NO. 35. COTTAGE GROVE. LANE COUNTY. OREGON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2. \ m . VOL. <). Cottage Grove Echo - Leader, Echo-L eader Building. E. P. THORP, E d it o r a n d B u s in e s s M a n a g e r K xtt s o f S u b s c r ip t io n . ONK YE A R ..................................................... 9 2 OO These rates are strictly in advance. .'Ubscribers wishing a change in their j. »t office address should give their old as well us new address. The E cho -I. radf . r w ill be sent to subsciibers un til all arrears are paid and paper ordered to be d »continued accordiug to law. Any subscriber n ot receiving his paper resularly will p ease notify this office im m e­ diately. We inv te short articles of Keneral in­ terest -lo n g oner*, as a rule, not published. All article« must be accom panied by the uam e of the- writer, i.ot for p u b lica tion but as evidence oi good fa th. We assume no respjnsibility fer tlie op in ion » of correspondents. Kn « red at ihe poetotth e at Cottage (irove as second cla a ma ter. A d v e r t in ln g R a t -a M a d e K n o w n p l ic a t i o n . Highest o f all in Leavening Power.— Latest U .S. G ov’t Report S u ffe r in g in W is c o n s in . cast his last Repnblican vote for Presi­ dent Hayes, lie is now in the Populist ranks. W is., January 29.—Re­ ports from Rusk to-day confirm the news of terrible eiffeting and starva­ tion in that tow n. One-fifth of the peo­ ple are without pro|ier food, and a large number of them have not a pound of flour. All local aid is exhausted as well as the town funds. Most of the people are uew settlers with large families. Fires destroyed tlie crops and drought destroyed vegetables and grain. G rastbburg , A. J. JOHNSON. A. J. Johnson, Senator from Linn county, is a native son of Oregon, hav­ ing been bom in Marion county in 1887. His vonth was passed on a farm near Scio. Since 1889 Mr. Johnson has lived chiefly in Scio, engaging part of the time in mercantile pursuits, and since 1892 has conducted the Bank of Scio. He is a stalwart Kepnblican, and has held sev­ eral offices witti credit to his constitu­ ents. As a legislator he w ill do his duty as he understands it for tlie benefit of the whole State. Baking Powder PORTLAND okoham a , Jannarv 29. — General Nodzoun, au officer of the Japanese 5et" army, declares that he declined an offer U1,‘ made to him by a Tartarian chief from Ha, Kirin, who recently arrived at the Jap­ anese capital and denounced the Chi­ nese depredations. The chief offered tlie services of 80,000 men to join the iiid Japanese in attacking Moukden and to rel • 1 avenge Chinese cruelty. Natives of lenI ! Liao Yank, Manchuria, have also peti- 40- tloned the Japanese to speedily occupy ' that city. _________________ I at S u r r o u n d in g IVrI H a l W e i. L o n d o n , January 29.—A dispatch to J®? the Central News from Che Foo says ' j that Wei Hai Wei was infested vester- per day by a fleet of twenty Japanese war- 5c per cental, ships," nineteen transports and twenty | torpedo lioats, which entered Shan Tung $13.50; shorts, Bay. Tlie English and German ttag- 17; middlings, ships are also in the vicinity. The land ;en wiieat, 75c forces of the Japanese are now ad- I vanring from the bay intending to com- ’ ton. | pletely surround the city. Y WILL B. KING. Will R. King, joint Senator for Baker and Malheur counties, is the youngest member of the Senate. He was born near Walla Walla, Wash., in 1884, and removed with his parents to Malheur— then a part of Baker county—in 1878. Mr. King removed to Baker City in 1893, where he has established an ex­ tensive law practice in 1892 he was on A p ­ CHURCH DIRECTORY. / 1 CMBKRI.At D PKESBYTFRIAN CHURCH— V. Sunday school, 10 a . m . Preaching, 11 a . m . and 7 r. m Prayer m eeting, each Wednesday at s y m . (“ We are jo u r n e y n g unto a place of w hich the G»rd s ild , I w ill give it y ou ; com e thou us and we w ill do thee good.” — Numb. 10:29. F. Z. NESBEIT, Pastor. 1 1HKISTIAN CHURCH—8RR VIC 18 AT 11 A. 1 M . a n d S p. m . Sunday school at 10 a . m . Y. P. S. ( ’ . K.f each Sunday at 4 p . m . Midweek prayer atnl praise services, W ednesday evening at 7 o ’« lock. Musical ieLear-al, each Saturday evening at 7 o c ’ lock. P o t a t o e s —Quotations nal. \|ETHODIST CHURCH—SUNDAY SCHOOL 111 ai 10 a . m . Pre c h i n g each fourth Sunday m orning and evening. Prayer m eeting, every Thursday night. •* The I.erd is i n His holy tem ­ ple.” REV. E. G1TTINS, Pastor. OREGON O n io n s cental. A im ! OF PEOPLE an E d u c a t e d , H e a d in g a n d T h i n k ­ in g C o n s tit u e n c y a re E x p e c t i n g T h e y W ill A ct T h e ir P a rt W e l l- B i o g r a p h ­ ic a l S k e tc h e s B e n ja m in F. A l l e y . B. F. Alley, holdover Senator from Lane connty, was born in New York State in 1840. His early l.fe was fall of hardships and struggles for an educa­ tion. For a number of year« he made his h om eJn Illinois, enlisting in the army in 1881 and marching with Sher­ man to the sea. In 1874 Mr. Alley moved to California and later in 1883 to Oregon. In 1890 he settled with his wife at Florence, establishing The West, a weekly newspaper, of which he Has since been sole editor and proprietor. Mr. Alley has twice been elected Mayor of Florence. He was a prominent flgnre of tlie Legislature of 1893, and is a free- silver Republican. F. A . BANCROFT. F. A. Bancroft, Senator from Mult­ nomah county, is the local freight agent of the Southern Pacific railroad. He resides in Fast Portland, and lias al­ ways been an ardent believer in the fu­ ture prosperity of Oregon and Portland. Mr. Bancroft is a Republican, and was elected to the Senate in 1892. M e r c h a n d is e M arket.. HENRY BECKLKY. S a l m o n . —Columbia, river No. 1, tails, $1.25® 1.80; No. 2, tails, $2.25®2.50; fancy, No. 1, flats, $1.75(81.85; Alaska, No. 1, tails, $1.20® 1.30; No. 2, tails, $1.90 @2.25. S u g a r — D , 4 ' hc ; C ,4o; extra C ,4 5„e; dry granulated, 5 '4c ; cube crushed and powdered, 6 l8c per ponnd ; J4c per pound discount on all grades for prompt cash ; half barrels, % c more tiian barrels; maple sugar, 15®l0c per pound. C o f f e e — Costa Kica, 22®23'sc ; Rio, 20 @22c; Salvador, 21® 21 ' 2c ; Mocha, 26's ® 28c; Padang Java, 31c; Palemhang Java, 28@28c; Lahat Java, 23«« 25c; Ar- bnckie’s Mokaska and Lion, $22.80 per 100-pound case; Columbia, $22.30 per 100-pound case. C o a l —Steady; domestic, $5.00(27.50 per ton; foreign, $8.50®11.00. B e a n s —Small white, No. 1, 3j4c per pound; butter, 3>4c; bayou, 3c; Lima, 5c. C o r d a g e —Manilla rope, 1‘^-inch, is quoted at 9l^c, and Sisal, O'4c per pound. « Henry Ber kley, Senator from Douglas county, was born in Indiana in 1833. His family removed to Missouri in 1840, and in 1853 Mr. Beckley came to Oregon, settling m Douglas county. He has en­ gaged at various times in mining, farm­ ing and milling. In 1878 Mr. Beckley established the town of Klkton, where lie is still a large property owner and heavily interested in the milling busi­ ness. He was elected Senator in 1892 ns tlie candidate of the Democratic and People’s party. 'Y o < jd A «D w V im olA A M y j.v \ Y t « 5 ° a C. A. COGSWELL. C. A. Cogswell, Senator from Lake comity, was born in Vermont in 1844. During tlie war with tlie South he fought under General Sherman, and subse­ quently removed to Goose Lake Valley in Lake county, where he has since re­ sided. He is a lawyer by profession and enjoys a lucrative practice. Mr. Cogs­ well was eltcted State Senator in 1888 as a Democrat, and re-elected to the same office in 1892 by double his former ma­ jority. s. A. DAWSON. S. A. Dawson, Senator from Linn county, was born in Indiana in L880. After a temporary residence in Illinois he came to Linn connty, Or., in 1881. For several years he engaged in different ventures in Oregon, Washington and Mo itana. but returned to Linn connty ill 1888, where lie lias since made his home. Mr. Dawson lias always taken an active interest in politics. He was elected to the House in 1880 and to the Senate in 1888 and again in 1894. 7«-Er D aaa ' t iia * W. II. HOBSON. W. H. Hobson, Senator from Morion county, was born in Missouri in 1846. Me came to Oregon with hie parents as an infant in 1847. The family settled in Marion ronnty, where Mr. Hobson has since resided. He lias been engaged in tiie mercantile hnsinees at Stayton since 1868. Mr. Hobson has always been a Republican. SAMUEL H. HOLT. Samuel H. Holt. Senator from Jack- son county, was tiorn in East Tennessee. He enlisted in the Federal army in 1861 as a member of the First Regiment, and served for nearly four years. He moved to Indiana in 1S»R>. and came to Oregon in 1881, lo-'ating in Jackson county, where h* has sinsa resided Mr. Holt and effective appliance when Dr. Kaudan's Electric Belt Is used. If you la« k in any respect the m anlv powers y< u should posses«, send at “ D r S andens E l e c t r ic B e l t Personal Weak ness of Men, M e a t M a r k e t. B e e f —Gross, top steers, $2.50@2.60; fair to good steers, $2.00®2.25; cows, $2.00@2.26; dressed beef, 4@6c per pound. M u t t o n —Gross, beat sheep, wethers, $2.00(82 10; ewes, $1.50(21.55; lambs, $2; dressed mutton, 4® 4)4c; lambs, 4 ‘ 2c per pound. V e a l — Dressed, small, 5® 8c; large, 3 <24c per pound. H ogs —Gross, choice, heavy, $3.60(8 3.75; light ami feeders, $3.50; dressed, 4 ' 2 c per pound. AAA*’ F. ALLEGE SAN *H -M 9C LO f*% C O - O. N. DENNY. Judge O. N. Denny was born in Ohio in 1838. T ie cam e H> Oregou with his parents in 1852, locating in Linn county. His early life was full of struggles grandly overcome. In 1882 Jn Ige Den- nv w as admitted to tlie bar and prac­ ticed law at The Dalles, and was shortly afterward appointed C o il tv and Pro­ bate Judge by Governor Gibbs. After holding several offices and refusing others, lie accepted tlie position of American Consul to Tien Tsin,, to which lie was appointed by President Hayes in 1877. While in China Judge Denny w as a close friend of Li Hung Chang, and if that famous statesman iiad only followed his advice as regards Corea, lie would not. be in his present dilemma. Judge itennv was elected as State Senator from Multnomah eountv on tlie Republican ticket in 1892, and rendered tilt* State great service at the last session of tlie legislature. — Good Oregon, 75@90c per — Chickens, $2.00(23.50 per dozen; ducks, firm at $4.00®6.00 geese, $6.00@7.U0; turkeys, live, nominal al 7(8 8c per pound, and not wanted; dressed, about 9® 10c per pound. E g o s —Oregon, plentiful at 18®20c per per dozen; Eastern, 20c. T r o p i c a l F r u it —California lemons, $4.00(25.00; Sicily, $6.00® 6.50; bananas, $2.50(a3.50; California navels, $2.50(« 3.50 l**r box ; pineapples, Honolulu, $3.00(2 3.50; sugar loaf, $2». Figs, California black, boxes, quoted at $1.25; sacks, 4® 5c; California white, 10-pound boxes, $1.10(21.15; 25-pound lioxes, $2.50; sacks, 6@ 8c; Turkish, boxes, 14® 16c; fancy large, 20® 21c; bags, 10c. O r e g o n V e g e t a b l e s —Cabbage, 1 ' 4 c per pound ; squash, 86c per dozen. C a l if o r n ia V e g e t a b l e s — Brussels sprouts, $1.26® 1.40 (ier 30-pound box; string beans, 12(rtl3e per pound; green peas, 12ro 13c per pound; artichokes, $1.26 per dozen; cauliflower, 75® 90c per dozen ; sweet potatoes, $2.00 per cental; cucumbers, 75c per dozen; asparagus, 18c per pound; garde, 10c per pound; lettuce, 26c per dozen, $1 per box. N u t s — Almonds, soft Bhell, 12<214c per pound; paper shell, 18(217c; new erop California walnuts, soft shell, 12lac ; standard walnuts, 10J4@lic; CUP.CiANoPiyCHE Ohio chesnuts, new cron, 14(215c; pe­ cans, 13® 16c; Brazils, 12,'¿(213c; filberts, 14® 15c; peanuts, raw, fancy, 6 ® 7c; A work of rt t Run Bcier ce , devoted to the roasted, 10c; hickory nuts, 8® 10c; oo- strength mid developm ent o f pure m anly and wom anly vigor, called ‘ Three classes of Men,” coanuts, 90c per dozen. will be m ailed, c osely tealed, free to every man W o o l — Valley, 8@10c, according to or woman w ho would stud> thin subject for quality; Umpqua, 7@9c; fall clip, 5® 6c; their own advancem ent. In this work an* em ­ bodied the plain, rand.d trutns relating to the Eastern Oregon, 5® 7c. developm ent ai d recovery of mental, physical H o p s — Choice, 7c; medium, 4 < 8 6 c; and sexual forces in young, m iddle-aged and poor, 2c. old men. *• Vi no lacks in « ue function«, w h ile rigorous P r o v is io n s —Eastern earns, medium, in » II o fhe s. is not as Nature made him , e# d ll,l*® 121sc per pound; hams, picnic, must be renew ed.” 10<811c; breakfast bacon 12(813c; Weakness in the vital organs is unnatural in short clear sides, 10® 11c; dry salt all men. It is d e e to improper care o f the fu n c­ sides, 9@10c; dried beef hams, 13 tion« end« wed by Nature with perfect vigor, 1 since Nature gives this strength, if it has @ 14t; lard, compound, in tins, 8}*@ an been wa ted she must be ealled up«m to rene w 9 '2c ; lard, pure, in tins, 7 }* @ ll!4 c ; pigs’ it. Natural le m e d e s must l>e used. Nothing feet, 80s, $3.50; pigs’ feet, 40s, $3.25; bears a clo er relation to the elem ents o f sexual and nerve force than electr city. It is natural. kits, $1.25. It is na ure, em bodied in a portable,conven ient SENATE. TH E wholly nomi­ P oultry Personal Appearance Given in a Gronp of Portraits. SERVANTS A n x io u s t o F i g h t W it h t h e J s p i . MARKETS Reproduced specially for this paper by American Type Founder’ s Co., Portland, Or. THE elected Representative on tlie Demo­ cratic ticket from Maitieur connty, and was an influential memlier of tlie legis­ lature of 1893. Disgusted with Cleve­ land s policy against silver Mr. King abandoned the Democratic party and ran for joint Senator on the Populist ticket in 1894, being elected by a large majority. McGinn lias served two terms in Mult­ nomah county as Prosecuting Attorney. I luring his tenure of this office lie was tlie terror of all malefactors, and never failed to secnie a conviction when tlie evidence of guilt was of a character to warrant it. Mr. McGinn is well equipped for service in tlie Legislature, both through practical experience of af­ fairs and legal knowledge. He is a Re­ J . w . MAXW ELL. J. W. Maxwell, joint Senator from publican in i olitics. Tillamook, Washington and Columbia A. R. PRICE. counties, was born in Illinois in 1831 A. R. Price, Senator from Umatilla and spent his youth in that State. He served in the Union armv during the county, was liorn in Indiana in 1837. «a r and came to Oregon in 1882, settling and moved with his parents to Iowa a little later in Tillamook county. Sen­ wl eu a mere infant. After tlie deatli of ator Maxwell is a man of great strength Ins laliier Mr. Price crossed the plains and vigor, and enjoys tlie confidence of with his mother in the spiing of 1853, the community in which lie resides, settling in Lewis county. Wash. Three which is proved by the fact that this is years later he removed to Linn connty his third term in the Oregon la'gisla- and later to Weston, Umatilla county, ture. where he still resides. Mr. Price never D . A . M’ ALISTER. held office uni it his election as Senator D. A. McAlister, Senator from Union on the Republican ticket. county, lias resided in tlie Grand Ronde J. H. RALEY. Valley for thirty-two years. By occu­ pation Mr. McAlister is a farmer and J. H. Raley, joint Senator from Union also a breeder of fine blooded horses. and Umatilla counties, was tiorn in Ne­ He lias always been a leader in the braska City in 1855. When 7 years old Democratic party in his section as weil he crossed the plains with his parents as a good citizen and neighbor. Mr. and arrived at Portland in 1882. The McAlister was elected State Senator in family settled in Pendleton in 1864. 1892. and lias already made his mark in Mr. Raley has filled several important the legislative assembly. offices with distinction, and in 1888 or­ ganized the Pendleton Savings Bank. J . H . M ’ CLUNG. J. U. McClang, Senator from Lane Hs was first elected State Senator in OREGON known all over the State as a represent­ ative business man are I a memiier of tiie firm of Snell, Heitshu & Woodard. Mr. Woodard is a man of strong convictions, and although a Repnb ican in principle, never hesitates to jump out of party traces if he believes a measure advocated by his party is contrary to public inter­ ests. He is sturdy and pronounced in his views, and can always be relied upon to act according to his conscientious con­ clusions in any matter of legislation. JOHN 11. SMITH. John II. Smith, Senator fr m Clatsop county, was born in St. Helens, Or., in 1862. He receive«! his education at tlie Willamette University ami McMinnville College; of tiie latter institution he was the first graduate. Mr. Smith studied law at the Washington and lA>e College in Virginia, and graduated at the head of his class about seven years ago. He was the only Democrat elected to the Legislature in 1494. Mr. Smithia tlie attorney of the Columbia River Fish­ ermen’s Union, and is justly looked upon as the firm friend an«l champion of the workingman. w . w. STE1WER W. W. Steiwer, joint Senator from Gilliam, Sherman anil Wasco counties, is a native son of Orexon. and was born near Salem in 1852. His youth was spent alternately in working on a farm and ac­ quiring an education. Upon graduating from the Willamette University Mr. Steiwer taught schoo for a time, and brother now conduct one of the most extensive grain and stock farms in Ore­ gon. It covers 9,900 acres in Sherman and Gilliam counties. Mr. Smith was nominated joint Senator from Sherman and Wasco by the Democratic Conven­ tion of 1892 and elected against an ad­ verse majority of 450, carrying both counties. He has fathered several im­ portant measures, and is a firm friend of Fee silver. H e r m a n n 's L ig h tr -h ip A m e n d m e n t . a s h in g t o n , January 28.—Hermann’s amendment to the sundry civil bill, pro­ viding for a lightship off tiie coast of Washington, will meet w ith no objection if the amount is not increased in the Senate. W R e c e iv e r f « r th e P a p er T ru st. MORE OF THE S T R IK E T w o of ('llIn *go'a M ilitia A ttack ed Upon th e S treet. C h i c a g o , January 29.—An assault on the members of the First Regiment of the Illinois National Guard was made last night by five workmen, and is sup­ posed to have grown out of the past work by the soldiers in the strike. Charles C. Cox, a Corporal, and Private Edward Ranburg were walking on Mich­ igan avenue when they were attacked with knives by five men. Cox was cut in tlie right eye and may lose his sight, while Banburg w as badly cut about the head. Charles Enright, a bricklayer and one of the assailants, was caught hy the police at the time, and John Howe, suppostxl to be one of tlie attackers, was also arrested this evening. III., January 29.—In the United States Circuit Conrt yesterday in the foreclosure proceedings of tlie Northern Trust Company against the H eavy D am ages A w a rd ed . Colombia Straw-Board Company of Chi­ L it t l e R o c b , Ark., January 29.—The cago, the Paper Trust, Judge Allen ap­ pointed George P. Jones of Chicago re­ suit of Mrs. Sarah Spencer, of Califor­ ceiver. nia, against the St. Louis, Iron Moun­ tain & Southern Railway Company for F o r t y C e n ts o n t h e D o l l a r . $100,000 damages was ended last night. | S t . J ohn ’», N. F., January 28.—The It grew out of a wreck near Texarkana creditors of Munn & Co., o f Harbor la»t May, in which she iweived injuries Grace decided to accept a compromise which made her a paralytic for life. Thn of 40 cents on the dollar pavable in two jurv this afternoon returned a verdict for $20,000. years. S p r in g f ie l d , F R A N C IS C O uascs, i i r n u u ' ilC llllll'a SIC« p ir ’ SIlfHI*, IHIlgllor, rheum atism , kidn y, liver and bladder co m ­ plaint, Dm • bark, lum bago, aciatica, general ill health, etc. This Electric Belt contain» w onder­ ful improvements over all othe»s, and give« a current that is instantly felt by the wearer, or we forfeif 000. We g v e hundred« of test!m o nials in this city and every 8tate. Our powerful im proved E lectric Suspensory is free with all Beits. A pocket edition o f the celebrated electro­ m edical work, “ Three Classes of Men,” lilnr- trated, is sent free, sealed, bv m ail, upon appli- ca»ion. Ever? young, m id d le aged or old man suffering the slightest weakness should read it. It will point out an easy, sure and speedy way how to regain strength and health when every­ thing else has failed. Address MARKETS F lour —Net cash priejs: Family ex­ tras, $3.40(23.50 per barrel; bakers’ ex­ tras, $3.30(23.40; su|*ertine, $2.00®2.25. W h e a t —The market is off again, shippers declining to pay over 82%c «or No. 1 grade and showing no great anx­ iety to purchase at that figure. Choice ...................................... product might bring 83 7. c per cental, but that would be the extreme of tlie ; market. Milling grades are easy at 87>4 <292>8 c per rental. Walla Walia wheat 7} I i i . . Cents, consisting of too pages sells at 75®77**r per cental for fair av-1 ’ w full site She« Music of ths erage quality, 85c for blue stem and 70® latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular 72%c for damp. selections, both vocal and Instrumental, gotten up In the most elegant manner. In­ B a r l e y —Tlie firmness on the part of cluding four large size Portraits. holders is not quite so pronounced, ow ­ CARMENCITA. th« Spanish Danrer, ing to the arrival of 12,000 centals from PADEREWSKI, the Great Pianist. ADELINA PATTI and Oregon. Feed, fair to good, 75@80c;j MINNIE SEU U M AN CUTTING. choice, 81*4 c ; brewing, 85@92'2c per aooncaa as t oM rsi cental. O a t » —Receipts continue light, hot there are stocks on hand large enough for all w ans. Milling is qnct-d a t 1 $1@1.12>4; surprise, $1.05(81.15; fancy j feed, 971*1 @$1.02'2 ; goo I to choice, 90(8 95c; poor to fair, 80@87!^c; black, $1.15 @1.30; red, $1.05® 1.17)4! gray, 9214@ 97)4 g per cental. H o p » — Q u o t a b l e at 4@8c per pound. P o t a t o e s — Volunteer new potatoes, 1 !4®2c |ier pound; Early Rose, 35(245c; River Red, 30®35c; Burbanks, 30<250c; m rCAV t AI à. I rlALlt MARKs^r Oregon Burbanks, 60 «85 c; Salinas Bur •w C O P Y R IG H T S .^ banks, 75c@$1.00; sweets, 76c@$1.25 CAM I O B T A I N A P A T E N T T F2r a for Rivers and $1.50® 2.00 per cental for answer and an honest opinion, write to M l S S 4 : TO.« who have had nearly fifty wears' choice stock. experience in the patent btutneea. Communica­ O n io n s —Quotable at 50®85c per cent- tions strictly confidential. A Haatffcowk of la- formation concerning Patente and bow to ob­ ai tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechaxi» W o o l —Fall—Free Northern, 7@8)4e; leal and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Mann k Co. receive Northern defective, 5@ 7c; Southern and ipecial notice in the Hrientlllc Am erican, and I San Joaqnin, light and free, 5@ 6c: South­ thus are brought widely before the public with­ out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, ern and San Joaqnin, defective, 3®4c. issued weekly, elegant : j illustrated, has by far t ha r GISTS largest circulation of any scientific work tn the world. Ill a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly. tlfiO a year. Single r P r ic e ’ s C r e a m B a k in g Powder. W orld's Fair H ig h es t Award.