Y OL. i>. COTTAGE GROVE. LANE COUNTY, OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1894. prison for federal convicts without the been an unusual and pressing demand government to less than 3 per cent. Highest o f all in Leavening Power.— Latest U . S. Gov’t Report least difficulty and with an actual saving in many quarters of the world for the Nothing could be worse c- further re­ of money from every point of view. | presence of vessels to guard American moved from sensible fin moe than the Pending a more complete reform, I hope interests In January last, d u rit r the Echo-Leader Building. relations existing between the currency that by the adoption of the suggestion Brazilian P insurrection, was the government has issued, the gold i ® , a , large , fleet _ of the secretary of war this easy step concentrated in the harbor of Rio de held for its redemption and the means E. p. t : l o r p , may be taken in the direction of the Janeiro. The vigorous action of Rear- which must be resorted to for the pur- proper care of its convicts by the gov-1 Admiral Benham in protecting the per- 1 pose of replenishing such redemption E j i t o r and B u s in e s s M a n a g e r ernment of the United States. \ sonal and commercial right- of >ur fund when impaired. Even if the citizens during the disturbed conditions claims upon this fund were con- P o s to fflc e D e p a r tm e n t. aflorded results which will, it is be- j fined to the obligation? originally K a t t s o f S u b s c rip tio n . The report of the port mas ter-general lieved, have a tar-reaching and w h ole-' intended, and if the redemption of (T f c Y E A R ...... ........................................ * 2 0 0 presents a comprehensive statement of some influence whenever, in like cir- , these obligations meant their cancella- M T “ Tnese rates s>re stric tly in advance, cumstances, it may becomfl necessary: tion, the fund would be very EXPULSION OP ARM EN IANS B Y TU R K E Y . - . . t o r .nubscribera w ish in g n. change in their the operations of the postoffice depart­ for our naval commanders 8» interfere ' small. But these obligations when re- In my last annual message I adverted I p -»o ffice addres« should g iv e th e ir o ld as w ell ment for the last fiscal year. The re­ on behalf of our people in folelgn ports. ceived and redeemed in gold are not can­ 1 in ' ‘iw address. to the claim on the part of Turkey oi ECH6-I.RADFR w ill be sent to subscribers the right to expel, as persons undesira­ The war now in prograta between celled, hut are reissued and may do duty ceipts of the department during the a ll arrears art* paid and paper ordered to China and Japan has ren d e^ l it neces­ many times by way of drawing gold ^ ble and dangerous, Armenians natural­ b ' d jc o u tin u-d according to law . year amounted to $75,080,470 04, and sary or expedient to disaitch eight front the treasury. Thus we have an , COST OF TH E A RM Y. M ttt“ Any vubi-criber not receiving his paper ized in the United States and returning the expenditures to $84,324,414 15. The vessels to these waters. t * «¿ la rly w ill please notify this office imme­ to Turkish T h e S t r ik e I n v e s t Ig t t t lo n . jurisdiction. Numerous endless chain in operation, constantly was fitly supplemented by a refusal to The total expenditures for the war de­ diately. transactions of the postal service in­ depleting the treasury’s gold, and never allow American registry to vessels built By virtue of a statute of the United W e invite short articles oi general in- questions in this relation have arisen. partment for the vear ending June 30, TH E COAST BUR\ .'4 , near a final rest. As if this was not bad abroad, though owned and navigated by States, passed in 1888, 1 appointed in t rest—long ones, as a rale, not published. A ll W hile this government acquisced in the 1894, amounted to $56,039,009 34. Of dicate with barometric certainty the s icle must be acconi1 : 1 bv the name of the asserted right of expulsion, it would this sum $2,000,614 99 was for salaries fluctuation in the business of the coun­ Both the secretary of tltfc navy and enough, we have by a statutory declara- ourownpeople, thusexliibitinga willing- July last Hon. John D. Kernan, of the i • friter, ot f«>r pttbl.c . o i, b a t -.s OTidefP e try. As much, therefore, as business the secretary of the trea-;i iff commend tion that it is the policy of the govern- ness to abandon all contest for the ad- state of New York, and Hon. Nicholas o^-'Ood fa th. We assume no responsibility for not consent that Armenians may be im ­ and contingent expenses, $23,665,156 16 continued to exist the transfer of the work of 4 h'A coast ment to maintain the parity between vantage of American trans-oceanic car S. W orthington, of the state of Illinois, prisoned or otherwise punished for no for the support of the military estab­ complications ti e opinions of correspondents. K irered at rhe poatoffice at Cottage Grove as other reason than having acquired, lishments, $6,001,632 23 for miscel­ throughout the last year to an unfore­ survey proper to the navv department. gold and silver, aided the force and mo riage. Our new tariff pxilicy, built upxjn to confer with Hon. Carroll D. W right, s» :ond clais matter. «commenda­ mentaru of this exhausting process and the theory that it is well to encourage commissioner of labor, who was desig- without imperial consent, American laneous objects, and $25,371,155 90 for seen extent it is not surprising that the I heartily concur in thi citizenship. Three of the assailants of public works. This latter sum includes deficiency of revenue to meet the ex­ tion. added largely to the currency obligations such importations as our pteople need, j nated hv said statute, a commission for Excluding Alaska and a very small claiming this peculiar gold redemption. and that our products and manufactures the purptose ot making careful inquiry A d v e r t i u l n g K a t e s M a d e K n o w n o n A p ­ Miss Moulton, an American teacher in $19,494,037 49 for river and harbor im ­ penditures of the postoffice department, which was estimated in advance at area besides, all the work of mapping Our small gold reserve is thus subject to should And markets in every part of the into ttie causes of the controversies be- Mosul, have been convicted by ths provements, and $3,974,863 56 for forti­ p lic a tio n . habitable globe, is consistently supple- tween certain railroads and their ent Ottoman courts, and I am advised that fications and other works of defense. about $8,tkHM)00, should exceed the es­ and charting our coast lias been com­ drain from every side. timate. The ascertained revenues last pleted. The hydrographic work, which mented by the greatest possible liberty ; ployes, which had resulted in an ex' an appeal against the acquittal of the The appropriations for the current year DEMANDS IN CRE ASIN G . must he done over and aye” Again by vear which were the basis of calculation to our citizens in the ownership and tensive and destructive strike, accom­ remaining five has heen taken by the aggregated $52,429,112 73, and the esti­ C H U K C il D IR E C T O R Y . The demands that increase our daDger navigation of ships in which our proif- for the current year, being less than es- reason of the shifting varying Turkish prosecuting officer. panied hv much violen t« and dangerous mates submitted by the secretary of alBo increase the necessity of protecting ucts and manufacturers may lie trans­ disturbances, with considerable loss of A convention I,as been concluded war for the next fiscal year call for ap­ timated, the deficiency for the current depths of water, consequent upon the this reserve against depletion, and it is amounting to $52,318,- year will be correspondingly greater, action of streams and titles, baa'-' vreto- most unsatisfactory to know that the ported. The millions now paid foreign­ life and great destruction of property. * 1 UM HK.Kf.ASD P R E S B Y T E R IA N C I i r R C H — with Venezuela for the arbitration of a propriations \J Sunday school, 10 a . m . Preaching, 11 a . m . iong disputed claim growing out of the 629 56. though the postmaster-general states fore been t.one under tree A'-rection of ers for carrying American piassengers The report of the commissioner* has protection afforded is only a temporary a d 7 t*. m . Prayer meeting, each u eonesdey at The skill and industry of our ordi­ that the latest indications are so favor­ the naval officers in sr / b jmmuion to palliation. It is perfectly and palpably and products across the sea should be been submitted to me, and w ill be ¿ r m . ( “ W e are j »nrney ng unto a place <.f seizure of certain vessels, the property Ship­ transmitted to congre-s, with the evi­ nance officers and inventors have, it is able that he confidently predicts an in­ the superintendent of i ‘i^ H ^ ^ s u r v e y . plain that tlte only way under the turned into American hands. v'linm the Ix>rd «» i d , I w ill g ve it you; come of citizens of the United States. R h ^ ii w th im and we w ill do thee good.” — building, which has been protected to dence taken upon their investigation. Although signed, the treaty of extra­ believed, overcome the mechanical ob­ crease of at least 8 per cent in the There seems to he no g km WUror why present conditions by which this re­ ? im b 1 0 N. B. N E SB IT T , Pastor. dition with Venezuela is not yet in stacles which have heretofore delayed revenues of the current year over those the navy should not have entire charge serve, when dangerously depleted, can strangulation, should be revived by the Their work has lieen well done, and hereafter of such work, especially as prospect of profitable emoloyinent for their standing and intelligence give i i H K D f h L N n i r p . c : - s e r v i c e s a t h a . force, owing to the insistence of that the armament of our coasts. This great of the last year. be replenished is through the issue and L m . and i'p - M . Hut.day school at 10 a . M. government, that, when surrendered, national undertaking upon which we The expenditures increase steadily the hydrographic office of the navy de­ sale of bonds of the government 'or gold, ships when built, and the American asstiram« that the reptort and sug­ ' . P. S. f \ E.j, caH i Sunday at 4 r. m . M id w eek partment is now, and has lieen for many sailor should be resurrected and again gestions they make are worthy of care­ its citizens shall in no case be liable to have entered may now proceed as rap­ and necessarily with the* growth and p:*iy»*r and p n c>e services, W edn esday e ve n in g and yet congress has not only thus far idly as congress shall determine. W ith needs of the country so that the de­ years, engaged in making «.«ficieut maps declined to authorize the issue cf bonds take his place, a sturdy and industrious ful consideration. I t 7 o ’clock. M u sical rei.ear-al, each S atardaj capital punishment. ever, lu g at 7 o c ’iock a supply oi finished guns of large cali­ ficiency is greater or less in any year entirely similar to tho^e prepared by the best suited to such a purpose, but there citizen in time of pteace and a patriotic TO PREVENT COLLISIONS AT SEA. coast survey. and safe defender of American interests ■ fE T H 'J D lS T C H TRi’ H —S U N D A Y SCHOOL seems a disposition in some quarters to The rules for the prevention of col­ ber already on hand to which additions depending upon the volume of receipts. C o n c iu a io n . in the days of conflict. The ancient at 10 a . M. Pre .citing each fou r'll Sunday lisions at sea, which were framed hv the should now rapidly follow, the wisdom The postma6ter-general states that this deny both the necessity and power for I conclude this communication, fully PERSONNEL OF T H 9 L IN E . » * rning and evening. Prayer meeting, every provision of our law, denying American of providing carriages and emplacement deficiency is unnecessary and might be the issue of bonds at all. I cannot for Thursday night. ‘ T:t Lo d is in H is holy ttm- maritime conference, held in this city in appreciating that the respunsihilitv for I feel it my imperative d:ity to call at­ a moment believe that any of our citiz­ registry to ships built abroad and 1 le.” RKV. K G IT T INS, Pastor. 1889, having been concurrently incor- for their mount cannot be too strongly obviated at once if the law regulating owned by Americans, appears in the ' *)l legislation affecting the pteople of »he urged. rates upon mail matter of the second tention to the recommendation of the ens are deliberately willing that their ported in the statutes of the United The total enrollment of the m ilitia ol class was modified. The rate received secretary in regard to the I personnel of government should dcfanlt in its pecuni­ light of present conditions not only to United States rests upon their rep>- States and Great Britain, have been the several states is 117,533 officers and for the transmission of this second-class the line of the navy. T l v * agnation of ary obligations, or tiiat its financial be a failure for good at every pom t, hut rcsentatives in congress, and assuri g announced to take effect March 1, 18!A, enlisted men, an increase of 5,343 over matter is 1 cent per pound, while the promotion in this, the vital brand) of operations should be reduced to a silver to he nearer a relic of barbarism than them that whether in »i-c o id m i« with and invitations have been extended to anything that exists under the pier- the recommendations I have made, or all maritime nations *o aditere to them. the number reported at the close of the cost of such transmission to the govern­ the service, is so great a« to seriously basis. "A t any rate, I should not feel mission of a statute of the United not, 1 shall fie glad to co-op>erate in p>T- my duty was done if I Favorable responses have thus far been previous year. The reports of m ilitia ment is eight times that amount. In impair its efficiency. 1 consider it of the that States. I earnestly recommend its fecting any legislation that tends to the could make received from Australia, France, Portu­ inspections by regular army officers the general terms of the law this rate most importance that tho young and omitted any effort I prosperity and welfare of our country. prompt repieal. show a marked increase in interest and covers newspapers and periodicals. middle-aged officers should liofore the to avert such a calamity. As gal, Spain and Sweden. efficiency in state organizations, and 1 eve of retirement be permitted to reach long, therefore, as no provision » H E LA W ABUSED. T h e T r e a s u r y D e p a r tm e n t. strongly recommend a continuance of a grade entitling them to active and im­ is made for the final redemption or The extension of the meaning of the The secretary of the treasury reports the policy of affording every practical portant duty. putting aside for the currency ob li­ Deals Largely With Reports that the receipts of government from ail encouragement possible to this im terms from time to time have admitted The system adopted a few years ago the gation now used to repeatedly and con­ sources of revenue during the fiscal year, portant auxiliary of our m ilitary estab­ to the privileges intended for legitimate regulating the employment of labor at stantly draw from the government its newspapers and periodicals a surprising of Departments. ended June 30, 1894, amounted to $372,- lishment. the navy-yards is rigidly upheld, and has gold, and so long as no better authority range of publications, and created abuses IN D IA N PRISONERS. 802,498 29, and its expenditures to $442,- fully demonstrated its nsc'ulness and ef­ for bond issues is allowed than at pres­ the cost of which amount in the aggre­ (105,758 87, leaving a deficit of $69,803,- ficiency. I t is within the domain of civil ent exists, such authority will tie The condition of the Apache Indians gate to the total deficiency of the post- 260 58. There was a decrease of $15,- held as prisoners by the government for service reform, inasmuch as workmen utilized whenever and as often as be­ ----- C O R N E R O F - office department. Pretended newspa­ 952,674 66 in the ordinary expenses of eight years at a cost of $500,000 lias been are employed through a ; oard of labor, comes necessary to maintain a sufficient pers are started by business houses for the government, as compared with the changed during the year from captivity selected at each navy-yard, and are given gold reserve and abundant to save the fiscal year of 1893. There was collected to one which gives them an opportunity the mere purpose of advertising goods, work without reference to politics and credit of our country and make good tlte F E W R E CO M M E ND ATIO NS MADE from customs $131,818,530 62. and from to demonstrate their capacity for self- complying with the law in form only, in the order of their appli z.tion, prefer­ financial declarations of our government. internal revenue $147,168,449 70. The support and at least partial civilization. and discontinuing the publications as ence, however, being giver to armv and Questions re’ 'ting to onr banks and balance of the income for the year, Legislation enacted at the.latest session soon as the period of advertising is over. navy veterans and those Laving former currency are closely connected with the amounting to $93,816.517 97, was derived of congress gave the war department Sample copies of pretended newspapers navy-yard experience. Amendments subject just referred to, and they also from the sales of land and other sources. authority to transfer the survivors, who are issued in great numbers for a like suggested by experience have been made present some unsatisfactory features. purpose only. The result is a great loss system. Prominent among them are tlte lack of S e c r e t a r y C a r l i s l e ’ s H a n k in g a n d C u r ­ The value of our total dutiable imports number 346, from Mount Vernon bar­ of revenue to the government besides its to the rules regulating the amounted to $275,199 086. being $146,- racks, in Alabama, to many suitable Through its operation tue work at our elasticity in our currency circulation re n cy P la n F a v o r e d — T a . iff B ill humiliating use as an agency to aid in 657,62# less than durit g the preceding reservations. The department selected navy-vards lias been greatly improved and its frequent concentration in tinan- N e e d s A m e n d i n g — R e l a t i o n o f U n it e d year, and the importat ons free of duty as their future home the military lands carrying out the sehente of a business in efficiency, and the op, ortunitv to eial centers when it is most needed in house to advertise its goods by means amounted to $379,795,536, being$64 748, work has been vastly an.t fairly awarded other parts of the country. near Fort Sill, Indian territory, where, S ta te s W it h t h e F o r e ig n P o w e r s . The abso­ of a trick upon both its rival houses 676 less than during tin preceding year. under m ilitary surveillance, the former to willing and competent applicants. It lute divorcement of the government and the regular and legitimate news­ W a s h i n g t o n , December 3.— Following The receipts from customs were $73,536, is hoped that if this system continues to from the bnsiness of hanking is ttie ideal prisoners have been established in papers. Paper-covered literature, con­ is the full text of President Cleveland’s 486 11 le»s, and horn internal revenues agriculture under conditions ^favorable sisting mainly of trashy novels, to the be strictly adhered to tliej-e will soon be, relationship of the government to the $13,836,539 97 less than 1893. The total to their ad vanceinent. as a natural consequence, such an equal­ circulation of the currency of the J. O. W il s o n , Contractor and extent of many thousands of tons, is message as read in congress today : tax collected was: Distilled spit its, $85,- ization of party iienefit as will remove country. In recognition of the long and distin­ sent through the mails at 1 cent a Builder, Sulphur Springs, Texas, 259.250 25; manufactured tobacco, $8,- all temptation to relax or abandon it. guished m ilitary services and faithful The assemblage within the nation’s SECRETARY C A R LIS LE 'S P LA N . pound, while the publishers of standard thus speaks of A y e r's P i l l s : leuislative halls of those charged with 617,898 62; fermented liquors, $31,414,- lischarge of the delicate and res[>on- works are required to pay 8 times that This condition cannot he immediately 718 04. sible civic duties by Major-General John ** Ayer’s Pills are thr best medicine I tke duty of making laws for the benefit amount in sending their p u h lic a t ^ . reached, but as a step in that direction D e p a rtm e n t o f A g r ic u ltu r e . Our exports of merchandise, domestic M. Schofield, now general commanding ever tried; and, in my judgment, no —“5 générons and free people impies- An abuse con ists in the free c.irlf-^3' and as a means of securing a more elas­ Tlte secretary of agriculture in his re­ , e v e ! - pngaes» the exacting obligation and foreign, amounted during the year: sh e army, it is suggested to congress through the mails of hundreds better general remedy could be devised. tic currency and obviating other objec­ I inexorsqS —esponsibility involved to $892,140,572, being an 'n,'•reuse over that the temporary revival of the grade of seed and grain uselessly distrt w if i port, reviews the opera* on9 of his de­ tions to tiic present arrangement of bank I have used them In m y fa m ily and the precedi nir year of $44,495,378 The of lieutenant-general in nis lieiudf ttiromrii the department of agri*^un~ ■ partment for the last 1L s', year, and e _ '■ . i I- 1 '«of . nr ! ) recommended them to my friends and reroirtnej-latt. .«• 1 ¿.’ i«» further circulation, the secretary ol the treasury i . c „ jn st n n d g ie tio e s a ct, a / . l lh e postmaster-general preiticls uV>^if •lirt -, n o ,' to TO itntlirtaxe,» i»y til, total an.ouiit ot g?d ! :.-j-r-ritsi•A’.,iritigJ t;ir< ■ ni.* in h!; rorevri ;• -telieyvc nvidifv- Wttnlovw fo? i a t wen? fc&ears. l ■• report* “ congress of the United States, and in the fiscal year wan $79,898,061, as aitain-9 w ould perm it, his re tire m e n t now n d ir the law be so amended as to ‘ rail rate extension of its asefAlness. | ing the present bunking laws and pro­ T o iny cfria in ^ k iio w ie O M T - - ™- ; the discharge o f an executive duty en­ $108,680,444 during the fiscal year 1893. a t h a n d w ith rank befittin g his miantH. these abuses, not only will the pc t.Lice s -aving in the expenditure during the viding for the issue of circulating notes of the following cowplaifl v «a r o f $600,000, which is covered hack joined by ttie constitution, 1 submit The amount imported was $72.449,119, by state banks free from taxation, under ilejiartment not show a defici u j- y D e p a r tm e n t o f J u s tic e . completely and into the treasury. ■ This sutn Is 23 per " this rommonicatiolk, containing a brief as against $21,174,381 during the previ­ certain limitations. The secretary ex The report of the aUorney-gefieral he believes that in the near fature-iail cent of the entire appropriation. ous fiscal y'a r. 1893. The imports of A statement of the condition of our na­ notes the gratifying progress made by legitimate newspapers, periodicals and special study lias Iteeii made of the de­ plains his plan so plainly, and its ad­ tional ailaira and recommending such silver were $13 286,552, and the exports the supreme court in overcoming the ar­ inagn.lines w ill lie properly transmitted mand for American farm pr Bluets in vantages are developed by him with -by the nae of A y e r’s Pills alone: Third were $50,451,265. législatif»!, as seems to me necessary and remarkable clearness, that rears of its husinese and in reaching a through the mails to their subscribers all loreign markets, and especially such bay chills, dumb ague, bilious fever, THE SUGAR BOUNTY. expcu.etajr. any effort on my part to present free of cost. I in '” ‘e your prompt con­ That country received trick headache, rheumatism, flux, dys­ The total bounty paid upon the pro­ condition in which it will tie able to dis­ sideration of ibis subject, and fully in­ Great Britain. argument in its support would T h e S t a t e l> e p a r t in e it t . duction of sugar in the United States pose of the cases as they arise without dorse the views of the postmaster-gen­ from the United States during the nine he superfluous. 1 shall, therefore, con­ pepsia, constipation, and hard colds. I The Instory of our recent dealings for the fiscal year was $12,100,208 89, any reasonable delay. This result is, of eral. The total number of p isto.iic.es in months, ending September 30, 1*94, tent myself with an unqualified indorse­ know that a moderate use of A y e r’ s W rites Postmaster J. C. W o o d so n , 305 910 live beef cattle, valued at $26.- with other nations and our peaceful re­ being an increase of $2,725,078 over the course, very largely due to the success­ ment of the secretary’s propose«] changes Pills, continued for a few days or weeks, the United States on the 30th day of Forest Hill, W . V a., “ I had a bron­ lations with them at this time addition­ payments during the preceding year. ful working of the plan inaugurating cir­ June, 1894, was 66,805, an increase of */00,000 as against 182,611 cattle valued in the law and a brief end an imperfect as the nature of the complaint required, chial trouble o f such a persistent $16,624,000, during the same ally demonstrate the advantage of con­ The amount of bounty paid from July cuit courts of appeals. In respect to 1403 over the preceding year. Of these at statement of their prominent features. would be found an absolute cure for the During the first sistently adhering to a firm but just 1, 1894, to August 28, 18!)4, the time these tribunals a suggestion is made in 3428 were presidential, an increase in period for 1893. It is proposed to repeal all laws provid­ and stublxjm character, that the disorders I have named above." - -«■ér cign policy, free from envious or am­ when further payments ceased by quarters entitled to the highest consid­ that class of 68 over the preceding year. six months of 1894, the United K in g­ ing for the deposit of United States doctor pronounced it incurable with bitions national schemes, and charac­ operation of the law, was $966,185 84. eration, that an additional circuit judge Six httndt _d and ten cities and towns dom took also 112,000,000 pounds of lionde as security for circulation ; to per­ ordinary medicines, and advised " I have been selling medicine for terized by entire honesty and sincerity. The total expenses incurred in the pay­ for each circuit would greatly strengthen are provided with free delivery, 93 other dressed beef from the United States, mit national banks to issue circulating eight years, and I can safely say that me to try A y e r ’s Cherry Pectoral. During the past year, pursuant to a ment of the bounty npon sugar during these courts and the confidence reposed cities and towns eutitled to this service vain -d at nearly $10,000,000. The re­ notes not exceeding in amount 75 per Ayer’s Pills give better satisfaction in their adjudications, and that such an I did so, and one bottle cured me. port sliows that during the nine months' I law of congress, commissioners were ap- the fiscal year was $130,140 85. than any other P ill I ever sold.” —J. J. addition would not create a greater force under the law have not been accorded it immediately preceding September 30, cent of their paid-np and unimpaired I pointed to the Antwerp industrial ex- It is estimated that upon the basis of of For the last fifteen years, I have Perry, Spottsylvania C. H., Va. judges than the increasing business of on account, of insufficient funds. The 1894, the United States exported to capital, provided they deposit with the A position. Though the participation of our present revenue laws, the receipts used this preparation with good government as a guarantee fund in expense of free delivery of the current (■ A m erican exhibitors fell fur short of of the government during the current such courts requires. I commend the fiscal year will lie more than$12,300,000, Great Britain 222.676.000 pounds of United States legal tender notes, includ­ effect whenever I take flHcoinpletely illustrating our national in- fiscal year, ending June SO, 1895, will be suggestions to the careful consideration and under existing legislation this item pork; of apples, 1,900,000, valued at ing treasury notes of 1890,. a snm of rrepsrMtkg Dr. J. C. A yer & Co., Lovell, H u e. •ermity and industrial achievements, $42-*,427,746 44, and its expenditures of congress. Other important topics are of expenditure is subject to constant in­ $2,5t0,000; and of horses, 2881, at an eqnal amount to 30 per cent o f the holes v e t it was still creditable, in view of the $444,427,748 44, resulting in a deficit of advocated in the report, accompanied crease. The estimated cost of rural free average value of $189 per head. There they desire to issue; this deposit to be Every Dose E f f e c t i v e by recommendations, many of which was a tailing off iD American exports of and I know of numbers o f people I S.rief time allowed for preparation. 1 $20.000,000. delivery generallj- is so very large that wheat of 13,500,000 bushels, and the maintained at all times, but whenever have been treated at large in previous \ave endeavoi'ed to impress upon the November 1, 1894, the total stock of it ought not to be considered in the secretary is inclined to believe that any bank retires any part of its circula­ who keepiit in the house all the time, /jeu Eovercment the needlcssness money of all kinds in the country was messages and at this time, therefore, present condition of affairs. tion a proportionate part o f its not considering it safe to be with­ wheat may not, in the future, be the and positive liarmfulness of its restric­ $2,240,773,888, as against $2,204,651.000 need only lie named. 1 refer to the There are connected with the post- staple export cereal product of our guarantee fund shall be returned to out ft.” tions upon the importation of certain November 1, 1893, and the money of all abolition of the fee system as a measure it; to permit the secretary of “ I have been using A y e r’s Cherry of our food products and have strongly kinds in circulation not included in the of compensation to federal officers; the office establishment 32,661 employes country, hut that corn will continue to the treasury to prepare and keep on This advance in importance as an export on urged that the rigid supervision and in­ treasury holdings was $1,672,093.422, or enlargement of the powers of United who are in the classified service. Pectoral in my family for 30 years, with hand ready for issue in case an increase States commissioners at least in the ter­ includes many whu have been classified (T | A G O worth of lovely Music for Forty —^ account oi the new uses to which it is spection under onr laws are amply snf- $24 73 |>er capita, upon an estimated the most satisfactory results, and can in circulation is decried, blank national n l 11 * . Cents* consisting ot 10 0 pages - ticient to prevent the exportation from -population of 68,887.000. A t the same ritories : the allowance of writs of error on the suggestion of the postmaster- constantly appropriated. J full sire SSeet Music a t the; hank notes for oarh hank having circu­ cheerfully recommend it as being espe­ The exports ot agricultural products latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular - thi- country of diseased cattle and nn- tune there was held in the treasury in criminal cases on liehalf of the United general. H e states that another year s lation, and to repeat the provisions of cially adapted to all pulmonary com­ selections, both vocal and Instrumental,; States, and the establishment of a grade experience at the head of the depart­ from the United States for the fiscal w holesome meat. gtjd bullion amounting to $44,615,177 55, gotten up In the most elegant manner. In- ’ plaints. 1 have, for many years, made ment serves only to strengthen his con­ year, ending June .30, 1S94, amounted to the present law imposing limitations THE «H U M AN CLAIMS. « and silver bullion, which was purchased by congress in the crime of murder. A eluding four large size Portraits. viction as to the excellent working of $628,383,038, being 72.28 per cent of the and restrictions, thus permitting such topic dealt with by the attorney-general pulmonary and other medicines a special 0AHHENCITA, th * S panish Dancer, The commission organized tinder the at a cost of $127,779,988. of much importance is the condition of the civil service in this branch of the American ex (torts of every description, increase or reduction within the lim it PADEREWSKI, th e Great P lanisU study, anil I have come to the conclusion convention which we had entered into THE SILVER PURCHASES. o f the 75 per cent of capital to be ADELINA PATTI and the administration of justice in the In ­ public service. and the United Kingdom of Great that A y e r’s Cherry Pectoral occupies a w ith Chili for the settlement of the out­ M IN N IE 8ELIG MAN CUTTING, t> quicklv made as emergencies arise. The purchase of silver bullion, under dian territory. The permanent solution Britain took more than 54 per cent ol piosition pre-eminent over other medi­ ADDRESS ALU 0*0t«B T » standing claims of each government the act of July 14, 18540, ceased Novem ­ of what is called the Indian problem is In addition to the guarantee fund all farm products finding foreign mar­ cines of the class.” —Chas. Davenport, T lie N a v y D e p a r tm e n t. ^ THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO CO. ^ against the other, adjourned at the end ber 1, 1893, and up to that time there probably not to be expected at once, required, it is pro|M>se 'questions raised by the German pro- troops. The execution of the policy ol solve a problem which has practically ships and but few torpedo-boats. If we other portion of this communication, i ,ests. concentrating the army at im portart heen lie fore the present congress ever \ are to have a navv for warlike opera- pieople became so reduced, and its fur­ that the additional dnty of l-10th of yr.Msn.MENT o f M e x i c a n in s u r g e n t s . centers of population and transportation, si m e its organization. ’ tion«, offensive and defensive, we cer­ ther depletion in the near future seemed * ■ cent M per pound laid upion sugar im- 1 “ C U P IO E N E - Eight years ago, in my annual mes­ tainly ought to increase both the num­ aorerta'n that in the exSrrise of propier _ p>rte«l G o o f will fostered by many interests foist.adowol in the last annual 1 r< report of irted from countries ronntriea paying a bonnty Thta great V< getahla s-irr cdtnrnoo has marked our relations the secretary, has tesulted in the ahan- sage, 1 urged npon congress as strongly ber .if hattle-shipe and tor p o lo boats. ore its expiort he abrogated. I t seems to VitMllz**r(Uie prtwrlp- care fo. the public welfare it became Tr e i ch . phyrirlan, will quickly auicki cure vou o f ail ner- with our nearest sonthern neighbors, j donment of 15 of the smaller posts. as I could th « location ami construction The manufacture of armor requires ex­ --------------- me that exreedinglv imprortant con f tiite genr-nun * < «**'.«, but -fa * » L*#l Msubood. Peace being restored along her northern which »a s effected ;nder a plan which of two prisons for the cowfinement of pensive plants amt the aggregation of neces-ary to replenish the reserve and sidrrationz pmint to the propriety of this i ;>* ir. A e Ba ck ,S eenit.r.i Lmü»l<.r.k, Nt-nous Debility. i JsdL Itfcin««* t . M arry, fczitMisttnic Jm.lt.s V'HrtrorvIe » i d frontier, Mexico has tisked the punish- assembled organizations of the sam e, United States prisoners. A similar rec­ many skilled workmen. All the ammr thus ni'-iatain pwpnlar faith in the abil­ amendment with the advent of a new n. I t I* !<**»«* bv day o r night Prevents qnPk- ment of the late distm Iters of her tru»- regiments hitherto widelv separated, ommendation has heen made from tim e ne-essary to complete lb * vessel* now ity and determination of the government tariff pmlicy not only calculated to n -o ld fiavge, wiitcb if not checked Jesda to KfiennatorrtiCMi and r |,nrrr ThT tlr ir the hr -o'Moi I Ti k itenor. lieve the consumers of onr land in the qnility. There ought to lie a new | This rentiers our small force more read- I to time since, ami a few years ago a law bntlding will he delivere”. before the 1st to meet as agree-.i its pecuniary obliga­ 4 the urinary organ» o f all ixnpumiea tre ity of commerce and navigation with I ilv effective for any service which they i was passed providing for the selection of of Jnce next. I f no pew contracts are co*t of their daily life ; bat to invite n r i P E M : «tr v r'" l ns und »•«email we*lc organa ti ins. ft would have heen well if in T h e reaaeu sufferer» rnt- not cured Ì .» i < - ’ rs it becjtuae ninety per cent are troubled with that country to taae the place of th ei may he called upon to perform, in- sites for these insulations. N o appro­ given oat, contractors most disband better development of American th rift P r o A C i f i i i » . r r r i B F N K is the only kn< >wn rested j to cure without an operation. M n t, «tim oni. oue which terminated 13 years ago. creases the extent of the territorv rentier priation has. however, heen m ate to their workmen and their plants mn*t lie this emergence the authority had exist- and create for ns closer and mure proflt- als. A v f i t t 'f i gU '*Tint**e given ar*d money *e$nr,'*-«J If «ix boxe» does not effect a j penuanenicarak ed to ias't. (wind- of the government a box, s* t fTrr b y mail, feend fo r > larry the art into effect, ami the old ami The friendliness of the intercourse be- j protection without diminishing th « j ah l« commercial relations with ttie rest idle. Battle-shipa authorized at this - k> %?«»■. n n i K i M « < .-«i . ■ * tween »he two countries has steadily in- | «eenrity heretofore afforded to any discreditable condition s td l«x i»ts . It is tiase w- nl.f not be well under way oi.til hearing J low rate ot interest and ma­ o f the world, it follows as a logical and turing w i n a short period. The last not my purpose at this tim e to im p er» tire necessity that we should at "*1 ceased under the rnle of mntnal con- j locality, improves the dkipline, train- 1st« ia Uw coming fiscal year. and. at m elo n ol emigre«« having failed to con­ ooce remove the chief, if not th « oolv IF V O IR BUSINESS DOES NOT FAT sideratiou, being neither stimulated by [ ing and esprit-dn-corps of the army, the considerations which make least, three yea n and a half from th « Chicken« .r e e u fly and succetafnllr conventional arrangements nor re- i besides considerably decreasing the coet pregnatite case ia favor al the ownership date of the enntrart would be re«; Birrs I fer so«-h anthority, resort a as nece«««- olistacle which has so long prevented rvtmxl by using the P e t a l . - m t . I n c u - part tci piat ion in the foreign tariled bv jealous rivalry or selfish die- of its maintenance. Though the forces ' an 1 management by the government of lor their completion. The secretary state« rilv had to the resumption act of our tim'd. J of the department of the East have penal institntions in which the federal that not more than 15 per rest of the 1875. and. pursuant to its provisions, carrying trade of the sea. A and B r t a d t n Our illua- trend* »e r e is-neri drawing interest at tr»ted cataloffna tell* afi about It. Don’t tariff bailt upmn the theory that An indem nity, tendered by M exico as , lieen somewhat increased, m re than prisoner* am confined. I simply desire m et of sach ships need be inrioded in the rate of 5 pier rent pier annum and bur anv bat the Fetalnm» if you want »Iron*, vtrom n. chick» We it is »»ell to check imports, and that a gracious art for the murder, in $887, three-fonrths of the artnv is still to again urge mv former recommenda­ the appropriation lor the coming rear. ate Fee fie Coa*t Hnedq tatter« for Bone and ■ lover Cutter*, Marker» of Leon Baldwin, an Am erica« citizen, stationed west of the M iuissippi. tions on the subject and to particularly I recommend that peon non he made for nwtunng 10 vear* af'«ff their taeue. that a borne market should tioand tho indus­ Book«, t aponlzln» T oil», Fountain» Flood « F.oup Core Uorria bring lh « rborteet ti ne authorised bv rail th « attention of congress to that part try and effort of American producers. th « ooastrartma of additional battle­ by a hand of maicudevs, in Durango, j This carefully matnred pol cy which Poultry Cure, Cr*-jto*ot.e tQ« g— ^ -«-*-*— - U m set. I am f l « d to say. however, article m has been accepted, and is being paid in secures the best and greatest serview in of the report of lb « trrretarv of war, ia ship« and tnrp> do-boats. oarexbil in the safe of th « totals the which h* states that the m ilitary prison installmen's. I the interest of the general weitare from Ing ost D tsr_»“» o r THI TIES. am rerrieed operated to reduce D r. P r l c o 'l C r a i n t B a k in g ffo w u o r 4 - W DM U Ttie problem of the storage and use of the small forces comprising our regular at Fort Lewrenworth, Kansas, can he the rata of interest to bs paid by th « W o rld 's F a ir H ig rto s t A w a rd . Daring Uw last fiscal year there Lae turned, over to th « frvwrnuMnt a« a the waters of the R io Grand« for irriga- army, should not b* th o u g h tl««ly em- 7S#.7Se I54-7S6 M»iu 8L. Fetalrem»',’ ta Cittage Grove Echo-Leader, tion should be solved by appropriate concurrent action of the two interested countries. Rising in the Colorado heights, the stream flows interm ittent­ ly, yielding little water during the dry months to the irrigation channels al­ ready constructed along its course. This scarcity is often severely felt in the regions where the river forms a com­ mon Itoundary. Moreover, the fre­ quent changes in its course often raise embarrassing question of territorial jurisdiction. barrassed by the creation of new and unnecessary posts through acts of con­ gress to gratify the ambitions or in­ terests of localities. W h ile the m axi­ mum legal strength, through various causes, is but little over 20,000 men, the purpose of congress does not therefore seem to be fully attained by the exist­ ing conditions.' W h ile no considerable increase in the arm y is, in my judg­ ment, demanded by recent events, the policy of sea coast fortifications in the prosecution of which we have been steadily engaged for some years, has so far developed as to suggest that the eflective strength of the army be now made at least eqr.al to the legal strength. Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE New York Racket Store, Main and Wall Streets, Cottage Grove. W. S. C H R IS P ft, Proprietor. The Best Medicine. Permanently Cured “When S was a Boy,’ AYER’S PILLS A Bad Cold, | Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral F R E E | ThttM UlhUi W . L . DeiSCELAS S3 S H O E ^ÂVËATS.TRADÊMARksi « •*»S£?89 , a MANHOOD RESTORED DROP IT