SUCCESSOR. M « J . G e n . 8 . B . M . Y o u n g , W h o H aa A r la e n fr o m th e R a n k «, SEPTEM BER T o ta l l o s s e s In F O R E S T F IR E S . O re g o n an d W a s h i n g t o n A m o u n te d to $12 ,7 6 7 ,1 0 0 . Maj. Gen. Young, who w ill succeed | Lieut. Gen. M ile» as head o f the army, Washington. Nov. 22 — The bureau upon the latter's retirement, has risen of iorestrv, alter careful examination by from the ranks a Held agent, estimates that September through his sheer forest fires in Oregon and Washington merit as a soldier. caused a total losa of $12,767,100, of fell in Oregon. U e is now presi­ which »3,910,000 dent o f the War This includes the value of Umber, farm properly and sawmills and their pro­ College at Wash­ ducts which were destroyed. Owing to ington, and recent­ its licaiiie«« to market, however, much ly returned from of the burned timber in Oregon w ill be Europe, where, waved, reducing the total loss as above with Gens. Corbin set forth. It was found that 86 Oregon and Wood, he rep­ families were rendered homeless, resented the United while 200 others suffered partial losses. r a j . utk. States at the Ger­ In that state farm property worth man military umueuvers. $315,000 was burned, and sawmills Maj. Gen. Young was born Jtnuary 9, suffered losses aggregating $149,000. UHO, In Pittsburg. A t the outbreak of It is estimated that 2,124,000,000 feet the Civil W ar he enlisted in the Twelfth of standing timber went up in »moke Pennsylvania Volunteers, serving as a in Oregon, largely Douglas fir, spruce, private from April to August, 1801, »edai and hemlock. The total loss in when he was made a captain in the timber alone was over $3,000,000. In Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry. He was all, 170,000 acres were burned over, successively major, lieutenant colonel all of which, save 50,000, were well and colonel o f bis command. He took timbered. In Washington 434,000 acres were part In nearly all the cavalry operations o f the Arm y o f the Potomac. He was burned over. The tim ber was fo lly as ! four times wounded, and before he was heavy as the Oregon tim ber, and of 1 mustered out. in July, 1865, he was 1 letter quality. I t is estimated that | made a brevet brigadier' general for 15,026,800,000 feet of Douglas spruce were killed, representing “ gallant and meritorious service during alone . . , a value the campaign terminating with the sur- . $5,026,800. Other tim ber to the lue of $725,000 was destroyed. The render o f the insurgent army under total loss in Cowlitz, Clark and Hka- Gen. R. E. Lee.” | mania counties, where the fires were In 1806 he entered the regular army the most disastrous, was $6,600,800, ns a second lieutenant o f Infantry, but anil in the other burned areas, $2,- soon fouud his way to the cavalry ser- ! 256,300. | vice, where he made a record in Indian A singular chain of circumstances fighting on the frontier, and became a | combined to make the fires so destruc­ ! colonel by sucesslve promotions In 1897. tive. Not only was the summer very PEACE IN SIGHT Miners and Operators May Settle Without Commission. STEPS ARE TAKEN IN THAT DIRECTION T h is C o u r s e A d v is e d b y th e A r b itra to rs , W h o W i l l A d jo u r n fo r a T im e t o G iv e P a r t i e s a C h a n c e . Scranton, Pa., Nov. 24.— The mine- workers, through their representatives, have agreed w ith the mineowners to attempt to adjust the differences e xist­ C H R IS M A N & BANGS, Props. ing between them outside the anthra­ cite coal strike commission. The prop­ osition was made on a compromise basis, and negotiations, it is expected, w ill at once be entered upon, with a reasonable hope of settlement, with the aid of the arbitrators. I h e rough proposition, which is to form the basis of negotiations, is a 10 per cent in ­ Carrying Passengers crease in wages, a nine-hour day, and and U. S. Mail trade agreements between the miners and the company by which they are employed. The only one of the four demands not touched upon is that of the weighing of coal by the legal ton. W h ile both sides have expressed a willingness to settle their difference« among themselves, it is not to be con­ strued that it carries with it the accept­ ance of the terms proposed. They are mentioned only as a basis, it is under­ stood, from which a settlement is to be effected. It is possible that the foun­ dations already laid can be »wrecked by A LL OASES O F either party holding out too strongly against some question, and thus leave When the w ar with Spain broke out he, dry, but the two preceding summers the whole matter in the hands of the was made a brigadier general of volun­ were wet in May and June, thus inter­ commissioners, which in the meantim e teers and commanded the troops In the fering with the burning of slashings, w ill act as a sort of board of con cilia­ by our new invention. Only those bom deaf are incurable. battle with the Spaniards at Las Guási­ and allow ing an unusual amount of tion rather than as a board of arbitra­ mas, Cuba, for gallantry In which he debris to accumulate. The most direct tion. was made a major general of volun­ cause was carelessness. This is shown I t cannot be officially stated which F. A. W E R M A N , OF B A L T I M O R E , S A Y S : The teers. H e saw service In Northern Lu­ distinctly by the fact that practically party made the proposal first. B a ltim o re , Md., March 30, 1901. Gentlemen: — Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give yom zon In 1899 and 1900, and on his return no damage was done in the Cascade attorneys for both sides ate averse to Lfull history of my case, to be used at your discretion. he was placed In command of the De- forest reserve, which is patrolled by talking, but those who were inclined r About hve years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I loat to say something differ in their state­ By hearing in this ear entirely. ! partmhent o f California until he was forest rangers. I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a num- In many instances the fires smold­ ments. An attorney for one o f the made president o f the W ar College. r of physicians, am ong others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me that ily an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises would H e was made a brigadier general in the ered for considerable periods without railroads said it came from the miners* n cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever. regular army on January 2. 1900, and a attracting attention, and this in the side, while one lawyer for the minere I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered yourtreat- An­ lent. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased, and major general, U. S. A., February 2, face o f the lack that the past season said it came from the operators. lay. after five week*, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank yo« was one particularly favorable (or forest other representative for the minere 11901. Very truly yours. tartily and beg to remain said it was a * 'spontaneous” proposi­ F. A. W E R M A N , 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. fires. Many blazes starter! from the G R E A T C A T H O L IC S TR U C TU R E . unextinguiahed camp fires of berry tion. It is generally believed that tho Our treatment does not interfere with your unual occupation • pickers or hnnters, others resulted from operators were the first to make tho L a r n a t » n d M o a t C o . t l j C a t h e d r a l in Wayne MacVeagb, who car­ careless burning of slashings, and one proposal. th e W o r ld T a lk e d o f f o r N e w Y o rk . INTERNATIONAL AU RAL CLINIC, 596 LA S ALLE A V E., CHICAGO, I L L 1 A n immense Roman Catholic cathe­ was known to have started from loco­ ried on such a brilliant cross exam ina­ tion of President M itch ell, is given dral, more costly and more spacious m otive sparks. W ith the exception of credit for bringing abont the present than any structure o f the kind at pres­ this case, reasonable precaution 'on the (j J ohnson F O E BY part of individuals would have pre­ situation. ent In existence, is the dream o f Father |E A S T A N D SO U TH I t is probable a week or 10 days* ad­ vented the loss of m illions of dollars. Bouillon, canon o f the Roman Catholic — V IA — EBY & It is the opinion o f the bnrean, after journment w ill be taken by the strike Cathedral o f Ottawa, Canada, and a de- tracing many of the fires to their commission in order to give all parties ATTORNEYS AT LAW i voted atudent of ecclesiastical architec­ origin, that most of them could have an opportunity to confer on the state — OF THE— ture wother Bouillon has prepared O r e g s . C o t t a ,. G ro v ., been extinguished before they became of affairs. plans for a struct m e to be erected in serious. j New York that w ill eclipse all the splen- j ^ H. K IN O A N O T H E R T R A IN R O B B E D . dors o f St. Sophia at Constantinople or leave C o t t a o e G r o v e for Portland F IR E A T A L A M E D A M O L E . A way stations at 2:14 a m 12:55 pm St. Peter's at Rome. The drawings B le w U p t h e S a fe w it h D y n a m it e and Got Portland “ 8 :M a r a sTso p ini show a building rising in tiers o f seven Ferry B u ild in g a n d P a s s e n g e r C o a c h e s E v e r y t h in g in S ig h t . Special attention given to Collections. L y Cottage Grove 2:57 p m 2:06 p in stories, the height to be 300 feet, with Ar Ashland 12:55 a m 12:35 p m D e s t r o y e d - L o s s $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 . CO TTAG E GROVE. OREQON. Davenport, la ., Nov. 24.— A west Ar Sacramento 5:00 p m 4:35 a m a dome supporting a great ball sur-: | Ar San Francisco 7:55 p m 8:55am Oakland, Cal.. Nov. 22.— Fire de­ bound passenger and express train on J mounted by a cross. On the buttresses stroyed the ferry at the Alameda mole the Rock Island known as No. 11 waa E. YO UNG Pu llm an anti T o u r i s t C a r s o f the first tw o exterior tiers are the fig- yesterday, and nine men who were held up by 12 masked robbers soon I both trains. I h a i r G a r s , S acra­ asleep in the hnnk house narrowly after m idnight this morning at a point mento to O gd en and and E l P aso and escaped with their lives. The fire three miles west of Davenport. The started on the noith side of the build- robbera uncoupled the express car and ing, and two hours later it had burned ran it two miles further west, to G a l« • n M ain Street, West Side, bChicago, S t L o u is , N e w O rleans to the water. A portion of the floor siding, where the safe was blown open pd W ashington. C o t is e s G ro v e , O r. held up, evidently by the network of with dynniaite. The explosion was ^meeting at San Francisco, with several kinship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, tracka, and still remains, but on these heard in Davenport. ftilipplnes, Central and South America. tracks are the twisted and warped iron The train which was robbed left Chi­ Q E N T IS T ny an work of the passenger coaches which cago at 6 :05 last night. It was the |th C à KKy trains. were destroyed. O l the 47 coaches fast train that runs through to Fort »dependence Passenger dally, except Sunday. DR. H. H. PETRIS which were destroyed, 16 were broad Worth, via 8t. Joseph and Kanaaa a . M. I Lv....... Portland........ at i 5:50 r. M. guage ami 31 narrow gtiage. City. a . M. j Ar.... M cM innville.... I.v i 3:0« P. M. A ll Work W arranted. The bailding was erected by the late Ten iqen of the local police depart­ a . M. I Ar..Indept*ndendence.Lv 2:05 P. M 1:20 P M . A r....... Corval is......... Lv r ■ James G. Fair in 1883, and cost orig­ ment have hurried to the scene of the Office First Door West o l Sherwood House. It is not known here how in ally $50,000. Three years later it robbery. e Agent Mr D T A w b r e y a t Cottage G rove passed into the hands of the Southern much booty the robbers secured. lion or address £ T. ANDERSON, M. D W E COM AN, Pacific company with the entire road, | A t 2:15 A . M. it was defin itely G F & Pass, A ct and since then many improvements learned that the robbers were success­ PORTLAND, - O REGO N. have been made. W ithin the last six ful in removing the contents of the safe Surgery and Female diseases A Specialty. All months the company has built another from the express car. No person waa calls promptly attended to. slip and added improvements to the ex­ injured. It was nearly two hours after Office In Sherwood block: Night calls at N ew Era Drug Store. Phone 156 Main. the holdup before the train could pro­ tent of $75,000. The origin of the blaze is a mystery. ceed. The robbers - succeeded in stopping Superintendent Worthington says he C. M A D S E N , PROPOSED CATHEDRAL. has not the «lightest idea how it start­ the train bv placing a red lantern on ed, but said the matter would be thor­ the track, and when the engineer saw ures o f the saints, and nearly every oughly investigated. When asked for the danger signal he brought the train facing In the solid granite holds great ‘ í n¡on „ ^ tb# origin , he he to a stop. Five masked men boarded Watches Clocks and Jewelry niches containing a statue ,|ad no dq jnion ^ offer> H e admittesd the train, detached the mail and ex­ - of «. t_ an , ^ angel _ ..-wJ opinion At Lowest Prices........ or saint. The draw ing* for the Interior that # COAj Qji |mmp waB left burning press cars and forcing the engin«**r to 1 Preparation contain, all of the reveal a conception o or f remarkable remaraaDie Qn fhe north Bi(1# 0f the building, near accompany them, took these care west­ »tant* and digests all kinds of beauty. The enormous dome Is the flames rij|meB were were first firBt seen. j t ia ward, leaving the rest o f the train Is sup- sup* where where the l * * • ft (fives Instant reliefand never I^O B T . G R I F F I N . ported by four pillars, each fifty feet t i)eory of the employes o f the road standing on the main track. PUtoctirc. It allows you to eat all + ln IH G O N -M H K e R + in diameter, full of columns and niches this lamp e x p ir e d , thereby caus- «food you want. The most sensitive embellishcd with reliefs. Mosaics are ¿ng disastrous conflagration. «machs can take It. By Its use many U r g e F u lfillm e n t o f P r o m is e s . R epairing and Refilling Is Our Trada. | everyw here. Interspersed with reliefs usands of dyspeptics have been A ll w ork warranted. Manila, Nov. 24.— A t a public re­ a after everything else failed. I t C o r M a in « 1ST STS.. Cottage G rove, Oregon, of sacred scenes, delicate columns of J a p a n e se E n g in e e r H e re . ception to General M ile« in the Island ents formation of gas on the »torn- the rarest marbles and reproductions Seattle, Nov. 22.— 8. Tada, chief con­ .relieving all distress after eating, o f the greatest works o f the old m at­ structing engineer of the Japanese navy, o l Cebu, a F ilip in o speaker urged a «ting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. ters. Father Bouillon has named the accompanied by M. Matmaka and G. more expeditious fulfillm ent o f the 1 can't help A S S A Y ER and M E T A L L U R G IS T . | project Nova Sancta Hophla. H e estl- Higucni, chief of the naval construc- promises made by the Americans, in­ but do you good m ate, that the prelim inary foundation .¡on bureau 0f Japan, arrived here cluding autonomy. In reply General Paredonly by F. (V D * W i t t S c C o ., C h ica ga and basement work alone will cost p lig h t , on the Toea Mam, and will B est «qu ipped Assay L aboratory in tho slat«. bottle contain * 2 * tim e » the50c. s iz * M iles advised the people to be peaeful over $1,500,'W0. and has not even at- prw eed Pittsburg, where they will Prom pt and reliable returns guaranteed. tempted to reduce to figures the ultl- p)Bce or,|erg for armor p lat«, and e|*nd and patient and to tr a it the Americana W ork in g tests o f ores made on sam ples of o n , mate coat o f the completed structure. TOme ,|me jn eastern navy yardn in satisfactorily to settle all the qneetioaa to fifty pou n d , to determine most suitable method of treatment. T h e great mosaics to cover the interior .parting American methods of ahip- now pending. He said he hoped W> see o f the dome, several o f which are pro- building They will visit thw Moran the ambition o f the inhabitanta for au­ ^•»fnxtur» it on every box of the g e n n in * | M. D U R H A M . vlded by the drawings, would coot over «hip yard" and then proceed east tonomy finally fulfilled. Wive Bromo-Quinine T»bi«u They any their government w ill adopt $100.000 each P r o p r ie t o r o f D ip lo m a t 's S o n In T ro u b le . “ ^ 1‘T m r o « $• r o lr l In o n « Am e’ ican methods extensively. Ijo n K -L iv e t l F is h . Washington. Nov. 24.— Thn state de­ D ra> in g M ild H aulin g a Specialty. A lw ay s oa There are now livin g in the R oyal N e w M o n it o r N e a rty D o n «. partment has been informed that God- «•H F or O v e r S i x t y Y e a r » . hand to do your Job w ork tn G arden in g Aquarium In Russia several carp that Boston, Nov. 22.— The single-turreted frew Hunter, jr ., son of the United »O ld ahd W r l l -T r ik d RF.MKDT.-Mr« plow ing. Etc, Etc. are known to be o ver 600 years old, monitor Nevada which has just been States minister at Guatemala C ity , to " soothing Syrup ha« been used for Cottage G rove. Oregon. and It has been ascertained In a num- completed by the Bath iron works for day shot and killed W illiam Pitsger- bv m illion « of mothers for their w lth perfect success tier of cases that whales live to be over t|,e United States navy and is to have old, of Grand Rapids, Mich. H au ler l «often * the gums, allays all inures wind colic, and is the best rem edy F o l e y s H o i j e y a t > d T a r her second trial »he second week in has taken refuge in the legation, and years old. “***• 1» pleasant to the taste. Sold I Dr ugnisi Deeembei, arrived at the Boston navy an interesting question ha« ariaen as to ts in every part of the W orld. Tw en ty Parrots can learn our language, but eent» bis exemption from arrest. j V o _ * tattle. Its value is Incalculable fo r children safe sure. yard today from Bath. ■ *5® Ask for Mrs. W inslow ’ s Soothing w e are too dense to acquire tbeira« G E N E R A L L I V E R Y BUSINESS TRANSACTED )T T A G E G R O V E A„ B O H E M IA -STAGE LINE IKE YOU . _ _____ HEAD NOISES? deaf ? )EAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. S t ì R T * YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME “ “ S 3 ? “ 1 The S h a s ta I, R o u te KIHERN PACIFIC COMPANY, A tto rn e y -a t-L a w J. Tourist Cars ITTOmMT-LAV P h ysicia n and S u rg e on yspepsia Cure W a tc h m a k e r „¡,1 [Digests w h a t y o u eat. H E R B E R T L E IG H , E ug e n e, O re . C IT Y TRANSFER. , take no other kind. opiates. 200