O - - - •Vol 2 C T V Tue Oldest cnd most Widely Read dim T-per in a Frjsperous Mining Section— C o tta lo G r e v e , Oreg-cix, I f O V E M ècfore fiSbaking |)our ftarcbaies •o» • For the season do not fail to call and see our new lines of Ladies, Misses and Childrens Capes, Coats, Jackets and Furs. Also the finest line of winter underwear it has been possible to secure. The quan­ tity, excellence, reasonableness in price of our Dress Trimmings are conceded by all to be superior to any shown heretofore. No trouble to show you our goods. E Ä K IN JACKETS Ai Y -7i\ For Ladies, Misses and Children [ItM E M W A Y & BURKHOLDER. lEŒfc 1 4 , 1© 02. G3LDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. 2STo. 2 3 . nnd Cecil, Mr aud Mrs W I. Wallace son, Everett, Mr and Urn A W Wal­ lace and daughters Ada and Katie, Rev and Mrs C H Wallace Celebrated Mr and Mrs S 11 Mores and daugh­ ters Annie and Nettie and eons the Filtieth Anniversary of Clarence and Willard, and O W their Nuptials. Wallace and— well as our space is EVERY CHILD LIVING. PRESENT AND ALL limited wo refrain from savin" more THEIK GRAND CHILDREN B*JT ONE. than— with their many frieues wo wish tie aged couple many more Tuesdav afternoon it was the anniversaries of their wedding day. pleasure of the Editor and a host of nearer relatives to accept an invita- | MADE A BIG STRIKE IN tion to dine at the residence of Rev C H Wallace and wife in honor of GROUSE MOUNTAIN M INES 1 their having successfully passed | the fiftieth null post of their wed­ Opened up Rich Ter-Foot Ledge Full of ded life’s journey. . A number of Nugget Cold. intimate friends of the aged couple helped to make the occasion a merry Weiln. s lay’ s Register says: E II one indeed. The long and capacious Ingham, w ¡. nil smiles yesterday and dining table had been lengthened he had reason to he. Mr Ingham is and loaded with every kind of ap­ one of threePproprietors and owners petizing viauds essential to the oi the Grouse Mountain Mining A requirements of the most fastidious j Milling Co., of Bohemia district, tho epicurean. Not only was quality other two being B E Hawley and und daintiness conspicious but J C Klofc.btein. quantity was much in evidence and Sunday Mr Ingham received a it was well for thoso who ate at the letter from B E Hawley at Bohemia, third and fourth tallies that it was announcing tho opening up of a so. Suflice it to say the dinner was magnificent ledge of ore in tbe Gold “simples munditiis et satis sur- Dollar claim, one of the nine claims perque.” , u thu group flint, is ten feet nt tbe Rev G H Wallace is proud grass roots and three foct wide next the distinction of being the oldtHt to the foot walla that shows what living pioncov preacher.in Lnno Co-, miners call nngget gold. It is coarse nnd though ovor seventy years of gold tho size of pin Lends. There age is still hnle und hearty and has is ale; fragments of quartz epated never forsakon the habit formed in with gold. In this ledge tho com­ the early “ sixties” of taking his pany hue an ore chute 3G2 feet long bible under his arm aud meeting his and continuous with neither end in appointments, rain or shine by view. preaching to tbe people in his1 As Mr Hawley snys in his letter chosen field of labor. Iu building to Mr Ingham “ There is plenty of • up fjjs religious and moral senti-, rich •re :iow iu bigut to make a Art. moot of Luuo County from its early you esu confidently stamp mill howl.” These mines are I here. Wav? Because history, fevv if any preachers have located in tho very beurt of tbe Bo- we're on In tout for just that exerted a more widely felt in­ bemia district, adjacent to tho A new bio-» or .'Hugo 'Hugo is our pride fluence than I 10 has wielded, aud famous Knott rind Noonday mines and delight, as it will be yours when history, few if any havo received and givo promise of making tho you buy ft— why not bur it and be p