F i t Worn in the near tuture, although the fringe ledo, O. GUNN’S CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. A delegation of Snake Indians visited I soon began to move my feet and hands, difficult technical examinations, where en?” is the title of a very agreeable and W a l d ib o , K i k n a h & M a r v i n , Wholesale SAN FHANCISCO CAL. o f short curls about the face w ill be re­ IM PROVED the red men of the Um atilla reservation the improvement continued until May as a rule women do not compete— ‘ ‘ when earnest paper read liefore the women’s louisville , rr iv route. *.r. tained, as they make a woman look Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, recently. When they staited for home, 28 when I was taken out o f bed for a they do the showing is decidedly in ta- parliament of southern California at more youthful. acting directly upon the blood and mu­ U V E R PILLS Young Chief delivered the following drive and drove the horse myself. By vor of the men.” The earlier reports of Los Angeles. Its author is Mrs. Mary INFORMATION WANTED—OF cous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c per » whereabouts ol JA N E S M. M l IV A K It. eluqneut farew ell address to his visitors: the beginning of July 1 was able to the commission did not always indicate Lyude Craig, editor of the women’s de­ It is rumored that the new spring bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimon­ husband A MILS PHYSIC. o f Ellen M. Newartf, whether alive or “ W e part tonight. Not as liefore, for walk upstairs alone and paid a visit to the sex of competitors, but a table has partment ot The Citrograph of Red­ dress w ill be built with very long shoul­ ials Free. __ _________________ »lead. Kesiti*»d in Marysville, Cal., in 1871. Ad ONE P I L L FO R A DOSF.. dress P. O- box 2618, Sun Francisco,« al. A increment of the bow ala each da* is neco»«sr/ for once hate was between ns. Now there Niagara. been prepared which gives the ratio of lands, Cal. Mrs. Craig suggests that it ders. sleeves flat in the head, hut full Kndam's Microbe K iller cures cancer and health. There pill* supply what the system lacks to is love. Once w ar; now peace. Once They cur cure Headache, hrighteti the | make it regular. TLi«*y “ Slow ly but surely I gained my old women to the whole number examined, wonid 1«) better i f California women about the elbow, and tue skirt made ulcers. Agency, 3G0 Morrison St., Portland, Or. we swung the tomahawk and aimed the health and strength, leaving Ontario as well as tbeir rStio to the whole num­ would read less o f Greek and Roman heavy and fussy with ruffles and puffs, j sicken. To convince you. we K ... 'M Will Ilia to -a III ■ HO ll'Xl, «II > e full • >eee box ICI. for 1" ‘. • ‘5c. •»»-. .. ...- ei - - - . deadly rifle at each other s heaits. Now for N ew Y'ork on October 11 and be­ ber who passed the examinations for history and more of the C alifornia codes. ebere UosANLO MED CO.. PhiLUelpLe. Pe. 44N T H P D O A H ilchin* Pilrsknnwu t >7 moi«c,r«> lik. wrTO¡r»ti..n t r a i UrN i n e KVl/A LI _r — ■ -L.---------- ---------------- -J »I— *- the pipe of peace we smoke to show that ginning my work again on October 26, different branches o f the service from She calls foi legislation by which wom­ An association of women has been ,to recovery, the I « or PnsrudiDE Piles y ie ld n t e u r e lo the past is passed and buried. In other 1894. Cured of Landry's Paralysis in January, 1886, to June 30, 1892. W e en w ill lie admitted to the ballot box as formed in Liverjiool for the purjxise of D R . B O -S A N -K O 'S P IL E R E M E D Y , young woman ,h!ch petitioning shopkeepers to provide seats ways it is different. There was a time eight mouths. ” erte directly on perte effected, ebeorbe tumore^el- find that whereas the women were only T o confirm his story they are now admitted to the prison and ★ HIGHEST AW ARD* who is taking iere itnhm*. effecting e permanent « when some of us lay in ambush against beyond all doubt, Mr. Dallim ore made 12 per cent c f the numlier examined, the tax list. T o show that they need to for their employees. Doctor Pierce’s Dracsmta or ueiL l>r. u eea n k o, P a lla d o ., Pe. W O R L D ’ S F A IR . the whites. But we have ail put aside the follo w in g affidavit. F a vorite Pr over 77 per cent o f women passed a9 vote Mrs. C raig points out that under A fte r 43 years' occupancy o f the edi­ s c r ip t io n . In the implements of war and cultivate the Sworn and subscribed before me De­ against some 60 per cent o f the men. the California code (1) a married wom­ maidenhood, wo­ S o o t h in g ; arts o f peace. Our fathers swore eter­ cember 3, 1894. Amos. C. Rathbun, The men’ s record is improved, however, an, in order to become a sole trader, torial chair ot au English periodical manhood, wife SYf ~ Charlotte M. Yonng has been retired. nal vengeance on the palefaces. This hoe d and moth (Seal.) N otary Public. the general proportion being raised to that she may feed and clothe and edu­ - FO R C H IL D R E N T E E T H IN C erhood the ‘ Pre was because o f the tradition handed tis 62 per cent, if we add the examinations For *alc by a ll H n ig (k l« . <•* C'rnta a Bottle. Dr. W illia m s ’ Pink P ills contain all cate her children, must first prove as scription ” is a dv them of an invasion of tiappers and the elements neacessary to give new for the railw ay m ail service, for which much against her hnsbaml as sli*- wonid supp rting tonic WANTS A COMFORTABLE COFFIN. traders who valued nottbe Indian's life. life and richness to the blood and re­ women are ineligib le.— N ew York Post. have to prove to secure a divorce from a n d n e r v in e They went to the sea and found their that’s peculiarly him and must also tell why she does T lie F a t h e r « if CongreNHinan B r «> o k * liire le store shattered nerves. They are for W o iiih ii In P u b lic A ffa ir s . adaptei ea to her friends at Astoria by the great water H a v in g O n e M a d e to O rd e r. he not ask for a divorce. (2) A ll property sale by a ll druggists, or may be had by needs, regulat­ The United States senate on Feb. 13 and left some to mourn their Indian • • • • A Craw fordsville (ln «l.) correspondent acquired by a woman after marriage, m ail from Dr. W illia m s ’ Medicine ing. and strength discussed a b ill providing for town sites dead. But we live side by side with emng the system other than by g ift, devise or descent, says: “ There is a man living uiiie m ilts Company, Schenectady, N. Y ., for 50 in Oklahoma. Senator Peffer offered an him now, and from the rising to the and curing the becomes community property, over south o f this city who, though in the cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50. amendment to change the words " q u a li­ derangements of the sex. Why is it so setting sun we know no foe for whom which the husband has the sole manage­ best of health, has given his orders for many women owe their beauty to Dr. fied electors” to " a i l citizens of the w e wonid pnt on the warpaint and ment and control. (3) That mothers bis coffin. His name is Drake Brook­ Pierce’s Favorite Prescription ? Because SOLD E VERYW H ERE. United States.” Senator Blackburn op­ ride forth to return with scalps hang­ HIS SILENT BRIDE. have no share in the ownership and con­ shire. He is the father o f Hon. E. V. beauty o f form and face radiate from the JOHN CAR LE St 50N S, New York. posed the amendment on the gronnd that ing at onr belts. Our ponies no more Brookshire, the Democratic congress­ common center—health. The best bodily trol o f the children. condition results from good food, fresh air carry ns to bloody attack. We own the She V ow ed N ev er to Speak to II¡in A ga in , “ it would make every woman as well man from tliis, the Eighth, district. Mr. and exercise coupled with the judicious but M a rried H im Just the Same. suffer in* from the error*, in- as every man in that territory a quali­ great father at Washington as our great Brooksfaite weighs 280 pounds, has al­ use o f the “ Prescription.’ ’ M ine. M aria DeraUm ea. »llRcretloiiM,exoeM*»4 of you*h, Abont 18 months ago Mrs. Cartell was fied voter.” Senator Peffer said: chief. H im we obey. The past is for­ or di*>< tiae* of the re|»rodue- It reaches the origin of the trouble and Mine. Maria Deraismes, who for 30 ways lived upon a farm, enjoyed the Uve organi, all < f wh eu M "M r . President, my intention is very gotten. M ajor J Jm, go to yonr people Miss Fannie Brambley, a beantifn! corrects it. P a l m e r & R e y B r a n c h best of health, having never been sick a years had been an obstinate defender ot to Coti*umptton or insanity if not treated In and say Yonng Chief sends them peace young lady of 18 years, and Jerry Car­ plain. I intend to avail myself of every time, can find i - kkm an k n t cukk by corre* i on«t- day in his life, and is now 67 years of the principle of equality with man of tell was her favored suitor. But, as is opportunity to strike out the word ing with u«. Our rem*Nliea endorsed b\ ttie and good w ill.” — Portland Oregonian. Electrotypers medical profetisi«»!». No O itackf . k y . generally the ease with young lovers, ‘ male’ where that word reuiainin • weman "b e fo re the law, before society age. The other day he came to town i l o i ’ k l.\> M M M C A l . f o , , Manchester. Conn and went to an undertaking establish­ Stereotypers... a quarrel arose between them, and in would interfere in any way with the and before lif e , ” lately died in Paris. MEDALS FOR BRAVERY. From early child-* the heat of passion Miss Fannie angrily rights of females. The tim e lias come She was born in Paris in 1835. In 1872 ment aud informed the proprietor that hood until I was * Merchants in (iordon and Peerless K in g Oscar S-m l* R ew ards to T w o G allant bade her lover leave her presence and when we need the help o f women in she published "E v e C o u treM . Dumas,” he wanted to purchase a coffin. The grown my family J proprietor, after asking who was dead, in 1875 " L e Theatre de M. Sardou,” A m erica n Seamen. Presses, Cylinder Presses, Paper Towed by high heaven she would never pnhlic affairs. I f there is any portion spent a fortune] was greatly astonished on being told w ittily written protests against the parts F. K. Borden o f 520 Sonth Front peak to him again. The disconsolate o f the banian fam ily that more than trying to cure me ( Cutters, Motors of all kinds, that it was for the live man standing given to women in the plays of these BEST N THE W0RL0 si reel, form erly chief officer of the bark .over took his departure, bnt as he fa ir­ another is interested in the home, it is I of this disease. I visited Hot Springs I Folders, Printing Material. It* r f j v i n * r e unRurj^sscd,*ctu*lly and was treated by the best medical I S. G. Bowart, was presented last week ly worshiped the g ill he ardently set the women— onr mothers, our wives, onr tw o masters of the bourgeois drama. before him. outlaa lng two boxe* of auy other brand, r roe “ Mr. Brookshire, however, quieted . men, but was not benefited. When" through the Swedish and Norwegian abont to effect a reconciliation. A t daughters. Every yonng man when he She published in 1835 "E p id em ic Nat- fror* / n is i-: OU. W K T T H K f l l ' M ' I N K . failed I de-1 all things had! She was an indefatigable him by saying that he did not intend to FOR tSALtL BY OREGON AND consul with the K ing Oscar medal ct the last in answer to a pitiful, pleading let­ searches for a w ife and makes a selec­ nraliste. ” try S.S.S. i • termined to r Patentees of Self-Spacing Type. f^ W A S H IN U T O N MFHl H AN TN ^M ) second class for his gallantry in saving ter Miss Fannie relented and penned to tion does it believing that he has not contrihuter to L ’ Epoqne, Le Grand die until he had to, bnt that he wanted months was» aud Dealer* gen«»/»IIv. ! and in four |_ Journal. Le NainoJanne and Le Repub­ to die with the knowledge that there the crew of the Norwegian bark Anun- him a loving, forgivin g message. Sole Makers of Copper-Alloy Type only selected the best woman in the terribi? eczema» : entirely cured was a coffin already made for him in lican de Seine-et-Oise. She studied sci­ da of Christiania. Captain W. J. Lar­ Overjoyed at the happy termination world, hut one who is his equal in every ' was gone, not a sign of it left My X. r . V . ü. Ko. «Ä4 -B. F. N. U. No. «81 sen. Seaman Patrick Mulvaney, who of affairs, he hurried to the home of Miss respect. There is not one man in a ence. music and painting, she learned which lie would have plenty o f room. and I have| general health built i The undertaker did not seem to know volunteered to row Mr. Borden off to Fannie and was received warmly and fam ily in every 100,000, i f he is worthy l never had any return the disease. ( G ieek and Latin, she accumulated in­ I have often the waterlogged wreck,received a medal affectionately, bnt without a word of of the name of a man, who does not be­ formation on a great variety of subjects, just what to do, and Mr. Brookshire, ) recommend- o f the third class from K in g Oscar. A 3 R A A A A A A welcome. Taking a tablet and pencil lieve that his w ife is fu lly his equal in and her aim was to demonstrate by her seeing his embarrassment, laid down i ed >>.s. and I have n e v e r ___________ The Bowart fell in with the Annnda from a desk, she liegan a w ritten cover- taking care o f all the interests of the individual evidence the universality of upon the floor and ordered his measnre- H . yet known a failure failure t to o cure. off the coast in February, 1893. The sat,on as though she conld not speak a fam ily, in looking after the children feminine intelligence. She was a mem­ ment taken. The coffin w ill lie made of GEO. W , IR ------- W IN , Irw in, Pa. two inch oak, firm ly bolted together, latter was in a sinking condition, and word. She is very devout, a member of while they are young, and wbc does not N ever fail* to cure, ’ ber of the Sooiete des Gens de Lettres and w ill be 6 feet 6 inches long, 3 feet even when all other < although a heavy sea was running and the Meihouist church, and was firmly know that after the boy and the girl remedies have. Our and honorary president of the United wide and 2 '.j feet deep. A fte r the coffin treatise on blood and < it was hazardous to launch a boat even impressed with the idea that if she have left the parental roof her sympa­ Societies o* Librc-Pensee in the depart­ is made Mr. Brookshire w ill try it and skin diseases mailed Mr. Borden volunteered to try to res­ should break her rash vow God would thy, her love, her affection, her prayers free to any address, j ment of Seine-et-Oise.— Paris Letter. see i f it fits him. He also says that he cue the crew. Seaman Muivaney offered punish her by striking her dumb, when and her tears foiled- them wherever CO.. Atlanta. Ga SWIFT SPEilFIC desires to he taken to the graveyard iu to go with him, and the two managed she could speak to no one. C h ica go's W om an Engineer. they go. I repeat, Mr. President, when­ his farm wagon, drawn by his team of to get alongside the derelict and took The courtship proceeded with pencil ever 1 have a favorable opportunity 1 BEWARE Chicago now has a woman engineer, is the whole story off Captain Larsen, his officers and and paper for several months, and then propose to avail m yself of it and g ive to who has successfully passed the ordeal favorite m ules.” • f Imitation trad« It ** the medicine above mark* and label». I crew. The shipwrecked men had given they were joined together in the holy woman— God bless her!— every advan­ ®f a rigid examination. A contempo­ about alt others fo r catarrh, and C h ica g o*. B o ttle Craxe. up all hopes when the Bowart hove in bonds o f matrimony. During their tage, every right and every privilege rary says she was not let off easily either is worth its weight in gold. A curious fancy in bric-a-brac has sight, and even then thought the sea too married life of nearly a year Mrs. Car­ that I en joy.” because she was a woman. In fact, the I cun use Kly's Cream furnished one man the foundation o f a beHvy for a resene. The medals are of tell never spoke to her husband until The amendment was lost— 15 to 42. writer says her examinait in was, i f any­ Balm with safety and it moderate fortune within the last year. silver, with the head of K ing Oscar on some days ago. thing, a little more severe than usual. does all that is claimed for\ He has a store on State street, near one side, on the other the name with Tli-d B ’ cy c le M ade Useful. Last Christmas M r.Cartell made his The yonng woman walked into the board it. — B. H’. I'fterry, Hart­ the motto " F o r humanity” in N orw e­ w ife a present of a handsome and costly 1 believe t i e wheel w ill yet he re­ of examiners’ room in the city hall, pre­ Fourteenth, and used to lim it his trans­ ford, Conn. gian.— Philadelphia Times. pair of vases. The other morning the sponsible for many changes and ad­ sented her application in a manly way, actions to the pnrehase and sale of old 111 l Y 3 r t f ! H ( r P C Costs no more thin other package soda— never spoils husband was bringing in an armful of vancements in women’s dress that we deposited the official fee— $2—and then bottles. Druggists and barkeepers were 111 | i a G I \ a £ C > a . flour—universally acknowledged purest in the world. R o ya l F lap d oo d le. wood and struck one of the vases and are not yet prepared for. And the time made her way into the line of the appli­ his principal customers, lint now one may see fashionable carriages at the K E Y ’ S C R K A M B A L M Open* and cleanse* The United States representative for knocked it to the floor, whete iT broke is soon coming when a woman on a Made only by CHURCH k CO., Hew York. Sold by grocers everywhere. cants to await her turn. Among other ihe Nasal Passage*, Allay* Pain aud lnflamma the first time took his place in the high­ into a hundred pieces. wheel w ill excite no more comment, no questions she was asked as to the size of door on almost any bright day, and he turn, Heal* ths Sore*, Protect* the Membrane f o r A r m a n d H a m m e r B o o k o f v a lu a b le R e c ip e s —F IL E E . est rank this week at the royal social "O h . Jerry, look what you have matter how ontie her dress, than would the blowoff required for a seven horse w ill tell yon that the wealthy and peo­ from cold*, Restore* the Sense* of TasU and -------------------------------- Smell. The Balm is quickly absorbed and give* ple'whose tastes run to odd ornaments functions. Mr. Bayard stood last but done!" cried Mrs. Cartell. be excited by the same woman afoot. power engine and what she would do if relief at once. A panicle is applied into each nostril, and it one in the small group of embassadors She was horribly shocked at speaking Women need this exercise more than the valves stuck fast. When the ex­ are regular visitors there. They bny agreeable. Pi ice, 50 cent* at Druggist*’ or b j odd shaped bottles and jngs of all sorts that flanked the Prince of Wales at the to her husband ami believed that she men. There are many women who have ELY' BROTHEEri, amination was finished, the examiners and pay handsomely for such treasures mail. 56 Warren Street, New York. queen's levee. The prince on formal had been stricken dumb. T o ascertain more tim e to ride than men. There are wrote at the end o f lier paper "accep t­ as old Dutch wares in blueortheqnaint M ixe« with vi.l.l w .ter. K e li.L le «lid «ale. occasions like this is no less strict than the correctness of her belief she spoke thousands of women livin g near towns A g l ’* fo r O regon W a a iiitif JAMES U M I C O ., Pollimi, Dr. *»«*n the qneen herself in all matters of eti­ to him again and was overjoyed to dis­ or villages who perhaps have horses, ed .” and Miss de Ban is now a full decorated bottles in which varions ton , I »tali »». Hak ota ,V M untati* fledged licensed steam engineer.— Dela­ liquors and mixtnres are imported. quette. He prescribes even the smallest cover that her organs of speech had not who do not get the exercise or go down ware T w iligh t. Glazed jugs of tine finish and drinking details of dress. Americans who wear been in the least impaired. mugs such as the Germans showed at ordinary evening dress at levees were G en tlew om en R e q u ired an Nurse*. In the happiness of again hearing his town as often as they would. The men notified recently to wear whit"' studs w ife speak to him Jerry folded her in folks are away, "nobody to hitch np, One o f the growing institutions of Jackson park last summer have become and plain white gloves instead j f with bis arms, wept tears of joy and thanked got to dress, etc., and we’ ll let it go un­ Pittsfield is the Bishop Training School almost a craze and bring three or four I* the only known remedy that w ill destroy Fuill Caballeros sixe, ••15 ner thou.and per cent cash dtBCuunt. black braid. His royal highness is God for the breaking of the vase. Mr. til tom orrow.” A ll first-cU** dcalers shouln keepthtm . For Nurses. The hospital has 50 beds times th eir’ former value.— Chicago the Microbe in the Blood without injury to the system. Millions of people testify to its won­ Even the short m ile or less is more and the training school accommodations Record. quick to detect the slightest irregular­ and Mrs. Cartell feel as if a cloud had S IC S I C H E L * C O . , P O R T L A N O , O R E C O N , S O L E A C E N T S derful cure*. ___________ ity. He noticed some fault in the uni­ lieen lifted from their home, and there than she cares to undertake for the de­ for 40 nurses. The nurses enter for a CorrespoiKlvucr so illcatlon. M a rried In H aste. BY REMOVING TH E GAUHE— sire. But g ive that same woman a form of a British army officer presented is not a happier conple today in Dyer tw o years' course, receiving the first IT CURBS A L L HUMAN DISEASES. W hile the town board meeting of on Monday and embarrassed the man county. rrriinble (Tenn.) Correspond­ wheel, and the m ile is reduced to less year ¡f8 per month and the second year West Indianapolis was in session a few A d r k e free. Try a bottle. lOO D o m i 9 1 .0 0 . than a quarter. The little ride can be f 12 per month, besides hoard, washing beyond measure by remarking in a low ent. Write for circular* and testimonial* free. made a pleasure. She can do the shop­ and instruction. The junior, or first nights ago Justice o f the Peace Allen, tone when greeting him, “ Nothing like ----