a legal luminary at her elbow to tell her why she ihnuhl where to sign a paper, aud especially to seems to bo no n THE FRENCH WILL REMAIN. p r o f e s s io n a l m e n . read it through before she signs it.— Dot succeed.—New York Post. R e c e n t S ta tis tic » A p s e t t h e C a lc u la tio n « o f THE FIRST ENGLISH WOMAN TO COM Mrs. Edward Greeley. T lie A d v a n c e d W o m a n . We desire to interest you in a new ty p e - ! G e r m a n a n d E n g lis h P r o p h e t s . MAND HER OWN YACHT. writer just out on the Pacific coast. Forty Canon dog Mnlin of Toronto has C h in e s e W o m e n In S o c ie ty . It would he a misfortune for the world thousand were sold in the |a*t year. French people wero to _ disappear ®*.‘c^ ns<*er,er has many features Although Washington has beconrs preached a sermon against tho "ad if the «4- “A a n t" xtxMii B . A n t h o n y - L a w L ec tu r e* IT ’ - ■ ■ . X X e i l l b O r l l H l i i l l R V O tl K ti.rh i-« . .. ,1 . . . . .1 ; embodied in even higher pr c. d machines vanced woman,” in which he told her from it. We have heard for a good CAS and somewhat accustomed to seeing Chinese F o r W o m e n C h i n e s e W o m e n In S o c ie ty , In quality ot work it is «.pial to any ma women, since two successive ministers that she must totter to her fall, for she while of the small birth rate in France, chine on tbe market and excels them all K n e w W h a t ’»lie W a s A b o u t — H e m p h ill of China have bronght their wives with is nn-Se l iptural, has forsaken her house under which the births per vear were 1»» conveniences. It only weighs 6 pounds, CASOLIWE Q u o te« L in i-n lu «1 A t l . n t a . them to the legation here, Chinese wo hold duties and has become a keen rival less numerous than the- deaths, aud we is practical, reliableand accurate; lias no ' perfect alignment, will space anv men are still objects of great enriositv of man. "The time is not far distant have seen computations by statisticians ribbons, width, does beautiful manifolding. Two Laily (Spencer) Clifford, widow of in cried the Toronto canon, “ when woman that if this disproportion between tlie styles the city. of tvpe, changeable instantly. Price Sir Robert Cavendish Spencer Clifford, A few days ago there was a musical will be deposed from the throne she has births and deaths were kept up for a 4-fo net. On account of its portability, ibis long yeoman usher of the Black Rod, machine is especially valuable to minis- i reception at one of toe most attractive usurped and be driven hack to her own certain period of years there would not ters, has opened the way to a new profession lawyers, doctors, travelers, atso lor i domestic dom ain.” We shall look on he a Frenchman on the face of the earth merchants houses, and among the guests were two office work requires a Atlanta. Then there are parks and for women by being chartered as "cap quietly while this canon of the Episco at the end of that period. We would speedy and whose Chinese ladies. reliable machine Every groves of every size and variety. Fort tain' under the board of trade, by faith drives her back.—Toronto Cor have been sad over this prospect if we Blick-nsderfer is guaranteed. Money re- They were the daughters of the Chi pal Walker is kept jnst as the war left it, which she has absolute command of a respondent. if not satisfactory. C. g J ackson had believed it could ever be realized, « tunded THEIR ENTERTAINING EXPERIENCES with the old cannon and ammunition vessel of her own. Always fond of a nese consul general at New York, and Co. Pend eton Oregon. for the world would he flatter than it is tiny were accompanied by their father. “ A C o u p o a e r W h o I s a W o m a n .” wagon standing as iu 1864, save that it life under "w hite wings,” ami finding AT THE ATLANTA EXPOSITION. if the French were not in it. A crowd The ladies entered tho house with » lo o K K W A K D , » lo o . is rather badly weathered. The old city in yachting the only solace to a severe C ecile t baminade, whose concertstuck of Germans or Englishmen or even heavy wraps over their house clothing, was played recently by the Chicago or Irishmen conld never make np for the T I .e j F o u n t C u u fu .lu o I n t h e M id w a y a n d reservoir is turned into a great lake, domestic affliction, Lady Clifford made The readers oi this paper will be pleased with steam launch, pleasure bouts aud a several cruises to Norway and Sicily in aud having hobbled to the dressing chestra, was born iu Palis and is the lost French. W a r e F o r r e d t o N a l.e e I l i . n i o l v « . W it h to learn that there is a; least one dreaded bathing beach. And the city itself is on her yacht, commanded by a competent apartments—for they both had cramped only woman composer who stands on We are happy to he able to relieve disease that science has been able to cure M o r e S e d a te E x h ib it « - A t t r a c t io n « o f A t the highest ground between the Missis captain; hot, as many women have feet—they reappeared in odd blouses of equal footing witli many of the most any apprehension which may have been in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hull’s la n t a Sight-« an d S c e n e , o n t h e G r o u n d ., sippi ami Atlantic of any place of its found iu other circumstances, she found figured silk and with flowing dark blue prominent composers of the day. After created by the statisticians. Francober- < atairh Cure is tlie only positive cure nj» skirts that just revealed amplo trousers. the first performance of this concert known to tire medical fraternity. Catarrh If it were Christian to laugh at the size, Denver Is-ing the only city of its One of the ladies was decidedly Mon stuck Arubroise Thomas asserted, “ This self, ever ready for any emergency, has being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarh misfortune. and disappointment. of our size which is higher. So October is al come to the relief of the world." The golian in features, but the other was is not a woman who composes, but a is taker, internally, acting directly —NOTED F O R - neighbor., one could have a barrel of ways a deligthfnl month here. A short French government has ju st issued the Cure small and decidedly pretty. Both wore upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot tu’e composer who is a woman.” Miss population returns of 181)3 (we ought fun w i t h the delayed exhibitors and ride will take one among the wildest system, thereby destroying the foundation their hair in a way common to a native Chaminade has written a symphony, to have those of 1894 by this time), and ol the disease, and giving the patient their somewhat too eager visitors. It mountain scenery of north Georgia, and and inexplicable to Americans. “ The Amazons” also beautiful ballet by building up the constitution was natural that muHtof the first coiners it isn't very far to Dahlonega and the Having greeted the elegantly gowned music, and a quantity of songs and pi they are joyful. There was an excess of strength should I»« rural Georgians ami their fel center o f the old goldfields which De births over deaths in the year 1893. not • ami 4'be ^ assisting o p n ^rsT nature /av^so in doing hostess with tho fashionable high shake ano pieces. Soto sought so long and never found. low grangers from the adjacent states, a heavy excess, hut still encouraging. curative powers, ihut they oiler One Hun of the hand, they stopped long enough for this is the season when they have But when the original engineers sur P e t t ic o a t s o f a P o e te s s . Tho number of French in Franco at the dred Dollars tor any case that ¡t fa ils to to chat a little, employing the inter cure. Send for list of Testimonials. leisure if they ever do. And it so hap veyed this place ami vicinity the timber end of the year was greater by 7,146 Eila Wheeler Wilcox is having her preter to convey their message of cere Address, pened that they were most eager to see was very thick aud whisky very cheap, mony. petticoats made on .»peculiar pattern in than at tbe beginning. The record looks m-i' C,HEXEY * CO., Toledo, O. the very features which were most de- the result being a set of lines which old by Druggists, 75c. Then taey found seafswith the finely vented by herself, or, as sho says, bv all the better when we compare it with make one think of Euclid in a fit of de -A N D — that of the previous three years, during her husband and herself together. She dressed ladies in one of the parlors, lis lirium tremens. The visitor fri,in places tened to the music with attention aud dotes oil white petticoats, and so does which the births fell 80,000 behind the I believe Pisa’s Cure tor Consumption like Indianapolis ami Philadelphia will he (for her; it is not meant, that he deaths. It is a record which gives evi saved my boy’s life last Rummer.—Mas applauded when the others did so. therefore find that geography here is an *K H ovglahs , Le Roy, Mich., Oct. 20 wears them himself ), but she concluded dence that the tide has turned, ami, if When they left, they told the hostess inexact science ami must cultivate the last year was as good a year as the pre that she paid for a great deal of unnec —it is to be assumed—that they were direction sense anew. delighted to have had so pleasant an essary laundering. So the new garment vious one, the growth of population But this is getting a long way from T ry G r e m ì ?, for breakfast evening. They went away after a repe is made of two pieces—a top and a deep must be such as to knock out all the the exposition. Despite the many and computations of the pessimistic statisti flounce that buttons on to it. The flounce In Every Detail. tition of the high shake. And they were vexatious delays, every day, at almost not embarrassed for an instant.—New can to changed as many times as you cians, most of whom, by the way, are every hour, sees some department com The-u- enginei...... either Germans or Englishmen. iged by e x p e rt e n like ami buttoned on to the top piece. York Times. fln e .,4 e — rs io be w orthy * pleted and the unsightly litter remov si < oiuinent’a tlo a It is first rate news for France. The ed. It was only live days before opening K n e w W h a t S h e W a s A b o u t. army must be kept up. It is good news T lie QneHtion. day that the first box of foreign exhibits and Aman friend of mine who was snow It is not a Question as to tho women for tiie worul. We could not afford to LADY CLIFFORD. was unpacked, a delay due, the foreign bound in Philadelphia one night re who do not want to vote; it is a ques lose tho French. How dull old Europe For puiHj.ing oiii.nts for irrig a tin g purpoFeB ers said, to the failure of the govern the divided authority of the owner aud cently says he saw the new woman over tion as to withholding tho ballot from would be without French politics and er eng e euu u io u u d on ti,e ment to have customs inspectors here, for the captain hardly worked well. When there, though between yon and me those who claim the right to have it. playwriters ami presidents and artists o s THE FLAIftAXCK. she got to any port beyond the regular . «mrsh«Ois t , V'f o u tflt’ .r<>r m ine* th ey h a v e a e t luveil, especially the Midway plaisauce. such is the kindness of our paternal gov track. Lady Clifford saw that she was Philadelphia is just abont the last place And no legislator has any moral right and novelists and women, without v.»th hignust approval. Are inseparablv connected. The for mer «le|»eiid, simply, solely, solidly qu«thm1dml‘&" ‘ P<” er ,tetr on earth one would expect to find her in. to say to any woman who cares to exer French esprit or pen see or elau or fa “ »» They had all heard of that. The very ernment that everything the foreigners not secure against imposition and in upon the latter. If it is pure the» are “ I was in a shop in Chestnut street cise the right of franchise, “ You shall tigue or other things that belong almost few of their cht-s who hail got to ( ,'hieu- bring here must be classified ami enter subordination. ptoperiy led and there is no "nervous exclusively to France! where they sell men’s belongings, ” he n o t.” —Haverhill Bulletin. go coll hl 1« II them hut little of the Won ed as an import. The h e a t h e n Chinese, ness.’ If it is impure they are ted on S r a r E G W I R Y Safe as the roadways and waterways France and the French are great. The refuse amt tlie horrors' of nervous derful foreign displays and nothing at however, is i«ecnliar for tricks that are comparatively are for women in this says, "and the new woman came in. dark and has played it «nt the govern prostration result. Feed the nerve» Germans, English, Italians, West Af She was tailor made and very well set Mrs. Sarah B. Cooper, president of all about the still more wonderful Art on pure hlood. Make pure blood ami nineteenth century, there were times np. She, too, was snowbound, and the the Golden Gate Kindergarten associa ricans and others had better not indulge ment iu a way that at this late day will > |> W hall and its 7.4*00 pictures and statues, « IE keep it pure by taking when wine got in and wit out in the hut they could tell all about ( 'airo street he hard Io heat. The concession granted male autocrat, who thought a woman trim linen collar she wore was anything tion of San Francisco, recently ad in any hope of the disappearance of the by a little act of eongres. suspending the but immaculate. It was late, and ail the dressed the students of Stanford uni French.—New York Sun. and the Algerian dame, and the Ger ? - r* IB S was a “ negligible quantity, ” and when man village, and the ostriches and In exclusion act so far as Chinese cm goods were apt to be brought on hoard dry goods stores had closed. The new versity on practical Christianity. The 3^) ployed in this exposition were concern AN ABSURD OLD LAW. chapel was full, and much interest was woman walked np to the clerk and dians and wild Oahomeyans and con contrary to her approval and desire— asked for a collar, size lilj j. The clerk manifested. ed failed to specify the number, so the — m a n i f a l t t r k u by gress of pretty women. So the ruralists I t S to o d t l i e W o y <>f t lio llo c o v o r y o f this of course at the most inconvenient tried to tell her that they didn’t keep lushed to the plnisauce to encounter sour coneessionuuire shipped in 35 women stations. t h e B o d y o f O n e o f t h e E lb e V ic tim s . Miss Kate Crawford, who for many HLMEB Í SH HFE FOiSMW, women's collars, but she looked right kink«, hear strange oaths in nine lan Dickens, who so often studied with The One True Blood Purifier. " if you want a thing done, do it through him. Sho bought a collar and a years was a teacher in tho Simmons guages and see confusion. yourself, ” reflected Lady Clifford, who large white handkerchief. Then she school, St. Louis, is studying medicine delighted interest the applications of POfìTLASD, - OSECOW The Mexican amphitheater they found e « fte r d in n e r pill and was not a woman to put np with non walked to the mirror and unconcerned in Ann Arbor, Mich. Miss Crawford English law to particular cases, would H o o d ’s Pills th iu u ily uttihaiLv. Í ^9^ Send for catalogue. empty ao>l unfinished, but the cone«... sense. She applied to her consul, got ly took off her collar and tie. The hand was the first colored graduate from tho have found a subject worthy of his so,iniaire still swears he will have a hull grimmest humor iu the fact, cabled the her wishes carried out and "sacked” kerchief sho folded abont her neck, and Anu Arbor high school. fight or big damages. Where they look J r * ' other day from London, that when the her insubordinate servants. But a brief when she had anchored that 13 collar ed for graceful houris of the orient in Mrs. Mary A. Ahrens was lately ad master of a fishing smack, cruising near experience of difficulties was sufficient, to it with a pin you wouldn’t have G K iC K E N R M S I M I voluptuous pose they found grimy work mitted to practice law in the United where the Elbe went down, saw floating aud seeing what an immense advantage ifyou use th e I’etalum® j known that it wasn’t a—what is it yon States court in Chicago. Mrs. Ahrens in the water a dead body, which was itien hammering and painting, and in Incubators * BrwxJers !. it would bo to her in her cruises to have call it?—chemisette. She tied her"tie the bazaar a Degress, who looked as if M ake m oney w h ile ? entire command she set herself to study carefully, gave her hair a pat aud her might have been admitted some years doubtless that of a victim of the great o thers a re w asting she might weigh 250 pounds, sewing on disaster, he made no effort to rescue it tim e by old processes. ago, hut waited until her business re navigation. After the requisite exami sleeves a pull. Then, taking tho arm of COSTA IUCA BI ILDIN'G. the last decorations. As a spectator put I Catalog te n s all alam t quired it. from the waves and carry it ashore for nations, which sho modestly opines wero it .and describes every and about 200 men, and on the day the a man who had lingered somewhere in it, “ They went to see Fatima and found identification and burial. article needed for th fatA iny. ” Ami sp on around most of main p. at of them arrived Atlanta was made very light for her at the hoard of the background, she sailed out toward Miss Bertha E Tomlinson, who re poultry b usinew . Instead he sailed past and away from that section, which is h u t now* really almost as much excited uh if thecelnstial trade, hut of that we have secret doubts, the nearest theater. Sho was a genuiuo cently graduated with high honors from tho doleful hit of flotsam as quickly as Lady Clifford obtained tire position of T he"E R IE ” new woman, and she knew what sho tiie Elmira (N. Y.) college, is connected circumstances would permit, not, as one ready for visitors, (if course they swore emperor himself had come. It would be mechanically th e best and received as go,si as they gave, each worth $1 to hear my vigorous friend captain, tho first woman in England was about.” —Washington Post. witli tlie Elmira Telegram ami witli The might suppose, ht cause lie was a partic A t'.ecl. I’jr ttif si mo b 3. who has ever obtained it, and with a Argosy v e are Pacific Coast party fortunately ignorant of the other's Geary, author of the exclusion act, ex ularly hard hearted and cold blooded good sailing master under her navigat A re n ts. Bicycle cat a press himself concerning this trick. H e m p h ill Q u o te s L in c o ln . full meaning. ¡Such phrases as “ sa- ' mariner, but because “ recently, after logue,mailed L ee, gives Miss Hannah F. Mace, Vassar, '90, is It was a wonderful sight when the ed a 350 ton yacht in tho channel and p risti,” “ earaha,” “ siur-r-e, ” “ gott- General Robert R. Hemphill of Ab T ' r 'rrc ***< ' AC.FXTS WAKTFD landing a body, he had been forced to .Mediterranean with such success that now an assistant of Professor Newcomb customs iuspc<*t< ï s got their books readv ISC U B A rpp C O .,F italBP- i , f r i . vertamn” and''keilnr-r hismillah” flew BRASS» B o is e , v, M .„ ¡.t , ,_iis . ] proposes shortly to visit the east in beville, S. U., in a ti address beforo tiie in the United States naval observatory pay the funeral expenses, ” Curious as about with reckless vigor and were and the foreigners began to unpack. sho twenty-seventh animal convention of the that experience had#btcn aud delight the same manner. at Washington. pleasantly varied at intervals by a good, ! Four hundred and forty-live big boxes N. A. \V. S. A. at Atlanta, said: A PRACTICAL fully illustrative as it was of ‘‘crown- Before her marriage Lady Cifford, healthy Georgian "dam n!” In the end and packing cases in one day were dis ” *1 go for all sharing the privileges J __ World’« Fair ! HIGHEST AVV A PIh ' Ouo of the most successful tobacco er's quest” wisdom, the captaiu had no Type= W r itin g the rnralists were all the better for it, as charged into the Manufactures and then Miss Lowe, was already a pioneer. of government who assist in hearing its planters in Kentucky is a woman, Mrs. inclination to repeat it. Ouo lesson had With her mother, whose only child she Liberal Arts building. Venetian glass they put in their time looking at better j burdens. Consequently I go for admit J L. Cntzinger. been enough to teach him the great M achine... things and gained impressions to last | ware, Italian statuary, hand carved fur was, Miss Lowe was the first lady to ex ting all to the rights of suffrage' who principle that common sense cannot be plore Norway in carrioles—Norway was A T A L O W PRICE niture, curios of almost endless variety On Jan 1, 1895, there were 2,035 allowed to interfere with consistency in them for life. In the Government build- | pay taxes or bear arms, by no means ex ing they saw an exhibit worth crossing i ami 200 sorts of Milanese specialties, 50 then almost a terra incognito, and wom cluding the females. ’ regular women physicians in the United ... *.«.„ r jjJe ellforcejjjeu(; a parliamentary act, I I the continent to see. In I lie California I kinds of silk and as many varied mix en were less accustomed to travel any - ‘‘These were the words of Abraham States. and wiiat in comparison with that is the building they found an array of fruits, j tures of silk, wool and linen, and the where—and to travel in a similar way Lincoln on June 13, 1856, to the voters continued agonized uncertainty of some N o " T h r e e E s ta te » o f t h e R e a l i l l . ” flowers anti woods which amazed even long lines of aitildes classed by Mrs. all over Sicily, where they mounted of Sangamon county, Ills. They express German wife or mother?—New York Etna on Dec. 21.—London Queen. For *tl practical purposes there were Paul Potiphar as “ bigotry and virtue.” PRICE...$35.00 the beet informed. In macliiuery, trans- | my sentiments today. I am in favor of Times. only tw > estates in the English parlia On the same day several of the state portatiou and electricity they were equal rights and equal opportunities for M letters «.1.1 Chiiracters. W eight only 6 lb-. S u sa n It. A n th o n y . A 10,000 lia c h e ’o r D ance. Equals any high p ric t<1 !Q,n-t)fiie iu capacity eqnally charmed ami instructed, lint iu apd minor buildings had not an ar- women, and that is why I am today in ment, lords and commons. Thus the aud q u a lity oi work a n d e x c e l » them all iu Susan B. Anthony celebrated her sev the good city of Atlanta and before this phrase « f the three estates, which had a ____ tid e iu place, and all around the Of course everybody is talking about oouveuletice. the Art hall they gave but _ a passing enty-first birthday on Friday For over meaning in France, became meaning and the Hitchcock-Bulkley dance. glance, as a rule. It is caviare to the Kr’)und»i the big “ Trilbys” refined and distinguished audience to W e G uarantee E very Machine. j graces, copids and fauns, with For three years, since it was planned and say a word upon the living issue which less in England. For centuries past there It is said to have cost those young general. ’ ’ given to her by some of her suffrage ad " ” 1'* ' I 'o l n t a - I . iw price. F u ll k ei-board, has called this assemblage together. Is has been no separate estate of the cler bachelors about $10,000, and, as there „ « T riling Ten ilays before the opening it was tuna, Columbia, Dea Georgia) and alw ays iu «iMh t, Foriai.iliiy, Excellent evident that the population of Atlanta all the Greek goddesses in metal mirers and friends, "A u n t" Susan has not the situation unique? Here I am, a gy; some of their highest members were only about 200 people present, m auifoldcr, ivpe-w fieel. Direct i rim in g a - .1 . Sold by DRIIUGISTS EVERYW HERE I hail her own home in Rochester. It is a inking, In terch an g eab le type, M om ,i„ »|,)e * . _ _ Jo n n Lai le & So n s. New York have belonged to the estate of the lords which were to ornament the high fronts, each person bad to absorb abont $50 was increasing. Exhibitors and visitors South Carolinian, a disciple of John C. in« n in e niMile, Lets* n u m b er of pari«. Weight came iu increasing numbers, fakirs and fcfHl lay in the dirt in most ungoddess- pretty little nook, delightfully cozy and Calhonn, proud of the traditions of my and the rest to the estate of the com worth of pleasure and refreshment. 6 lbs., No ribbon used. w aut>4 in every co unty iu Oregon It was announced that every one could V\ Agents cheap Johns of all varieties set up on like attitudes. It is really wouderful quaint, and is a source of great pleasure beloved state, quoting from Abraham mons. Hence has arist n a common bnt ashing ton and Idaho. the vacant lots, the popular evening re that so much was done in time. Costa to this much traveled woman. Lincoln in support of a proposition tlie lot unnatural misconception, as old as order what he or she chose for supper. Latterly Miss Anthony has changed mention of which a half a century ago .he long parliament, as to the-meaning It was not surprising then to see terra THE BLICKEXSDERFER MEG. CO. sorts were thronged, and the principal Rica had all her exhibits in place iu less pin and canva-sback ducks washed down at reel. were crowded like lower Broad than three days after they were opened. her austere ideas abont dress. She de Would have given the leaders of my peo of the three estates. C. S. JACKSON & CO , Men constantly use those words as if with rare old clarets and champagnes N o r t h w e a t A g e n t « P K N U L K T O N , O K . way. A little later visitors seemed iu no Arkansas had nearly all her staff so lights in rich, becoming raiment and ple the horrors. Bnt the world moves, is a pictnro in her silks and laces. She they meant the three elements among costing $8 a bottle. artistically packed that it went to the hurry for the exposition grouuds, hut aud South Carolina is moving with it. ” r PiLLB which the legislative power is divided, Some of the dudes either deliberately looked at Atlanta and Its surroundings. right place and was ready to look at as likes to have all her fellow workors A fí/L D PHYSIC. equally fastidious aud criticises radical king, lords and commons. But an estate or stupidly misunderstood the carte T r ilb y Shoes. And they saw a great deal. Not only is fast as unpacked. The fanciful and ar From earl) child-’ . ___ «»Mt Pri.T. r.-iR a n o . . sr. this vicinity most agreeably diversified tistic designs wrought of the cereals and attempts at "reform ” dressing iu their hood until I was ’ And now we have Trilby shoes! Have means a rank, an order or class of men, blanche idea of supper, and, when the A moWTUKnt of t ’,o b„w .. 0 . public meetings. It may be added that liko the lords, the clergy or the com waiters came to them for orders, asked grown my family J witli hill aud dale, park and native grasses i j the stale are much liner than them indeed. Perhaps tlie faddists fancy Miss Anthony confidently expects to r . k n « '-’ ■ • mons. The king is not an estate, be for new dress suits or diamond scarf spent a fortune j woodland, os Chicago is! not, but bis any it exhibited at Chicag.x All these vote that a Tnlby shoo will give them a -I.J I..-1'!.™ ...... , . before she dies. cause there is no class or order of kings, pins. trying to cure me ’ torically it is as far ahead of that are in her part of the Agricultural wUlm«R»«mpIetrcq I :.II h . . , p>r ...... " frilliv foot lit point of fact, Miss Miss Anthony has been identified with • •'» I should think that one dance like I of this disease. I visited Hot Springs i wtan. BOSANKÓ Mfeu. CO city iu interest us Quebec is ahead of building. •)' Fi t rail's footgear was anything but the king being one person alone by him and was treated by the best medical J the suffrage aud temperance movements self. Th«« proper phrase is tiie king and In the same building are many other this on such an elaborate scale would I imuha. The great crowd from the .'ornmendable She gave her preference, , men, but was not benefited. W hen’ Portland, W alla Walla, Grand Army encampment at Louisville unique designs to represent certain sec for nearly 50 years. She first spoko in if I have not altogether forgotten that the three estates of the realm. But in last society for a long time. all things had I Spokane, via O. K. N. I failed 1 de-( public in 184?, and from that time took Like everything else remarkable, I termined to T R ailw ay ‘an d Great aud the dedication of Chickamauga park tions of the south. The Seaboard Air classic f««atnre, to men's bedroom slip England, as I have already shown, the try S.S.S. i N orthern Railway io went chiefly to the battlefields, which Line railroad has a relief map exhibit a prominent part in organizing societies pers, in a comfortable state of dilapida phrase is meaningless, as we have, iu Aladdin’s marvelous lamp gets tire . and in four L months was t M ontana p o in ts, SL and in expounding from the platform entirely cured. The terrible eczema f are all easy of access. The longest ride, ing the country through which the road Paul, M i n n e a p o l i s , tion, hut if the Trilby shoe now coming truth, two estates only.” —E. A. Free some when swung around too promiscu O m aha, .St. Louis, C hi man s “ Growth of the English C’onsti- ously.—Cholly Knickerbocker in New was gone, not a sign of it left My but a delightful one by the frequent ex runs from Portsmouth, Va., here, and a her views upon the subjects to which cago and East. ATdres« ■ntioi. ” York Recorder. general health built up, and I have miniature train traverses the fields and she has devoted her life. In 1851 she e a re tt «¿rent. C. C. i never had any return of the disease. < D ouavan, Gen. Agt. runs into* facsimile of the Union depot called a temperance convention iu A1 in is designed to release women’s feet S a m u e l J . T itd e n ’s I ’m lir e lla . I have often “ P o rtla n d ,O r.; K.C. Ste- W o r k e d a t G r e e le y ’s E lb o w . —the same that sarcastic paragrapliers baity after being refused admission to from the sharpened pencil abominations I recommend- | vens, Gen. Agt.JBeatile Abram S. Hewitt, who was a great Wash. ; C.C ^ ix o n .ire — n . AgL.Spok n.’.Wai.f,. N© Uncle Joshua Barstow, undoubtedly ' ed S.SJ5. and refer to as the "A tlanta car shed. ” Au a previous convention on account of her they have been wearing for the past few <tu«t; rock-bnU sit tra c k : due seen, r y • ph :ne« , have n e v e r _____ _ a friend of Samuel J. Tilden, one day sex. In 1852 the Woman's New York the oldest active compositor iu the coun llm R V 'f " ‘l'1, d.1,lln« COI-»: l.uffel librar}’ e r « years every sensible person ought to give interesting little thing in this neighbor ( yet known a failu re to c u r e ." brought into his office an ol«d cotton um try, celebrated his eighty-sixth birthday Immi) tourist sleepers ; new equipment j B B f t W . IRW IN. Irw in , Pa. hood is the miniature cotton gin, from State Temperance society was organ them godspeed. As I understand it, to Never fails to cure, I which the lint is seen falling into a ized. Through her exertions and those have yonr feet in the vogue—that is, brella, with a broken rib or two and a iu Norwich, Conn., recently. His eye | even when all o th e r 1 glass case, so the visitor can see the en of Mrs E C. Stanton women came to frilbyized—you must wear shoes very few holes. It could not have cost over is undimmed by age, and lie reads read rem edies have. O ur . k tre a tise on blood an d , GLADDING M c BEAN & c tire process. It seems a little odd that be admitted to educational and other square toed, broad soled and flat heeled 50 cents. He placed it in the accustomed ily without glasses. Uncle Joshua was I skin (H mnnmi mailed > M A M U F .C T U H t« S coiner, beside a fine $10 silk umbrella one of Horace Greeley’s most intimate the finest, at any rate the most unique, conventions, with the right to speak, and two inches too long for your foot. __ ___ r free to anv address. ( a r c h it e c t u r a l t e r r a co belonging to J. L. Haigh, his partner. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO . Atlanta. Ga. vote and serve on committees. friends. Ho sot type at Mr. Greeley's Your poor tortured toes may thus re booth in this building should be that of c c ,.H,? n O» POOOF.NC In 1858 she made a report in a teach sume their natural relation to each oth When starting home in the afternoon he elbow all through the Harrison and Ty a Cincinnati distilling company, and s e w e r a n d c h im n e y p walked off with Haigh'sumbrella, leav ers’ convention at Troy in favor of the ler campaign and recalls with pride the er, if any vitality is left them, aud you that the designer of it is a lady of that PRESSED BRICK.BRAfN TILE El 1358 k. 1 3 6 0 M ARKET ST R E ET « city. Yet so it is, aud though the acces coeducation of thesexes In 1854-5 she need not spend all your substance on the ing his own, which Haigh had to use, many times the two raced to the copy as it was raining hard. O il opening tlie man U factorv L incoln cal . hook for a particularly “ fat" take. At sories of whisky are made prominent in held conventions in each county in New chiropodist. All hail to the Trilby shoe, the finishings the general effect is ex York state in the cause of female suf which places women on a common sense old cotton affair Haigli noticed a piece the recent G. A. R. encampment Uncle We mail on receipt of 51.50311 of white ta(ie sewed on the inside near Joshua was the second oldest veteran in FORT « ALKKK. CHANT PARK tremely pretty. As to the mere amuse frage, and since then she has annually footing. —Chicago Post. the top, and on going to a light read, line. — New York Herald. accurate Clinical Thermometer cursion trains from the Union depot, is ments, those on the inside linger behind addressed appeals and petitions to the “ Samuel J. Tilden, Gramercy park, Magnifying Index. lo the Peachtree creek fields. There, on the general show, hut on the outside, legislature. M a r c h io n e s s Lt. A G I A N T ’S T R O I B L K . New Virk. ” The next day lis returned July P.l, 1864. the Federáis shoved a oh, my ! In truth, they are so numerous Woodard-Clarke A Co. Portland BEST IN THE WORLD Marchioness Li of China is becoming L aw Leuturrt» F o r W o m e n . it to the same corner and said to Mr. w’*'ftrink q u ail ties are uu»>:rpassed, a rtn a tlv division across the creek which was that a man can very easily spend all his known, now that tlie dethronement of Hewitt, “ This is Mr. Tilden's umbrella ...Chemists... ...Oregon o u tla stin g tw o boxes of any o .h e r brand i-u e He was a giant in size, the picture oi Amid the roaring whirlwind of po her husband, Li Hung Chang, is on ev driven back with the loss of 150 men money without going inside the gates. from A nim al oil» g e t t h e g x m i s . health and strength, with iron muscles, a litical wrangling and civic controversy erybody's tongue. She is described as a you forgot last night. ” “ Oh, yes," said laniuus athlete. He pursued his training f o r s a k e by o r e g o n a n d and two flags, and the next day Hood J. B. P a h k e . Hewitt, rising and going after it, “ I as to the ultimate destiny of the cap W A S H IN G T O N K R tIH A \ I N -■»,» made his desperate attack ami was bad Atlanta. very beautiful, and, for China, a learned am very glad to get it back. Mr. Tilden excessively to hold his fame,and douhtle-s «ud DexJurs gcueraily. italized Woman of today, it is as refresh woman, who looks 35 and is 55. Her trained too much. With all his exercise ly defeated. T h e N e r v y lia r h er. ing us it is surprising to find that a few husband's wealth is fabulous, and she is extremely careful about bis umbrel the man was nervous, restless amt sleep- A vr-iy easy and breezy ride on the less, and th-11 racking pains took hold I struck a nervy barber down in dignified women have been calmly ef la. ” "B ut where is my silk one that upon electric line takes one to the field of J u him. He could not understand his PILE REMFnv spends royally, though she keeps accu s ßO“*jAN-KO’S directly on Dirts Affatiti ly 21, where Wheeler’s cavalry aud southern California once. You know footing one of the most important move rate account of every item. In her mag you took away last night?’’ Haigh asked. condition, for neuralg'a had set in when ments of the age, the Woman's Legal l hoy have earthquakes down there so “ Oh, I don’t know anything about he thought himself in perfect health. So Cleburne's infantry made such a heroic nificent home on the banks of the Pei- 111 all comlitions it will take hold ot the stand aud held hack the Federáis in a often that they don't mind a terrestrial Education society of tho University of Ho she lives in great splendor, surround that,” was the reply, and that was all nerve». They had been enfeebled in his shako up any more than we do a thun the C it y ut New York having prepared the satisfaction that Haigh ever got.— way that seems incredible, but at the case, ami they are enfeebled in a thousand ed by song birds, peacocks, aqnaria, cases i l l as many different ways. He was same time McPherson gained the hill derstorm. But for strangers the sensa the way for a new and most advanced pottery, gents, botanical collections and New York Press. well advised and followed directions of ex tion of having the earth <lo a sand jig w hich gave his artillery command of R oach es. plane for woman’s ceaseless activity in 1,000 attendants and servants. She has perienced people, Soon his nerves began under you is far from pleasant. It makes Atlanta. The same ground and a great the study of law. Without stopping to 2,000 coats, 1,200 pairs of “ tronser- Roaches are among tho most persist to lie toned and quieted and in a shori deal more, but all reached by the same you lose confidence in the stability of argue whether women can or cannot ettes” and 500 fur robes Her feet are ent pests that invade a house. Get time the pains ceased altogether. He had bo«eS sealed wiUW.e ribbe^fSki l.f<d a'‘' r.nd J m iia tio .^ used St. Jacobs O 1 Ireelv and a cure fol electric line, is the field of the truly des things. All plllfl in paaeteard boxes, pint wrappers '^ r I was sitting in a barber's chair one sustain a strictly severe course of study, so small that sho is unable to walk more equal parts of paris green ami borax, lowed and so will it follow in all cases perate buttle of July 22, w hen the whole than a few steps, hut twice a day sho 1 0 . 0 0 0 Testimoniáis. A ' a w w Pavr-r and cor «litions. and at night set around their haunts in whether or not they are fitted by nature Confederate army assaulted the Federal day when the windows began to rattle with sufficient reasoning power to fol bathes in oil of orange aud acacia old dishes. They will die like magic. .. «¿381 MadUuu - M., P illL A P E I J ’lU A , FA. intreuchineuts. This field is marked off a rid th e floor to heave like the deck of a low a logical argument, this society blooms and takes an airing in a cooly Sometimes they are found in desks, es Jess They say heaven lies pbout us in o u r in ship. The barber was a dago o f some fancy. Jack — Possibly : anyw ay, the w orld with care ami properly oranuieuted, the founded a course of law lectures for sedan. Finally she dresses her hair in pecially in offices. This preparation scat does w hen we grow up. chief poiut of interest being that where kind, but he hail nerve. I started to women. 50 ways, her favorite coiffure being a la tered freely under the bottom will rid jump and run, bat he held my head McPherson fell. FITM . All Fits Atopped Lee by | i r K lin e '* the ilrawers of them.—Household. The question has been often asked, griffin. C l ï i L f l ü t . Buc,i rson <»r«at N'wive K u s t o r e r . No F !ts after the first ..S E d E D S M ^ A N .. Another hard fight took place July 28 down firrnlv and saiil: P USV’ , Alarvelous cares. Treatise aud *2 00 ! Why should women study anything JU ST OUT—SEND FOR ONE T«-' ’ St....PORTLAND ................. — ----- ” 205 Third "Sect pairfectly still, senor, or I might ££•*1 bottle free to Fit cases Sen«! to I»r. Kline A n E n t e r p r is in g W o m a n . with Ezra Church as the couter, and M u ie. H e n r y H o n o r e d . •Ml Arch bt , Philadelphia. Pa. about law? The lawgivers of past ages afret that there was the ordinary siege have ze meesfortnne to out yon. ’’ A u enterprising young woman who Mine. Henry of Paris, the superin have given the best answer to the ques Aud. ding me, if la« didn't keep right fighting till Sept. 4, when the Confed has lately opened an office announces tendentof the Paris Maternity hospital, along shaving, with the sliauty rocking tion, when they act upon tlie maxim, W E L L -K N O W N B E E R erates gave np the contest, aud all those like a cradle, and he never even scratch “ Ignorance of tbe law is no excuse. “ If that she is ready to render practical help has had her name added to tho list of -----(IN LEGS OR B O TlL Esj---- to men and women of affairs to save Lady Knights o f the Legion of Honor. Second to none— T i l l ' I T ... fields are w ithin a few minutes’ pleasant ed me. But it scared me so my heard in tbe course of daily affairs a woman them time and annoyances. She pro N o m a ter w hen-from . PO RTLA N D , OK. Cleanses the Nasal This high distinction is awarded to her riding of the central part of the city hasn't grown well since.—Washington may legally be held responsible for what Passages, Allays Pain poses, if people will give her the oppor for the excellent service rendered to the she does unwittingly, or for what she and in no case at greater expense than Post. and Infiainmation, 10 cents. does not know at all, then tbe hour has tunity, to act as representative, private important and useful institution of Restores the Senses of secretary and intermediary where dis DO YOU FEEL BAD? DoY.5 YoUK BACK I which she is the guiding spirit. Taste and Smell. B i l l Ny«» a n d H aul M. P o t t e r . come when she should know. Battlefields, though of great historic ache? lfoes every step seem a boiilen? You need I Heals the Sores. The time has passed when, like the cretion, diplomacy aud good judgment interest, are hut a small part of the It w ill he pleasant to learn that Mr. Apply Balm into e»ch nostril. M O O R E ’S R E V E A L E D REMEDY. S a fe ty B id in g S k irt» . B __Three do»ea only. Try it. E l i B ros . 5G Warren St., N. Y. many attractive places around Atlanta. Potter's next venture is to lie iu collabo tidy young woman, we may carefully are required; as a purchasing agent for The necessity fur a safety riding skirt There is, to start on, the much praised ration with Bill Nye. They are busy at tear up receipted bills lying in our desk, the household, buying anything from Ponoe de Leon spring, aud if yon come work on a comedy, which, with Mr. because that shows they are paid, or, groceries to wedding outfits and bric-a- has brought various kinds to light, bnt N. P. N. U. No. 619 -8 . F. N. U. No. 696 here he sure to prommuce it iu the Potter's cultured talent for dramatio like the new lady depositor, feel ag brac; as a dispenser of charity where tbe latest one invented is practically a 'W H E R D IR T G A TH E R S, W A S T E R U LE S .’* broadest English you can mouth, as if it construction ami his experience iu stage grieved when the bank notifies us of an investigation is required—in fact, pro large apron in the saddle and a complete fessionally to till the office of a “ capa walking skirt when it is buttoned to G R E A T s a v in g r e s u lts from T H E U S E OF' were spelled Pouts d ’Leenn. Aud so of literature, Nye's crude and inexhausti overdrawn account, although our check PISO O S C U R E FOR all other foreign names hereabout. ble humor, bis wit and philosophical book is not yet used up. Tbe time has ble person” iu tho community. A s in gether. It does away with the disfigur CURta WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS» Cough Syrup. Tat»tea Good. Uae Frills iu pronunciation are liad form turn, ought to be a g n a t go.—Chicago also passed when a woman with prop every large city there is a constant de ing bulge at the knee, and the wearer In time. Sold by druggists. erty, either personal or real, need have mand for jnst tne services that this can walk and ride with equal comfort. here. Plain English is good enough for News. U M P T IO N w young woman proposes to render, there —New York Telegram. Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest V. S. Gov’t Report WOM AN S wok Lit. HERCULES E ngines A bsolutely pure RU R A L S IG H T SE E R S . S IM P L IC IT Y , S T P h 'N G T H , ECONOM Y S U P E R IO R W O R K M A N S H IP N e rv e s B lo o d H o o d ’s It, S arsaparil la At Last The BlickensilerfeMlo. ps ? s i IMPERIAL;; G ranum c ; Isuiiiiuesllonablyam osti iv alu ab le FOOD sickf i room, w here eith er little! |o n e or adult needs deli-i f cale, nourishing d ie t!!:' ¿ /ÍO E czema CHILDHOOD Si NEW WAY EAST ” Physicians... AXLE FRAZER CREASE asure cure for piles n» CHRUEMEK EHEMHULL IW FERTILIZER WEINHflRD'S Ely's Cream Balrr I MALARIA I t SAPOLIO