THE LEADER. In two years the Socialist vote in the United States has risen from P u b l l s h o d E v e r y F r i d a y . 97,000 to 250,000; so says the Proprietor Socialist New York Worker. Other L . F. W oolf . y Entered at the Cottage Grove post- Socialist papers reckon the vote this year at 400,000. Taking the more office as second-class matter. conservative llgures, it appears that FKID.VY------- N ovehbm , 28. 1902. the vote has more than doubled in two years; and if this process is re­ S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E S . peated biennially, it is easy to see a O ne Y ear $1.50 Socialist President in the White Six M onths .75 House in the near future! Unfort­ T hhee M onths .50 It pai.t In advance but if not so paid a unately for those who would like to uniform rale of *>.00 per year will be cbarge.t Advertising rates made know n upou appli- see such a result, however, some of the political wiseacres recall that in O u r C lu b b in g L ist. "off years’ ’ and in apathetic cam­ $2:10 paigns the small parties always The Commoner. $ 2.00 Twice-a-week Republic $ 2.10 reap a harvest of votes that in more Cincinnatti Enquirer $2.50 exciting times go to the two large Weekly Examiner $2.50 parties. Weekly Oregonian A particularly rosy view of the future is taken by the Socialist Ap­ Advertising is a combination of peal to Reason, of Girard, Kansas, good judgement and enterprise. which says: “ The election was a surprise all The L eader apologizes to its around. The Republican majorities readers for being late this week, were cut down and the Democrats but press day came on a legal were defeated, but the Socialists in­ HI* l ife I n P e r il. holiday and we could not resist creased their vole everywhere with the temtation to enjoy the holiday an astounding leap. “ I just seemed to have gone all to pieces,” writes Alfred Bee, of Welfare, and put off the issue for another Tex., “ biliousness and a lame back day. American'* Inmoiu Uc«uilr*. CO TTA« E GROVE. - - OREGON. 1 Lurch’s A GREAT S A L E . OF DRESS GOODS. Lurch’s Savings in Yarns and Umbrellas. We do not think it boastful to say that we have the Newest and Freshest Stock and the Lowest Prices in town. Try for yourselves. Now is the time to see Lurch’s Blankets and other Bedding at their best, and “BEST at LU RCH ’S means something, Look with horror on Skin Eruptions Blotches, Sores, Pimples, They don’ t have them, nor will any one, who uses Bueklen’s Arnica Salve. It glorifies the faco. Eczemu or Salt Rheum van­ ish before it. It cures sore Ups, chap ped hands, chilblains. Infallible for Piles. 25o at CJurrin’s drug storo. The coal operators say they will abide by the decision or the com­ mission save on the points of recognizing the union, curtailing the number o f working hours a day, increasing the pay of the men and changing the system of weigh­ In his testimony yesterday Mr ing and checking the coal. The right of the miners to breath seems John Michell said. “ We will accept to be about all that the operators whatever award the commission makeB. and that award will have will submit to arbitration. precedence over the laws of the union.” There spoke a gentleman The big hunt is over, and and and a patriot, What a difference “ Teddy” didnt kill a bear! That between this declaration and that of is really too b a d ; but what is some o f the operators, who said they Teddy’s misfortune in this respect would yield nothing and would not is some bear's good luck. It is to abide by any decesion of the com- be hoped that ‘‘Teddy” and the misson not entirely in their favor. hears will live over their disappoint­ ment. The consolation o f the LOST. humanitarians of the country A yearling heifer, red and white should be a happy one— “Teddy” marked smoothe crop off left ear and for once did not wade knee deep in was dehorned. May or may not be gore,— Town Topics. branded J R on left hip. Strayed about Oct 1st. Any information will be suitably rewarded by notifying E the best P R edeord , Saginaw, Ore, Cottage Grove has water supply of any town in Ore­ gon. It also has the muddiest streets. Theso two important items serve to emphasize the fact that our city fathers should leave no stone unturned until the city is furnished with a first class spstem of drain- apo and sewerage. The situation o f the town makes this question one o f easy solution- Closing ou Sale. Now is the time to get your Wall Paper at greatly reduced prices. We are closing out all old stock to make room for tho new and up-to- date paterns. At J P C crrix ’ s Another jury o f intelligent men has decided that playing keno is not gambling. The next legisla­ ture should exempt Multnomah county from the operation o f the state criminal laws, for such verdicts bring laws and courts into disres­ pect and weaken the moral tone of the community. We believe some of the foolish laws should be repeal­ ed and the rest of them enforced to the letter.— Town Topics. It now developes that arid land schemes are under a black cloud in Washington D C. News from there runs that Oregon is very much mis­ trusted. W hy this should be, is hard to comprehend. Oregon is republican in politics and 60 is the national admisistration, and when republicans regard one another with such strong suspicions, a break away of some sort should be looked for. It must be flattering news for Eastern Oregon Republi­ cans to learn that in Washiugton the arid schemes o f Oregon are considered “jobs” o f various colors. It sounds so pretty to have one ac­ cused of jobbery. HOP POOLS—HOPS FIRMER. Tho Oregon Hop Grower'll As eociation bas taken 2300 bales off the market at present prices, the owners having signed an agreement not to eel1 them for leas than 30 cents a pound. The* secretary says the amount will be increased to 3000 bales by the end of the week. He estimates the number of bales left in the hands of growers in this state at 13,000. As all the hops left in the .lands of the growers will be needed by the American THE SURE WAY m m F& EBaagsaBs^ggL CITY B artels & V e a tc li, Props. had made life a burden. I couldn' eat or sleep and felt almost too wort out to work when I began to ust Klectrio Bitters, but they worked wonders. Now I sleep like a top, eat eat anything, have gaiuod in strengtt and enjoy hard work.” They give vigorous health and new life to weak sickly, run-down people. Try them. Only 60o at J P Currin’s drug store. ^Iy % Choicest Meats, Haras, Bacon and Lard always on hand. And in fact everything usualy kept in a first- class market IF IS E C I2>T S IE L A -S O Z S T We have no stand-in with the dentists on tough msats. Gir* That Cottage Grove is destined a trial and we will treat you right. to become one of the largest and best towns in tho valley is conceded by all. More than fifty houses have been built or are under con­ struction during the past four months, and there is not a vacant house in the city. The signs of the times cannot lie mistaken the S h e lf a n d Heavy Coast Fork river runs drectly through tho town, the banks are HARDW ARE high and with a comparatively small outlay o f public funds a thorough system of sewerage can _ ! i » | be easily obtained. That it is a crying need is not doubted. The Fish Bros Wasons and all health o f the city and its cleanli- j kinds of Farm Implements and ness demand it. The majority of Mining Supplies. our best citizens are in favor o f it - ST and our people will not do justice to themselves if they do not work to this end. With all the natural ì ; advantages o f situation, with a W E SUIT T U E H A liD TO SUIT'' town full of home seekers and a progressive population, the need of a thorough drainage system cer­ Our aim is to please our customers. Call and be tainly claims and should claim the convinced of this fact. AVe bauille a complete lino of high attention of its rustling people and grade Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables aad gnrantes the city council should lead the everything purchased of us to bo first class. van. Who will start the move? VanDenburg] To Care a Cold in One Day. See Our T eas and C offees th e y are Fine Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the raouey if It falls to cure. E W Grove’s isgnature is on each box. 25. T'bc Gasb Gpoeer-y Company J A WORTHY EFFORT. S to p n T h e C o u c h W o r k * «fT t h o E I ? CALL'S M magazine ¡0 A L DIES’ MAGAZINE. i ____ 8 A L V E spulati, Rellabi*, Simple, pip-to. rarfeca-rittia. Pap«r Pattern*. M S CALL n BAZAR* b P atterns S * " ‘ S.-mj / " ’•«ti**« «e Ratta, a*S U ki . <*o« ao * ri* s.A,s K T iT iL r;^ iK s — *— ». o* by J S i « i i . “ * '1*' ' ’ " E o n M cCALl c o . , IIVIIS-H7 West Jilt St. « w rom . A V T jc c lc is C o ld Eleven boys and fourteen Jgirls Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets living in the town of Bertha, Neb., cure a cold a cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay. Price 25 cents. have organized an anti-profanity league. One o f the members says that the organization is for the f A FREE PATTERN $ . . . to trery Bnb- (yo*» own «.Uctloo) purpose o f impressing upon boys 1 t----------- *cf1b*f. P a ly 50 canta a y t i r . the uselessness of the profanity J habit. The young people of Bertha are engaged in a good work and it is to be hoped that their effort will meet with the success they deserve 4 It is probably true that in most fmEZl Sf!"* P*«*«* i latest instances profanity is merely a habit and many who indulge in that habit have no evil intent; but it would be well if the boys of to­ day could be trained so that in the | future generations the use o f pro­ fanity would be exceptional if, and lung troubles. If it does n o t. ---------- indeed, it could not be abolished l * i. satisfy you the druggist wiU refund C0E9Mmer» before the next harvest altogether, your money. Write to us for free anJ M bops are constantly going to ooker & Co.. Co., N, sample W H H H ookkk N. Y. England, the market situation looks _ Benson Drug Co. like a strong one. i ° ^ N H e B mo*‘ Inth* won*“ to prevent Pneumonia and Consump­ tion Is to cure your cold when it first appears. Acker’s English Remeody will stop tho cough in a night, and drive tho cold out of your system. Al­ ways a quick and sure cure for Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat MARKET T h e Tlest P r e s c r ip tio n for Chills and Fevers, is Grove's 1“ less Chill tonic. It is simply and quinine in a tasteless f« No cure, no pay. Trice 50c. Yon Know XVhat Ton Are T*kln| Wbon you take Grove’s Chill Tonic because the plainly printed on every showing that it is simply in® tasteless fora quinine in cure, no pay, 50c. Notice. Tho Board of Eqnalizstiot. Lane county will meet at the sor’s office in tlie court house it ^ geno on Monday, November 1902, and remain in se“ '001 days for the purpose of *<1® the assessment rolls for sail® All persons baring grievsne®* noto date and govern themas*1* cordingly. p.p.BcW» County 1