„ j p ,, . t ------------ . . . . . . . . ------- -- --- ---------------------------------------- , NORMAL SCHOOL NOTES. R ailroad T axes .— T h e railroad j G. L. Burch has just made a very : j company will pay their county taxes j fine case for Dr. Snapp. Raise hogs, raise hens, raise fruit, W. F. Hemenway, spent Sunday iu Francisco May 1, charges Durrant The entertainment last Saturday as soon as the amount can be defi- j May come in with a goo-1 rain. raise grain, raise hay, but be careful Eugene. with the murder of Blanch Lament. night was quite a success, nitelv ascertained. It was th o u g h t! how you raise the devil.— Ex. Oeo. Ozrnentof siuslaw, was in this , The scoundrels who attempted to; Neil Campbell left last Friday, at one time that this corporation TT\T Subscribe for the E cho -L dader . Don’t think an editc" can do 'dty Tuesday. | throw a cloud on her character were , for his home near Gardiner. would fight the raise made by the Bird Farrier is said to have found everything nor ask or cc -ipel l i n Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stewart, went to gbown up j n their true light by the The Junior's seem to be as in - ! court but they wisely concluded to: a rich ledge in Bohemia. to bear all the expences oi doing it. Comstock Tuesday. . vromr> Hemp, terested as the as Senior’s autopsy on ,__ her ____ remains. t e s in t e botany d in botany the on her remains. settle.—Eugene Guard. F or Millenery and raillinerv Dr. Oglesby lately performed .1 1 M r s . W . H . B e a g l e , r e t u r n e d j is th e o n ly le g it i- / f V „ trimmings, g o to Mrs. Newmans. . . Miss Eva Stafford of Y oncolla; I skillful operation on Mrs. Poindexter from Boswell’s Springs Wednesday, i The Local W orld. Tlie Eagle hose boys practicing this w eek / have been I f vou want any hauling don. leave your orders with ” t r- J ack K now lton . Dollars in your pocket to read the W’ebfoot Planter. L ____ .„ ¡m a t e r e m e d y fo r D u rra n t, an 1 Aalled on the Dormitory girls, last went to Mrs. Sarah Cochran, should Eugene Satur lay. i --------- be - swift and strong. - | Sunday morning. passe dan dan examma- , P r,'M:ent.v « onl.v ,utai“ ei1 ” •’ ( Harry Harry Thompson Thompson went went to to Eugene Eugene ! j E. E. P. P. Lung Lung and and S. Si P. P. Garroutte, G arroutte,; The m e Junior’s Junior s passe Tuesday, returning Wednesday. wili represent the Odd Fellows from tion in Ancient History, last Friday «ill ."'66 what wo can do in that line i ^ 'T.nil tho Hpnprfil of tli#* pinqc U lis SUW)!1Jer. ! Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Petrie have re- tbi8 town, in the grand lodge a t “ a 9 7 rf ® g p " b,jrf?. uui1 she is genii: mcily. „ Great Reduction ALL LINES FOR CASH! a lo n g | . turned from Siuslaw. | V a v 15 li FIN E I SH O ES See notice to creditors of estate of . . . F ’ * 3 Friday a portion of the Senior’s Phineas Massey, deceased. The ‘ ‘ ’ T ( . ’ Grove Tuesday. ’ Creswell correspondence or Eugene , took a g naj examination in Geom- t _ • i • f ' ",r) ‘ Guard: Wallace Bros, have apart of and passed w’ith an average F or Gloves, Mitts, Hose, Corsets rt M rs. Wilson Carey went to Halsey their tUe machinery ffi0Ved down here J l " “ ****** g — — AND— — and Ladies Underwear, g o .t o Mrs. E cho -L eader is a proper medrum for publishing legal advertisements. j Friday to visit relatives. j an(J also part of {he lumber for the Newman’s. A match game of base ball is to Over $50,000,000 are spent in ! C. H. Burkholder, o f Lemati, spent j sheds and will commence work on the be played Wednesday, May 1, at Money in poultry, if you know maintaining the churches of this Wednesday night in Eugene. sheds this week. Elktou, between the O S. N. S. team how. Learn how in the W ebfoot country, and $400,000,000 iu run­ Mr. Doak and Miss Morrow, o f ; Diversified farming is the rule here- and the team of that place. Planter. ning the jails. Loi^ine, attended the Odd Fellows, abouts now. Corn, beans and pota- C a p t a in J in k s . High arm Singer sewing machine supper Friday night. j toes are the leaders, while fields of almost new, for -ale at a great bar­ Call and P ay Up. gain. Inquire of A. Wood, Lemati. C. P, C hurch . — Mrs. L. M. Mr. Garroutte and Miss Carrie! peas are being tried by some and buek- All persons owing me for goods, Woosley, the Kentucky evangelist, The Eugene Register has changed are notified that they must pay up Wagner, went to Elkhead W cdnes-; wheat by others, E A K IN & B R IS T O W , day, to return Tuesday. j While in Stockton, Cal., some time arrived on yesterday’s local and back from a semi-weekly to a immediately. S. R. P iper . Henry Dewald is up from Canyon- W f Tfbos' F- Liingdon, of Los Banos, will begin a series of meetings in weekly; and this will be appreciated r . . , . * „ , ; that state, was taken very severely A man living in Benton county, ... W isiting by its readers. vdle, visiting his lus parents parent.-; for a short ¡ with v-ith cramps and und ,|iarrhoea. He the C. P. Church Thursday evening COTTAGE GROVE, - OR. who does net take a newspaper and time. I chanced to meet Mr. C. M. Carter, , Tli» number o f pupils enrolled in so did not know beef was high, sold He says: at 8 o clock. Mrs. A \ oosley is ac- ays : , M r 'ss „ b » ora . _ Yeatoh, of Cottage ' who was similarly afflicted. H ..ItoW Wm of ¿ hambcrlain.s Colie, the public school of this district a cow for $12 when he should have compauied by her husband, Mr. C. are 254. Highest number attend­ received 818 for it. Comment is Grove, is visiting for a few days I Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and t to t hG Hnl.lcn D r u g ' store G. W oosley. W e hereby extend this city.—Eugene Register. ing any one month 207. unnecessary. 1 “ 'i bot,Ie-°r- bottle of it. It gaye cordial invitation to everybody to Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Hawley came up , £ £ £ * it' The Rice family have moved relief and I can j . . a h - We are requested to announce from Creswell to attend the annivers- j vouch for its prompt „ having ilavi i cure haf 50 - 11 invite persons to give me a trial. T h e C o -o p e r a tio n M eeting:, M ay 3. brought out are simply immense. which meets at Salem May 13. ness, agon and :wno farm pair machinery, lain’s Pain Balm. During the Mr. Lockw ood, o f Lornne, has Careful arrangements are bein' head stock cattle, price S3000.(Kb one e5p*Call and see how you like the change. I am sure I can please J. A. Richardson, of Jefferson City, Henry Applegate of W eiser, I laho, evenning and night he was repeatedly half down balance on long time to spent a few days in this city. He Mo. Chief Enrolling force 38:h gener­ is visiting with his uncle, Mr. A. Todd. bathed with this liniment, and by made for the Lane Co. co-opeaatiou suit purchaser. For further particu- you. Your truly, J. H. McKINNEY. says the prospects of fruit and grain al assembly of Mi-souri, writes: I He is in the cattle business and will morning was relieved of all pains. m e e t i n g , o f t h e Church o f Christ a t \ b i r s w r i t e o r i n q u i r e o f G t .o . S m i t h , He now takes especial pleasure in in the Siuslaw va ley were never wish to testify to the merits of One probably take four or live hundred praising Chamberlain’ s Pain Balm. ] P l e a s a n t H i l l May 22-25. Elkt0n’ DoUgluS C° ” 0re^ 1 letter than now. Everybody over minute Cough cure. When otheT so- head of beef cattle from here when he and always keeps a bottle of it the I The co-operation will meet at 10. fhere is in fine spirits. J called cures failed, I obtained j returns to Idaho, which will be in , house. For sale by J. A. Benson,! ¡Cottage Grove, or Goe Lyons, Drain ¡a. m. Wednesday 22., and will D o not forget that Mrs. Louise | almost instant relief and a speedy three or four weeks. ! Druggists. Centrally Located. Free 'Bus to and From Round, State superintendent, and <‘ut o by the use o f One Minute Cough | One half interest in a brick yard continue in session Wednesday and national orgauizer in the mercy j Cure. For sale by J. P. Curt in Special Rates (or Families. all Trains. one mile west or Cottage grove p-a St­ An exchange tells the story of a | th u n d a y and wiU d o « their busi- , _ . _ I NEAREST HOTEL TO POSTOFFICE o f the M . C. 1. U., will lecture in An immence number o f bushels '-(¡[Ice. As good clay ¡is there is ill small boy who crawled under the Oregon for brick or tiling. bed when his moti ve wanted to; >‘^ 8 Saturday afternoon. Friday -Leni&ti, May i. of potatoes have been shipped O. II. W illard . punish him. She couid not g e t , ^ "uB be given to the work o f the GRANITE IRC Vi WARE, AMMUNITION, ETC. Our patrons will find De Witt,s Lit- lbro,igh Bangor from Aroostook Doctor H. R. Fish,-of Gravois Mills. him out, so she waited until his Christian Woman’s Board Missions Countv to Boston during _ the past tie Early Risers a sate and reliable returned from tho city, and the S. S. and Saturday the 25 Mo., a practicing physician of many lather remedy for constipation, dyspepsia few months. In November there years experience, writes: De W itt’s W hen his father returned he was ’ t j C. E. work. A special feature of ! by were shipped 170 cars, December and liver complaints. For sale 400, January 500 and February 690 Witch Hazel Salve has no eqtial for told of the case. H e started to \ the meeting will be an address on i FORM ERLY BAK ER HOUSE.— J. F. Curtin. - , A 1 these were sent in Eastmon Indolent sores, scalds and burns. It crawl under the bed to bring forth his disobedient sou. but was n e a r l y | S. S. work by Elder B. F. Bonuell, Headquarters for Travelling Men. L tV M .V TlM LS AT IllRRISBU Itf). — A ZK^LÑTCIX: á z W H I T E , Heater cars, and over half o f the stops pain instantly, heals a bt-rt t e a h i r at Harrisburg recently shipment come from the Bangor & quickly and leaves no scar, For sale paralyzed when tho livtIe fellow cx-state evangelist, and one on C. E. Sample Rooms Free. Rates from $1 said: “ Hello, dad, is she after you, work by H. A. Denton, Salem, Or., to $2 per Day. LEM ATI, OREGON. whipped a hoy for di-oh,-.lienee. Aroostook Railroad. A car will by J. P. Currin. Willamette Street, Eugene, Or. i too Y’ Hard feelings ensiiid and the affair hold from 950 to 800 bushels. State president. Those who arc The Odd Fellow’s anniversary | S. E BROWN, Proprietor. has ended up in n gem-tal row. , , , , l i i e blood nows almost as freelv unacquainted with the work of the The James G. Blaine, republican was celebrated with brilliant sue- , 7 , , ,- The teaeher w;.s hanged in effigy a through the bones as through the few dnys ago. The marshal became d u b o f south Lane county, has - cess, April „o. The lodge has 11 flesh of very young children, but as. C. AV. B. M. aud the C. E., are mixed up in it and a private eitizeii been organized in this city with ‘ large membership with numerous age comes on, the blood vessels in | e«peci«lly invited, Send names of attempted to whip him but got ! all delegates to to W. L. Bristow, forty members. This number will j and able working R; beckah’s. the bones are filled with matter. worsted.— Eugene Guard. Pleasant Hill. bo largely increased by the second | There were a large number of be0‘ One of our exchanges speaks of a ‘ The precautions looking towards La Grippe is here again with all its' Mdnday iu May, at which time, pie present an 1 the house w:^ millinery store kept • by - - a very health, to be aiailable and effective, CF old time vigor. One Minute Cough delegates will be elected to attend fuller tiian we have ever seen it. should be commenced enrly, the | estimable lady and says the editor Cure is a reliable remedy. It cures sooner the letter. To make only I the meeting in Portland. Officers— 1 The ladies had prepared a splendid 11 was very glad to see lier stocking | anfl cures quickly. For sale by J. P. an even rnee with disease breeding j president, W. H. Cooper; vice-presi- j supper and from the manner iu tip. The editor says be never was Currin. filth in a city, tho Health Board | dent, N. H. Martin: secretary, J. A. vvhjch it disappeared, wo think 1 so astonished as he was when the C h a l i . e g e R e c e i v e d — The second 1 needs to be alert and active the first Benson; treasurer, D. Bristow. Mens’ and Boys’ CLOTHING! MERCHANTS & BANKERS, S- R. PIPER. U im Stoves, bare and COTTAGE GROVE HOTEL, LIVERY and FEED STABLE, For No. 1 Goods and Low Prices in Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Ea li ie Store of L IA CUP ÄARiCSlU everybody appreciated it. The pro-1 paper came out> to meet the lady warm, sunny day of spring. Be­ R A I L R O A D T IE S . gram consisted of music, recitations, | anJ have Ler strike binl across tlie sides people are more willing per­ W e spent, a few minutes at haps then aud have more time to Latham Saturday, and Air R. C. a Short history of the order iu brow with an umbrella, and tell him clean up than when the season has America by Mr. Griffin, well pre- be wag tt liar anJ that bbe would advanced and other matters claim Monk, the superintendent o f the ¡pared, aud very interesting. : k l l bis wife. H e diden't know railroad tie preserving process their attention. Clean up. and a few impromtu thoughts what she wa8 mad at< and Le bad showed us all through the works. 72 per cent of persons owning tbe editor of tbe to read the item over several limes farms In the U. S. own free from A bout twmt.v five men are e m p lo y - 1 were esPre88e<1 Everybody^ nppar- to see if there was anything spiteful incumbrance. In Oregon the pro­ ed and the work goes on day ami j ” " ‘ b l U)ER'i portion is over 68 per cent. This is night. 30 00 ties a day are put i j ently enjoyed an exceedingly pleas- ; ¡Q j, vening, and left with many ; a pretty pood showing. With over | through the preserving process. W h o o p in g : C ough. two-thirds of the real estate of a ! happy thoughts over which to There is no danger from this country free frem debt the country I T " ° locomotive boilers and two cats Iream. disease when Chamberlain’s Cough is not goin g tc be sunk by d e b t,' supply the large steam power re- Remedy is freely given. It liquefies depend on that. The showing for quired. There are two immense city uarber siu»p. the tough mucus and aids its expeo- our o u t state is good. Fourteen retorts, each one long e - augh to Persons wantin laundrving done *' 11 also th,‘ ^verity i and frequeucy of paroxysms of make n poorer ■uunmS. showing. o i hi two car loans of ties tied up states Eugene by white labor will please i coughing, arid insures a speedy re­ is the worst, with only Kansas „ — ------- , ............ . , , leave tlieir work at my shop so 1 i covery There is not the least danger about 40 per cent free from iucom- " l,b chains. A cap is taken fron can ship first of the week. j in giving the remedy to children or babies, as it contains no injurious brnnre. Arizona makes the b e st' the end of the retort an 1 the ties G. \Y. R a in e s . ! substance. For sale by J. A. Benson, showing. The southern states as a are run right into it, and the cap put A. Todd desires to announce t h a t 1 ? rove> or Joe L ^ ns. Drain- section appear the best, lh e court- on ngajn. AVith a heat of several i Druggists. he is now prepared to do all kinds try is all right. hundred degrees, the sap is all of surveying on short notice. A lib­ Eugene Register: The C. P. D e a fn e s s C a n n o t b e C u r e d pumped out o f tbe ties and then eral share of patronage is solicited presbytery closed an interesting by local applications, as they cannot session Saturday p. m. Large rench the diseased portion of the ear. a solution of chloride of zinc is Residence iu the Sherwood block. Prices very moderate. There is only one way to cure Deaf­ forced into the ties bv hydraulic audiences attended the evening ser­ ness, ar.d that is by constitutional: vices aud the sermons were of a Sw eets o f K ansas. remedies. Deafness is caused by an pressure. There are six huge 4000 high order. Rev. Nesbitt, of Cot­ AV ichita , May 1.- A special from ir flamed condition of the mucous gallon tanks that hold the solution lining of tlie Eustachian Tube. , , , . Hnlstead says: At 4:30 this aftcr- tage Grove, the incoming tnoder- When this tube gets inflamed vou : ready to be pumped into tbe re- have a rumbling sound or im perleot: toris. AYater is pumped in oipes hearing, ami when it is entirely! , 1 , , ' closed Deafness is the result, and |f 10,11 tbe n ver to dtlute the chloride unless the inhumation can be taken ! ,,f zinc and for all purposes. The out and this tube be restored to its normal condition, hearing will b e ! Les thus treated are expected to destroyed forever; nine cases out of 1 hast about a lifetime of three ordin- ten are caused bv catarrh, which , is nothing but an inflamed condition | :iry P«ople- The ties treated at o f the mucous surfaces. Latham are used between Portland We will give One Hundred Dollars , , ,, 1T , for anv ease of Deafness (caused by and Ashland and Latham is consid- Bt»t < An not bo cured t>y; ered the best point at which to H alls Catarrh Cure. Send for eir- , . . , eulars free procure gooil ties in large numbers F. .T, C H E N E Y & Co., Toledo, O. on the southern Pacific road. About jt*~.Sold by Druggists, 75c. nOori ¡1 cyclone passed over ¡1 strip of : ator, preached Sunday morning and country near here killing six persons : R ev. I ngle, of Portland, in the ana injuring 20 others. Ih e (levas-1 • tin i r rated Strip Ü 1« miles and one-quarter I PTemn" ' At tho cln8R of the , ®ve,D- of a mile wide. The dead are: Mrs. I service three united with the Joseph W ear; Grace Wear, aged church and 11 ono w as babtized, an \oai.-; Herman \\ ear, aged nine yrs., elder was ordained and the usual and an infant, aged five weeks; Card- . , .. i • l i | tier Chapin : William Armstrong. I sacramental rites were administered. The fury of the storm seems to hav" : done its w ord about five miles w> '------------------------ ----------------- ~ of Halstead. The cyclone seamed to wobble first in one direction and then in another. So far as heard from it covered a distance of 18 miles across the country, from southwest to north­ west. Twenty residences, nearly all o f them large ones, were completely _ 125,000 ties had just been brought destroyed. The loss of property will A v a l u a b l e I a r m S o l d . — Rodnev , .. , probably be not less than 8200.000. i i his i ■ larm f i ' , down tlie river l>v •ott i lms sold three m ils J various persons 1 Physicians from Wichita went to the east of Springfield, consisting of 327 ! who largely make a living in that relief or the injured and local assi-d- aerts, to Bruno Vitus, for $27 50 business, At the river was a simple I anoc was given to suffering families. | Some of those hurt will probably die. per acre, or an aggregate of $9,292,- horse power machine with endless Fvv'rvfi* i tlie track or the storm ' dv ’ in 50. The Vitus’ «re the largest cbain> taking out of the m e r about l-Vt ' everjrt _ tiling. Outside aid will farmers in Lane county, and are probably have to be called for. successful. The family came heie 3000 ties an hour. Besides the ties Those who first saw the disaster rout­ n few years since and rented a farm that are brought down the river, ing say it made very slow progress, traveling not faster than a person near Junction City, aud to day they theie are great quantities cut at could run. are wealthy. litis shows that! saw mills near town and hauled in R u d y ’ s P i le S u p p o sito r y good farming will pay in Oregon. ( on wagons. Altogether the raii- is gnaranteed to cure piles amt Constipation, rr Mr. Scott.and family Will movt , . , . niouejr refunded, so cents per box. send two e ir c u ia stamps for ciruOlat an \, Registered i ’lw rm ads’ , Lancaster become residents of Eugene.— tion 1 1 ,ualO’ dollars duriu; 1’a- No Pesi.ti.s AxsvcHnhn. For sale by al fret class drueststs everywhere and In Eugene Eugene Guard: the year. fjrcgonby Osborn and Delano, Eugene base ball team has received a challenge from the 2nd Cottage Grove team to play them in that city next Saturday. The boys have not accepted yet ns the Cottage Grove hoys do not want to pay the expenses of tho trip up there. However, if satisfactory arrange­ ments can be made they will pro­ bably go. As the foot race comes off iu Cottage Grove next Saturday it will probably be a lively day for that city.— Eugene Guard. C A B L E FROM Q U E E N LIL. Dear Gresham:—One more boon I crave, I trust in your affection ‘Tis not to murder Dole, the Knave, Or put down insurrection; ‘Tis not my crown but me to save, I write in deep dejection; Aud so a package I must have O f Park’s Tea for m y complexion. G R E S H A M ’ S A N S W E R TO Q U E E N LIL . W hen I received your Cablegram I thought f sure would faint For though I often use Park’s Tea ” Tis not for your complaint. I feared that Mrs. G. would think Wrong about our connection ’ ’ Till on her dresser there I saw Park’ s Tea for her complexion. Sold by J. A. Benson. NIGHT Sold by J. A. B enson . Just M As Tie H. THOMPSON D E A LE R IN Family Groceries, Fresh Vegetables and Fruit in season. Medicines, Confectionary, ..JtS-Goods sold as cheap, as any of the same quality, as any store in town. #®-Red Front Store,' West Cottage Grove. Trespass Notice. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have posted trespass notices on my respective premises and all persons trespassing thereon after this date will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. L . II. Y arbrough . Acknowledged to be tbe Best: F o r O v e r F ift y Y ea rs. w CREAM j B A K IN G P O H D IR Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. Produce taken in exchange for Goods. F. S. YOUNGER. 100,000 FEET SEASONED Building Lumber. Our Saw Mill is in the Front for a TH E A n O l d a n d W e l l -T r i e d R e m e d y .— Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup lias been used for ! over fifty years bv millions of mothers for their j children while teet a"ii5, with perfect success. \ n \ v It soothes tlie child, softens the gums, allays a l l ! ^ w " pain, cures wind chol.c, and is the best remedy j for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists in ever: part of the World. Twen-1 five cents a bottle. Its yalue is incalculable. Be sure and ask fo • Mrs. W inslow’s Soothing i Syrup, and take no c:her kind. PHOTOGRAPHS M ADE BY THE BIG TRADE ¡W E M AKE A SPECIALTY OF INTERIOR HOUSE FINISH Sick headache, constipation and in­ DEL’ IS CARRYING First Class Goods, M O V E S THF. B O W E L S IN T H E M C ftN iN G . Awarded digestion ate quickly cured by De Highest Honors— World’s Fair, Witt’s Little Early Kisers, the fam­ Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. GROCERY STORE PHOTO COMPANY. For the manufacture of which we have superior facilities. AVeJ invite The above cut on any Photograph i parties contemplating building or reparing to call and inspect our lum- a guarantee of excellence. Enlarging : bf,r Respectfullv, from any kind of Picture, in Crayon | D on’t li "If postage stamps, cries Ink or Colors. Call and see our sum -: a Br:t..-ii nt ii.vu a tthoritv. They pies and prices of Crayon work. 8th and Willamette Sts.. Eugene, Or. COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON. pass through t my bauds, from the manufacturer t> the office boy~j ^ mg- FAK.U ERS-W l Salary and expenses paid weekly from start. They arc toi u c:7, falded and car­ |\ Permanent position. Exclusive terriiory r^ i ried ab ut th:."i:g!i t'o:.; offices iu H Experience unnecessary. Peculiar J adYanlagestobeginners. Li e r a U ^ ^ disease slri 'a t I«.- lities and some- t commission to local I time agents. Largest timeset.:: I iu l y ¡. ilb.ags dirtier Cora- | B; growers o f clGan, I have a First Class Full Blood AYe have 45.000 good brick, one hardy. r e U A b l a ^ J , than at:. . ;. V tcy nu-.y give yon ous little pills. Currin. For sale by J. P. J. I. JONES* j . diphth, Rm:d'p:>x or scarlet fever. They ;...-y have in fact any 1: "I 1 yea ce.il for. T herefor,'.I : . ,t. k theta. Moisten them with a wet sponge. n u rsery stock. 1 I U r ä i l S É I n FOR m BUTTER. Your t e Jersey Bull \ i ^ ^ f o r the c /r hard, j V k jC r 1 * « » *0^ Barden r W e - ant you now, while |l iriit 1» •«'I Jw ixnpoi'tant. Good chance forV advancement. Outfit and foil par f u n .U rs free. BROWN BROS. OO , nor- I wrymen. l ortUnd. Ore. (ThtahoureU ) ro b .o le . Kamo thie paper. E d ) : mile from Cottage Grove post office, ! which we will sell at reasonable I i prices. Persons wanting brick will ' please call on or address tlieir or.: *, _ut t ¡y place in GowUyvtlle—just wesl I dert? ;o • il \ i i D tv Moi £ t , f o f Cottage Groyc. Call and" nee him. Cottage Grove, Oregon. K obebt C akey . « if