SUBMISSION OR DEATH. S a v a . « Her! I n i l i » * “ ? T lb o ro a Isla n d M ay Soon ie W ip ed Oat. Among the most savage tribes on the 1 American continent to-ilay are the Seri (Indian», who Inhabit Tiburon Island. in the Gulf of Cal­ ifornia. The island Was Eiven Up to D io -E ig h t Doctors contains nearly 300.- 000 acres of land, F d lid — Pi-ru-na Saved Her Life. supposedly rich In minerals and nomi­ nally belonging to Mexico. As a mat­ ter of fact the Seris are as free from Mexican power and authority as the Es­ kimos, and resent s e k i i n d i a s iie ll e anv intrusion on CH RISM AN & BANGS. Props. GENERAL LIVE R Y BUSINESS TRANSACTED COTTAGE GROVE \ A O rr B O H E M IA I T \ IE I A u L LilM C A LL CASES C x r t y in t Passenger. and U. S. Mad OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE N O W CURABLE by our new invention. Only those bom deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. W E R M A N , O F B A L T I M O R E , S A Y S : B a l t im o r e , Md., March 30 , 1901 . Gentlemen : — Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give ycm a full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. About 6 ve years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost my hearing in this car entirely. I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a num­ ber o f physicians, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me that only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises would then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever. I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your treat­ ment. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased, and to-day, after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank you heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours. F. A. WERMAN, 7308 . Broadway, Baltimore, Md. O ur treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation. YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME atH^ ! naX IN T E R N A T IO N A L A U R A L C LIN IC , 596 LA S A LLE A V E ., C H IC AG O , IL L . EAST AND SOUTH C JOBKSOH —V IA — The S h a s ta EBY R o u te ATTORNEYS — OF T H E — SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY, Trains leave C o ttage G r o v b for Portland and way stations at 2:14 a m 12:55 pm L v Portland “ 8:30 a in 8:30 p m Lv Cottage Grove 2:57 p m 2:06 p in Ar Ashland 12:55 a m 12:35 p in A r Sacramento 5:00 p in 4:35 a m A r San Francisco 7:55 p m 8:55a in P u llm a n a n d T o u ris t C a rs on both trMin9. C hair C ars , Sacra­ mento to Ogden and and E l Paso and N ew Orleans Connecting at San Francisco, with several Steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China. Philippines, Central and South America. At Albany and Corvallis connection Is made with C a E Ity trains. ______ Independence Passenger dally, except Sunday. 7:30 a . it. I Lv....... Portland........Ar I 6:50 r . u . 10: a . M. | A r McMinnville.....Lv | 3:06 p. m . 11 : a . M. I Ar..lndependendence.Lv I 2:05 P. m 11:45 a . m . | A r....... Corvalis........ Lv 1 1:20 p m . JOHNSON, AT Cottage Grove, ^ LAW Oregon. H. K IN O A tto rn e y -a t-L a w Special attention given to Collections. COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON. J E. Y O U N G ATT02NE7-IT-LAI Tourist Cars to Chicago, 8t Louis, and Washington. F a EBY 4 M on Main 8treet, West Side, m Cottage Grove. Or. Q B N T IS T D R . H. M. P E T R IE All Work Warranted. Office First Door West of Sherwood House. See Agent Mr D T Awbrey at Cottage Grove station or address W E COMAN, £ T. ANDERSON, M. D O F Si Pass, Agt PORTLAND, OREGON. P h ys ic ia n and S u rg e o n Kodol Dyspepsia Cure D ig e s ts w h a t y o u e a t. Surgery and Female diseases A Specialty. All calls promptly attended to. Office tu Sherwood block: Night calls at New Era Drug Store. Phone 156 Main. C. MADSEN, W atchm aker Watche» Clocks and Jewelry their domain. Since their first contact with the whites the Seris have shown no disposition to accept civilizing ways and remain to-day cruel and cannibal­ istic. Among them the brightest virtue Is the shedding o f alien blood. They prac­ tice polygamy. No special formalities attend the taking of supernumerary wives, who are usually the widowed sisters of the first wife, constant w ar­ fare In the tribe resulting in the rapid killing off o f tbe men. An expedition for the conquest of the Island is being organized by a former American cowboy, Charles Meadows, and It may be that the end of the Seri Indians is near. Meadows holds a pro­ visional grant of the island from the Mexican government, and the end of the islanders will be subjugation or ex­ termination. Thousands of women suffer from sys­ temic catarrh. This is sure to produce such symptoms as coid feet and hands, sick headache, palpitation of the heart and heavy feelings in the stomach. Then begins a series of experiments with medicine. They take medicine for sick headache. They take medicine for nervous prostration, for palpitation of the heart, for dyspepsia. None of ALM A these medicines do any good liecause L.COX they tio not reach the cause of the com­ plaint. “ One day a friend sent me one of Dr Peruna at once mitigates all these H artm an’s pamphlets, and I decided to symptoms by removing the cause. Systemic catarrh is the trouble. Sys- write to him. He advised l'eruna and temic catarrh pervades the whole sys- : Manalin, ami after taking the medicine tern, deranges every organ, weakens two weeks I felt greatly relieved. My every function. No ]>ermanent cure head did noi pain me any scarcely, end B L IN D B AN K PRESIDENT. can be expected until the systemic ca- j my stomach was relieved of its heavy I feeling. I am so thankful that I can L o s . o f S ig h t N o A p p a ren t H an dicap tarrh is removed. This is exactly what Peruna will do. | say alter using several bottles of the to Thla Hnslneaa Man. Miss Alma Cox, assistant postmist-1 Peruna and Manalin I am restored to The only bank In the United States, j perfect heatlh. if not In the world, which has a blind ress of Orum, 8. C.. writes; “ Before using your remedies! could “ I have been a great sufferer from man for President. Is the Second Na- j chronic disease ¡md dyspepsia for five not eat anything. I lived on darley tlonal Bank, of Or­ years. How I suffreed no tongue can ( water and Panopeptin for two ysari. ange. N. J. Hubert tell. I tried eight or ten of the best < Now I can eat with pleasure. Every, L. Pierson is that physicians without receiving much body is so surprised at my improve­ man. For 14 years benefit, also tried lots of patent medi­ ment. Everyone save I am looking Mr. Pierson has cines. but still I suffered with sick i ilke a rose. I would advise all suffer- been totally blind. headache, cold feet and hands, pal pita ing women to take your remedies. I Instead of causing tion cf tbe heart, and such a heavy feel- know if i t : were not for Peruns and a retrograde move­ ing in my stomach and chest. At times Manalin I would have been in my gravs ment In Mr. Pier­ I would be so nervous I could not bear today. I cannot thank you enough for son's business af any one aronud me. I had been given the kind advice you have given me.”— fairs, the accident Miss Alm a L. Cox. up to die. which caused him Dr. S. B. Hartman, president of the Hartman Sanitarium, of Colnmbus, to lose entirely the O,, gives advice to wom en free during the sum m er months. sight of both eyes HUBEBX L pichbon . ! seemed rather to Virtuous Gambler. Liberal Massachusetts Man. Impel him to push forward lu the com -1 “ So you wish to marry my daughter. Frederick Fanning Ayer, of Lowell, merclal world. This enterprising blind Mass., has just given $100,000 to four man conducts nn e’.teuslve business Do you drink or gamble?” “ W e ll,” replied the yenng man, charitable institutions in that city. Of aside from hlg work -ounected with the bank. He owns thro flour and feed I “ I ’m willing to take a chance in tbe this sum $50,000 goes to the 014 mills, which he personally mnnnges, be­ marriage lottery.“ — Indianapolis Sun. Ladies’ home. sides attending to the affairs of his Frequent Changes of the Mind. bank. At his office he looks after Ills j Tests of Friendship. “ She is a woman who always speaks many real estate transactions; he con-! When a woman gives notice that she her mind.” ducts an extensive brokerage business “ Guess that’s why she has to talk so has moved to the top floor and then ii and owns large pieces of valuable prop­ no elevator, she begins to find who her much.” erty, both lu and out of town. H e at­ true riends are, and when she mzket tends carefully to all investments and it known that she is boarding out ud Sad Thoughts. conducts personally all contracts of has no meals served at home she gets Preacher— When you’re tempted to still nearer the root of the matter. sales. In his business transactions he Is so accurate and conducts every step drink, think of your wife at home. Heupecx— I do— and that’s what with so much sureness that those who Mint Drops. drives me to drink. are not personally acquainted with him “ W e ll,” remarked the scales st the often do not suspect that he Is blind. mint, getting off the time worn joke, High Art. “ you’re worth your weight in gold, Sue Brette — She's got a new play NEW NATIONAL COMMANDER sure enough, aren’t yon?” for npxt season. « “ Yes,” replied the bullion ingot, OF UNION VETERAN LEGION. Polly Pinktites— That so? W hat is “ and yet I suppose pretty soon I’ll be it? George W Spnlir, the newly elected ; hard pressed lor coin.” — Philadelphia Sue Brette— Musical comedy in three national commander of the Union Vet­ Press. acts and nine new dreeses. — Philadel­ eran Legion, Is a distinguished lawyer phia Prees. of Indianapolis. Is post commander of And the Cards are Out. the George H. Thomas post of that 1 “ If I only had an ambassador st the Truth Would Make Him Trouble. city, and has an enviable war record. I Mother — Johnny, remember to al­ court of love!” sighed the baehfnl ways do what is right and speak the swain. “ A minister would be good enough truth at all times. Johnny— All right, ma; only don’t} for me,” replied the demure maiden. “ A rabella!” blame me for getting into so many “ Herbert!” — Chicago Tribane. scrapes, then; that’s all. — Melbourne Weekly Times. Discouraging Circumstances. A Hot One. Tramp (in the country)— Yes, I one* ” 1 am willing to admit,” said the rode a bicycle, bnt I bad ter give it np. Darwinian theorist, “ that I came from Cyclist— Why? the ape.” Tramp— W ell, yer see, the owner “ But,” replied the sharp witted wuz cornin’ down the road behind m* listener, “ you ought to have sufficient on a borrowed wheel, an’ a policemsn fespect for your ancestors not to admit had a rope stretched across the road in i t . ” — Ohio State Journal. front. j A t Lowest Prices........ This preparation contains all of the dlgestants and digests all kinds of food. It glveslnstant rellcfand never j^OBT. G R IF F IS . falls to cure. I t allows you to eat all OENRBAL OEORGE W. SPAHR. •fW A G O N - M 7 T K G R + the food you want. T h e most sensitive stomachs can take It. By Its use many In 1861, at the age of 20. he enlisted Repairing and Refilling Is Our Trade. thonsands of dyspeptics have been In the famous Third Indiana Cavalry, A ll work warranted. cured after everything else failed. I t C o r M a in A is t s t s .. Cottage Grove, Oregon ! which Immortalized Itself In many bat­ prevents formation o fga so n the stom­ tles, notably those of “ Wilson's raid." ach, relieving all distress after eating. H e was present on most of the historic D ietin g unnecessary. Pleasant to take. fields of the Shenandoah and In tbe It can't help A S S A Y E R and M E T A L L U R G I S T . Virginia*, until mustered out. Since but do you good the w a r he has been an enthusiast In Prepared only by F. 0. O r W it t ft Co.. Chicago, Best equipped Assay Laboratory in the state. army matters. Tho 11. bottle coo tain. 2 * tim e, tbe 50c. slza. H E R B E R T L E IG H , Eugene, O re . Prompt and reliable returns guaranteed. | Fish Flour. Working tests o f ores made on samples of one ' One of Norway’s chief Industries Is to fifty pounds to determine most suitable represented by the fisheries, and quan­ method of treatment. This signature is on every box o f the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine T»bi#u the remedy that f t u v a a c o ld In o n e d a y F o r O v e r S ix ty Y e a rs . A n O l d a n d W k i . l -T r ik d R k m k d t .—Mrs Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years bv millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all ialn, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy or Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In every nart of the World. Twenty five ceuts a bottle. Its value Is incalculable Be sure and ask for Mrs. W’in s lo«’« Soothing Syruv and take no other kind. f A PRETTY POSTMISTRESS NARROWLY ESCAPES DEATH tities of fish are sold at very low rates, particularly during summer. One way In which these are utilized Is by means of an Invention which quickly dries and pulverizes the tlesb of fresh Draying and Hauling a Specialty. Always on fish. The resulting product cslled fish hand to do your Job work in Gardening flour, is easy to transport from one plowing. Etc, Etc. place to another and has great nutri­ Cottage Grove, Oregon. tive value. A new and profitable branch o f Industry might be established In America, by utilizing fish In this way. | M. DURHAM, C IT Y TR A N S F E R . F o l e y s H o r je y a rid T a r for children, safe sure. opiates. No The office may seek the man. hut the boy looking for a Job comes in bunchca, ühcnmaiism The liniment bottle and flannel strip are Euniliar objects in nearly every household. They are the weapons that have been used for generations to fight old Rheumatism, and are about as effective in the battle with this giant disease as the blunderbuss of our forefathers would be in modern warfare. Rheumatism is caused by an acid, sonr condition of the blood. It is filled with acrid, irritating matter that sett in the joints, muscles and nerves, and liniments and oils nor nothi else applied externally can dislodge these gritty, corroding particles. Tl v n t tpoartrd there by the blood and can be reached only through the bio Klibbing with liniments sometimes relieve tem porarily the aches a pains, but these are only symptoms which are liable to return with ev< change of the w eather; the real disease lies deeper, the blood and syst Rheumatism cannot be radically and permanently cm until the blood has been purified, and no remedy does this so thorougl an promptly as S. S. S. It neutralizes the acids and sends a strei of rich, strong blood to the affected parts, whi dissolves and washes out all foreign materials, and 1 sufferer obtains happy relief from the torturing paij S. S. S. contains no potash o r other mineral, 1 , . . . is a perfect vegetable blood purifier and m< " f , t?ni c' ° ur Physicians w ill advise, without charge, all " »-“L lh ilr case. we w ill send free our special book on Rheumatt •ud its treatment THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlt.»«.