THE LEADER. ^ P u b lis h e d L . F . W ooley ©SSEEBB GOOD OUTLOOK. COTTAGE GROVE, - ■ OREGON. IS Th at there in an awakening Leu# I S v e r y F r i d a y . manifested throughout the country, P ro p rie to r among mining men us to the value Entered at ttiuUAtug» Grove” pTA- j o f Bohemiu mines cannot be doubted office us second-cluss matter. j by anyone conversant with the sit­ uation. Every day brings letters of FR ID A Y ------ D csMUEa, 19, 1902.1 mqUjrey, from all parts of the coun try, begging for information about S U B S C R IP T IO N R H T E S . Bohemia property. That men with *1.50 O ne Y kab men with money to invest in mining S ix M onth s property, nre beginning to see some T hree M onths .50 I f paid In a d v a n ce lm t if not so paid a of the good things in store for those n n ifon n rale o f *¿ 0 0 per year w ill be charged. a d v e rtisin g rales m ade know n upon appir who pin their faith in Bohemia cation . as gratifying as it is unquestioned. Bohemia’s steady development and O u r C l u b b i n g L is t . * 2:10 its conservative promoters are doing The Commoner. * 2.00 Twice-n-week Republio a grand and good work. The tend­ * 2.10 Cinoinnat.ti Enquirer ency to boom has subsided and the *2.50 Weekly Examiner *2.50 camp has taken on a decided wave Weekly Oregonian of perfnanence never before felt. The most prominent properties are Advertising is a combination of settling down to a more solid basis, good judgement and enterprise. selling stock, not with n flourish, hu in a business liko manner and all The probabilites are that Fresi holdings have a solid aspect that dent Roosevelt will make a trip to must and is already attracting capi­ The “ rich strike’’ feature of the Pacific Coast in April and May tal. and will visit Portland and other Bohemia is giving way to good, sub­ stantial development work, wbich is Oregon towns. more weighty with men who have means to invest in mining than all A country editor writing on the the flash-iu the pan strikes ever trust question says that the country heard of. Altogether Bohemia newspaper combine is the biggest going, ahead and has put on a trust on earth. It trusts everybody healthy’, business like front that gets cussed for trusting, mistrusted is safely courting success. for cussing, and if it busts for trusting, gets cussed for busting. IT'S JUST A GOUGH. T IIE CO U N TRY PRE SS. That gets you r lungs sore and weak and paves the way for Pneum onia or Consumption, or both. A ck er’ s E n g­ lish Rem edy will stop the cou gh in a day and heal you r lungs. It will cure Consum ption, Asthma, B ron ­ chitis and all throat and lung troubles Positively guaranteed, and m ouey re­ funded if you are not sal istiod. W rite to us for free sample. W H H o o k e r & Co., Buffalo N. Y. Benson D ru g Co. Dursng the campaigns of 1896 and 1900, and the lesser campaigns since the former date, the democrat­ ic party has found its chief news­ paper support among tiie loyal democratic newspapers so often designated as the “ country press W ith a few notable exceptions the metropolitan dailies classed as democratic, deeerted the democrat ic standard and l»nt their aid to An idea of the enormous quantity the republican party. But the de- of mail that is never claimed is given sertions from the ranks o f the in the annual report of the dead country press were so few that they letter office for the last fiscal year were not noticeable. With a loy­ which report was submitted on alty that could not he swerved and October 14 by Acting Postmaster an ability that challenged the ad­ General Wynne This report shows miration of opposition, “ the coun­ total receipts 9,300,351 pieces of try press” rallied to the democratic mail matter of all kinds, an increase standard and performed prodigies I of 9 per cent over last year. The o f valor. “ The country press” has ordinary unclaimed letters nurober- ever been loyal, and because of | ed 6,446,600. this every democratic newspaper that is embraced in this designation NOTICE O F A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’S deserves and should have the hear­ SA L E . ty suuport of of democrats in its community. A well edited local N otice is hereby given that we, the paper exercises an important influ­ undersigned, the duly appointed, ence, not alway’s visible to the cas­ qualified and a cting adm inistrators of ual obseruor, but always apparant tno setate o f J H Perkins, deceased, by virtue o f an ord er o f the County when the test comes. Let the dem Court o f L an e County O regon, h ere­ ocrats show by their actions that tofore made, will 'sell at private sale they appreciate the unswerving for cash in hand the follow in g d e­ loyalty and tireless eneregy’ of the scribed real property belonging to said democratic newspapers that have estate, to-w it: B eginning at J4 Bee. Cor. between sections 33 & 34, Tp. 20 stood up for the party and its prin­ 8 . R. 3 W est. Thence East 20 chains, ciples in the face o f influences Thence South 20 chains, Thence W est that have corrupted so many met­ 10 chains, Thence North 6 chains. ropolitan dailies. The local demo­ Thence W est 10 chains, T hence North cratic newspapers deserve a great 15 chains to place o f begin nin g, co n ­ taining 35 acres, all situated in N . W . deal more than they usually get. '« o f S. W . % o f Sec. 34, Tp. 20 8. K, now let democrats see that their 3 W est in Lane County O regon . local organs get all they deserve,— Said aale will com m ence Thursday, at Cottage G rove, Lane C o., O rogon, The Commoner. the 8th day o f Jan. 1903 and w ill co n ­ tinue until said property is sold. J P CuRKIN. H e F ou n d a C u re. C A P e r k in s . R II Foster, 318 S 2d Street, Salt A d m iu lstra torsof the estate o f J H L ak o City, w rites: “ I have been Perkins, deceased. bothered with dyspepsia or in diges­ tion for 21 years, have tried many doctors without relief, but I have found a cu re io H erbine. I recom ­ m end it to all my triends, who are o f suffering from Indigestion if you afflicted that way, and it is eu riug eat what you want, or starving y o u r­ them , too. 50c at New Era dru g self to avoid such distress? A ck er’ s »tore. | Dyspepsia Tablets taken after eating WHAT IS THE USE W e Hell t iie g r e a t e s t o f B lo o d pu rifiers. A ck er’s Blood Elixir, under n positive guarantee. I t will cu re all ch ron ic and oth er b lood poison s I f you have eruptions o r sores on y o u r b od y, or are pale, weak o r run d ow n . It is ju st what you need. W e reund m oney if you are not satisfied SOcts and *1.00. Benson D ru g C o. lernas presents WHERE? L U R C H ’S . W h y ? -A -t Because they make prices right. Courtesy. Because you are treated with Because you can find anything you wish. A ll that is necessary to convince you of this assertion is to step in to our store and see for yourself. So get in Line Early as the best presents go first. Come and See our goods. Lurch’s £ Lurch’s a £3 CITY A FR EE PATTERN (yotir ow n selection) to every scrlber. O n l y 50 ceuts a Bartete MARKET & Veatch, Props. MS CALLS Choicest Meats, Hams, Bacon and Laid always on hand. And in fact everything usualy kept in a first* class market. lADIfS’ MAGAZINE. A e e m ; b e a u tifu l colored p la t e s ; latest fa s h io n s ; d ie a c tn a k in g econom ies { fa n c y w o rk ; hou seh o ld hints ; fiction, etc. Sub­ sc rib e to d ay, Or, send sc. for la te s t «op*. L a d y a g e n ts w a n ted . Send for term s. S tylish , R eliable, S im ple,U p-to- date, E con om ical and A bsolutely P eriect-F ittiu g Taper Patterns. la sr s : e . a j s o :& t Wo have no stand-in with the dentists on tough meats. a trial and wc will treat you right. AH Seams Allowed and Perforations allow the Boiling and Sewing lines. Give o .rssag O n ly *o an d 15 c e r t s each— none higher. Ask for th em . Sold in nearly every city an d to w n , o r by m ail from Piper & VanBenburg T H E M c C A L L CO .. 113-115-117 West 31st S t, NEW YORK. S h e lf a n d H e a vy H A R D W A R E Fish Bros WnsoDS and all kinds of Farm Implementa and Mining Supplies. u M rs. L au ra. S. W eb b , W E SUIT HARD TO SUIT 3 g V Ie e *P trsld e n i W o m a n ’» !)pmo> c v a lic ( iiibN o f N orth ern O hio. **! dreaded the change of life which was fast approaching. I noticed Wine of Ctrdui, end decided to try a hot- tie. I experienced some relief the first month, so I kept on taking it for three months and now I menstrvate with no pain and I shall take It off and on now until I have passed the climax.*' Female weakness, disordered menses, falling of the womb and ovarian troubles do not wear off. They follow a woman to the change of life. Do not wait but take Wine of Cardui r o w and avoid the trou­ ble. Wine of Cardui never fails to benefit a suffering woman of any age. Wine of Cardui relieved Mrs. Webb when she was in dan­ ger. When you come to the change of life Mrs. Webb’s letter w ill mean more to you than it does now. But you may now avoid the suffering she endured. Druggists sell $1 bottles of Wine of Cardui. í¡M£úFC.ft?iBUI F o i l s a D e a d ly A t t a c k . “ M y wife was so ill that g ood p h y ­ sicians were unable to help h e r,” writes M M Austin, o f W inchester, I n d .” “ but was com pletely cured by Dr K in g ’ s New L ife P ills.” They w ork I will digest y ou r food perfectly and w onders in stom ach and liver troub­ | free you from »11 the disagreeable les. Cure constipation, sick headache. 25c at J P Currin’ s dru g store. sym ptom s o f In digestion and D yspep- sla. Eat what you like at any time, i and take an A cker Tablet afterward. T * C u r . a C o ld I n O n . D a y. Positively guaranteed. Y ou r m oney Take Laxative Brom o Quinine will always be refunded if you are Tablets. All druggists refund the not satisfied. W rite to us for a free m oney if it fails to cure. E W G rove’ s sample. W U H ooker & Co., Buffalo, isgnnture Is on each b ox. 25. N. Y. Our aim is to please our customers. Call and be convinced of this fact. We handle a complete lino of high grade Groceries, Fresh Fruits aud Vegetables and gnrautee everything purchased of us to be first class. See Our Teas and Coffees th ey are Fine. Tl^e Gasl^ Spoeepy J Company E Y V l j c c l c B , l 9lt fie branded J 1; on ieft hip. 8trnv»d to say that ou r Scratches, IJruises, about ( >et 1st. Any inform ation ¿will Cuts, W ou nd s, Corns, Sore Feet and I be suitably r»w uided By notifying l. Stiff Joints, B u ck len ’s Arnica Saive ; 1J R koeobd , Saginaw, Ore, is the best in the world. Same lot A M illio n V o i c e s Burns, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers and 1 ile* Could hardly express the thanks of It cures o r no pay. Only 59c at ^ H om er Hall, o f West Point. Ia. L is­ C urrin’s d ru g store. ten w hy: A severe cold had settled on his lungs, cau sin g a n-.ost obsti­ S t o p s T h e C o .u r h W o r k . o f f * ■ * .jj!? nate cough. Several physicians said Lax.itiy-e Bromo Quinlce IaD he had consum ption, but could not cure a cold a cold in one nay. help him. W hen all thought he was Cure, no F ay. Price 35 cents. doom ed he began to use Dr K in g ’s Too Know XVhst Too A n New D iscovery for Consumption ami writes, “ it com pletely cured me and When you take Grove s ± saved m y life, I now weigh 227 lbs.” Chill Tonic because the ^orIDi' I t ’s positively guaranteed for, Coughs, Colds, aud L u n g troubles. Price 50c and *1.00. Trial bottles free at J P Currin’s. plainly printed on every , showing that it is simply >rc ^ quinine in a tasteless form- oure, no pay, 50ci