W H A T T H E E U G E N E G U A R D SAYS. N O T IC E ! D arw in llristovv. Mosby Creek Items. , _ . „I Dr. W all wishes it understood Of Brownsville . . „ , J. W . Skillman of . ,, , . . . , --------- Mrs. J. P. Currm visited Eugene. I, ... , • 1)orker8 the other t1lat “ e ls compelled to insist on the _ Wednesdav killed six nne pornera me otuer l i . , . ... . Cattle buvers are up in this part Look out for the Christmas Cantuta . * “7 , and left them to haug out over j settlement of all accounts, either by | of the eounj rv bovine cattle, The E cho - L eader is a la ays glad j " at Davis Hall. Misses Lillie Taylor and Flora Pow- j n the morning they had cash or notes, not later than January to p u b lish ch u r c h nnnouncemeiits. __ J Dave Rissuc is building a new Christmas this year will fall upon but d esires c o -o p e r a t io n fro m the 1 ell returnod to Eugene, Sunday. disappeared. 1st, 1895. I. Tuesday. residence on bis farm. COTTAGE GROVE, - Miss Orpah Wynne returned from pastors. Eugene Saturday. Lane county has a number of flue If you want any hauling done Tom Ellison of Coon valley was Rev. E. Oittins preached at the M -DEALERS If you come to Davis hall Christmas E. church, Thursday evening, Father Streavens, of Eugene, eume young orchards and more growers leave your orders with on the creek Tuesday, eve you can witness the great strike this city Monday. are planting every season. In a * J ack K nowi . toh . \ James G. Hopkins of Nelson, Cal, \\ ebfoot Planter, a general farm of the to>makers in Khris Kringle’s paper. J. S. Ozment spent Thanksgiving ut few years it will become a great, —---------—------— - is visiting with his brother L. B. mills. Lorane. industry, giving employment to D r a in , O re ., Dec. 5,1894. j Hopkins B u y an E cho - L eaeee fo r five cen ts A revival meeting will commence T TT S h vrn made i business t r i p to hundreds of pickers during the | , E d . E cho - L e a d e r Thanksgiving 1 , _ ,r , , , . and get o n e o f the prettiest pictu res at the C. P. church in this city, J. H. o i.irp ma te a u isu I | „ : v:n£r'owners fair ' of 1894 has passed into history I Asher and Emma ^ eatcli of l a - y o u e v e r saw. r“ tlm r i n d e n t s “ nd !ife’s everchaiging panorama is ity, visited with their sister Mrs. S. Monday evening. Rev. J. A Loug- Eugene, Wednesday. W e keep constantly on ban J a Complete and well Selected assortment oi Mrs. Charles Bowen, of Lathaia, returns on then investments. moving on just as before. I think 1 a tipn t«.» WOBi- 25 per cent discount for cash, on bottoiu of Eugene, will take au was in this city Wednesday A N ew C ounty .— W e understand thf 1 1 ,,eon1 ? of Brain enjoyed the day ‘ .............................. Dry and Fancy goods. Hats. Boots. Shoes. Gents ail trimmed goods after the 1 st of active part in the meeting. , . ... ... , ■ . , . .. i well and imagine there* are quite a i Samuel Brumbaugh is setting , Mrs. D r . Oglesby returned to J unc- that a bill win be lutio, uced in the great many less fat turkies and chick- out six hundred prune trees on lus Dec. at Mrs. Newman’s. Furnishing goods. Groceries. Hal'd ware, _ This town has an abundance of j tion City Wednesday. next legislature asking that th e; ens wandering now in their used farm, farm aiKO r lj Houkins one Tranks. Valices and in fact Don t fail to come and see Khris the purest ami best water in the j Miss China Piper returned homo Siuslaw country in Lane countv, hauntes upon the rauches, than a few . . . E Kringle and history makers in won- worl(J. Families wanting tbe en- from Drain Sunday. hundred apple trees, E v e r y t h i n G. derland. and the coast portion o f Douglas | da^'s^ ; tance at the resi(ien(.e of j Rev. Barkley presiding Elder of joy men t of good health should | Mrs. Lurch and daughter left Sun- All of which will be sold at county be created luto a new t Mrs. «* id . Ella iL.na min Burt in in Liiniu, Drain, Thursday iuui™'*v ' j the v B church will b e ^ u a quar­ D ied .—Dee. 4. 1894. Alice Gertrude, anchor right here. j day for Eugene. county. W e do not think that this night ufforded much pleasure age 1 year. 1 week, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Abbott of thLeity. A Eugene Guard mau who was j Ralph W hippl** returned to his portion of Lane county would ob- ! larne number of the citizens. Mrs. terly meeting at the Shields school , . T> , studies at Eugene Monday, j,c t to „«<•!, . d m » ...,, a, it .■„» 1.1 5 ? 'S £ £ J S “ 3 Advertising is to business what present at the opening of tue Port­ H cmbuo . land Exposition says it is ft grand ; . ® eo- Bpurr went to Bohemia Mon­ be the means of saviug eonsideiable happiness to all w o are fortunate steam is to machinery— its grand ------ ALSO------- ; day. fake. Tiie Guard says: We would j money to old Lane. enough to enjoy her courtesy and propelling jtower. D R E S S M A K IN G in Eugene Satur- welcome as her guests. Exc.llent merely say to our readers that, if | O. F. Knox was C reameries . — Mr. Cassidy, o f San music was rendered by Mrs. Fred For ladies and children, by tbe W e all need more of that kind of day. , ... „ ¡t h e i wish to kick themselves, aftei i Done ou reasonable ternu. Exchange Bought and sold. Deposit- received t r ..„,1 Tiimes Pitcher ! Frauctsco, is at the Minnesota I Earl and Miss Sue Burt on the organ, M isses M edley , Cottage Grove, Ore­ . • ... ... taking, ing, attend attend the the Portland Portland hake fa k e [ Rnsciiurg Sunday. Hotel, and is thinking of establish- j "ndJohn Burnett played the violin. gon. of those that differ with us. subject to cheek or certificate of deposit. Messrs. Hale and Smith, of Port-: Mr w m Beugermine of Spring- i ¡^8 creameries at this place *nd 1 The new sugar works proposed Money in poultry if you know iftf^Collections will receive prompt attention. laud, mining experts, have been up j field, was in this city Sunday. ¡Florence. Every encouragement j brilliant illuminaries that brought out for Union, it is said, will be built how. Learn how in tbe AVebfoot £ w "* . be best of refereiices given. to the Bohemia mines looking ovtri W’ e are pleased to hear that Mrs ¡possible should be offered the | the smiles to many a rosy cheeked Planter. for next year's crop. some mining property with a \iev h jj Miilerd is rapidly improving, gentleman. Such enterprises is lassie during the social charms that The price of the E cho - L eader is Tn the absence of F. /, Nesbitt, Rev. ; of purchasing. T l.e i. is a w i ! , and tlie ! what Lane county Ch:„ .......... arrived ... c e n t ,- and » I II. j " S Chus Deivald home from C H. Wallace preached a very inter- v, rv profiu |,ie held for nivestuieu Can von villc Friday. $2 and the Weekly Examiner, (S. F.) need of. Í generally is in in | generally is in in n eed of. ban j merriest lads of the party were John Canyonville esting sermon at the C P. church • , ... •sett, ltobt. is 81.50, but to meet tbe ‘hard times Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller returned Francisco and Portland yearly use O’Malley, George Hupperset Sunday evering. j fbe Bohemia distiict. from Row river Monday, after a lew tons of Eastern butter winch ought ! heshire and (day Long The lh( follow- we will furnish both for $3.10. A Maiue editor answered a farm Hie South Oregon Monitor is the to e produced here at horn*- ■ Ul. ; v^e,rt' „ I •„ ......... .... - , i name of a very neat paper just start­ weeks visit with relatives. Cnttaire Grove Real Estate. Mr. and Mrs. ltobt. Cheshire, Mr. and Mrs. er s query. “ Do bogs pay ? by a r.- . ell ,lt Medford by (’ has E Wolcott, Mr. Dickey arrived here from Min- one-lialf mile i Ear' Mr. and Mrs. Byrd, Ur. J. II. Hawkins, D ied .— About ference to lus delinquent subscri- it is republican and will be published COTTAGE GROVE, J. H. Hawley aurl wife to W . A. OREG M ^ 'n n e r t v * 10 ^ hU d m « lxt* r' ! from Creswell, Saturday morning Rr Jlc' bers’ list, twice a week. Mr. Wolcott is a good -VIrs. £ m n e r ty . c c at , j Hnppersett, Clay Long, Miss rate, Edna Mc- Carey, undivded J of a part of lot -1, 1 man, full of enterprise and a hustler 11 o d o c k , M r. o . O . M a r tin , a g e d ( Lena Spencer, Mollic Jones, Emma Wag- Dealers iu Mrs. Hanson. Misses Ada Hanson j The | vine raisers around New -1 in newspaper work. If the Monitor blk 1, Shields’ ad; $100. - < !U H The old gentleman had ner. Sue Burt, Etimi '•aimer, anil Clide Taylor, berg will ship about thirty tons of | can be made a success, brother Wol and Bertha Matlock ieturned to Eu- G. W. Long et al to Geo. G. War­ and Messrs Henry Kicbardaon, Ueorue ( atheart, b e e n iu p o o r h e a lt h f o r t w o o r th r e e gene Saturday. eott is the one for the business. d r ie d p r u n e s to New York in years, and h a d b e e n t r o u b le d m o s t ¡p a r le y Rice John W asow , Joe Wilson, Frank ner, lots 1, 2, 3, blk 2, Long and Mr. Geo. McQueen of Lorane, lias \ . , .. , . ,, ! Spencer, O. Hittle, Dissell and Johnnie Appie- Latidesa’ ad; $300. s h o r t tim e. A Near Apprnacli. been visiting with his brother Will for lv w ith liv e r and s t o m u r u t r o u b le s , j J. B. and Ida B. Mosby to James Mamma— My darling child, did a few days past. The a d v e rtis e m e n t o f Martin llie funeral will accur Sunday. one c f guests I shall long ro- and \V. F. Hcrnenway, lots 7 uud 8 , Bros., in th e E cho - L eader s h o u ld lie i you ever dream of being in heaven ? Mr. Aiartin v.as one of the noble member this social gathering, J. M. Sherwood of the Sherwood blk 3, McFarlautl’s ad; $500. Little Mnudie— No, not exactly; House, made a business trip to Lane and honored pioneers o f the cou u - ' c a r e fu lly read b aeau se it m ean s b a r ­ V ix e n . | I i but I dreamt once that I was rigid county’s capital city, Tuesday. g a in s fo r som< b o d y . trv, who braved so much to make ^ Peeping Tom professor recent- W . H. COOPER, in tbe middle of a lug apple dump­ We are pleased to announce that Pain Paint, is a fine remedy for then* homes here and made this ^ discovered in the pale moonlight Mr. D. B. Dygert is able to be on our catarrh. We are using it with good ling. \alley what it is. He leave* a large spreading over the campus at Tuft -A .ftcrn.e37- a t L a t r , streets again, after a serious illness results for bronchial catarrh. Call HU the Teacher Hard. family aud numerous relatives ami : Coliege a damsei kissed by a man. on J. C. Stewart of this city and lie J H Shortridge, one of the promi­ C ottage G kove . O regon . Keep a full stock of NAILS, CUTLERY Shelf and BuiMiu i g e promptly reported the fact to will tell you about it. Down at Eugene a district school nent farmers of this section, went to friends to tnoutn his departure. Eugene Guard. | the president, who, on the following Multotiiali county lias an iudeb teacher, who is trying to keep up Portland Holiday to act as juror in H A R D W A R E , Judging from the the tone of the! morning, gave the young lady stu ted ness of $.300,000. Most of tins with the procession, has been “fired” the Federal court. Salem dailies a wave of unexpected I deals a leeturo on proprieties, epairing neatly done. Miss Etta Preston, th“ aooomplish- being the result of last year’s lunik because he tried to make Ins schol­ D E A L E R IN ars start with p when •liellinir “ tft. ! ml young music teacher of Eugene, prosperity will now sweep the court- 1 This inspired investigation, and one failures. d, ,.n " i tl l ere I '’ati'C tf> the city Tuesday, to give try. After great editorial travail ; of the servant girls employed in , , | lers. The parents down N. II. M artin. j lessons to her musica, class. ih e Toh-do Meekly Blade and the, i >. , 1 , , , , «I. S. Ill u rtiti,-* that city has elected a set of repitb- j Metcalf hall boldly acknowledged r , , . ,, don t want anv new fnngled uotions. E c h o - L eader can b e b a d for $ 2 o ( ) ; ’ __________ __ j i Dr. ur. J J. . E. B. Payton I’ayton ms returned to lican officers and the ectacies of j her sweetheart had donated tlie I cash, at this office. This is a rar. Watcrwork* riimt Accepted. : his home .it San Jose, California, from said dailies cannot lie controlled. tribute of affectiou that created the Medicines, Confectionary, lot of good reading for a little rash. ; Th>' East Cottage Grove council ac- 'V"!1' ' * ! tVia ' f o r ' *oli'je E cho -L eader office, Wed- live in hopes that it will reach us. i settle this affair the public may I F rom report in the E cho -L eader it nesday. He savs they have a grand M anufacturing Brsnuas.— ' Two or expect some philosophic theses in j W E A R E NO W A BLE TO SE LL GOODS A T A The treasury estimate for appro ! wiil he scen that there is now an or- country up there. . ,i'- c I ganized Are department, consisting of ,r , ,r r) ... . . . . , . this quarter on “The Unkissed priatlous at tins session of congress ,, ho8„ pOI 1 ,pllMt- Kn<| a hn,)k (in(| fnd. I Mr. and Mrs R \\ . \ catch of the three gentlemen are here from tbe A N D N O T IO N S . Kiss,” a subject that Las troubled is: Siuslaw, $50,000. upper Will ! der ompanv. The company advertise »««v e hotel, were inCreswell East who are thinking seriously of J5ö~Goods sold as cheap, as any of the poets so long. establishing a factory in Eugene to Minette, $37,000. a 11,em in’s ball Christmas, to help se- í S'inday uttending the fuucr.,1t.f Mrs ihe same quality, as any store in town. ^ ’ ¡ cure funds for uniforms. ¡V ea teh su n cK 8 . O. Martin, who manufacture baskets, tubs and all Also agent for die -1 Saturday morning. F o r O v e r F ift y Y ears- Eh1er6 Liliaiu Burnett end John! . T . . . . t kinds of cooperage. Such an IN ADDITION TO OUR STOCK W E H AV E R E C E IV E D S 0M F Sutherland will cold services at A« D v n g correspondent of the A n O ld a n d W e l l -T r i e d R e m e d y .—Mr*. Mr. W . H. Cooler's family arrived es’ ablishinent would certainly pay Winslow's Siiotlilua Syrup has been used for | the Christian church here, at 11 and I’-u ^ n e Register has the following from Albany, Tuesday, and they are over fifty years hi m ilium s of m others for their j if propet ly conducted by men who hililreif while teetliini;. with [irrfect success. ¡ ,£®-Red Front Store, West Cottage 7 o’clock on Hie fourth Sunday in i ,00*1 ° ’,r fell° W CltlZeQ’ now keeping house iu this city. understand the business. Eugene C it soothes the child. . xuftens the minis, allays all | p Grove. December. Everybody invited. | ( H MaHace: The E ch o - L ead er hopes their resi and Lane county would give such pain, cures wind cholic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, ls pleasant to tlie taste. Sola _ ¡ Rev. C. H. Wallace, of Cottage deuce here may be pleasant and a business n good patronage. by Llruiricists in every pari o f the W orld. , wen- FR U IT TREES. — \YE ALSO H A V E — With a magnifieeut system of (Grove, preached a thanksgiving ser- five cents a bottle. Us yalue is incalculable. profitable. What we want in Oregon is more Be sure and ask for Mrs. W inslow’ s Soothing If you want to plant fruit trees this water works iu this city, s.xty-nine I mon here at 7 o’clock Thursday Syrup, aud take no other kind. fall, you can save 25 per cent, on your Roseburg Plaindeuler: Jtto. B. Mc- local industries so that our monev pon mis of pressure to the square | evening. As nearly every one from order by purchasing from tho Gee, of the Annie mine in the Bolle-; will be kept at home instead of be- inch for fire protection, highway far and near came out to hear him,, A. Todd desires to announce that hemia district, is a guest at the M c-Îit shipped to the East. Then insurance robbery on proj ert j the church was we I filled with an Clullen house. He reports that fhej be is now prepared to do nil kinds 11 W E H AV E ALSO PLACED IN STOCK A N E W INVOICf^j should take a back seat. audience that listened attentively:prospects for the future in that dis-f l,*°*p«rity will again retarn. of surveying on short notice. A lib­ OF W O O D B U i^jj OREGON. very HaUering. Burglars entered the store of AY era 1 share of patronage is solicited It will be seen from advertisement ^or an hour and a L-alf to one of tlie > tfcjrSeud for P sjjLiiit. vounff friend, friend. J. of ^L. Bristow last Saturday in tlie E cho -L emder that J. I. Junes lsj most interesting discourses ever d e -! VOur 7 Our young ». R. Sawyer, u; ........................................ -.- night at Residence iu the Sherwood block. H. T hoxi « son , agent up un the trout seat in tlie lumber liveted in Irvin". tT.lktou, Douglas county Or., was in Pleasant Hill, some time after 9 Prices very moderate. business. Persons contemplating! ---------—-’ the city on business Tuesday, and \\ hieb enables us to put up first class Picture Frao'.cfi. Wo can iurnisb o’clock, by taking a panel out of a | C H EAP B LA CK SM ITH SHOP. with building next year should cull or ad- Meeting of the Hast cottage Grove lir e ! made the E cho -L eader a social call. rear door. They rifled the postoffice dress Mr. Jones. New Blacksmith shop east of Department. The E cho -L eader will visit him fur a Centrally Located. Free 'Bus to and From Holiday Pictures in Frames. Meeting called Dee 1 , 1894 to order i year and bring many a brilliant, sunny which is located in the same build­ Markley’s halls. All kinds of Biaek- The . weather this fall, in this s* c- : Special Rates for Families. a'l Trains. . , , . „ . _ bv W . P. Lockwood. On motion Mr. I ray to him. He has a line ranch near ing and kept by Mr. Bristow, and smithing, repairing plows, wagons, C ^T’The following are some of our reduction prices : tion rivals that of ¡southern Califm- Jas He men way was elected chairman, j the Umpqua river lietween Llkton and carried away ubont $20 worth of NEAREST HOTEL TO POSTOFFICE j etc. Terms reasonable and all work Good Ash Bedroom Suit ......................................................................... nin, w ith chances largely favoring j Minutes of last meeting read and aj>- Scottsburg where it is, no trick at ail stamps. They were of the follow­ ♦ 11 to warranted. F. A C low . Extonsion Table.............................................................................. ....... (. 0(1 ti is jiortion of G ods green foot- ¡ proved. The constitution governing] ; to raise l'Kl to 125 bushels of Al oats ing denominations: lc, 2 c, 8 c, 10 c Hard wood Bedsteads.................................................................................. t|,e ; to the ucre. Mr. Sawyer taised over i the department, as adopted by . . . . 3 00 s to o l. Clothing lor Ladies and Children icitv council was then heard and ap- 4U00 bushels of oats the past season sud 15c. The burglars also took Stoves, from $2.50, up. Sewing Machine Oil, 10 cents a bottle A full hue IS N O T what we say but what Proved. Moved and s e c o n d » .t l .-1 and drove to market 100 head of fine .«me underwear cut of the store. of .Made to order cheap for cash or 1 fat hogs. In that portion of Douglas They left a chisel with which they , c ______ the foreman of tie Ho-ie Co. sel t a I . ! j K)d s oarsaparillado^s that tells t ie his team from the li-t of volunteers, : county the farmers ship everything country produce, by story of its merit. When in need of med- j Motion lost It was then moved sind to San Francisco • >ver the old ocean. cut out the panel. It seeuis that — FOR M ER LY B AK E R HOUSE.— Mits. P et S anfobd , iciaeremembar H O O D ’ S C U H E 3 seconded that the department elect a We know farmers down there who are burglaries are numerous all ovei Headquarters for Travelling Men. Cottage Grove. good managers and are making . , , , , ! foreman for the Hook and Ladder Co. the state. I arents who have children m j Motion carried. W. F Hcrnenway, stacks of $20 shiners, even if the times Sample Rooms Free. Rates from $1 fl^ T r o d u c e taken in exchange for goods. “ It is a pleasure to sell Chamber­ to $2 per Day. school should make it fln object to jL . P. Wooley and Jas. Hcrnenway are hard. But they are in touch with Wending and Repairing. tiie great progressive wave of diversi­ lain’s Cough Remedy,” says Sticknev visit the school room once or twice w rP nominated. H. H. Petrie and E. Willamette Street, Eugene. Or. it Dentler, druggists. Republic, Ohio, Clothing mended aud repaired by « t least during the term. It e o -; *■ J,** »P^dnted tellers. First fied farming, and don’t sell 30 cents COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON. S. E. BROAA:N, Proprietor. , . . , ballot resulted in no election. Jas. wheat by a heavy majority. They are “ Because a customer after once using M rs . V an K iper , W est side of Cottage courages botli teachers am. scholars. | Hemenwav then withdrew his name. on top with the pole that knocks the it,is almost certain to cull for it when Grove Oregon. Visit the schools. On second ballot L. F. Wooley reeeiv “ ’simmous” from the top branches of again in need of such medicine. We sell more of it than any other cough ed tbe majority of all votes east, and the tree every whack. DO YOU W A N T A H OM E? I ’ve « secret in my heart, medicine we handle, and it always was declared duly elected. On motion Sweet Marie, gives satisfaction.” For coughs, it was decided that the foremen of Tlie Grants Pass Observer has I liavo concluded to sell my land A tale T would impart, holds and croup, it is without an both cnmoanlo- choose ti e members Sweet Marie: in 40 acre tracts aud give men op­ of these respective comp o tes from the been enlarged to ail eight column equal. For sale by J. A. Benson. AND If you’d even fairer be, portunities to make ideal homes.— list of volunteers. The foreman of the weekly and is now printed oti a Cottage Grove, or Joe Lvons, Drain. B e n e on sten t reader Hose Co. to have first c i.-im, then to cylinder press. It has been greatly Location grand, Row river on one Itiic!t 1 ell’ h Arnica Salve. Of the E cho - L eader . choose alternatively, resulting as fol­ improved with tlie new arrange­ The best salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises side and flowing springs on the other. COTTAGE GROVE, - - - - OREGON. Kheum. Fever Sores, Tetter. Cha peo Samuel White, who lives at Bol­ lows : ments and the people of Josephine Salt Good school convenient. 14 miles Hands. Chilli albs. Corns, and all Skill Eru|. ion. members of hose co. ton. Muss., is a defendant, in the county should give it a good su [- and positively cures Piles, or no pay requ red. The new Manager of ihe above Hotel solicit* a liberal »-ast of Cottage Grove, on the Bohe­ O. E. Smith, foreman ; W F. Hem­ It is Kuarrauteed to Kive perfect satisfaction, or fifth generation of Peregrine AYliite, mia road. Address, Bluff Post office monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For enwav, J S. Medley, AY. McFarland, l>nrt. C o ttag e G ro ve , O r . share of patronage, with good meals and cortcous treat­ sale bv J. A. Benson. the first white child born in New Henry Medley. J. I. Thomas. A. Lane county, Oregon. ment. Special dinners and suppers on Sundays. Terms R e c e iv e r f o r th e A n n ie C o n s o lid a te d . England. He is a hale old man of Wood. TV H Hemenway. Geo. R lins. Any one who has children will R obert S. O wen . NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. 91 years who has never used liquor Henry Lawrence, C. Davis, Herbert reasonable. Give us a trial. " ' Tlie Annie Consolidated Mining rejoice with L. B. Mulford, of Plain- Land Office at Roseburg Oregon, Nov. 16 . 1894. *, 1 „ , ri„ „i„„,............ . i,,, i Eakin. Wm Adkins. Civile Ridgeway, Compilin' passed into the hands ot field. N. J. His little boy. live years Notice is hereby given that the following- or tobacco. On cleat dim. j Frank Jordan, A. D. Lincoln. " ALSO M AKES A SP E CIA LTY OF SE LL IN G settler has led notice of his intention to sometimes walks from Bolton to a receiver Wednesday. Mr. F- ¡8 . of age, was sick with croup. For two named MEMBERS OF HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY. , . . . days and nights he tried various rem­ make final proof in support of his claim, and that proof will be made before A. C. Jennings, Clinton Center and hack, a distance L. F Woolev. foreman : H. H. Pe. j Younger was appunted receiver am edies recommended by friends and said County Clerk of Lane County, Oregon, at of four miles. trie, c . A. McFarland, Wm. Medley, i has qualified m the sum of $ 10,000 neighbors. He says T thought I Eugene, Lane Co. Ore., on December 29. 1894, N. H. Martin, F.. J. Lea, W . P. Lock- j to hold the mine intact. Owing to would lose him. I had seen Cham­ viz: BURTON H. LEE, The fruit industry in Yoneulla and wood, U. O. AYalker, R*»v Knox. A.O. the fact of indebtedness which tliev berí.tin's Cough Remedy advertised o.i iovTQ-itea 1 entry No. 5474, for the Wl.7 N K ji, vicinity is getting to be wonderful. and thought I would try it as a lust W i2SE’ 4 o f See. 34, Tp. 20 8., R. 4 W est. II Thousands of trees will lie 1 anted S X i f . - F T Z Z l « 5 # ? . » « * the following witnesses to prove his con­ ....... ................... ... hope and am happy to say that aftei names tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said this winter. 1 hey have lietween three C. H Burkholder. taken out, the owners are arratig- two doses he slept till morning. 1 land, viz: G . W . McCoy, J . W. McCoy, Wm. I*. The thumb 1» an unfailing index end four hundred acres * planted in to colui enlarge turi the piani plant ouimoic suitable for j gave it to him next day and a cure Gray, W . S. Nickerson, all of Cottage Grove, V Ori / ’ ' iimu motion, . mm I j H. n . H. il. Petrie. i il i if . .1 J. . o. S. Afed- .'iru* in v*1 o f character. The Square T jp e in- i that locality already. Lane County, Oregon. dicatea a strong Mill, great energy , ~ was effected. I keep this remedy in „r b y- W . I\ L< ekwrond ai (1 AV F Hem-1 t]lt. ,,r„ae of ores; .liso to imv of ff nil nov 24-25. XL M. V1CATCH. Register. and firmness. C losely allied ie toe : Printers’ ink has been the the house now and as soon as any ot mi ( « a » ui e Way wp’ e appointed a commiftee to | . , T......io Spatalatcd Type, ihe thumb of those : am • D F siriP’ [)(• ()• ‘ 1 1 ì i 1 1 » . t ; lil 1)0! ’18 il 1)0Ut fjftllllill N bringing in a lot of enter my children show signs of croup I "'h »’ arran^re for h traini bali to gì veti . . • ’ . o f advanced ideas and business I pie who are rapidly developing the Chri-tmas night for the benefit of the j start, up ill full operation. This i- give it to them and that is tlie last of ability. Both of the«* types belong j E A S T A N D S O U T H to the bney man or woman; and 1 great natural resources of that beauti­ fire department. On motion it was a valuable property and with new it.” 50 cent bottle for sale by J. A. Demurest'« Family ila*.a*iue pre- — V IA— ful part ofOrgui.. One 400 acre ranch ordered that these minutes he pub- ; ,„a,.|iiiier\ capable of working the Henson, Cottage Grove, or Joe Lyons pares especially fv»r such persons a - whole volume o f new ideas, con- I at Yoneall- has Is e c: t up into two, fished in Cottage Grove E cho - L eader Drain. deneed in a email etwee, eo that tho | live, ten ai d twenty acre lots which On motion meeting adj 'urnod subject O u se, u s well u s the free nulling ore, record o f the whole world's work h ive been ict out in fruit trees. These to call of the foreman of the respect­ it is generally considered that Portland Sun: Woodburn is get­ for a month may be read in half an ; hour. Tbe Conical Type indicates trees planted two years ago, will soon ive Co’s. — OF T H E — there is big money in it. AVe most ting some free advertising iu con­ J as H emenway , refinement, culture, and a love o f . be in bearing and require hundri ds of Chairman. music, poetry, and fiction. A person ' sincerely trust it may prove all its nection with the proposition to di­ industrious people to pVk am! dry tl e W P. L ockwood . Secretary. with this type o f thumb will thor- j most sanguine irieu.ls and owners vide Marion county. While we are oughlv enjoy the literary attractions j •* •_>- fruit. o f Demoreet’a Magazine. The Ar­ not aware of any special effort on Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. from Salem Capital lesile. tistic Type indicates a love of > Splinters The big locomotives for the beauty and art, which will find rare | - 1 North. For rhumatism I have found noth- tiie part of tlie citizens of AAToodbtirn South. Southern Pa. itic Company will >oon Journal: pleasure in the magnificent oil-pict­ Pain looking toward this end, it is in the î: 15 p. 111. Lv. COrrACE GROVE, OREGON. l'o r t land Ar. 8:20 a. in. ure o f roses, 16^4 i 24 inches, repro- ; ,in.r to " 1« to Chamberlain’s be here, savs the Roseburg Review, Oregon drie 1 fruit is duced from the origiual painting by Bu|*n It the pain as soon ns nature of things one of tue future 12:57 a. ill. Lv. Cottage Grove Lv. 1:47 a. in. ” , T ILim T* relieves ■ Ar. San Francisco Lv. 7:00 p. in. 10:45 a. m. De Longpre, the most celebrated of und then will piolw 1 ly be two pu • astern markets by the •ill-load ne | i I app ied. J. W. Young West Liberty, olobuhilities. Woodburn is situat­ living flower-painters, which will " ,l 1 - A bove trains stop at all stations from Portland on I-i tween Ash und mid 1’. m .- ( , . never before. \V Va. The prompt relief it aff Tils i l»e jpven to every subscriber to ed nearly midway between Oregon to Albany incluuive; also. Tangent, Hhedds, D -morest’s Magazine for 1895. Tho -, ; is ¡U mo worth many times the cost. mid two b«lwien Roseburg *itui Halsey, Harrisb irg. Junction City, Irving, Eu­ If Chris* was pi Oregon's cost of this superb work ot art was • " 4 50 . cuts. Its continued use will effect City and Salem, aud a large part of gene and all stations from Iloseburg to Ashland i ¿350.00; and the reproduction Pnrtl in !. A s s on ii > tie licigh' to iliiv he could find many 111 ‘ a permanent cu re. For sale by J. A. Clackamas county lies disectlv east uiclu sve. ! cannot be distingnished from the busiutss gets a little lighter, this willing lo . ast Hie ‘tiist slum ” and Benson, Cottage Grove, or JoeLyous, original. Besides this, an exquisite It o v c b H ir g : ITIail D a i l y . of it. oil or water-color picture 1 » pub­ m w ailMUgeuu lit will probably do tin- last one too. Drain. 8 :.i 0 a. m. Lv. Portland Ar. 4:30 p. m. lished in each number o f the Maga­ 4:25 p. m. Lv. Cottage Grove Lv. 9:29 a. in. zine, and the articles are so pro­ iiwnv with two helper engines hire M l pi m. Ar. Roseburg Lv. 7:00 a. m. Governor Pi nin.yi r will d well .Ur Ira P. AVotmore, a prominent fusely and superbly Illustrated that ami oi.e at Gran la Pass, tbiowtng the Magazine is, in reality, a j-ort- leal estute agent of San Angelo, to give the people a fair, jusl and folio of art works o f ihe highest tbe Engiut eis and firemen out ol i Texas, has used Chamberlain's Colie, order. The PhilosophicTyi»c is the comprehensive statement of their thumb o f the thinker and inventor Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in his employ mint. Pullman Bullet Sleepers. of ideas, who will be deeply inter­ finances in his last ui ssuge to the j faufi|y fof several years as occasion ested in those developed month: AND legislature. ! required, and always with perfect in Demorest’s Magazine, in ever, l l o w ’s T h is ! one o f its numerous departments, success. He says; “ I find it a perfect Second Clan» Sleeping: Car« which cover the entire artistic ai.d From 300 to 500 hundred tons of AVe offer One Hundred Dollars Re­ cure for our baby when troubled with ATTACHED TO ALL THROUGH TRAINS. scientific field, chronicling every ward for any case of Catarrh that freight are going through the Ore­ colic or dysentery. I now feel that fact, fancy, and fad o f the day. cannot be cured by Hull.s Catarrh gon City locks these days and the my outfit is not complete without a Demurest's is simply a perfect W e s t S id e D íy ím ío ii , Family Magazine, and was long ago Cure. (Kittle of this Remedy at home or on a ] Between Portland and Corvallis. crowned Queen of the Monthlies. farmers find business men are taxed trip away from home. For sale by F. J. CHENEY & Co, Props. Toledo O. Send in your subscription; it will | cost only fr 2 . 00 , and you will have M AIL T R A IN D A IL Y (E XCEPT SUNDAY'.) We the undersigned, have known 50ets a i m for it. Tbe statb has T. A Benson, Cottage Grove, or Joe a dozen Magazines in one. Addresa farmed out that monopoly to au Lyons, Drain. F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, ... 7:00 A. M. L V Portlaiid Ar. I 5:35 P. M. W. J ennings D kmorest , Publi-her, \VE M A K E A S P E C IA L T Y C F : 12:15 P. M. Ar. Corvallis Lv. | 1:00 P. M. 15 Eai>t 14th Street, New York, ami believe him perfectly honorable electric light company and tbe time Tlie S. P. railroad company lias Though not a fashion magazine, itx j iu all business transactions and fin­ when the state could have taken the ! At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of perfect fashion pag^s.and its articles given the fruit raisers of Yamhill j ancially uble to curry out any obliga­ | Oregon Pacific Railroad. on family and domestic matters, will I By their tneir nrin. | l ° l'ks has lapsed But the state county a very low rate on dried H ir U % l i V » .4 * % § fi be o f superlative interest to those tion made by firm. /G /.- A S VV 1 E x p r e s s T r a in D a i l y -E x c e p t S u n d a y .) possessing the Feminine Type of West & Truax. Wholesale Drug- should lower the tolls charged the fruit to be shipped east. The fruit j Thumb, which indicates in its «nail J « .« , . _T i*ts, Teiedo, O. Waiding, Kiiinin ¿fc j producer, which are now too heavy, | is loaded on the cars here and tak -1 Ar. j &2S A. M. 4:40 P. M. I Lv Portland tize, biendemes>, 80ft r.aii, and For the manufacture of which wc have superior facilitios. e w n ie i 7:25 P. M. I Ar McMinnville Lv. I 5:50 A. M. K iarvin. Wholesale Diuggists, Cole- NOii’cL 11 ’beiongrViliiT'i!r!ih" |»artitg uonleinplatiii” building or repai iag to call and jns{>ect our lam- J. AV. Wiley, of Pbenix, took en to New York for the reasonable ’ do, Ohio. X ? i ? £UF j L c ! tmWribc to ! Through ticket» to all points in the Eastern gentler sex, every’ one o c»f f whom ahou’ ¿ o n ’ d mi Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter- j three car loads of bo^s aud one j | rate of 1 cent per pound. Two cars I - _ i states. Canada tnd Europe can be obtained at D'-morcut'« Magazine. I f you are unacquainted wiih MOST 9E R F 5C T MADE.. i lowest rates from M. C. Bond, agent. Cottage it 9 merits, eend for a specimen copy (freei, and null}- acting directly uPJ,“i H>e^ Gooil | joa(j ot catti0 to San Francisco last of 40,000 pounds capacity will be i Grove. E. P. ROGERS. admit that seeing these THUifBS has put you will at' ri:r- Grrp? Crenm of Tartar Powder. Ft . _______ Asst. G. Y & Pass A g t you in the _ ay o f savins' money by finding m one Price,' U<75< l r S 0 V-4dC " b y ' T l i i ^ k ' They were put on the train | required to ship the dried fruit of > chi : Ammonia, Al»im or any otiur? Maca/iae to ettiffy the literary v cX Mac»/.ine everything c T KOEH LER. Manager, COTTAGE GR O V E OREGON. that countv. the whole f-iinily Portland Or. Druggists. Testimonials free. at Medford 4 0 y e a : ^ t : ie s t a k d a ió » The Local World. S O C IA L F L U T T E R I N G . A girl wanted for general house­ work. One from the country pre­ fe r r e d . C. H. B urkholder EAKIN & BRISTOW. M ERCHANTS & BANKERS, General Merchandiser j Lowest C A S H Prices. A GENERAL B A N K IN G B U S IN E S S . S. R. PIPER. fin tul SHEET IRON W A R E , /V * f W ild wood Axes, Amunition, and all sf. G A .F ^T F oJ ID G E S . H. THOMPSON | j Family Groceries, Furnishing Goods Mew Furniture Store. NEW FIRM, NEW STOCK, NEW STYLES! = G r e a t Reduction for Cash.: Fruit Trees. Elegant Bedroom Suits. Willamette Valley Karsery Co., Cool Stoves, Heaters awl Hollow-^ Moulding and Mitre Saw, §TI Carpets, W a ll Paper, Glass, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. M A R T IN BROS. J. S. M E D L E Y , [ Justice of the Peace Real Estate Agent. R. W . VEATCH, Proprietor. Collections a Specialty. _______ R e a l E s ta te . For No. 1 Goods and Low Prices in Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, IRON WARE, A M M U N IT IO N , The Shasta Route Ot Southern Pacific Co. 1D0,000 FEET Di&iag Csrs on Ogden Ruote. <*c. SEASONED Building Lumber. \ Our Saw is in tlie Front tor a B IG TR A D E INTERIOR HOUSE FINISH J . I. J O N E S ?