\ r> | k [F or the E c h o -L e a d e r .) We wish to state to our patrons that A new line of thought fro ine Minute Cough Cure is a safe and ray Spencer, the brilliant 1 reliai le remedy for children troubled silver tongued orator ami w P eople sh ould realize that th e only vitti croup ci Ids, hm rsness and lung traveling man of Portland: true and perm anent care for their t • nubles. It is i leasant to take nnd “ You are uot getting supi co n d itio n is to be fo a n d in having are you, colonel:” t liekly cures. For sale by J. P. “ I know it is regarded as " Ipanish |r> D E A LE R S IN and superstitious to beiiev in such I am things, Dot I fail to see w Because th e health o f e v e r y organ and neither a theologian nor a metaphy- j tissue o f th e b od y depends upon the sician; but if a man has a soul, and p a r ity o f th e b lo o d . T he w h ole vorld there is a God and a spirit world of .d o e s not im pute bad k n ow s th e standard b lood puriller is which this is ouly the door-yard, so to The Echo-Leader is the best Weekly Linn county, and its proposed h®* I men’s con duct No one should speak, why should there not be com­ of extension will take it across the j ^ ( q Rnothf)r,g 1BOtive. munication? If communication, why to judge Paper in Lane County. not premonition? If tnere is a spirit uoriheastern township o f Lake Between the bauds of a watch and world, it is certainly a world of larger knowledge than tiiis; it is a friendly couuty. Parties have recently the niniuspring are many wheels, so world. None of us but has infinitely France has boycotted the Ameri­ located 10,000 acres of indemnity there are ofteu mixed and compli­ more there than here. A man has on­ can hog, but the bars are still down ly to go back some twenty generations school land along the line of survey, A n d therefore it Is th e o n ly tru e end cated motives to a single act. Only or so. I am told, to Uiid that he has a’ for the American heiress. about 50 miles north of Silver Lake. reliable m edicin e fo r nervous pe< pie. Why shouldn’ t God can read men's hearts. So million ancestors. I t makes the b lood pure and healthy, some of them give us a sign or warn M O V E S T H E B O W E L S IN A Japanese belle is u small, very This is laud that has bitin-rto been ouly God can pass judgment. and thus cures nervousness, make« us in a dream? They certainly have TH E M O R N IN G . considered of little: value, aud the slender woman, lost in a large piece the will, and to suppose that they have | th e nerves firm and stron g , gives sweet “ Make the best of every one. not the way is to make O ik ! impotent [ arties making the locations must sleep, m ental v ig o r, a g o o d appetite, of fabric. A fair complexion is re­ The Italian diplomat Cavour said instead of omnipotent. Is heaven a i perfect d igestion . It does all this, and pugnant to her, and plumpness beiieve that the road is a “ go.” more mistakes are made from not blockaded port, and cau no soul send j cures S c r o fu la , E czem s, o r S a lt Rheum I bos. F. Oakes, Henry C. Payue, H en-y c. Ro i*e a message out because of the devil’s This would probably briug a road frightens her an d a ll oth er b l o o d d ise a s e s, because it Receivers. trusting men than from believing gun-boats? The only alternative o f ; within about 100 miles of Lakeview, materialism is spiritualism. Not the ! M akes in tbciu. We lose sometimes by Capital Journal: In digging up spiritualism which we read of in the and what is more to the point, is trustful disposition, but are more yaukee books and papers, and which the old suag— D olph — the fountain the fact that freighting could then thau re; B i d by the sweeteuiug aud runs all to insigiiiBeunt table-rapping head of corruption is destroyed, and and slHte-writings, lame verse and had be carried on all winter. The roads enlarging of our natures by the grammar, b..t u spiritualism which Results p rov e every w ord w e have consequently the Portland ring from Crooked creek north, across said. Thousands o f v olu n ta ry testi­ OREGON. exercise of charity. They that put recognizes the conscious |ierpetuity of will die a natural death. m onials fu lly establish the fa ct that LEM ATI R the soul, its enlarged knowledge, its the desert, could be traveled winter the best interpretation on others pincrund deeper sympathy. If my U g S a rsa - summer, without difficulty. In deciding that whisky cocktails and draw out wonderfully the good iu mother is dead, she is dead. That is N P a r itta are an American manufacture Let us have the road. We need people. It woilld be a shame if ali materialism If, however, she still lives, dis-euthnilled from the bondage S within the meaning of the law, the a road iu our business, and besides, we temi tuberei! of St. Peter was of the body, her life is one or pur • Be Sure P u llm a n thought ami pure love There is neith­ S e c r e t a r y of the Treasury must this would give us an outlet into S le e p in g C ars that lie denied bis Lord. er weakness nor discord nor imped.- to Get Hood’s have been guided by sad experience Oregon, instead of California, and E le g a n t “ Avoid a touchy and vindictive in ut nor obscureinent. She is no “ H o od ’s Sa-«aparilla cured cur boy of longer hampered by the [petty worth D in in g C ars would divert our trade toward the eczem a w h ich p hvsicisn* treated In abroa I. spirit which is always taking offence and eurking care- which consuni - h f v a in .” F r a n k W . B r a d b u r y , 326 T o u r is t metropolis of our state. Johnson A venue, T r in id a d , Colorado. aud stoies up slight! in *he memory one’s earthly existence. The Com E. Oregonian: Just think ol Sie« p in g C ars There is no printed thing which with the hope of paying them back ■nullity, too, in which -lie lives is osi Hood’ s p : " 3 Cli o all liver Ills, constipa- th is! The government has made compared with one which L union ut d Hou, biliousness, sick headache. Indigestion. ‘¿Vo. ST. P A I'I. is so close to the ear o f the com ­ Charity is tender of the feelings of Pal is are not even a: cross-road ham M IN N EAPO LIS the stupendous decision that a I >u LUT tl munity as the local paper. The others and is careless about its own lets You and I know the future o whiskey cocktail is a manufactured some extent; why should not si.e NOT QUITE C O N VERTER FA ROO pulse of local life beats in its every rights.” know the result o that battle? If site O R A N O -O R K S article, and that what it contains knows, why should not she tell :ne. CRUOKSTON issue. Anepitonie of the worhl'w Mr. Moreland told c me striking The fact is, Hereford, she h a s told which is imported is not dutiable. S. F. Chronicle: Even the P ort­ W IN N IP E G uews glows iu its blight pages, and incidents to illustrate the text and me.” H EL EN A and land Oregonian seems to be getting ItUTTK the business news of the local stores made many practical applications A F T E it D K A T II IN A R A B I A . E. Oregonian: Congress is now a glimpse o f rt ason on the subject should he in it too; should lie there, • >f it He claimed that newspapers adjourned and the country has nine o f bimetallism. Hitherto it hits TO uot “ to help the paper along”— not were apt from political bias to im W e e p nor o v - r t 'i C o rp se w h ich is N o th in g 1 he so u l »»y u ttin g a T «n ;l, an d Not li- m ont’ s of peace before it. Let r.nticallv assumed that silver «u s C H IC A G O because the editor is a nice fellow pute unworthy motives to publi Ing U le f t t o M o u rn F o r H ow alttfie, prosperity may come. With a depreciated aud valueless mental, W A S H I N G T O N P e o p le a ct W h ile W a itin g at and we waut to encourage him— uot men, and that especially at. election P H IL A D E L P H IA th e I*ate. the politicians out of the way, pros­ but now it concedes that “ i f all the N E W Y O R K for any but the one time it wns necessary to think no perity would remain. The country nations were to agree to open their BOSTON A N D A L L GREAT BUSINESS REASON-----TH AT IT He who died at Axam sends P O IN T S E A s T A N D SOU TH evil. “ Love” he continued,” is governed too much. mints to gold and silver alike at the This c mfort to all lib friends: WILL PAY. Christ and St. Paul describe ratio of 25 to 1, or eveu 20 to 1, it is Faithful friends -I t lies I know, TIM E SCHEDULE. S. F. Call; Kaiser Wilhelm will Pale and white anti cold as snow; seems impossible, it is so glorious by no means impossible that the And you sav: “ Abdallah’s dead" For information, time cards, maps STICK TO ONE THING. not assist the Agrarians in shutting W eeping at the feet auu head. and sublime. Think of loving your enlarged demand for silver, due to and tickets, cull on or write I can see vour falling tears. ou t American grain from the Ger­ I can hear your sighs and prayers; W. P. LOCKWOOD, Agent, enemies, blessing aud doing good its increased use us money, aided Yet 1 smile and whisper this: Five or six years ago on account man market. He may not always ‘ •I am not the thing you kiss; Cottage G love, Or. to them that hate you. This by the increased supply of gold Cease your tears and let it lie; Produce taken in exchange for Goods. — or — know which side o f his bread ban o f low values raising hogs was not impossible to the natural affectious. It w as m ne- it is not l .” from mines now worked so cueiget V. D. CHARLTON, Asst. 0« n. Pass the butter od , bu t be knows where profitable. Men who were ready to But what men cannot do by nutur Sweet friends. hat the woman have i. a ly over the world, would bring For its last bed of the grave Agent, take hold of what seemed the most to get the bread. Is a tent which I am quitting, they can accomplish by union will its commercial price up to the coin 255 M«i;iisson St., Portland Oregon. Is a garni ut i.o more tilting, profitable or to let go that which Is a ca ge from which at least. age ratio.” Electricity says there is nothing seemingly did not pay, quit breed­ Christ. Christian charity is Chris' Like a hawk my soul has passed. Love the inmate not the room; W . H. CO O PER . A short time ago the Oregonian theoretically improbable in the ing hogs and took up other kitnls own love imparted to those who a' The wearer not the garb; toe plume Of the falcon, not the liars statement that an Ohio convict has of stock. The result was a lighter abidiug in him. \\ Inch kept him from these splendid stars. would have scouted tl.e iissutnpti n A t t e m s y a t L a -3 7 , ’ Lovmg lg frTi ‘ ’ ‘ r invented a battery which converts supply of hogs, and consequently ’ ¡.at the increased use of a uu nts. Straigni - itwav w*y every weeping e>e; C o ttag e G r o v e . O regon . What ye i.ft upon their bier sound into electric power by a de­ much higher prices. Those who Don’ t neglect that cough, it lends t ns money could influence its vain* Is not wortll wiatiui tear. ’ Tis au entity seaslieli, one Cough 130 Acres Land for Sale vice which “ makes it possible to were so quit k to drop out of the o isiunption. O le M iu ? Indeed, it bus unvaryiu.'ly assumed Out of which I he pearl is gone. The ahel is broken U lies there, MIL IS FROM ELKTON OR. operate an ordinary call bell by hog business were as ready to pick Cure posessses a double virtue. Tt1 that the depreciation iu the coni The pearl, the all, the soul s here, cures and cures quickly. For sale by ’ l i s au earthen ja. wli «se lid Partly cleared with good frame simply clapping the hands in front it up again when at its height, aud J. P. Currin. tueicial value of silver was wholly 'lou-e. burn Aliali sealed the ’Ahne it hid g . nri ami nut leiililin; That treasure o f his treasury— of the battery.” X ca sed by excessive ptodm tiou am well at. the door. AtHJO mils in tin A wind tli.it k v a l lam; let t it t . ... lie - now are comforted- with declining fence; school \\/t m ile-; p ib e $ IH», Let tile »bared iw earth s (luce more, H e t o o k t h e “ S pr in g C h ick en .” — could uot be induced to admit tImt d ie half down, barnice on long time Since tile gold slimes iu Ills lore — markets and. probable unprofitable At San Francisco, as evidence of tbe chief, perhaps the ouly c .use at y per cent iut. F or further partic­ W ip I icn «• • i n f o » in t i c s who . P’ <■« ut­ »HÜ ill ’ in; io I» Allah g lo rio u s- Allah good - iuvestmetits. A man who has stuck Hon. Daniel McDonald o f the P ly­ Now thy world is uuderstood; G eo S mith , a revival in business, W . H. Mills, • ll X of the disturbance o f tbe ratio wa» ulars write to :• W i >r d • i> fo r ili » ' in ili it Now tile long, long wonder ends, i g s for a number o f years can mouth Democrat writes the follow­ Elkton, Oiegon Yet ye wee,' my erring friends. o f the Central Pacific land offic ing romance in high editorial life in the practical demonetization of sil While the other whom ye called dead, stand a depression for a while b i ­ In unspoken bliss instead. says the present demand for trftn- ver by France, Germany and the Lives ami loves you; lost 'tis true, cause of the good prices for the | Hoosierdom: By such light as shines for you, sites and lumber lands is greater DE A LE R IN An Indiana editor and a rich United Slates. But u tight ye cannot see, past two or three years, but the W i t h a n v k i n d o f l u n d w r v o n m v w i - l i , w i.i l, W ill II II b e I. Of uutifled felicity - ^ ^ ¡¡¡¡ijj^ b n s b e e ^ ^ o ^ e n v e irs . Ap- widow were engaged to be married, The Oregonian has stiLI mile’ ’ b Iu cuiargitig paradise, man who sold out when values won’t have to w lit. ^WCTTTTjns f o r lo t s t o r school and ^ Lives a life that never die. I learn before it cau avoi 1 making were lowest aud stocked up whi n wheu the neighbors began to talk Farewell frieuds- vet not tarwetl; church sites since January 1 have itself amusing by such passages a s Orders From a Distance Promptly A t t e n d e d To they were highest is not in a posi­ 1 about it, charging he was marrying Where 1 am, y e too shall dwell. I am gone before your face, been greater than for all of 1894. Medicines, CGnicctiGnary, | | this: “ This effort am! this hope do tion to g o through a depression in her for her tidies. The noble- A moment's time, a little space. Wheu ye com e where 1 have stepped. minded young editor was grieved not involve expectation of realizin GENTS’ SJBT,, ml in your oui. Ye will wonder why ye wept; Missionaries o f the American the market without serious loss. Ye wi 1 know by wise love taught, at this, of course, anil he persuaded the absurdity of a double stum-aid, The most successful tneu are 'that here is all, amt there Is naught. Board of Foreign Missions at Mar- ITAGE GROVE, G li EGON \\ eep awhile it ye are fain affinity to turn all of her Uor teceptance o f tlie degradation Sunshine must still follow rain; ash, in Asiatic Turkey, have been generally found among those who his * Only uot at death -fo r death, of the silver standard as the Lou N ow-1 know, is that first lirealh accused o f insurrectionary designs, go into a business aud follow it re­ worldly pelt over to her eldest | W hich our souls draw when we enter daughter and thus prove to the! don papers seem o assume. Intei- gardless of the ups and downs of Life, which is of all life center. and fears for their safety are ex­ AN D N O TIO N S. world the siucerity and unselfish­ uiitioual bimetallism, in the minds the markets. Such men tuke up Be ye certain all seems love, pressed. The governor has repeat­ ¿»-G o o d s sold as cheap, as any of Viewed from Allah’ s throne above; of honest and intelligent persons, the same quality, as any store iu town. Be ye stout o f heart aud come edly announced in public that the certain lines because they like them ness of his affection. The trusty AT, Bravely • nwaru to your home. .'’“ Red fron t Stole, West Cottage does not mean abandonment of have faith in them. Low widow did so, and the very n ex t! La Allah Utah Allah’s year - missionaries are importing arms to and Grove. fh o u love divine Thou love alway— night the editor eloped with the the gold stun lard, but tli be used against the Mohumuiedaus, prices do not disgust the man who He that died at Azan gave This to those who made his grave. briugiug and holding of siive. EXECUTOR’S SALE OF R E a L and the population is greatly in­ is enthusiastic in his work, but girl, aud in the morning the wi low- PROPERTY. money up to the staudarl.” often enable him to increase his in­ pied the forms in the office and censed in consequence. D o n ’ t P u t It O ff. Cottage Grove, Oregon In the matter of the Estate would have pied the form of the Evidently the Oregonian needs to terests and put himself in position of The necessity of a spring medicine a l u ía . LINE OF Lee. Senior, deceased. Oakland City ( I u d . ) Eut< rprise. to reap greater benefits wheu val­ editor also if she could have found barn that what it ■ haraeterizes as Hiram Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of :in is universally admitted. This is the order o f the County Court o f l^iue County, state — Iu all our experience we find the ues advance. It is a good policy to him. bimetaiisiu, namely, the maiiiteii • •f Oregon, made on Tuesday the tit I h* of best time o£ the year iu which to puri­ February 1895, 1 will offer tor sale at public auc­ most dangerous are those who tell map out i course and then follow the blood, to restore the lost a nr* of two kinds of coin is cite a tion at the court house door o f said county, on T he N ez P erce R eservation .— fy only part of the truth. A right- a ednesday the 2 Uth day o f March. 1895, bet ween it regardless o f the influences which From pui-ties who has just returued j appetite, and to build up the entire turn at the same time, is rcaly no the hours o f nine o ’clock a. m. and four o ’clock down falsehood might be dealt with, j system, as the body is now peculiarly scientific l itn* tal’ i-m p. in., ol said day. at one o'clock, the follow ing are liable to lead astray those who from Lewiston the W. \V. States­ described premises for sale, belonging to said but half the truth told and a part j susceptible to beuetit fr.un medicine, estate, to-wit: man learns that people are flocking j The great popularity attained by j T h e bimetallism I Wi h l t i.-ll men w Beginning at a point 2<».08 chains south and o f it concealed is the most difficult have no fixed purpose. chain» east from claim No. 47. tp 21 s K 3 w, of all forms to be dealt with If to that city by tbe hundreds, in Hood’s Surs.ip'ii ilia, owing to its reul lmve sfudie . the motley q esimi quarter post on line between sections 32 and 33. in ip 20 .*> It 3 w; thence west tio/ati chains; thence W H E AT SCARCE. the minds of all could be duly aud anticipation o f the opening of the merit ami its remarkable success, lias refer is the muiurainair e of the t south 24.44 chains; thence Hast .'>0.54 chains; iheuce north 1.73 cnam s; then«*« east 9.07 chains; deeply impressed with the im­ That there is a considerable Nez Perce reservation. There is established it as the very iiest medi­ mentals at a fixed ratio by udmi‘ thence north 22 77 chains to the place o f begin­ portance of absolute siucerity and shortage in the invisible supply o! cine to take iu tiie spring. It. cures ilig tin m both to flee coinage an ning, containing in to » s K 3 w, 130.63acr« san d uot an empty house iu the city, and n it. -/I iS K 3 vv, 28.70 acres, in the aggregale truthfulness in all respects, much scrofula, salt rheum, and all humors, 159.39 acres, excepting and reserving theref oni winter wheat, as compared with the lots of cheap shacks aro being nut billiousness, dyspepsia, h e a d a c h e , umkiug the mine of lmth mentals c 21 acres deeded to H. K. Underwood by deed re- trouble would be spared in this life, •orded ill deed lx»ok "11” on page 27«; also ex- period last year up. and it is said that there are kidney and fiver complaints, cuturi h, foil legal tender. It docs not dt eeptiug and many a heart-ache might be corresponding aud res rving then from 7.acres deed­ 'd to the Willamette Keal Estate Company by seems to be the general impression 1 ietween 700 aud 800 tents in avoided. iu tl.e the ! ; tui,) “ U affectious caused or promoted mand the simultaneous use of bo h deed recorded in deed ln>ok “ .1.” page 07; also a n d is excepting a d reserving therefrom to acres ¡ by low state of the system or Impure mentals or either o f them. Btm among millers of St. Louis and vicinity of Lewiston, iti a decried to IVelphina Emerson y deed recorded Ashland Tidings: The new . i bjood Don’ t put it off, hut take in deed book No. 24 page 345, the land re­ on pagi vicinity, says the Northwestern a :ism vvorkel sue essfully wlni maining belonging . w to saiu said estate being Being 121.33 n auy c u e s oecu¡ led by families Hoo<|’8 Sarsaparilla n o w . it will do management of the S. F. Call has being part «if the Donation i laim of Thom- Miller. The conservative ones who have not the means to purchase you good, t’ e practical effect was to cause t t acres, t w ru - liiLilect privri- |>H|.| for (ill l iml^ (it nnwinci- mTt n Hibson Nos. «3 and 47, Notification No. 8««. won great praise over the coast for in sections 31 amt 32, in tp 2 » S K 3 w and in sec. i believe that there are now i.i the necessaries of life aud are Com­ m ta1 that ! iippene I to he nmh t and 5 In tp 21 s K 3 w. situated In Lane county, the stand it has taken in discarding »regon, to the highest bidder for cash. 1‘osses- farmers’ hands only about half the pelled to resort to chicken roosts val e i one co ii.tr to do t to don • » ■ F A R M E R S '« « given October 1 st, 1895. I ndependent s l ’uzz:.E — An ex­ the faking business in connection B. W . E m e r s o n stocks of a year ago, Various fn-ts and graiu elevators at night to sat­ another where it vv is more appio 11 16-37 Executor of said Estate. change says tin re is h o illy a mar­ with its newspaper business. It no ! tend to confirm this belief, duel isfy their hunger. ried man, excepting editors, who uteri. If «he Ori gonion 1:8 m ; longer advertises coupon schemes, ; NO ICE FOR PUBLICATION. among them being the freq lout in­ Thouoh there are a great tunny dots PH OTO GRAPH S uot lial.it ually carry tlie I- ulit on tiiis seme it can sati- and refuses to print lotery adver­ Land Office at Roseburg Oregon, Feb,, 13, 1895. quiry for cash wheat now bein^ arriviug at Lewi.-ton, I X' i s If by consulting a ’ able of rati there art picture Notice is hereby given that the following- herd of au attractive young NOW M ADE BY THE tisements auy more. Tip: Call is named settler has * filed notice of her intention to made upou St. Louis graiu men b also a great many leaving, not being au tenor to 1873, íiom v. I.i< h it " i make final proof in support of her claim, and that woman who is uot his wife. The now making a vigorous fight nMr. by and tbe SoutlierD millerH. I tu»ve a First Clans Full Flood >f will be made before A. <’. Jeiutlngs, said proof able to get anything to do until the subscriber who first sees tl.e point iscover that the a erra’ ioi s of t c f,o nty Clerk of Lane County, Oregon, at against the democratic income tax, | Xrue the 8a,e(j bave not bee(J Eugene. Lane Couuty Oregon, on April 1 st, 1895, reservation is opened, aud it is s ii 1 and transmits a correct uusvver nc price of the precious metals d in ­ viz: M ira .’Sweeney on homestead entry No, 5385 and us editor, Mr. Short ridge, . ticularlv :arge> but tbere u for the se ne , eU »e . nw , se • sec. 18, tp that many are going there under couipnuied by a teu dollar bill, will ing a century vveie not as gre t i. 20 S It. 3 west. Sh "names the following wit- -ou n ces that be proposes to test the j donbt t'hat the cash wheat marke, nesses to prove her continuous residence upon the impression that they will be be presented with a house uud lot — they have been during a ringle ind cultivation of. said laud, viz: J . P. shield-». constitutionality of the law, and it my pliiee ¡ti Gnwriyvilh*—-Just west •t. 1. .Iones. C. A. McFarland and G. \V. Me would be a very active one were the able to take up the reservation land PHOTO COMPANY. Farland, o f Cottage Orte r, Lane cou nt: Oregon. a t.og house anti a lot of last years mouth since then. • r Cotture Grove. Cull iinil ree him will refuse to comply with its re­ febltKff K. M. V K V rC H . Register milling business better. Tbe under tbe pre emption anti borne The ab-ve cut on any Photograph i l i n s m C arey almuuacs.— Fayette ludepeudeut. quirements until he has been so or­ n guarantee of excellence. Enlarging Tbe postmaster at Canyon City, stagnant condition of tbe tuilliug sti ad laws, to be (lissap; oilited on from any kind of Picture, in Craytm dered to do by the United States is tbe ca use of the present baud-to- Repairing. Grant county, has iuformed Mi. Ink nr Colors. Call and wee our sum- their arrival, as they cauuot pay the supreme court. mouth buying by outside millers. A gentleman of this county who has Thomas McE.vin, mail contractor, ol Clotliin mended and repaired l>y p ew mid J’rico» of Crayon wo-k. minimum price o f $3.75 per acre, excellent judgement remarked to us I M rs . V a n diP ER , West side of Co tage 8,h u" d w,|Ih'1,Httr Eocene. Or. a few days ago, of tLn G o o d R o a d s Sure t o C om e. eveu though the first payment may the other day that he knew of no pill, tbe ., recovery, Governor Morton, of New York , , _ , _ » ’ J f o e a n a m e or a Grove Oregon. Lewiston Journal: The agitation be small. as good for cousiputimi.t dyspepsia |,ual1 »H,ui:1,ea lost ,n tl,e ',oLn D ‘‘ -' has approved the act to prevent the o f the question of better roads no and liver complaint as De Witt’s Little river at Hall s bridge nearly a y em ■j £ or pwrlicuLri nee Vlck’i Floral Geld« p display o f foreign flags upon public The temperature of the planet | Eui ly Risers • ‘ .r wliica con tins colored platea o í ’ doubt in the end will accomplish For sale by J. P. ago during t h e freshet. T .e buildings in the state, except when I J Vicl;*sÉrsjîcL7-gAsî:'r. Sweet Peas, Teg-1 5 cfc&lc3. HI~l¿usnn<2 C.ol-1 rio te r. H on-Ç good resulis in giving us bettei Neptune is believed to he about 900 Currin. pouches contained upwards IS T H E B E ST . o. a foreigner is the guest of the city, c*’ ’’; 'st LIosÆrillons; descriptions that de-| F IT FOR A K IN O . ___ Me have 45. f(>aleil OQ t|l„ fafa, uiast summer of a very fins qua! .„y to Lo S Over One Million People wear the velopment o f trade. which threaten an invasion when the family. They were all very gary, iu 1599, it was decreed that able to give our friends a real treat. 75 £ country. We have the greatest W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Stces ' arieties and colors mixed. Think of It, j summer's heat melts the Polar ice much attached to it 1.1 p oun d on ly 4 0 eta.; h a l f p o u n d m ouly he who had killed a Turk All our shoes are equally satisfactory country on the face of tbe globe A Lebanon man recently dressed | 2 3 c ts . s q u a rte r pound 1 3 c t s . 1 ■ aud snow. _ They give the best value for the rroney. should wear a feather to bis cap ( ounce 1 9 cts. and tbe resident who can not with a a bug weighing 420 pounds, from Thej 1 custom shoes In style and tit. T M wearing qualities «re onsurparsed. I GOLD T L O W E S , O-aud Erd*î r, it m ly ’ s P ile S u p p ository for each Turk whom he had slaiu. patriotic heart place the “ Stars and which 100 pounds of lard was se- The prices «re uniform,— stam ipotfci f_______ I Charming Fot Plaut, aud exceikut for j Cwttag« Grove Echo-Leader. Lake view Examiner: There is evidently a strong belief that the R . -tor o f St. Lake'll Preache« Oregon pacific road, which was re- Christ a.i ch arity. cently bought by Montana capi­ William H. Moretead PUBLMHED EVERY SATURDAY. talists, will be extended iu the near Luke’s Church pleached E. P . T H O R P , - - E D IT O R . future toward its proposed destina- “ Chanty I yesterday from tion at Ontario. This i tbiuketh no evil.'' SATURDAY, MARCH 16, - 1895. runs from Yaquitia bay, through | He said: “ He who has charity Albany, to near the eastern line of | motives to LEWIS & BURKHOLDER. Nervous Pure Blood Señera! Merchandise Hood’s WOOL, HIDES AND FÜRS, S a rsa p a rilla N IG H T L u m b er, S h in g le s and G r a in . Agents for the sale of the Pure Blood f) H i n a i in f i m m . M O R TH E R N P A C IF IC R. R. C ures GROCERY STORE IS CARRYING THROUGH TÍCETS First Class Goods, M M AS f t P Fresh V e g e ta b le s and Fruit in season . F. S- YOUNGER. J- R O U S I- P PROMPTLY H. THOMPSON F IL L ! D F am ily G ro c e rie s , F u rn ish in ‘6 g G o o d s