Cottage Grove echo=leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 18??-1895, April 20, 1895, Image 1

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    Pro gred ire, Reliable snä
E c h o
-• L o a d e r
A IJve X« wspaper La
a Live City!
(lottage Grove Echo-Leader,
S e c re ta ry K in c a id 's D e c is io n a » to C o m ­
m is s io n e r*.
Echo-Leader Building.
Salem, Or., A p ril 18. — Governor
Lord, Secretary of State Kincaid and
Treasurer Metsehan returned
E D IT O R an J B U S I N E S S M a n a g e r their Eeastern Oregon tour today. Sec­
retary Kincaid today announced in
plain terms that he had fu lly made up
K u t e i o f S u b s c rip tio n .
his mind on the holdover commissioner
ONE Y E A R .............................. ................92 OO
question, and his decision is that he
* These rates are strictly in advance.
_ _ * Subscribers wishing a change in their w ill not issne warrants to the old com­
p stofflce address should give their old as well missioners until forced to do so by the
us new address.
The question now is:
The E cho - 1,KADrR w ill be sent to subscribers process o f law.
until all arrears are pa>d and paper ordered to W ho shall represent the state in a
be d scotttinued according to law.
Any subscriber not receiving his paper defense and whence w ill come the
eguTarl will please notify this office imme­ funds w ith which to pay the attorney’ s
We invite short articles of general in­ fee? Secretary K incaid does not con­
terest-lon g ones, as a rule, not published. All sider it incumbent on Mr. Idleman to
articles must be accompanied by t t e name o f ,
the writer, not for publication but as evidence | r e p re s e n t th e defense in opposition to
ol good faith. We assume ; no responsibility for i an o p in io n a lr e a d y rendered, nor w ill
* E. P. TH O RP,
the opinions o f correspondents.
Entered mi the posiofflce at Cottage Grove a« | ne a sk th e s e r v ic e s o f a n o th e r a tto r n e y ,
second cla*a matter.
j m a k in g h is r e m u n e r a tio n d e p e n d e n t on
----------------- ----- ----- — — -------- L _ =
; th «’ n r x t la g iflla t a u * T h e m ost ffe w flllg
course, it is held, and the one that w ill
| p**obably l>e followed, is to ask for pri-
11 vate subscriptions to defray the expense
I of defending the suit that is expected
C H Ü R C H D IR E C T O R Y .
to follow . One Portland man has offer-
ed to contribute <1100 and the secretary
l tl'M B K KI.AN D PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH-e- thinks enough can be secured by volun­
S iiiw I nv »vhool, 10 a . m . Preaching, 11 x. m . tary eonrtibutious to conduct the de­
mid 7 ¡\ m Prayer meeting, ench Wednesday at
A Portland attorney has offered
8 e. m . (“ We .r e unto a place of fense.
which tne I-ord said, I w ill give It you: come to represent the state for <250, and Mr.
thou w ch u, and we w ill do thee good."—
Selilbrede thinks Rosebnrg w ill also
Numb. 10:».
K /.. NESBE IT , Pastor
contribute funds. The secretary is con-
illlK I S T I A N ( H lR C H - t t R Y I C E S AT 11 A. I firmed in the belief that the citizens of
a. and 8 r. a. Sunday school at 10 x. a.
Y. P. S.
E., each Sunday at 4 r. a. Ml Iwcaa the state almost universally endorse
prayer and praise services, Wednesday e enlng his refusal to recognize the holdover
at : o'clock Musical reLearval, each Saturday
evening at 7 oc'lock.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —
A ilv e r t ls t n r K . t e . M a d e K n o w n
p lic a tio n .
on A p
e t h o d i s t c h u r c h —S u n d a y s c h o o l
ai 10 a . » . Pre telling each fourth Sunday
morning and evening. Prayer meeting, every [
Thursday night. “ The Lord Is in His holy tem­ .Another M mürrgip P r e v e n te d by a T u v k -
REV. E. GITT1NS, Pas«or.
lt*h O fficer.
Nicaragua’s Reply to G r e a t
Britain’s Ultimatum.
I t I * Ho P a c ific
Echo - Leader
W ill A coo ai p lieh the
Reealt. Try I t i
VOL. 6.
laereaee Tour Business
An Adv. ia the
{f e m e
New *j l
C h a ra c te r T h a t
p lo m a c y Is F x p e c te d t o A r* ju s t
th e R e m a in in g Details:.
London, A p ril 18.— The D aily T ele­
graph has a dispatch dated Hassank-
aleh A p ril 9, via Kars A p ril 15, which
says that ow ing to the representations
I of the powers, the porte has been tak­
ing energetic measures which, as has
B®611 proved, have prevented a series of
massacres. The Chrstians in Erzeroum,
the dispatch says, were terror-stricken
j the night of the 2d inst., on account of
a report that more than a hundred
Turkish soliders had attempted to leave
their barracks and begin butchering the
1 Christian inhabitants. The report was
j true, and a massacre was prevented
only by the action of the commander
I of the garrison, Shah Pasha, who at
the first sign of an outbreak ordered
*he troops to return to their quarters
immediately. The command was not
obeyed, whereupon Shah Pasha ordered
a volley to be fired by the troops who
remained faithful, and thirteen of the
recalcitrants were shot dead on the
spot. Precautions against a massacre
\ Rave been taken throughout the prov­
ince, but a sense of insecurity prevails.
Washington, A p ril 17.— It is reliably
stated that Nicaragua has replied to
Great Britains’ ultimatum. It is in the
nature o f a counter proposal, and not
direct acceptance or rejection of Brit-
ish demands, and as such it is not yet
known whether Great B ritain w ill ac-
cept it as a response to the ultimatum
w hich made three demands:
F irst— Money indem nity o f 15,500
pounds sterling for alleged personal in ­
juries to British subjects, including the
C o n d itio n s in t h e T h r e e S tates R e p o r t ­
B ritish consul. Hatch.
ed i o t h e W e a t h e r B u reau .
Second— The revocation o f the dec­
laration of banishment against British
Washington, A p r il 18.— Special tele­
graphic reports to the weather bureau
T hird— The formation o f a commis­ g iv e the follo w in g accounts of crop con­
sion to decide by arbitration the dam­ ditions in the Western sections of the
ages done to property of B ritish sub­ country during the week ending A p ri 15:
jects expelled from Nicaragua.
W ashington— Grain that is up looks
The ultimatum contained no lim it of w e ll; spring seeding is mostly finished;
time, but in a subsequent note Earl it is too w et for work in the Western
K im berly stated that an answer to the part; frin t is uninjured by frost, but
ultimatum would be expected w ithiu there is some ligh t damage by hail.
seven weeks from February 26. The
Oregon— Rain is badly needed east of
the Cascades; vegetation has a healthy
seven weeks are up tomorrow.
N icaragua’ s answer is in tw o parts. growth,but it is slow; sheepshearing has
The reply to the second demand is that commenced and the wool is extra fine;
Nicaragua, even before receiving the more warmth is needed.
British communication, had revoked
California— There was a ligh t frost,
the decrees of banishment. T o the first but it did no damage to fruit; the ab­
and third demands the answer is that normally cool w eith er is retarding all
in order to preserve friendly relations growth; strawberries are being shipped
w ith her majesty’ s government and , iu quantities; hops are grow in g vigor-
w ith the purpose o f fairness and justice, I ously, but need warm weather; haying
Nicaragua proposes that all questions , has begun in different portions Tif the
o f payment for personal injury, injury state and the crop is good.
to property, etc., be referred to an im-
Great B rita in ’ s proposition excluding I T h e B e h rin g Sew C laim s Conference,
from the arbitration commission “ a j
Washington, A p ril 18.— A telegram
citizen o f an Am erican state” ia quietly j was received at the British embassy to-
ignored in Nicaragua’ s reply.
j day from Lord Aberdeen, the goveraor-
The foregoing is regarded" as a most i general of Canada, stating that in view-
diplom atic answer, as it concedes N id - of the early assembling of parliament
rag.ia’ s willingness to adjust the differ- on the 18th instant, ihe members of the
ences, and yet courteously suggests that ministry, whom it was desired should
the i 15,500
in ----------
to be consulted w ith
» , u w pounds
)»u u u v demanded _ as v exparte
e f . » » , [ lie
„ -------
estimates and the whole question of reference to the new treaty for the set-
the amount should be le ft to arbitra- tlement o f claims against the United
States for seizure in Behring sea. w ill
Great B ritain ’ s answer to the coun­ not leave until parliament has adjourn-
Under these circumstances the
ter proposition is awaited w ith interest, ed.
but Nicaragua’ s reply is so pacific in conference w ill probably not be held
character that it is believed the subject before October next. The consideration
has ceased to have a warlike aspect, and preparation of the treaty need not
aud that diplomacy w ill adjust the r e - : necessarily consume more than : fo rt­
night, so that it can be sent to the sen­
m aining details.
ate for ratification im mediately upon
the assembling of congress in Decern -
N IN E M O N T H S ’ F I G U R E S .
her next.
S ta tistics o f Im p o r tx , Mxp o r t » and
m ig râ t ion .
Im ­
T h e y O b je c t to B lo o m e rs .
Kansas City, A p ril 18.— A n ordi­
Washington, A p ril 17.— A tabular nance is to be introduced at the next
statement, just issued by the chief of meeting of the Westport council by
the bureau of statistics, exhibits the Alderman W heeler, which w ill doubt­
imports, exports and im m igration of less create consternation in the ranks
the United States for the month and of women who ride bicycles. It pro-
the nine months ended March 31, 1894 I vides that the wearing o f bloomers on
and 1895. By this it is shown that the the streets of Westport shall be prohib-
exports of merchandise, domestic and i ited.
W estport is a resident town
foreign, for the nine months were i where many society people live. B i­
<622,760,679, as compared w ith <709,- cycling lately has become quite the
427,679 for the corresponding months rage, and within the past fe w weeks a
of the preceding year, w h ile for March great many bloomers have lieen seen
there is a decrease this year o f <5,732- j there.
The imports of merchandise I
(both dutiable and free) for the nine
*" ® t o *' Mlne'
months of 1895, aggregated <535,525,-
Albuquerque, N. M ., A p ril 18.—
930, as against <480,870,478 for the Reports have reached here that one of
uiue mouths of 1894, w ith an increase the mines of the Crescent Coal Company
during last month over March o f last | at Gallcup caught fire and fifteen men
year amounting to <3,839,182. The j were almost suffocuted by smoke and
statement further shows that the excess gas. They were carried out o f the
of exports for the nine months of 1895 mine after the fire was extinguished.
was <87,234,749, w h ile the figures for Jim Flynn, the well-known m iddle­
the corresponding period of last year w eight fighter, who was to sign articles
are <228,537,363. March, 1895, shows to fight B illy Lew is here in May, was
one of the miners taken ont of the mine
an excess of imports of <4,419,800.
The figures g ivin g imports and ex- unconscious.
p iris of gold and bullion for the nine
months of 1895 show an excess of im ­
T h e y W e r e M c D o n a ld 's P a ls .
ports aggregating <311,280, as against
Pocatello, Idaho, A p ril 16.— Detec­
<331,088 for the preceding correspond­
in g period. Silver shows an excess of tive Connors arrived from Denver this
imports during the three quarters end­ morning. The prisoners here proved
ing March last, of <7,387,710, compared to be “ Old Bob” Lansing and Ed
They have
w ith <4,966,822 for the period ending Cooper, alias “ Blackey.”
confessed that they were the tw o men
March, 1894.
The fo llo w in g im migration statistics arrested w ith McDonald, alias ‘ ‘ Los
are given:
19,533; Angeles,” by Detective A l Moore.
March, 1895, 17,047. N ine months, They say McDonald did the shooting,
and both signified their willingness to
1894, 218,724; 1895, 153,177.
[ go to Denver w ith Connors.
A Boston Iron Works to Build
Three of Them.
S e c r e ta r y
H erb ert
llt t.
tih e n
Su gges­
t io n , T h a t T h e y S h a lt B e L a r g r r
T h a n T h o , e O r d e re d B u ilt.
Washington, A p r il 1 6 .— Secretary
Herbert today decided to award to the
Columbia iron works, o f Baltimore, the
contract for building the three torpedo
boats. The firm was the lowest bidder
„„„ ,
, ,
at * 9 .,000 for each boat. They w ill be
built on designs drawn by the navy de­
partment. The competition fo r this
work was keen and brought out bids
from a ll parts o f the country, and a
strong effort was made to secure a dis­
tribution of the contracts and the ac-
ceptance o f original designs furnished
by some of the bidders. This last
proposition was referred to a special
board, which reported, however, in
favor of the designs, but favored a dis­
tribution so as to secure a faster but
more expensive boat proposed by the
Union iron works, of San Francisco.
The last suggestion was not accepted
by the secretary.
The department has been keeping a
watchful eye upon the performance of
some of the new English torpedo boats,
which have attained the marvelous
speed o? twenty-eight and twenty-nine
knots an hour, and having disposed of
the contracts for three boats above re-
ferred to, Secretary Herbert has taken
up the subject o f designs for the other
ltoats authorized by the last appropria­
tion bill. H e has given suggestions
that these shall be no larger all around
than their predecessors, which are to
be of 188 tons displacement and twen­
ty-four and one-half knots speed. The
new boats for which bids w ill be asked
later on w ill be o f about 180 tons.
This is 40 tons smaller than tlie fastest
the English have afloat, yet they w ill
be required to show a speed of twenty-
eight knots per hour. In v ie w of the
favorable terms secured for these three
boats, just awarded to the Columbia
iron works, it is believed that these
three flyers can be built w ith in the ap­
M ain F e a tu r e * o f t h e C h lc a m a u g a D e d ­
ic a tio n D e c id e d U pon .
Washington, A p ril 16.— Secretary
Lamont has decided upon the main fea­
tures of the official exercises authorized
by congress in dedication of the Chick-
amauga and Chatt&nooga national m ili-
tarv park. The ceremonies w ill begin
on the battlefield of Chickamauga Sep-
tember 19, and w ill comprise the offic-
ial announcement of the opening of the
park by the w ar department, represent-
ing the government; tw o orations by
speakers of national prominence, and
the proper m ilitary display. The f o l ­
low in g day exercises in continuation of
the dedication, relating to the battle
of Lookout Mountain and Missionary
Ridge, w ill be held at Chattanooga,
w ith a somewhat sim ilar programme.
In case of rain a ll exerc ises w ill take
place at Chattanooga under a cover of
adequate capacity, which w ill be pro-
vided as a prudential measure. The
secretary o f w ar w ill arrange to have
all the armies represented in the battles
participate in the dedication by set­
tin g apart the night of the 20th to the
armies o f the Potomac and Northern
V irgin ia. The regular army w ill be
represensted by the lieutenant-general
and a detachment of troops. The So­
ciety of the A rm y o f the Cumberland
w ill hold its regular annual reunion at
Chattanooga the evening o f September
18 preceding the dedication, and to this
a ll official visitors and representatives
o f other army societies w ill be invited.
T e s tim o n y
T a k e n b y In t e r s t a t e C om -
in is a lo n er Y eom a n s.
W a lla W a lla, Wash., A p ril 15.—
James D. Yeomans, interstate commis­ Condensed
Telegraphic Re­
sioner, has been in the city the past
Late Events.
tw o days hearing the cases against the
Union Pacific and the Oregon R ailw ay
& N avigation
companies. A large
number o f prominent farmers of W a lla BRIEF SPARKS FROM THE WIRES
W a lla and Columbia counties were
summoned as witnesses, and testified
as to the cost o f raising wheat, com­ Budget of N ew s F o r E asy D igestion From
pared w ith the cost of shipping it to
A l l P a rts o f O re g o n , W a s h in g ­
Portland. The case of M ilton Evans,
to n and Id a h o .
of this county, against the Oregon R a il­
Forest Grove w ill have a colt show
w ay & N avigation Company, was con­
cluded this morning. The ease o f H. .Tune 15.
D. M ay & Co., o f Columbia connty,
Curry county has extended the tim «
occupied the afternoon session. There fo r paying taxes t ill July.
were a large number of prominent rail- , The Bonanza mine has sent into Ba-
road officials here g ivin g testimony of ker a ¡¡even-davs’ clean up of *4 500
the conditions of their roads, the in­
Salem is raising a carload o f seed po-
debtedness, the cost of operating upd
tatoes for Nebraska’s drouth sufferers.
the gross and net earnings. The ra il­
Mosgrove, the new penitentiary w ar­
roads are making a hard fight to retaiD
the present rate for freight. The com­ den, is a nephew o f ex-sheriff W oolery,
missioner concluded his labors late this of Seattle.
In Looking Glass valley, Douglas
afternoon, and left on the regular train
for Portland. There is abundance of county, 160 acres o f prunes have just
evidence, and it w ill be some tim e be­ been set out.
fore a decision is rendered. Am ong
The nnagboat C orvallis is at Eugene,
the officials testifyin g today was S. B. Or., aBd reports the channel in good
Sweeny. He said that the Washington boating condition.
& Columbia R iv er had allowed him
A W a lla W alla, Wash., genius has
from one to ten and a h alf cents per
just finished & violin made entirely of
bushel for shipping wheat over its road. Washington wood.
Today he uncovered one of the methods
The destructive g illn et is forbidden
used by the road to induce shipping
on the Snohomish river, and the county
over the line.
The counsel before the commissioner attorney is preparing to prosecute o f­
were: W . H. Reed, of Tacoma, for the fenders.
The Ellensburg normal school board
W a lla W a lla farmers; George Turner,
o f Spokane, and R. H. Ormsbee, of o f trustees have re-elected the present
W aitsbnrg, for M ay & Co., and W . W . faculty to serve another year, w ith P ro­
Cotton, of Portland, for the railroads. fessor Getz at the head.
Both Evans and M ay claimed that
H. V. Gates has signed the contract
the rate charged them fo r shipping for an electric lig h t plant at Klam ath
wheat was excessive.
The former Falls, Or. Gates is just home at H ills ­
shipped a carload to Portland from boro from a California trip.
W a lla W a lla and tendered the railroad
A likely job for some promoter would
company <2.46. This was refused and be the establishment of an electric line
the regular tariff rate o f <4.70 per ton from Goldendale to the Columbia river.
Much local aid would be subscribed.
Extensive improvements are under
way at the W arm Springs Indian agen­
cy, in Oregon. A <20,000 appropriation
In F u tu re th e O ld R o a d W i l l Be K n o w n
is now available for erecting new build­
R u der a N ew N am e.
ings, etc.
Corvallis, Or., A p r il 15.— A rticles of
Spokane, Wash., is much interested
incorporation of the Oregon Central & in a report that Kansas C ity capitalists
Eastern R a ilw a y Company were filed have offered <1,000,000 for the W ar
w ith the county clerk today. The in­ Eagle mine. The Josie and Le R io are
corporators are A . B. Hammond, Ed­ also, it is said, being negotiated for.
win Stone and Charles Clark. The ob­
A reward o f <250 w i l l be paid by
ject of the new company is to purchase
and obtain entire possession of the Union county. O r., for arrest and de­
property and franchises of the Ore­ livery of one George E. Chamberlin,
gon Pacific, which wras purchased murderer of James George, near Sparta,
into the custody of the sheriff of Union
at the sheriff’ s sale last December by
E. L. Bonner and A . B. Hammond. county.
The articles o f incorporation also pro-
' -ide for the operation and maintenance
telegraph, telephone, steamboat and
steamship lines; for the construction
and operation of branch rail lines, one
from Corvallis to Eugene, and another
fr“ m or near Albany to Salem. The
principal office or place of business w ill
still be maintained at Corvallis.
a m eeting of the incorporators thi<
afternoon A. B. Hammond was chosew
president, Edw in Stone vice-president!
and Charles Clark treasurer. B y tW>
new order of affairs, Mr. Stone be­
comes manager and Mr. Clark superin­
tendent. Aside from these appoint­
ments no changes w ill be made in the
personnel of the employes for the pre­
sent at least. Mr. Stone was a former
business associate of Mr. Hammond in
Montana, and is a railroad man of
many years’ experience. Charles Clark,
the new superintendent, has been con­
nected w ith the Oregon Pacific for sev­
eral years in numerous capacities, being
its receiver duriug the tw elve months
previous to the sale of the property to
Bonner and Hammond. H is appoint­
ment to the snperintendency of the new
company is a decided recognition of
his ability and gives general satisfac-
A G ood B a r o m e te r o f T r a d e .
Chicago, A p ril 16.— More than 200
traveling salesmen have been inter­
view ed on the condition of the spring
trade in the West. They are particu-
larly unanimous in reporting satisfac-
tory present trade conditions and the
most hopeful possible outlook for the
future. W ith the exception of Colo-
rado, Kansas and South Dakota the con­
ditions average from 150 to 250 per cent,
in volvin g more than they did last year.
Country stocks are depleted, and the
low prices o f goods, combined w ith ex­
cellent prospects, are awakening mer­
chants to the necessity o f increasing
both the size and frequency of their or-
B ritis h
C o lo m b ia S tre e t R a ilw a y Sale.
Victoria, B. C., A p r il 16. — The
Westminster & Vancouver Electric
Tram way Company’ s line, rolling-
stock and property were sold today by
the bond holders. The property in ­
cludes the interurbau tram way between
this city and Westminster and the
street railw ay in the latter city. The
property was bought by Frank Barnard,
manager of the Consolidated R ailw ay
& L ig h t Company, o f this city. The
price paid was <280,000. It is the in ­
tention o f the company to consolidate
the whole system.
In d ia n In s titu te t o Be H e ld a t T n co m a .
Tacoma, Wash., A p ril 16.— During
the coming summer three institutes
w ill be held, by order of the Indian bu­
reau at Washington, for the purpose of
advancing the efficiency o f the United
States Indian sen-ice by bringing to­
gether the employes of the various In ­
dian agencies and schools. One w ill
be held in Sioux City, Iowa; one at
some point in the Indian territory, and
a third at the high school in this city.
The gathering here w ill be July 21 to
27 inclusive, and w ill be especially for
employes in the Indian sen-ice west of
the Rocky Mountains. Am ong those
who are expected to attend are the Hon.
D. M. Browning, commissioner o f In-
dian affairs at Washington; Dr. H all-
man, government superintendent of
Indian schools, and the t iree supervis-
ors of Indian schools.
C o lo r a d o M in e S old .
Cripple Creek, Colo., A p ril 16.—
N ew York capitalists have purchased
the C. O. D. mine for <630,000. It is
T o Be 1 'e le b rn fe d in M o ac o w .
said the N ew Y ork men have already
St Petersburg, A p ril 16.— The czar
resold the property to French capitalists
has decided that his coronation shall be Dr P ric e ’s Cream Baking Pow der. for a sum largely in advance of what
W orld’ s Fair H igh est Award.
celebrated in Moacow August next.
they paid.
A n A m e r ic a n R e m e d y fo r C on s u m p tion ,
L u p u s and P e r h a p s C an cer.
Washington, A p ril 15. — United
States Consul-General de Kay, at B er­
lin, believes that an Am erican physi­
cian has discovered means o f curing
consumption, lnpus and perhaps cancer.
In his report to the state department he
says the coming medical congress is
lik ely to give considerable attention to
the discovery made by Dr. Lonis W ald-
stein, a native o f N ew Y ork, which is
announced in a German medical paper
as the extraordinary action o f minnte
injections o f pilocarpine, a chrystal-
ized extract from the B razilian jabor-
andi plant, into the lymphatic system.
This acts favorably on patients whom
serum does not cure.
The key to the discovery is this: By
successive injections of minute doses of
pilocarpine in the veins he arrives at a
gradual stimulation o f the lymphatic
system. That system increases w h ile
corpuscules in the blood, in some way
not agreed upon certainly, overcome
and render harmless those poisonous
particles in the blood that produce dis­
ease. The discoverer strongly advises
physicians to try pilocarpine in early
stages of consumption, and, indeed, in
all diseases in volvin g the lymphatic
system. He has satisfied him self that
it forms a trustworthy test for the
presence o f tuberculosis in an animal.
The report closes w ith the statement
that lupus o f twenty-two years’ dura­
tion, regarded as incurable, was re­
lieved im mediately after the first injec­
tion, and is now almost healed.
Trade moves along regularly with few
changes in prices. The steamer brought
up a very full load of early stuff. Most
vegetable prices are higher, due to
scarcity in California caused by rain in
that state. Cauliflower, asparagus and
cabbage are higher than for three steam­
ers. Coal oil advanced ‘£c in cans and
lc in barrels and tanks. Eggs cleaned
up readily at the printed quotation.
W h e a t M arket.
The local wheat market continues
quiet with prices steady and unchanged.
Owing to the approaching holiday in
Europe, but little business can be ex­
pected duriug the next few days.
Shippers quote: Valley, 80c per cen tal;
Walla, 45A46c per bushel.
NO. 46.
Highest o f all in Leavening Power.— Latest U .S . G o v ’t Report
Useful Information Concern*
ing Farm W ork.
Young animals should be fed consid­
erable bulk in order to develop the
H eifer calves especially
should be fed considerable bulky food.
W hen concentrated food alone is fed
the stomach is contracted.
A poultry-keeper has removed a ll the
roosts and furnishes clean straw for a
F lour — Portland, Salem, Cascadia and
bed fo r his hens.
This is taken ont
Dayton, are quoted at <2.35 per barrel;
every day and the house swept. He
Golddrop, <2.35; Snow Hake, <2.35; Ben­
IN AGRICULTURE claims that this is a preventive o f lice
ton county, <2.35; graham, <2.00(42.30; NEW IDEAS
superfine, <1.80.
and a promoter o f egg-laying.
O a t s — Good white are quoted steady,at
H o w to Sot Out and G ro w T o m a to *» -A
28(ft30c; milling, 31@32c; gray, 26@28c.
F e w Condensed Kuloa on O p e ra t­
Rolled oats are quoted as follow s: Bags
in g In c u b a to r»—N ote».
<6.76@6.00; barrels, <6.00(46.26; cases,
W e reply to a request for hints on
H a y — T imothy, <9per ton; cheat, »6
! tomato culture as follow s: F or very
@6.60; clover, <7; oats, <6; wiieat, <5.
B a r le y — Feed barley, 6212 @65c per | early fru it the seed should be sown in
cental; brewing, 80(a85c per cental, • a hot-bed about the early part o f March
according to quality.
j in drills five inches apart and h a lf an
MiLLBTUFrs — Bran, <12.50; shorts, inch deep.
T o M en w h o have sq u a n d e red time and
Sufficient plants for a
<13.50; chop feed, <12@16; middlings,
small garden may be started by aowi ig m oney In the use o f poisonous d ru g s; to
none in m arket; chicken wheat, 70
men w h o ar* alm ost In d e s p a ir from the
a fe w seeds in a shallow box or flower rep eated fa ilu r e to d isc ove r the rem edy
@76c pe cental.
B utter — Fancy creamery is quoted at
fo r th e ir cu re, these letters are offered
22)$@25c; fancy dairy, 17)4@20c; fair j house. 'When the plants are three or to sh ow that they can be cu red by a
to good, 12)4@15c; common, 8@ 10c four inches high they should be set out rem edy w h ich n ever fails.
per pound.
apart, in another hot bed or cold frame,
P otatoes — Weak ; top quotations are or removed into small pots, allow in g
35@45c per sack.
a single plant to a pot. Expose to the
O nion » — Good Oregon, 90c@<l per
air as much as possible to harden.
W ater freely at tim e o f transplanting,
P o u ltr y — Chickens, old, <3.00 per
■ and shelter from the sun a few days
dozen; broilers, <3.00(a4.50 per dozen;
ducks, <4 50(85.00; geese, <6.00(«5.60; | until the plants are established.
turkeys, live, 10c per pound; dressed, tivate thoroughly as long as the vines
w ill permit. Tomatoes w ill adm it of
12c per pound.
Eous— Oregon, quoted steady at 9>»c training to stakes or trellises o f various
per dozen.
kinds, and the fru it is very much im ­
T ropical F ruit — California lemons, proved, not only in appearance but in
<3.00@4.U0; Sicily, <5.00(86.50; bananas,
quality. This mode o f cultivation is
Honolulu, <1.50(ft2 50; New Orleans, <2
A New Filling
% Tersomi Weak­
@3.50 per bunch; California navels, quite common among gardeners who
ness or Mu.
The usual Core (or All
<3.25@3.50 box ; pineapples, Honolulu, grow for early market.
<3@3.50; sugar loaf, scarce at <8.50. Figs, method is to set one strong plant to a
Turkish, boxes, 14@16e; fancy large, 20 stake, using stakes five to seven feet
@ 21c ; bags, 10c.
$700 Worth of Medioine Failed.
high, ty in g the plants up w ith wool
C alifo r n ia V egetables — Green peas, or other strong, soft twine, pruning
“ Your Electric Belt cured n « o f dehilltv and
quoted 7c per pound; artichokes, 60(ft out quite freely as vines advance in kidney trouble after I hoi «pent $‘t0) or <700 In
Talu eAorta with quacks and patent medlriuea.
60c per dozen; cauliflower, 75c@<1.00
B y adopting this method
per dozen ; <2.50 per crate; sweet pota­
“ Walla Walla, Wash."
toes, <2.76@3 per crate; cucumbers, hot­ plants may be set much closer than in
house, <1.60(81.75; gariic, 10c per pound; the ordinary way. F or fine, large spec­
E le ctric ity la a lw a y s used aa a laat ra ­
asparagus, <1.66@1.75 per box; new imens o f high color and attractive ap­
potatoes, 3 '2c per pound ; rhubarb, 2) 2 pearance generally, grow the clusters so rt . and It n eve r falla to c u re w hen a p ­
p lied by D r. Sandcn ’a E le ctric Kelt.
@4)£c per pound.
of fru it in paper sacks, as is commonly
F resh F r u it — Apples, good, <1.50@2 practiced by grape growers. The sack
per box; common, 75c@ <l; strawberries, should be put on when the tomatoes are
“ I would not part with this belt for all the
wea'th in California if I cou d not Ret soother
<1.25 per 3-pound crate.
about three-fourths grown.
lik e !'.
O reuon V egetables — Cabbage, firm
“ Alm a House, 218 Broadway, San Francisco.'*
at U 4C per pound; radishes, 12; j @ 20c
per dozen bunches; green onions, 10c
O p e r a tin g In c u b a to r s .
“ I was almoal a wreck, physically and men­
per dozen; hothouse lettuce, 35@45c per
The “ Standard Am erican Poultry tally when I got your b It. I am now a sound
Interest in telephone connection w ith dozen.
and healthy man, in mind and h oly,an d wo Id
W ool — Valley, 8@10c, according to
recommend jou r bell to any one sufterlna Irom
W allowa, Or., has been revived, and it
quality; Umpqua, 7@9c; fall clip, 6@ 6c; rules for successfully operating incuba-1 weaknea».
is believed that enough aid can be enlist­ Eastern Oregon, 5@7c.
“ Waint arg, Wash."
tors: 1. Keep the temperature as near
ed to complete the line from E lgin to
H oes — Choice, 7c; medium, 2@4c. 103 degrees as possible. 2. Turn th e ’
L a grande.
N u ts — , Almonds, soft shell, . 9 @
W h e n you find y o u rs e lf fa ilin g In y o u r
■ The amount required ■ to
_ llc eggs tw ice a day. 3. Cool them w e ll
confcnue the line thus far is placed at per pound ; paper shell, 12'2@14c; new once a day. 4. Place w et sponges in vital p o w e rs , you sh ou ld seek aid , and
D r. Sand en ’s E le c tric B e lt is a lw a y s m
the egg drawer, from which to impart sure cure.
A project is le in g workerd up among Itelian ‘ d ^ n u U ,d m , @ U c
moisture. 5. A void handling the eggs,
the residents o f Coburg, Brow nsville, 13@16cj Brazils, 12>2@13e;’ filberts) using gloves i f necessary. 6. A llo w
'•I was almost a wreck ptayM ally and other­
. dud vic in ity fo r a co-operative as-¡ l4@15ct peanuts, raw, fancy, 5@7c; plenty o f ventilation in the room where wise; had palpitation c f tne heart poor dlge**-
and a general debllltv, *nd half
sodaj/ion to buv a saw m ill and operate i oaste.i^E’ic ; hickory nuts, 8 @ l0c; co- the machine is operated.
7. W hen tried varicocele
- verything with trt m UT.
..»niTy 7"Trf*
A committee is already at work ooanut.s, tfoc per dozen,
the chicks are com ing out do not open your belt, and it has cured mo.
looking for a m ill.
the drawer as cool air is injurious. 8.
“ Tualatin, n ashlngton county. Or.”
U ) i @ 12c per pound; hams, picnic,
A n enterprising member of a Port 8)ij@9c; breakfast bacon ll'o @ 1 2 c ;
Townsend, Wash., church has secured short clear sides, 8>2@9c; dry salt in g them to the brooder. 9. Select
A steady, even flow
o f electricity ,
the wooden pistol used by the late sides, 7 4 @ 8 c ; dried beef hams, 12 eggs only from strong, healthy stock,
Thomas Blanck to effect his escape @13c; lard, compound, in tins, 1 \ \ rejecting those that are very small, c ou rtin g th ro u g h the entire body fo r
h ou rs at a tim e, w ill c h a rg e e very vital
from the K in g county ja il, and w ill iard, pure, in tins, 9 '2@10c; pigs’ feet, very large, misshapen or otherwise im ­ function w ith n ew life and v ig o r. I t Is
10. Keep strangers away, es­ tlie foun dation o f a ll vital p o w e r, and
place it on exhibition, charging an ad- • g ^ - 60! pig9' feet* 40b-
kite, perfect.
pecially i f they wish to inspect the egg w ill m ake the m anly stren gth com plete
mission of 5 cents to see the erstwhile
11. H ave regular hours for in tw o or three months.
M e rch a n d ia e M a rk e t.
doing a ll the work. 12. Do not believe
almon .—Columbia, river No. 1, tails,
A protracted fight has just been
. . .
. .. „
<1.26@1.60; Ne. 2, tails, <2.26@2.60; that a child can manage it. Persons
‘ For the lust five years I was almost totally
brought to a close iu the Empire C ity fancVi No \ fl
<1.75(81.85; Alaska beginning w ith incubators w ill prob­
wre* ked In m - vital organs, aud was almost in
town board as to whether stock should , No. 1> tau8> $1.20(81.30; N0. 2, tells, <1.90 ably have little success in operating at despair Nothing seemed to do me any good
I got your belt. After wearing it three
run at large. The “ horse” ordinance, ; @2.25.
first, but should not become discour­ until
month , I am now. thank <»od! a new man, full
as it has been known, was put to rout, | S ugar — D, l ' g c ; C, 4c; extra C, 4%c; aged. N o one can take a new machine of
vital power, and <omp etely cured of all my
and domestic animals of all kinds w ill dry granulated, 5 '4c; cube crushed and and run it successfully until he has trouble-.
“ Snohomish, Wash.”
have the perfect freedom o f the city, j powdered, 6)^c per pound;
per pound
R egulating
discount on all grades for prompt cash ; learned to manage i t
Port Townsend,
public ha„ t)arrej8i
the heat and amount of moisture can
gc more than barrels
only be learned by experience.
schools having been discontinued ow- maple sugar, 15@16c per pound,
A perm anent cure ia g u aran te ed or
money refu n d ed In a ll w eakneasea o f
ing to the hard times; each teacher is
C o rra a —Coats.Rica, 22(ft23' 2c ; Rio, 20
men. A pocket edition o f the c ele b rated
to open a private school, receiving @22c;
Salvador, 21@21'2c ; Mocha,
e lectro m edical w o rk . “ T h re e Glasses o f
only his or her form er pupils. The 26)i@28c; Padang Java, 31c; I’ alembang
N otes.
M e n ," Illu stra te d , Is sent free, sealed,
school board w ill donate the use o f the i '/ava'
*}ava. 23@25c; Ar-
N ever overfeed the pullet. N o poul by m a ll, upon a p p lic atio n . E v e ry youn g
buildmgs, and enough parents are snb- , ^ f kle 8 M okw ka and Lion, <23.30 pet try should be overfed, but overfeed­ man, m id d le -a g e d o r o ld man su ffering
a .
1 100-pound case; Columbia, $22.80 per
the slig h te s t w eakn ess sh ou ld read It.
ing the pullet is disastrous.
scribing to make the venture a sue- 100.|£una ca8e.
P ro d u ce M arket.
It w ill p oin t out an K A N T , N C K K
Unless there is some variety o f food
C o al — Steady ; domestic, <5.00@7.50
the appetites o f the hens w ill not be A N D H E A L T H , W H E N E V E R Y T H I N G
The W a lla W a lla, Wash., States­ per ton; foreign, <8.50@11.00.
eans — Small white, No. 1, 3>^c per maintained in the best vigor.
man hears that a company has been or-
ganized to build a b ig irrigation d i t o h l g i ^ 1* ’ *,utter' 3,2c ,b a )o u , 3c, Lima,
W hen hogs are fed upon alfalfa,
A d d re ss
near the mouth o f the Snake river by j C o r d a g e — Manilla rope, 15^-inch, is they can be finished up nicely on
Egyptian corn, and in some sections
which to furnish water for 12,000 acres ; quoted at 10c, and Sisal, 6c per pound.
where a lfa lfa grows, this com grows
of land which lie between the mouth of j
better than any other fat producing
the Suake rive r and the month of the
Meat Market.
W alla W a lla river. The sum of < 6 0 ,-1 B e e f — Gross, top steers, <3.00@3.50; grain.
000 is thought to be enough to complete fair to good steers, <2.50@3.00; cows,
P O R T L A N D , OR.
the work.
<2.25@2.75; dressed beef, 4@6c per
The Yakim a Indians, who reside near
M utton - G i - oss , best sheep, wethers.
Fort Simcoe, Wash., have not only fine <2.60(82.75; ewes, <2.25; dressed mut-
farms and orchards, but some o f them ton, 4@4J^c per pound,
have separators and other improved 1 V eal — Dressed, small, 5@6c; large, 3
“ In February, 1862, I had six hem­
farm machinery, top buggies, and even @4c per pound.
orrhages from the lungs and for some f c l
| f i O O worth of lovely Music f»r Fsrty —
H ogs — G ross, choice, heavy, <3.6')@
bank accounts. One of their latest for­
I U • • Cents, consisting of too pages ^
months was under the care of two doc­
full size Sheet Music of the
ward movements is the building o f a
tors, and finally went to Denver, but re­ • e - latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular ^
dressed, 4 ‘^c per pound.
four m ile irrigation canal on the south
selections, both vocal and Instrumental,
turned without any benefit to my
gotten up In the most elegant manner, in-
side of the Ahtanum, across from the !
eluding four large size Portraits.
health. I then read of your treatment,
old Catholic mission, to reclaim for
CARMENCITA, the 8panlsh Dancer,
SA N F R A N C I S C O M A R K E T S .
and sent for some, from which I felt f c
PADEREWSKI, the Great Pianist,
close farm ing 11,000 acres o f rich land.
The Tacoma smelter shipped 2,400
A O D R C S e A LL O R D E R S T O
steadily up to the present time, with ^
bars of bullion, w eigh in g 247,817 tras, <3.25@3.35 per barrel; bakers’ ex­
tras, <3.15@3.25; superfine, <2.10@2.40. good results.”
pounds, and valued at <57,138.05, dur­
Theatre Bldg. , New York City, -w
B a r l e y — Feed, fair to good, 70@ 7^1c ;
“ I am certain your treatment has ^
ing March. The product consisted of choice, 72‘ 2 ; brewing, 82>2@92}^c.
been the means of restoring my health.
1,572.50 ounces o f gold, valued at <82,-
W h e a t — No 1 shipping, 85 per c tl;
503.57; 12,370.25 ounces of silver, milling, 9t)@95; Walla Walla, 78%@ I have added fifteen pounds to my
valued at <14,093.25,: 257,274 pounds 81Jic lor fair average quality, 82)$@ weight and am still gaining, have a good
of lead, valued at <7,846.85, and 28,- 87>ic for blue stem and 76@77)$c for appetite and sleep well. In fact, I can
740 pounds of copper, valued at <2,- damp.
O a t s — Milling, $1.07)^01.17^; sur­ conscientiously say I am a walking ad­
694.88. The company employed sixty-
prise, <1.07>y@l.l7>6 ; fancy feed, <1.0212 vertisement for your treatm ent'”
three men and disbursed <5,362.96 in
@1.07>s; g o o l to choice, 96c@$1.00;
J. F allon , 154 South Green St.,
lair to gojd, 90@95c; poor to fair,
Chicago, Illinois.
mrcAvt Aio. I m i marks V
The Douglas county, Or., court has 8 5 @ 87*c; black, <1.10@1.17)<; red,
G T H S T . S . ^
<1.10(81.20; gray, 95 @ j l 00 per cental.
decided to systematically grade all the
I f you will know more of this treat­
C A N I O B T A IN A P A T E N T f
For a
H ops — Quotable at 5@7)£c per pound.
Prompt answer and
d aa tonest opinion, writ« tn
rilroad lands in the connty. F o r that
P otatoes — Volunteer new potatoes, ment, and read the testimony of many M
I NN dr CO who ho
had had
purpose tw o crews o f men, nnder ex­ l)i@ 2 c per pound; Early Rose, 35@40c;
experience tn th« patent hart near Commnnt«*.
others, who have been cured by the tlona atrtctly confidential. A H a n d k eek o f In-
F lk in s Ppeukg fo r San F ra n c isc o .
perienced deputy assessors, start ont River Red, 30@35c; Burbanks . 45@60c;
concernlnc P a te n t« and bow ta oh-
Compound Oxygen Treatment, not only formation
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of maebaa.
San Francisco, A p ril 16. — United this week to v iew this property and g ive Oregon Burbanks, 50@80c; Salinas Bur-
and scientific book* sent free.
of consumption, but of various other leal
taken r breach Mann k Co. reeatva
States Senator Stephen B. Elkins, o f ---- . ------------- -»--------- „ ---------------------
■pedal notice in the S cien tific A m ericans and
W est V irgin ia, who is in the city, fa- raliroad owns over 500,000 acres in the *or Rivers and <2.50 per cental for Mer- diseases, send for book of two hundred thna are brought widely before the public with,
coat to the inventor. Thta aplendid paper.
vors San Francisco for the next Repnb- county, and even at a low assessment ced. Receipts^ of new were 307 sacks, pages, sent free. Or call and see us. out
Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, bas by far th«
selling at 34@ l ) 4c per pound.
lican national convention. H e said: the taxes that w ill be derived from the
W e treat patients at the Office as well lanreat circulation o f any scientific work In tbs
O n io n s — Easy at 40@60c for good to
“ One great advantage o f holding the company w ill amply repay the expenses choice, and 25@40 for cut; Nevada«, 75 as at home.
«pi,aa. t j cants. Ererr number contain, bean.
convention here would be the removal o f putting so large a force o f deputies @<1 per cental.
Uful plates. In oolora, and phntocrapba of n n
DRS. S T A R K E Y & P A L E N ,
* th plana, anablln« builder, to »bow tea
o f delegates from scenes of former in the field.
W ool — Spring— San Joaquin, year’s
dwian. and .ecuru contracta. ____ ___
152» Arch St., Phila., Pa.
staple, 4@7c; do 7 months, 4@7c; Cal­
struggles, and there would be a calm-
Messrs. Banta and W irk , who went
averas and foothill, per pound, 5@8.
ness about it that has not been experi-
on the Curry county, Or., beaches sev- Fall— Free Northern, 7@8)^e; North­
enced elsewhere. It would be far re-
, eral months ago to try their new inven­ ern defective, 5@7c;
Southern and
moved from large local interests, and
tions on good black sand property, are San Joaquin, light aud free, 5@6c; South­
the convention would be comparatively
said to be m aking a succes o f their in- ern and San Joaquin, defective, 304c.
____v? ^ * ^ V r t e U b l s
free from pressure brought to bear on vention, and are saving good snag sums
B utter — Creamery, fancy. 13(814c;
* —
t i o n of
of a
a f a m r n i « F r s n c h tib r a i/ < lo ii « . i n
famou« French phjtfcftan. wiu'quickly .. cure /¿a SfP2T 2 l?I
all such bodies by local candidates. 0f gold and platinum at their property seconds, 13c; dairy, fancy, ll)£@ 12>$c;
vona or div ares of the generative organa, aucb aa Lost MkkKXTT
Insomnia, I'alnsln the Bock,Semi' al Kmiaalnn», Nervous D^tiutv*
This pressure always obtains when the — the Zum w alt claim above P ort Orford good to choice 1 0 @ llc; medium grades,
Pimples, lnam es» to Marry, fcxh,u»Un* lernlna, VarWjeela'mii
conventions are held in the East It is which they purchased. Their process 7ti<?9c; store butter, 6@7c per pound.
Convination 11 «ter»» a.I Irewe. by day or night. P re ie ^ T Jof-i:
"r.” ot.8iaebars«, wmob if not cheeked lead, to KpmnatnrrtMaamte
one of the results of large outside dele­ oonsists m ainly o f chem ically charged
B E F O R E ann A F T E R all tba horror» of Impotency. t T P l n i: . » E thaliver m i
k idnev» and the urinary onra»» of an impurities
' “ •
gations, but, being held here, the dis­ sluices, which save not only the g litte r­ per dozen ; duck eggs, 16@17c per dozen.
8 t P I D R S E »trenxthens and _____■
»mall weak orrana
C hkese — Fancy, mild, new, 7@8c;
T h a e o a .- o i, n t i f F o . » . . . . .
_ r . __ . ____ r _ l___
tance would be such as to preclude the ing gold and platinum, but a black-
common to good,4 % @ 6c; YonngAm er-
possiblity, in a great measure o f such coated gold which has much the appear- ica, 7@9c; Eastern, 12)^@ 14){c; W est­
<LOOa box, a x I r f : go, by mail. Bend for Tara circolar and taadmonlate
delegations being on hand.
ern, * (3 10c per pound.
U M of black sand
Sanden Electric Co,
1 WALKING ADVERTISEMENT fflrwfumniriinifmumfiifK
| F
a te w B lT U l. R IB IC U IC O .r .S
S u X t.k u te .a b H .U .
A rt