\ :c:o:o:o:c: f¥ 0:© X 5X 2 No Baking Powder Exhibited at the 1 W orld’s Columbian Fair Tested So High A t the U. S . Gov’ t Examination F o r S t r e n g t h , P u r it y a n d U n if o r m it y As the Royal. T h e official report shows R O Y A L B A K I N G P O W D E R chem ically pure and yieldin g 16 0 cubic inches o f leavening g a s per ounce o f pow ­ der, which w as greatly in excess o f all others and more than 40 per cent, above the average. R o y a l is t h e fa v o r ite in e v e r y k itc h e n a n d h a s a la r g e r s a le t h a n a ll o th e r s c o m b in e d . ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. 106 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. o io io iq T H E Y ARE DEAD. A STUPID ATTEMPT who never told a lie— But he’s dead— Never said it was wet when the weather was dry- Ne\er said He’d caught fish when he hadn’t caught one. Never said he’d Cone something that he hadn’ t To Sell Bad Whisky Under a Popular done. Brand. Never ecolded hi t wife, and never got mad And wouldn’t believe that the v c ^ sc bad, A respecter of men, & defender of woraia, Who believed the divine, and in that wnich Brand* and L ab els o f th e Faraon* Jesse was human. M oore W h is k y Im ita te d by a Seattle feck as Moses—he never was understood, and the poor man died of being too good. Im p orter, W h o Is N ow Unc’er A rrest. And he’s dead. There was a man There was & woman who never had gossiped a bit— She’s dead, too— Who hated all scandal, nor listened to it. She believed in mankind, took care of her cat, Always turned a deaf ear to this story or that. Never scolded her husband-she never had one; No sluggard was she, but rose with the sun. Never whispered in meeting, didn’t care for a bonnet Or all of the feathers that one could put on it; Never sat with the cho:r nor sang the wrong note; Expressed no desire to lecture or vote. For the poor soul was deaf as a post—also dumb. Yon might have called forever, and she wouldn’t have come. And the’« dead. —Jeannette la Flamboy In Outlook. T H E O LD GENEF AL’S SCHEM E. Effective as an India * Exterminator, but Too Mercilr « to Try. “ A good many -■ ars ago the Co­ manche Indians use to harry and an­ noy the people c f 1 xas by predatory incursions, pretty nimh, I fancy, as the Scottish highlanders did their brethren who dwelt in less mountainous regions, ’ ’ arid Colonel A lf Mason of the Lone y State. “ The Comancbes, too, had jtly the same purposo in view that -animated the adherents of Rob Roy— the lifting of cattle— and it would he hard to say which mad» greatest •---------- nf .¡in Jjj^-iuess, the sturdy free­ booters o f Scoua or the copper hued .denizens of the American plaina The ^ ^ 4 Texans of coarse resented to the ut­ most this conduct of the redskins, and many a brave paid the death penalty for trying to get away with horses or cows that did not belong to him. “ Many a poor settler, too, in trying to I save his little homestead, fell a victim to tho barbarous foe, Some unusually cruel raids, in which a number of white women and little children were butch ered, about the year 1859, in W illiam ­ son county, not far from the state capi­ tal, caused tho resentment of tho people to riso to a boiling pitch, and vengeance was 6woru against the whole tribe of marauding red demons. The affair was so ruthless in its atrocity that it came very near being the cause of a whole­ sale slaughter of the Indians, which could have scarcely been justified. “ The proposition came from one of the noted frontiersmen and Irdian fighters of that day, who has long sinoe «| crossed over the river, General Hender­ son. The old man advanced it coolly and could with difficulty be persuaded r v to abandon it. It was to invite, under the guise of pretended friendship and reconciliation, all the Comanches that could be assembled in a great scope of surrounding country to a big barbecue, where there was to bo eating and drink­ ing galore and a general smoking of the of peace. It was to be a grand feast, especially in tho roast beef part of the menu, said beef to be artistically dressed with poison enough to kill every son of a gun of an Indian that partook of it. Well, they wouldn’ t let the old general carry out his scheme, and he got very hot over it and to tho day of his death cursed the sentimental fools that interfered with his pious for reduc­ ing the Comanche census. ” if 7 | THE BUSINESS MAN’S LUNCH. H a r- Work and Indigestion go hand in hand. Concentrated thought, continued in. robs the stomach of necessary blood, and this is also true of hard physical labor. When a five horse-pewer engine is made to do ten horse-power work something is going to break. Very often the hard- worked man coming from the field or the office will “ bolt ” his food in a few min­ utes which will take hours to digest. Then too, many foods are about as useful in the stomach as a keg of nails would be in a fire under a boiler. The ill-used stomach refuses to do its work without the proper stimulus which it gets from the blood and nerves. The nerves are weak and “ ready to break.” because they do not get the nourishment they require from the blood, finally the ill-used brain is morbidly wide awake when the overworked man at­ tempts to find rest in bed. The application of common sense in the treatment of the stomach and the whole system brings to the busy man the full en­ joyment of life and healthy digestion when he takes Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets to relieve a bilious stomach or after a too hearty meal, and Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery to purify, enrich and vitalize the blood. The Pellets ” are tiny sugar-coated pills made of highly concen­ trated vegetable ingredients which relieve the stomach of al1 offending matters easily and thoroughly. They need only be taken for a snort time to cure the biliousness, constipation and slothfulness, or torpor, of the liver; then the “ Medical Discovery” should be taken in teaspoonful doses to in­ crease the blood and enrich it. It has a peculiar effect upon the lining membranes of the stomach and bowels, toning up and strengthening them for all time. The whole system feels the effect of the pure blood coursing through the body and the nerves are vitalized and strengthened, not deadened, or put to sleep, as the so-called celery compounds and nerve mixtures do —but refreshed and fed on the food they need for health. If you suffer from indi­ gestion. dyspepsia, nervousness, and any of the ills which come front impure blood ami disordered stomach, you can cure yourself with Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery which can be obtained at any drug store in the country. The recent arrest in Seattle, Wash., of Aaron Jaffe by a United Slates internal revenue officer for wholesaling liquor with­ out a license has disclosed one of he most daring and dangerous frauds that has been perpet aied against the government, and against one of the most reputable and pop- 11 .ar whisky firms in the United States. Numerous complaints have reached Moore, Hunt & Co. of San Francisco, sole agents on the Pacific Coast ol the famous old Jesse Moore whisky, tba’ a counterfeit ar tide wit* being largely sold in Washington. I ne labels, bottler- and wrappers were eac1 so exact an imitation of the genuine as to readily d*ceive the owners o f the origtial brand. The contents were, however, as might be expected, not even an imitation but of so vile a character as to be readily detected by any one who is familiar wit the high quality of ill-Jesse Moore whisky. Jaffe confined his operations to the sale of case goods; therefore detrition was easy, as was also success in disposing of his goods, which l»ore the popular AA brand. Ostensibly Jaffe was acting a* agent for the ‘‘ Golden Medal Distilling Company ol Chicago.*’ possibly a mythical concern. At any vate. all bills were ma le out and re ceipted in the name of that company kfowever, in a type-written letter prepared byJafle and mailed without signature to liquor dealers in Washington, he openly claimed that the whisky was spurious, but that the label* and bottles were so success fully imitated as to deceive even Jesse Moore ik Co. or their agents, and in this a ngle claim he was correct. It hps been said that “ poor things are never imitated,” which is a truism that even Jesse Moore A Co. and M »ore, Hunt e. with severe penalt es. Alto gether, n would seem that t’ D imitator ol an excellent article has involved h niseif to an extent which will necessitate his pro­ longed retirement from the whisky busi­ ness. When arrested and confronted with the evidence of his crime, Jaffe broke down and made a full confession of his own guilt, without, however, implicating his partners in the fraud, whose identity is yet in doubt. The facts will doubtless come out on the trial. As the evidence against Jaffe is cu mulative and abundant, there is no doubt of his conviction. This is the most daring attempt yet made to imitate the Jesse Moore whisky, but the manufacturers may find some satisfaction in the fact that the culprit is suppressed Moore, Hur t & Co. will vigorously push the prosecution of Jaffe for fraud in coun­ terfeiting their trade-mark and labels. Carnot ami Joan Carries. The death of Jean Carries, the «cnlp* tor, recalls an anecdote in which he and the late President Carnot were the prin­ cipal actors. Tho artist’s busts and figures at the Champ de Mars excited the admiration of all, and they were de­ servedly classed in the first rank. M. Carnot, when on his visit to the salon, noticed an old man, who seemed much moved on seeing him, standing before the works of art of the sculptor. Some one said to the president, alter pointing out the artist: “ Here is need for repara­ tion, M. le President Carries is one of our most skillful men of art, and he is not yet decorated.” Forthwith M. Carnot detached from the buttonhole of one of the officers of the military house­ hold in the place of a cross of the chev­ alier a cross of an officer of tho Legion it Honor and placed it himself on the breast of Jean Carries. The next day, n The Officiel, the artist was named a chevalier of the order.— London Figaro Stanford’* Retort. Once Senator Stanford was traveling through California in his private car. The train had stopped at a small town, and the senator was leisurely strolling back and foilh on the platform at the depot A baggageman was unloading trunks, and in doing so carelessly pitched one onto the platform, and it burst open. The senator looked at it and re­ marked, “ Weil, that’s a shame. ” The baggageman impudently asked, "D o you own this trunk?” The answer came quickly, "N o, young mat hut I own this road. ” — Horseman. It is said that Lord Campbell was of­ ten overbearing and irritable. A lawyet who had long struggled against the chief justice's criticisms finally folded up his brief and remarked, ” 1 w ill re­ tire, my lord, and uo longer trespass on your lordship’s impatience. ’ ’ R o y a l Lead* A ll. The Royal Baking Powder is the pur­ est and strongest baking powder made, and has received the highest award at all the great international and State fairs, wherever exhibited in competition with others. The judge of awards on baking pow­ d e r at the late Chicago Fair, Prof. H. W. Wiley, writes that the impertinent claims of other companies that they re­ ceived the highest award for strength and perity are false; that no such awards were given them. SONGS FKOM SIGHING. Dark was tlie house and cheerless. And fast fell the r~ . from without; My heart was chilled by the morning. And besieged by many a doubt. And I said: “ There i no •:»>•„» 1 in trying. The old year is dying, dying. Many hearts that were glad Are weary and sad. And the world is filled with the sighing.” The good man came in whistling. Though the rain fell fast without; He cheered my heart with his Joy song, And scattered my every doubt. And he said: “ W e’ll just keen on trying. ▲ new year will spring from the dying. Many hearts shall be glad That now are so sad. And songs shall grow out of the sighing.” —E. ii. Chase in Homemaker. T H E TW O DOCTORS. They do not do so now, but iu bygone times some o f the medical students and young practicing physicians of Detroit were in the habit of stealing bodies for dissection from the cemeteries adjoining the city. Ia those times there were two young doctors, just out o f their teens, who were partners in a practice which left them with a great deal of time on their hands. Both of them were strong of head and of physical makeup, and either of them could drink any other man in Detroit drunk on cherry whisky and Still retain his sea legs and his cool head. And there were not a few sturdy drinkers in Detroit then. Nevertheless, while the young physi­ cians appeared to be sailing straight for the rock of Grog, they put in a great deal o f time, much of it stolen from the night, advancing themselves in a profes­ sion to which they were courageously devoted. One of them, it may be men­ tioned incidentally, advanced in the aft­ er days to a very high position in the medical department of the United States army, and the other became one of the foremost physicians of the city. One night the two determined upon making a sally upon a certain cemetery, to steal the corpse of a n a n who had died of a peculiar disease, which was the talk of the little town at the time, and which threw medical circles into sharp and in some instances furious discus­ sion. When they sauntered from their favorite boozing place, they were pretty well filled with cherry whisky, and the hour was past 11 o’clock. Their cronies came away with them, as that was the customary hour for retiring unless it happened to be a holiday occasion, when “ W e W on't G o HomeTili Morning” was sung, a song, by the way, which imparts a flavor of the wine o f the immortals to good average whisky—which in its turn cheerfully and heartily reciprocates the compliment, by causing the song to thrill the soul like the war hymn of trium- phant archangels. Earlier in the evening they had made arrangements for a horse and a light wagon, spades, pickax, crowbars and ropes. They knew the location of the grave, and they started out. The night favored them with opaque clouds which hid a three-fourths faded summer moon. Arrived at the desired place,' outside the cemetery fence, they led the horse into a strip o f woods, crossed the road and entered the cemetery. Before pro­ ceeding to business they took a hearty pull at the cherry bottle. With the aid of their dark lanterns they found the mark which had been made upon the grave in the daytime. They then pro­ ceeded to adjust their dark colored sheet­ ing. The grave was pretty close to the road, but they didn't mind that. The sheeting, hung on sticks pressed into the ground, screened the grave from all points o f View, and the dark lantern was hung in sfich a position that it shone in a narrow,, ^¿rcle downward upon the grave. X7 Both seXed their spades then and went to work with a will at either end o f the grave, space being taken at one end to afford room for both to work. In this way the muscular young fellows soon reached the over box. The top o f this was taken off and laid aside. In a little while the cover of the coffin was un­ screwed, and in the haste of the moment it was thrown out of the grave. It struck the width of sheeting next the road and threw it down. The corpse was a very heavy one, and it took the united efforts of both the doc­ tors to raise it in the narrow space of the grave. They managed to stand it up at the end o f the grave and then concluded that the best thing to do was to have one of them lift from below and the other from the top. To this end one of them proceeded to climb out o f the grave, but just at that moment their blood was frozen in their veins by a piercing shriek. On the night chosen by the young uoc- tors for their raid on the cemetery R. William Green, a suburban beau, whose characteristics were of the hue of his name, and whose courage was utterly disproportioned to his tall, gaunt frame, was returning homeward in company with Mary S------, as beautiful a country girl as ever tripped over the dairies and as bright and intelligent as she wag beau­ tiful. People often wondered then how a beauty of such manifest superiority of character could see anything attractive in a fellow like Bill Green, hut from this coign of time the riddle is easily rea d - beaus were very scarce in the township of H----- in those days, and lie ice a girl had no choice. It was said that they were affianced, but this was not true. Something in Mary’s conduct had held William back from declaring himself, although she readily allowed his atten tion and refused the proffers of escort of a certain newcomer in the field. That night the couple had been to a party, and the shortest and indeed the only way to their respective homes was by the cemetery road, unless it might be across the rough fields, an impracticable way in the dark. As the twain approached the dark hoi low of the road, which the bounds of the cemetery touched. Mary natnr-dly drew closer to her tall escort, and the touch of femininity awakened in William the de­ termination to take advantage of her tiinidity and pop the question. But Wil- liam was a bit o f a coward, as already in­ timated. and the chill hour of Midnight, together witn the contiguity of tue grave­ yard. was not to his liking. His heart went pit-a-pat, not for the adored object at his side, but because of certain noises which the wind made among the bushes in the cemetery, and he also fancied there were footsteps behind him. His repressed fears controlled his tongue, upon which a proposal of marriage hung suspended, although Mary pressed closer to his side as they walked rapidly along. As for the thoughts that were passing through the shapely head of Mary at the time, the lady has since said that she knew from William’s actions that he wanted to propose, and she frankly ad­ mits that he would have been accepted on the spot, since she entertained the idea that she would have been aban­ doned in the horrible place if she had re­ fused. On such little things do the piv­ ots of a life sometimes swing. William was long in drawing his cour­ age to the sticking point. At length he drew in a long breath, and tremulously uttering the name that Byron and Bums loved so fondly—“ Mary"—was about to declare himself and ask for her hand, bnt at that critical moment the disturbed eyes of both were drawn to the cemetery by the light o f the dark lantern. They suddenly stopped in a palsy of fear. And such a horrible sight as they saw! BILL C O O K ’S BAND O F O U TLA W S . The face o f a corpse protruding from the grave, every frightful feature ex­ B u Made a Record o f W ld ch Even the posed in the light of the dark lantern! Ju n e* B o; a Might Be Proud. Mary shrieked and fell in a dead faint. Tho misdeeds of the notorious Dalton William's knees smote together, and his gang, wiped out at Coffeyville, dwindle hair arose in abject fright. Another in­ Into littleness wb-n compared with the stant and his legs, which were growing criminal exploits of I te Cook g;. too weak to support him, would have has been terrorizing it..- Indian Territory given way and brought him to the This new band of outlaws, under the lead­ ground, but Mary’s shriek, in the total ership of Bill Cook, has bounced Into no­ eclipso of his senses sounding like the toriety within a few weeks, and, though but eight, they put half the population of yelp o f a pursuing fiend, galvanized him the territory into a fright which in sous into the strength of terror, and he flew down the road like the shadow o f a scud­ ding cloud. Scrambling over the fence, for a cross cut to his home, his coattails were gripped from behind by the stout sliver of a rail, and thinking that the fiend had him he fainted dead away and bnng there for an hour. Recovering his senses later, he staggered to the house and to bed, where he remained a very- sick man for two weeks. The shriek paralyzed the young doc­ tors for but a moment. They scrambled hastily ont of the grave. One of them seized the dark lantern and closed the slide, and then both of them stood silent, drawing quick breaths. Not a sound was heard. It was a place remote from houses, and they were satisfied that even snch a piercing shriek would convey no alarm. “ It must have come from the road," whispered one to the other. “ Let us search,” was the brief reply. BtLL COOK. The body of the girl was found, and places almost amounted to a panic. Twice the young physicians, regardless of their within a month the gang cleaned out the own safety and at no little risk of their railroad station and express office at Port lives in case of discovery, set at work to Gibson, robbed an express train at Mar­ bring the girl out of her deathlike swoon. shall and Held up two carloads of passen­ It was no easy task to allay her fears. gers near McKenzies. They held up and took $5,3 10 from the five Clicrokco dis­ They did everything that men could do bursing officers, who had a bodyguard of to reassure the frightened girl, and grad­ la soldiers. The highwaymen waited till ually she became self possessed cad _ the guard galloped a mile In advance to begged to be taken home, She was too, ’t*ploro a gully. Then the robbers cleaned weak to walk. The team was brought out ihe agents. They held up the railroad depot and around, and she was carefully and ten­ derly assisted to a seat. Dr. X was be­ robbed five stores in Choteau on the M., side her. and reaching down the dark lan­ K. and T. road. At tho same time they lined 14 persons who happened to be in tern to his companion, who stood in the the station and relieved them of their road, he said, “ Leave it.” valuables. In Okmulgee they robbed the Tho other understood, and without hes- station, the postoifice, James Parkinson's itation proceeded to reinter the corpse store and half a dozen citizens. Next day and hide the tools in the adjoining they looted the station at Claremont and woods. He said afterward that he made 8 Party of five heavily armed drummers a better job at fashioning the inonnd who traveled together for mutual protec­ tion. They took $1,100 from tho bank In ■ than the sexton had. At any rate, it was the samo town a week later and robbed never known that the grave had been the Denton bank of $¿,900. disturbed. Tho station at Gilson’s and three stores During the drive to Mary’s home, as were roblied and the mail sacks pillaged. Dr. X subsequently informed his com­ They rode Into the Bull Creek coal camp panion, he told some of the most in­ and cleaned out 26 miners. Then thoy genious lies ou record. It was quite by appeared In Inola, but seeing about 100 accident that they discovered her ir, the cowboys there for a roundup they sheered road as they were driving home after a over to Buckner, where they robbed the consultation case, he had gravely in­ station ai_d tlio stores. Jack Doughty, formed her, and he gave her tho particu­ town marsLa! of Buckner, appoared while they were pillaging “ Ham” Goodman's ! lars of the case, shrewdly avoiding any store. Hill Cook got the drop on Doughty inquiry as to what caused her to be and relieved him of his six shooter, watch ■ , stretched in tire middle of the road in a und chain and $70. dead faint alone. Tho whole country has at last been He promised to visit her next day, and amused, and several hundred men are in he kept his promise. And feeling inter­ pursuit of t ¡c outlaws. Bill Cook is to be ested in the case he kept on coming shot on sight—if possible. when she was quite well, until finally CRAFTY KITTIE ADAMS. one day, on quitting the house. Mary went with him in a carriage after whose Probably the Most Successful Thief In Chi­ cago, W hich Is Saying a Good Ileal. rolling wheels a gay wedding party- Three or four weeks ago Governor Alt- j pitched old slippers, amid the laughter geld extended executive clemency to Kit­ ! of the young and the benedictions of the tle Adams, ono of the most notorious old.—Detroit News. thieves In Chicago, and tho doors of the prison flew open. The ground on which Sojourning at the Capital. Washington during the days o f the in- the governor granted tho pardon is said to have been the statement that the woman luguratioa was the Mecca of street arabs was dying of consumption. from all over the country, more espe- Since regaining her liberty the Adams :ially of course of those who reside in woman has apparently recovered her the east. Many of them still remain in health, says the Chicago Herald, and has ;his city for financial and other reasons been arrested no less than eight times end in some cases because they like Wash­ charged with robbery, but by sumo mys­ ington and cannot bring themselves to terious influence lias always escaped pun­ leave it. I accosted one o f them the other ishment. For six years Kittle Adams has. plied lay. His clothes were in a very dilapi- the trade of thief with great success In lated state and looked as though a gen­ Chicago. Tho police say that of tbfe gang tle breeze would give them wings. A of female thieves operating in the city she tattered old derby w as carelessly {lulled is by all odds tlio cleverest and most dan­ ever his eyes. His face was evidently gerous. She has been arrested nun^berless guiltless o f the charge of ever having times. In the great majority of e;v,es her victims have refused to prosecute by reason been washed. “ How’d I git heah?” he rejieated after of the scandal which would result from telling their stories in court, but lu many me. “ W ell, yer see, boss, I am, with instances seme mysterious influence has two of my chutnmies, all de way from been brought into play, and the thief has Chicago. Gee whiz, but waren’t it cold! gone unpunished for her crimes. Here is We cum in a box car anil had a dicky a list of tlio more expert thieves of which time. Yer see we didn't wan ter starve, Kittie Adams is the recognized leader: so W9 np an got a lot o’ grub, nu we Vic Palmer, Rosa Holland, Minnio Wil­ wasn’t out on do road a hundred miles liams, Ada Martin, Ray Sherman, N’ellio befo’ dose chnmniies of mine got up an Wilson, Kittie Orr, Flossie Edwards, An­ nie Foley, Maggie Palmer, Jcnnio Mon began to scrap. My pig, but weren’t it roe, Minnie Dee, Mollie Haywood, Fail great! De fight ended when I took a nle Wilson, Lillie Vale, Nora Keating. hand, lint in de scrap all de grub had been kicked outer de car, an we had to cum to Washington widont any. My, but wasn’t we cold and hungry! Yer see dis black eye? Dat's de scrap.” “ But how are you going to get back to yonr home?” “ See yer. young feller, yon’s pnmped me enough, see! I ain't green ef I do look Oirish, see! Put yonr blinkers on an follow me, an I’ll show yer how I git home."—Washington News. HOW IT M AT HAPPKN. H o iT v s si u n t i l .. One of the best Schools for Boys on th:r “ Jeminy crickets, she's got the rickets,” Coast is in charge of Ex StateSuperinteioi- whispered one bean to another in the com­ ent Ira G. Hoitt, Ph. D., at Burlingame, pany of a very pretty girl. Truly she was San Mateo county, Cal. very beautiful, but there was a twitching Customer—What have you in the shape of or- "lit the nerves of the face which showed angesT Grocer—Well, we have baseballs. M.Uci.-g. "N o ,’ ’ said the other, “ its neu­ C A T A R R H C A N N O T HE C U R E D ralgia and she's a martyr to it.” 8t. Jacob« Oil was suggested as the world-renowned With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot cure for it. Did she try it? Yes and was reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood cured by it and—married “ one of the fel or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it most take internal remedies. Hall’s Ca­ lows” afterward. The use of the great you tarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly remedy for pain will not bring about a mar­ on the blood and mucous siiriaces. Hall's Ca­ riage, but in its cure of pain it will bring tarrh Cure is no: a quack medicine. It was pre­ about conditions of health to make life scribed by one of the best physicians in this more enjoyable No man or woman ought country for years, and Is a regular prescription to marry who is a sufferer from chronic It is composed of the best tonics known, com­ bined with the best blood purifiers, acting di- pains. We should not wed woe to win I rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect only wretchedness. 1 combination of the two ingrediepts is what pro­ 75 cents. Use Knamellne Stove Polish ; no dnst no smell. j | \ The senior class o f the Bowdoin college at a class meeting held Monday after­ noon did a very philanthropic act. Mr. Hinkley, in an address to the students Sunday, urged the outgoing classes to raise a fund for the purpose o f aiding some poor but ambitious boy to get a col­ legiate education. The class of 1893, act­ ing upon his suggestion, have voted to raise the sum of ¡$150 annually for four years for this purpose. Some bright young boy will be chosen from the Good W ill farm. East Fairfield, and given the sum of iffiOO to help him through college. Of course it is expected that he will en­ ter Bowdoin. This is an entirely new move on the part of classes there, but it is hoped that it will meet with approval and that suc­ ceeding classes will follow their example. —Portland (Me.) Argus. A I ad W h o W ould Murder For Fun. A lad employed as a pony driver at the Trowel Moor colliery at Stapleford has been sentenced to six week*' hard labor ! for willfully damaging an endless wire rope used for the purpose of bringing tubs of coal up an incline. The strands of the rope were found to be deliberately cut in two places, and it was stated that if the rope had parted the consequence would probably have been a disastrous loss o f life. As it w as th* entire work of the colliery had to be suspended for three-quarters of a day, and it appeared that to bring aliout this temporary ces­ 1 sation of work was the sole motive of this abominable act. John Botham, in brief, wanted a holiday, and this was hi. mode of attaining that o b je c t—London News. Knelt Down to Pr»y and Died. Como* a* a friend in time of need. It i* ' n ffe, H e l i x b l e . and a S u r e f u r « . < an te taken at home. No loss of time; no publicity. P r ic e L o w ; T e r m * i . i x s y ; S o O n T u r n e d A w a y . Theie is no ground for further excuses. Send for it at once l»e In j a a r e l t a u g e r o u * . N e x t W e e k may be T o o l.a t c . N. J. STO N E S l C O .f Room 7, Flood Building, S. F , Oil., DO YOU TRAVEL? IF S O , YOU WILL FINv ONE ENJOYS Both tlie m ethod and results when Syrup o f Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts IN F A N T Y E A R . THE I f A JAL w K N O W IN G . /ESTIBULE TR A IN S . ELECANT D lftlN C C A R S . QUICK T iM E . . B ig F our Route. E. 0. McCORMICK. 0. B. MARTIN. Pass. Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass. & TkL Agt. CINCINNATI. CHICKEN RAISING HYS if you use the Petalum® Incubators A Brooders- Make mouey while others are wasting time by old processes. Catalog tells all about it,and describes every article needed for th* poultry business. The “ ERIE mechanically the best wheel. Prettiest model. 1 We are Pacific Coast Agents. Bicycle cata­ logue,mailed free,gives ice*, e etc., t c . . agents AGENTS w W A anted NTED , fullnescription, price*, PETALUMA mCUBATOR CO.,PetaUira,Cal. B ranch H ouse , 231 s Main St., Los Angeles. POLLEN ACME NATURE’ * RIMIOY H A The Favorito TOOTH P7T3II U . w for the Teeth and Broatii. 25o. MEN D UST. E a sy to t vest f> \ekei, Price ft. Si * for f ^ Sent in p l a i n w r a p p e r , o r at all D ruggists. A ddress, POLLEN ACME T h e most w on ­ derful achievem ent in M edical Science. The only a cknsw l- ed^td permanent e u r e g u a r a n te e d . S tan d ard R c m . C o • C AT TL E. W i t H R A C. C O A S T ■ R A N C H New Y ork •i|-U 7 Fulton St. FRAZER E L Y ’S C R E A M B A L M Mrs. Willie Kissam Vanderbilt is to base her divorce mi t on the ground o f non-Mipport. Did she expect pie three times per day? T h e life germ and vital f o r d of plants and flowers; it g i v e s v i g o r , pow er and size to he vital organs of man. A trop h y, Sexual Opens and cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Paid and Inflammation, Heal* the Sores, Pro- tecta the Membrane from colds, Restores the Sense* of Taste and Smell. The Balm is quickly absorbed and gives relief at once. A particle ia applied into each nostril, and is agreeable. Pi ice, 50 cents at Druggists’ or by mail. ELY BROTHEL4«, 66 Warren .Street, New York. H r a n d r k t h ’ s P ills are a vegetable pur­ Ask for Tickets vis W eakness, etc., Surely cured by because ve y deaf , used E ly1» Cream Balm and tn three weeks could hear as well as ever. — .4. E . New-\ man , Grating , Mich. gative. LINE W e a k m em ory. A llcock ’* P orous P l a s t ir is the 1 suffered terribly f W A S H IN G T O N M » I l l'll A M S - and Dealer* generally. I« ALL but it is EE SHEWED right, » I M * WS ad of bread made with • • • mmm Every can Is guaranteed pure. Or. L iebig's In vigorator tlie greatest rem edy for Go East from Portland, Pendleton, Walla Sem inal W eakness. Loss o f M anhood and Private biseaaes, O vercom es Preinaturones« and prepare« Walla via O. R. & N. to Spokane and Great all for marriage life’s duties, pleasures and respon­ S Northern Railway to Montana, Dakotas. St. sibilities; (1 trial bottle given or sent tree to any one describing sym ptom s; call or address 400 d eary Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, Omaha, St. ^t., private entrance 4 Mason s t ., san Francisco. Louis, East and South. Rock-ballast track; tine scenery; new equipment Great North­ ern Palace Sleepers and Diners; Family Tourist Cars; Buffet-Library Cara. Write C. C. Donovan, General Agent, Portland, j Oregon, or F. I. Whitney, G. P. & T. A., St. Paul, Minn., for printed matter and in­ formation abo.it rates, routes, etc. T h e lead in g and largest house In P o rtlan d , O r. Mont reasonable p rices. A ll goods are w arranted. P rom p t attention given to coun­ try orders. 5 — T h e over, c u l e s Gas or Gasoline PALMER & ELY, San Praiciswi, Cal. u t Portlani, Or. No Batteries or Electric Spark. N. P. N. U. No. 574 k f N t V n 151 B est C h r is tm a s G ift _ W e r r la m ___________________ C o ., P u b « ., H p r in g fi e ld , M a s s . OiTiseud for free pamphlet containing Kpecuuen pages, Ulustnomoa, etc. Head » 1 , $1.50 or for the I , r - 1 . . i*.\ . .f th, Manager, (formerly of Merchant* Hotel, Unify, Jo*bo. u, d i v Hotel, North Flatte, Neh.) w.d t . F. “ A FAIR F A C E M AY P R O V E A F O U L B A R ­ G A I N . ” M A R R Y A P L A I N G I R L IF S H E U S E S SAPOLIO t o g i v e y o u r s y s t e m its n e e d - 1 w o r ld e D i c t i o n a r y o f E n g l i s h , G e o g r a p h y , B i o g r a p h y , f ic t i o n . E t c . S C’ t h e C r e a m o f C o d - l i v e r O il, | th e u DICTIONARY j S o m e th in g Physicians, MR S S O . * W INSLOW S S o S o f A i * U i P k %7 « C H IL D K t * TCETHiWQ LINTERNATIONAL I standard ■ tl rT Scott’s Emulsion w e ig h t. CUT The New “ Inabridced" \ WEBSTER'S '3 I f y o u a r e lo s i n g f le s h y o u r i h e a lth y D j W e b s t e r ’ s I n t e r n a t i o n a l D i d t i o n a r y i Watch your Weight e d stren g th a n d restore y o u r E A Positive Power. Require. No Urcnnod Eu»l- neor. Your Wife Can Run it. A. FELD EN H EIM ER » H o o d ’s Pillseurcsconstlpntionby restoring the peristaltic action of the alimentary can ah is d r a w i n g K - C om e by accident ; It cornea from aatfaded cu stom ers. Safety and satisfaction com e from d e alin g at the beat p lace. T h e beat pi tor la the ItKNT. F or the beat J e w e lry , W a tc h e s , C locks, N ovelties In G obi and H llverw are, e sp e cially su ita b le for H oliday pieaenta, w rite to Hood’s 5*^1 Cures la t e n t s t r e n g t h . is w r o n g . T a k e O PLUC Cannot Pains in the Back “ I had been afflicted for several years with whit the d ictors called DIABETES, a ii d suffered terribly. T h e pain in my hack w as agonizing ill the extreme Hood’s Sarsa l a r i l i a an< I o o d ’ s Pill v . * kii’V r T / cured me. Nor \ l ca” t< '' V. \ chnn h and a< tend o t h c mee mgs w i t ! ___________ pleasure. I al branston. ways keer Hood's Pills by me. In ray v hole life 1 never met anything th t di f me so much gK>d as Hood’s Sarsaparilla. ‘ Experience leaches a dear school, but fools will learn by no ot her.* I was once foolish enough to I sten to a dnergist who claimed to have Foniethinsr tiijierior to Ilood’s, and took another mediesne. I f I had thrown my dollar in the street I would have been ’a gainer” J ohn B ranptov , care o f John Greet ham, Wellington, Ghio. sy stem M Sweet Virginia Reputation M e n 's New Rats. Tho now hats for men have come out, and probably half the men o f your ac­ quaintance have appeared liefore you in their spring hats, and you did not know anything at all abont it. Why will men be so stupid aliout this thing? How many KITTIB ADAMS. women of your acquaintance could be But three of these women have ever been induced to buy a spring hat which no one on earth could tell from the one she sent to suffer imprisonment for more than « few weeks at a time. Nora Keating Is had been wearing nil winter? Men may smile—and there are many the only one of the lot now behind the bars. All tho rest of these thieves, known m-'n who read fashion articles—over tliis personally ns such to every police officer in paragraph, but this time a woman is Chicago, walk the streets nightly, and speaking whereof she knows, for she was not a day passes but a number of losses arc invited to go with two other members of reported to tho police which can be traced the feminine persuasion to buy a new directly to these women. The faces of many hat for a nice young man the other day. of them aro far more familiar to pedes And in spite of all the woman could say trians in La Salle, Dearborn, Adams, on the question he bought tlie new hat Washington, Monroe streets and Wahash avenue than are the uniforms of police and then began trying on alpiue hats— officers after nightfall. The amount of they ought to be called so, if they are money and valuables stolen by the gang not. reaches an enormous sura annually, yet While his attention was distracted, one year after year goes by without an attempt of the women placed his old hat conveni­ at exterminating the gang. Six years ago the Adams woman was ently at hand, having the new one put into a box. and the unconscious victim i exceptionally handsome. Dissipation has dimmed her beauty, but she is by no means picked it up, put it ou, surveyed himself complacently in the mirror •iii'd then I unattract' T0 now. As a pickpocket sho is tremendously expert. It is nothing for turned and deliberately said, “ Well, 1 her to take from the insido pocket of her think I have waited long enough for you victim’s waistcoat bis poeketbook, remove girls.” Oh. you all know the tone. There the contents and replace the same without is no need to explain further.—New detection. To remove t man's ring from his finger without his knowledge is one of York Cor. Chicago Herald. her strongest points, while shirt studs full Into her bands ns il by magic. Good Deed o f a College Senior Class. THE F1TTZ CURE ] \ | \ SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Clip the last thirty years or more from the LOUISVILLE. K t. NEW YORK. N Y. century, and the segment will represent the term of the unbounded popularity of Hostet-1 ter’s Stomach Bitters. The opening of the year 1896 will be signalized by the appearance of a i fre'h Almanac of the Bitters, in which the uses. | derivation unn action of this world-famous medicine will be lucidly set forth. Everybody should read it. The calendar and astronomical calculations to be found in the brochure are | alwavs astonishingly accurate, and the statistic*, illustrations, humor and other reading matter rich in interest and full of profit. The Hostetter Company of Pittsbug, Pa., publish it them selves. They employ more than sixty hands in the mechanical work, and more than eleven h ir e s c o n s t ip a t io n months in the year are consumed in its prépara tion. It can be obtained, without cost, of all v p- INOI6ESTION.DI2ZINESS druggist* and country dealers, and U printed in ER U P T IO N S o n T H Ï S K /A /. English, German, French, Welsh. Norwegian, Swedish, Holland Bohemian and Spanish. B e a u t if ie s Ç q m p l e x io n IT3U.FOW A CASE IT WILL NOT CURE. Billing and cooing flourish during the honey­ Anagreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC. moon. Afterward the bill ing sometimes stops Sold by Druggists or sent by mail. 25c.. 6 Uc^ the cooing. and $1.00 per package. Samples fri*o. E A S T —NO Is a disease, and will use your tori’ g influerce to have the i* M tle n t take a Cure, th re will he N u n a liiiie where S o r r o w now dwells. General Agents for Pacific Coast. . • 1 Y T®, P™mPl J on l^e Kidneys, . er Bowels, cleanses the sys- ei *“ v> dispels c o d s , hcau- aches and fevers and cures habitual j constipation. Syrup o f F igs is the only remedy o f its kind ever pro­ duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- DcprccUtton ■„ E..gn„h L»«d. ceptable to the stomach, prom pt in Twenty years ago an agricultural estate its action and truly beneficial in its in Essex, England, extending over 556 effects, prepared on ly from the most acres, was purchased for $105,000, and , healthy and agreeable substances, its $25,000 was subsequently expended in buildings and improvements. It was re­ many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most cently sold at auction for $24,750. popular remedy known. Hi* Vision of l-'.R&ler Trousers. sy ru p o f Figs is for sale in 50c Ai) inebriated young man entered a and $1 bottles by all leading drug­ Chestnut street decorating shop yester­ gists. A n y reliable druggist who day and solemnly , requested . , to be m« I may not have it on hand will pro- nred for a pair of trousers from one of > cure ¡t promptly for any one £ ho the fancy papers displayed ■y v '- ail all papers displayed m the wisheg ^ try ft. D o not accept any window.—Philadelphia Record. substitute. W AY ALCOHOLISM Toledo, O. T ky G x & mka for brM K fiit. Ram and mint sauce are to be had the rutanrant* now. Of course they call it lamb, but your teeth will discover the diffemice. Sandy, green and indigeat- ible I,viking strawberries also begin to appear, and the oyster is beginning to chuckle.—Brooklyn Eagle. N’ K W T h e T U v in e I n f l u e n c e of M o n te is in Y o u r K e e p i n g . 1» 1% a S a c r e d T r u s t . If you will remember that F. }. CHKNfcY A CO.. Props , Sold by druggists; price, Sign* of Spring. W ORTH Mothers, Wives and Sisters duces such wonderful results In curing catarrh, bend for testimonials, free. Coal Tar In Masonry. The announcement is made in The National Builder that what was at first considered a doubtful experiment— viz, the use of coal tar as a means of render­ ing masonry impervious to water, espe­ cially in positions exposed to diroct con­ tact with the latter— has proved a prac- tically valuable resort. Used as a coat- ing for masonry built up of very porous stone, tar renders it quite impervious, even at a depth of some 60 feet of wa- ter, and, according to the experience of those who have had much to do with it, the article should be utilized in all public buildings, particularly those de­ signed for the preservation of works of ait, the dissolving uctiou of water, even upou mortar of superior quality, being well known; also the unfavorable effect of the exudation of water chargod with lime salts from the mortar. Tw o meth­ ods of using the tar are named— viz, in a boiling state in one or several layers, this being suitable for surfaces exposed to tho air, or it may be made to flame up before using, this being appropriate to surfaces which have to be covered up. A H ER ALD OF THK _ I MALARIA ! B Thro«» done« on I t , Trv it. 1X4 \OU KEEL BAD? MOORE S DOES YOU.H REVEALED 1! u K REMEDY C h e a p e r T h a n a T r ip S outh. In Sumter county the other night, at a negro prayer meeting, an old man named Arthur Croom was called upon to pray. He knelt down with the con­ gregation to pray. but failed to respond to the invitation, and another brother was called on After prayer all arose but Arthur Croom. He was dead.— Dr. Price’ s C r e a m B aking P o w d e r . Alabama Cor. Richmond Time*. The clear juice, without sugar, of half a lemon every morning for a week just now, when the system is more or less clogged from the winter's feeding, is, ac­ cording to an authority, equal to a trip south or a whole bottle of debilitating j bitters. World'i Fair Highest Medel end Diploma. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! Prepared by Scott A Bowoa, S . Y . A ll D ru ggist. HOW TO SAVE MONEY j B ay your GRO CERIES AND PROVISIONS of u , ami , , , j i gcx,. 1c »nd d eliver free to train* or boati U e bnv end i e l l f !'m i" ’ onoV " h .-r ile th . " ! tnen any other firm in the country Sen,1 m V our n .m e e J f t ™ " ™ V "1 " rr’° ' 1- ’ " " l - r new price 1.1, which will be our ¿ o n . V., n m T ir o r .» ^ i w i , , 1 >‘ " 1 « « « ¡ : & r * ,or~ i f i i u- ■— r iir Front * t Street, .’ * C O . I4S P ortlan d. Or. ***»