A Cough The First newspapers. New end Popular Move by the Famoui Ellers Piano Houic. The first cewspaier in the modern im provem en t. H a v e E n t e r e d In t o the L iv e s o f H a w a i i a n .. j sense was issued monthly at Venice in This house, whose progressive meth­ It is a far cry from a grass-tbatehed | 1636; the first Eng.ish newspaper was ods are com ing to he known and recog­ ml to a modern palace with pillars and I published in 1622; the first American nised throughout tiie Northwest, has lorticoes, stone foundations and marble in 1704. recently inaugurated a system ol piano Joors, but a few short years has wlt- club selling which exceeds anythin* icssed this change in H aw aii, the beau- evet attempted in this country in thi Iful summer garden o f the Pacific « a y of provid in g the people with Jcean. It is less than a decade since standard pianos at low prices. the people o f that country lived almost By this method members joining the exclusively In huts, windowless and clubs secure th eir pianos at strict!* w Ith but one door for ingress and Bears the wholesale prices by paying dowu an Signature o f exceedingly small sutn. The piano is im m ediately delivered and they are Days of Qrace. given a wide lim it of tim e in which to Landlord— I w ill just give you three finish their purchase. days to pay your rent. Tiie principle is m erely that applied Artist — A ll right. Suppose you to wholesale purchasers, the clnh make it Thanksgiving, Christmas and standing in tiie ligh t of the wholesale fchs Fourth of July.— Life. buyer. H igh grade as well as medium grade pianos are included in these flood Cakes and Biscuits. clnhs T iie world famed Kimballs, The finishing touches which the good Chickerlnga and W ebers can be secured housewife gives to a cake or pie or pan by this method at a saving of from one of biscuits or other dish is what makes hundred to one hundred and fifiy dol­ it either delicious and healthy or in­ lars. A ll tiie pianos included in the sipid and unhealthy. I f Monopole club are on the floors of the sales rooms Spicas and Baking Powder are used no at KilerB Piano House in Portland, and fear need be had about the result prospective ciuh joiners may thorough­ Monopole Spices are stronger and mon ly inspect their instruments before fragrant and Mouopole Baking Powdei making th eir selection. A il the in­ better in every way than any other struments in the clubs are standard brand. You’ ll thank us for calling makes and are braml new. In additioa your attention to it after you try them. MODERN HONOLULU HOME. to those above mentioned, there are the famous Decker. Do), Hobart M. egrc»HH. From a distance these hablta* Get them from your grocer. Wadhams Cable, Weser, Lester and many others. tlons looked not unlike haystacks that k K err Bros., Mfgrs., Portland, Ore. Pianos are delivered to club members dot the prairies o f the W e s t But civili­ Life on Islands. upon their making their first payment, zation took root easily in the tropical People usually live longer on islands and a written guarantee for five years country. The brown-skinned, sunny- and small peninsulas than on conti­ comes with each piano, signed by its disposltioned people were apt at Imita­ nents. Barbadoes, Greece, Madeira manufacturer and also by Eilers Piano tion, and the manners and customs of and the Shetlands are all favorable to House. The clubs are four and each America soon became the maimers long life. numbers 100. Members of Club A pay and customs o f Hawaii. N ow the isl­ but $5.00 and finish their purchase F o r b ron ch ia l troubles t r y P is o 's Cure with weekly installments of $1.25. ands are modernized and Americanized. fo r Consumption. It is a g o o d cou gh Club U members pav but $7.50 upon The huts have given w a y to handsome m ed icin e. A t druggists, p rice 25 cents. palaces and well-built domiciles. The delivery of tbe piano and finish paying at the rate of $1.00 weekly. Club C dirt floors have been replaced with pol Glazing ol Pens. make an in itial payment of 12.00, and ished woods and glancing marble. Th« The glazing of penB, In some varie­ balance in $2.00 weekly. Club D ties considered an important opera- members pay $20 down and the re­ { tion, ia done with lac dissolved in mainder of the purchase price in $2.00 j naphtha. weekly payments. Those desiring to j pay all cash will save the additional interest. Pianos that sell regularly for $225.00 go to club members for $137.00; j $275.00 instruments for $108.00; $300.00 onea for $187.00; and the very best medium grade pianos that cannot be sold under tiie regular retail condi­ tions for less than $350.00 will go to club members for $218.00. The eaving throughout is equally great and these contemplating the purchase of an in* etrumnet w ill do well to investigate j this proposition. “ My wife h id a deep-seated cough for three years. 1 purchased two bottles o f A yer’ s Cherry Pectoral, large size, and it cured her com ­ pletely.” J. H . Burge, Macon, Col. C For A Infants S T tnd O Children. R IA H is Kind You Hare A lw ays Bought MR. STOREKEEPER: - We sell you Nuts, Raisins, Dried Fruits, Vermont Maple Sugar, Dates, Figs, Honey,—everything you need fo» the holidays; better quality and lower prices than you can find elsewhere. Send !or our Special holiday Price List, or write us and we , will call on you. TO GROWERS:—We always buy eggs, butter, cheese, apples, pears, onions and spuds. Have you any to sell? Let us know, if you want a good price. W OLF & SONS. W holesale Fruits and Produce. Three sizes: 26c., enough for an ordinary Cold; 50c., Just right for bronchitis, hoarse­ ness, hard colds, etc.; fll, most economical lo r chronic cases and to keep on liand. 10S FRONT ST., PORTLAND, OR. BSEEBBBSEBEB B 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 0 J. U. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. As He Found It. Church— Did yoti ever know a for­ eigner to come over here and take this country as he found it? Gotham— Certainly I have— Colum­ bus.— Yonkers Statesman. SAVE MONEY and YOUR EYESIGHT By Using the Perfected Match Lighter Gasoline Gcs Lamp. The PERFECTED can read­ ily be lighted with a parlor match. It gives 10 times the light of a common kerosinclampat half the expense and care. It has a Nickel-Silver gen­ erator which does not scale from the action of heat, and clog the tip, as brass does. We have Match Lighting Lamps from $2.75 up. Write for circulars and prices. Materials for Glass. For making the best mirrors the ne­ cessary eilica ia obtained from ordinary white qnartz, while common window panes are produced from sea sand to a large extent. P o rtl nd «s s a u n o K H K i Preparing for Holiday Trade. g Probably you know of cough medicines that re­ lieve little coughs, all coughs, except deep onesl The medicine that has been curing the worst of deep coughs for sixty years is Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. D iv id e n d C o m p a n y STEW ART & GRANT LIGHTING GO. 214 and 215 Commercial Bldg. 242 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. $25 will earn you...............$1.25 per month $50 will earn you...............$2.50 per month $100 w ill earn you.............. $5.00 per month Payable monthly. Call or write. Inventors & MTs 43 Third St., L. M . Davis, Pres. ABSOLUTE ! SECURITY. Genuine JOHN P O O LE , P O R T L A N D , ORE. Foot ol Morrison Street. Can give you the best bargains in Boilers and Engines, Windmills, Pumps and Gene- ral Machinery. Wood Sawing Machines a specialty. See us before buying. PORTLAND. ORE. ng I Ph Oregon, North 281 Columbia, 609. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ + + + There is always a “ best” in everything + under the sun. In Spices and Baking Powder it’s name is J ^ T ♦ Y Agents wanted In every town in U. S. J99930B99EC M O N O PO LE Your dealer handles them or can get them for you. WADHAMS A KERR BROS., Mfrgs. Portland, Oregon. j J j ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ SBBEBGZaEBBBâ No. 48—1902. 3 H E N w r itin g to a d vertisers ploaat m e n ilo * tb ie paper. W Carter’s Getting the Drop on Him. A R 1 IN E U M B R E L L A Spenser S[*asor (presenting a sonnet) j Is the best present in Oregon or Washington you can — You see, l drop into poetry occasion­ give your wife, your daughter, vour lady friend, or yourself for Christmas. We sell beauties, of best ally. quality, at very reasonable prices. thatched roofs are supplanted by those E ditor Gadgrind (g rim ly )— You JOHN A L L E S IN A , Portland, Ore. o f tile, slate and shingles. The towns j M u at B e a r S ig n a tu re of acem to have dropped clear through. c fA , AC ( 288 Washington St., Near Woodard, Clarke A Co. I w o stores* j 309 Morrison 8 t., near Meier A Frank Co. have been changed as If by magic from slovenly, irregularly massed houses to His Florida Trip. Boggs— Jones is going to Florida for straight streets, handsome dwellings, nnd H aw aii is now abreast o f the the winter. A m Foe-Simile Wrapper Below.' world. Noggs— What for? Boggs— Because he laid in eighty tons C u rio u s W a y s o f th e W a s p «. of coal last May An Interesting tenant o f the farm Noggs— Then why doesn’ t he stay We extract, crown and bridge teeth Is the mud dauber, the best-known o f home? FOR HEADACHE. without Inflicting pain, Our methods the solitary wasps, whose nests are Boggs— Because he has just made are modern and meet with the approval FOR DIZZINESS* of the most exacting. Call and see ug. the price of his southern trip out of found stuck to the rafters in the attic FOR IILIO U SH ESf. and outbuildings, or to a nail In the Examination free. Fees reasonable. the diamond dealer across the way by FOR TORPID LIVER. wall or on an old coat sleeve behind the Both ’phones: Oregon South 2291: Co­ telling him coal. FOR CONSTIPATION. door. She places several cells about an lumbia 368. Open evenings till 9. Sun­ FOR SALLOW SKIH. days from 9 to 12. Inch long inside or on tiers above an­ W ar According to Hoyle. FOR THE COMPLEXION First Colombian Revolutionist — A t other without any regard to regularity. , p . I O K T O l i r n M UTUAVI »40 *A T U »g■ _ J any rate, bo far we haven’ t been ac­ As she tolls Bhe sings squeaky little n c Srts 1 i l i o c t d i cused o f violatin g any o f the rules of solos in a high key, which sounds like W U CH U M h. Cor. Third and Washington 8U. a tidy circular saw as It Issues from civilized warfare. PO KTl.AND . OUKCCON. CU R E S IC K H E A D A C H E .. Second Colombian Revolutionist— a piece of hard wood. The moment the No; w e’ ve stopped firing when railway Industrious little mason has completed trains were passing, and haven't the cell she sets about to fill It with fought at any tim e over eight hours a spiders, all o f the same species, o f C o -O p e r a t iv e Pim no d u b s , th e L a te s t In P la n o B u y i n g - A l l C lu b T o g e t h e r to which It takes eighteen on an average, working day.— Judge.. C h e a p e n the P r i c e to E a c h , writes a contributor to Country L ife In Both Stroked Bad Ones. America. On one o f these an egg is H ew itt— H ow do you lik e the cigar deposited, which soon hatches Into a I gave you’ grub, which Immediately begins to de­ Jewett— Oh, I have smoked worse vour the feast o f paralyzed spiders. cigars. When It has eaten all it spins a dark- H ew itt— You have if you ever smoked brown covering for itself, which Is aay of the kind you gave m e.— Judge. about transparent. A t the proper time it breaks through the walls o f its mud Stilton Cheese. house and proudly Jerks Its pretty, Stilton cheese acqnires its green steel-blue wings with the same graceful color from a vegetable growth, while flirt as did its mother when she was some other kinds are rendered green by busily engaged with her nest-bulldlng. the addition of powdered sage leaves. B r ita in V ie w e d a « a F a r m . Britain may be view ed as one farm Slate. E N Q U IR Y B L A N K “ X ” Slate forms naturally in layers, and extending from county to county, in­ the “ splitter,” follow in g the grain, or terrupted by towns, it is true, but sur­ E IL E R S P IA N O HOUSE, Portland: “ ribbon,” with a large chisel, separates rounding them like the ocean surrounds Please send me catalogues and all information about the new the blocks into strips of about the an archipelago o f lslnnds. Great B rit­ Piano Clubs to ain possesses n total area o f 32,437.389 proper thickness for roofing slate. acres o f cultivated land, o f which Name ........ 7,325,408 acres are under corn, the rest W eil Trained. being In permanent pasture, temporary Address Old Lady (t o boy who has fetched her a glass of w a ter)— Thank you, my pasture, root crops, fodder crops, anil so on. It Includes over 51,000 acres o f bov; you were very quick about it. Boy— T h a t’ s nothn’ , m a’ am. I ’ m hops, 73,000 acres o f fruit, and 308.000 used to it. I had a job carryin’ water acres of bare fallow . The capital em­ to the elephants in a circus. — Pick- ployed is enormous, and can be roughly estimated at £227.000.000, w hile the Me-Up. amount paid In wages has been esti­ mated at £30.000.000 per annum. There “ Uneasy Lies the Head." are at least 1 , 0 0 0 .0 0 0 men, women and A chiropodist now in Berlin adver­ boys employed in agricultural pursuits tises that he "h a s removed corns from In Great Britain, w ho not only culti­ all the crowned heads of Europe.” vate the ground, but attend to 1,500,000 horse*. «.806.000 cattle. 26.500,000 sheep The Bright Little Bey. and 2.381,000 pigs, besides countless poultry. ________ ________ Little Liver Pills. if D ID N ’T \ / HURT H p n tU t« ; A w, B IT ! n i.sirw * . Failing Bid*. ALL ABOUT THE PIANO CLUBS It will cost you nothing to investigate and will surely save you money. If you are interested and cannot call in person, please fill out the attached inquiry blank and send to the Piano Club Manager, Eiiers Piano House, Portland, Oregon. Catalogues, prices and all particulars will be promptly supplied. • Out-of-town residents may join any of the clubs now forming . . . NOTE. If interested in Organs, please specify “Organ Club” in above blank. It costs you nothing to investigate this money-saving opportunity. We guarantee to supply Pianos and Organs to Club members at a bona fide saving of many dollars. Attend to this today. E ID E R S P IA N O H O U S E “ What do you expect to be when you become of age, my little man?” asked the visitor. “Twenty-one, sir,” was the bright one'» reply.— Yonkers Statesman. 351 Washington St., The people have a w a y o f saying “ Things taste better In the country” te excuse their enormous appetites. (Both Phones) Portland, Ore. Other Stores at San Francisco, Spokane and Sacramento.