r — 4 % Jf «Ä i«r V Cultaie Grove Echo-Leader. The beef market is rapidly im­ provin'» and lias reached the high­ est point touched in Chicago for a long time past. Of course the im­ PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. provement is general throughout E. P . T H O R P , - - E D ITO R . the country, and our stock-men j have goo.l cause to be elated, SATU RDAY, MARCH 23, - 1895. j A bill has passed in the California ! legislature ordering the heads of departments in state, county and municipal governments to give ] re­ ference in employment to honorably Tte Echo-Leader is the best Weekly Paper in Lane County. The economy that throws men , «1». barged Union soldiers and sail- ou t of wot k makes unhappy homes i ors- ’V'he bill also provides that »hen the statute fixes uo term of acd is nut worth wlmt it costs. offi.-e the employes shall lie retained A red-headed woman said yester­ for life. day that her toe indicated snow or We give the following from a rain. Evidently there is a squall Leavenworth pa er as a sample of a-brewing. the flowery style not often equaled: The thou-a ds of miners and work- ing men who will in the near future be working in the greut mills, smelt rs and rich gold mines of Bohemia, must bo supplied with the farm products of south Lane county. The opportuni­ ties now open here to the progressive and live man in diversified Terming and advanced fruit industry is phe­ nomenal. “ The furious rage of a firey monster was relegated to an arena of ttu- poteucy before accomplishing niuco of its fiendish design lust Thursday morning. The demon wus shooting forth its lurid tongue in the resi dence of Dispatcher Bell, snd was first discovered by Ed Gillis. A few gallons of water judiciously ap­ This is the only railroad gate-way to plied saved the building from curi- t h e rich Bohemia gold m in e s . H e r e , iug heavenward iu smoke und ashes in south Lane county, we have a vast ith a comparatively small loss." territory o f phenomenal resources— Somebody wrote to an editor to an aggregation of natural, yet almost totally undeveloped resources of such ask him “ how to break an ox. colossal magnitude that with men of j The editor answered as follows: enterprise, business knowledge and “If oulv oue ox a good way would capital, this would soon become the be to hoist him by means of a log richest, most prosperous and happiest chain, to the top of a pole foi ty leet section in America. from the ground, then hoist him The announcement that an Ohio by a rope tied to his horns to an­ man has invented a gnu eight feet other pole, then let decetad on his 1 tig, operated by electricity, that hack a five ton pile driver, and if will discharge a thousand shots a that don't break him let him start minute, gives reason for believing a newspaper. One of the two will that the fool-killer may at last be do it sure.” equipped with a weapon equal to W heat O u tlo o k G ood — A private the needs of his trade.—S. F. Call. letter from Rumble & Co., Chicago, The E cho -L eader agrees with the says: “ The government report is Cali, but fears that the crop of sued on the 10th of the month idiots is so large that one wielding shows there is only 150,000,000 W E W O N D E R I l; L G O L D D IS C O V E R Y . A dispatch from Los Ange'es, Cal., states that in the discovery of the mines they have cubed the Disert Chief, the Desert Queen, Chief » f the hills and Dry Lake mine, located near Indio, the Me- Haney boys, Willia > a d James, have probably located the richest group of gold mines ever discover­ ed in the world. The discoverers and owners of the claims say there is more than $1,000,000 worth of gold in sight, aud old mining men, wbo have no interest in the claim whatever ( and the MeHaney boys say they will not sell a foot of what they have located ), say the min s will make multimillionaires of every man interested. The richness of the mines can be judged from the results obtained from' working a hatful of t ie ore mine 1 years ago. It WUS put tlllOUgll a 3 st Oil,' gold mill and yie.ded $953 iu g»hl. The 4 0 0 to 412 E St., Sacramento, Cal. BET. > Heart is Stronger LEWIS & BÜBKHOLDER. D E A LE R S IN ■'General M erchandise Largest General Retail House on Coast Wearing Appurel of »11 kind« for men, women, »nd children; Dry Goods, Shoe». Hats, Milllnerv, V»li«es, Furniture, Carpeta, Crockerv, Notions, Stationery, Btlverwara. Toys, Household Supplies, etc. Catalogue Free. A handsome Illustrated catalogue about our goods and prices sect free to any address Tens of thousands of cu*. turners And It proAtable and satisfac­ tory to buy through this book. T E R M S M A Y B E H A P P Y Y E T , YOU A few days ago we gave space to a remarkable letter of ex-Gov. Proc­ Fainting Spells, Neuralgia and tor Kn»tt, of Kentucky, to Senator! Blood Poison Blackburn, in winch the prediction , was made that unless free silver Hood's Sarsaparilla elves Health and Comfort. triumphed the world would be fill-1 | ed with woe, and we might as well | “ C. I. H ood Jb C o., L ow ell, Maaa.: “ Dear S i n : I saw H o o d ’s S an a pari ill ! get ready to exclaim: “ Good-bye h ig h ly recom m ended In newapapere. had neuralgia la w orld! howdv Heli ! Having m y head, back printe 1 that letter, we herewith ap- i and arm s. I ala« pend a few cheerful comments * on ! had w eak fainting •pells and couM the same made by the Lewisville find n o th in g t« | Courier-Jouri al d o m e any g ood Never mind Governor Knott. I A fter reading thi y|g.! l t e s tim o n ia l! ! You’ll feel better when the weather '• V i s - C A SH . Enclose money for goods with order, and if to be sent by mall allow for postage Any balance left over will be returned. If interested in any of th e items be* low, ord er promptly, giving item num­ ber. breaks and the crocuses begin t o ' ; peep above the sod; when timorous violets open plue eyes in greening , nooks, and the orchard slopes flush I pink in bourgeon o f beauty and texture, drapes beautuuily, and will wear well. belilBOn of p r o m i s e ; w h e n e v e r y Suitable for dresses, waists, underwear, fancy j bird is a herald of Arcadv, and work, etc. Colors, black, cream, cardinal, light w h e n lr e s b , blue, piuk. lemon aud heliotrope, 20 iu. wide. e v e n b r e a t h o f b a lm ; Special value at 27c yard. su tile aromas arc wanted for din­ mu » R oia Sheldon La Canter. Waib. ab ou t the g oof H o o d 's Sarsapa­ rilla was d o in g ! I d ecid ed t o g iv e 11 a tria l. I han taken It reguU rl} sin ce early Iasi WOOL, HIDES AND FURS, Lumber, Shingles and G rain. Agents fur the sale of the year and can tru th fu lly aay it Has Perfectly Cured Ms. I d o n o t antler n ow w ith any breakin g on! on m y head, nor have any fa in tin g apelU T he a ction o f m y heart has been strength- i in m i 1-1 o o d ’s 1 ing table, whose piece de assistance Sarsa­ OREGON LEM ATI greets the eye with the rich har­ parilla e v id e n t ly b e e n in h a b it e d b y a t r ib e b<,x' sells1,ir twico as miith. mony of colors that are to be found o f Aztecs. The c a v e wus strewn P63. Biarritz Kid Gloves, glace Anlsh, loose alotie in the ruby an 1 amber, Lin­ Be Sure ^ U T C S .. . , , nr i „ wrists, black or browns. Our own importatlo •, t o Get H o o f s . <% % -% % ■% w ith h u m a u bones. Work on th e ^ ed for 5ervlce aud general Mtls. coln green, bright yellow and ivory m in e s w ill b e s t a r t e d at o n c e , a n d a factlou; sizes, 5 3-4 to 7. Price 8ic. white of that royal fuutasie priu ened and T am free from all pain. I cheer­ temps yclept jow l-an i-geeus, trim- i fu lly recom m end H o o d ’s Sarsaparilla to b i g m ill w ill b e e r e c t e d iu t h e ca n -1 _ ................... „ P64. Children's Derby Ribbed Cotton Hose, . ’ t w hoever wishes to en joy health sn d c o m ­ in eggs; when the brook fo r t .” M iss R osa S h e l d o n , La Center, .yon us s o o n us til© r o a d , o n w h ic li dressy weight, in fast black or handsome medi- oied t h e m e n a r e n o w w o r k in g , w ill a l- urn browns. Fur 6 to 1» years. Prlceioc Look sings of tin-ecstatic present an I W ash in g ton . N. B. Bo to get H o o d ’». Prepared o n ly by C. I. H o o d A C o.,L o” -*U, like 2uc hose. when tbe mint by its side breathes 1 Mass. S old by all druggiete, $1; six f i $&. low its transportation. H o o d 's PHIS cure Nausea. Sick Headacba P65. Ladies' Ribbed Vests, high neck, long tbe glad to be; aud wbeu the Indigestion, Billousuess. 25c. per box. sleeves, close Alt mg. spring weight, and In silver- BE CAKEFUL. grey color. Being cotton and wool mixed will misery shall leave your lack , Gover­ nor, aud tbe stiffness shall steal The following is one of the laws not shrink. Telling value at 50c.; postage 10c. To go luto the Newspaper Business. Wishes to inform those wbo are contemplating building in tbe «pring to ban j P66. Men’s Heavy Cotton Socks, seamless, from your joints, aud the bile sball passed the last legislature: Ashland R ecord: It is rumored in llioir orders for lumlter now. «o they van bo _ . , , . i serviceable and rich brown color. Price toe depart from your liver an 1 the sand that Jos. G. Pierce, representing b e c t i o n 1. I t s h a ll b o u n la w fu l shall return to your g izzird ; aud, in Congees'-man Hopkins, who owns for any person to sell, barter, or Í j P67. Ladles’ Ane soft black Kid Shoes, medi- obedieuce to the rejuvenating sum­ tbe great body of land in the Jenny g t v e t o a u y m in o r u n d e r t h e a g e o f um heels and rounalng toes, patent leather tips; With any kind of lumber you may wish, which will then he ready, and von s ix t e e n years, a n y fir e a r m s , o r sizes, ¡ to 8. Price, $t.so, postage tsc. A lo w mons of earth aud suti an 1 sky and creek section is thinking o f going won’t have to wait. , , price, but a Ane shoe, water, you sball arise aud take up into the newspaper business at a m m u n it io n , w h a te v e r . PSA. Excellent quality Flannelettes, In medi­ your bed aud walk and hop aud skip Klamath Falls at-d boom ing the Section 2 Any person violating Orders From a Distance Prom ptly Attended T o um light stripes, to- dresses, wrappers and the provisions of this Act shall, up­ children’s garments, 27 In. wide. Frlce 5c yard. and jump, aud swell your lungs and timber and other resources of the crack your heels aud raise your Klamath basin ou an extensive on conviction thereof, be punished 8 c n d in y o u r o rd e r * ut o n c e . P6S. Fast black Sateens, small colored Agures, voLe and holler to the eternal hills scale. This would indicate that the by imprisonment iu the County Jail neat and pretty, aud 26 In. wide. Cost of 12 OREGON. iu the fulluess aud glory of liviug eastern capitalists expect an easing COI TAG K (¿ROVE, not less than oue month uor Inore yards, for full suit, $1.00. or 8 l-3c yard. than six months or by fine not less W E IN S T O C K , L U B IN & C O ., in the best laud on tile best earth ill up of final.ciul matters among the heavy weights aud tbe extension of twenty-five nor more than five Sacramento, Cal. the universe. the . above instrument cannot fiud . b u sin g ()f wheat remaining in the “ G ood bve, Hell! Howdv, W orld!” some tianscontiuental railroad huudred dollars. space sufficient to bury the dead. United States to carry us to the through that territory, tbe largest Section 3 Inasmuch as there is IMcManufi of Tennessee. Mr Corbett now has Mr. Jackson ______ A T _______ next harvest. This is barely no law in existence to punish this A Mr. John McManus of Slielby- in a ring bounded on the north by area iu the United States without The Postmaster at Chicago has enough for home requirements and the benefit of tbe iron horse. It is ; class of offences, and it is important ville, Tenn., has been senteuced Canada, on the ea st by the A tla n t ic , under consideration the adoption of seed, leaving nothing for export. that the same should not go un­ to pay $'2000 for bitiug off Mr. on tiie south by Mexico and the gulf presumed that Mr. Pierce will buy a plan to convey mails by wire, to Europe is bare of wheal and must with that surname on the w e -t by th e the Express plant. punished, this Act shall take effect William Bream’s nose It wus a distribute mail matter over roofs of have it from some source. Prices Pacific, and having hemmed him thus Cottage Grove, Oregon aud be iu force from and after its good tiling that Mr. McM’s appetite tight and fast, is tonguing him w ith buildings by electric cars traveling j are advancing rapidly Houaker Journal: C ¡arley Slack A MILL LINE OF approval by tbe Governor. went no further, as at the above amazing vigor all round tlio ring.—g. on a wire cable. The inventor says of the Bristol Courier, has suc­ At Mount Vernon, 111., March II, F. Call. rate the entire Bream would have he lias discovered a new principle cumbed at last, and gave us tbe the supreme court held that a A correspondent of Vick’s Maga­ come very expensive indeed. On Mr». Wilcox’» whit« P« itl-oat*. of harnessing the electric current palm. We can write up truths and woman has the same right as man zine describes a machine for plant­ the trial the defendant put in as Ella Wheeler Wilcox is haviug down Charley. Mr. Hess, who is witkout the use of a return wire. to make contracts and that it is an ing strawberry plants which has mitigation of his crime that the her petticoats ma le ou a peculiar now nearing bis 105th year, has a It is estimated that a saving in time infringement upon her right, guar­ come into use in the East It re­ Bream nasal appendage wasen’t pattern invented by her seif, or, as sou 84 years old, according to the over the present method o f fifty anteed by the constitution, to say quires three men and a team to op­ very good eating, anyway, being of she says, by her husband aud her­ family record, and we doubt not minutes in every hour can be made. that she cannot work as many hours erate the machine aud about five the description kuowu as “ blossom." self together. She dotes on white that be can split as many ruils as The cost of construction is put at a day as she may be inclined to. A acres can be planted in a day. A In fact, be regarded it more as an petticoats aud so does lie (fo r her; Charley can cut $250 a mile. timber. While case was brought to the the consti­ cutter opens a space in which to ™ j intoxicant than an edible refection. it is uot meant that he vveais them many may not beli v e what we said tutionality of an act prohibiting tiie insert the plunts und a little water The decision of the jury, however, him self) but she concluded that in regald to the uutiquiiy and ac­ The “rosewater” policy is com­ employment of women in a factory flows into tbe bottom of the space eh vws how emu mouldy corned meat mended by tbe Cottage Grove L ead - she paid for a g?Veat leal of uuneces tivity ot Mr. Hess, yet it is a tine a ’ or sweat shop more than eight through a hose. Two persons are has risen in Tennessee. .> eb with the pertinent remark that sary lauudiyiug. So tiie uew gar­ bill as many who kuovv him »ill This stock has just been refilled and is the kept busy inserting the plants in W. T. Sanford, Station Agent of ment is made of two pi ces, a top it can be studied with profit. Tbe hours a day. testify. best selected in town. The new Butler law provides that the open space. This space is Leeper, Clarion Co., Pa., w r its ; I piece and a flounce that bt.ttous in L e a d e r might have added that it E x p ortin g Spud* ami Onion». gdT Th' hmlieid prices paid far nil kinds of produce, jp ft has been studied with profit during aRer filing a complaint in the ctr- closed by a shoe, open in the center, i can recommend One Minute Cough to it. The fioum e can be changed ,. . . , I Cure as the best I ever used. It gave Ashland Tidings: Un t e regular presses the dirt against each . . . . . . , . , .. the last two months and has now edit court the plaintiff must pay the winch v * instant relief and a quiek cure. For as many times us you like.— Chicago freight train that passed through W . H. COOPER. been adopted by the most o f the sum of $5 to tbe clerk, if the side o f the plant. The corres- sale by j P.Currin. EAST AND SO U TH Titues. Asbluud Friday morning southward — V IA -- Attorney at progressive pnpers of the State, amount involved is under $500, if pendent claims that better results The following philosophy is were eight car loads of potatoes B. H. Bowman: Pub. Enquirer: of over $500, tbe fee will he $10. In were obtained by the use of this There is very little o f tbe old snup- C o tt a g e G r o v e . O regon . I from tbe Harmony Grove Echo: Bretnan, Ind., writes: Lust week being sliij|ed from WillametK and-snarl spirit manifested in the probate court the party filing a de­ machine than when the plants tire I “ If men are the salt of the earth, our little girl baby the only one we points to Arizona and Texas and ou —OF T H E — 160 A cres Land fo Sale editorials of to-day in any section, murer, answer or motion, sball pay set by band. The machine costs the women are undoubtedly the have wus takeu siek with croup. 3 M ILES FROM ELKTON OR. Suturda's train, which was a heavy and as a result there is more harmo­ $5. The trial fee in circuit court $80 and is used also for setting sugar. Salt is a ecessity, sugar a After two Doctors failed to give re­ Southern Pacific Co. one and several hours late, were Partly cleared with good frame j ny in tbe State than ever before. will hereafter be only $2. The tomato, cabbage tobacco and other luxury. Indifferent men are rock lief and iiTe was hanging ou a mere house, barn and out buildings, good Expresa Trains Leave Portland Daily. thread we trail One Minute Cough twelve carloads more of Oregon well at the door. 4000 rails iu the Rosewater is to be tbe winning present fee, $12, ia small enough. plants. 1 North. salt, and nice men are table salt, Cure and its life was saved. For sale spuds with tbe same destiuatious— fence; school 1% miles; price $r.00, South. policy of the next decade, and Judge Fullerton of the 2nd district Portland Ar. »2 » a. m. one half down, balance on Jong time u s p. in. I Lv. old maids are brown sugar, and by J. P. Currin. j 7 a. m. j Lv. Cottage Grove Lv. 1:47 a. m. ou Ibis train also was one carload of at g f>er cent iut. For further partic­ 12: papers like tbe L ead er that are has held that all cases filed for 10:45 a. ni. 1 Ar. «an Francisco Lv. 7:«i p. m. DAVID M. DUNNE S BULLETIN. pretty gills are fine, pulverized, doiDg so much to spread it, are u la r s write to G eo S m i t h , outs beiug from Gervais to Los the present term will be compelled Above trains stonat all stations from Portland T a n n i n g by E l e c t r i c i t y . Elkton, Oregon. goin g to find a profit in it in more white clarified sugar. The e aritied to Albany Inclusive; also, Tangent. Mieddn, Angeles. About forty cars more of to pay $12, under the old law. Halsey, Harrisburg, Junction City. Irv.ng, Eu­ The capabilities of that marvelous I t Pay« t o S pray. ways than one.— S. F. Daily Call. Thos. F. Oakes, Henry C. Payne, Hen y c. Rou-e gene and all stations (rum Koseburg to Ashland aie the kind you will fiud iu Cot­ potatoes and ouious have been con­ Inclusive. Receivers. ttued, energy, or condition, which Tbe Yreka Journal reports that There is perhaps no one fact up­ tage G love.” K « f t * b n r g P la it l l a l l v . ever it may be, which we use so tacted to be shipped by the S. P. The E cho - L ead er is a large, four C. Swanston & Son started a train­ on which progressive aiul successful 8:30 a. m. I Lv. Portland Ar. 4:30 p. m. The Rural New Yorker says that k t h e k n loin ilie Willamette via Ashland to 3:25 p. m. Lv. Cottage Grove Lv. 0:20 a. m. free y an I know s • little about, page, 33 column, enterprising, breezy load of 23 cars of choice beef for fruit growers throughout the Uuit- >:50 p. m. 1 Ar. Koseburg Lv. 7:00 a. m there lire grown annually hi the A i u m ua ai.d Texas. L a ig e quuuti- newspaper. It is in touch witli the Chicago from G .zelle last Friday. ed States agree more generally than seem abs 1 itelv infinite.. It is n » liis ol potatoes ute being shipped P A C I F I C R. R. town, of Southampton, on Long great progressive wave of diversified The same day Edson Bros, shipped • mployed for tanning leniuer. I that of spraying is a Deccessaiy eastward from Portland to Missouri farming. Its editor and publisher Island, 100,000 ducks aud wants to Pullman Bufiet Sleepers having had eight years practical ex­ 20 carloads to San Francisco, and part o f the business o f the success­ know where another township cau is more especially valuable in color river points via the northern lines, R AND tng leather, which by its aid is ne too. perience in plantiug, cultivating rais­ a special traiD of 18 cars was ship­ ful fruit grower. Choice fruit can S e c o n d C la * * R l r e p i n f C a r a be found to equal it iu output of ing, packing, selling and shipping ped by them the day before for not be grown upon trees which ciiiupiisbe l with wonderful rapi lit« ATTACHED TO ALL THROUGH TRAINS N The Shasta Courier referring to small and large fruits, does not talk Portland. They have another lot have beeu weakened by the attacks oue kind of stock. and effectiveness. The skin is through his hat when he writes about of 20 carloads to ship to Portland West Sid* » :retched over a mental slab, an., the time it was first published, Pullm an of insects or fuugous deseuses D on’t P ut It Off. Between Portland and ConrallU. the great fruit Industry and progres- March, 1852, says $50 octagonal tbe coloring mixt ire is then poi.n o in a few days to complete a con Sleeping Cars Such fruit will be lucking in size, iive methods o f diversified farming. MAIL TRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) The necessity of a spring medicine over it. A current of low puwei e 'ins were then plenty, $20 pieces Elegant The day has long since passed when tract to furnish 1275 head. The appearance and flavor. ! 7:30 A T S: t v . Portland Ar. | 5 : » > . V Is universally admitted This is tile iiuunn, and $10 aud $5 pieces D ining Cars 12:15 P. M. Ar Corvallis Lv. | nee P. M. every farmer can afford to raise grain Journal says that the price ot Apples uud penis which are best time of the year in whicli t" puri .* sent through tbe mental, tlo to ship for a living. Too many new bee 'es has advanced lately, a lot of either wormy or disfigured with fy the blood, to restore tiie lost ores of the leather are relaxed aud aied as small change, while $2.50 Tourist At Albany And Corvallis connect with traína o Oregon Pacific Railroad. Sleeping Cars grain producing territories are being first-class beeves has advanced fungus wili not bring paving prices, appetite, and to build up tile entire reopened and the dye is absorhiit .nd smaller coins were considered E ir a e s « T h a i * D a il y 'E xc e p t S c s d a t .) ST. P A U L annually turned into raising grain by system, as the body is now peculiar!, what is now called “chicken feed,” M IN N E «P O L IS cheap labor. The grain producer of lately, a lot of first-class beeves even if they cau be B old at ail. susceptible to benefit from medicine into them by capillary attiacti i. 4:40 P. M. Lv Part load Ar. i » 25 A. M. t d gold dust by the ounce was O aLU TH 7:25 P. M. Ar McMinnville Lv. I 5:50 A. M. Oregon and the great Pacific Coast taaviug been sold last week at 5 j Several tbousund dollars’ worth ot Tiie great popularity attained by V tllill hi le is colonel ( O ul'ht. FARGO egal tend, r for bills anywhere. ThrnuRli ticket* point» in In the Eastern GRAN-n . « R u i * o, u r .c i . to all an pomi» toe raw Tern while young heifers are apples which were shipped out o» Hood’s Sarsaparilla, owing to its real through its substance Iu a vei country must feed a large portion of cents, ------ “ » nd * Eur°P* ->pe can be lU te»’ Can»< i * obtained obtained at at C c K m O O . K » S « T O , N . lowest ratea 1» from M C .“ ....................... the grain on the land w iiei- it is pro­ worth about Sets, with cows and Oregon and Washington last year merit and its remarkable success, ha abort space, a thicker hide req .-ii Tl’e same may be said of Yreka in Grove. W IN N IP E G duced Grain must be converted into poorer cattle 4£ and 4, according to 1852 3 4 5. Ten dollars a ticket proved a total loss to tiie shippers established it as the very best medi­ hi r a proportionately l.nig'-r um H E L E N A aud 4.K O E H L W a . M m J P - * * - * " ” -* * - beef, mutton, bacon, lard, butter, conditjon. cine to take in the spring. It cure- BUTTE as tbe price to a ball or dance, Portland Or. on this account. A great many De W itl’s Witch Hazel Salve cures cheese, poultry and eggs. With the scrofula, salt rheum, and all humors, -raids, burns, indolent sores und 25 cents for a drink or stnoke, and H a r d e r T im e s I n I860.— We tall Silver prunes were lost in Oregon coming of the railroad and the shriek tiillioiisness, dyspepsia, headache, TO dollar for s meal. The only way of the Iron horse, rolls in the Irresist­ about hard times; but there hav, last ytar ou account o f being at­ kidney und liver complaints, catarrii. uever fails to cure piles. For sale by ' lea h Yreka from Shasta at that CHICAGO ible w ive of progressive farming and undoubtedly been eras when om tacked by a fungus which cause., and all affections caused or promoted J P. Currin. W A S H IN G T O N Q La Grippe is here again with all it the newer and more thorough cultiva­ i ne and up to 1850, was on horse P H I L A D E L P H I A by low state of the system or impure - AND present times are good compared t< ibem to rot. tion of fruit with which to supply the blood. Don’ t put it off, but take •id time vigor. One Minute Cmigl i mule ba< k as far as Callahan’s N E W Y O R K them. Mr. R. M. Rebertsou o f thi» The fruit growers are using BOSTON A N D A L L markets of the world. With the rail­ Hood’s Sarsaparilla now. It will do Cure is a reliable remedy. It cure nch iu Scott valley, thence by P O I N T » E A S T A N D S O U T I I tnd cures quickly. Fo» -ale by J. P. road comes the great wave of higher, city, has just run across au olo Spray No. 2 ( Lime, Sulphur ami you good. ge through Scott valley. ’urrin. more far reaching and grander, full­ letter written by bis father, in th. ■olue V ilrol) as a preventive ol fuu TIM E SCH EDULE. er anc more complete factor of civil­ east, to Lira, in 1860, before the gus diseases. As rs well known C o t t ao b G r o v e , O a. For information, timo cards, maps Tile Pacific Rurui Press notes 1 1 1 There is uo printed tiling which ization. The period for native grass war was declared, in which tinn .- tnis spray is the best insecticide- and tickets, call on or write stock producing with the riches and Clothing tor Ladies and Children is so close to the ear of the com interesting fact that, for the firs W. P. LOCKWOOD, Agent, pleasure it brings, with but little effort were undoubtedly stringent. Mr. made tor destroying ban Jose scute, uiunitv as the local paper. The ime, eggs have been shipped iron Made to order cheap for cash or Cottage Grove, Or. Aphis, etc. With F an- end poor management, has passed Robertson, senior owned a large »vooliy 5 © © o .o o country produce, by pulse of local ¡tie beats 111 its everv California to Chicago this year ^ FOR A N A M E OF A forever. farm but was absolutely unable to Green added to it, there is probably M rs . P et S anford , Owiug to tbe cold weather fr. sli Auepitome of the world s A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. Gen. Pass The E ch o L eadek is published at the raise the money for his last years nothing better for use ou apple aud issue. LORAL WONDER,! Cottage Grove- uews glows iu its bright pages, and eggs have been unusually scare» J r o r pai ticul-r3 see Vick’« Flor&l Guide I Agent, only railroad gateway to the great Bo­ taxes besides other small debts. He pear trees as a preveutrve of both - j l Tor 1C35, which contains colored plaiea o fa hemia gold mining district. With the the business news of ihe local stores itid high in tbe East this year, 255 M 01 risson St., Portland Oregon. 1 '-j V ice’s ErancLing Asicr, Sweet Teas, Vejj-1 aud codhug moth.— Rurui ! ctablc 3 . Hibiscus and Gold Flower. IIoa-L cap!ta 1 now being offered aud the or­ says: “ It is all I can do to raise P scab should be in it too; should be there, v bile the pleasant vveather on this y a t U lnstrallong; descriptions that de - 1 O. funds, and I can see no prospect Northwest. ganized methods of business proposi­ | icribc, not mislead; hints on fiou lrj and I Mending and Repairing. not “ to help the paper along”— uot •oast lias made eggs unusually I trace; lasting. Printed in 17 d .T :r e u t l tions muteralizing, expert miners are of improvement. We will have a 9 . c o r d o v a n ; I colored irLs. H a ile d cn receipt o f 105 abundant and cheap here. The Clothing mended and repaired by « r----- ri i rn cat* predicting the most phenomenal pros­ small lot of pork to sell, but present The new “ Bootail S„> riuge” ar­ because the editor is a nice fellow I cents, which may 1 » dodurxfl from f r s t f M rs . V a n R i p e r , West side o f Cottage Chicago dealer who took the car j order. V lc k V i - " t a i n t h e \ [4.*3X* Fine CM /U U W M B ami we want to encourage him— not perity in that district during 1895. rived on the Buiiey O alzeit Thurs­ appearances are that it will com­ 1 aren a o f Ilfo . Grove Oregon. • 3 .W POLICE .3 s o l e s . load from San Fraucisco says that The provisions for feeding thousands day and was housed in No. 2 s eu for any but tbe one mand only $2 per hundred. Flour %7$ *1 W O R K I N G i f of working men in Bohemia must be shippe . ea r PIONEER » n GREAT BUSINESS REASON----- THAT IT a little over a year ago he -CXTUA raised in south Lane county. We say has been bought for $1 a hundred, giue house. It was tried in ibe four or five carloads o f eggs from W LU PA’’ * 2 . boys S chools « * tl ey must be raised here, or be and corn at 6 cents a bushel. We evening by putting a gallon of coai- * L A D I E S * „birago to Sail Fraucisco aud sold Small Ç u u shipped in from other sections. have made shift to procure some oil on a frame shack. Oue barrel of i ‘ If5*' I Any fool can cry uowu his town (bem there at 16£ cents per dozen. Then, why not use common groceries with butter at 5 cents per the thing was let loose aud iusiue 140Cents a but tbe better disposed man will We have frown tons of Sweet JVa* the This wiuter be bought a carload of sense wisdom, and prepare for rais­ WEST COTTAGE G R O V E I past summer c f a v . . / ûnequaL . 7 to Lo _ o f hall an hour the house was no speak will of it, endure the evils in ing rupplies for the miners right here pound and eggs at 3 cents, paying I able to give our friends a real treat, ii. 5s Aya* OflR MIIH m I Pfumla aL. eggs iu San Francisco at 16 ceDts, hopes they may grow less, and in more— neither was there auy more I varieties and colora mixed. Think of it, 20 cents for coffee and 10 cents for JOHN FERGUSON at home? I a pound only 4 0 eta.; hr.!f po paid 3£ cents a dozen freight on W . L. Douglas $ 3 A $4 Shoes mewmme ¿queal less an.t root sugar. W e calculate to make fire. After the test it was returned l i i c t s . ; quarter rou.rtl 15 eta. ) »2 Is still iu the business for tbe All our «hoes are equally satisfactory for a living. them to Chicago w hereat/ u J at ■ ounce 10 eta. molasseg and tobacco enough for to the engine house and Led fast to They give tbe beet v e to , (ar ! m »«■ • > . ilu d y ’s Pile Snppository manufacture of boots and shoes. j G O L D F L O W E R » Grand Bcdder.B They equal c o s te a s etaoee b n a ta Is I at ylc n e At. 28 cents per dozen. I Charming Pot Plant, and excellent for J It is guaranteed to cure Piles and Constipation, or house use and have some to spare | keep it from sucking the cows. Thstr w a r in g qneHtfee nre i GEN E RA L R E PAIR W ORK The World's Fair Tests ■ Borders. money refund d. 50 centi per box. Send two if anyone will buy.” Tbe prices a r e _______ . _____ is a real nice plaything and only stamps f<* cir- ul ir and FTee Samples to MAR­ P ro a ( i to ti save« ever etbar |^_ _ promptly done. show ed n o baking pow der a OYAL Baking Powder. I B£S7*K a SP*!L i C1^ C&LUM E'ANj TIN KU1>Y. Registered Pharmacist, Lancaster, U yoor d a ta a sco t apply yoa oa cam. SoU bp costs $_±b e. mua.ii to maintain i . Fa. No Po8TAi.il A n sw ere d . For sale by all Thanking tny friends for paat pat- so p u re o r s o g rea t la k m * Or. Price’ s Cream b a k in g P ow d er Highest ot all iu leavening Ja;iiss Vkk’c Sons Gîîdctt^: first class druggists everywhere m d in Eugene. , roDage 1 will endeavor to merit a « x . i u n » . th i, vicinity write at Oregon bj Osborn and Delano. \wardH GoU Mi4a| Midwinter Fair, San Francisca ' ~ " A s t O T < l J í f c r s l d . B O C H IM X S J f. r . suing p ow er us tb e R oyal. strength.-v . ». < continuance of tbeir work g o l d w a s fir s t d is c o v e r e d iu ati c a v e lo c a t e d ill a c a n y o n , w h ic h p 62 The o ld I had very popular and genuine La Blache Face Powder, white, flesh nr pink. Price 2jc a L U M B E R . J. B. ROUSE, PROMPTLY FILLED New Goods and New Styles L U R C H ’S C L O T H IN G , DRY GOODS, B O O T S and S H O E S . Ladies Dress Goods, Hats and Domestios- j All Sizes of Trunks. The Shasta. Route N O " __ THROUGH TICETS Dining Cars on Ogden Rnoit. J. S. MEDLEY, ' Justice of the Peace Real E state Agent. Collections a Specialty. W . L. D o u c las S 3 S H O E t ’ : s . t .;.t. Boot & Shoe Shop Egg&ittSgfca. s A r