t — lÀ Itiij/f (jPove Ü diü-Leader. A HOPELESS MINO . . i . A.> ELOPEMENT IN ABBINA. Judge Smith and daugh'er, chief of Police Dilley and Dr. Gaff left here at 4 p. m. on the freight for Eugene, where they will take the ovorland for Portland tomorrow morning. The doctor was well “ . supplied with funds, having some $8000 on bis person in coin, cur- rency and checks. Dr. Gaff and Miss Smith were passing as brother and sister, Spring Saturday, W. R Willis and A. M. Crawford filed notice of appeal iu the case against S. G. Brown, con victed of murder iu the first degree and sentenced to be banged on Friday of this week. The matter was taken before Judge Fulerton, aud he ordered a stay of execution until the appeal can l>e heard iu the supreme court.— Roseburg Plaii - ! dealer. LE IIS & BURKHOLDER. tPortland Sun-Sunday.] The usual quiet social circles of Albina have been thrown into a fever of excitement through an . . .. . , . . . DEALERS IN ° Is a uaceM it; became the tonio o f winter elopement in high life, and the gos- air it gone, and milder weather, Increased moisture, accumulated impurltiea in the sips and scandalmongers will now blood and debilitated condition of the have something to keep their body, open the way for that tired feeling, tongues a wagging for some time to nervous troubles, and other ills. The skin, mucoas membrane and the various come. organs strive in vain to relieve the im­ Although the matter has been The runaway couple will ac­ pure current o f life. They all welcome L ooking for a M ine . — Four min- j kept very quiet it was public pro­ cordingly reach Portland today, and ing experts were at Cottage Grove | Property-owners in Peudlet^ i K° to heav« D to 8tand UP' The perty on the streets yesterday that Dr. Gaff will doubtless be brought a couple of days ago, and expected | wili pav taxes for the year 1894 of " holp congregation arose with the Dr. J. V. Gaff had eloped with Miss to face tbs music in a way that will to leave yesterday morning f o r ! a total of 30 mills. Of this 18 mills ; exception of our drummer friend, Maggie Smith, daughter of Munici­ not soon permit him again to be Bohemia mines, and we understand go to the county,« 8 mills to the wll° had h'°ne to sleep in the mean pal Judge B. M. Smith, last Wed­ one of the principals in an elope­ had in view the purchase of the town, aud 4 mills to the school dis- time. After the congregation was nesday evening. ment case. The doctor’s object in Annie mine. One of them is from trict. This is a de< rease from 1893 seated the pastor said: “Now all Dr. Gaff has been resident of going to Siuslaw mnst have been to assist Nature at this time when she New York, one from Spokane and taxes of 8 mills Taxes for ’95 who want to go to hell stand up. ’ Albina for three years, during to make the coast by a route that m oit needs help, to purify the blood, tone by this time the drummer had two from Seattle. These mines are promise to be still lower, as ex­ which time he built up a very large would keep him out of leach of the and strengthen the laboring organa and attracting a great deal of attention, awakend and heard the request to penses in many directions can be build up the nerves. and lucrative practice. To all he telegraph. and there is little doubt that a “ stand up,” but no more. Rubbing ‘ I was not able to wait on myself and curtailed. was a model man. He was a teeto­ till lively mining camp will be opened | his eyes be stood up, atared around A R emarkable i a l il y . — On a taler diden’t use tobacco, very >ing i my I ■ ago. The tin market in the U nited bjm t,be geajie(| congregation and there in the not far distant future. pretty little farm high up among modest in bis language and a regu­ work. My right Inn was badly effected, States has been considerblj agitated tbeQ at the mini8ter. When be The richness of this section in the and in the spring an summer IC - lar church attendant. With these the hills of Calhoun county, Ala., weak, but H ood’s Sarsaparilla ha» done me „ ,i ................ . • , of late by a contest between a party j toob ¿n tbe situation he said: “ Mr. much Rood and I have gTeat confidence In Je**ow mental is becoming known 1000 feet above the sea, lives a OREGON. well-kown habits, be ingratiated LEMATI. R -” MR*.E. B. K n iq h t , Tecumseb, Okie- far and wide, aud naturally attracts of bulls on the Continent and of j p reacher, I don’t know exactly most remarks! le family. Their himself into the fullest confidence bears in London. Uncle Sam is (wbaj we are voting on, but some | men who have had wide experience of mothers and daughters. Since name is Sadler. The family consists understood over thete to be awfully way you and I seem to be in a i in mining, and who are ready to his disgrace, there are many rumers of i brother and four sisters, and soft mark in trade, and hopeless minority, , invest in and improve g o o d mining of his evil doings in his Albina the youngest has already turned her foreign sharpers juggle with prices ! ------------ ! property. Big mines have been 91st year. The oldest is several practice. he shovels out the gold to meet \ SPRAY YOUR ORCHARDS. “ I have taken Hood’s Sarsaparillt and it Opened in places where there is no years more than a century old. The doctor planned his escapade their demands. has always built up my system, given me better ere than can be found in None of them has ever married, j a good appetite snd e'eansed my blood.” Bohemia.— Eugene Register. ------------ ; Now is the time for our fruit in good shape. On Wednesday The Sadlers were born in the old T homas K roger , Tulare, California. Senator Lodge calls attention to T afternoon his receptiou parlor was 8 __ ^ , , growers to look after the San Jose rfteruilni'er pill and Dominion state. In 1831 the Hood’s Pills the fhe fact that since 1888 England' , , , , . mi_ _ finally cathartic. ¡»a. stale and wooly aphis. The state well filled wi'.h ladies, waiting to see W. H . COOPER, ht s taken poscssion of scores of professionally. He excused family moved to Alabama, and Cal- j hoard of horticulture in bulletin 8 him A-ttornsy at I_a-yxr, houn county about 15, It is said that before another year ts'inds in the Pacific, including the strongly recommends winter spray­ himself by pleading an urgent ob­ miles east of Anniston. Two years bicycles will “ take a tumble” and groups known as the Gilbert, Ellice. C ottage G rove . O regon . ing, and the following mixtures for stetrical case, and that a pending later they became possessed of the the price of a good one will not ex­ Enderbury, Coral and Johnson Is­ lawsuit in the interior would call winter use, both for the extermina­ 160 Acres Land for Sale property on which they now live, ceed $40 Then we will all take a lands. The British effort to secure tion of the wooly aphis and San him away for several days. 3 MILES FROM ELKTON OR. one of the Hawaiian group has not Mrs gaff, a most estimable lady, and there erected a log house, I ride. Jose scale: Partly cleared with good frame succeeded, but it will bear watch­ left on the overland train Tuesday which domicile they have since in-1 The cowboys who robbe 1 the house, barn and out buildings. good si b a y so 1. ing.. evening to visit her parents, who habited constantly. Years ago the j Southern Pacific train near Wilcox well at the door. 4000 rails in the fence: school 1 l/t miles; price $000, Lime, unslacked ........................301 bs live near Oakville, Linn county. father and mother died, the former j on January 30, securing $10,000. one half down, balance on long time It is curious aud suggestive fact Sulphur, powdered.........................20.bs This was part of the doctor’s plan, at the age of 81, tho latter at the aie camped in the mountains with at 8 per cent int. For further partic- . . , ulars write to G eo S mith , that of all the great fortunes mude Suit, stock........... %.......................lSlbs age of 75.— Chattanooga Times. two mountaineers w ho kuow th- ! Elkton,Oregon. Water................. 60gals. as bis wife was sent on a two weeks on the Pacific slope in recent years, country. They are heavily a r m e d , Directions— Place 10 pounds of visit. The minutest detail in the Tiie New Year. only one— that of Huntington— and expect too sally forth and loot lime and 20 pounds of sulphur in a elopement plot was not overlooked. Finds Hood’s Sarsaparilla leading remains in the original hands. DEALER IN boiler with 20 gallons of water, and He left his three diplomas hanging everything in the way of medicines in another train soon, like Evens and All of the others have been divided boil over a brisk fi e for two hours on the walls of his reception pal­ three im portant particulars, nam ely: Sontag. aud scattered, thus presenting a ; until the sulphur is thoroughly dis- lors, and his entire complement of Hood’s Sarsaparilla has C ity of L emati . — The lull chan very interesting object lesson on 1. The largest sale in the world j solved. It will then be amber col- surgical instruments, with the latest Produce taken in exchange for G-ood?. ing the name of East Cottage Grove j the subject of the alleged public It accomplishes | oi ed. Next place 20 pounds of improved office furniture for the to Lemati, has passed both houoes of j Medicines. Confectionary. 2. The greatest cure in the world. danger of large private accumula­ the legislature and now- only awaits j ; time in a cask and pour water convenience of his patients, are still It has tions of wealth. GENTS’ enough over it to thoroughly slack in his office-rooms. 3. The largest Laboratory in the the signature of Gov. Lord to becom > | a law. The passage of the lull wns i y , , , , r\ < An old man, Hammond by name, world. A poet appeared in the office of a ^ dd 8a*i- " ^en dissolved celebrated by the citizens of that town j H 111*111 C l l j 11 (T ( 0 0 (1 C What more can be said ? Hood’s Charleston paper the other day and i '‘ dd the lime and sulphur aud boil has been the doctor’s collector for Sarsaparilla has merit; is peculiar to | last evening. The government in- presented this effusion: “ Co'rn i„ half an hour longer. Add enough the past year. A short time since itself, and most of ail, Hood's Sar” ! 8Pect,’ r promised the citizens of that! A N D N O T IO N S . the cribs, fat on the ribs. Cottou j * ater to make 60 gallons. Apply the doctor seut him to Shedds to saparilla cures. If you are sick, it is ; plaee that the postoffiee recently dts- j continued would be reestablished > s collect old accounts and notes; he medicine for you to take. alone, skin and bone.” Though ^uhe warm, jES“Goods sold as cheap, as any of soon as tiie name was legally changed tile sume quality, as any store in town. besides the old mau has been press this production is not up to the spray n o . 2. by the legislature.—Eugene Guard. Also agent for We are pleased to announce to our j ing local collections during the past standard of Browning, its motive Sulpur........................................ lOOlbs leaders that we have made arrange- j Portland Sun: In the light of , . . ... Q ... . was recognized as singularly good. Lime........ ................................. lOUibs month. The doctor himself also merits to furnish The Prairie Farmer L. of Chicago and the E cho -L eader to Ithe statements of Miss Smith, who ^ rR e d Front Store, West Cottage The poem was accepted with thanks Blue vitriol.................................. 81! bs has taken an active part iu pressing farmers for only $8 a year for cash, claims that she accompanied the Grove. beyond 1 he Praire Farmer is the brightest, , Directions— Slack the lime with his collections, showing , . and given a place next day on the tllO enough water to make a thick paste. question his plot as now developed. cleanest aud freshest agricultural pa- doctor voluntarily and tnat at no EXECUTORS SALE OF REAL W ^ b . . * l o i n f o i m f lim editorial page. per of the day. It has complete de- time had any improper relations in I It* ii order* f* ■» bind», i Besides his collections the only pnrinieuts for every member, of the1 Dissolve the blue vitriol in hot PROPERTY. Salem Journal: The Oregouian water and add to the slacked lime. property missing is his horse and f.-i i r m ’ l • y It has new Editors, and been sustained between them, con­ In the matter of the Estate special writers of national promi of has another brutal attack on Gover- Use about 80 pouuds of lime in dis- buggy. It is reported that Mr. nence. It is now read n more than siderable doubt is expressed as to Hiram Lee, Senior, deceased. the possibility of securing a couvi. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue o f au 100,000 farmers* homes each week. nor Lord. It says he is unfit for j solving sulphur. Follow directions Hammond excused himself from o f the County Court o f l>ane County, state 'V 'l l :lll L in ' I.f III t> • II III V Our readers will want it for the coin­ tion. Attorneys differ in their in­ order o f Oregon, made ou Tuesday the tiftii day of Senator, because, as a matter of j ll8 JJo. 1 in that respect. Dis- home for a few days Wednesday ing year. Don’t miss the Thanks­ February 1895, 1 will offer for sale at public auc­ of the law defining the | tion at the court house door of said county, on fact, his hearing was injured while solve the sulphur by thoroughly morning, stating that he and the giving and Christmas numbers. The terpretation . . . . . . .. j Wednesday the 20th day o f March, I89S, between regular subscription price of The but the pie- the hours o f nine o ’clock a. m. aiul four o'clock in the war. Gov. Lords ear is boiling and add to the lime and doctor would be absent on impor­ Prairie Farmer alone is £1.00 a year crim , e of kidnapping, Orders Fiom a Distance Promptly Attended To e ■ ■ . , p. m., o -s a id day, at one o ’clock, the follow ing ponderance OI opinion seems to b describe l premises for sale, belonging to said close to the ground, however, and blue vitriol. This mixture will tant business, and that Mr. Ham­ This oiler will close December 31 1894. ill favor of t h e defendant. Beginning at a point 20.08 chains south and hearing is good enough to hear the keep any length of time. When mond was seen Wednesday after­ ¡N -iid in y- mi • 3.5o chains east from claim No. 47, tp 21 s K 3 w, < 1 artcr post on line between sections 32 and 33. tramp of the masses above the ready to spray, take one pound ol noon driving the outfit up Williams A gentleman of this eouuty who has How S cott W as C onverted . —Sever­ in tp 20 S R 3 W; thence west 65.90 chains; thence C o t TAGE GROVE, o i . r o *.\ 24.44 chains; thence East 56.54 chains; clamor of the plutocrats, who waut mixture to 2J gallons of water, for avenue toward Vancouver. Dr. excellent judgement remarked to us al years ago Mr. Harvey Scott an­ south thence north 1.73 chains; thence east 9.07 chains; tiie other day that he knew of no pill, nounced Senator Simon as a very b.ui thence north 22.77 chains to the place o f In-gin­ the earth with a barbwire around winter use, applying luke warm. Gaff, on the same afternoon aboul containing iu tp 20 s K 3 w , 130.03 acres and as good for con si pa tion, t dyspepsia aud corrupt man. Mr. Simon took ning, t|< 21 S K 3 w, 28.76 acres, in the aggregate it ------------------- 3 o’clock, was seen to meet Miss and liver complaint as De Witt’s Little Mr. Scott upon Mount Hood and in 159.39 acres, excepting and reserving therefrom acres deeded to H. E. Underwood by deed re- Don’t neglect that cough, it leads to j Smith and enter a house on Union Early Risers. For sale by J. P. showing him t h e f a i r c i t y of Poitlaud, j 21 corded in deed book “ H " on page 270 ; also ex- The noted Iron Mountain group onsuinption. One Minute Cough . 1 . ! cepting am. reserving therefrom 7 .00 acres deed- Currin, avenue on the line of the Vancouver • : ed to the Willamette Keal Estate Ounpanv by of mines has been sold to an English Cure posessses a double virtue. It ‘ •Ifvou'U bow .'own and wor h i p de.-d reo rd t-ilIn deed book “ J ,” p a g e d ; also car. This is the last seen of them. rp, , . . - , . . 1 excepting and reserving therefrom 10 acres syndicate for $500,000. The pro­ cures and cures quickly. For sale by lu e newspaper IS not exactly m e I'll c r e a t e a board of p u o l i c WOI I s deeded to Delphina Emerson l*y deed recorded The young lady seut a note to , i I iu deed l»mk No. 24 ou patte 34T>, the laud re- J. P Currin. what the editor is, says the Saliuus j u s t as you want, make you the u ln in deed book a o . ¿4 to »ala estate being 121.33 perty consists of 360 acres paten­ matning belonging her parents by a messenger toy i n d : aeres, being pari o f the Donation 1 laiiu of Ttinm- ted ground and 940 acres of timber, Republican, but what the bufiucss j raan “ f u uml 8r'v<-tUe city of Portia. I as Uibsott Nos. G3 and 47, Notilieation No. 866, with instructions not to deliver the _____ „ , . 1 _ . . . . . . j t o y o u .” I In sections 31 and :ia, In tp ail 8 K 3 w and in sec. rottage Greve, GIRL WANTED. situated on the Sacramento river e n o f t h e community w h e r e it is XI,- e n n t t fo il (t o w n i n d w n r s h in e r t -*»nu given October 1 st, 18 W. evening. It was the usual kind — B. W . E mkruon The other day I saw in a news­ copper and gold property, aud has and most wide-awake editor on the “ Simon, thou art Peter, and upon Executor of said Estate. 16417 bidding adieu to them aud attach­ been worked with a 20-stamp mill paper a notice which I tbiuk should Pacific coast cannot publish a first- this rock I’ll build Scott’s -liurch — ing the blame to no one. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. class paper miner in in Rocky Tt,„-bv Gulch «„i..i, or i Portland Suu. for many years. The "new owners be read with caie aud then tucked Land Office at Roseburg Oregon, Feb., 13, 1895. Mr. and Mrs Smith have the sym­ will put up an immense smelter away in the memory. Here it i s : Poker Flat if those places are dead j Ex. : It is hardly an enjoyable N otice is hereby given that the following- pathy of all Albina, where they are named settler lias U ed not toe d her intention to “ Wanted— In one hundred with a capacity of 1000 tons a day. dull and the business men take no pastime to rea l the confessions of make final proof in sunport of her claim, and that most favorably known. Tbs said priMif will I k - made before A. Jennings, thousand households in America, interest in the same. The local I Claude Blitxt, « ho munlere ! Mira <’o nty Clerk of Lane County, Oregon, H orses in D emand .- —Salem Jour­ a williug, sunshiny daughter who iutrigue of this designing medico Eugene, Lane County Oregon, on April 1st. [taper is ns much an index of theiGing. He goes into a 1 t ' e dt ails viz: Mira Sweeney on homestead entry No, 5385 nal: O. H. Holcomb, of Seattle, will not fret when asked to wipe falls particularly severe, as this for the se : ne :, e ' 2 se , nw , se , »ec. la, tp town as the editov. If the business i with cold blooded exactness, MB'*. 2 0 S K . 3 west. She names the follow ing wit- shipped a carload of draft horses the dishes, or sigh when requested daughter was too young to guard i ne»-es tc prove her i-niitinaous residence upon men of the town give a paper a m i.enver, he says In is imw forgi - ami cultivation of, »aid land, viz: .1 P. shield., from Salem and also a carload from to take care of the baby; a daugh­ against his first machinations which J. I. .lone», C. A. McFarland and G. W. Mc­ liberal support, that paper «ill he a en, and l as a home with God in Farland. o f Cottage Grove, l-anr county Oregon Albany on Sunday last. R. H. ter whose chief delight is to smooth led to her unfortunate step. tebllS37 K. M. V K A T C li. Register. credit to the place, will he bright heiivin. Ii such things as he aud Gaff came to Oregon about 10 Westacott is instrumental in bring­ away her mother’s wrinkles, and N O T I C E I O K J T J H L IC A i IO N . and newsy, and will enhance the others of the same click. h II of whom ing this business to Salem and is who is quite as willing to lighten y ears ago and located at Shedds. U n ited S ta te s L a n d O f fic e r value of every man’s property in expect to go by the shortest in ute This stock has just been refilled and is the R osebu kg O k ., January 2 2 ,18 9 5 ( creating quite a market for good her father’s cares as his pocket; He was v< ry industrious and atten­ the place. On the other hand, if fri-ni tbe si affo il to heaven, are to Notice is hereby given that the following-nam­ best selected in town. horses. Persons having horses of a girl who thinks her brother quite tive to latients aud soon built up a sei tier has tiled notice o f his intention to the business men do not assist, then realize their ‘ expectations, where ed # 0 r riu I i L I i C i -I |.rire» |.»el f..r 1! kim le i.f urndm-e. » T F make final proof in sut>{M»rt of his claim, and that 1600 pounds or over will do well as fine n fellow as some other girl’s large practice. He seems not to said nroof will be mam- Indore the Register and will ilie hsser criminals aud good tiie Receiver of U. S. land office at Koseburg, have been contented with being an the editor can do hut little. He is to »“ .e him. This first car brought brother. Constaut love, high Douglas county. Oregon, on Friday March 8 1895. doing his best at all times, and people go ? viz: Alva A. Bouse on Homestead Entry No. ordinary man in his profession, as an average of $135 per head. • »-F A R M E R S '«« esteem, add a more honored place 5292 for the N e*, Sw , w*2 ,s«* , Se >e . sec 5. straining every nerve to make his According to the Chrotiii le lie tp. he passed three different winters R 3 following i)i. 23, ¿o, S iv .> west. wrn. He rtc names iiivinrs the me iuiitiw iu|t wit- wn- i « — — .. The London “Times” refers to in the home guaranteed. Employ­ attending the best tnedieal schools paper good as possible. The more latest sensation in San Francisco is the significant industrial fact that ment assured to all qualified appli­ in the East so as to bring himself strongly he is supported the better the theft from the o ce of l.i e Grove, Lane^ county Oregon; ami William Y^. u ho p h o t o g r a p h s Home Carlicart, o f Roseburg Douirlt s county, Oregon, in 1870 the United States produced cants. Address Mother, up to the latest developnieuts iu becomes his paper— the better its county i leri , of the «ill o tue :a e iuU26-34 R. M. V BAT«'ll. ficnister. NOW MADE BY THE one-third as much coal as Great Office.”— Selected _ ' medical and surgical science. His articles, the more complete its news, millii naire Jas. G Fair. San Ftan- a N u i I O L h rn I 'U H L I O A I T O a V I have n Fil t Class Full Blood and the finer its press-work and Cisco is famous for plumb ring dead Britain, one-half as m n h in 1881. Walter Moss wtio was a news j extensive acquaintance in the L a n d Otfi* «* sit K o t fe t u ir g , paper. The editor is helped o: and about the same quantity in ; paper man tells the Seattle [ Wash. J, Shedds neighborhood will, no men’s estates but the lavvve s don’t January 14, 1895. Allowance must also be made in our News Reporter bow lie got taken in doubt, be surprised to learn of his hindered hy the business men of the usually have to go so far as to com­ Notice is hereby given that the following- nained settler has tiled notice of his intent ion to town, and it rests with them mit b-’Id thieving to get siarte.l on make final proof in support o f his claim, ami that favor for tlic natural gas and petro- i wbile iu g t Louig not long Inst act iu this city. ago. i ■ said proof will be made Itefore A. «’. Jeuuiug* wliethi r the paper is doing its Lest ¡lie right course for a fee. leum used as fuel. The “Times” He was in a crowd watching a tire j PHOTO COMPANY. County Clerk of Lane county. Oregon, at Eugene at my place in G^wdyville—just w«-»t Gaff is a native of Ohio, and is Lane county, Oregon, on Saturday February of Cottage Grove. Call ami see him. for the eoinmnnitv or not. The that ! admits that coal mining The ftbov«> out on any Photograph f 2.wi, 1895, viz: R o b c r t C a s e y when a pretty woman rushed down about 40 years of age. He first A L arge C rass — Superintendent James T. Desoain, on Homestead Entry No 5494 a gimMiit' r of ♦*x<*«-ll»*n«’»*. Knliirg’ in* paper is their servaut, in a certain country is carried ou at an increas- (the the burniu« burniu„ builll. for the w , NK , w .. SE . of sec. 2 . tp. 21 S R the 8tairway stairway of of the from any kin«! of F’u'titre, in Crny«'i* practiced his profession iu this state sense. Iu this way it represi nts SteveiiSMU no » bason ii-. uauds tiie 4 west. names tne following witnesses to J Mending and Repairing. mg expense, the average being j ing> and> apparentIy crazed hy n . Ink or Color*. Call hii «I *♦*«» xirstm- prove his continuous residence upon and eultl and was married and settled iu the town more than the e itor largest class of ap, licauts or teach- Vat Ion of, said laud, viz: Ansel C. KriggM, Clothing mended and repaired by |*!es hm «I |»ri<*«»8 of Crayon w«>-k. «to u t 7 shillings:a ton to 4 shillings | cittment> tbrew berself into b|H James R. Ken all. .1. M. M rt in and James fit*.. Kutfeoe. Or. some interior town. He deserted „ . --------- — ' ers' certificates that ever came be- Hawlev of Cottage Grove, Lane county, oregou. da V a n . íi p e r , est ,ide of o tage 8th un«1 \\ ilia in America. The inference from arms aud implored him to save her. We wish to slate to nur patrons that , , • , .. ,r , u_ fan 19-33 R. M. V k a t «'H. Register. his wile and eloped with with fe Oreeoll. One Minute Cough Cure is a safe and fore blul at one t,,u“ ' T b e,ea ,e 87 these figures is that supremacy in Of course Moss attempted to soothe N O T I C E K .- K I ' U l i l . l C A I i o . , another man’s wife to Arizona. reliable remedy for children troubled aPP f° r county certificates, manufacturing must soon pass to her, and the rest is best told in his , From Arizona be came to Oregon with croup, colds, hoarsuess and .ung three for state diplomas and seveu U.Ni r n » t a i k s L a n d O F i K t the United States. Roseburg, O,., January 14. 18(45.) ■ owD w ords: “ She soon caught j aud represented himself as a single troubles. It is pleasant to take a d for state certificates. As usual the Notice 1 » hereby xiveii that tiie following-nam C U O r 13 THE BEST. settler has tiled notice of his intention to g O O n V J C ’ IT FOR A K I N G . The State of Pennsylvania will ! sigh t o f some one she knew and | mau. About five years ago he and quickly cutes. For sale by J- P- ladies are iu the majority, bul there «id We have 45.000 ^-oo I brick, oue make dual proof in support of his claim, aud that Currin. I .. . , 3. CORDOVAN, said pr«n>t w ill be made before A. C. Jennings, j be asked to go into the business of with profuse apologies for disturb- Miss Acbescn, daughter of Matbew mile from Cottage Grove poet "dice, j are twenty-five young men in the County reCMCK A EMAMCLLEO CALF Clerk of Lane county. Oregou, at tu gen e ! maintaining good roads, a bill ¡Ug nie wa8 R00u )08t jn tbe crowd. Acheson, a wealthy farmer, living Rowhurg Pl.indealer: A jou u g . . „ „ j . U r. a « „ „ „ „ ¡, « „ ¡ » I » ! ■„ Lane eouuty Oregon on .Saturday, February 23. '4*35*1 Fine C au &K angapooi which we will sell at rea-onahle 1895, viz: Ansel C. Briggs, on Homestead having been introduced in the Leg- c . .. , , . . prices. Persons wanting brick will »3APP0LICE.3SOLE3. uvM iniuati-uiH In- .T U W i l l i , ! Entry No. 543». for the Nv, Nw1, see 1 ., tp. 21 S, - , , ° . • iVW, , Shortly after her departure a boot- near Oakville, Linn county, were divine in iu California is attracting t|1H lslnture appropru^ng $,>,000,000 for . . . r much attention from departing t il e e x a m i n a t i o n s l>\ J . -U. W i l l i a m s 114 west. He name» the foliow ing witnesses to please call on or address th. ir or­ ove his continuous residence upon aud cul- that purpose. The general scheme , aca slhow exclaimed ‘ Yer married. It is stated that he also from the usual routine. Sunday and Miss Miry McCoruaok. It will fivation of, said land, viz: James R. Kendall, ders to V ii. lard & Morrrr, T. De-pain, J. M. .Martin and James contemplate!! the appointment of a watch chain’s broke, mister.” Then eloped with his first wife. * 2 . * 1 B oys S chcol S hoei (%»t«»i«r#* ft'n re () « «r«»n. night he gave the women of Oak be a week before the result of tbe James Hawley of Cottage (irove^ Lane countv, Oregon. ■ l a d i e s * road committee in each township I began to take stock. My watch R. M. V BATCH. Register. Judge B. M. Smith, chief of Police land a scoring for being gossips, examinations will tie known. There jan 19-33 aud a road engineer in each county. and diamond sparkler were gone, Dilley, of Salem, and Constable J. aud said that many people were in­ N o l l U E I U K LUllLlCA I ION. promises to be more teachers tbau Salary aade « paid weekly from • The appropriation is to be expended L Exclusiva territory. likewise a small roll of bills from C. Wallace, of this place, captured jured hy the wagging tongues of there are schools to supply this ?&°ouT &iLcJ£«. U n it ed t es L an d o f f ic e , f experience «anee« outside of the cities and towns pro gossips, and releired to specific- BROCKTON..MASS . I adran tagest« b««-i r my vest pocket. I tried at once to K«>M*burg, Oiegi.n. January 14, 1895, Over One Million People wear the rata according to population of each Dr. Gaff, the abductor of Judge cases. Some people are of the spring, though there are 151 dis­ N«>ti<*e is hereby given that the following- W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes county, and on such roads as the find the maid all forlorn, who had Smith's daughter, Maggie, at opinion that there is a good field tricts iu the county.— Eugeue Reg­ named settler lias nled notice o f Ins intention to local committee and engineer shall left my fortune so tattered and Lorane, 12 miles west of here, at for work of that kind in Eugene and ister. make tiual proof in support o f his claim, and that All our shoes are equally satisfactory p ie l 1 I hardy,! said proof will be inabe l*efore A. C. Jennings, They give the beet value for the monev. ortmmÉ agree upon. If the State is to go torn, hut the earth seemed to have Grants Pass. They equal custom shoes In style end fit. County Clerk of Lane county Oregon, at Eugene, for tbe orehari, I the residence of S. G. Lockwood I,ane county Oregou, on Saturday Felwruary 2:1 Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. into the business of road making, opened and swallowed her.” I ftnkX I R u d y ’ s P i l e S u p p o s it o r y I 1895, viz: Janies R. Kendall, on_H om estead The prices are uniform,— stamped on sola. this morning at daylight. The ibis plan seems to he as good as is guaranteed to cure Files ami Constipatlou, or Fntry No. for SwV4 of see. 2 , Tp. 21, R 4 From $1 to S 3 ssved over other makes. doctor was taken completely by The World’s Fair Tests money If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by important Oo<*d chañe« I « refunded. 50 cents per box. Send two He names the roll*»wing witnesses t«» prove any. Outfit and foil pie ROYAL, Baking Powder, s u r j , n s e i anti b u t, for prompt action show ed no baking powder stamps for circular and Free .Samples to M AR- bis continuous resld en ceu p ooa n d cultivation of, D e a le r s e v e r y w n e r e . W ant** I. a g . nt t o t a k L CO.. M • free. BIOWK ] T IN RUDY, Registered Pharmacist, Lancaster, 1? ,ld\ vU: „ A.nsH ( J »^iggs J an u s T. Highest o f o il la leavening ,,f the officers in making the capture . Ora. «Thlafc so pure or so great In leav­ Pa. N o P o st a l s A n s w e r e d . For sale by all Respain, J. M. Martin and James Hawley, o f e x c lu s iv e sa le fo r th is v ic in it r . W r it « at Dr. Price's Cream flaking Powder renatila. N *ra*Uú*i first class druggists everywhere and in Eugene, <.ottagejfirove. I^ane countv, Oreg«m. J.-.1 Gold Mr*lai Midwinter Fair. San Francisco. strength.— u.s. OovcnmwotReport, bloodshed might have followed. ening p ow er as the Royal. Oregon by Osborn aud Delano janl?n>3 K M ’ r.A irif, Fegister. 4 «nc** * The editor of the Adair, Iowa, News is a democrat and he tells a PUBLISHED EVERY HATURDAY. pretty good story as to how he felt E. P . T H O R P , - - E D IT O R . when the election returns came in. He save be felt a little like the SA TURDAY, F E B , 16, - - 1895. drummer in church. He had noth­ ing to do on Sunday and so con The Echo-Leader is the best Weekly eluded to go to church. At th» close of the session the minister Paper in Lane County. requested all those who wanted to edicine General Ferctandiee WOOL, HIDES AND FURS. Lumber, Shingles and Crain. arsa- parilla Agents for the sale of the D IE flL ML U 1 I . Purifies The Blood GROCERY STORE IS CARRYING First Class Goods, H. THOMPSON Failli Groceries, Fresh Vegetables and Fruit in season. F. S YOUNGER. j 1 ll 1 111 Oil 111 uUUviJ Fruit Trees. J. B. ROUSE, PROMPTLY FILLED New Goods and New Styles L U R C H 'S C LO T H IN G , DRY GOODS. B O O T S and S H O E S . | Ladies Dress Goods, Hats and Domestics. All Sizes of Trunks. Acknowledged to be the Best: j lliljJlUiiu ImiirftVP Ylinr rilW C luill U FOR BUTTER. Jersey Bull W . L. D ouglas r THE (J B ä for Sale!