Cottage Grove echo=leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 18??-1895, December 29, 1894, Image 5

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Health Officers Speak,
N ez P e r re Horses F o llo w e d T h e ir Leader
O ve r th e C liff.
Closing the Empire Arouses a
Storm of Discussion.
Do not permit the slanderous stories of inter­
ested parties to influence you in using any
.other than The Best, The Royal.
punished,” and the same day the portrait
I enough, Roma Beatrice, and it was her
was sent with an inscription.
F o re to ld the W a r o f 1870.
j small fingers that unveiled the “ P e ri”
at tho W o rld ’s fair last y or, the loyal
; Iowaus having loaned it to adorn their
I state building. Mrs. Ketchum’« last
and largest achievement— a magnificent
j design for a soldiers’ monument, com­
plete«! just before her death in 1890— is
one of the “ sights” of Burlington, la.
It lias been stated on what is said to be
eood authority that a representative of the
Prussian government asked of a Freuchas-
trolog« r the proper time to pick a quarrel
with France. After carefully comparing
horoscopes of high officials, he answered
that any hour in the afternoon as near as
possible midway between the 9th and 14th
H e W a s Tender.
of July, 1870.
“ Young Mr. Scfty paralyzefl Dr.
On the 11 of July W illiam snubbed Ben-
Simtom when he went to be vuccinat-
tsletti, the French emissary, and on the 12th
friendly relations ceased.—Edgar Lee in | e«l, ” observed Gaswell to Dukane.
“ How was that?”
“ He asked the doctor to put him nil-
D r. P r ic e ’ s C r e a m B a k in g P o w d e r. Í der the in flu e n t of anaesthetics.” —
World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma.
| Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph.
; The hardy little N ez Perce horse is
| quite w e ll known in a way, but few
people know what remarkable courage
j and sagacity he has. When the Indian
City, S tate
an d
N a tio n a l A u th o ritie s
war swept the Ncz Perce country, the
Indians gathered about 5,000 horses
report the R o y al B a k in g P o w d e r in
into a valley that fronted on the steep
bluffs of the Columbia river, and there,
e v e ry w a y S u p e rio r to a ll others.
) f . n y W e l l K n o w n M en J o in I n th e E x ­ w ith the g r e a t w hite mountains at their
tra o rd in a ry C ontroversy Started b y Mrs. ! back, prepared to make their last des-
! perate stand
Chant— Sala on the " P a u l P r y in g Prigs
In the battle that followed they were
S T A T E C H E M IS T . C A L I F O R N I A : T h e R o y a l fulfils all the
F ro m th e Provinces.”
defeated, and the small fraction of them
requirements. Our tests show it has greater leavening pow er
London has not l>oen stirrod for ninny a ' that remained unkilled pnt to flight.
than any other.
day as it Is just now. Trouble Ix-Knn st-v- The horses, shut in by tho steep moun­
•ral weeks ago when Mrs. Onniston tains on the one side and the steep river
S T A T E C H E M IS T , W A S H I N G T O N : There is no question but
Chant, In her ‘ pretty evening dress,” vis­ bluff on the other, had to be left behind.
ited tho Empire theater. Sho was so at­
the R o y a l is the strongest, purest and most wholesome baking
When the battle had closed, the sol­
tractive tiiat two men spoke to her, but
diers of the volunteers (fo r only a part
powder in the market
the look with which she responded to this
made a rush for the
insult was so freezingly withering that were regulars)
U . S . G O V ’T F O O D R E P O R T : R o y a l B a k in g P o w d e r is
they instantly apologized, and one added, i horses, but they could not lay hands on
shown a pure cream o f tartar powder, highest o f all in leaven-
‘ ‘ You arc not what I took you for.”
. one c f them or approach them.
The following day Mrs. Chant, accom- I And now for the first tim e it was no-
•ing strength.
panied by two or three friends, went be- ticed that they were under a boy herder,
C A N A D I A N O F F I C I A L T E S T S : R o y a l B a k in g P o w d e r is
foro the London license committee and re- The hoy was unarmed, entirely naked
lated her experience. As a result the com- j
ag re(j ag copp,,r
com m ended as o f highest excellence, and shown to be greatest
mlttee refused to renew the Empire thea­
bov had no bridle, but wove his
o f all in leavening strength. *>
ter license unless the promenade, or foyer,
where drinks are served as well as at tho bauds into the mane, and thus guide«l
S A N F R A N C IS C O B O A R D O F H E A L T H : W e cordially ap­
his black horse at w ill at the head of
small bars, was closed.
There are scores of music halls in Lon­ the herd.
prove and recommend the R o y a l B a k in g P o w d e r . It is
don like tho Empire in arrangement, the
The volunteers dropped on their knees
absolutely pure and healthful, composed o f the best ingredients,
only difference being in grade, Tho Em­ j here and there around the edge of the
pire is the finest thenterof the kind in the j circle and began to fire at the boy. A t
o f the highest strength and character.
world. Its decorations are solidly rich j last a bullet struck him. His txxlv flew
B O A R D O F H E A L T H . S E A T T L E , W A S H I N G T O N : Finding
and artistic, its seating and other appoint- 1
high into the air and then fe ll and rolled
ments comfortable and spacious, and its j
in analysis that it is entirely free from any adulteration, we
stage attractions the best that money can in the dust.
heartily recommend the R o y a l B a k in g P o w d e r for its great
The horses now divided as they came
procure. The Empire ballet is always an
important feature, but it is no more wick­ by. Th eir nostrils were distended at the
strength, purity and wholesomeness.
ed than any other ballet. Legs are no new smell of blood, and their eyes ablaze nt
discovery, and since the appearance of the ] the sight of their young keeper in the
B O A R D O F H E A L T H . T A C O M A , W A S H I N G T O N : In our
fin do sieclo bicyclist oven the average citi- | dust.
judgm ent the R o y a l is the best and strongest baking pow der
zen takes them for granted, though they
On the second round, after the boy
be not in evidence.
before the public.
i fell, the black leader seemed to run
But there is something worso in the
B O A R D O F H E A L T H , S P O K A N E : Certainly there is no bale
Empire theater than the drinking, the ■ sidewise, his eyes fastened to his little
stage performance and the luxury. Fallen ; dead master until they looked frightful
ing powder known to us equal to the R o y a l .
| from under the black mane.
D R . B 1 N S W A N O E R , U N I V E R S I T Y O F O R E O O N : It is also
He plungetl on around and came to
the very edge o f the beetling basalt
my opinion that there exists no purer, better or stronger baking
bluff. Then there was a sight as of a
powder than the R o y a l . I confidently recommend it.
sculptured image o f a horso poised in
midair, and a mail, w ild cry, such as a
horse makes but once— a cry indescrib­
able— that filled the valley.
Men looked away, and when they
looked back the black statuu was gone.
Then, faith fu l to the leader, over the
I blnff into the foam ing w hite water went
another horse.
And then 10, 50, 500, the whole
5,000! N ot one of all the herd was left
Till-**« Room s C row d ed In to Space N o t Had N o t a N ic k e l to P a y H is F are, but a
to the invading victors, and the stream
C onductor Tru sted H im .
L a rg e L o r One.
w:»s literally choked w ith the dead.—
“ Dead broke” is a relative term.
For upward of 10 years Portland has
j J«jaquin M iller.
had within its corporate lim its one of Some men are “ dead broke” on $10.
tho smallest dw elling houses in this Some don’ t call it “ «lead broke” until
broad land of ours. A t first glance it they reach a nickel. I t ’s pretty “ dead
Ancieut R e liefs T h a t Trees W e r e the A n ­
cestors o f the Hum an Race.
might be mistaken for a playhouse, as broke” when yon haven’ t even the one
it stands alono in the center of the block nickel for car fare, want to get from
The descent o f the human race from
on Northrup street, between Nineteenth Twenty-third to Fulton street, are in a I MRS. ORMISTON CHANT IN HER PRETTY some particular species of tree is one of
hurry, couldn’t walk for a fortune and
and Twentieth.
the oldest myths that can be found run­
The place has a history, and many of know there’s money w aiting for you at women frequent the place, and men go ning through the folk stories of every
Portland's residents have made them­ the other end i f you can get there.
In V ir g il we find reference
This was the case w ith a young man them. Many of these courtesans are well to the race o f “ men who took their birth
selves fam iliar w ith it by personal in­
I bre«l, well educated and well informed on
quiry and investigation. About 10 years ene day last week, and this is how he [ current affairs. They can talk wickedness j from trunks of trees, ’ and among some
ago, so the story goes, a seafaring man got there. Boarding a Broadway car at in two or three languages, but they know of tho early commentators on that
happened in the northwest portion of | Twenty-third street among a crowd of how to conduct themselves with perfect statement we even find speculations as
the city before streets had been opened ! others, he walked forward and took his propriety in any place and on any occasion. 1 |0 the particular species of treo from
and graded, and, struck by the beauty ; stand beside the gripman. It was some Taken all in all, the Empire theater is a ¡which the race sprung. The very earliest
of tho surroundings, determined to build ' time before the coniluctor reached him, whited sepulcher of the whitest kind.
Egyptians as w e ll as those who lived
So when Mrs. Onniston Chant protested
, ,
, , ,
, ,
him self an abode in which to pass his I when he fumbled for change, as though
against thcrenewalof the Empire’s license <»>der later dynasties had a legend of
declining years.
I he knew he had it in vest and trousers
because evil women trequente«! the lounges ’ '10 .
°* /“ e> aIli niauy of tho
The builder endeavored to make his pockets, finally remarking that since he and the promenades tho license committee 1 leading investigators, both ancieut and
home as much like ships’ quarters as eonldn’t find it he supposed h e’d “ have decided to act, and accordingly tho place modern, have expressed the opinion
The conductor saw it in that has lieon the whilom resort of the that from Egypt came tho Biblical story
possible, and in this he succeeded ad­ 1 to get off. ”
The lionse contains threo ! that light, too, and politely made way Prince of Walesas well as sprigs of royalty , f the “ treo of knowledge o f go;d and
rooms— kitchen, dining room and bed­ for the young man, who by this time and well s«'asoned branches of the nobility ev i l ” which gracefl tho original gartlcn
■s close«! for the first in many years
I;lade b tho A u Wige f(,r our firgt
room— and occupies a patch of ground ha«l reached Thirteenth street
But what a tempest it has created! And !
about 10 by 13 feet. It stands about 9
W alkin g down a few blocks, he board­
• .
, . ttr,
feet in height. The kitchen is j i st largo ed the third ear following, and this time
nearly all been on tho side of the theater I P-’-ofessor T.nstelton (see his Folk
enough to accommodate a cook stove and the conductor called for his fare. Again and In palliation of the vice it fosters! Loro o f Plants” ) believes that the Scrip-
table, and the dining room is sufficient­ he affect; d the searching process, and Gcorge Augustus Sala blew the first trum- tural narrative cited is a survival of the
ly large to allow tw o persons to move again the conductor waited patiently, pet to the tune of how much better Lon- ; belief in the “ tree descent of man, ’
about. The parlor and bedroom com­ while the car spun along until at last don is today than it was 40 years ago. He j and that the abiding faith of mankind
bined contains a conch, tw o chairs and the yonng man anxiously declared that said be was not ashamed to say he had in tho tradition again crops out in Rev-
whero the - tree of
a table and resembles the stateroom of he must have lost his poeketbook. The seen it all, but he did not put his own ,,lation
. .
an ocean steamer. The bed, or berth, is conductor dinged the bell, deciding that name to the fulimnation and used such : ,
terms as “ superhuman virtue,” ‘ emancl- plays as important a part as that of the
located three or four feet above the the best thing to be lone was to step off
_ _____
pated woman” and “ prurient __
wid­ famous tree mentioned in the first book
floor on a chest o f drawers and is hidden and lcok for it.
ows” most recklessly, This was his con- j of the Bible. The natives of Madagascar
from view by handsome lace draperies.
Eighth street was now reached, and elusion: “ Has not, I earnestly ask, the have a tradition which is believed and
By lowering a panel on the opposite again at F ifth street a fresh car was time conic for a bold, bluff and defiant perpetuated among them to the effect
side of the room a bright array of china- boarded. Another search after change counterblast to this misdirected ignorance, that the first man was born alive from
ware is exposed to view, and the panel was gone through and another kindly this arrogant egotism, this overvannted a tree, and that he immediately set
itself may be used as a table or w riting suggestion from a conductor looked for, and Insolent assumption of superior moral about making him self “ a helpmeet,”
shelf.— Portland Telegram.
but this one said: “ A in ’ t got no money! tone and personal purity? We can only fashioning bt:r from a knotted lim b by
How far are you going? Fulton? Oh, take these mouthing husybodies and Paul the aid of a mussel shell carving knife
D irnier Service W o r th 8100,000.
Prying prigs from tho provinces at their
no; you’d better get o ff.”
And ho got
Marsden’s “ History of Sumatra” tells
The silver «tinner service which Mrs. off after three elaborate bits of acting own value. We do not pry into their spot­
J. W . Maekay has w itli her in Europe just 20 blocks below his original point. less households. We have no means of as­ us that the people of tho Philippine is­
certaining by what right they ‘throw lands also have the tree descent legend
is worth $190,000. Her millionaire hus­
“ I guess I ’ ll try th 9 truth now ,” he the first stone.’ But the danger is this—
band furnished $75,000 in weight of thought to himself, and this tim e he that by holding our hands, restraining among them, and King, in his “ L ife
pnre silver and then paid another $115,- stood out on the back platform and our infiuence and silencing our voices wo Am ong the Bnshmen of Australia,”
says that the people there habitually
000 for the work done upon it. The
didn’t m a.e a first dive into his pock­ shall help to destroy a good half century’s
above is, I believe, reckoned as being ets. He had got sick o f It, and it wasn’t work In refining and purifying the amuse­ live among the trees, because “ they are
ments of the people, we shall turn the j taught from infancy that their early
the most costly silver set now in use in
paying either.
dread current of poisonous vice into our ancestors were trees endowed with the
the world.— St. Louis Republic.
“ Look here, conductor,” he said, own domestic channels, we shall add to faculty of speaking anil m oving about
The most remarkable meteor on rec­ “ I ’ m dead broke. Haven’ t a nickel. the namelt>ss horrors of abandoned sensu- j from place to p la ««.” — St. Louis R e­
ord in that of Dec. 31, 1878, which W ill have lots when I get to Fulton ality, and we shall drive to the despair of public
originated in Kansas, glided over M is­ xrreet. W ill you give me yonr number secret drink and loathsome death the
poor, bunted, men ruined outcasts of the j
souri to tho south of Lake Michigan and and trust me to ride down?”
“ R ide you do, ” said the conductor, city, vviio are trying with greater success
became lost near Niagara falls. It ex­
P e stered th e F ath ers o f th e R epu blic
than in any city of the world to behave
ploded w ith a report like that of an and that conductor hasn’ t regretted it. decorously in public and lo preservo the j
as T h ey C reated I t.
H e’s got moro than tho fare since, and last rag and vestige of lie ir lost and stolen 1
Jefferson was fond o f telling a story
the young man who began on the lies shame.”
which illustrates in a forcible manner
The recent letter from the Judge of has learne«! a first rate lesson on the ol«l
Protests poured in from n’l sorts of peo- the importance that absurdly insignifi-
Awards or Baking Powders at the Chi­ fashioned policy o f honesty.— N ew York ple for John Bull wants to do as he likes I ^
matters mar« „
«„ m o
cant matters
may sometimes
cago W orld’s Fair exposing the falsity of Herald.
and have others do the same. Clergymen
the claim of a Chicago house that its
joined r.nd quoted Scripture. Some called
F e r t iliz in g W it h Sugar.
baking powder had received the highest
Mrs. Chant a crank, and one stigmatized tho w orld tho Declaration of Independ­
award for strength, purity, excellence,
There is a diversity o f opinion as to the her a ‘ Praise God Bmvbones. ” Tho Lon­ ence was in session, its proceedings
etc., is a scathing rebuke to those manu­ land most suited to tho cultivation of don newspapers teem with communica­ were conducted in a hall close to which
facturers of inferior baking powders who melons. Sandy, light soil, very highly tions about this so called ‘prowling of the was situated a livery stable.
have no regard for the truth, but habitu­
weather was warm , and from the stable
fertilized w ith phosphate anti w ith salt, prudes.”
ally seek, in their public announce­
camo swarms of Hies that lighted on the
ments to deceive consumers. The Judge w ill produce an abundant crop o f large, She said: ‘ I have found women my cru d­
of Awards states that no snch award was fine melons, but there are many plant­ est, most inexorable persecutors and al­ 1 legs of tlie honorable members, and bit­
given to the Chicago concern, and has ers who affirm that they should be ways under the guise of tho desire to puri­ ing through the thin silk stockings then
notified it that it must cease publishing planted on a good quality of soil w ith ­ fy society and root out evil. Here is the ! in fashion gave infinite annoyance. It
his name in connection with its false out fertilizers o f any kind, as the artifi­ result obtained by the righteous woman j was no uncommon sight, said Jefferson,
cial ingredients contained in the ferti- who hurled tho first stone at me.” Henry to see a member making a speech with
li. era detract from tho native sweotuess Irving writes an energetic protest, and the a large handkerchief in hand and pang­
of tho frnit. They also claim that the great Radical leader, Labotu here, probably ing at every moment to thrash the flits
highly fertilized vines bear all their voices a majority of popular opir.'.on when from his thinly protected calves.
cheerful spirits and the ability to fully
he says: ' There obviously ought to he one
The opinion of the body was not
enjoy life, come only with a healthy frn it about the same time, making a law for all the music balls. The functions
! unanimous in favor of the document,
body and mind. The young
of the
villi. II O
IU lit
II to
lu ni.iing
man who suffers from nerv­ j fertilized soil w ill bear gradually one that tho entertainments are ihcent in the | “,ld> ull,1‘:r otber circumstances, discus-
ous debility, impaired mem­ I melon after another, affording fresh ’ordinary acceptation of the word, that the sion m ight have been protracted for
ory, low spirits, irrita­ fru it for a long period, even until it is audience does not off* ml against propriety, • days, i f not weeks, but the flies were
ble temper, and the so late in October that tho first frosts and that the buildings are structurally ar­ intolerable. Efforts were made to find
thousand and one de­ have killed the vines. An old planter ranged to minimize danger in case of fire. another hall, free from the pests, but in
rangements o f mind 1 of ancient «lays fond o f experimenting, Whether the audiences take their enter­ vain. As the weather became warmer
att<l fxxly that
tainment walking or sitting or whether | the flies grew worse, and the flapping of
fertilized the soil in which ho planted
result from, un­
their private characters are good or bad
1 handkerchiefs was heard all over the
natural, pernici­ his melon seeds w ith quantities o f sug­ does not concern the council. That many
ous habits usual­ ar, prcxlueing a most satisfactory result, women ami many men who frequented tbe hall as au accompaniment to tho voices
ly contracted in the melons being o f unusual sizo and Empire promenade are not without re­ of the speakers.
In despair at last some one suggested
youth, through sweetness. That was done in days when proach is very possible, but that was their
ig n o ra n ce , is expense was no object.— South Carolina own affair, provided, when there, they that matters be hurried, so that tho
thereby incapac­ Cor. Philadelphia Times.
did nothing to cause offense.”
body might adjourn and get away from
itated to thor­
the flies. There were a few m ild pro­
o u g h ly enjoy
tests, but no ono h ■eded them, the im ­
M ay Outshine H e r M other.
T h e K a is e r ’s H a p p y T h ou gh t.
He feels
mortal declaration was hurriedly copied,
tired, spiritless,
k n d drowsy ; bis the placing of the motto, “Nemo me im- Ketchum, the late Iow a sculptress, is and, w ith handkerchiefs in hand fight­
jsleep isdisturlied I pune lacessit,” by the Emperor William said to already display marked artistic ing flies as they came, the members
“ and does not re­ under the portrait he sent to the Minister ability. Uuliko her mother, however, hastened up to the table to sign the au­
fresh him as it : Friedberg was due to an accidental inci- i her sensitive nature finds its best expres­ thentic copy and leave the flics in the
should; the w ill power is weakened, I »lent. The emperor only learned of his sion in music rather than clay and lurch.
morbid fears haunt hint aiM may result birthday on the very day when Friedberg
Had it not been for tho livery stable
in confirmed hypochondria, or melan­ had completed his eightieth year. Meet­ j marble. This little g irl it was who was and its inmates there is no telling when
cholia and, finally, in soiling o f the brain,
the document would have been com­
epilepsy, ( “ fits” ), paralysis, locomotor ceremony, the emperor exclaimed: “ What, completion o f the famous statue of tho pleted, but it certainly would not have
you never even told me! 1 must hear it by “ P e ri” in Rome, anil who thus has ev­
ataxia and even in dread insanity.
T o reach, re-claim and restore such accident!” Then raising his finger in mock ery right to share in her mother’s love been signed on the Fourth.— Philadel­
unfortunates to health and happiness, is warning, he added, “ That must not go un­ , of art.
Her name is, romantically phia Press.
the aim o f the publishers o f a l>ook of
136 pages, written in plain but chaste
language, on the nature, symptoms and
curability, by home-treatment, o f such
diseases. This book will lie sent sealed,
in plain envelope, oil receipt o f this no­
tice with ten cents in stamps, for post­
age. Address, World's Dispensary Med­
ical Association, buffalo, N. Y.
For more than a quarter o f a century
physicians connected with tiffs widely
celebrated Institution have made the
treatment o f the diseases almve hinted at
their specialty. Thousands have con­
sulted them l>y letter and receiveil advice
and medicines which have resulted in
permanent cures.
Sufferers from premature old age, or
loss o f power, will find much o f interest
in the book above mentioned.
Is a F r o g a Fish?
Is a frog a fish? This is the problem
which the officials of the Dominion fish­
ery department have recently had to
consiiler. Petitions wero forwarded to
the department from the inhabitants of
Northumberland, Out., praying for a
close seasou for frogs. A lucrative trade
in the shipment of frogs’ legs had been
done in that county, but it was discov­
ered that the very tim e when the frogs
are spawning is one when tho greatest
havoc is wrought among them. Possi­
bly a change w ill be made in the fishery
laws so as to embrace frogs. The officers
say that in their embryotic stage frogs
nre certainly fishes, but later on they
take an amphibious character.^
f ir e s
The devastation and sufferiE„ caused by
the flames of the wild prairie and forest
tires in the West last summer lias a horri
ble detail in the loss of life and destruction
o f property. Men, women and children by
scores choked by smoke and roasted alive;
their homes destroyed and hundreds
maimed and crippled. It is painful to con­
template, but still important and charita­
ble to make it known that St. Jacobs Oil,
used according to directions, is one of the
best cures for burns and scalds, and should
be kept on hand. There is no household
that should he witho it the great remedy
for pain, for there are none without the
need of it. Little things like slight cuts
and woui ds it heals anil cures like magic
and helps the bouse work on.
Mothers, WivesandSisters
Three Leading Scientist
T h e H i V I n c ? mi f I ( m i k o o f K o n i r is iu
V «»u r K e e p in g - l i I n n S a c r e d T r u s t .
If you w ill remember that
Proclaim the Superior Value of
Dr. Price’s Baking Powder.
Recent examinations of baking powders by Prof. Long, Dr.
Haines, and Prof. Prescott, were made to determine which
T w o A m erica n s Saw T h em Ilrca k a W in te r
C am p In Tu rkestan.
powder was the purest, highest in leavening strength, most
Messrs. A llen an«l Sachtleben, who
went around the world on bicycles, give
the follow in g account of one of their
experiences in Turkestan:
One o f the chief incidents o f our
pleasant sojourn was afforded by G ov­
ernor Ivanoff. W e wore invited to head
the procession o f tho Cossacks on their
annual departure for their summer en­
campment in tho mountains. A fte r the
usual religious ceremony they filed ont
from the city parade grouud. Being un­
avoidably detained for a fe w moments,
w e diil not come up until some time
after the column had started. As we
dashcil by to the front w ith the A m eri­
can and Russian flags fluttering side by
side from the handle bars, cheer after
cheer arose from tho ranks, and even
tho governor and his party doffed their
caps in acknowledgment
A t the camp we were favored w ith a
special exhibition o f horsemanship. By
a single twist of tbe reins the steeds
would fa ll to the ground, and their rid ­
ers crouch down behind them as a bul­
wark in battle. Then, dashing forward
at fu ll speed, they would spring to the
ground and leap beck again into tbe
saddle, or hanging by their legs would
reach over and pick up a handkerchief,
cap or a soldier supposed to be wouml-
ed. A ll these movements w e photo­
graphed w ith our camera.
O f tho endurance of th«îse Cossack«
and their K irgh iz horses wo had a prac­
tical test. Overtaking a Cossack courier
in the early part of a day’s journey, he
became so interested in the velocipede,
as the Russians call tho bicycle, that he
determined to see as much of it as pos­
sible. Ho staid w ith us the whole
day, over a distance of 55 miles. His
chief compensation was in witnessing
the surprise of the natives, to whom he
wonld shout across the fields to come
and see the tomasha, adding in explana­
tion that we were the Am erican gentle­
men who had ridden all the w ay from
America. Our speed was not slow, and
frequently the pixir fellow wonld have
to resort to the whip or shout: “ Slow ­
ly. gentlemen. My horse is tired. The
town is not far away. I t is not ncxxsssa-
ry to hurry so. ’ ’
The fact is that in all our experience
we found no horse of even the famed
K irgh iz or Tarcomau breed that conld
travel w ith the same ease and rapidity
as ourselves even over the most ordina­
ry road.— Ciiitnry.
efficient in service, and most economical in cost.
the essentials of an ideal preparation for household use.
W o r ld ’ s
F a ir O ffic ia l* E x p o s e
t e n d e r to an A w a r d .
P re­
One of tbe o ld results of the W o rld ’s
Fair is tbe e'laim now made to aw ards by
some who were not even exhibitors. Of­
ficials of tbe exposition Imve not as yet
taken final ai-tion in tbe matter, believ­
ing the quick wit of tbe people w ill de­
tect tbe spurious claims. But to the
ease of a N ew York linking powder, that
lias lieen widely advertising an award,
the attention of the Chief of Awards for
Agriculture has been directed.
brands the claim of this pretender as
false, declaring “ Neither tbe records of
this department nor the official catalogue
of tbe W orld's Columbian Exposition
show tiiat this New Y ork «ompany was
an exhibitor; «‘onseqnently it could not
receive an award at the W o rld ’s F air.”
Those who fairlv won their honors at
the fair seem disposed to treat this
fraud as any other fraud should be treat­
ed. The Price Baking Powder Company
of Chicago, having received the highest
award, say they are convinced their
claims and those of all other holders of
rightful honors will be fully vindicated
by the public.
Scrofula in the Neck
Is a dangerous, disagreeable and tenacious,
but Hood’s Sarsaparilla as a thorough blood
purifier, cures this and all other forms oi
scrofula. - I had a bunch on the side of
m y neck as large £.-
a hen’s egg. I
advised to have i*
cut out, but would
not c o n s e n t . /
f r i e n d suggested:
that I take Hood’
Sarsaparilla, which
I am g'ad to sr.
^ that I did, and soo-
the bunch
n i a E n tire ly D isap
p e a red.
f W 1 0011 truly prais
i » - a ’VTFC ”«C) J f! ¡5 Hood’s Sareaparili
M rs , E lla B illin g s for I know it is a
excellent medi ine. I have recommends
Hood’s Sarsaparilla highly in the past, an-
sh all continue to do so.” — M bs . E l l a D ia l ­
in g s , Red Cloud, Neb.
H oo d ’s P ills are the best after-dinr
Pills, assist di estion, prevent constipation.
T h e C u r e L u a r a i i le e d .
P r ic e , « t i . r o .
N. J. S T O R E S l CO.,
We have purchased in the open market cans of Dr. Pr.ce's
Room 7, Flood Building, s. F , Cal.,
Cream Baking Powder and also of the other leading brands
General Agent« for Pacific Const.
of baking powders, and have submitted them to chemical
We find that Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder, is
“ Smith is looking very low-spirited. Har
there been «n y trouble in the famil> f” Dubbn
—Yes; a rich uncle has just recoveisd from a
serious illness.
Apply Bnlm into each nostril
E l y B ros ., 56Wairan St., N «
C onsum ptive« and people
who have weak lungs or Asth­
ma, should use Piso'sCure for
Consumption. It has co red
thousand*-. It has not injur­
ed one. It is not baa to t&ke.
It is the best cough syrup.
Sold everywhere, t o c.
One oi the best Schools for Boys on this
Coast in in charge of Ex State ¡Superintend­
ent Ira G^Hoitt, Ph. D., at Burlingame
0 n Mateo county, Cal.
I N F A N T T ftlA K .
“ No; T n^ver h«n g up my sto' king. I get »o
Clip the last thirty years or more from the little mi itl ’ “ Oh! yes—ye«—c rtainly; I never H as justly acquired the reputation o f b.-ing
century, aud the regment w ill represent the thought i f that.”
T h e S a l v a t o r fo r
term of the unbounded popularity of Hostel-
ter’s Stomach Bitters. The opening of the year
ON T H K O C E A N .
18 "5 w ill be riguulized by the appearance o f a
ire h Almanac of the Bitiers. In which the uses
de r iv a l on and an ion of this world-famous
There is no place where A l v c o t e ’ s P oe -
medicine w ill be lucidly set forth. Everybody
sho. 1 Id read it. The calendar and astronomical ous P lasters do not prove their value
Ax I xcompapapie A liment for the
calculations to be found in the brochure are George Augustus Bala, the well-known
G rowth and P rotection o f INFANTS and
always astonishingly accurate, and the statistics,
illustrations, humor and other reading matter English writer, writing of bis trip across
rich in interest and hill of profit. The Hostetter the Pacific, says:
Company of Pittsbug, l*a., publish it them
“ I especially have a pleasant re mem A superior nutritive in conlinued Fevers,
selves. They emp’oy more than sixty hands in
tlie mechanical work, and more than eleven brance of the ship’s doctor—a very sxprri-
And a reliable remedial agent
maritime medico indeed, who tended
months in the year are coi sumed in its prepara
tion. It can lie obtained without c o s i,o fa ll me mofct kind;y during a horrible spell of in all gastric and enteric d iseases;
druggists and country dealer«, Hn«l is printed in bronchitis and spasmodic asthma,provoked «jften in instances o f consultation over
English, (German, French, Welsh. Norwegian, by i he sea fog which ha 1 swooped down on
patients whose digestive organs were re­
Swedish, Holland, Bohemian and Spanish.
**One I love, and two I love.
Three 1 love,” she’ s saying,
And around the maiden's lips
Tender smiles are playing.
“ Four I love with all my heart.
F ive and six—and seven—
Surely to mo long his heart
Hath been fondly given!”
“ Here I find another seed.
Eight both loves. I know it.
And still another? Nine he coi
I find just here bel jw it!”
But there cometh through the mead
The maiden’s blithe young lover.
Comes—ami then the apple seed
Many truths discover.
—Lollie Belle W ylie.
T h e C olleg ia n ’« A d v ic e to H i« F a th e r W h ich
Resu lted D isastrously.
us just after we left San Francisco. B it
the doctor’s prescriptions and the increas­
ing warmth of tbe temperature as we neared
the tropics, and in narticu'ar a couple of
A llcock V P orous P lasters clapped o n -
one on the chest and another between the
shoulder blades—soon set me right.”
B randreth ’ s P il l s always act uni­
Cowin Kate—You have made 1» look ns *ood
aa »ver. Charley, y. u’re a trump. Charley—
Yes: hot then i• ’« no nncommou thing icr
women to refuse trumps.
C A T A lllt ll
Cse Kuameltne Stove Polish; no dust no smell
T bt
V A . E I D S
^ T h e -A g e d .
duced to such a low and sensitive condition
th at the IM P E R IA L G R A N U M w a s
th e only nourishment the stomach
would tolerate when L IF E seemed
depending on its retention;—
And as a FOOD it would be difficult to
conceive of anything more palatable.
Sold by D R U G G I S T S .
Shipping Depot,
C U K K I)
With LOCAL APPLIC ATION S, as they cannot
r< ach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood
or constitutional disease, and in older to cure it
you must take internal remedies. Hall’s Ca­
tarrh Cure is taken internally, and act* directly
on the blood aud mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca­
tarrh Cure Is not a auack medicine, it was pre­
scribed By one o f the b* st physician« in ihis
country f »r years, and i* a regular urescriptiou
It is composed of the best toni<** known, corn-
bin* d with the best blood purifiers, actii g di­
rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
'•orabinn'ion of the two ingredients ia what pro­
duces such wonderful results in curing catarrh.
Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY A CO. P rom ,
Toledo, O.
Sold by druggie’ s; price, 75 cents.
I f you use the Petalum® .*
Incubators a Brooders- l.
Make money w h ile 1
others are wasting
tim e by old processes.
Catalog tel is all about
it.and describes every
article needed for the,
poultry business.
The“ ER IE”
mechanically the best
wheel. Prettiest model.
W e nre Pacific Coast
Agents. Bicycle cata­
logue, mailed free,gives
full description, price«, etc., agknts wanted
PETALUMA Ilf CUB A TOR CO., Pet Alum*,Cal.
B r a n c h House, 231 S Main St., Los Angeles.
Gasa sa for breakfast
The life germ
and vital fore* of
plants and flowers;
it g i v e s v i g o r ,
power and sice to
the vital organs of
Manhood restored.
Growing too Fast
A college student iu one o f our west­
ern states returned home after his course
was finished to find that his father, a
means that children do not
clergyman with a small salary, was
get proper nourishment from
eking out his liv in g by running a small
T h e y are therefore
farm. One o f the adjuncts of the farm
thin, narrow -chested and
was a cow, a pretty good animal, which
however, had a strong aversion to being
Here was an opportunity for a display
o f the lately acquired knowledge of the
juvenile collegian.
“ Father,” said he, “ Professor O. says
i f ono w ill p la c ' a weight upon a oow’ ’s
back it w ill make her give down the
milk. ”
Tho reverend gentleman, favorably the cream of C o d -live r Oil
impressed w ith this information that and hypophosphites, supplies
his sou had learned from Professor G .t material
for growth.
decided to try the simple remedy. In ­
makes sound bones, solid
stead, however, of placing a weight
flesh and healthy, robust
upon the cow ’s back, the clergyman
placed him self upon i t But then he children. Physicians, the world
answered the purpose. The cow, how­ over, endorse it.
ever, was still obstinate.
Don't be decelnd by Substitutes!
“ T ie my legs under the c o w ," said Prepared by Soott A Bowae. N. T. AU Druggists
•ho father to his son.
Tho son did fo . But the cow, unused
to such unusual and arbitrary proceed­
ings, manifested her displeasures by
rearing and plunging, entirely unrniad-
ful of the dignity of the personage
astride her spinal column. It was get­
ting altogether too interesting for the
two bipeds concerned in tho transac­
“ Cut tho rope, cut tho ro p e !" shout­
ed Mr. V. to his dutiful son, meaning
the rope by which he was attached ta
the cow.
But tho son, being somewhat excited,
cut the rope by which the cow was fas­
tened to the stanchion. A t ouce avail­
ing herself o f the liberty thus offered,
the cow took an unceremonious exit The Be«t C U R E ! for C ug h« , Colds « n i
from the stable, and down through the C o n n ii r a p t I o n .
Bold by ail Druggists. Pr'ce, TO cen’ s.
street she went. The minister accom­
J K. GATE-i A CO., Pr. prie tors,
4 7 8 * i ’non.e Sr. H. F.
panied the cow, but in a manner not ex­
actly befitting the d ign ity of his profes­
As it happened, one o f the sisters of
the congregation was on tho street as
the race was in progress. Surprised at
snch a sight, the good sister cried out,
“ Why, Brother V ., where are you go­
His sense o f the ludicrous coming to
his aid. Brother V. shouted back: “ The
Lord and the cow only know. I don’ t !”
The clergyman was eventually rescued
The most powerful healing ointm tut ever
from his awkward perch and never at­
H E N R Y** CAKB’ HJC SALVE rn-e* sores.
tempted the feat again.— Voice.
h II mvb burn«.
S c o t t ’s
E m u ls io n
N ight Emissions,
Weak memory.
A tr o p h y , Sexual
Weakness, etc..
Surely cured by
Easy to c a r r y in
vest / <cket.
T h e most won
derful achievement
in Medical Science.
The only ackncnul-
odged perm an ent
cu re gun rantced .
Sent in p l a i n
w r a p p e r , o r at
all Druggists.
N ew York
t ig - !!/ Fulton St.
Price $ 1 . Six for $ 5 ,
S t a n d a r d R cm
C o
IN G ! !
KNOW Hint tin oltiest
unti I m * h 1 Photo-eturruv-
ing ofli«-e iu Hun Fran­
cis* o was (‘Rtuhlished
In 1*77 o.v th*- Malinger
of the DEW EY EX-
ORA V IN O CO , who
lias «e< urei] the latest
and best i ni p r o v e -
in «nt*-secret processe»
nini n f ill*-merit
of the most upproved
machinery, photo up-
parntus. powerful elec*
trie llfchin..etc. Having
S. F i/nAamv,
' » P‘T « > m I
superior artlMn. this
pioneer Co. turns out the highest chins of work
promptly, reliably and at uniformly moderile
price« forali kinds of engraving. Publish* rs helj ed
'.ogelup sn ciul Issues. Job printers and <-th< r«
dioiihl M*nci for samples, esiliti ate« and information.
A .T. D uvvky . Manager, au hinrket Hi., H. F Cal.
Its wcrtMng qn al it >sar< utiAii rpassed, act milly
ouilasting two b «xes o f ni iv oth er brstid. Free
f .o m Ali im al o i l . ( 1 K T T H E O I M ' I N E .
I N f iT U M
Mt£l<< ! l A S I M-
____________ and Dealers generally.
To the person or club returning us the larges!
□timber of
Certificates on or before Ju te 1. ISM, we w ill
give a cash prize of $ 100 , and to the next 1 r > -st
numerous other prit.-s ranging from $* •*■ t7n in
C ash .
CLObhET A DAYfcKS, Forums*), Or.
Sweet Virginia WAY
q u ic k l y
‘Tinv-THC LfFEr
Iíá ? A N lj^
powders we have ever tested.
P r o f . J o h n H. L o n g , Northwestern University, C h ic a g o .
D r . W a l t e r S. H ain . s , Rush M edical College, Chicago.
P r o f . A l b e r t B. P r e s c o t t , Univ. o f M ichigan, Ann Aroor."
W e llin g to n ’* G reatest Ila ttle .
Ely’s Cream Balm
greater leavening strength than any of the other baking
I t is sold on a gu aran tee b y ali d ru g ­
gists. I t cu res In c ip ie n t C onsum ption
a n d is th e best C ou gh and C ro u o
A W .U iD
a pure cream of tartar powder, that is has a considerably
In the sky the cloud fleece fliee.
Pursued by sun ray kisses.
For they are too cold to thrill
W ith love’s delicious blisses.
C o rresp o n d en c e C o n fid e n tia l.
“Chicago, March 28th, 1894.
India has hint 2 1 governors general,
W arren Hastings bt ing the first.
Come« as a riend In time o f need. It M » f e .
R e l i a b l e , and a S u r e C u r e
ra n be
taken at home. N o lo »» of tim e; tio publicity.
They write:—
S oftly doth the shadow’s lie
O ver all the grasses.
A nd the light wind whispers low
As through the trees it passes.
decide that Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder excels in all
Spentini ileclar««! that w ith him na­
ture was the U s t inspiration.
choicest compositions were comoived in
the fields ami woods.
Is a disease, and w ill use yonr lovi- e in fltero c
to have the P n t i r n i «C u re, th re w ill b«
S u u »lii> $ e where S o rro w s now dwells.
Scientists are devoting closer attention to food product».
A hitherto aupnblishfxi letter of the
Duke of W ellington written to Colonel
W ilke, one of the garrison of St. H e l­
ena when Napoleon was there, contains
the follo w in g interesting reference to
the duke’s greatest battle:
They use«l to call me the sepoy gen­
eral. It is due to my having been a se­
poy general tiiat I won the battle of
Waterloo. It targht me where to place
men w ith whom I conld trust the honor
of England and where to pla«-e men
who wero Dot so satisfactory. I had
troops w ith me at Waterloo in whose
hands the safety and honor of king and
country could w e ll be plaoed. I had
numbers o f others, some of whom I
could not trust at all, some I conld bare­
ly trust, and others who were not prop­
erly trained. It was owing to the fact
of my having learned in the sepoy wars
to place the best o f the men in tbe parts
of the field where the greatest courage
and bravery were require«!, and others
where those qualities were not required,
that I won tbe battle of Waterloo.—
Westminster Gazette.
heals pi < d pies.
FnrtiMTid. Wal'n Walla,
hpokmie, vis O K & N.
Hallway ¡and
Noi them Kailwuy to
points. Ht.
F au J, M i n n e a p o l i s ,
OODMim. M. Ion
cago lied K.-I t. A 'dress
C. C.
DonHvan, tien. Ag».f
F ortl*nd ,O r.; H.C HU-
vens. G*. h . Akt
.i tie,
Wash.: C.G Dixon,Geu. Agt.,Hpok 11 ,W**h. No
dust; rock-ballast track; hue scenery; jmlr*ce
sleeping ami dining cars;
t library eais;
fam ily tourist «le* fiers; new equipment.
cure., wo m id l­
and cuts. Ask for Henry’s; take no ovher. Be­
ware of counteifeiU. Sold by all drujtgiats; 26
centi a box. ____________________________
P. N. U. No. 577 - »
F N TT No *64
F O « C H IL D S tM
r w H < « S i l>nn .ii. S» tu : H
_________________ T I S
IN T H F ! F N D -
artre? Do«** e ve ry »tep «*-m a bni«I*-n? You n w l
M O O R E ’S
«3ROCERIE* AND PROYiSTOJîbnf u.. «„ d we wlfl « V « yoo m o »«» w „ h.- . v r e . » .
,r^ « » Vslneor no.:.. We boy .nd ell f ,r « « t « . ”
¿h í.w
than .ny other firm in the eonntry. Send a.yon r n>me .n.l wt.lre.. and « e wi*]
new prx-e 1
which w,ll be out « o n . We « t f r to d.y : <"
” J Z Z )Ja ,
Lu d
B y rranuLted .u g .r in lo-Ib u c k . lor.---- ft 00 | B e .tc .e l oil r - r cere
; 15 _________________
• Arbuckle’. citi,e
. . ' ., " ,¡¿7 ” 2 £ m
_ p
rv. ^ f. u , " .... I ....
Send nt « U»t o f what >ou
you need, .n
d we w ill make you
von >r—
m . i price*.
... .. ..
. mires«
. . . . . . jou
. . . . r . . orden»
. I — , to
Bsrt bBMd. of.fcw._r per barrel....-
M A R K L. C O H N A CO. 1 * 0 F r o n t S tre e t, P o r tla n d . O r.