Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About Cottage Grove and Lemati echo=leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1895-1895 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1895)
t o j B Grove Echo-Leader. 4“D o n r s ” A COUNTRY OF HOMES. The cable announcement in the RAPID AND CHE AP REDUCTION Secretary Smith has reversed the Oregonian that in London Monday decision of the commissioner of the OF BASE ORES. “special attention was called to a general laud office in three addi “The greatest thing for a coun- J small lot of Oregon pears, which tional cases, awarding the land to try,” exclaims Col. Ingersoll, “is for A satisfactory test of the rapid PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. were very fine, and sold readily at and cheap reduction of base ores by all citizens to have a home;” and in the Willamette Valley & Cascade E. P . T H O ItP , - - E D IT O R . 13s,” is good news to the fruit Mountain Road Company. this respect our own country is to ! roasting has been made near Oak DON'T think that you run any I Henderson Wagon growers of this state. Se also are Elliott aud Edward R. SATURDAY, OCT. 12, 1895. the reports from Sew York relative land, says a California paper. It is be regarded as the greatest in the a new process, and this was the world. Our people have what may risk in sending to W einstock, Lubin Taylor, in the Burns district, were to the Oregon prune. Several car Conneticut has looked over its first public exhibition of the work be called the fireside instinct in a & Co., Sacram ento, for anything awarded the land by the commis tobacco crop and fiuds the prospect loads have been sold by one dealer, ing of the plant, which promises a larger degree than those of any you may need. Goods not as ordered sioners. The secretary holds that who tells the Sew York Sun that he t? b» much better than the average. 1 and great saving of the product of the other nation. They are pre are returnable a t their expense. the lauds were within the limits of his customers are delighted The French proverb that Provi ores and of the cost of obtaining it. eminently home-makers, and the That is one reason why they try so , the withdrawal for the company on dence takes care of the United over the quality of the Oregon fruit. The roasting is done through the proportion of them who own homes hard to have things ju st rig h t the ; •Inly 5, 1866 aLd were not open to It has been taken for granted in the settlement. States stands the test well this year. passage of the powdered ore is in excess of that known else first time. . Sew York market that California through a flue 100 feet in length where. The history of the country A careful report shows that over ’ was simply unrivaled in prune pro- and with a fall of three inches to I from the first is the story of a con ; duction. In one respect, California W H. COOPER. 61 per cent of the railroad share the foot It requires from four to ! stant struggle for the ownership of DON'T ituaSine th a t there is capital of the country failed to re 1 has an advantage over Oregon ten minutes for complete desulphur land and the multiplication of A t t o r n e y a t HLa-w, ceive any dividend in 1894. Hostil i prune-growers, and that is in the ization of the ores in its passage.' family hearthstones. This purpose anything mysterious or bothersome C ottage G rove . O regon . ity to railroads will have to find J expense of drying. But for fresh Three furnaces about thirty feet has been the controlling oue iu the about o rdering goods by mail. It some other ground than their ex prunes, Oregon will soon assert its apart communicate with the flue, work of subduing the wilderness is as simple as A, B, C. Some few j ascendency unmistakably. The NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. and extending the sway of civiliza j hints as to sending money, etc-., cessive profits. ; moiater climate gives the Italian and the flames from them are j tion between the Atlantic and the will be found on page one of Wein- Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, driven into it. Near each furnace 1 Mr. Gladstone is too sensible a prune, as it is usually called, or the there is also a series of blowpipes Pacific. The log cabins of the . stock, Lubin & Co.’s (Sacram ento ) A ugust, 28, 1895. man to print a book without an in i Fellenberg plum, as it more strictly opening into the side of the flue and ; earliest settlers represented the in , Catalogue. I t will be sent free to N otice is hereby given that the following- nam ed settler lias tiled notice of his intention to dex or to believe that anybody cas is, a great advantage over the directed downward. The direction spiration which was to insure the any address. m ake final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof w ill lx* m ade before A. C. Jen n in g s make an index. In spite of the French prune raised in California. ' of the blast of compressed air from development of our unprecedented County Clerk of Lane county. Oregon, a t Eugene condition of his eyes, he will him Th.s year the French prune is bet the first series causes a rotary resources and the winuing of a sur Oregon, on October is. 1895,‘viz: ter in Oregon than in California; William A. Kpong, on H. E. No. 5539, f«»r the w 1 passing order of prosperity. self prepare the index to his forth DON'T make the mistake of N He E '4 nam & es S’ the ., NW ‘ , See. 24 1. 21 S. K. 3 West. i but the chief export fruit is the motion of the small particles being Wherever American courage, indus following w itnesses to prove tiis coming life of Bishop Butler. LEMATI. - _ _ _ _ _ OREGON. roasted, while the situation of the continuous residence upon and cultivation of, i Italian prune. It will command try and fortitude have been mani ' thinking you can buy elsewhere to said land, viz: ) next series of blowpipes on the op : Rawlings. D avid Rissue, Jam e s Lebow, The latest reports go to show : two cents a pound more than the • posite of the flue is such that the fested, there have been homes ; as good advantage. Weinstock. a Rufus n d Jo h n Lebow, all of Cottage (¡rove, Oregon. that the cotton crop will not ex California fruit, because of its size rotary motion is there reversed, and established, and the domestic vir Lubin & Co.’s prices, styles and R. M. V e a t c h . R egister. ceed 7,000,000 bales, and is likely and “meaty’’ quality This fruit is so on, causing a thorough stirring tues nourished and encouraged. : qualities have brought them the ; aug3l-l3 to be about 6,500,000 bales. This sure to have a great popularity in up of the particles in their down- It is true, as Col. Ingersoll ssys, ' largest general retail trade on the NOTICE TO CREDITORS. will cause a gradual advance in the , America, and its growth will pay ! ward passage. So great is the heat that patriotism of the best sort is ; Coast. Is th a t not public verdict E state o f W illiam Shields, De price, and give the planters a good well. As has been remarked before, obtained that the most refactory ore always found where snch conditions i th a t they hold first place ? ceased . SENDING TO “4# profit after many years of light re our growers have only to study the is completely deoxidized and all the exist. Those who are part proprie Notice is hereby given th a t T. (J. H endricks has been duly appointed a d m inistrator of the best methods, and they will gain turns. tors of a country are sure to love it, esta te of William Shields deceased. All per arsenic and bases are removed, and hold a lucrative market. The having claims against said esta te are here | leaving free milling gold to be col and to liasteu to its defense in a DON'T do for a day without the sons by notified to present the sam e to the adm inis Spain may look the world over and extension of fruit markets takes lected from the tanks at the lowei time of peril, as has been as grandly tra to r a t the F irst N ational Bank in EugeneCitv. Oregon, w ithin six m onths from the date of the will not find an intelligent observer time and effort and persistence end of the flue. illustrated iu our own case. handsome Catalogue of Weinstock, publication of th is notice. D ated this 14th day M y Trees are all on W hole R oots, R a ised on through uuluckj experiments. Sept. 1895. T. G. H i n i i r i i \ s . ’ anywhere who believes that it can There is uo other one thing to Lubin & Co., Sacramento. Beau of But oue of the most advantage- G e o . B. D<» k k is , A dm inistrator. ever restore the old condition of More than once shipments of Cal- ’ ous features of the process is that which we are more indebted for our tiful illustrations and full inform a H ig h ly tilled Land, A ttorney for th e estate. affairs in Cuba. But Spain pushes j ifornia fresh fruits to London have all the volatized metals pass on and national welfare and progress than tion about all kinds of Clothing, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. on with fresh armies, blind to her ! ireen pronounced flat failures, but are carried by a pipe into a tank of the homestead laws. That great Dry Goods, Household Supplies for own interests and deaf to every the growers still keep on shipping, • water. The water is afterward measure of practical beneficence men, women aud children. F ree to U nited S tates L and O ffice ,? R oseburg , O r . Sept. 5, 1895.( and eventually their efforts will be reasonable consideration. gave more homes to homeless peo any address. Notice is hereby given th at the following- crowned with success. The same is drawn off and precipitated to secure ple than all the rest of the influen nam ed settler has tiled notice of his intention to ; the different metal that passed into m ake filial pr<x»f iu support of his claim, and that Massachusetts has but seven true of Oregon fruit shipments, it in a gaseous state. ces at work in that direction during said pr<x»l will be m ade Ixdore A. C. Jennings, teen farmers in its Legislature i Prune-growing will succeed just as C ounty C lerk of Lane County, Oregon, at all the preceding history of the W EINSTOCK. LUBIN & CO., The test was a particularly severe Eugene, Lane County Oregon, on O ctober 21, uf 280 members, while the other business succeeds, when con i one, as it was made with concen- country. It provided an opportu 1895, viz: Jo sep h Sams on hom estead entry No. 7933 for lawyers number forty-nine. There ducted on strictly business princi the NEv, N El4 of sec. 8. Tp. 2« S.. K, 3 West. I trates or sulphurates instead of nity for which tens of thousands «©-PACKING FREE.-«« can be no explanation of this ples and on a moderate margin of j ordinary ore, a supply of which did were longing; it helped the poor He nam es the following w itnesses to prove bis Nos. 4 0 0 to 412 K STREET. continuous residence uixm and cultivation of said except that farmers are unwilling profit. teif-REMEMBER-—I earty Apples, Pear, Chtiry, Prime, Plum. Peach, land, viz: D aniel i’. Sheridan. Isaac N. Dresser j not arrive in time. The ten tons of and hard-working bv euabling them and C harles B. Sw eet, o f W alker, Oregon, and and also a very fine to fool away their time in an aver j sulphurates used were brought from to help themselves. We are too apt i Jo h n W. Nokes, of C ottage (¡rove. Oregon. No people suCTer so much from phy age State Legislature. JL M. Y e a t c h , R egister. SACRAMENTO. CAL. STOCK OF WELL TESTED SMALL FRUIT. sical disabilities as those whose busi the Amador Queeu mine several to forget that in the absence of this sept7-14 ness requires little or no niusculur months ago. The test, however, incentive aud assistance, the settle My trees will be sent TRUE TO LABILL. Addtess nil orders to L A R G E S T G E N E R A L R E T A I L H O U S E ON Corn exports are rapidly increas exertion. The lack of exercise causes was very successful in demonstrat ment of the new West would have Timber Laml, Act June 3, 1878. P A C IF IC C O A ST . M. L. FO R STER . ing, and the crop is the largest ever the liver to become sluggish and the ing the value of the method. been indefinitely postponed. It was NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION result is constant Constipation, In grown and is practically out of ! digestion, Tangent, L inn County. Oregon. United States L.ind Oilice, Roseburg, The ore is first dry crushed anil the homestead law above everything j No. 112. Biliousness and nick Head danger from frost and everything ache. To prevent this take Simmons then powdered to forty mesh, or the else that caused immigration to go Oregon, Septeinber 5, 1895. else. This means good times for Liver Regulator; it keeps the liver j finest of ordinary dust, when it is hevoud the Mississippi and the N otice is hereby given th a t in com pliance w ith I t will pay you to subscribe for active and makes one’s condition as the farmers. Corn is the most valu the provisions of the act of Congress of J u n e 3. as those who have much ready to be fed into the top of the Missouri, and to fill the waste places the E cho L eader . Try it. 1878, entitled “ An act for the sale of tim ber lands able of all the crops, and when, as comfortable in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and flue, which has an iuterior diameter with productiveness and all the exercise. W ashington T erritory,’’ as extended to all the now, the yield is large and the de Mr. Ernest H. Palmer, who found of one foot and is lined with fire means of comfort aud enjoyment. Public Land States by act of A ugust 4, 1892, mand fair, the country is sure to be S. H. Barr, of Sweet Home, want proof brick. Green oak wood is The government was an immense ed the house of Palmer & Key, in Milton F. Ambler, Portland, 15 years ago, and has been prosperous. ed to see what could be done in j used for fuel and 100 units is con gainer by the policy which thus in of Comstock, county of Douglas. State of Oregon in charge ever since of the Palmer wheat raising when a man tried a ' sumed with every unit of wood. creased the sources of its prosperity has tliis day tiled in this nfliee his sworn s ta te ment NoG5l. f«»r the purchase«»! die S’ , sw , anti East Oregonian: Reservation thorough way, so he plowed a 22- ; The burning of the gases iu the flue and strengthened the devotion of A Rey branch of the American Type S’2 SE’4 of section No 4. in tow nship No 21. S. range No 4 west, and will oiler pr<x»f to show that lands are not renting so readily this acre lot in January, again in June saves more than one-half the fuel the people to its principles and in Founders’ Company lias been pro ; I the land sought is more valuable f«»r its timlx r moted to Pacific coast manager of and cultivated it seven times before stitutions. A vast addition was j or stone than for agrieulti ral purfioses. and to required for ordinary furnaces. By year as heretofore. Wheat lands i establish liis claim to said laml before the Reg the different brauches of the Type sowing to wheat. The result was made to the homes of the country ister ami Receiver of this office at Rost Imrg. Or W icdio to infin iti tlios«» w ho an» c o n te n t p i tt i n g b u ild in g in th e *prit)g to b a n the new process ore may be roasted are growing cheaper, both in price on Mt.mlay tin- isth cay of N ovem ber,; in Un ir or<ler» for lu m b e r now. «o tli *y c a n b« and rental. They have heretofore an average of 52£ bushels per acre. at a cost of less than ( l a ton, and i in a comparatively short time, and Founders’ Company, including San egon, 1895. He nam es as w itnesses: Francisco, Portland and Los Angel A square deal in acres and bushels. with the homes came churches, William G. Chandler. Louis Antone. 1 90 to 95 per cent of the assay value been capitalized too high, and the Samuel 1. A ikius amt t harles P. M errellof ( «»m schools, newspapers, railroads, amt es. His headquarters will l>e San ; sttx-k, Oregon. Indians and other landlords have A brother, J. F. Barr, on 17 acres i obtaiued. and all persons claim ing adversely The plant cost (20,000 and has a 1 all the advantages that have con Francisce, tor which city he will til«* Any profited more than they deserved on raised an average of 47 bushels to alxtve-descrihcd lands are requested to tile th e ir claim s in this office on or before said 1sth With any kind of lumber you may wish, wbi« b will ilu n lw» ready, and yon ’«•count of it. The worker, after the acre, and a neighbor, John capacity of fifty tons a day. It tributed so much to our aggregate leave the end of this mouth of November, 1895. Mr J. X. Brands, of Chicago, has day sepl4-iow The paying his bills, had little if any Orchard, on 40 acres of 45 bushels, would, if located at a mine, require happiness and greatness won’t have to wait. R. M. V e a t c ii , Register, j been appointed local manager of tlie all accomplished by putting the historians of the future will not fail fifteen men, divided into three shifts, thing left to represent hie labor. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION? ground in good condition. The to run i t Three cords of wood are ; to dwell upon the importance of American Type Founders Company’s Orders From a Distance P ro m p tly A ttended To Barr soil has been farmed fo v - sufficient for three tons of ore with i this movement and to praise the branch in this city to take the place U nited S tates L and O ffice , The speculative boom m ‘ African years.—Albany Democrat * made vacant by Mr. Palmer’s pro I wisdom which made it possible. this furnace. Roe. burg, Oregon. Sept. 21, 1895 gold is leading English investors to motion, and will leave for the West Notice is hereby given th a t d ie following- j .— . — j Send in your orders a t once. It is estimated that with free look into the merits of American T H E N E D r O K D PA C K IN G H O U SE. nam ed settler lias tiled notice of his intention to in a few days. He is a veteran in water and oak or other green wood _ _ _ _ _ OREGON. I t ’s ju st as easy to try One Minute the type aud Newspaper Union busi m ake final pro«»f in support of his claim, ami th a t COTTAGE GROVE, gold mines, and it is said that they said pro«»f will lie m ade before the R egister ami have been investigating at least a M r. M e d f o r d Say» it H m B e e n R u n S u c c e « h at (3.50 a cord, gold and silver re Cough Cure as any th in g else. I t ’s ness, and for several years has been Receiver. C. S. Laml office at Roseburg. Oregon, on Novemlier 2. 189.5, viz: ¡sham P.urnett on fractory ores can be converted at easier to cure a severe cough or cold hundred properties in the West. f u lly T h r e e Y ea rs. it. L et your next purchase for connected with the firm of Marder, hom estead entry No. 8183 for the S'., Se' ,. Ne' , the mine from a dump to base a with Goods a nd S ty le s . Lot 2. S e e . 4. Tp. 22 S.. R. 3 W e s t . lit* B ut American gold production is cough be One Minute Cough Cure. Luse A Co., now a branch of the Se East Oregonian: R. Whitehead nam es the following w itnesses to prove his con growing rapidly without foreign was telling today about the pack bullion for from (1.50 to (3 a ton, Better medicine; better results; better American Type Founders’ Company tinuous residence upon ami cultivation of, said laml. viz: Andrew M. Swcaney, David R H ar capital, and the outlook for our ing house at Medford, Oregon, 1 according to the character of the try it. J . F. Currin. ris. Oliver P. Wills, A llred S. Powell, of Cottage iu Chicago. Oregon. mines, in the long run, is far better which has now been in operation for ! ore and the size of the plant. Mr. Ernest II. Palmer has achiev (¡rove, sept28-l7. R. M. Y e a t c h . Register. — P a r t o f E u g e n e C o rr.-sp o iK lcn cc R e c e iv e d than that of the African gold fields. three years and is an unqualified ed remarkable success as business East Oregonian: Governor Cul at P res« H ou r. N O ! K E F o R I i B L K ’A i lo.W manager of the Palmer & Rev success The plant represents a bertson of texas has successfully The Eugene G uard in a friend.y U nited S tates L and O ffice ? , LEM ATI, _ _ _ _ _ _ OREGON. S. F. Call: The rapid growth of total investment of a little more put an end to prize fighting in way, advises the small boys of this branch of the American Type ic b ttrg , O r., S e p t. 24 1895 a the dairy industry in the Province than (5000, and there have been Texas. Then a governor can ac ' place to “desist from their reckless Founders’ Company at Portland, N otice R is d hereby A FULL L IN E OF given that the following-nam of Quebec is attracting much atten employed 12 to 14 men when the complish something if he tries. So habit of catching on behind vehicles Or., during the fifteen years since ed settler has filed notice of his intention to ake final proof in support of h is claim, ami that C L O T H IN G , tion, and rightly so, for the in works are running at full blast. many have filled the office of gover th a t are being driven along the he founded the business. He lias m said pr«x»t will lx* m ade before A. ('.J e n n in g s. t,” two boys within the past week County Clerk of Lane county. Oregon, at Eugene crease is extraordinary. In 1890 Last year over 4000 hogs were nor as “figure heads’’ that the idea stree D & Y G O O D S, having narrowly escaped lieing killed won eminent success iu building up Oregon, on N ovember 2. ‘ is;»» viz; W allace the output of cheese in the province killed, the company using all raised j has become prevalent that a gover or injured while indulging in this the ready piiut husities for country M eK iblxn on hom estead entrv No 553«; for the Neb* Nw1,. Ne , >e‘ . N w , N e-,. Lots 1 ami 2. method of locomotion. Eugene needs newspapers. The outside of the was 23,600,000 pounds, valued at by the local farmers and it was nor amounts to little or nothing; B O O T S and S H O E S . 6, Tp. 21S., R. 2 W est. H e nam es the fol autom atic spanking ntaclti. e E cho -L eader is charmingly magni See. lowing w itnesses to prove his continuous resi (2,300,000, and in 1894 it amounted necessay to go into Northern Cali- , but Governor Culbertson has put j ! an stationed a t every crossing, for the dence upon ami cultivation of, said laml. viz: ♦o 55,000,000 pounds, valued at : fornia in order to secure enough to a gratifying object lesson iu the Iienefit of the "young Ito, efuls.” ficent iu every detail and is giving W illiam H. Champion, Jo h n Lebow. Robert of Cottage (¡rove Oregon, ami Jam es (5,500,000. It is evident from this keep the packing house running. Eugene wants the Mazamas to choose universal satisfaction to our main Griffin, way of growth of this idea. 11. T eeters, of Star, Oregon. | this as a startin g point for Crater hundred patrons. We shall only sept28-17. R. M. Y e a t c h , R egister, j The product has been sold readily th at the French Canadians are which was chosen as the place hope that Mr. Pulmers successor waking up and getting to be en iu Portland and San Francisco, and The healing properties of DeW itts Lake, for the next Mazamas outing. such a demand has been created Witch Hazel Salve arc well known. It terprising. The m ilitary road, witli diamond will he able to furnish us one as eczema, skin affections and is peak A ll Sizes o f T ru n k s . that the packers could not furnish ; i cures lovely Crescent Lake, to good. May Mr. E. H. Palmers’ simply a perfect remedy for piles. J. gether and with the grand scenery to be lines fall in pleasant ways. enough for the trade. j P. Currin. Corvallis Gazette: The experi ! found.on this side of the mountain, YAQUiNA EAY ROUTE. In Mr. Whitehead’s opinion, the ence of local prune growers in ship ■ should need no other attraction for T H E C A S C A D E F O R E S T R E S E R V E . Connecting at Vaguina Bay with the 1 This sto ck h as ju s t been refilled an d is th e Corvallis Times: The Oregon i the mountain clim bers; but if others D tH eial I n x t r u r t io n s ax <«> W h a t C o u sti ! San ping their fruit green has proven establishment and operation of this Francisco and Vaquiua Bay packing house has been the cause are needed, there are the delirious lu t e s Trph|>a.-s—IC .glits o f S e ttle r « . ! Central & Eastern has issued a new highly satisfactory. Recently a Steam ship eon?pany. best selected in tow n. u t in the Desehites river, the carload of Italian prunes were ship for better prices being paid for live freight tariff, which announces a ; ' g tro Mr. John Buttcrworih recently Steamship “ Farallon.” ; igantic, g ra y m osquito of the Wil- £ ^ * riie highest prices paid f<»r;.ll kind;-ot produce, jar? ped from this point by the Earl hogs in the local market, on account heavy reduction in freight rates be- niam son river country, and last but wrote to U. S. Attorney Dauiel Mur- A 1 and first-class in every respect,. of increased competion. i tween Corvallis and San Francisco, ; by no means least, the K lam ath reser i phy for iuformatiou as to the rights Fruit company and Bold in Chicago riios. F. O akes, H enry C. Payne, H en ry c Rou«e A packing house is needed right and other Willamette valley points, vation with its scores of funny little I of settlers on the Cascade forest re S tils front Vaquina for San Francisco Receivers. Telegraphic advices received last EAST AND SO UTH about every eight days. Friday show that the entire lot sold here for the benefit ot farmers in the reduction effects a large {Indians. —VIA— ! serve, and has received the follow Passenger accommodations unsur The social season has opened in south Lane. With thousands of passed. Shortest route between tiie ’ number of articles, aud v ill result Eugene. The dancing club lias been ing reply: at a profit to the growers and many Q R TH E R N W illamette valley and California. of them are now feeling sore be acres of fertile land and the purest in a great saving to shippers. j re organized, everyone who is’n t m ar Tne S h a sta R o u te P ortland , Or., Sept. 24, 1895. F ine from Albany or points west to cause they did nut market their en water on earth, bushels of cash { Apples in boxes or barrels are on ried is going to be, and the churches Jno. Butterwortb, Esq, San Francisco: P A C IF IC R. —OF T H E — tire output green. The car left ; could be made raising good hogs the list, with a former rate of 30 huve begun to plan oyster suppers. C abin.............................................. $12 00 Detroit, Marion Co., Or. , for a packing house. Steerage .......................................8.00 i cents between Corvallis aud San Corvallis Sept 15th and was sold in Dear Sir: Permit me to acknow- S o u th ern Pacific Co. R A S trange A ccident .— To drown lege receipt of your letter of the 21. Cabin, round trip, good for 60 , Francisco, reduced to 25 cents per Chicago the 24th. days................. ....... 18 00 P y t h ia n P ic k in g .. : Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. U ’ hundred ; earthenware, former rate in dried leaves appears strange to relative to my instructions from the F or sailing days apply to H. L. South. , many; but it appears that loose hops 1 1 N orth. | 35 cents, reduced to 15c; hardware, Walden, agent Albany, Oregon. N ❖ Oregon Statesman: Corn, apples The Pythias published at Port in boxes, all kinds, former rate 30c in bins large enough will suffocate a : attorney-general regarding tres- X. dl J). HI. 1 Lv. Porll.iiid Ar. I s:tO a. i n . CHAS. CLARK, Supt. j passes on the Canada Forest Range 2:51 a. in. S and pototoeg arc the record-break land by the genial, whole souled, C ottage (¡rove Lv. 2:11 a. m. Corvallis, Or. person who is so luckless as to fall 10:45 a. in. 1 Ar.' San FraiiciscA Lv. 1 7:00 p. in. P u llm an ers this year. This country’s pro prince of good fellows, Albert I reduced to 15c; marble, rough iu into them, as quickly as a pool of I Reservation. Replying thereto 1 I EDW IN STONE, M anager, Above tra in s stop a t E ast Port Lind. Oregon Sleeping Cars Corvallis, Oregon. duction of apples is expected to Tozier, has recently been brought . boxes, 15c formerly 30; enuued water. The following from the : have to say: ( llv, W oodburn, Sab in, ru n ie r. Marion, J e fte r- | goods, 400 pounds or more 17|e; First—That I have received in son. Albany. Albany Ju n ctb .n T angent, sh ed d s. E leg a n t reach 9,000,000 to 10,000,000 out in nice, neat new type, soap, common, in boxes, 15c, Gervais Star is the account of the H alsey, H arrisburg. Ju n ctio n Citv. Irving structions from the attorney-general D in in g C ars bushels, about 3,000,000 more thau that causes its well filled pages to Eugene. Creswell, D rains and all statio n s from narrow escape a hop drier hail in to prosecute all parties trespass M O N E Y | formerly 30; paper, common wrap- Roseburg t«» A shland inclusive. LO AN E D . T o u rist the largest number ever heretofore shine like the sparkling stars of oue of these bins from being drown lio^eburtf Mad Daily. S leeping C ars produced in a single year. This heaven. We clip the following ! ping, 15c formerly 30; maximum ed: •‘Joseph Kennedy, while at ing aud I have to say: fcai a. ni. I b i ’ P o rtlan d Ar. i 4.4« p. m i charge, 50c, formerly 75c. Second—That it is trespassing on St. Patti 2:55 p. in. year’s crop of potatoes will propably from the last number: C ottage G rove Lv. 10:25 a. in. woik mound the storehouse Sunday, ' said reserve to engage iu mining or F ir s t M o r t g a g e s O n I m p r o v e d j ScM ji. in. 1 Ar. Roseburg Lv. j 8:00 a. 111. Minneapolis reach 230,000,000 bushels. The F a rm P ro p e rty N egotiated. I t was a little peculiar that the accidentally fell from the loose or prospecting for mines on the B o s w e ll S p r in g s , North. S alem p a s s e n g e r . Sontii. DuLuth largest crop heretofore was 225,000- officials at the grand lodge stand boards iuto the mass of loose bops. | reserve. 4:00 p. in. j( Lv. (Form erly Snowden S p rin g s) Portland. Ar. 1 10:15 a. m. TO Fargo 000 bushels, in 1891. While Ore at the Salem fair should, for the ■ ü:15 p. ni. 1 Ar. Salem. Lv. | &M a. m . We are prepared to negotiate first Douglas County, Oregon, are loca He was rescued by his biother, who Third —That it is trespassing to Grand Forks gon may not do much towards first time in its history, charge re I ted on the Southern Pacific Railroad, had hard work to find him and m ortgages upon improved farms In Crookston breaking corn-producing records presentatives of the press. j “ Shasta Route” from San Francisco i brought to the surface in an uncon- I drive cattle upon the said reserve Oregon, with eastern parties at a rate Dinins Cars od Ogdsn Ruote. for the purpose of pasturing them I to P ortland ,in Douglas Co,, Oregon, Winnipeg in the future, she will do her full of interest not to exceed 9 per cent, Hon. John Mitchell has just re cious condition. It was brought to j S. P. trains stop at the Springs (Hag thereon during the summer. P ullm an B ullet Sleepers Helena and share in helping to smash the apple per annum . ' station ) Constantly open for the Fourth—That, it is trespassing to AND Butte and potato records for big yields, turned from a trip to St. Paul, reception of guests. New bath rooms life again. Il may seem strange, Mortgages renewed th a t have been S e c o n d Cllafr« S l e e p i n g C u r « she will break her own record each Minn. He returns to attend the i Connected with main building. Post hut dried hops are as dangerous as use any portion of said reserve for taken by other companies. T H R O U G H T IC E T S ATTACHED TO ALL THROUGH TRAINS. succeeding year for a decade or two, I grand lodge session. No better ! Office and Express on the premises. . quicksand—aud more than water to agricultural purposes whether said Address with s:amp, representative can be found than J The w aters of these springs co n tain : fall into. Grant Manning had a portion of the said reserve so used TO at least. M ERVIN SWORTS, W e s t S id e D iv is io n * . Iodine, Broiniue, Potassium , The . similar uccident." John Mitchell. i adjoins a homestead or not. Between Portland aud Corvallis. ' Carbonates of Iron and Lime and Baker City, Oregon. Chicago Fifth—It is not trespassing to Some one recently entered a Chlorides of Calcium, Magnesium and G reat preparations are being made Washington The effort of any newspaper to j sealed ear on the Southern Pacific MAIL TR A IN DAILY E X tE P T M A L A Y : ■ for excursions to Portland during the catch fish, triif fur hearing animals . Philadelphia build up a town is practically nuli-! between Salem and Portland and Sodium i:30 A. M. I Lv. P ortland ! exposition in October. These will be Ar. I 0:20 P. M. Ono spring contains 435 ad the Trespass Notice. or hunt for game upon said reserve. 12:15 F. M. 1 Ar Corvallis New York Lv. 1 1:3.5 P. M. tied unless it is backed up by the . other over 2000 grains of solid m atter n w from points on the Southern Pa- D aniel R. M vrphey , stole a valise and all its contents Notice is hereby given th a t I. the , Eific, N orthern Pacific and O. R. & N. Boston and all | to the gallon. At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of business men. A stranger turns j undersigned, have posted trespass U. S. Attorney. belonging to Albert Tozier, of this (). C. & E. Rv. j Go’s lines, with rates extiem ely low. *rom the news columns of a paper t« Especially on the days set ap art for In view of this ruling it will be J notices on my respectivepi< misesand Points East aud South. city. The car contained exhibits Hillsboro Independent: A trav the E x p r e s s T r a in D a il y í E x - e p t B i - n d a t .) all persons trespassing thereon after the advertising pages, and if he fails for the Portland expoeition. Elks, Red Men, Workmen, Wood eling man spent an hour with the men and other orders, will these ex 1 noted that those who have been j this date will ite prosecuted to the full 4:15 I’. M. I I.v l’.irtlam l Ar. I 3:25 A. II. to find there the Jtustuens cards of j TIME SCHEDULE. 7:2.5 1“. M. I Ar McMinnville I.v. I 5:5» A. M. Oregon showed the following re Independent last week and talked cursions be run to accommodate the i locating mining claims or pastur ! extent of the law. the merchants and professional For information, time cards, maps L. H. Y arbrough . ing stock on the reserve come with thousand« of those orders who desire i rats, he comes to the conclusion cord of members June 30, 1894, trede prospects. He represented a I to attend on those days. aud tickets, call on or write in the definition of trespassers. that the towu is a dead bead town 3,255; initiated, affiliated and rein Michigan stove foundry. He re I — W. P. LOCKWOOD, Agent, E. I'. ROGERS stated since, 408,making 3,963, less ports trade reviving everywhere ex ¿ad no good. No town ever grew C h a m b e rlain ’s E y e a n d S h in O intm ent Cottage Grove, Or. A sst, t í 1*. Á Pass. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. suspended, deceased, etc., 326, cept in Oregon, He is not dissatis NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. It. KOEHLER, Manager, Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt- without the active aid of the news ---- OR---- P ortland Or. ' U nited S tates L and O ffice , ) Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped paper. Nor can papers grow and leaves total number of members fied with the state, though, but at U nited S tates L and O ffice ,/ ! R oseburg , Oregon October 4, 1895.1 Hands, Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Bites, A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. Gen. Pass January 1, 1895, 3.337; a net gain tributed the difficulty met with in R oseburg , Oregon, October 4,1895.( build up their localities without the Notice is hereby given th a t the fnllowuiE-nam- J Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated E vel.ids. Agent, J- S. M E D L E Y , active assistance of the town. Busi- J of 82 members for the last half of 1 selling eur products. A brisk mar- Notice is hereby given th a t the folluwtng- : ed settler h as filed notice of h is intention to For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. lianieii settler has tiled notice of his intention to m ake final pr«x>f in support of his claim, and th at 1894. , ket at some price is one thing we 255 Morrisson St., Portland Oregon. neaa men should realize this and said proof will he m ade before J o e l W a r e , V. Justice of the Peace m ake final proof in support of his claim, and TO HO RSE OW NERS. I need. Another is other products of that said proof w ill he made before J u k i . W a r e . S. C. C. Commissioner at E ugene, Oregon, on remember iu giving support to the F or putting a horse in a tine healthy con AND V. S. C. C. Commissioner, at Eugene, Oregon, on N ovem ber 22, 1895, viz; Jo h n T. M artin, on ; prime necessity. A beet sugar fac- Clothing tor Ladies and Children November 22, lg»5. viz: D ork D unning on home hom estead entry No. 7397. for th e Sw‘4 N e ^ dition try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders. newspaper they are not only build There are many good reasons why entry No. 571» for the Siv1, Sc1, and lots 9, Xw‘4 S e '4 and lots 2 and 3, see. 2, Tp 22 S R. 3 They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure ing up their own business, but help you should use One Minute Cough , tory will furnish one. More pork is stead Made to order cheap for cash or 10 and 11 of see. 2, tp 22 s. R :i East. Ite names east, lie nam es the following w itnesses to tlie following w itnesses to prove his continuous prove his continuous residence upon and culti loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct ing to support that which is stead Cure. There are no reasons why you another. residence upon and cultivation of. said land, viz: vation of, said land, viz; hock Dunning. Jam es kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving country produce, by should not, if in need of help. The ily working for the benefit of the 1 only harmless remedy that produces Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder .John T. M artin, A. C. MeClane, David Kitson A: W alker, .lam es W. H ill and A. C. M ct’laue, new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 I M rs . P et S anford , Collections a Specialty, of H azel Dell, Oregon. and Jam es A. W alker, of H azel Dell, Oregon. 1 certs per package, For sale by druggists, t tv hole eommunify. C ottage G rove , O r . octl2-l9 R. M. V eatch , Register, Cottage Grove immediate results. * P. Currin octl!-p,l It. VI. V eatcii , Register < vir ?H M*W Midwinter Fair. San Francisco, LEWIS&BURKHOLDER. A N e w L in e o f L a d ie s ’ Boucle Dress Goods = C L O Ä K I N G .= A gents for the sale of th e ■ H IIIE ill M l C Œ Î. Psftt M t Trees a it liai It M. L. FOKSTEH. Bnflflgd direei froia ta n g Trees and prices Cheap as F irs t Class T rees Can be R aised For. N ew New L U R C H 'S L adies D ress Goods, K a ts and Domestics- Oregon Central &. Eastern R, R, Co. Real E state Agent.