Cottage Grove echo=leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 18??-1895, March 23, 1895, Image 4

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W ith
R egard to Revenue Officials:
S tron g
A lo n g
F or
‘ Free T r a d e " T oo
>lan y
Veu tu reso m e
the Can adian
S p irit,
F ro n t ie r —A
g ra p h ic a l D U ease - W a y » and Means.
Smugglers swarm along the Canadian
border from ocean to ocean It may bo the
track ol a sol 1 tory sledge on the frozen St.
Lawrence, or a fishing schooner beating
Into a quiet bay where there are no flsh.
i r, if you Ilk**, a well dressed w**»nan hid
log u small fortune in gem* in the rug
with which she protects a sick pug from
the cold as the train nears the frontier
The methods change from tim e to time,
for in novelty oft-times there is safety, hut
the smugglers, liko the poor, are with us
In the great seaports men and women
are ofteuest caught in an attempt to evade
the customs officers us they leave the big
cliango {roods with little regard to the rev­
enue officials. You may walk over that
(bridge, pay the toll, and unless you are
rarrying a trunk you pass unquestioned.
5;o, too, many a man drives a decrepit,
wornout horse across to the Canadian side
and returns, after a proper lingering, with
quite n different animal. The officer at
the g-ite has forgotten hi9 identity. I f ho
remen.bers it, he cannot swear to it prob­
ably and credits the vast improvement in
the horse to the bracing quality of Cana
dian air.
' The inhabitants of the island and be-
»low, of Eastport, Lubec and Campobello,
the last a summer resortof (trowing popu-
larity, enjoy free trade in lik e fashion if
they are so inclined, and many of them
Farther up country, where the railroads
cross, as at Vanceboro. Mo., all baggage
is inspected, or is supposed to be, and yet
you m ight well wager that you could
carry what you liketi In diamonds, silks
ar opium out of or Into Canada and stand
to win. A revenue man opens your grip,
peers into it. digs down into it perhaps
and overturns a few of the articles it con­
tains, then marks it with a hit o f chalk
and is done. W hat you or the ordinary
im m igrant has in his pockets or in his
hat, his shoes, or his padded garments is
only discovered when the traveler does
something which would arouse suspicion
anywhere under beacon.
O f course» if you began to carry great
quantities of dutiable goods across the
border they would l>e noticed and promptly
seized, hut no one attempts any such thing.
The traveler smuggles in a small way in
most instances. Only one who is arcus
turned to make the journey by rail can
realize how farcical is the examination at
the border
In the wilder country which lies where
the border line is a mere survey lino one
I does as one pleases there. An example is
the Megan tic region, where Morrison, the
i Mcguulic outlaw, so long defied the au-
8 IT H
T H I> 0 .
Tbe quality o f endurance o f or indiffer­
ence to « h a t in other men produces shock
or repulsion is said to belong to men
out ner es. There is no such thing and
cannot be. The finer the physical devei
opment the keener perhaps is the sensibil
ity to pain. Let neuraig a put on its har-
n Jss tor a raid ai.d get after such men, the
nei ves will be found all quivering at once.
And so this malady w orks a creeping,
ugly foe to health, bent on torture an i
misery, until it meets its airip a th y, St.
Jacob’s Oil, which cures and conquers,
quickly, suiely.
Pure Blood
absolutely necessary in order to have j - I wish to say that 3 year? ago w* had a
beautiful boy bom to us. A t the age of 11
’ good health. The greatest affliction of
months he breathed his last, a victim to
the human race is impure blood.
impure blood. On Aug. A, 1*1, another
There are about 2100 disorders inci-
boy was bom, who, at the age of two
, lent to the human frame, the large ma-
j months, became afflicted with the S A in e
j >rity arising from the impure or pois­ j disease. W e believed the trouble was con
onous condition of the blood.
j stitutional, and not common sore mouth.
The !>eet remedy for all blood diseases ! I procured a bottle o f Hood's Sarsap.tri ia
A F re sh W o r d on Ic e d D rin k s .
| and commenced to give it regularly to both
is found in Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
“ A t this season it w ill be in place,” I
Its remarkable cures are its loudest | mot her and baby. Im prove uent began at
writes a physician in a paper on house- j
j on e. W e have succeeJe.1 in eradicating
hold chemistry, “ to say something as to , praise. It is not what we say but what
the ?cmfulous blood from the system, and
the wholesomeness o f the extremely cold Hood's Sarsaparilla does that tells the
: to-day we are ble«sed with a nice, tat baby
water, tea, lemonade, etc., which are so story.
| boy. ¡8 months o ld —the very
extensively used iu this country. It must , No temedy has ever had so marked
P i c t u r e o f H e a lt h ,
be acknowledged that medical men are floeae**, or won such enormous sales.
Scrofula in its severest forma yields all life and full o f miss tel — thanks to
not in possession of facts sufficient to
to its potent powers, blood poisoning Hood's Sarsaparilla. I am a m inis'er in
form a positive conclusion, and many
ami .alt rheum and many other diseases i tbe Methodist Protestant Church, and it
adopt the opinions which agree with ire permanently cured by it.
For a ! affords me much pleasure to recommend
their desires. It cannot be denied that ,-eneral r-pring Medicine to remove | H ood’s Sarsaparilla to all as a sale sure
Even my wife, after lading
one may become a toper in nonintoxi­ i hn*e impurities which have accntnu- ‘ Hood's.became healilivsn d d lias
cants as well as in intoxicants and tha: I ite I during the winter, nr to overcome the nloom o f girlhood again.” —Kiev J. i l .
P a t s . Hro .kline Station, Mi s uii.
it is easy to create by liabit a strong de­ That Tired Feeling, nothing equals
sire for frequent drafts o f very cold wa
“ W ith some persons the perspiredve
function is so active the effect is less
serious, but in the majority of cases
these abundant cold drafts disturb the
stomach, and it would certainly be bet­
ter if one could l^arn to be satisfied with
water at a temperature o f 50 degrees F.
rather than 10 degrees and to limit
somewhat the amount taken. There is
some indication that the medical profes­
sion is losing its confidence in the merits
of effervescing (carbonated) beverages
snch as soda w ater.”
IT l
Oh, had I lived iu fhe good old days
A n K n g lih li V ie w o f A m e r ic a .
When the ichthyosaurus romped around.
When the elasmosaurus swam the bays
The announcement that an influential
syndicate lias been formed in Brixton to
is o
Would 1 hale »pent my precious time
send an expeditionary force of pickpock
At weaving golden thought* in rhyme]1
ets to the W o r ld ’s fair is a little belated.
When the tinoceras snooped about.
G ratifying tc national pride it w ill Vie
And the pterodactyl flapped its wings.
no doubt as showing that English spirit
o n s tip a tio n
When the brunto[)« with the warty suout
Moseyed around for herbs and things.
of enterprise still springs fresh and vig­
Would 1 have bothered myself o'ermuch
E R U P T IO N S ON T H E s k i n
orous in tlie Brixtonian breast.
About divine afflatus aud such?
B e a u t i f i e s / C o m p l e x i o K i ,
from the point of view o f commercial
JOT CUf»t.
The dlnotheriuiu flourished then.
speculation it is to be feared that the
A n agreeable Laxative and NERVETONIOL
The pterygutus lashed the seas.
syndicate lias been as completely whipped
Sold by Druggists or aont by mail. 2 T»c..W)c^
The rhamphorynchu* prospered when
by American firms as have all previous
and $1.00 per package. Samples free.
The scmpb.igiiathus ix-rc-bed in trees.
exhibitions by tbe W h ite City. Consid
The Favorite
Favorite TOOTH
And every creature, wild or lame.
for tbe Teeth and Breath. 86^
Rejoiced la some rococo name.
ering that the ashes of Christopher Co
lumbus were all but stolen on the very
Pause and ponder, who could writ*
opening day, and that the czar of Rus
A triolet or roundelay.
A friend advised tne to
While a megatherium yawped all night
sia’s jew els and the queen of Italy's lace
try Ely's Cream Balm and
Aud a besperoruis yawped all day.
have disappeared ontright, we gravelv
after us rig it six weeks l
While, now and again, the bray sonorous
doubt whether English competition will
Of Glyptudoa super swelled tbe chorus?
believe myself cured o f ca­
have much chance. Obviously native
tarrh It is a most valuable |
If I'd been almost auythlng
talent has every advantage of local
But a poet. 1 might have got along;
remedy.—Joseph 8te <«tf,
knowledge, and though we could see the
Those extinct monsters of hoof aud wing
GtJf Grand Ave., Brooklyn J
Were not conducive to lyric song.
adventurers cross the Atlantic without »
sigh we should advise them in their own
For the kindlier age of j»ork and lard.
interest to confine their operations to the
—Eugene Field in Chicago News-Record
narrower sphere of Brixton.
liners, and the crim e Is set
down by all us serious mid properly pun
i-lic.hlo by heavy fine and long imprison
I f the job i9 on a large scale, tbe
community for tho moment is shocked
In the woods and on the waters along
Ih r Canadian frontier it Is very different.
Tin- communities of the border, be they
Am erican nr Canadian, as surely ns they
arc. made up of frontiersmen, born and
bred, are Inclined to tako a lenient view of
such mat tens
From a crime smuggling
becomes an enterprise, or, at worst, a sort
of geographical disease at which one might
lie shocked were he alone, but which
troubles him little since his neighbors are
infected too.
The fact now Is just what it has been
over since there has been population
enough on both sides of tho border to make
tho evasion o f the tariff a paying business
#or adventurous spirits— Uncle Sam can
not police his long line o f border fence,
I nor indeed do any more than make a poor
* bluff » t it and trust to the moral sense of
I tho people for the rest. An d when the
fence Isn’ t watched the alm ighty dollar
crowds tho moral sense o f the people to
tho wall, and there’s an end to It. Give
the frontiorsman a chance to smuggle, and
ho w ill arrange the matter with his con
sclrncc. Ho has the chance, and arrange
it w ith his conscience he surely does, to
snch an extent Indeed that there Isn’ t a
heartier, happier chap In all tbe land.
A lo n g the wooded stretch o f the lower
St. Lawrence and In the thousand and one
sheltered caves of the g u lf the “ free trad
nrs” have long since been most formidable
as far as the eastern country Is concerned.
As for the river Itself, there aro boats In
summer, and there la the Ice in winter.
The revenue posts arc far apart. The rev­
enue cutter cannot be everywhere even In
summer. In the winter the smuggler with
a little money to earn w ill go farther in
Ice and snow, in the dusk o f early morn­
in g and evening, in the night Itself, than
the revenue pol'ceman, who, after all. Is
but human and may earn his salary much
as he pleases. I f he discovers a solitary
sleigh track across the frozen river, he
may surmise or he may even watch for
tbe return o f the driver. Even then he Is
hours late and finds, If anything, an inno­
cent traveler with an empty sledge. The
Innocent traveler’s pockets may be boavler,
but that is his business.
W hat Is true of the Ice Is true of the
water. Far down In the g u lf Is the "five”
port o f S t Pierre. One may land there
what he w ill free o f duty. Thus his wares
are at tho gates o f two protected countries
and safo as yet from the revenue officials
W ill ho lose money by entering them
through the regular channels? N o t he
The "‘ underground passage” Is more risky,
but it promises great returns. He ealeu
lutes to a nicety, does the wicked “ free
trader,” the chances of profit and loss. I f
he carried his goods up the waterway In
wholesale quantities, be m ight have all
Tran satlan tic
A St. Lo u is W o m a n C re sted a Sensation
a t a " H o ly G host” M eetin g.
W h a t H o li a s A c c o m p lis h e d o f U n ity an d
W h a t R e m a in s to R e D one.
W rought up to a high pitch o f excite­
ment and overcome by religious fervor, a
strange woman created a w ild disturbance
at the Church of God Tuesday night, says
tba St. Louis Post Dispatch. B elieving
that abe was imbued with divine powor,
the attempted to cast out devils, and be-
sause the devils w ou ldn't go she attempt­
ed to throw the other worshipers out.
The Church of God was started by Mrs.
Woodward, a traveling evangelist. One
tt tba rules of tha church la to bold a aerv-
I f Leo X I I I were 50 instead of 84, be
might hope to change the face of Chris­
H is zeal, bis faith, his per­
sistent pursuit of unity could hardly
fail to leave their mark upon events.
Even in the 16 years of his pontificato
he has achieved more than it seemed
possible for a pope to compass. He has
made peace with the French repnblio
and the Russian czar, aud if be has not
effected a reconciliation with the king­
dom of Italy it is because he has satis­
fied himself that to do so would be pre­
mature and inexpedient. He has, in a
largo measure, the imagination withont
which no great object is ever attained.
W hat to less hopefnl souls seems like a
dream is to him a present reality. He
looks out over the world, and he is not
In the least daunted by the weary spec­
tacle that meets his gaze.
He sees dis­
sension and schism all around him, but
he sets to work to bring unity out of
confusion as cheerfully as though his
object were already half attained.
H is eyes are turned at one and at the
samo time on England, ou the east and
and on the United States. To each in
tnrn be holds out au iuvitation to come
back to his fold; for each in tnrn he
does his utmost to make reconciliation
I f reunion were purely a ques­
tion of temper, we should set the great­
est possible store by his efforts.
though a soft answer may turn away
wrath it is powerless to generate con-
viction. W h at stands between the pope
and those whom be addresses is differ­
ence of belief. W h at to one is a self evi­
dent truth is to the other a contradic­
tion of history. The conception of church
authority which underlies the papal ap­
peals is radically different from that
which commends itself to the Orthodox
eastern, to tho Anglican, to the Protes­
The pope hardly understands,
however, that before auy of these can
come as suppliants to his feet they must
be sure of something more than a kindly
welcom a They must have undergone
an intellectual conversion.
They must
have been convinced by papal argu­
ments, not merely conciliated by papal
kindness.— Loudon Spectator.
Ice every evening These services aro call-
ad H oly Ghost meetings, and at such times
tbe spirit Is supposed to be especially pres­
A t tho H oly Ghost m eeting on Tuesday
evening, when those present had become
filled w ith the spirit, a large, portly Ger-
man woman suddenly arose tn her scat
and began to talk and gesticulate.
“ Come forwt rd, sister; come forw ard,”
aald tbe leader.
She did go forward hut on the way sho
.caught sight o f .Mr. L evi Forgy and In­
sisted that he should accompany her. See­
in g that tbo woman was greatly excited
and wishing to avoid a scene, he arose and
accompanied her to tbe altar. N o sooner
had ibn reached that place than she turned
about, crying:
“ Open tho doors, whilo I cast out this
d ev il.”
Now, Mr. Forgy Isn 't a devil. Neither
has ho tho appearance of ono. H e also ob­
jected to having anything cast out o f him
nr being himself cast out and started to
return to his seat. This seemed to anger
tho woman, who turned suddenly upon
him and began claw ing him in the face.
She ecnitcbed him until the blood flowed
In profusion before be could make his es­
cape. When be did get away, she turned
her attention to the other members o f the
congregation. She walked up the aisle,
claw in g at every one w ithin reach.
H er action caused great const.-rnatlon,
especially among the women, who made
w ild attempts to get out o f her way Miss
Cora K in g was knocked down In the wild
rush, as was also Mrs. George M aloie. T o
add to the commotion an old negro w om ­
an waa seized with the spirit, bad the
“ pow er” and begun to shout ond gesticu­
late. Tho German wom an kept on her
marob, and being decidedly muscular It
was some minutes before she could be
subdued. Sho was finally quieted down,
however, and the m eeting came to nclose.
Some o f the women had crawled under
the seats, and a number o f men had fled
from tbe building. For a tim e It looked
aa though there would t e a paule. especial
ly when tha negro woman began her an-
tlr a
T h e W i f e o f Moses.
W e must examine the Talmud and the
liooks o f the commentators before we cau
answer the question of a correspondent:
“ Did Moses take a negro woman to wife?"
W e learn from the tw elfth chapter of the
book o f Numbers that certain persons
“ spake against Moses because of the Ethio­
pian woman whom he had married, tor he
married an Ethiopian woman,” but it must
be remembered that all the people of the
extensive region anciently known as Ethi­
opia were not negroes. The Cushite race
lived there in the time of Moses. Perhaps
the w ife .vbora the Law giver of Israel mar­
ried was a Cushite or Sabsean. If, how
ever, she was o f the negro race, we cannot
help it.—N ew York Sun.
I v o r y 3 a 11 M a k in g a S lo w P roc e **.
GRE \ l
D IS C O V L l l 1
T h e I n g e n u it y a n d S k i ll
o f One W o rk *
a n E v e r la s t in g B e n e fit to I ll s F e l l o w
M e n —A n In s t a n c e iu P o in t .
Hera.d, South Bend, Wash.]
It falls to our lot this week to tell our
readers, and especially those who are not
blessed with perfect health, of one of the
greatest and Bimpiest remedies of the
century. Personally we enjoy the very
best of health year in and year out, but
among our friends is J. L. Myers, pro­
prietor of the Broadway Pharmacy, a
man who knows his business thorough­
ly, is entirely wedded to chemistry and
hygiene and often “ talks shop.” One
evening the conversation turned on nen
discoveries in drugs.
H e told us that one of our mutual
friends, John W vandt, a locomotive en­
gineer, owed his health to a new medi­
cine known as Dr. W illiam s’ Pink Pills,
and that Mrs. Lawler, the wife of Patrick
Lawler, cooper at the Tannin E x trad
Works, and weil-known in this city, hat
been raised by them from what hei
friends thought was her death bed.
H aving had our attention called to the
matter so paiticularly we have sine«
found that everybody has a good word
ior Pink Pills, and especially were we
interested in the case of Mrs. Lawler
Finally we called at her home and asked
her to tell us if Pink Pills had realh
done as much for her as had been told.
She said they had, and she would re­
peat the la d s to me.
Mrs. Lawler said: “ Two years and s
half ago I was taken sick. 1 then iiveii
in Tacoma, and for live weeks was nol
able to turn myself in bed. My hus­
band and boys lilted me around an
cared for me, and they scarcely hoped
for my recovery. I could eat nothing,
was simply worn out.
“ I sent for tiie Pink Pills and I began
taking them. It said in the direction?
that they should be taken immediately
after eating. ?o I at* lightly, then t iok
the puls and in two days was able to sii
up. la two weeks I was up and around,
and was able to make the trip of 125
miles by cars to South Bend, where my
husband had gone to work.
“ Since that time I have been well and
have done my own work, and now when
I feel worn out or ill I always take Pink
Pills and they help me at once. I have
in the two years and a half used twenty
one boxes of them, and we all use them
when we are feeling out of sorts. I have
recommended them to many of my
friends, and they always helped them
and I can say to all mothers that they
will find them a good medicine to build
them up, cure headaches, dizziness and
the ills which so often beset them.”
Mr. I-awler also stated that he h id
often taken Pink Pills. That he used u>
Ire troubled with sick headache and diz
ziness in the morning, but that Pink
Pills had cured him.
Dr. W illiam s’ Pink Pills contain all
the elements necessary to give new life
and richnees to the blood and restore
shattered nerves. They are for sale by
all druggists or may be had by mail from
Dr. W illiam s’ Medicine Company, Sche­
nectady, N. Y ., for 50 cents per box, oi
six boxes for $2.50.
T o cover sucb territory would
necessitate tbe employm ent o f an army.
It is not worth while, so the smuggler
joes ns he Iikc9, because neither govern­
ment can afford to go to greut expense to
stop leaks which are trifling in tbe aggre­
Even in cases where suspicion has been
• lo o R E W A R D » t o o .
Smuggled Tobacco In n Pneumatic Tiro.
aroused there are many ways o f outw it
A new system o f sm uggling was detect j The renders o f this paper w ill he please 1
j ting the authorities. It was not long ago I
that a N ew York jew eler suspected of j ed recently at Dover. A young man with : to learn that there is at least one dreaded
smuggling jew elry into tho United States | t safety bicycle, the pneumatic tire of
i disease that science has been able to curt
from Paris through Canada was watched which was Inflated w ith fine Turkish to ­
bacco instead of air, attempted to Inno­ j in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. H a ll’s
and finally followed. His houso had a Par
| ,s branch, and It w a s thought the opera­ cently ride off on his wheel. The customs Catarrh Cure ia tbe on ly p ositive cure
tions were extensive. Diamonds are ad­ officer, with the usual suspicion of his I known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
mitted to Canada free o f duty, and when uiasft, detected the tobacco, and the " new being a constitutional disease, requires a
l constitutional treatment. H all's Catarrh
tho revenue detective had followed his smuggler"' was consequently detained.
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
man to Montreal and had discovered that
; upon the blood and mucous surfaces o f tbs
he received large packages o f precious
thereby destroying the foundation
Prince Bismarck is determined never to
stones through the Montreal postufflee
I of tbe diBenve, and givin g the pat ent
from the continent he scented a big cap­
] strength by building up the constitution
he carries a stout cudgel across his back, aud assisting nature in doing its work
ture. He waited until tho jew eler started
in 'ita
1 for New York and boarded the same train. held between hiselbows. This helps him j The proprietors h aveso much 7aith
to keep himself erect.
. . . thay
— One Hun
curative powers, . that
When they'crossed the border, they had a
: tired Dollars for any case that it faila to
; sleeper all to themselves, and the detect-
Use words o f Saxou rather than o f Latin cure. Send for list o f testimonials.
I Ive, once on United States soil, accused
Address, F. J. C H E N E Y A Co., Toledo, O
the merchant and demanded the right to origin whenever it is possible to do so, thus
"¡Sold by Druggists, 75c.
gaining terseness and vigor rather tha i a
search him. The dealer was indignant.
The detective Insisted. The dealer resist
ed. The detective was the bigger o f the force.
East from Portland, Pendleton, W alla
two, and overcom ing his nian by main
A n K .g e r an d n N ip p in g W in d ,
W alla via O. R. A N. to Spokane and Great
force he made a search and found nothing
dutiable. He was profuse in his apolo­ A continuous down p >ur o f rain, inclem­ Northern Railway -o Montana, Dakotas, Ht.
Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, Omaha. 8t.
gies, and the merchant, who m ight have ent weather, generally in winter and
Louis, East ai.d S o ith . Rock-ballast track;
made no end o f trouble over the affair, spring, are unfavorable to all classes o f in­ tine scenery; new equipment Great N orth ­
consented to he mollified. They becamt valids. But warmth and activity infused ern Palace Sleepers and Diners; Fam ily
friendly, but the detective still wondered into the circulation counteracts these in ­ Tourist Care ; Bullet-Library Cars. W rite
about those diamonds.
fluences and interpose a detense against 0. C. Donovan, General Agent, Portland,
He did not forget them either, and a them. H ostetler’ s Stomach Bitters, most Oregon, or F. I. W hitney. G. P. A T . A.,
year later a special treasury agent in New thorough and effective o f stomachics and St. ra u l, Minn., for printed matter and in ­
York discovered that the crafty jeweler, ton ’es, not only enriches the hi tod, but formation abo t rate.-, routes, etc.
Instead of attem pting to carry the spar accelerates its circulation. For a chill, or
M U S I C B T O H K - W i le v B. Allen C o . , ! * «
klers over the line, had simply shipped premonitory symptoms o f rheumatism
oldest, the largos», H i FI rat St., Portland.
and kidney complaint, particu'arly preva
Chlckering, Hardman, Fischer Piauos, Kstag
them from Montreal to a trusty ally in lent at these seasons, it is the best possible
Low price»*, easy terms.
Windsor, Ont., who “ sneaked” them remedy. I t is also invaluable for dyspep­
lO -C IS N T M l N l C - S i nd ior catalogues.
across the river and forwarded them to sia. liver complaint, constipation and ner­
New York, where they were duly placed vousness. Never set out on a winter or Ose B n am elln e Stove Polish ; no d o st no naeU .
spring journey without it. Elder.'y per­
on tbe market.
So It is that some men never worry over sons and the delicate and convalescent are
T ey G s e m e a for breakfast.
greatly aided by it.
the tariff.
f t W a a o f the R ig h t K in d , an d H e ’a N o w
a S en a tor E lec t.
Flags They ray th .t Badwan Is quite 111. I)o
his trie (1? have grave fears for hi f Fogg—1
think their fears extend b yond tbe grave.
•eized and confiscated at onoe. He know i
better. B ig schooners sail from the free
haven of St. Pierre richly laden and with
out a port before them.
That Is the trick. When they have gone
far enough, and it is dark enough, down
goes tho anchor and up goes tbe qulotest
o f signals. The spot i9 secluded. The big
schooner rides alone, without a ligh t save
those carried by the most houest merchant
men But io the night smaller boats come
alongside— sloops, rowboats, any craft of
small capacity, and which can float in
Shallow water. The cargo is distributed
quickly until It becomes 100 cargoes.
Thou the big schooner beats back to the
free port o f St, Pierre, and the smaller
craft take their chances of landing where
they may. One or tw o may be captured
and the cargoes confiscated The majority
escape, and the profit on the stuff that Is
landed in safety easily compensates for the
losses and leaves a handsome margin.
The chief article smuggled there Is
liquor. The Canadians, hy avoiding the
duty on whisky and alcohol, save an
amount which is sometimes as high as til
or $3 a gallon and profit ar irdingly.
Whisky, cigars aud tuoacco, too, to­
gether with precious stones, are the things
which seem most tem pting to the frontiers­
men in Maine and N ew Brunswick. There
is many a load of hay that goes over the
border with a big ju g of whisky hidden
within. A load of wood or on apparently
empty packing case often serves tho same
purpose. From Passamaquoddy bay the
boundary line runs for 40 miles np the S t
Croix river, thence 30 miles through a
chain o f lakes called the Schoodies, 80
miles through a sparsely settled agricul­
tural region, 00 miles along the S t John
river, through Lake S t Francis, and then
through a wilderness down to tbe New
Hampshire line.
The geography is a temptation In Itself.
The old cathedral town of St. Andrews lies
but two miles from tbe Maine border, and
a railroad, o f which Russell Sage Is now
the chief owner, connects It with the ports
L o o k O u t F o r th e W h it e H orse.
~f S t John and Halifax, both o f which
• Red hair has “ come In ” again. The itehine Pile, knowr b j nx.iK n, like pempirsti n, C.M.
have steamship connections with England
1 ais form and Blind, bleed -
market w ill anon be flooded with articles »ntensettehjngwhen.warm.
”. f or Protruding PJea y »elu u t o u c e lo
and are constantly receiving English
tor turning
__ your crowning
__ glory from any
D R . E O -S A N ~ K O * S P I L E R E M E D Y
goods. Bustling Calais, In Maine, faoes __ _
de to a rich, deep, glo w in g red. An d j ¡*“ fA * ? * <u'®cfJroupMtsa!Tr<-t*<i,»b«*t>»tamota« 1 -
S t Stephen, In N ew Brunswick, with a
n the white boree joke wUi be revived. |
E T W l E m iiS S ,
toil bildgq between them. The towns sg-
s a il.
6 « Warren Btreel, New York.
T h e Largent M an ufacturers at
On this Continent, have received
from the greet
>ln Europe aim Ana.
u Ualfkt the Dutch l’mrm, no Alke*
J i l l ra <>r < lirr t tirmirato < r l>>reere
__^ n « * d in eny o f their Prepare fume.
r delirious BRL/ V T A S T CTX'OA fa eH.olu.etr
nd euluble, end cx> •• l*m (Aon mm e m t m cm/*.
W . L. D ouclas
I 1 A
n U
IS T H E B F - T .
c o r d o v a n
14*3*° F ine C alf & K angaroo .
* L A D I C S *
E F F E C T IV E .
The rabbit’s foot has again been vin d i­
cated. Several years ago Lucien Baker, a
The valuable curative properties o f A ll ­
lnwyer o f Leaven­
cock ’ s Pooocs P lasters are due to the
one from a colored eiuploym ext o f the highest medical and
client, and now chemical skill. Tney are purely vegetable,
Mr. Baker Is U n it­ and in ingredients and method have never
ed States senator bfen equalled ; safe, quick and effective in
elect front Kansas. their action: they do not burn or blister,
Many other people but 9oothe and relieve while curing, and
have carried rah can lie worn without causing inconveni­
bits’ feet around
A ll other so called Porous Plasters are
for years without im iia'ion s, made to sell on tbe reputation
breaking Into the o f A l l c o c i ’ s .
United States sen
B k in d k e t h ’ s P i l l s , tbe safest purgative
they known.
doubtless failed to
“ Ef wom en,' said Uncle Ebvn, ‘‘am es con­
oarry the right trary ex rome (o k - clah 's dey is, de b*s‘ way
kind. Mr. Baker's ter K it ’em out of wantin' suffrage am ter tell
mascot, it is to be presumed, is the left ’em dey goiter vote."
hind leg o f n graveyard rabbit, shot w h ile'
jum ping over a murderer’s grave In tbe
dark o f the moon at m idnight by a cross
eyed colored man, who crawled Into the
T T —like flowers, fade
graveyard backward. No other rabbit’s
and wither with tim e;
foot could have possibly won a United
the bloom o f the rose
States senatorshlp for him.
is only known to the
Senator Baker w a s horn In Fulton coun
h e a l t h y woman's
cheeks. The nerv­
ty, O., In 1846 and obtained a common
strain caused by
school education. He removed to Monroe
the ailments and
county, Mich., when he was 20 years of
pains peculiar to the
age, and after the necessary three years’
sex. and the labor
study In a la w office w a s admitted to the
and worry o f rearing
bar. He then entered the A n n Arbor Law
a family, can often
school, and after graduation began the be traced by the lines in the woman’s face.
practice of his profession In Leavenworth. Dull eyes, the sallow or wrinkled face and
Hts knowledge o f law and his genial char­ those “ feelings o f weakness” have their
acter soon rewarded him with a lurge and I rise in the derangements and irregularities
lucrative practice, and he Is now said to ! peculiar to women. The functional de-
be worth about $150,000. In 1872 he m ar­ rangements, painful disorders, and chronic
weaknesses o f women, can be cured with
ried Miss Mary Higginbotham, an accom­ Dr. Pierce’ s Favorite Prescription. For the
plished Denver lady and a graduate of young girl just entering womanhood, for
Vassar. Their son is now attending Ann the mother and those about to become
Arbor Law school and looking for a rab­ mothers, and later in “ the change o f life,”
b it’s foot o f the righ t kind, and the only the “ Prescription ” is just what they need ;
daughter is at Vassar, her m other’s alma it aids nature in preparing the system for
the change. It ’s a medicine prescribed for
thirty years, in the diseases o f women, by
The year o f his marrlr ^e Mr. Baker Dr. R. V. Pierce, ch ief consulting physician
was elected city attorney of Leavenworth, to the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Insti­
his first office. A year later he ran for tute,at Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite
county attorney, but was beaten by Hon. Prescription w ill cure the chronic inflamma­
L. M. Goddard, now a supreme court tion o f the lining membranes which cause
judge in Colorado. In 1882 he made an auch exhausting drains upon the system.
unsuccessful canvass for tho congressional It cures nervous prostration, sleeplessness,
faintness, nervous debility and all disorders
nomination, but was beaten by E. N. Mor
arising from derangement o f the female
rill, the present governor of Kansas. In organs and functions.
1892 he again entered the political arena
Mrs. J e n n ie W il l ia m s , o f Mohawk. I a m C m ..
and was electod state senator. Mr. Baker Oregon. writes : ** I
Is an antiprohibitionist and a Republic­ was sick for over three
an. Several years ago he temporarily bolt­ years with blind dizzy
spells, palpitation o f
ed bis party on the prohibition issue. He tne heart, pain in the
was a dark horse, compromise candidate back and head, and
for senator and was not in the race until at times would have
such a weak tired feel­
the afternoon of the last caucus. Hi9 elec­ ing when I first got
tion was a great surprise to the people of i up* in the morning,
Kansas, none of whom, however, could
tiracs nervous
have been much more suiprised than the 1 The physicians dif­
fered as to what my
lucky lawyer himself.
In 1880 the reckless marksmanship of a disease was. but none
o f them did me any
printer named Tom Thurston, whom Bak
As soon as I
er had saved from tbe gallows, resulted In commenced taking Dr.
Favorite Pre­
a serious mishap to Baker. Thurston fired
scription, I began to
i a t D. R. Anthony, editor of the LeAven-
get be ttrr ; could sleep
! worth Times, but missed him, and the 45 well nights, and that bad nervous feellnft and the
* caliber ball flew on down tbe street, pass­ pain in mv h «lc soon left me. I can walk sever,
al m ile, without getting tired. I took in all three
ing through Baker’s body and causing a bottles o f ' Prescription and tw oo f • Discovery." -
serious wound in his liver.
K I .T ’ 8 C R E A M B A I . M Opens and cleanses
the Nasal PasHage«, Allays Pain iu d In A m m m »
tion, Heals the Bores, Protect» the M em brane
from eolds, Restores the Bernes of Tante et d
Smell. The Balm ia quickly absorbed and gives
relief et onoe.
A particle la applied into each noatrll, and Is
agreeable. Price, 50 cents at P - u g f i 't » ’ or by
!*2.* i .7.? B oys S chool S hoei
!E? £ ® i5 B f3 U .
O v e r One M illio n People w e a r tb e
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
i wo Is each
J d*y is
health. T b « M pillB Buppiy wh t the
brighten the
make it ;-e<rultr. They core r
her gripe nor Bicker
sicken. T o oonvince you,
They neither
Bold ew
»imple free, or a full .bea far MaTi_____,
C O „ Philadelphia. P a
All our shoes .r e equally satisfactory
T h e y g iv e th e b e s t v a lu e fo r th e m o n ey.
T h e y equai cu stom sh oes In s t y le and fit .
,'h ilr w e a rin g q u a litie s a r e u n su rp assed ,
".'he prices are u n ifo rm ,— -stam p ed on sola.
Prom $i to $3 sa v e d o v e r o th e r msktM.
If your dealer cannot supply you we can.
Spectil Doctor: In Chronic, Prtnte
ind Wilting Discus.
Can Get
Dr. Liebig’s Invtgorator the fa s te s t remedy for
Seminal Weakness, Loss of Mani ood and Private
Diseases, Overcomes Prematureness and prepares
all for marriage life’s duties, pleasure* and respon­
sibilities; 91 trial b »trie given or sent free to any
one describing s>mptoms; call or address 400 Geary
*st., private entrance 405 Mason 8 t., San Francisco
r Ferry’s Seed« at your dealers \
as fresh and fertile its though 1
’ you got them direct from F erry’s 1
Heed Farms.
F e r r y s .S e e d s '
are known and planted every­
where, and are a lw a y s the
F e r r y 's
¿ ^ » W A S H IN G T O N
l Ana
for 1S95 teils all about
them, — Free.
>. M . Parry A Co.
Ita wearing qualities are nninrpassed, actually
outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Free
from Anim al Oils. O K T T H K G K N V 1 N K .
and Dealers generally.
The life gena
and vital forcalo!
plants and flowers;
it g i v e s v i g o r ,
power and size to
the vital organs of
Manhood restored
Night Emissions,
W eak memory.
Atrophy, Sexual
W eakness, etc.,
Surely cured by
i f you use the Petalum*
Incubators A Brooders-
Make money while
others are wasting
time by old processes.
Catalog tali s a il about
it,and describes every
article needed for th<
poultry business.
The “ E R IE '’
The most won
derful achieve)
in Medical Science.
T h e only ackn nol-
ed ged fe r m a n e n *
cure g u a ra nteed.
New York
It f-u y Fulton St.
E a sy to c a r r y m
vest p ick et.
Price $i. Si* fr” $5
Sent in p l a i n
w r a p p e r , or at
all Druggists.
mechanically the best
,wheel. Prettiest model.
W e are Pacific Coast
Agents. Bicycle cata­
logue , mailed’free .gives
full dr script ion prices etc., a o e n t s W A jrrro
P E T A L U M A IHCUBATOK C 0 .,P e t «liia ».C * I.
B b a w c b H o i -» e , »31 S Main St., L o . AnRc’.c«
! C • TTlt, «IBM •
■«. P. N. U. No. 688 8. F. N. U. N o ? «
^OTH N «
/ ¿ „ I S î z ï ï Î
T.? I TW1, 3 M;
“ D O N ’T B O R R O W T R O U B L E . ”
I t does not look reasonable that (J to 12
months should be ueeded to make a bil
Hard ball, but a first class ball cannot be
manufactured in less time, owing to the
S ta n fo rd ’s T w o T atra T rees.
tendency of carved ivory to shrink. I f it
M r. Stanford w as not superstitious, sbrauk equally, a b ill could be cut and pol
W h y S im p k in s W a s Shook.
but he believed that his lift was linked ished in a few hours, but it does not, the
"Simpkins, you know,” said the fat man,
w ith that of two palm trees which he shrinkage being greater in the direction of “has an idea that he’s a wit, and he’a all the
had planted in front of his P alo Alto the width than o f the length of the tusk. time springing gags cn people he knows
home. H e bestowed great care on these A ball must thus be roughly shaped, then Most of them is chestnuts, but once in a
trees, and they flourished until a few kept for a number of months, until the while he gets off a new one. He got off a
shrinkage process has been completed, new one to his girl the other night, and
weeks before his death, when their leaves
when the fine cutting and polishing may be that’s why he lost her. It seems that he
began to turn yellow. N o one noticed done.—Chicago Tribune.
was up to her house, and they were sitting
this change until one evening the senator
out on the veranda. She got to telling him
called the attention of one of his closest
A S im p le R em edy.
about an adventure she hail that afternoon
friends to the trees and said he regarded
An effectual means of stopping bleeding when she was down town. It seems that
this as a bad omen. He said solemnly, from the nose is to move the jaws up and she was coming along Main street up by
“ W h en those trees cie, my life w ill end.” down as if going through the process of Tupper, and a little poodle dog ran across
The palm trees are now dead, and Stan­ mastication. I f the patient is a child, put the street with a policeman after it. Just
ford lies lifeless in the shadow of their some paper in his mouth and tell him to as it reached the middle of the street the
chew it thoroughly. This method is ridicu­ policeman pulled out his pistol aud fired at
withered tops.— N e w Y ork Tribune.
lously simple, yet it has never been known it. The hall went through the dog’s lungs,
to fail even in the most aggravated cases.— and it dropped over dead.
“ W h a t D id tho P r iv a t e s D o ? "
“ The girl was telling this, and she said:
Paeans of praise have gone np at A d ­
'When I saw that poor little thing lying
miral Tryon’s refusal, with the words
there dead, 1 just couldn’t help going over
Confined to th o H o u n .
“ Save yourself,” of a life belt offered
—You look very pale and thin! and picking him up. It seemed too bad to
him. H e would have been base indeed
B. —Yes, I have been in a very bad way. have a great big brute of a policeman kill
had he taken it, and his heroism is sim­ Yesterday I went out for the first tim e dur­ snch a lovely little dog, and I told him so."
ply nanght compared to that of the man ing the last 12 months.
Right there is where Simpkins got in his
who had tendered the life belt. Not a
A . — Poor fellow ! Pray, wbat was the fine work. "You picked him up?’ he asked
her. ‘Yes,’ says she. ‘And he was shot in
single paper has touched on the grand matter with you?
B. —One year in jail: that was the mat­ the lungs?’ he asked again. ‘Yes,’ says she.
unselfishness of the subordinate, yet—
‘W ell,’ ?iays Simpkins with a sober face,
from a woman's point of view at any ter.—Monarquía.
‘that wasn’t quite the right thing to do,
rate— his offer w as a fa r nobler act than
was it?’ ‘I should like to know why?’ says
The author o f “ A lice In Wonderland,”
the adm iral's refusal.— Cor. P ail Mall
Lewis Carroll, has tw o hobbies—children the girl. ‘Because,’ says Simpkins, ‘if he
and amateur photography.
The former was shot in the lungs, he had a hole in his
may be guessed at from his peculiarly suc­ pants.’
“ That settled it with Simpkins,” contin­
Dr P ric e ’s C re a m B a k in g P o w de r. cessful children’s books, fu ll o f the delight­ ued the fat man. “The girl shook him then
ful nonsense that children o f ail growths
W o rld ’s P a ir H ig h e s t A w a rd .
and there. "—Buffalo Expreea.
1 DO Y O U F K E L B A D ? D O E S Y O U R B A U K
| ache? Doe* every step seem a bm d e n * Yon need
AR IA il
__ _
nlv. T rv H.
m o o r e ’ s
R e v e a l e d
r e m e d y
— ■ ---------------------------- -------------= *
nnv your ..Kta r-KIE- AJ*D riwvisIO.NB of tu, and we will u ve yon money. We har die the t^wt
and deliver tree to tralni or Doata. We boy and tell for spot ca*h. and «11 goods cheeper
than any other ftrm In the country. Bend aa your name and addreaa, and we will mall von oar
n *?iiL IC*il,! i , Whtch r U, « ' ! t ont ¡°°.n"
K> day: ("Umax tobwoo, 40 cent, per pound.
D’ T granulated anger In 10-lb tacka lor......f4 75 | Beat coal oil per cue .. _..
Bmt tbranda
brand» o
c‘ f -----—
1 »b
• "«
- eo«i-e
“ .........
flour per 1
..... .... - 2 •«
U ¡>
u c k * le
per pound-
»•o d na a Hat o f wbat yon naad, and wwWfil max# y sa spedai priora,
a du rea. y oar « c d m ta
M A R K L . O O H N à O O . I « e F ro n t Stroet, P o rtla n d . O r.