Cottage Grove echo=leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 18??-1895, February 16, 1895, Image 1

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Progressive, R elia b le anG
A r w .j !
E c h o -- Tjoader
A I.Iv e N » wwp-tper la
a Livd City!
V O L . <>.
Cottage Grove Echo-Leader,
Echo-Leader Building.
E dit or and B u s i n e s s M a n a g e r
in 1845, and crossed the plains, while an
coxklius it. smith
infant, w ith his parents in 1847. Mr.
Cornelius B. Smith, Representative
Templeton has lived on a farm most of from Clackamas county, was born in
his life. He ran a pack train from . Seneca county, New York, in 1846.
the Um atilla Landing to the Id a h o ! After graduating irom the Medical Col-
mines during the memorable year lege of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia he
1883-4. In 1890 Mr. Templeton was a came to Oregon in 1880 and practiced
candidate for Representative on the Re- medicine in East Portland until H89.
publican ticket, and was defeated, only For the past live years I)r. Smith has
to lie triumphantly returned in 1894.
followed his profession at Eagle Creek.
K a t e h o f S u b s c rip tio n .
ON K VI A K .............................................. —
i N f * These rates are strictly in advance,
¿ g p — .Subscriber* wishing a change in their
p Ntoffice address should give their old as well
as : ew address.
The K< ho -I. r a p k r w ill l>e sent to subsoiibers
until all ar ears am paid and paper orde ed to
l*e d «continued accord lug t<* law.
g N F “ Any siib*criber not receiving his pa|»er
re .iila r lj will please notify this office im m e­
g t t F ' 'Ve invite short articles of general in­
terest —long one«, as a rule, not published. All
nr id e * limit ta* accompanied by tLe name of
U m a ri t* r, i ot for pnhiicat ion, b a t hs evidence
ol good fa th. We assume no responsibility for
the opinion« of correspondents.
Kii ered at the postotfi« e at Cottage throve as
second cla s matter.
George Shutrum. Representative from
Umat ilia countv, was born in New York
c*» a . 1QIU
State in 1848, and owing to the death of
his parents was obliged to struggle for
himself from the age of 8. He enlisted
in the Ninth Illinois in 1HH4, and was
A «l v e r lin in g P a t * N a d « K n o w n
p lic a t io n .
1883 and has since resided in Jackson
'j .
Originally a Republican, Mr.
Nealon joined the "Populists in 18(11. He
was defeated as Representative in 1892,
but elected in 1894.
C. F. Tigard, Representative from
Washington county, is a native eon of
Oregon, having been born on the same
farm in Washington county in 1862
»h e re he now resides—on the Tigard
donation land claim. Mr. Tigard is now
engaged in hop-raising and also in the
general merchandise busim ss at Tigard-
ville. He expresses himself as a firm
believer in the free coinage of silver.
the great mining resources of the state,
and he has worked assiduously to aid
its development ami advertisement. His
etlbrts in the cause of silver are well
known, which he has expressed with his
well-know n vigor and candor. He has
served as Commissioner on the W orld’s
(Oregon) Fair Commission, Governor
Pennoyer having resigned in his favor
with great credit. H e was chairman
of the Committee on Mines in the House
in 1891 and chairman of the Committee
on Wavs and Means in 189.3, and was
prominently mentioned for the speaker-
ship in the same session. He has a
great many friends in Kastern Oregon
w here he has become one of its repre­
sentative men.
Highest o f all in Leavening Power.— Latest U .S . Gov’t Report
some steps in behalf of her unfortunate
husband. This interested many of his
friends on Eastern l*ong Island, and a
letter has Ireen sent to James W. Covert
and David B. H ill urging them to inter­
est themselves in the matter.
Frank A. Stewart, joint Representa-
tive fr° m b’oos and Curry counties, was
born in Illinois in 1843. He crossed the
. . „ •
... . • _ ___. •
plains in Oregon with his parents in
]g64. Mr. Stewart resided for three
years at Dallas, receiving an education
at the La Creole academy, afterward A prominent and successful merchant of
Sparta, Union county, Oregon, was born
in Bourbon county, Kentucky, October
23, 1855, and is the second son of ex- H is t o r y o f W i l l i a m T . S e w a r d , N o w
I n d e r S e n te n c e in H a w a i i .
Governor James A. W right of Indiana,
who was a native of Pennsylvania, born
N ew Y o rk , February 13.— Colonel
in 1810 and came to Indiana at an early William T. Seward, condemned to death
day. H e was married to Miss Harriett
B. Bnrbridge in Bourbon county, Ken­ at Hawaii, formerly lived at Orient, L.
He was very prominent on Eastern
tucky. Mr. W right was elected twice
J o in t M em o ria l o f O regon*« L eg isla tu re
F o rw a rd e d to W aa h ln g ton .
S a l e m , Or., February 13.— A copy of
the following letter was mailed from the
executive department to-day to each ol
Oregon’s delegates in congress. I t is
Governor Lord’s approval of the joint
memorial of the Oregon legislature re'a-
tive to the payment of certain money to
the Indian war veterans by the national
government. The letter bears the date
of February 9, the signature of his ex­
cellency W illiam P. Lord, and is as fol­
lows :
“ I herewith transmit a copy of H. J.
M. No. 6 of the legislature of Oregon to
cot grees. This memorial has my earn-
F zftK '« Offer to Mexico.
February 9 .— Antonio
Ezeta announces his intention to go to
Mexico, state his ease to President Diaz
and assume command of a brigade in
the Mexican army, if there should be
war with Guatemala, with the utider-
. tanding that when Guatemala shall 1»
defeated Salvador would again be given
over to Ezeta’s rule.
S a n F r a n c is c o ,
A ll grades of sugar declined >* to
special points in Eastern Oregon, l-ocal
quotations are not changed. A large lot
of California vegetables were brought
tip on tbe steamer, bat a considerable
portion of it was in bad condition.
Eggs are still lower, weak and difficult
to sell. Dealers cannot explain tbe lack
of demand. Grocery, merchandise and
provision quotations are w it bout change.
W heat
on A p ­
M arket.
The market is quiet and featureless.
Quotations given to-day are the same as
those of the few preceding days: 40c
per bushel for W alla W alla, and 75®
77lgC per cental for Valley.
iir .W B K K ! A N D P ltP sB Y T K ItiA N CHI7RCH—
Sunday school, 10 a . m . Preaching, 11 a . m .
and 7 p. v
Prayer meeting, each Wednesday at
Hi* m . i**WcHre journey ng unto a place * f
which tne I/jrd ssid, I w ill give it you: come
thu.i w th us and we w ill do thee good.”—-
Numb. 10 .1*.
F /.. N K S B E IT , Pastor.
P r o d u c e M a rk e t.
F loub — Portland, Salem, Cascadia and
Dayton, are quoted at $2.30 per tiarrel;
Goiddrop, $2.50; Snowflake, $2.30; Ben­
ton county, $2.30; graham, $2.15(02.30;
superfine, $1.90.
O ats — Good white oats quoted tirin at
27®28c; milling, 29@3l)c; gray, 26®27c.
Rolled oats are quoted as follows: Bags
$5.76®6.00; barrels, $6.00(0 0.26; cases,
B ar lk y — Feed barley, 63® 65c per
cental; brewing, 80®85c per cental,
according to quality.
M illstufkb — Bran, $12.00; shorts,
$13.50; chop feed, $12®15; middlings,
none in m arket; chicken wheat, t'7‘ j
®76c per cental.
H a y — Good, $9® 10 per ton.
B utter — Fancy creamery is quoted at
26(«26>sc; fancy dairy, 20(a22),c: fair
to good, 15<al7>ic; common, 10(0 12c
per pound.
P otatoes — Quotations wholly nomi­
O n i o n s — Good Oregon, 90c@$l per
P oultry — Chickens, old, $3.00®3.50
[>er dozen ; young, *2 50(0 3 99 jrer dozen ;
ducks, firm at $4 00@5.00; geese. | M I
@7.99; turkeys, live, nominal at 8®9o
per pound; dressed, about 10® 12c per
E gos — Oregon, plentiful and weak at
10(0 1 le per dozen.
T roi - ic a l F r u it — California lemons.
$3.50®4.50; Sicily, $4.50(0 0.90; bananas,
$2.60(a 3.60; Cali tornia navels, $2.50(u 3.25
per box ; pineapples, Honolulu, $3.00®
3.50; sugar loat, $5. Figs, California
black, boxes, quoted at $1.26; sacks, 4i0
5c; California white, 10-pouml boxes,
25-pound boxes, $2.60;
sacks, 6@8c; Turkish, boxes, 14® 16c;
fancy large, 20®21c; bags, 10c.
F r e s h F r u i t — Apples, good, $1@1.50
per box; common, 75c® $1.
O r e g o n V e g e t a b l e s — -Cabbage, l ' 4c
4 1 H K IV T fA N < HI KI’ H—SEK VU F.S AT 11 A.
vt. and s p. m . ciiuday school at 10 a . m
Y. P. S.
K., each Sunday a» 4 p. m . Midweek
pr iyer an I pra -e services, Wednesday evening
a t 7 o ’«lock. Musical ieLear*al,each Saturday
ev. uiiig at 7 oc’lo -k.
e t h o d is t
r u m » 11 s p n d a y s c h o o l
at 1») a . m . Pre citing each fourth Sunday
morning and evening. Prayer meeting, every
Thuradav night. ■* Tit * I.o-d is i •» His holy t.m -
REV. E. G1TT1N8, Pastor.
Life-Like Pictures of Thirty
Oregon Representatives.
John C. Young, Representative from
B.ikt-r comity, was horn in Salt Lake
City, U. T., in 1851. He was engaged
in the newspaper business for ten years,
hut is now engaged in mining. Polit­
ically Mr. Yount: is a l'opnlist and an
ardent believer in free coinage of silver.
s. L. M n o R i i E t n .
S. L. Moorhead, Representative from
Lane county, is a jolly good fellow of a
jocular disposition and editor of the
Junction City Times. He was tiorn in
Pennsylvania, and has since gravitated
all over the continent and almost al­
ways been an inkslinger. Mr. Moor­
head established the Junction City
Tillies in 1891. and the paper is as wide
awake as tiie editor, which is saving a
whole lot. Mr. Moorhead is a stalwart
Republican, and ha« held two important
offices in Junction City, that ot Mayor
and Recorder, without seeking them.
A work of art and acle ce, devoted to the
siremcth nod development of pure manly and
wom anly vtcor, called Three <TnR«eit of Men,”
w ill Is* m ailed, cloudy rested, free to ever*’ man
or woman who would study tula subject for
their r.wu advancement. In this work are em­
bodied -he plain, cund d irnths relating to the
development ai d recovery of mental, pbyafeal
and K.-xtlal forces In yoana, m iddle axed and
old men.
•• W ho larks In one function«, w hile rigorous
in ell <olie s, is not os Nature made liim .su d
inns ire renewed.”
Weakness in li e vital organs Is unnatural In
all men. It la d '’e to improper cate of the func­
tions end wed by Nature with perfect vigor,
and since Nature given tills strength, if It baa
been w a t* d ar e must be called upon to renew
It. Natural lemedies must lie liaed. Nothing
bears a elo er relation to the elements o f sexual
ami nerve fo ce than electricity. It is natural
It Is na ure, embodied in a |*ortable,convenient
and effective appliance when Dr. Naudcn'a
Electric Belt la tt-ed. If yotl lack In any respect
the manlv powers y u should irossess, send at
once for this scient'fi - book, wh eh w ill spread
betore yon the oniv true and p rmanent resto­
ration of men si,p by -ie a l and sevual manhood.
It has thousands of testimonials [rum every
M. J. Hillegas, Representative from
Lane county, whs isjrn in Ohio in 1841,
and his early years were passed on a
farm. He joined the Union army as a
private in 1862, serving through tl e
war, and was mustered out as a Lieu­
tenant m 1865. Mr. Hillegas emigrated
to Lane county. Or., in 1882, where he
ira- since pursued farming as avocation.
He has always been a stalwart Repub­
lican. but an opponent of the deurotie
tizalion of silver.
N u t s — Almonds, soft shell, 9 ® llc
per pound; paper shell, 12h.®14c; new
crop California walnuts, soft shell,
ll® 1 2 l£ c ; standard walnuts, 10 >*@ llc;
Italian cbesnuts, 1 2 14c; pecans,
13®16c; Brazils, 12'2®13c; filberts,
14® 15c; peanuts, raw, fancy, 5(0 7c;
roasted, 10c; hickory nuts, 8(0 10c ; co-
coanuts, 90c per dozen.
W ool — Va ley.
, , 8@10c, according to
quality; Umpqua, 7®9c; fall clip, 6®6c;
Eastern Oregon, 5(37c.
H ops — Choice, 7c; medium, 4 ® 6 c;
poor, 3c.
P r o v i s i o n s — Eastern bams, medium,
11>4@12> s C per pound; bams, picnic,
1 0 ® llc ;
12® 13c;
short clear sides, 1 0 ® llc ; dry salt
sides, 9@10c; dried beef hams, 13
@14e; lard, compound, in tins, 8>a@
9 („ c ; lard, pure, in tins, 7 'e @ l l ^ c ; pigs’
feet, 80s, $3.50; pigs’ feet, 40s, $3.25;
kits, $1.25.
O rltn rm A t/
Ira 8. Smith, Representative from
Polk county, was horn in the county he
represents in 1859. and was educated at
the l.a Creole Academy in Dallas, Or.
A fter graduation he taught in this in­
stitution for two years. For 6 ve years
he was engaged in the mercantile busi­
ness at Independence, and was later
elected SherilV of Polk county. Mr.
Smith was elected to the present le g is ­
lature as a Republican.
M eat M arket.
J? QiKKAwA'i
Calvin Stanley, Representative from
Yam hill county, was born in Indiana in
ISIS, ilia early education was received
in that state. Six years ago Mr. Stan­
ley came to Oregon, locating in New-
herg, which lias been his Lome ever
since. He is engaged in the mercantile
business. Mr. Stanley has Ireen a life­
long believer in Republican doctrines.
B e e f — Gross, top steers, $2.50@2.80;
fair to good steers, $2.00@2.25; cows,
$2.00@2.60; dressed beef, 4@0c per
M utton —Gross, best sheep, wethers,
$2.00®2 10; ewes, $1.50@1.75; lambs,
$2; dressed mutton, 4@4)4c; Iambs, 4L,c
per pound.
V eal — Dressed, small, 6@0c; large, 3
@4c per pound.
H o g s — Gross, choice, heavy, $3.00®
3.00; light and feeders, $3.50; dressed,
4 'jc per pound.
G. O. Kine»rson, Representative from
Clackamas county, is a lawyer by pro­
fession, ami_ Js 24 years old. He was
elected to the Legislature from his comi­
ty last June by a large majority. He
was trorn and raised in Clackamas coun­
tv. Mr Rinearson is recognized as one
of the airiest parliamentarians and most
forcible speakers in the House.
rerscnil Weak
ness of Men,
p r * E 4 W IT H O U T M E D IC IN E A L L W E A K -
nrai icsultiiiK f <*m overtax «tlon of b r»in ,
nerve for “ex,exeesaea *>r India retionr.Ht (Irwin«,
io.'xes, »enroll-* deh illtr, tleeple'-Htiexx, languor,
rheumatism, kidn y, liver and bladder com­
plaint, 1 m • back. lumbago, aoiatioa, general HI
health, etc. This Electric Be^t «ontaina «ronder-
ful improvements over a l o 'h e s, and gi\e» a
current that ta instantly felt by the wearer, or
we forfel* $5 000. W e g ve hunnfid , of testimo­
nials in this city and every 8tate.
o u r powerful im proved Electric H«spensory
la free with all It * ts.
A pocket edition <f ihe celebrated electro-
mediCitl work, “ Three ( ’ asa.-a of M en." iilnt-
trated, is sent free, sealed, bv m ail, upon app’i-
ca«ion. Kverv V(»ur g , n id d lf aged or old man
•differing the slighte t weakness should read it.
It will point out an easv, sure and afaedy way
how to regain strength ami health when every­
thing else has failed. Address
r ilH T L A N n ,
f i l m s P. YATES.
Chris P. Yates, Representative from
Washington county, was Irorn in the
State of New York in 1835. lie gradu­
ated from a medical college, hut Ilia life
lias Ireen devoted chiefly to newspaper
work, lie lias traveled as special corre­
spondent through Mexico. South Amer­
ica And Europe and the Western States.
Mr. Yates served in the army during
the war. and was promoted. In 1872 he
came to Oregon, and has been connected
with the Telegram, Daily News and Ore­
gonian. He now lives on a farm, is a
Republican and a stanch friend of sil­
reproduced specially for this paper by American Type Founder’s Co., Portland, Or
John A. Jeffrey, Representative from
Jackson county, was Isrrn in Arkansas
in 1869. At the age ol 5 years he siarted
for Oregon with his father, arriving after
many adventures in 1874 by way of
Sacramento. Mr. Jeffrey’s early eduea
turn was received at. the public schools
of Jacksonville ami the Slate Agricul­
tural College. Mr. Jeffrey is an orator
ol the nnr-tilted variety, and wa« eleeted
to tiie Legislature in 1894 as a Populist
and stiver man.
T. Fleming Smith, Represeh'ative
from l.ito! conniy. wa« Iwrn in Illinois
54 year« ago. In 1875 he came to Ore­
gon, win e he ha« since made his home
in ¡.inn comity. Mr. Smith is a stalwart
Republican, hut without L ia s where tiie
iwst interests of the Statt are concerned.
U llA R L E a K. L IS T E R .
Charles F. Lester, Representative
fr an Clatsop county, is 32 years of age.
H e came to tiie Pacific Coast from Ken­
tucky in 1884. Mr. Lester settled at
Astoria five years ago. He is a civil
engineer by pro'ession, and has been
engaged in several Oregon railroad sur­
In politics Mr. Lester has always
been a Republican.
\v. A. Templeton, Representative
from Linn county, was born in Missouri
ice’» C r e a m B a t i n g Powder,
t ’s Fair Highast Utdal and 0 ploma.
n . t„ KEYT.
D. I - Keyt, representative from Polk
county, is a native son of Oregon, hav­
ing been born near Perrydale in 1862.
H e was engaged in farming until 1890,
since wrliich time tie has been a member
of the general merchandise firm of Wise
ik Keyt at Perrydale. Mr. K eyt was
nominated as a Republican for State
Senator in 1892 and defeated with the
rest of his ticket, hut was returned as a
Representative in 1894.
Orin I*. Patterson, Representative
from Ilrant county, was bom in Indiana
in 1807 of Virginia lineage. His early
life was divided between the schoof-
honse and the farm, becoming a teacher
when duly qualified. In 1889 lie came
to Oregon, locating at Heppner, where
in partnership with his brother, Otis
Patterson, he established the Heppner
Gazette, recognized to-day as a leading
and influential journal of Eastern Ore-
gjn. In 1891 Mr. Patterson purchases!
the Long Creek Eagle, and tins paper
and the Heppner Gazette were com­
bined under the ownership of the Pat­
terson Publishing Comnatiy. composed
of Otis. Alvan W. and Orin L . Patter­
son. The latter gentleman is now
editor and manager of the Eagle, which
under his auspicies has become an in­
fluential exponent of Republican prin­
ciples. Mr. Patterson believes in ade­
quate protection to Am erican industrie.-
and the rehabilitation of silver.
Curry counties as a Populist.
J. H. Scott, Representative from I.inn
county, was l>orn in Iowa in 1850, em i­
grating to Oregon witli his parents in
1853. The fam ily sr.'le.l in Douglas
county where they remained until 1806.
Jn that year they removed to Linn
county where Mr. Scott has since re­
sided. A ll his life tie has been a farmer
and his interests are all identified with
tbe tillers of the eoil He was elected to
the Legislature as a Republican in 1894.
c. a . s e iil b r e d e .
C. A. Sehlbrede, Representative from
Douglas county, was born in Louisville,
K y., in 1851, of German parentage. His
early life was pasted on a farm in Indi­
ana and lie later studied law and was
admitted to practice in 1874. Mr. Sehl­
brede came to Oregon in 1877 and has re­
sided in Douglas county for the past ten
years. He is a consistent Republican,
but has never before held office,
although always active in political work.
S. M. Nealon, Representative from
Jackson county, was born in Connecti­
cut in 1841. He went to Georgia with
an uncle at the age of 16. where lie re­
mained clerking until 1802. Then to
avoid conscription into tbe Confederate
army he made his escape on foot and
reached the Union army in Tennessee,
ragged and hungry. He served in the
' Connecticut volunteers until the close of
1 th e war. Mr. Nealon came to Oregon in
Governor of Indiana, served his State
tw ice in the United States Senate and
was a United Slates Commissioner to
the first great World's Fair at Hamburg,
and in Pierce's administration was ap-
poin ed United states Minister to the
Couit of Prussia, and was returned
under Lincoln's administration and died
in the city of Berlin in 1807. Our sub­
ject was educate I in New York and New
England. He is a graduate of Yonkei's
Military Institute, a graduate of VVil-
brahun Academy of Massachusetts, a'so
a graduate of the Wesleyan University
ot Middletown, Conn., in 1879.
then entered tlie Park National Bank in
New Y c ik city, and resigned an honora­
ble position there to accept the position
of Treasurer and ¡secretary of the West
India M anufacniing Company, which
position lie held until 1883. when he
came to Oregon to take care of a mining
compan >' in Baker county, and lias since
engaged in the mining business, being
interested in some
very prominent
mines, both qnartz and placer, in Spar­
ta, Union conntv, in connection with
which he conducts a large mercantile
enterprise. In 1890 Mr. W right was
elected to represent Union county in the
State Legislature on the Republican
ticket, and was re-elected in 1892 on the
same ticket to fill the same office and
again in 1894 received an overwhelming
majority to represent again the interests
of his constituents. Mr. W right's inter­
ests in the state are ail identified with
I*ong Island. It first liecame known
yesterday that the unfortunate Colonel
Seward at Hawaii is the W illiam T. Se­
ward, who for many years had charge of
the extensive I-ong Beach fish works.
Colonel Seward came to Orient many
years ago from Hartford, Conn., to he
employed at the fish works as chemist.
Upon the death of ex-Senator Lewis A.
Edwards Mr. Seward occupied his hand­
some residence, and had charge of the
factories. The residence is now owned
by Caleb A. Dyer, and is one of the
finest in Eastern 1-ong Island. The fish
works became involved about ten years
ago and Mr. Seward left Lis wife and
two children in Orient, went to Port
Royal, S. C., and engaged in work in
phosphate works. That was not suc­
cessful. From thence lie traveled e x ­
tensively and landed in San Francisco,
from where he sailed for tlie Sandwich
Islands. A fter leaving Orient Mr. Se­
ward met with little success. His fam­
ily became despondent. His place was
sold and his family moved to Guilford,
Conn., where they now reside. Mr. Se­
ward is said to be about 55 years of age.
He was a member of the Mashnic
lodge at Greenport; was a personal
friend of Senator Hawley of Connecticut
and served in the Union army. A letter
was received yeste day by the secretary
of the Greenpoit Matonic lodge from
Mrs. Seward asking that the lodge take
est approval. I t plainly states estab­
lished fact. Tbe sum of fO,011,459 was
found by a commission of tiie United
Slates to be rightfully owing by the gov­
ernment to the citizens of the Pacific
Northwest for services rendered and
property furnished or destroyed in the
Indians wars of 1865 and 1856. I t was
scaled down arbitrarily almost one half
in 1800 by the third auditor of the treas­
ury, and tiiere is justly due the citizens
of Oregon and Washington the sum of
$3,290,048. Delav in payment is inde­
fensible. I should be gratified to have
Oregon’s delegation in congress give this
memorial careful attention at an early
day and earnestly support sach measure
as it indicates.”
“ In February, 1802, I had six hem­
orrhages from the lungs and for some
months was under tbe care of two doc­
tors, and finally went to Denver, but re­
turned without any benefit to my
health. 1 then read of your treatment,
and sent for some, from which I felt*
great relief, and have continued using it
steadily up to the present time, with
good results.”
“ I am certain vonr treatment h*s
been the means of restoring my health.
I have added fifteen pounds to my
weight and am still gaining, have a good
appetite and sleep well. In fact, I can
conscientiously say 1 am a walking ad­
vertisement for yonr treatm ent-”
J. F a l l o n , 154 South Green St.,
Chicago, Illinois.
Broadway Theatre Bldg.. New York C ity .
.......... ? * " Y * s s e " ? w a n t e d . _______
I f you will know more of this treat­
ment, and read the testimony of many
otheis, who have been cored by the
Compound Oxygen Treatment, not only
of consumpt on, hut of various othei
diseases, send for book of two hundred
pages, sent free. Or call and see ns
W e treat patients at the Office as well
as at home.
Farah A lt h e a T e r r y ’ » K state,
F r a n c i s c o , February 13. — R.
Porter Ashe, as guardian of the estate
of Sarah Althea Tetry, this morning
show ed that the estate is insolvent and
is indebted to him for money advanced
for Mrs. T erry’s maintenance in the
Stockton insane asylum. The property
comprises a house and lot in Fresno
which is now worth only $6,000 and is
mortgaged to the Pacific hank for $9,500.
Thomas H . W illiam s, jr., w ill contest
the acconnt. Ashe asked for an investi­
gation of the statement and that he lie
reinstated, displacing William s. Reel
B Terrv, a nephew of the late Judge
David S. Terry, supports Ashe in his
controversy with Williams.
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