I .s * -s • V *■ 9 .. \ X f Heart Palpitation The New Era has this : “ Once a It is not always the peo le with ra m ei.t out west and was killed j the latest pocket books who are A dispatch dated af Baltimore in a cyclone. His friends tele­ ha) piest during the holidays. It T1 ere i ever was a be ter time in tells this interesting story of a rat: In d ig e stio n , Im pure Blood i* a poor way to estimate Christmas the history of O r e g o n to make a v rat extinguished every in can les- graphed for the remaius to be sent C ured by H o o d ’s . PL'BLIÍHKD EVERY SATtRDAY. by the gifts. well defined systematic and organiz­ ent electric light iu a large num­ east, aud the reply can e b a c k : : E. P . T H O R P , - - E D IT O R . are no remains.” This! DE A LE RS IN 2'arrgoric Doomed. ed effort to bring people to this ber of buildings in the central part “ There La Crosse Chronicle: Notice lia state to till our soil and develop f the city on Thanksgiving night, reminds us of the story of the two SATURDAY, DEC. 29, - - 1894 o ir industries been issued by the State board of It is people of set fire to the switchboard in the young men who caine out west to p mm iuy that paregoric comes means, of thrift, of enterprise we > tsh Electric Light Works on hunt hear, and the first bunt; : within the list of poisonous drugs van’ and it is just such people that Ionument street, near Constitution; proved a fatal one, who was Utterly , : an adulturnted medicines, and its we shall get if we fall in line and nagbed up the switchboard, de­ eaten by a big grizzly. The o her e.ile will be followed by prosecution join some general movement of stroyed the insulation and tuiued a young man telegraphed bom i the ; - C. whenever reported1 to the lonrd. merit which rn the very nature of lot of wire, causing a damage that result, and boxed up the bear— j A vU , The price of the E ch o - L ead er ik which he had subsequently killed— ! Time was when a mother deprived things cannot fail to be a success. will cost many dollars ‘ o repair. (2 and the Weekly Examiner, (S. F.) I of her paregoric bottle would it nave Imve We of The North are doing noth­ The rat entered behind the and sent it to the uufortunate tnan’6 ID $1 .50, but to rai-et the ‘hard time* d< spoiled of “ raising” her ing to secure our share of the im ­ switchboard and started towards elativeB, Iu a few days 1 e r ceiv- we will furnish both for $2 50. but as we look at it now the mense immigration to those sec­ the machin n is. : ont. Just as lie ed a dispatch, which reed: “ Bear eceived O. K „ but no remains.” i is that so many grown-up people pe I tions, while if we should bestir out- T irkey regards a treaty only at- got under the switchboar 1 there He wired back: “ Remains inside of ro much paper, ink, sealing wax and selves we can get our share and was a bright fl; sh of light, and thei Hr. D. W• B ridget are on *1“ * tol> “ ide <»£ the turf. “O. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell. Mas«. W hi AT AS A Sl'OCK F o o d . — \\ he t. red tape to tie it up. The sacred­ more than our share. We have the catastrophe was accomplished utar.” “Dear Sirs: — Durins tlM winter ana «prln; I . ness of a treaty doesn’t bothei vacant lauds that will accommodate The rat had been standing wit I have used a dozen Lottie» o! Hood's Sarsa;» aa 11 coll!unis more pr lein ! . A Spokane Minister: Therein an rilla In my family, and I am quit* »ure we liav» , orn, isbett*r ailapte 1 for li i - Turkish despots and statesmen to thousands of thrifty people, and i his hind feet cu one brass terrains ..in sin, monstrous and diabolical, IX I3 A V been greatly benefited by it For years I hay» that work, for vouug st.u k that s any large extent. Japan could teucl we go at it now with a vim born of and put his front feet on anothei ¡hat has for ages crawled the earth. been troubled with lndlge«tloa, accompanied growing, and for co*\s that arc* pi in­ our needs and requirements in this Instantly 2700 volts of electricity It is iu every community, in every Turkey a lesson. ducing milk. wi ile corn is in< e lirection we can get them without passed through his body, a voltage congregation, iu every institution, suitable for rapid gaiu i i fa*. The people of the United States When fed to hogs, wheat should l e difficulty. Many of our people are able to produce 1000 horse power. in every literary aud professional OREGON. went the Nicaragua Canal. They, LEM ATI. ground and soaked. For cows it ready to help the movement along He was wet, and Ins hair was com circle. It whispers, it hisses, it li s, however, differ upon the questiou should be ground an»l fed with by our financial support and l>y pletely burned iff, his h oly being it blasphemes. My text names it equal parts of corn and oats, or the whether the United States govern personal efforts, and if we do this rigid, as if suddenly frozen in tb< -vhen it says, “ Jealousy is the rage whole may be ground together. ment should guarantee the money.. we may expect to see within the act of stepping across from one .f mau.” It is grief at the so; er- by «ympathetlc heart trouble, arid Hood'» Bar- If brand is added to the ground How it shall be built, and whether next few years prosperity in Ore brass piece to another. iority of others in talent, or wealth, sap ,rilla has done me very much good. We mixture the food will contain more it can be built without government have ».so given it to the children for Impure mineral matter and protein, thus gon that we never dreamed of be­ or beauty, or elegance, or virtue, or blood and ringworm with very Rood results.” aid, are the questions. balancing the ratio. D 1U G H - M ARRYIN G OFF i n fore. social or professional or political re­ D. W. B ridcif . s . Pleasant Hill. Oregon. In a recent pig-feeding trial at an N. B. It you decide to take Hood's Sarsapa­ TERS. These arc hard times and we will Senator Butler of South Carolina, cognition. It put a rough stick in rilla do not be Induced ta buy any other. agricultural experiment station iu who retires to make way for Tilltnau, never see better times as long as we hands of the first boy that was ever H o o d ’ S P ills cure all Liver Ills. Biliousness, Australia pigs fed ou w heat con­ The marrying off of daughters sumed 2190 pouuds iu four mouths, Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache. 25c. is the handsomest and one of the sit idly by and let others do the horn aud said to him, “ Now, Cain, and taking 410 pounds iu four involves a good deal o f sleepless most polished men in Congress. It work or try to do it themselves. when AI.el is looking the other way, GIVE TH E G IRLS A CHANCE. months, and taking 410 pounds as ness. If a woman has a large farni has been said of him that he would Independence West Side crush iu his skull, for his sacrifice i the dressed weight increase, it ly, by the time the youngest, girl i6 fan a lady or fight a duel with equal has been accepted and yours reject­ made a shade over five pounds of A novel point was raised in a SAM JONES' LATEST. ou the carpet the mother has arriv­ grace, and it is certain that he is the ed.’’ Aud Cain | icked up the stick breach of promise case iu Poitland increase for oue bushel of wheat Whatever succeeds or fails, “ Sam ed at that time of life when she Experiments in this country have very flower of Southern chivalry— as though to walk with it, and recently. Miss Louie Tillock listen­ been quite as favorable to wheat Jones” still goes on, achieving fame wauts to get. to bed early. Some­ ed to the soft words of love and as­ daring, vain, proud and punctilious. while Abel was watching some and money by his undoubted geniu9 times this is rather hard on the girl. surance of eternal fidelity made by feeding. Altogether he is one o f the last of birds in the treetop down came the one Allen Calef, and became eu for telling one part of a congrega There is such a mother, and every the cavaliers. first blow of the first assassination, aged to marry the dashing dude 1 C IT A T IO N T O H E IR S . tion what the other thinks o f them time she meets a new young man which has bad its echo in all the But Allen concluded he was not lov- j In the County Court of Lane County, State of Oregon, iu the nutter of the Estate of Hiram The beautiftil flower slow s are He seems to be rivalling Lorenzo her conversation iu some way or homicides of all the ages and all ing wisely and for some reason' Lee, Sr., deceased. To the sheriff of Lane County, greeting: enlarging their scope and sp< catl­ Dow, in the things he dares say up­ other always gets around to the ad­ broke the engagement, and the In the name of the State of Oregon, you are nations. young lady brought an action hereby nquired to cite Hiram Lee, Matilda ing into new localities every fall. on the pulpit-plattorm, and it is no vantage of keeping early hours. Keeney, Delphina C. Emerson, Columbus Lee, Wo are pleased to announce to our against the iucotistant swain for ?*lalissa Kennedy, Sarah Curry, Margarette Even in towns where there are not wonder that the more wicked of his At length and with such enthusiasm Polite A. Kaler, Lucinda Davis, Mary readers that we have made arrange­ damages. The attorneys for the Winkle, E. Wi scar son, Thomas Lee. Sarah M Miller, florists or rich people enough to hot fellow-Southernm-s sometimes she ta ks on this subject that by the ments to furnish The Prairie Farmer defendant demurred to the com ­ Small Bowman, David Bowman, James B. Line- make a great spread of the forced assault him, and try to pay back time the young man comes to ruakt o f Chicago and the E cho - L eader to plaint and argured that the lady be­ bow, Columbus B. Llnebow, Emma Barrett, Douglas Linebow, tta Nye, and ah others, un­ farmers for only $2 a year for cash. Japauese chrysuntheums there are with blows some of the tongue-lash­ his maiden call he is in a condition The Praire Farmer is" the brightest, ing under age could not make i. known, heirs at law of Hiram Lee, Sr., deceased, to be and appear in the County Court of lame Produce taken in exchange for Q-oods. ■till dozens of varieties o f the beau­ ings he gives them. At Pulaski, to be sensitive to the sounds he cleanest and freshest agricultural pa legal marriage engagement, Judge County, State o f Oregon, at the Court house thereof, in the city of Eugene, iu said Lane tier of the day. It has complete de­ tiful, hardy home flower that grow Tennessee, he is reported to have hears about the house, and especi­ partments foi'every member of the Hurley held that a contract of eu County, on the Wr»t Monday in February, 1896, that being a legular term of the County Court »»f i and bloom gloriously only for the said, a few days ago, in the course ally iu the rooms above. A young family It has new Editors, and gagement of marriage with a ininm i said county, at io o'clock in the forenoon of said i was valid. No one could plead iu ] day. and then and there show cause, if any they special writers of national promi planting. of a sermon— “ I want all the women man in this nervous state paid the neiice. It is now read in more thai fancy as an excuse for breaking th. j have, why au order should not be made author-1 • iziug aud directing the Executor of the Estate o f 1 « said Hiram Lee, m \, to Nell the real property l>e- j — in this crowd who have not spoken young woman a visit the other eve­ 100,000 farmers’ homes each week contract except-such minor A eon j longing to the said estate or a part thereot for I Our readers will want it for the com­ Ohio has a record to be really I the purpose t»f paving the debts against said! tract of an adult to marry a ininm ning. The conversation was fairly a harsh word or bnj bored an un­ ing year. Don’ t miss the Thanks­ | estate and expenses of administration, as prayed proud of this jear. The report of kind thought against their husbands launched when au alarm clock weu giving and Christmas numbers. Th' was as legal as with one of ad ill ! for in the petition tiled in the said cause, said i real property is described as follows, to-wit: regular subscription price of Th age. her railway commissioner says that Beginning at a point 2 o.o 8 chains south and for a month past to stand up.” One off overhead. He sprang to bis Prairie Fanner alone is $1 0C a year 3.50 chains east from claim No. 47, to. 21 S. R. 3 not a single passenger has been S o jie T h i s g s t o L e a r n . — Learn tu w. quarter post on line between sections 32 and old woman apparently on the shady feet. “ Was that for me?” he asked This oiler will close December 31 in tp. 2*> 8. tf. 3 w; thence west C5.9G chains: ! 1894. killed on Ohio railroads during the laugh. A good laugh is better thai 33, thence south 24-4» chains: thence east 56.54 i side of sixty stood up. “ Come for­ He was reassured that the clock i chains; theme north 1.73 chains; thence east 9.07 j medicine. Learn to tell a story present year through accident. The Tribune of Benton, Ky., A well-told story is as welcome as i 1 chains; thence north 22.77 chains to the place of ward aud give me your hand,” said often did that on its own resposibil- begin ing, co .tabling in tp 20 s. K. 3 w, 130.63 Two men were killed iu the state by the preacher. The woman did so, ity. The young tuau sat down aud learns that up in Calloway county sunbeam iu a sick room. Learn t> acres aud in tp. 21 S. R. 3 w. 28.76 acres, in the aggregate 159.39 acres, excepting and reserving i jum ping off trains iu motion, but keep your own troubles to yourseli therefrom 21 acres deede to H. E. Underwood whereupon Jones said: “ Now, turu the conversation was again under there lives a man known as Unc by deed recorded in deed book “ H” on page 270; this was the result of their own around aud let this audience see the way when sounds of violeut pound­ Reuben Wyatt He is over 100 Lrean to stop croaking. If ym also excepting and reservingthcrefrnn 7.otiacres deeded to the Willamette Real Estate Company recklessness. A small per cent ot cannot see any good in the world by deed rec»>rded in deed book “ J ” page 67; also heat lookiug woman iu the country.” ing were heard in the room above. years old, and is now in good health. keep the bad to yourtelf. Lenin t< excepting and reserving therefrom 10 acres passengers is killed by railway After she bad took her seat the re­ Again the young man sprang to bi.~ Sixty years ago be had bis fortuu hide your paius and aches under > deeded to Delphina Enters- n by deed recorded iu deed book No. 24 on page 345. the land re­ accidents in any case. It is the vivalist addiessed the men: “ Now, I feet “ That is for me 1” Vainly told, aud the fortune teller told bin pleasant smile. No one cures t< maining belonging to said estate being 121.33 acres. Delng part of the Donation Claim of trainmen who suffer. want all the meu iu this crowd who ti:e girl assure h iu i that her moth­ ¡hat he would live to be over 100 near whether you have the earacln Thomas Gibson Nos. 63 and 47, Notification No 866, in sections 31 and 32, in tp. 20 S. R. 3 w and 'Virtfe* to inform thorn* who are con ten» pUting l»uil ling in the -pring to hand have not spoken a harsh word or er was only pounding dog buscuu years old, and that he would be headache or rliumaiisui. Don’t cry j in sec. 4 aud 5 in tp. 21 S. R. 3 w, situated iu in lh»*ir order» for lumber now. «o lh»*y run he The United ¡States regular army I Tears do well enough in novels. Iiu Lane county, Oregon. harbored au unkind thought to- for a favorite pup. But the young married seven times. Time passe And it is ordered by the Court, the Hon. A. H. seems to be improving mentally, they are out of place in real life : Fisk, county Judge of Lane county, dated De- cetnbers 1894. that service be made on Margar- morally and physically. The last wanl their wives for a month past ti mau was uuuerved aud took his hat. ou and now he is 100 years old. The good humored man or worn« i j ette Winkle. Polite A. Kaler, Lucinda Davis, daughter expostulated two weeks ago he buvr/e d^«s sixth m'always welcome, but the drupe; ) Sarah Miue.- and all unknown heirs by publica- report on its conditio shows that stand up.” Tweuty-seven great, big, I When the | tion in the Cottage Grove E cho -L eadkh , a j Vith any kind o f lumber you may wish, whi« h will then !>e ready, and you wife, and is now ou the market for tic dr hypochondriac is not waiite. i newspaper of general circulation, published I more young men of Americuu birth strapping fellows hopped out of the her mother took the yoou g man» won't have to wait. ! weekly in said county, for four successive i his seventh one, and when the cere­ anywhere, aud is a nuisance ns well i weeks. audience with all the alacrity of discomfiture with calmness, simply are eulisting. The recruiliug offi- Witness the Honorable A. H. Fisk, Judge o f ! — Ex. mony is performed that smites him the c untv Court of Lane comity, of the State of cera are also becoming mure partic­ i-haiupagne-corks. “Come forward reinarkiug that it was time for the Orders From a Distance Promptly Attended To Tli« Question Is, Can to o Girl* K eep tit» Oregon, tids 8th day of December, 1894. to liis seventh wife theD he is rea and give me your hands, my dear dog to go to bed, anyway.— E i A. c . .) K.V M VN. Secret. ular in their selection of soldiers. j 81 AL ! County Clerk. to die. During the last fiscal tear 82 per boys.” Junes gave each oue a rig change. f < r Send iu your order* nt once. del 5-28 The stnpfe of Dailey’s theater wm T he P a in s o f R h eu m a tism cent of all applicants for enlistment orous shake, after which he ranged | From a letter to Mr8. Frank Les i 'O I T A G K G R O V E , OREGON. So idn' According to the best authorities, turned iuta au 1iiiiiuiniv were rejected. Good moral charac­ all o f them side by side in front of He; The liroblem of VOVvTtJ is „ S H E R IF F S SALE ON FORE originate in a morbid condition of the mor, lug, Oiic* of tiie lending no to- the pulpit, and facing the audience, i • . , ter aud sober habits are now r r > b frightful one wblcil cau never be nlood. Lactic acid, caused by the ei s ol the Gaiety G ill com tun CLOSURE He looked them over carefully aud ! , , , , necessary qualifications. J \ solved by charity, “ Charity covers a decomposition of the gelatinous 4, at tile rate of ten (loi 'per cent one of much value to that part ot State of Tennessee.” ted by rheumatism, and the joints at per annum, and for the sum of tice. Broad as is the mantle of the knees, ankles, hips and wrists an 1 limole 1 that 1-0:111 of the girls lilt sixty (6 o .* h »> dollars, attorney fees and the fur­ country and deserves all the sup­ ther sum of five (5.00) and 4<>-loo also sometimes attacked. Thousand great hfficulty in deciding j.lh: charity, there are some sius it can­ d«dlars costs, iu a suit in said LOSS UPON LOSS. port that can possibly be given it. •f people have f< uud in Hood’s court, wherein A. L. Coliius was plaintiff, and not cover. It cannot co\er the sins Sarsaparilla a positive and permanent win re t o b e v a e c in a e d . T h e y d i li. D»it' aud bar ah Doty, his wife were defend­ n o t w a n t lilt ir p tty ¿llid b » ¡is t ig u l- ants, and against said defendants, li. Doty, aud The creamery will have a capacity of injustice aud misgovern ineut. cure for rheumatism. It. has hao barah Doty, his wife, and on a decree of Fore­ The janitor o f a Philadelphia capable of bandliug the milk from remarkable success in curing the • d , ne n .o s i o í U n t o L in e l o d a u c i 1 closure aud order ot bale rendered i 11 said suit, It cauuot cover the sms of disiu- ino.-t severe cases. The secret of its 1 s Well a « Kin»*, nii»l tion t w a n t 10 coninmudina me in order to satisfy said ludg- Cottage Grove, 1500 cows. This milk they expect school building bad beeu worried Oregon 1 .... , . - „ „ • 1 ment and costs, aud accruing costs to sell the success lies in the fact that it attacks heritiug the great majority of men Ilkt* any clu tlii on hfciu«j vncciua • follow ing described real property, tow it: o un­ to buy from the farmers of that half to death from time to time by at once the cause of the disease by te d uu lu e u ib e is s o im p o r t a n t t o A FUEL L IN E OF mencmg 19 .yj chains KHunami 38chains west of from their mother, Earth— from the neutralizing the lactricacid and puri­ T 1 , ; the north east corner off Lot No. locality aud for which they will pay- the loss of various little but vitally s e t t le d SOin» h o w , one(l) ill sectio.: eighteen (18,) township twenty fying tiie blood, as well as strength­ «liiu cer. It w as laud which alt wealth must he pro m u t-v ci- tlm n .r li iipiiliB i- , 11 . 1 .,.. <'M> «"«M*. ran«* *»ur (4) «a-st, tlwuer west sixty cents per hundred-weight. important articles essential to the ening every function of the body. .t o u e v e t , ui.H J^u lie iin c i tile H o c- j 4 t >.21 chains; thence south 26.37 chains; thence duced. Nor cau it cover the siu ot l o t s u o r t l i e Lri i l s w o u l d k uv h o w . I **»» <-I i ; l |[|'. llh'iii-t- North n i l c h a i n s to From oue to two thousand pouuds educational industry. One day it •’ [ tue place o f beaiuumg, coi taming 122 acre« o f O regon P otatoes in t h e L ead .— saddling the people with enormous G o in s t o D ra w tin- L in e a t JVrsoim l 'i1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l-Hlu’ Cnuuty, OrcKoil, together with all was the chalk, another, the broom, 1 o f butter will be made at the cream­ s, j the tenements, hereditaments anil aiipurtenan- w h ic h On exhibition at the rooms of the • CBS, thereunto belonging or iu anywise apper- another, a feather d u ster; aud so Ful,lio “ e l,u ’ lbe lule‘ est of ery each day.— Medford Mail. A r lo v p r t day of November, This speaks well for that country, whose wooden hends she is eu 1894, at the rale o f ten (lo) per cent per The Southern Pacific has tree ex-1 w h j one Man is Thankful, nomah’s indebtedness in propor­ annum; and for the sum of one hundred (loo.oo) deavoring to inject a taint idea ol dollars attorney’s fees and the furtiier sum of and shows that Oregon lands ure perts in the field who have been s e -! I am thankful because I am rod- tion to the assessed wealth, which the limitations of the English lan­ five (5.oo) and 40-100 dollars, costs iu a suit in TH E said Court wlierdu S II. Edwards was plaintiff capable of producing almost any­ leeted to travel throughout th e haired, I might he bald, is about $50,000,000 tbis year, is guage and incidentally the Chris­ and Samuel Lucas and Jeremiah Pipes and Har­ W e arc prepared to make loans on riet Pipes, his wife, were defendant», and I am thankful there is a young thing in the vegetable liue uuequnl- tian religion. vastly less than that of Jackson southern part of the state and mark against said defendants. ¡Samuel Lucas and Jer­ well improved farms in Lane and j Iu her class, on a recent Sunday, emiah Pipes aud Harriet Pipes, lus wife, and on adjoining Counties, on from 3 to 5 'N O W M ADE BY TH E county. We have a “ neat little trees, which will be transplanted in l®dy next door who practices on the ed by any other state in the union. a decree of Foreclosure and Order of Sale ren­ she was giving Ching Pui an object dered in said suit, commanding me iu order to years time, in sums to suit, at sum” of something like $200,000 a system of parks by that railway : piano two hours a day. She might What better advertisement does said judgment aud costs, and accruing ttt re' / ) — lesson on the wonderful creations of satisfy Special rates for r large 1 > ^ costs; to sell the following described real prop-* luced rates. hanging over our heads in the, company at various points along i practice four, and, in addition, Oregon want than the numerous God. ty to wit: The northeast quart r ( 4) of the amounts. No delay in closin northeast quarter ( .) of section thirty-six ( 36 ) products which she has ou exhibi­ ■ mpe of protested county warrants, t ’leir line. The woik o f sele ting j «night have a brother addicted to “See, Ching,’’ she said, “ see this township n.ueteeii (19) south, range five (.>» west For full particulars, call on __ _ _ _ _ _ the northwest quarter ( 4) of tiie southwest tion throughout the state?— Port­ beautiful rose. God made this and and about $5,000,000 of taxable trees will consume about one months the cornet habit, quarter ( 4) and the south one-half (>$) of the Comnany’s Agent nt the office of rose. He made it. look pretty and northwest quarter ( 4) "f section tweutv-nlne Williams & Co., Eugene, Oregon, time. The parks to be established I am thankful I am the father of land Sun. property to secure them. and the south ou e-half (v*) o f the southeast PHOTO COMPANY. smell sweet. G od made all things (29) quarter ( ) and the northeast quarter ( ) of the opprmite the “ Hotel Eugeue.”ju lvl4. by the Southern Pacific will repre- twins. Suppose they hud beeu Through the work of the Lane south-east quarter ( 4) of section thirty (mi) and The above cut on any Photograph I Clung. He made you and he made Siss o f E xtravagance .— There are sent an outlay of over $1.000,000 triplets? tiie uorth oue-lialf ( a) o f the northwest quarter a guarantee of exeellenee. Ei,larging county court iu going over the me. Now, tell me, Ching w h o ! I « ) it,Hl Ule *9>riliwest quarter ( ,) off the north- from any kind of Picture, in Crayon more ways o f being extravagant On ■ ot their new parks will be at vast quarter ( ,) of section thirty-one (31) towu- I am thankful I wear a number assessment rolls aud bringing to made the rose?’’ | ship nineteen (19) south, range four (4) Ink or Colors. Call and see our sam­ than by spending money, writes Salem. west, containing 4er bushel. The demand for j W agner’s tuusic ? ders to W il l a r d & M o f f e t , all persons trespassing thereon after before the co u rt And this iiura- Ching?” “ God makee m e,’ replied this date will tie prosecuted to the full by tiny other looker ' n lxtiava- flax has been constant for several Cottage Grove, Oregon. I am thankful I learned to smoke ber the assesuieut of 46 wits raised. ^ He makee me to look extent of the law. years and there seems to be no 1 cigars. I might have tackled cigar- ,, „ , plettv and smelle sweet.” yant words have bet used, the L. H. Y abbuocgh . One man s assessment was laised r,,' ■ , . , , room for doubting that flax is a pay- ¿Ues Mending and Repairing. She is endeavoring to teach the situation has been made dramatic, ing crop at the above figure espec- p ttru thauklul j can t think of H11V $10,J0 ) and on several a raise ol Chinaiueu a few other things, bu Clothing mended and repaired by and what was ordinary, every-.lay .ally where contra, ted ahead. The lnore tbll 8 to be , , . . IlKfui f „ r. j f from $1000 to $2000 was taade. will let personal similes with the Mas. V i s B ’ i M «, W est side o f Cottage A d m in is t r a t o r ’s N otice. occurence is, by extravagant lan­ on v chance the farmer is running Ico u ld j 8,l0uid t,e obll ed to write _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rose rest for a while.— Chicago Grove Oregon. Notice la here by siven, that by virtue o f aa will be m getting a large enough tbeui down.— Puck, COTTAGE GROVE, OR. guage, made to st em something oi order of the couni nty court, of lamé County, <1 yield. lion, the undersigned, has been duly appMi it tidy’s P ile S u p p ository TlILes- ' | Clothing lor Ladies and Children great importance. •rintlnwtratnr, ot the estate off David ■ « The W orld's Fair Tests is guaranteed t,. cure i’Ucs aud Constipation, or The past year shows a great de- Have opened a new boot and shoe; late o f Lane county, deceased. All person* Extravagance in dress very often money refunded. 0 « cents per box. send two crease iu the number of matriages. shop in the next building west of F. Made to order cheap for cash or having claims against said estate ar»* hereby re- ROYAL Baking Powder. show ed no powder . qulred to present the same duly verified, to the TIN itlDY. Keystered niarmacit, Lancaster, l o o much financial depression. ’">• lo u n g e r s grocery store, Main country produce, by means improper dressing— over­ : adminlstraio , at Cottage Drove. Oregon, within Highest o f all in leavening so pure or so in leav­ six months from the date off this notice. dressing. first class druggists’ everywhere, ana tuEu’seuei Dr. Price’s Cream B akin g ,'o w d e r ‘ efct' New work and repariug Mas. i ct S axfoku , » Dated Cottage Grove. Oregon. Nov. 2 nd A. Strength,— U. S. aoverament Report. ening pow er as the Royal. Oregon uy Osuoru and Deiano 1 «warded Gold Meda: Midwdater F «r, San Francisco promptly done to Order 1 la *. K II McftBT. Administrator Cottage Grove. Cutte Grove feho-Leader. OREGON WANTS PEOPLE. A RAT S A C L LEWIS & BURKHOLDER. General Merchandise The Echo-Leader is the best Weekly Pap#r in Lane County. WOOL, HILLS AND FU Lumber, Shingles and C rain. Agents for the sale of the HOOD’S Sarsaparilla CURES GROCERY STORE IS C A R R Y IN G First Class Goods, JlSt M is Tie P t. Fresh V e g e ta b le s and Fruit in season. F. S YO U N G ER . LU J. B. ROUSE, PR O M PTLY FILLED N e w Goods and N e w S ty le s L U R C H ’S C LO TH IN G , DRY GOODS. B O O T S and S H O E S . Ladies Dress Goods, Hats and Domestics- A ll Sizes of Trunks- This stock has just been refilled and is the best selected in town. Farm Loans. Acknowledged to lie tbe Best: PHOTOGRAPHS Z\ Brick 1 Sale! Dewald & Currin : Boot and Shoemakers, baking great )