The Leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1895-1903, January 30, 1903, Image 5

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    I emokal
intesesi .
When you are ready.
w ÑXT'
BAKER—VAUGHN.—At the resi­
dence of the bride’s parents in this
■ r Page of Eugene, wus in the city
city Monday at la o ’clock Mr Roy
Baker nnd Miss Etta Vaughn,
.lr>tiu Kirk was down from Doreua
’Squire J W Vaughn officiating.
■ lo -s d u y .
The L badeb extends congratulations.
W H Sutton o f Saginaw was in the
LAM R—LEWIS— Sunday evening at
tty Monday.
the residence of.the bride’sparents In
J 0 Johnson made flying trip to Eu-
this city, Mr Fred Lamb and Miss
;eDe Ti esday.
Cleo Lewis were united in the holy
H T Dow was dowu to Eugene the
bonds of matrimony, Rev Feese
irst of the week.
pastor of the M E Church, official
Tli "s Goodpasture of Eugene was
oijhe Grove Saturday.
Mr Lamb is one of Eugene’s highly
Bird Farrier was down from Wild- respected oitizens and business men
and the bride, to say the least, was
.v<K<d Monday of this week.
the' favorites of Cottage
See Martin left Wednesday for among
Grove’s many accomplished and beau­
•Jalern on a visit to his people.
tiful young ladies.
B Clements of Portland, was in
The bride's gown was a rich and
our city this week on business.
beuutifui texture of white taffeta silk,
Mdes and Carl l itchor of Star were trimmed in chiffon and silk lace. And
down to the Grove this week.
when the happy couple marched to the
Mike Gross, of Hotel “ Smoede” in alter amid the sweet strains of I he
wedding march played by Mrs
ene was iu the city Friday,
supported by Miss
torney A M Crawford of Itose- L D Beck,
Nettle Burdick, dressed in pale green
[ was in tlie Grove Sunday,
albatros, trimmed In chifTon. as bride’s
has M Kissinger, of Eugene was
maid and the bride’s brother Mr
j e Grove the first of the week,
Li ston Lewis as best man, and preced­
l i r and Mrs Lee W Henry visited ed by little Anna Steel Beck and Lelah
with relatives in Eugene, over Sun­ Lewis, os flower girls, strewing dainty
day .
flowers beneath their feet, and stood
'V is a Peari Smith of Walker is beneath the beautiful arch of mistle­
sees :
, visiting with Mrs Stonoburg this toe and ivy’ , tlie picture was complete
. w ick.
Then tlie assembled ^guests fully
i Jones and wife of Leona were realized that the lion hearted geuile-
viliting iu the Grove the first of the man from Eugene bad captured a
spotless lamb from Cottage Grove’s
w ick.
fold and had carried uwuy one of its
most brilliant gems.
The couple were the recipients of
JgMiss Emma Bryan went to Saginaw
muny tokens of love aud esteem iu
Wednesday to visit her mother who is
the numerous nnd valuable presents
| <p|ite ill.
P^Kiernest Soars o f Saginaw, and Tom
After the wedding a superb dinner
Pringle of Creswell were in the Grove was served when the invited guests
departed, wishing the happy pair
» M r s O F Callison was down to Eu years of unalloyed joy and prosperity.
gene on a visit with relatives the first
The following is a list of those
the week.
present and the presents received;
Mr and Mrs J I Joues. silver water
■ G e o Brown of Eugene is visiting at
tli home of Mr aud Mrs Leo Henry, set Hr nnd Mrs Barrett, silver pickle
o f this city.
Mr and Mrs F B Phillips,
■ Miss Nettie Burdick returned to silver cake stand; Mr und Mrs Bub-
Engene after attending the Lamb cock, china dish; Mr and Mrs Jus
Benson, embroidered sofa pillow;
L( .vis wedding,
■ L o w e r y England, was down from Mr and Mrs I'’ D Wheeler, china
Druvnn Wednesday and went on down sugar bow l und creamer; Mr an
Mrs L D Beck, a book; M r and Mrs
t(| Eugene on business.
W C Conner, silver meat fork; Mr
^ f c t t o and Miss St ilia Brown of Eu- and Mrs K C Conner, silver berry
■ j^ Mrs
B n o Joan
with their sister
Mrs to
Lee spoon; Mrs
T j & xt Y b , M«* 044«
i . o c .U j î ' U E v r m ; s .
l Hi
i e lry
of her
Mr and Mrs Frederikson aud daughter, Lena,
a vow
this week.
Bi ran at Saginaw, Tuesday.
china cake plate; Miss Anna Yuii-
Bsauiiful Snow.
Mrs Clara Buford, ef San Francisco Uiper, bruescls r u g ; Miss Elbe)
s visiting with her mother M is O Kuowltou, piece of point luce' nnd
Did you get your feet wet?
• •
drawn work; Miss iv lt d XX ooley, set-
_ v’ redonekson for a few weeks.
Snow, snow, beautiful snow,
Frank Smith returned to his home
Ami very high water this week you
it. Salem Wednesday after an extend­ Mr Horace Harms, silver cake stand;
'd visit wilt relatives and friends iu Misses Lizzie Orpurd, Daisy Arnold;
Am' you have a bad coid that may
Mr Clius Cochran, tea set; Mr E lbeit
bottage Grove.
grow worse
Veatch, silver knife and sugar shell;
But you eun cure it at Morgan &
■ Ed Baker, of Portland visited with Mr C biis Jackson, silver spoon tray;
. Rrehuuts of course.
|Bis parents Mr and Mrs ,T W Baker
Messrs Glass nud Iiidell, large
this ch y a day or so this week
C B Barger, of Eugene, wus doing
picture; D r Macey, silver nut set;
■ Mrs Col Blair and little daughters Messrs Tucker and Cramp Jones, business iujthe Grove, Tuesday.
■ i i i t l i and Sadie, returned Tuesday, Jessie, alpi Lelba Lew is; Anna
Miss Ruth Knowlton has accepted a
fr mi a weeks visit with Mrs Blair’s Steele Beck, paper weight; Mr nud position us clerk in F E Goodman's
w in , Dick, at Portland.
Mrs J B I^ewis. gold watch and Cigar store.
• Editor W C Conner and wife who chain, Misses Gertrude and Xetlio
Mr and Mrs Ed Jones who have been
Ijitve been visiting with relatives and Burdick, set*cf cbiua plates Mr staying at Leona for some time have
¿fiends iu the Grove left for their Lesion. Lewis, mantle clock.
returned to the Grove where they
The follow ing is a list of presents will remain for a while.
hi mo in Boseburg Tuesday afternoon.
■ Miss Smith, who has bocD from friends who were not th ere:
Subject at the M E Church Sunday
XIr and Mrs Henry, silver bread tray;
fisiting with her aunt Mrs Pet San­
morning by the pastor: “ Rising with
Xfr nnd Mrs Lundy, silver ladel;
ford for the past several weeks, re-
Mrs H Eakin, glass water bottle;
l i irned to her home in Salem Wednes-
Evening: “ The Judgement,”
Neva Perkins, picture; Marv Curriu
X la y .
Suuday afternoon, 3:30, the pastor
set of linen doilies; Mr and Mrs In ­
I E D Parrott, of Portlund is in the gham full china dinner sot; The will give an address to men only on
^ ■ it y this week and has the contract grooms fellow clerks, rocking chair; “ Social Regeneration.” Boys under
j for Installing a first class gas plant iu O Veatch, china sugar bow l nnd fourteen years excluded. The pro­
i l ie residence of Mr Cumpbell of the creamer; Ira Conner Jr, silver fish truded meeting will continue right
Pacific Timber Company.
Traveling passenger Agent .1 P
I Rev C A W ooley and son Lelon, of
Church Services.
Jonos was shaking hands with friends
Eugene were up to the Grove the first
Services at the C P church next in the Grove, Tuesday. Mr Jones Is
f t the week enronto to their timber
one of the S P Co’s most popular men
tlaims on Row river. They returned
1 1 a m Preaching subject “ Tars”
on the road.
jomo on Wednesday morning’s early
7 ;30 PreaehiudSuject “ The Bible A
Quite a number of young people
Looking Glass.
enjoyed the evening Wednesday coast­
The Guard says; At a meetihg of
10 a m Sunday School A H King, ing on the McFarland hill. Large
he High 3chool dramatic club yester­ Supt.
bonfires were kindled and a good
day afternoon it was decided to send
3 p m Junior, Mrs L D Beck, Supt. time wus had by all present at this old
Manager E J Kuykendall to Cottage
G ¡45 p m Christian Eudeavor, Mr time sport.
Trove to see if it were possible to pro­
The protracted meeting now in
M Medley, President
duce the drama, “ Uncle Josh,” in
Everyone is invited to attend each progress at the M E church under the
thatoity in the ne: r future. Several
management of Rev Feese, the pastor
o f the cast who took part on Saturday of these services.
is still growing in Interest there being
L D B eck , Pastor
night will not be able to go and
a good attendance each night. Rev
nderstudies will be secured for their
Feese ts an earnest worker and is
accomplishing much good.
Mr John W Baker, left Sunday for
If you want to see something nice
of Charles Savage, died at Creswell
alem to visit the session of the
to see the Podalis Shoe, with
Tuesday morning at 4 :2b oclock ask
regon Legislature. Mr Buker is a
patent shoe lace pocket. A classic
from consumption.
shoe, artistic and comfortable. M c­
andidate for State Game Warden and
Deceased was the daughter of Mr Kay’s turns and welts at $2.75 and
as some strong endorsements for
¡hat high office. Mr Baker is a and Mrs XVm Burnett and besides her $3.00 at Lewis 6c Veatch’s.
Dr J E Hosmer, o f Portland has
vorthy life long democrat, in every bereaved husband and parents she
way competent and deserving of any leaves a iittle child five week« old a located in onr city for the practice of
office within the appointing power of brother John Burnett at Creswell and his profession. The Dr. has had ex-
the Governor and would fill the one sister Mrs Etta Walden in Wis­ ten«ive practice In Utah and Portland
position of Game Warden with honor consin. Mrs Sqvage was aged 17 and is a post graduate of Ann Arbor,
and credit to the State.
To buy Jackets, Cloaks o p Capes, see
our line and find the new est styles in
the market. W e have a large variety
and samples of Monte Corlo, those w e
can order in any size or color, and have
them in 2 4 -hours. Will give you
On these goods as we will not
carry a stock of them, order them
special and can offord to sell them
at a very small profit-
* , *
If Pou Utlant Something 11*1 ice f
Ask to see tho
F ^ e c L a J L is
- ^ ri
o e
With tho ] »atent
S l) o e L a ^ e
P o ck e t.
It is a Classic Shoo, Artistic and comfortable.
McKays, Turns and Welts, a t ..,.$2.7 and #.00
L E W IS & V E A T C H
k %
mi t a Kara c
For Ladies, Misses and Children
Don’t you want some body to help
you get your sido walk back in place?
F C Wheeler and wife have rented
and moved inio the Veatch house on
second street.
W ill tho flood did somo good as
well be barm it nearly denuded Main
street of mud and we should be thank­
ful even for small blessings.
There is little doubt but what tho
merchants will lie able to dispose of
their remnants in the rubber boot line
this winter. Rubber goods were nt a
premium during the high water.
Mrs Elizabeth E Henderson, widow
of the lute Rev E P Henderson of
Eugene died at her home last Sunday
morning in that city. They were
among tho early pioneers of Lane
U G Walkor made Eugene
tho first o f the week.
Have you scrubbed your floor
the flood.
The delayed tratns caused thi i ■
Shirley company to miss their e
ment here Monday night.
Now is tho time tho city n
thorough sewor system. The <
tilth left by the high water a
soon dissapenr from view.
The first through train from t
since the freashet passed th (
Monday night at midnigb
overland from Portland . urns n ■
a few hours earlier in the day
sections. As a result of the c*....
mail accumulations the postal ;l
at the post office have lx