Cottage Grove echo=leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 18??-1895, May 11, 1895, Image 1

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P r o g r c íiiv p , R e lia b le fin G
> e w *jr !
la c r e a s e Y o u r B a s in e * «
A n A d v . In th e
lü c h o -- L o a d e r
Echo - Leader
A L iv e N*« \ m p ap er i i
a L iv e C it y !
W i l l A r o o m p lU h i h *
K n a ll. T ry I t i
Cottage Grove Echo-Leader,
A L a rg e
Echo-Leader Building.
N u m b e r o f V a lu a b le
S e c u r e d b y t h e S ta t e .
Washington, May 9.— Representative
Hermann has secured from the iuterior
for the use o f the Oregon
E ditor and B u s i n e s s M a n a g e r department
selecting agent o f indemnity school
lands, a transcript and list of the school
sections within the nnsurveyed por­
R a t e s o f .S u b s c r ip t !«» ».
tions o f the Cascade forest reserve, the
0>’ K Y E A R ...................................................* 2 OO
Bull Run reserve, near Portland, and
« •
Th ese rates are stric tly in advan ce.
.subscribers wishing n change in their the Mount Hood and Ashland reserve,
p stottice address should give their old as well
near Ashland.
transcript is
as new address.
Th e E cho -J. kadfr w ill be sent to subscribers necessary tor the state agent, as when
until all arrears are paid and paper o r d e e d to
he makes an indem nity selection, he
b i d scontinued according to law.
g g f “ A ny subscriber not re c e iv in g his paper most designate the loss for which the
re gu la rly w ill please n o tify this office im m e­
indemnity is to be taken. These desig­
d ia tely.
f )g F ~ W e in v ite short a rticles o f een e-al In­ nations must be made section by sec­
terest—long ones, as a ru le, n ot published. A ll
a rticle* must be accom panied by the n am e o f tion, as near as may be, at least the se­
the w riter, t o t fo r pu blica tion , but as evid en ce lections must show that there are ac­
o f good fi i.h . W e assume no r e tp jiis ib ilit y fo r
tual losses. It is shewn by the tran­
the opin io n s ot correspondents.
Entered s i the postoffice at Cottage G ro ve as script procured by Mr. Hermann that
second cla.-s matter.
there are in all 296 sections, o f 189,600
acres o f rich school lands, which, be­
A d v e r t i s i n g R a t e s M a d e K n o w n o n A p ­ ing reserved by the government, w ill
p lic a tio n .
give the state the righ t to select indem­
nity lands to that amount. The selec­
tions may be made from surveyed lands
C H U R C H D IR E C T O R Y .
elsewhere in the state. A ll the sur­
veyed school lands w ith in the reserves
i 11 M B K K t.A N D P R E S B Y T E R IA N C H C R C H — now belong to the state.
By the law, as
Sunday sch ool, JU a . m . P rea ch in g, 11 a . m .
and 7 i*. m . Prayer m eeting, each W ednesday at soon as a township is surveyed the right
h i ’ m . (*« We are jo lrn ey ng unto a place o f of the state attaches to sections 16 and
w li cb tne Ix>rd said, I w ill g iv e 11 y o u : com*,
thou w th us and w e w ill do thee good.” — 36, and the department announces that
Num b. 10:29.
F. / . N F S BE I T , Pastor.
the laud so surveyed and afterwards in­
cluded w ith in the lim its o f the forest
M .a u d S i*. m . Sunday »c b c o l at 10 a . M reserves cannot be taken from the state.
Y . P. S. C. E., each Sunday at 4 f . m . M idw eek
By the operation o f the forest re­
prayer an i praise services, W ednesday e v e n in g
a t ? o ’, lock. Musical leL ea r-al, each Saturday serves, which took from the state the
e v e n in g at 7 o c ’ lo ik.
nnsurveyed school sections and allows
the state to make selections elsewhere
e t h o d is t
< h c r c i i -S u n d a y s c h o o l
Oregon is a great gainer. The 189,600
. at 10 a . m . Pre .citin g each fourth Sunday
acres may now be selected from sur­
m orn in g and even in g. Prayer m eetin g , every
Thursday night. •* T h e Lord !s in H is h o ly tem ­
veyed lands that are o f no value, and
p le.”
R E V . E. G iT T IN S , I’m-tor.
which may be disposed o f by the state.
Probably it would have been many
years before the lands in the present
reserves would have been surveyed by
the government, and it is also likely
that the sections which would become
school property would have be< ti for the
most part absolutely valueless, at least
Mob of Striking Steelworkers for many years to come. The ‘ inacces­
sible mountain and timber lands would
Dispersed by Police.
have been a drug on the land market.
s t r ik e r *
W ere
P o le *
H unga­
r ia n * . W h o A t t e m p t e d t o D r i v e
.M H ebini.*t* F r o m W o r k .
Chicago, M ay 9.— A serious strike
occurred this morning at the Illin ois
Steel Company’ s plant. T w e lv e hun­
dred men threw down their tools and
walked ont. The strike resulted from
a demand by the furnace men for an in ­
crease o f wages. The company refused
to grant the raise.
The strike closed tw o blast furnaces,
tw o others were undergoing repairs,
and the rem aining four were at once
shut down until the conclusion of the
strike, the company deciding that it
was unwise to attempt to run until the
nintter was settled. This action o f the
' cT iiipaiy tnrew abont 3,500 nlon out of
w ore, none rem aining except the
watchmen and machinists. The strik­
ers were at first disposed to be orderly
and peaceable; but later affairs took on
an ngly aspect, and it was found neces­
sary to call on the police to drive them
Shortly before 6 tonight a crowd of
1,500 men forced their w ay past the
watchmen at one of the gates, and pro­
ceeded to take possession of the prop­
erty. They marched first to where
some o f the laboring men were still at
work, aud compelled them to quit
work. N ot much trouble was experi­
enced w ith the laborers, but when the
strikers reached the machine shops,
where abont 400 machinists are em­
ployed, they met w ith a different recep­
tion. The machinists have a scale of
their own, and, as the fight o f the
other men made no particular difference
to them, they refused to quit or allow
themselves to be driven ont o f the
yards. The strikers, who for the most
part were Poles aud Hungarians, made
several attempts to persuade the m a­
chinists to leave their work, but find­
in g themselves unsuccessful, they began
an attack on the machine shop w ith
st ines and such missiles as they could
find. The machinists for the most part
stood their ground, and gave the strik­
ers as good as they sent. The fight was
grow in g warm, and broken heads and
bloody noses were grow ing very com­
mon, when the p o ':ce arrived. They
were under commanc o f Captain Jen­
kins, who at once made a charge on
the mob, w ith his handful o f officers.
The strikers at firs: refused to give
ground, and the police used their clubs
freely. This did not have the desired
effect, and Captain Jenkins ordered his
men to draw their revolvers and fire
over their heads. As soon as this was
done, the mob broke and fled w ild ly
from the premises o f the company.
The fight lasted only a few minutes,
and there was no more rioting. T w en ­
ty-eight men, who were leaders in the
attack, were arrested and locked up,
charged w ith rioting. They are Poles
aud Bohemians.
During the riot in the yards, four
men were painfully injured.
Shepard, a machinist, was struck in
the head w ith a hammer aud badly
hurt. Edward Shaska, a striker, was
badly bruised. Policeman Leinecker
was hit w ith a coupling pin aud had
his head badly cut w ith a brick.
Possession of Liau Tong Sur­
rendered Unconditionally.
I’ e a o e
E n v o y s 1Y111 M e e t
A U B I.
D u rr a n t'* A tt o r n e y * a re AA'orking 1 lo n g
T h l* L in e .
Run Francisco, M ay 9.— Theodore
Dnrrant’ s attorneys have discovered
evidence which they believe w ill en­
able them to establish an alibi for their
client so far as the W illiam s murder
case is concerned. A M arket street
hairdresser, states that M innie W ill­
iams. who was a regular patrou, en­
tered his shop at 8 o’clock on the even­
ing o f her disappearance. She had her
hair dressed, leaving the shop at 8:25.
A s it is estimated that by taking a ear
im m ediately she could not reach Eman­
uel church until 8:50, Durrant’ s coun­
sel argue that Durrant could not there­
after have escorted her to the church,
outraged and murdered her, and then
walked to Dr. Vogels’ , where he ar­
rived at 9:15.
D U R R A N T ’S
I f f W ill
W ere
H a v e A b u n d a n t T im e
p a r e f o r H is D e fe n s e .
P re­
San Francisco, M ay 8.— Theodore
Durraut w ill pass several quiet weeks
in the county ja il before he is placed
on trial for his life for the murder of
Blanche Lamont and M innie W illiam s.
The police w ill not hurry him to trial,
desiring to g ive him abundant tim e to
prepare for his defense. The case w ill
therefore not be called until July. Chief
of Detectives Lees said today that the
supreme court had passed strictures on
police department for having
brought to speedy trial Fredericks, who
shot Bank T eller Herrick. Though
Lees believes the criticism unjust, he
said the supreme court would be given
no opportunity for finding the same
fault in Durrant’ s case. He added that
the case of the prosecution is complete,
and is ready for trial at any time. The
police are dissatisfied w ith the evidence
of Organist King*, who, in a palpable
effort to shield D'urrant, stated at the
prelim inary examination that he de­
tected the odor of escaping gas A p ril 3,
although this statement is controverted
by the janitor and tw o plumbers.
Threatening letters have been received
by the schoolgirls who identified Dur-
rant as Blanche Lam ent's escort from
school on the day o f her disappearance.
The girls have been warned that i f they
testify against Durrant again they w ill
receive physical violence.
T in * R e f u g e e s F«»ro«*«l t«> S ig n a n A «l< lr«»ss
o f T l i a n k * t o t h e S u lt a n .
London, M ay 9.— The D aily New s
today publishes advices from its corre­
spondent at Khars, saying 8,000 o f the
survivors o f the recent massacre in A r ­
menia who returned to their homes
under promise of protection for the
Khnrds, are being daily persecuted and
tortured at the hauds o f the Turkish
officials, supported by gendarmes.
For tw o months, it is added, the o f­
ficials have tried to force the refugees
to sign an address of thanks to the sal­
tan, stating they met w ith only kind­
ness at the hands o f the troops, and that
all troubles were caused by Khnrdish
raiders and the sultan’ s troops took no
part in the slaughter. Those refusing
to sign are beaten, placed in chains and
suspended for hours by the feet. Women
are outraged,
children shjunefully
treated and the soldiers dragged women
and girls aud forced them to sign the
C o s t.
Chicago, M ay 9.— People were in
line a ll yesterday at a Chicago depart­
ment store buying $5 gold pieces for
$4.75, aud $1 silver pieces for 90 cents.
It had been advertised on Sunday that
1,000 $5 gold pieces and 1,000 $1 silver
pieces would be sold on these terms,
providing people brought the even
change. The object, as advertised,
was to illustrate to the Illin ois state
senate that the store was not afraid to
sell things at or below cost. This came
about through the recent senatorial in ­
vestigation o f Chicago’ s department
F a v o r * In t«* r o «» lle g ia te F o o t b a ll.
Cambridge, Mass., M ay
9.— The
question o f intercollegiate football was
brought up again today in the first
m eeting of the Harvard faculty since
the return of President E lliott from
abroad. N o official statement was
given ont, bnt it was learned from
authentic sources that a m otion prohib­
itin g the students from taking part in
intercollegiate football contests failed
to pass by a good majority.
N o 1 5 c p ly F r o m
London, M ay 8.— A dispatch from
Paris says Japan has surpassed the
hopes of the friends of peace and even
the conditions arranged by Russia.
France ai^^dlerm an y.
L ik e every
power w h o ^ ^ ^ v s its own mind, Japan
is prompt in her resolutions and does
not seem to desire to prolong the con­
troversy by the adoption of half meas­
A St. Petersburg dispatch to the
Tim es says that Japau’ s reply to the
powers, renouncing definite possession
of the Lian Ton g peninsula, was re­
ceived w ith surprise. Much attention
is given the words “ definite p o s s e s ­
I f they mean the temporary
occupation of the peninsula until the
indemnity shall have been paid, Ja­
pan’ s answer is not lik ely to end the
matter. W h ile averting war it w ill
be only the beginning of a diplom atic
campaign. In a leader this morning
the Tim es says:
“ W e welcome Japau’ s decision w ith
satisfaction as rem oving a danger to
the peace of the far East. Had Japan
allowed herself to become implicated in
a struggle w ith Russia the peace o f the
world would have been jeopardized.”
A R M E N IA N S .
S e llin g B e lo w
( ’bee.
Yokohama, M ay 8.— The Japanese
government has unconditionally relin ­
quished a ll claim to the Lian Tong
peninsala, in accordance w ith the re­
quest by Rnssia, France and Germany.
London, M ay 9.— Oscar W ild e was
released on bail today after furnishing
personal bonds for $12,500 and two
sureties for $6,250 each. The sureties
were Lord Douglas o f H awick, eldest
surviving sou of the Marquis of Queens-
berry, and Rev. Stewart Headlam, a
graduate o f Cambridge university.
The latter said:
“ I became surety for Oscar W ild e
on public grounds.' I fe lt the public
mind was p re ju d ic e d before the case
I m -^ hu , and I am anxious to g ive him
aI1T help possible to enable* him to
stand trial in good health and spirits.”
A t i 2:30 W ild e was driven in a cab
fr„ m H olw ay ja il to Bow street police
conrt> w here the bail was form ally ac-
oepted. Then, in company w ith Lord
Douglas of H aw ick W ild e le ft the
court. WTilde w ill probably leave Lon­
don at once for the seaside.
The statement of C. F. G ill, counsel
for the prosecution, that the W ild e case
w ill undoubtedly be retired, was made
without the authority of the prosecu­
tion. It has not been determined
whether the government w ill take steps
to have W ild e again placed on trial.
It is w illin g he should again be ar­
raigned, but it is understood heads if
the church and other persons urge upon
the governmeut the fact that harm has
been done to the pnblic by the adoption
of such a c arse, referring to the
printing o f the details o f the case. In
the meantime the police are ordered
not to maintain too close a watch on
W ild e ’ s movements, and not to pre­
vent him from going to the continent
i f he wishes to go there.
E x ch a n g e R a tifi­
c a tio n * o f th e T r e a ty .
D o tig la * and a C le r g y m a n
I i* B o n d * in e n .
and F o r m a lly
! L o rd
W IL L .
.I n U n e x p e c t e d R u l i n g W a s M a d e in t h e
C ase Y e s te rd a y .
S e c t io n *
E. P. T H O R P ,
NO. 41».
VOL. ().
E n g la m l.
Ottawa, Out., May 9.— Hon. G. Fos­
ter, leader of the government in the
house of commons, announced today
that the Canadian government had re­
ceived no reply from the im perial au­
thority as to its request on the British
government to communicate w ith W ash­
ington regarding the British Columbia
sealers’ claims for indem nity against
D r P ric e ’s C r e a m B a k in g Powder. the United States for ille g a l seizures
W o rld 's F a ir H ig h e s t A w a rd.
in Behring sea.
K ew eenaw
M o n ts e rra t
A A 're c k a g e .
Seattle, May 8.— The Sitka Alaskan,
o f A p ril 27, brought down by the
steamer Topeka, which arrived here to­
day, says:
The schooner Maud S. entered Yaku-
tat A p ril 15 w ith abont 250 sealskins.
Captain M c K e il said that in Rose har-
bor, Queen Charlotte island, the In ­
dians had a large sign bearing the name
“ Montserrat” nailed on one o f their
houses, and in the house was found a
smaller board bearing the name “ K e ­
w eenaw .”
The captain further stated
that w h ile at Cross sound he found some
pieces of finished woodwork, evidently
belonging to some -wrecked vessels.
This is the first news ever received of
the steam colliers Montrserrat and K e ­
weenaw, which were lost last w inter
w h ile en route from Nanaim o to San
Francisco w ith coal. It is supposed
they sank simultaneously. They were
in the same storm and only a few miles
distant from each other.
San Francisco, May 8.— In the fight
for the F a ir m illions the “ b ig four”
executors of the first w ill, which so
mysteriously disappeared
comity clerk’ s office, w i l l have a de­
cided advantage. Judge Slack ruled
today that the stolen w ill mnst be dis­
posed o f before the latter w ill, pro­
duced by Mrs. N ettie Craven, can be
considered. The first w ill filed w ill
therefore be the first contested. This
is considered a matter o f great im port­
ance to the proponents, as the tactics of
the F a ir children w ill be to evade the
forfeiture clause under the first w ill,
supporting the second, the provisions
of which are more to their liking. The
decision g ivin g priority to the proving
o f the first filed w ill was an unex­
pected blow to the children, who ex
pected that the Craven w ill would take
precedence, because of its later date.
The petition for the probate o f the first
w ill w ill be heard Wednesday, when it
is supposed the attorneys for the child ­
ren w ill present their grounds of op­
position. Then, it is understood, the
attorneys for the executors w ill protest
against consideration of this opposition
on the ground that the tim e for filin g
the contest has lapsed, that point hav­
in g been allowed to pass in efforts to
secure recognition for the Craven w ill.
T h e F a i l u r e o f l l i e C a p t a in t o M a k e H i*
W i l l B o b * H i * F ia n c e e .
San Fnyjcisco, May 8.— A pathetic
romance has just come to ligh t in the
settlement of the estate o f Captain
Frederick G. Clark, who is supoposed
to have been lost at sea w ith the ill-
fated sealing schooner Dagmar, in 1878.
He wanted his money to go to his
fiancee, but as he failed to make a w ill
the state of California w ill get i t The
pnblic administrator has jnst filed his
final account in the case, which was
placed in his hands first in September,
1894. Though there is no legal way
by which the dead captain’ s wishes
may be enforced, it has come to the
knowledge o f the public administrator
that he wanted his money to go to
Miss N e llie Ormond, o f Boston, to
whom he was engaged.
Captain Clark first m et the young
lady on his return from the c iv il war.
He and her brother had been bivouac
companions, and when young Ormond
was wounded the captain nursed him
faith fu lly. By a starnge misfortune
Captain Clark was seriously hurt while
in Boston and his devoted nurse was
N e llie Ormond. A fte r his convales-
The captain
<*“ « !
came to San Francisco and entered the
service of the Alaska Commercial Com­
pany, and it was arranged that he
should marry the g ir l on his return
trip, which, as fate w ille d it, cost him
his life.
Captain C lark’s companions often
heard him speak of his fiancee, and his
busiues., associates heard him say tiin<
and again that he wanted a ll his money
to go to her i f anything ever should be­
fa ll him; but as he died without mak­
ing a w ill, and as none o f his relatives
can be found, his estate, which amounts
to $5,000, w ill go to the state.
D e c is io n s C o n c e r n in g C a s e s
a n d A Y a s h in g t o n .
O re go n
San Francisco, M ay 8.— The court
o f appeals handed down tw o decisions
today covering eases in W ashington
and Oregon. Dexter Hatch appealed
from the decision of the superior court
of Seattle, wherein E. C. Ferguson had
carried a suit to substantiate the right
o f the w idow o f Ezra Hatch to dispose
of certain claims in a pre-emption
right, and which had evntually been
taken to the circuit court of the United
States for the district o f Washington,
on a plea o f error, where the judgment
Secretary Herbert Declines to
Go tu Kiel.
liA lE T IE S
S u g g e s t io n
C o iig r e ».
S h o u ld
P r o v id e F u n d s fo r an In te rc h a n g e
o f H o s p ita litie s .
Washington, M ay 7.— Secretary H er­
bert’ s declination o f the invitation
from the German government tp be
present at the K ie l naval ceremonies
was due to the fact that he is not a man
of wealth and did not feel that he could
afford to undergo the round o f fe stivi­
ties to which he would be asked as a
member of the president’s cabinet and
secretary of the Am erican navy w ith ­
out returning some o f the many c iv il­
ities, and to entertain at a ll would cost
him a largo sum of money.
From reports received here the cere­
monies incident to the opening o f the
great canal w ill be o f the most elabor­
ate character, aud it is anticipated that
the naval pageant w ill be the most b ril­
liant of modern days and far surpass
the naval n v ie w at N ew York, both in
the number of ships present and their
size and power. Secretary Herbert
was at first inclined to witness the
sight, and was abont to accept the in v i­
tation when the fact that he would be
expected to do his part o f entertaining
foreign admirals, German officials and
other dignitaries was brought to his a t­
tention, and he promptly realized that
to accomplish this would result in a
great inroad upon his salary as secre­
tary o f the navy.
The officers of the United States fleet
w ill also be called upon to draw liber­
ally on their pay to keep np their end
w ith the rounds o f gayeties that w ill
follow the ceremonies. N ow that four
United States vessels have been assigned
to the K ie l celebration, the question of
the navy department’s being always
without a fund on which the admirals
o f fleets can draw for the purpose of
extending courtesies to visitin g ad­
mirals and staff officers is again being
discuss 'd and compared w ith the even
liberal policy of other great naval p ow ­
ers to their fleet commanders when or­
dered to participate in occasions of
ceremony requiring social obligations.
Great Britain, France and Germany
have recognized that their admirals
cannot afford to spend their salaries in
the entertainment of people whom they
are brought officially in contact with,
and provide sums expressly for the pur­
pose o f w in in g and dining them when
oocasion demands an interchange of
hnepitalitites. The adm iral command­
ing the British Mediterranean fleet is
allowed $8,000 a year for the sole pnr-
pbse of entertaining visitors, w h ile the
admiral of the channel squadron is per-
“ lifted to spend $5,000 a year also for
this purpose.
Under onr system of naval admin­
istration the national government does
not contribute a dollar for like pur­
poses. Secretary Herbert believes that
congress should appropriate each session
a sum which could be available for fleet
commanders on foreign stations when
they are compelled in their official ca­
pacity to entertain foreign representa­
tives of other governments.
W a H b in g to n C o n c e r n * A u t h o r iz e d t o
B u a fn e * * In t h e S ta t e .
Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U.S. Gov’t Report
Olympia, M ay T.— The fo llo w in g ar-
tid e s o f incorporation have been filed
in the office o f the secretary o f state:
Mayer Hardware Company, o f Ta-
coma: capital stock, $2,500, divided
a s s is a
into fifty shares o f $50 each; ineorpora-
tors, M. P. M ayer and Lou Flannigan;
to carry on a general wholesale and re­
tail hardware business.
The Indian agent at the Siletz has
K iu g Broom Company, o f Seatte;
received official notice from the Indian
capital stock, $1,000 divided into 100
department at W ashington stating that
shares of $10 each; incorporators, T.
the department had recognized the ac­
G. W ilson, H. C. Sovenson; for the
tion o f the county court in appointing
clearing and improvement o f Snoqnal-
Condensed Telegraphic Re­ justice o f the peace and creating road
m ie rive r and d rivin g logs.
districts at the Siletz, and authorizing
Olym pic Land & M inin g Company,
ports of Late Events.
the agent to abolish the Indian oourts
of Port Angeles; incorporators, L.
as these Indians are now citizens. The
Levy, W . F. Hooker; capital stock,
Indians have a ll been allotted their
$100,000, divided into 10,000 shares of
B R IE F S P A R K S FROM T H E W IR E S lands, and there remain to be opened
$10 each; to handle real estate in
I to settlers 84,000 acres.
Palouse Mica Company; canital,
$100,000, divided into 10,000 s h ^ ^ of H a p p e n in g * o f I n t e r e s t in t h e T o w n s a m i '
C it ie s ot' O r e g o n , A V a s liin to u
$10 each; incorporators, C. T.
and Id a h o .
B. Duke and W illia m G oo d y^ ^ B to
purchase and operate mines, m ining
Spokane erpeets G eneral» Schofield
property, etc.
and A lg e r at the Grand A rm y encamp­
Paris B elle Gold M inin g Company,
of Spokane; capital, $800,000, divided
The m ill at the Rt bbins-Elkhorn
into 800,00U shares o f $1 each; incor­
porators, C. Glass, P. T. Byrne, J. H. mine, Baker county, O r., is abont to j T o M e n w h o l i a v e * « in a n d e r e d t im e a m i
Yates; to carry on the business o f m in ­ start np again.
m o n e y in t h e n « e o f »»o l*o n < »n n d r u g « ; t o
In 1892 Tacoma’ s expenses were m e n w h o a r e a l m o s t In d e e p a l r f r o m t h e
ing in the United States and British
$340,795.92; in 1893, $294,234.34, aud e p e a t e d f a i l u r e t o d i n r o v e r t h e r e m e d y
f« » r t h e i r c u r e , t h e * « l e t t e r * a r e o f f e r e d
K licktat Fish Company; capital, $1,- in 1894 only $187,742.79.
t o a llo w t h a t t h e y c a n h e c u r e d b y a
000, divided into 1,000 shares o f $1
Some 50,000 pounds of new’ -clip w o o l' r e m e d y w h ic h n e v e r f a l l * .
each; incorporators, G. W . Smith, F. has come from Heppner, Or. One lot
A. Seufert, T. J. Seufert and J. W . of 18,000 pounds brought 6 cents.
Condon; to engage in the fishing indus­
Seattle has 200 men at work on its
try on the Columbia river.
vacant lots gardening on the Detroit
Mountain Sprite M ining Company, plan o f caring for the unemployed.
of Tacoma; capital stock, $500,000,
Am ong the subscriptions to the Seat­
divided into 500,000 shares of $1 each;
incorporators. Nelson Benuett, M. V. tle canal subsidy was one from the Sis­
B. Stacy and H enry Blackwood; to ters o f Charity at Providence hospisal
for $150.
operate mines and handle m ining
Roseburg, Or.,
is m aking liv e ly
machinery in W ashington aud British
preparations to entertaia the state W.
Stanwood Land Company, o f Everett; C. T . U ., w’ hich meets there M ay 15,
capital, $25,000, divided
into 250 16, and 17.
A N e a r Failing
Personal W eak­
shares of $100 each; incorporators, W .
Roseburg’ s (O r.) marshal has been Cure (or A ll
ness of Men.
R. Stockbridge, George J. Ketchum put out o f office by the city eoucil for I
and Angusta Stockbridge; to do a g e n -! turning in bills for k illin g dogs he had -
eral real estate business loan money, traded and sold.
$700 Worth of Medicine Failed.
W ashington Asbestos Compauy, o f
Tacoma; capital, $1,000,000, divided
into 1,000,000 shares of $1 each; in-
irporators, S. ” H. " Onimet and ' ” E. W.
Ouimet; to manufacture aud deal in
Herald Publishing Company,
Seattle, incorporators, J. F. Hickman
and A Byars; capital stock, $1,000,
divided into 10 shares o f $100 each; to
do a printing and publishing business.
Harrisburg, Or., teacher was
Y o u r E lec tric Belt cured m e o f d e b ility and
hanged in effigy a few days ago, as an kt'lm 'V tro iilil)' a fter 1 h «d «pent | W o r |T0tl In
vein e ffo rt. w ith q tacks and pa ten t m ediciuea.
evidence o f dissatisfaction w ith his
H A u
R L a E i S M A N U ,
“ W alla W alla , W aah."
severe punishment o f a boy.
The distillery at Grants, O r., expects1
K l e c t r l r l t r 1« » l u t o . u . e d a . a l » . t r . -
soon to increase its w orking force. The
s o rt, h mi i t l i n e r fu ll* to c u re w h e n a p ­
establishment now pays tribute to the p l i e d b y D r . S a n d e n 'a K l e c t i l c B e l t .
government to the extent o f $700 daily. |
A new shaft has been started at the
Gem mine. It w ill be a double-com­
partment shaft, 15J deep, and is de­
signed to drain the mine, as a p relim ­
inary to development work.
I would not pr rt with th!* belt fo r all the
w eu 'th iti C a lifo rn ia If I eon .* n ot get another
lik e I '.
" A lin a House, 218 B roadw ay, 8 hii F ra n c is c o ."
“ 1 was almost a w reck, p h ysic a lly and nien-
A n inspection o f the proposed route tn lly w hen I got y o w rb it. U n i n ow a sound
ftu'1 W ealthy n u n , In m ind and h o ly ,a n d wo Id
for an electirc road from ( i o l r i e n d a l e * 1 l recom
m en d jo u r b e ll to any o n e suftering from
Wash., to L y le results in an estimate w eakness.
A R. eM A L L ,
**W a lb burg, W aah.”
Trenton, N. J ., May 7.— The papers that $20,000 w ill buiH the roadbed and
in the case of Rossella Ruhman, lietter bridges. The grades are very easy.
known as Z ella
M li i ’ n y o u fin d y o u r s e l f f a l l i n g in y o u r
A lot of free-m illin g ore from H.
George Gonld tor $40,000 were filed
v i t a l p o w e r * , y o u * h o u l« l w eek a l<l, a u d
M attern’ s mine, the Ophir, is being
D r . S u n d e n '* K l e c t r l c K e l t I* a l w a y s »
this m orning in the office o f the su­
run through the Ashlaud quartz m ill s u r e c i n e .
preme court.
this week, as a test. Mr. M attem has
The papers aver that the p laintiff
a tunnel in some 170 feet on this prop­
‘ I wn* alm ost a wreck pbytd a lly and o th er­
was in possesion of a check or deposit
w ise: had t»aI litH'ion t f ih e h eart P oor dfge*-
erty now.
certificate o f $40,000, which she after­
Hnn, va ricocele and a g- n e n l d e b llltr , and had
Tw enty-eigh t m ining claims in the tried e v e ry th in g w ith nt aid. F in a lly 1 tried
ward lost in Jersey city. It W’as found
you r belt, and it has c m d n<*.
by George J. Gould, who has refused v ic in ity o f M ethow, Wash., arq run­
" A . A. K l U TZ,
“ Tu alatin , '* ashiugtou cou n ty, O r.”
to sign it, although repeatedly asked to
do so. She charges that Gould fraudu­
lently converterd the certificate to his ber o f men employed in the industry
A * te a «ly e v e n
flo w
o f e le c tr ic ity ,
reaches about 110.
own use.
Z e lla
N ic o la iiM C o n t in u e * t o M a k e
W a r m fo r th e M illio n a ir e .
c o u r u in g
th ro u g h
th e
e n t ir e
fo r
Peter Jacobs, a w ell-known brewer I h o u r * a t a t i m e , w i l l c h a r g e e v e r y v i t a l
The petition sets ont that the plain­
tiff is only 19 years old aud asks the o f Union tow II. Waah., i« about to die f u » c u « n w it h n e w l i f e a n d v i g o r . I t la
»»* vital power, and
court to appoint Law yer Alexander from taking anti-fat pills aud at the | ih *'
w i l l m a k e t h e m a n ly n tr e n ic th c o m p i e i «
Simpson as her next friend to prosecute same tim e shutting off on beer. He in t w o «»r t h r e e m o n t h * .
lost abont forty pounds in a month.
the suit.
F r a n * E n t e r t a in e d f o r t i l e S a f e t y o f t h e
The court granted the request. Gonld N ow he has a sw elling o f pus form a­
F o r e ig n e r * T h e re .
‘ F o r thè la st fiv*» year* 1 wdr nlmowt tota li?
mast file his answer w ith in th irty days tion, gangrene has set in, and he vom ­
a re« k“ d I n m v ritm i
nini a * * alimmt iti
H ong Kong, M ay 7.— The situation from the tim e the summons was served its blood.
de*-|»Hlr Nothiinr »eeme«1 io d o ine a ny goo<l
on the island o f Formosa is serious, aud on him at Communipaw last week.
I e o i your Ic lt. A fte r w eftring it three
W ork on the new cigar-shaped raft untai
m o n ili , | nm nnw. th *n k <iod! * i t*w m an, fu ll
fears are entertained for the safety of
at Stella, Wash., is progressing slow ly o f vltn l pow er, an i «o m p et‘*Iv cu^ed o f * 1 1 m y
foreigners there. British and German
b lv '.
W. A. NK1.HON,
ow ing to the im possibility o f securing t io “ u duohom
ifth, \V*sh.”
I marines have been landed at An Ping, f i e n e r a l U a l l e j a E x p l a i n * W h y H e AVa* suitable logs as fast as wanted. The
on the southwest coast, to protect the
raft is now about one-half completed,
N o t .4 h i e t o S u p p r e * * I t .
foreign residents, and Taku harbor,
A p r -r m a n e n t c u r e I * g n a r a n t e e d o r
Madrid, M ay 7.— General Oalleja, aud Mr. Robertson hopes to be able to
sonth of A n Ping, is being patrolled by
leave the Columbia
river the latter part m o n e y r**fu n rie d lu a l l w e u k n e * * e * o f
blue jackets in armed launches. The form erly captain-general of Cuba, h a s , , ,
m en . A p o c k e t e d lt lo n o f th è c e le b r a te d
e l e c t r o m e d ic a i w o r k , “ T h r e e < la * * c n o f
»> * > :;*"> — * - » * •
t "«
»• ;* “ ' ■ » « < —
and a safe passage to San Francisco.
“ b la c k f l a m ” a r e t h e i r r e g u l a r fo r c e s , v
e w he
h e s stated
t a t e d t that
h a t he was aware of
M e n . " II I iiN t r a t e d , I* * e n t f r e e . * e a l « d ,
McKenna, H
aw , ley and , G
ilbert . could
lack rtil8H” .are ‘ he ‘ r e g u la r * > «* »• I v i iew
K r e ry y o n iif
Arrangements are said to be making h y m a l i , n p o n a p p l i c a t i o n
find no error in the decision o f the I TheT ar'' I,ot, m > hlna f. I ? 7 ’ tkouKh the beginning of the rising in Cuba,
m a n , m l d d l e - a g e « ! o r o l d m a n ■ n tle r fr tg
court appealed from, and returned an
t h è M lig h t e K t a e a k n e * * s lt o u ld r e a d I t .
over them. W arfare is their profes­ o f the filibuster in the United States paper m ill plant at Green Basin, Or., I t w l l l p o l n t o u t an K A H Y , N C K K A M I
opinion sustaining the court below.
and the separatists in Cuba. H e was, on the eastern division o f the Oregon S t ' K K I i Y W A V T O K K I 1 A I N M T K E N 4 4 T H
The appeal o f M elvin Short, on be­
half of the heirs o f Marshall B. Short, bread, as they raid and rob Chinese aud however, powerless to prevent the ris- Pacific. Some experienced paper m ill A N D I I K A L T t f . AV H E N K V K K A T I I I N U
E L M K f i AH I A l l E D .
and Sven Anderson, on behalf of the others indiscriminately. They have no ing in the eastern end o f the island, men, who have been connected w ith
heirs o f John A. Peterson, representing law, but the commands o f their lead­ ow ing to the want o f organized troops the Oregon C ity m ills, propose putting
an appeal from the decision o f the ers. They are much bolder and more and the scarcity o f w ar material. He j in a $150,00 plant to m ake the wood
United States circuit court o f Oregon, warlike than the average Chinese, and had only 9,000 soldiers and 2,000 w ar pulp from hemlock timber, which is
recruits, a force not adequate to g a rri­ abundant there.
wherein the appellants were liable for have little fear of death. The French
son the towns, let alone to take the
the claims levied against the barge Co­ were greatly troubled by them in Ton-
field against the rebels. Though he
lumbia, was dismissed by Judge M c­ quin. It is said i f the Chinese can
was aware that filibustering expedi­
N o M o re P r iz e fig h t s .
Kenna on the ground that the lower turn the “ black flags” upon any spe­
cially hated enemy they consider it a tions were being organized in Havti,
N ew Orleans, M ay 8.— The state su­ court had made no error.
great stroke of enterprise. It is also Tampa, K ey W est and Costa Rica and
premo court today handed down a de­
said when the French, during the Ton- elsewhere, he had only seven inferior
cision reversing the decision of the dis­
quin campaign, complained to Viceroy gunboats to watch 400 leagues of coast
L a b o r t o C e le b r a te .
trict court, in which the low er court
“ In February, 1862, I bad six hem­
Chicago, M ay 8.— Organized labor L i Hung Chang against the outrages of line. General C allejo added that he
ruled that prizefighting as recently eon-
the “ black flags” to demand that he believed Marshal de Campos would orrhages from the lnngs and for some
here m ight be continued. The throughout the state o f Illin ois w ill
^ I f l O O worth of lovely Musk fer Forty -
Property ,
^ I I I . . Cent*, cinsisting o f ioc pages ^
decision was rendered in the appealed celebrate the Fourth o f July this year. secure their punishment, the viceroy speedily pacify the island.
months was nnder the care of two doc­
* * 1 W
full size Sheet Music of the ^
case of Louisiana vs. the Olym pic Club.
latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular ^
both vocal and Instrumentaf.
The supreme court rules that the recent the auspices of the Illin ois federation
turned without any benefit to my
gotten up In the most elegant manner, in-
were of labor, and that body has requested bers, scamps and China had disavowed rebels.
eluding four large size Portraits.
health. I then read of your treatment,
CARMENCITA, the 8 pant ah Dancer,
nothing more nor less than prizefights, its subordinate unions to recognize the them.
M I L W A U K E E ’S M O R A L W A V E .
and sent for some, from which I felt
P AD E*r.W 8KI, the Great PlanitU
and that as snch they are prohibited by nation’ s birthdny in a befitting manner.
great relief, and have continued using it
The celebration in Chicago w ill be
state law. The injunction originally
T lie G a m b lin g
E v il
D e n o u n re «!
I a *t
steadily up to the present time, with
prayed for is granted aud prizefighting on an elaborate scale, and w ill include
N i g h t F r o m t h e P u lp it .
good results.”
in N ew Orleans w ill hereafter be pro­ a parade in the morning and a picnic H i* B r o t h e r D e t e r m in e « ! U p o n a T h o r ­
o u g h In v e s tig a tio n .
Associate Justice Watkins in the afternoon. Here they w ill be
“ I am certain your treatment has
than a score of local pulpits volleys
San Francisco, M ay 7.— Fred John­
addressed by the leading men in the
filed a dissenting opinion.
tonight fired at the “ gam ­ been the means of restoring my health.
labor movement from a ll over the son, brother o f Gunner Johnson, who b lin g e v il in M ilw aukee.”
This ora­ I have added fifteen pounds to my
United States. Am ong these it is said was killed on board the cruiser O lym ­ torical symposium was the result of weight aud am still gaining, have a good
AA’ u iv«*«! t h e Q u a r a n t in e K a l e s .
Washington, M ay 8.— Secretary Car­
several months o f qniet bnt effective appetite and sleep well. In fact, I can
lisle has directed the federal authorities Am erican Federation of Labor; P. J. Coronado beach, h,.s received a letter work upon the part of the Milwaukee conscientiously say I am a walking ad­
at Tampa, F la ., to commnncate to the M cGuire, general secretary o f the
Ministers’ Association. Detectives in vertisement for your treatm ent-”
state quarantine authorities his opinion Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners; brother, in which the writers declare the employ of the association gathered
J. F a l l o w , 154 Sonth Gieen St.,
that the United States laws do not w ar­ Henry Weism sn, general secretary of to be true the published stories regard­ evidence showing the existence o f pub­
ing Lientenant-Cominander
Chicago, Illinois.
maCAVtAlo.l nftut MARKs^W
rant the detention of the Spanish cruiser the International Bakers’ and Confec­
lic gambling. The ministers laid this
C O P Y R I G H T S .^
Infanta Isabella on a reported violation tioners’ Union; W . B. Prescott, presi­ Accompaning the letter is an affidavit, before M ayor Koch and Chief o f Police
I f yon will know more of this treat­
C A !» I O B T A I N A T A T E S T »
of the federal quarantine laws. The dent-of the International Typographical dealing in detail w ith Sturdy's treat­ Janssen, and when these officials de­
prompt answer and an
m i honest
b o n M opinion, write to
cruiser arrived at the entrance to Tam- Union, and Samuel Gompers, ex-presi-
I N N 8c C O ., who have bad nearly fifty yean*
clined to act, they decided by co-opera­ ment, and read the testimony of many M
experience In the patent t ojunees. Comunmica-
pa bay Friday evening. The state i dent o f th e ’ Am erican Federation of has visited the navy-yard and states tive means, to bring the m atter before others, who have been cared by the tiona strictly confidential. A H a n d b s s k o f In­
formation concerning P a t e n t * and bow to ob­
that he is prepared to prove that the
authorities fum igated her and it was t Labor.
the people. The ministers charge that Compound Oxygen Treatment, not only tain th«*m sent free. A lso a catalogue o f machan-
leal and scientific books sent free.
reported intended to detain her for five |
gamblers have the protection o f the po­ of consumpt on, but of various other
Patents taken through Mono k Co. reeetv*
gross carelessness on the part of at­
notice in the K r ie a lif lc A m e r i c a * , and
days at quarantine, under the treasury
lice, and that policemen have acted as diseases, send for hook of two hundred special
thus are brought widely before the public with­
P ension R u lin g R everse«l.
cost to the nTpntor. This jp len did paper.
regulations. The secretary waived this
guides to the gam bling houses, receiv­ pages, sent free. Or call and see ns. out
Issued weeklT. elegantly illustrated, has by far t b «
Washington, M ay 8.— The action of Mare island. Johnson w ill leave for
regulation by w ire to the collector of
largest circulation o f any scientific work in tbo
ing tips for their pains.
W e treat pat ents at the Office as well world. S 3 a year. Sample coptee sent free.
the pension bureau in construing the Washington soon, where he w ill present
Building Edittoo, monthly, 12.50 a year, dtnglo
as at home.
legal meaning o f dependence under the the data in his possession to the secre-
M «»r e R e b e l A ie t o r i e * .
cents. Every number contains baaa-
ttiui plate*, in colon, and photographs o f new
act o f June 27, 1890, has been reversed tary of the navy and demand an invest­
Carson M in t E m p loy «*« H c lie v c d .
bouse*, with plar.s, enabling builders to *bow Ut*
Tampa, F la., M ay 7.— Passengers by
DRS. S T A R K E Y & P A t.E N ,
latest datigns and secure contracts. Address
igation into the death of his brother.
the steamer Mascotte tonight bring re­
Washington, M ay 8.— The superin­ by Assistant Secretary o f the Interior
1529 Arch St., I ’ liila., Pa.
M I N N i (XL. N e w T o n s . 301 B k o a d w a t .
ports that the forts o f San Ramon de
tendent of the Carson, N e w , m int has Reynolds, in a decision on a depen­
A n Im lia n A g e n t Sued.
las Y’ agns, w ith 290 men, and the L a ­
relieved J. T. Jones, the assistant mett­
South M cAlester, I. T . , M ay 7.— A conia m ilitary post, w ith the same
er and refiner, and has asked for Secre­ ! vides where the property possessed by
tary C arlisle’ s approval o f the action. the mother having no other means of number of prominent citizens o f the number o f inmates, in Santiago prov­
support is so small that it w ill not yield Osage nation have brought suit against ince, were both captured last week by
This great A e g e u j,!«
The rem oval w ill be approved.
V lia ii2>T,theprew rip-
an income sufficient to support her dur­ M ajor Freeman, agent of the Osage In ­ 1,750 insurgents under Maceo. Cap­
Won o f a famous French physician, w ill quickly cure you o f ali ner­
Freeman confiscated several tain M alla who was in charge of a de­
A n O f f e r F o r t h e F u i r AA’ h e a t.
vous or d»w.-ase* o f the generative organ*, such as Loet l 1“
ing life, it should not deprive her to a dians.
In nia, rains in the Back.feenjl! al f.rnk*i«.n«. Nervous Manhood,
San Francisco, M ay 9.— A n offer of
Pim ple*, 1 ufitnem to M arry, Kximusting lsrainft. Varicocele a* <i
tachment which was captured w h ile
’divin ation
. Jt day
I 1 t
o r a n igh
y o r n igh t Prevents qoP-k-
80 cents a cental is said to have been means o f support” the law is inter­
escorting provisions near Bay am, was
iisrhnrge, which
' J !e*ria
ro o f di-r-iiarge,
« hich i f not
n_ check
U> Hpermatorrhcsi. and
all the horror* of Im potency. « I f * I I> l.N E H l
• the lives, the
made for the F a ir syndicate wheat in preted to mean not m erely enough to in building a bridge across the A rk an ­ taken to Havana to be tried Friday. It
B E F O R E a n o A F T E R kidney* and the urinary orga’ -sef ah impurities.
C T P I D E A E strergt bens and restores small weak organa
bulk, 175,000 tons, more or less. This supply the necessaries o f life for a lim ­ sas river, which would open up the is thought he w ill be shot Saturday.
w fih
would make the total purchase price ited period o f years, bnt a comfortable Osage nation to the surrounding towns There is mnch dissatisfaction among
oet a t 1 1 » » . CC P i DK v K is th** o o ! y known rem«*dr to cure wlihout an operation. UMth teerimonl-
ai*. A written gu —antee given and m oney return«*! if r x boxes doe* not eiT
$2,720,000, bnt the offer was refused, maintenance of the pensioner daring for trade. Complaint has been lodged the Spanish officers aver W sllso s exe­
| U « a box, sir f.»r$ mail. Send for f k k ic circular aud testimonial*
with Secretary Smith against th « agent. cution.
the bid being considered too small.
the remainder of her life.
Addi«tM la A V O L f l l . I » l ( t > I. C O ., p. W Bex 3/7b. San Frauoaro. (ful. F u r Sale fry
Sanden Electric Co,
| P R B E p