ProfrB M ive, Rfflkabl« anfi > e w »y ! lacrease T oar B oui ness A n A d v. la the Echo -- Loader Echo - Leader A Litre N ew spaper la a L ive C ity! W ill A rc o c n p lU i l b * Besait. Try I t i C O T T A G E G R O V E . L A N E C O U N T Y . O R E G O N . S A T U R D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 23. 1895. VOL. <>. Cottage Grove Echo-Leader, E c h o - L e a d e r B u ild in g . D EA TH WAS PREFERRED. NORTHWEST NEWS W A S H IN G TO N L E G IS LA TU R E . T e x t o f th e W o r k T h a t Hex lleen rou ipllsh ed by T h a t Body. A Sea C aptain W h o C o m m it te d S u ic id e R a th e r T h a n G o to P rison . Ac- JAPANESE VICTORY P O R TLA N D M ARK ETS. Light receipts of farm produce tend to hold prices steady, though the de­ mand is not urgent in any line. Eggs are very scarce and advancing in con­ trast with the conditions prevailing this time last week. Poultry is quoted steady and generally unchanged. Trade in staple lines is moderately active. NO. 38. Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Baking Powder O l y m p i a , February 19— W ith Satur­ day ended the fifth week of the preeent Official Advices o f the Wai Hai legislative session, and while more than Wai Engagement. half the time is now past very little E d i t o r and B u s i n e s s M a n a g e r work has been accomplished. Three weeks and a half remain and they will be made the most of. It is said and R a te s o f Sub scrip tion. TAKEN HOT FROM THE WIRES generally believed that Washington has AN OVERWHELMING DEFEAT ONE Y E A R .............................................. • * OO never been in such dire need of proper These rates are strictly in advance. W h e a t M arket. legislation as at this time. This of g g p * Subscrl hers wishing a change in their The local market is dull, without course is caused by the unusual hard p stoffice address should give their old M ir ell field w ill find he B u d get o f N e w . fo r Easy D lge atlon From A d m i r a l C a r p e n te r Says t h e F l e e t and as new ad«:ress. times which have prevailed during the much change. Foreign buyers were re­ The K cmo -L rad kr w ill be sent to subss........................................ .................. 141 the last of the defenses elected the following trustees: J. R. Lin Kung g" I A woik o l art aud acle- ce, devoted to th* Bush— Providing for the sale and pur­ of W ei n and development of pure manly and n es s f o r D e f i c i e n c i e s —S e v e n t y T h o u ­ supreme court decided to-day that Har­ Robbins, J. O. Galling, Dr. E. I). Stein- Hai W ei to hold ont against tne Bprouts, $1 25 per 30-pound box; string In the production of milk fat the or­ Strength chase of tide lands of the third class for Japanese, and the sailors of the Chinese beans, 12@13c per pound; green peas, womanly vigor, called •* Three Classes o f Men,” riet T. Sheffield and Erwin Davis, the camp, W illiam Encson, F. S. Stanley, i sand D o lla r s f o r B u ild in g s . der was somewhat changed, and the w ill be mailed, c osely »ealed, free to everv man oyster planting. 12(al3c per pound; artichokes, $1.00(3 fleet were to be taken beyo d the Jap­ woman who would study this subject for niece and brother of Andrew J. Davis, A. V. Andrews, Thomas H. Cox, Dr. R. Bush— Protecting planters of oysters. anese lines and liberated, while the cap­ 1.10 per dozen; cauliflower, 85c per conclusion arrived at will surprise 11 any or their own advancement. In this work are em­ W tsiiiN ; t o x , February 20.—The full L. Lincoln and A l . C . M iller. the Butte millionaire, may contest the Prohibiting certain methods of gather­ tured officers and other foreigners would dozen ; $2.60 per crate; sweet potatoes, of our readers. W e are free te say that bodied the plain, candid trurhs relating to the senate committee on appropriations de­ « i l l on the ground that it was a forgery we do not understand it, but give it just development and recovery of mental, physical M. F. Backus has resigned as receiver ing oysters. he conveyed away by ship before they $2.26@3.00 per cental; cucumbers, hot­ as published. I he following is the rat­ and s“ xual forces in you »?, middle-aged and cided to report an amendment to the and revoked by other wills. of the Rainier Power & Railway Com­ Ham —To abolish the office of lieuten­ house, $1.76(32.00; asparagus, 18c per ing given bv Dr. C o llie r: old men. are given their liberty. H . A. Root and Maria Cummings pany at Seattle, and Frederick Bausman ant; indefinitely postponed in senate. sundry civil appropriation hill for $10C,- Who lacks in one functions, w hile vigorous A dispatch from General Nozu, com­ pound; gartic, 10c per pound; lettuce, (iaerusej s .... ........................................................ 10 « in “ all oihe s, is not as Nature made him, aud has been appointed. The road has contested the will in 1891, ar.d after a To provide for a verdict by ten juiors in 000,000 in certificates of indebtedness of •lersvjs.....................................................1(17 must be renewed.” mander i f the First Japanese army in 25c per dozen, $1 per box. six weeks’ trial at Butte the jury disa­ passed into the hands of the Third civil cases. Devons....................................................1 2 4 N u ts — Almonds, soft shell, 9 @ llc Weakness in the vital orgnus is unnatural in Manchuria, dated February 16, says that denomination of $20 to run for twoyears greed. The "Root contest was set for Street A Suburban Railway Company. Hoi tein-FriesaiiF................................. iao K ittin ger—Providing for tlie transfer men. It is d ’ e to improper care of the func­ 15,000 Chinese with twelve guns at­ per pound; paper shell, 12Q@14c; new Ay reu ires................................................. itio all and draw 3 per cent interest, and be hearing July 24, 1893. However, the tions end- wed by Nature with perfect vigor, of marriage records from county audi­ tacked Hai Cheng from the Tao Y’ ang, crop California walnuts, soft shell, American-Holderness................................ ib() and since Nature gives this streugth, if it has The Washington senate passed Sena­ good only fur the purpose of supplying case was continued by agreement and tor Van Houten’s bill appropriating $3,- tors to county clerks. T o provide a New Chwang and Jin Koa roads. They l l @ 12}$ c; standard walnuts, 10}$ @ llc ; The average dairy matter in the food been wa u d she must be called ui»on to renew the treasury deficiency. The proposi­ the Sheffield-Davis case callel. These 024 to pay Architect Prusce for furnish­ manner of drawing and certifying lists were repulsed, leaving over 100 dead. Italian chesnuts, 12‘*@ 14c; pecans, consumed was 17}. pounds a day, equal It. Natural remed es must be used. Nothing bears a clo er relation to the elements o f sexual contests were not ready for trial and the of grand and petit jurors. To govern 13@16c; Brazils, 12}$@13c; filberts, tion in the bill repealing the law for the case was dismissed. A motion to set ing plans and specifications for the agri­ the method of allowance to witnesses The Japanese ’oss was five killed or to 21}$ pounds for each 1,000 pounds of and nerve force than electricity. It is natural. 14@15c; peanuts, raw, fancy, 6@7c; It is na’ ure, embodied in a portable, convenient cultural building and also Senator Id e’s live weight. issuance of gold certificates is stricken aside the default was overruled and an and jurors of fees for their attendance wounded. and effective appliance when Dr. Handen’s roasted, 10c; hickory nuts, 8@ 10c ; eo- $6,000 deficiency bill for public printing. WHAT THE HEWS SAYS. The average cost of food daily was Electric Belt is used. If you lack in any respect and mileage. appeal was taken to the supreme court. out and the following added as a proviso coanuts, 90c per dozen. 13*4 cents; the average cost of the but­ the manlv powers y u should possess. senhater creek lie dry granulated, 6Q c; cube crushed and the town.” by saying that at 12 hours there was Core for All ness of Men. ported, is $41,599,145, an increase of $2,- ule, and is supposed :o be the first of annexed to Benton county. This would men and drivers of street cars. powdered, 6}$c per pound; J$c per pound JAPANESE AT LIU KUNO TAO. some milk which adhered to the cream Albertson— In relation to the descent 521,424 over the total of the house hill. the new modern liners which are said take from Lane county two townships of L o n d o n , February 19.— The Che Foo discount on all grades for prompt cash ; 1 globules in the cream, while at 24 hours of real estate of deceased persons. land that pays no taxes. The county Tnis increate does not include the $(>,- to he building at the Fairfield shipbuild­ more than barrels; . this had separated and fallen below it. MileB— Amending the ode in relation correspondent of the Central News half barrels, 500,000 estimate for paying the sugar ing works in Scotland for the Northern authorities seem to favor the move­ W ITH O U T ME0ICTXE A LL WEAK- agency says the Japanese occupied Liu maple sugar, 15@16c per pound. This shows that measuring cream by /1URE4 to elections. ment. np«» icsHltiiK Glim o v ert«*.(Io n o f b r.ln , Pacific line. The agent here will give bounty claims. C o f f e e — Costa Rica, 22(323‘„ c ; Rio, 20 spaces may be as much as 11 per cent, nerve for es, excesae« or in< 1 JH'*retion?, at drains, Bush— In relation to beds of natural Kung Tao Friday. The garrison and the The project of the county court of In the absence of Senator Cullom the out no definite information regarding Salvador, 21@21}$c; M ocha,! wrong. The cows which averaged 898 losses, nervou« debllitv s le ep ier ness, lnngnor, foreigners within it were allowed to de­ @22c; committee divided on the proposition to these steamers, but the news comes Um atilla county, Or., to lease the road oysters. To prevent dredging for oys­ part unmolested aboard the Severn. I t 26}*@28c; Padang Java, 31c; Palembang pounds in weight consumed each month rheu nHtism, kirtn y, liver and bladder rom- ters. pUInt, 1 back. l«aob«go *ei«tiex, general ill pay half of the bounty on sugar for the from Scotland, via Hong Kong, that running through the southern portion of Hanford—To prevent the destruction is expected that the Japanese will not Java, 26@28c; Lahat Java, 23@25c; Ar- I water to the amount of 2,435 pounds for health, etc. This Electric Belt rontaiiis wonder­ year 1894, at authorized by the M cKin­ they will be larger and better equipped the county to the John Day river is touch Che Foo, but will re-enibark to buckle’s Mokaska and Lion, $23.30 per a milk yield of 529 pounds, an average ful improvements over all o!he*s, and gi\ea a of singing birds. ley law. The sum to be appropriated steamers than any that now cross the strongly objected to. This road was 100-pound case; Columbia, $22.80 per! of 4.6 pounds of water for each ponud current that fa Instantly felt by the wearer, or Heath—To provide for organization of attach Than Hai Kwan. we forfei« |5000. We g ve hundred« of testimo­ built by a state appropriation of $16,000, P a c i f i c . _________________ for this purpose is about <6,000,000. 100-pound case. of milk. These same cows drank while nials lu this $ ity and every State. companies for clearing out and im prov­ LI HUNG CHANG’ S APPOINTMENT. supplemented by private subscriptions Seventy thousand dollars is appropri­ C o al — Steady; domestic, $5.00@7.50 dry, consuming 1,686 ponnds of water Our powerful im proved Electric Huspenaory NO V ER D IC T. ing rivers, and fixing maximum tolls and the people oi John Day object to I o n d o n , February 19.— A dispatch to per ton; foreign, $8.50@11.00. with all Be.ts. ated for proposed buildings at Cheyenne, in a month or almost exactly 65 per is A free for delivering logs. paying toll upon it. pocket edition o f the celebrated electro- the Times from Tien Tsin says that Li Wyoming, Boise City, Idaho, and H el­ T h e J u r y in t h e C a s e o f B a n k e r K d i n i a - B eans — Small white, No. 1, 3}$c per cent of what was drank while in milk. medical work, M Three ( laaaea o f Men.” ill«r - Biggs— Amending the code in relation Hung Chang, who has been appointed a ena, Mont. pound; batter, 3}$c; havou, 3c; Lima, In order to obviate a doubt that seems to quarantine. This shows the importance of a plen­ trated, is tent free, sealed, bv m ail, upon appli­ ton D i s a g r e e d . peace envoy to Japan, will go to Peking 5c. Every young, middle-aged or old mao to exist as to the right of irrigating com­ tiful supply of water for cows while in cation. Nims— Granting to school districts the February 21 to confer with the emperor. N o r t h Y a k i m a , Wash., February 20. T H E WRONG O NE TR IED . C ordage — Manilla rope, l}$-inch, is milk as they need more than they do at suffering the sllghte t weakness should read It. panies of Washington to own more than right to purchase school house sites of Ic w ill point out an easy, sure and speedy way He will return to Tien Tsin in two quoted at 9c, and Sisal, 6c per pound. — The jury in the Edmiston case was 5,000 acres of land 8enator l-esh of Y’ ak- state Bchool land of not less than one any other time. how to regain strength and health when every­ weeks, and will then proceed to Kobe. thing else has failed. Address F a ls e E v id e n c e (liv e n A g a in s t a K e la - brought into conrt this morning and dis­ ima, Wash., has introduced a bill to au­ acre. M eat M arket. t iv e . APPROVE THE APPOINTMENT. D a i r y N o t e « . Scobey— Relating to vital statistics. charged, having been unable to find a thorize corporations heretofore or here­ B eef — Gross, top steers, $2.50@2.80; L o n d o n , February 19.—The Standard’s H e who thinks to get profit from bis B akku C ity , February 20.— A peculiar verdict. Roliert Dunn, foreman, and after organized to held, acquire and Fistihnrn—To regulate the sale of correspondent in Benin says that the fair to good steers, $2.00@2.25; cows, cows while they shiver around a straw ease was entered in the circuit court to­ seven others were for acquittal and four possess real and personal property to commercial fertilizers. $2.00@2.60; dressed beef, 4@6c per the extent and amount as may Beetn Passed the senate aud now await ac­ mikado and Premier Count Ito approve day. It was one in which a man by the for conviction, until the last ballot meet. of China’s choice of Li Hung Chang as pound. tion of the house: when the vote stood 6 to 6. The case M utton — Gross, best sheep, wethers, name of James Chamberlain, who lives will come tip at the next term of conrt Dorr—Granting to judgment debtors peace envoy. In the United States circuit court the P O R T L A N D , OR. $2.0J@2.10; ewes, $1.50@1.75; lambs, on upper Burnt river, in this county, Edmiston stated to-day that he should New Y’ ork Guaranty & Indemnity Com­ the right of possession, rents, issues and $2; dressed mutton, 4@ 4}$c; lambs, 4}$c was accuesed of the larceny of a calf. remain in Yakim a until the next term, pany, as trustees, brought suit in equity profits of real estate and premises sold per pound. DISABLED C YLIND ER S. against the Tacoma Railway & Motor under execution during the period of re­ The witnesses for the state, five in num­ which convenes in April. V eal — Dressed, small, 54j6c; large, 3 demption. Company and Edna L. Mitchell. The ber, weie all relatives ol the accused, Queen V ic t o r !»* « M o v e m e n t«. Taylor— Requiring railroad companies R e c o r d o f t h e B e n n i n g t o n C o n t r a s t e d @4c per pound. “ In February, 1862, I had six he n- complaint alleges that in July, 1892, the and it was shown by the defense ihat Hoos— Gross, choice, heavy, $3.00@ it e L o n d o n , February 20. —The Queen ar­ defendant road, for the purpose of secur­ and others to provide weather guards on W ith T h a t o f L a G ascogne. orrliages from the lungs and for some their testimony was false beyond ques­ 3.60; light and feeders, $3.50; dressed, street cars. In relation to the granting C I n o o worth lovely Musk fir Fifty -* tion and given for the purpose of send­ rived in London this afternoon. The ing the payment of the series of first months was under the care of two dcc- W a s h in g t o n , February 19.—The sen­ 4}$c per pound. of new trials; indefinitely postponed by ^ 4 O I U - - Cent», consisting of 100 pages -w ing Chaml>eilain to the penitentiary to strictest privacy was observed in her re­ mortgage Kinds for $1,500,000, executed tors, and finally went to Denver, but re­ full size Sheet Musk clfthe — the house. Amending the code in rela­ sation created by the delay in the ar­ and delivered to plaintiff a first mort­ get rid of him. The case was submitted ception, and at Victoria station empty 3 ^ - latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular ^ tion to peremptory challenges to jurors rival of La Gascogne, due, as it now ap­ turned without any benefit to my SAN FRANCISCO M AR K ETS . gage on its property and equipment in selections, both vocal and Instrumental, - * to the jury viithout argument and they in criminal cases; indefinitely postponed pears to the disabling of one of the eight gotten up In the most elegant manner. In- ^ 1 health. I then read of your treatment, promptly rendered a verdict of not trains were aligned along the depot Tacoma. January l, 1894, default was eluding four large size Portraits. by the honse. F l o u r — N et cash prices: Fam ily ex­ guilty. I t now turns out that Harvey platform so that persons on oth r plat­ made in the payment of the interest. CARMENCITA, the Spanish Dancer, Gilbert— Providing for township or­ cvclinders of her engine, has attracted tras, $3.25@3.35 per barrel; bakers’ ex­ and sent for some, from which I felt W~~ f c PADEREWSKI, the Great PlanleL Lancaster and M. Yeager killed the calf forms could not see her alight. The The plaintiff asks that the first mortgage great relief, and have continued using it considerable attention among engineers ganization. ADELINA PATTI an* tras, $3.15@3.26; superfine, $2.10@2.40. and in the endeavor to mix Chamber­ reason for this extraordinary privacy held by it, as trustee, be foreclosed and M INNIE 8EUQM AN CUTTING. Kellog— Amending present law pro­ of the United Stales navy, because sim­ W heat — Prices keep fairly steady, steadily up to the preeent time, with lain up in the matter convicted them­ was that rheumatism had incapaciated the company’s property and franchises viding the manner of drawing and certi­ the queen from walking. A detach­ be sold by a master in chancery under ilar accidents are of such frequent oc­ though the frade is rattier light. Quo­ good results.” selves. Lancaster pleaded guilty, and = THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO C O . " fying list of grand and petit jurors. table at 82}$c per cental for No. 1 (h ip ­ was sentenced to serve eighteen months ment of life guards surrounded her ear the direction of the court as an entirety, “ I am certain your treatment has - Broadway Theatre Bldj., New York City. McManus— In relation to corporations currence and became they are consid­ ping, with 83}$c for choice product. in Salem. If is expected that the grand riage as it was driven to Buckingham and absolutely without any right of re­ CANVARSERS WANTED. ered so insignificant. W hen the little M illing grades are slightly easy at 87}$ been the means of restoring my health. and amending the code. Validating cer­ palace. In spite of all this the queen demption, subject only to the lien of a jury will find a hill against Yeager be­ tain articles of incorporations. I have added fifteen pounds to my was heartily cheered. cruiser Bennington made her famous prior mortgage or de-d of trust made to @92}$c per cental. Walla YVaila wheat fore it adjourns. Yeager and Lancaster Taylor— Prescribing manner in which run of 15,000 knots from Genoa, Italy, sells at 75c per cental for fair average weight and am still gaining, have a good the Fanners’ Loan & Trust Company, are brothers in-law to Chamberlain. T lte Sam oan Q uestion. amount to $85,000 principal with inter­ judges of superior courts shall direct to San Francisco, between February 7 quality, 77}$(880c for blue stem and appetite and sleep well. In fact, I can L o n d o n , February 20.— In the house est thereon. Edna Mitchell is named judgment in eases tried before the court and April 30 last year, she had a similar 67}$c for damp. conscientiously say I am a walking ad­ T H O M A S C LEARY C O N V IC T E D . to-day Under Foreign Secretary Gray as defendant, having received judgment with a jury. break-down near Acapulco, 1,897 miles B a r l e y —The situation begins to show Van Houten— Making an appropri­ from her destination, and yet covered slight improvement, there being firmer vertisement for your treatm ent’ ” said there had been no special agree­ for $30,000 against the company in a ation for a deficiency of the state agri­ the distance in ten days, three hours holdings. Feed, fair to good, 73}$@76}$c; V e r d i c t o f M a n « I a n gi t t e r A g a i n s t H i m J. F a l l o n , 154 South Green St., ment made in regard to the ownership dam age suit. cultural college. fo» K i l l i n g D o r r it y . having been lost in simply disconnect­ choice, 77}$c; brewing, 85@90c per A bill to revolutionize the present Chicago, Illinois. of land in Samoa by foreign nations. mCAVEAl ò, I tiAUt MAF.Ks^w Nelson— Repealing an act allowing a ing the damaged cylinder. Before she cental. H elena , Mont.,February 20.—Thomas The United Slates government claimed military laws of Washington was intro­ second appeal to the supreme court in could be repaired at San Francisco the ^ C O P Y R IG H T S .^ O a t s —There is no improvement to re­ duced in the house by Captain Coon, a Cleary was to-day convicted in the dis­ the exclnsive right to the coal station in I f you will know more of this tre»t- certain criminal cases. Amending the revolution in Salvador occurred, and port. Business continues to drag,.and C A T I O B T A IN A P A T E N T » F o r* member from Snohomish. Itisadapted , _ anawer and aa honeat opinion, wrtu to code of procedure in criminal actions, she was dispatched 2,500 miles to spend prices remain easy. M illing is quoted, ment, and read the testimony of many trict court o ' manslaughter for killing the harbor of Pago Pago. There was no l N A- CO., who have bad Mart; Bit, . after the new m ilitary code adopted two In tb* patent 1— ----- * three mon .lis protecting American in­ $1.02}$ @ 1.16; surprise,$1.06@1.15; fancy others, who have been cured by the erpenenoe Frank Dorrity, a gambler, a few months truth, he said, in the statement that years ago in New Y’ ork state, and is a relating to speedy trial of defendant. tlooa strictly confidential. Germany was about to annex the Sa­ Judiciary committee— Amending elec­ terests there. On her return to San feed, $1 00@1.05; goo I to choice, 95@ formt-tlon concern uni P r ________ ago in this city. Cleary was at one moan islands. Compound Oxygen Treatment, not only lain toem aent (ree. Alao a catalogue ol i England certainly de­ voluminous document containing 185 tion laws in relation to registration of Francisco she was docked, but again $1.; fair to gold , !i0(596c: poor to fair, I t provides that all able- time a prominent middle-weight prize­ sired to consult the interests of Austra­ sections. leal a id arientlAc book* aent fra*. of consumption, bat of various other voterB in towns and precincts with a there was no time to make the repairs, 82}$@87}$c; black, $1.16@1.30; red, Patent* taken tbrooab Sunn A Co. racetea bodied men between the ages of 18 and fighter, and had a go with Jack Demp­ lia in regard to Samoa. noticeInthe N cienrlRr A m erica n , and population of 250 or more. as she was hurried to Behring sea. She $1.06@1.17}$; gray, 95}$@97}$c per diseases, send for hook of two hundred ■pedal 45 years are subject to military duty, sey liefore a i lub in San Francisco. He too* are broncht widely before tbe public with, Range— Amending the code of civil cruised over 5,000 miles during the sum­ cental. oat oo,t to tbe (mentor Tbla eplendld paper, pages, sent free. Or cali and see us. except certain persons described who had run down at the heel until lie had P r o ecu tion o f G lo litti. leaned weekly, decently lllaatraied. baa by far th* procedure. mer, all the time her crippled cylinder H ops — Quotable at 4@7}$c per pound. W e treat patients at the Office as well 'M efrealatlon o f any adenttOc work In tea are exempt. Whenever the conintander- liecome a loitnder, and while hanging L o n d o n , February 20. —The Central , world. » * 3 ajyear. « ti Easierday— Defining dntiesof sheriffs, being useless, and when she returned Sample oopiee aent fraa. P otatoes — Volunteer new potatoes, in-chief deems it necessary he is em­ around gambling houses he fell in with Building ding Edit • year. constables aud coroners upon the expira­ to the navy yard in the autnmn she was 2@c2}$ per pound; Early Roee, 40@50c; as at borne. News’ correspondent in Rome says that M k .*¿5 t ______ ________________ ________ powered to order an enrollment of all Dorrity, who was a bad man with a tifai plate*. In colora, and ptm enuka of new tion of their term of office, prescribing promptly repaired, a new cylinder hav­ River Red, 20@30c; Burbanks, 30(340c; DRS. S T A R K E Y & P A L E N , reputation fo- killing people. They had ex-Pretnier Giolitti is to be prosecuted persons, other than members of the Na­ bouree, with plane, enabltna bal Id. -Ttoehow tea the duties of their successors and vali­ ing been made daring her absence. A ll Oregon Bnrbanks, 40@85c; Salinas Bur an ----- - deelcrn« --------Iracare contracte. A ««e am lieen out all lig h t and wound up with a not only for libeling Crispi, but also for tional Guard, liable to m ilitary duty, to 1529 Arch 8t., Pbila., Pa. NN t CO, n e w Y ir e , 361 B r o a d w a y . dating the acts of each. this time no one except those connected banks, 75c@$1.00; sweets, 50@75c quarrel. W hile Dorritv was running appropriating for his private uses official lie made by the county assessor or other Belknap— To prohibit prizefighting with the ship had the slightest idea for Rivers and $1.25@1.50 per cental for from Cleary the latter drew a betid on documents hearing upon the affairs of persons designated by the commander- and boxing matches in clubs. there was anything the matter with her. choice stock. him ond sent a ball through the hack of in-chief. One copy of such enrollment the Banca Romans. Should he be con­ Judiciary committee— Relating to the Naval engineers complacently contrast O n io n s — Quotable at 75c@$l per cent­ his neck, it seems that l>orrity was victed he will be deprived of his civil shall be filed with the county auditor, settlement of community estates held in this record with that of I ji Gascogne. al. running for his gun to kill Cleary, so the CUPIOENE” rights, and will loee the rank of privy one with the adjutant-general and one common, and amending the code. W ool — Fall— Free Northern, 7@8}$e; ease was m ate manslaughter. He will councilor. ___________________ to be retained by the enrolling officer. Ide— Appropriating money to defray Northern defective, 5@7c; Southern and be sentenced Saturday. Notice of enrollment is then served, and B o n d « O rd ered P rin ted . n Hon of a (atitoo. French pbyaldan, will quickly cure you of all oer* the expenses of pnblic printing. Had O n ly D ecla red H i« In ten tio n . San Joaquin, light and free, 5@6c: South- fifteen days is allowed for each person to AV 1 » ' « ■ Or S w w e a f the (ea a n ttv* urnna, am * aa Laat Ifanhoad. W ashington , February 20.—The gov­ V Insomnia, I ubiate the Book.Semi: al F niimuir,*. Krrrooa brMUty! Numerous bills in both houses have Joaqnin, defective, 3@4c. P a r i s , Febru ry 20. — The United show exemption. The commanding of­ - Pimples, Unfitness to Marry, fcaliansrina Drains. Varicocele . (J been indefinitely postponed, and many ernment has ordered the pr nting of the W alla W alla, Wash, will make an ef­ Ccns-lratlon. 1 1 sto,., ad by dar or P^S STySl States has refused to interfere in the ficer highest in rank in the National nrsaof diachare*-, which if notch*»ck#‘d i u, Hpermataertomm «nd fort to secure the tournament of t e Guard, and also the head of the fire will probably never leave the commit­ 5 per cent bonds called for by the Bel- liver tlZ B i ll C o o k *« S en te n ce . B E F O R E a n d A F T E R all rhe horror*of Impotency. 4 T V*l D K N E Hejuiai* Oregon and Washington Firemen’s As­ case of a man named I-eCompte, who and police departments in each town or tee rooms. It is difficult to estimate mont-Morgan syndicate. It is said that kidneys and th«* tirinai-v organ«of sdì impur.ties. ’ C U P I D E X E strengthen« and re*tor**« small we.-tk organ«. F ort S m ith , Ark., February 18.— Bill sociation next Jane. was forced to do m ilitary duty in France city shall whenever an enrollment is or­ the number of bills that will be enacted the issue of bonds would be enjoined, The r*-asou «uflerers «re not cn*ed by ix »ctoni is becnnue ninety per cent are rrmhlMl with and who (tainted American citizenship. dered file with the enrolling officer a into laws, but of the number already but np to noon no injunction proceed­ Cook, the outlaw, was sentenced to-day - • « » l i l l à . C fJP ID E N K 1« the c-nly known remede to rare without kit operation Uttb tZJtli " •Is. A written gUBranteegiven and money returned 1 \{ do«*« not effect a permanent If «ix boxe« boxe» does r Price’s Cream Baking Powder. It is learned he had only declared his certified list of the persons in his com­ introduced it is safe to say that not one- ings had been begun in a n v o f the coarts in the United Statet court to fifty vears f 1.00 a box, six for $5.03, by mail. Bend for r a g e circular and testimonial«. • Fair Highest Medal and D ploma. intention to become a citizen. fourth of them will pass both houses. in the penitentiary at Albany, N. Y . mand or department. here. Address D A V O L M E D IC T S 1 CO., P. O Box aflk, Ban Franctaeo, Cal F jt Sale b i E. P. T H O R P , S ax F r a n c is c o , February 20. —The German bark I’anl Isenberg has arrived from Honolulu with the first mate in command. The bark left San Francisco about a year ago with Captain Blet in command boond for Hamburg. On the voyage one of the sailors was so mal­ treated by the captain ami mate that he died. Both men were arrested in Ger­ many ami charged with manslaughter. The captain, after his preliminary ex­ amination. was allowed his liberty on bonds and permitted to make a voyage to Honolulu with his ship on condition that he would take the same punish­ ment given the mate, who would re­ main and stand trial. When the bark reached Honolulu a letter was handed him by the German consul informing him that his partner to the crime had been sentenced to eight years’ imprison­ ment, and he should consider himself a convict. Rather than serve a sentence on his return to Germany he committed snicide, and the first mate took com­ mand of the hark on her voyage to San Francisco. ___ ____ Condensed Telegraphic Reports of Late Happenings. ABSOLUTELY PUR E FARM AND GARDEN M SUNDRY CIVIL BILL Sanden Electric Co, i WALKING ADVERTISEMENI y i i r w w i m m m w K I re | uiuiUiijmiiMMjuiuiumi? ? KlM l srm \3 MANHOOD R E S T O R E D . « » » «