U. and most Widely Read Newspaper ¡"3 G - r o v e , Cranro23._ in a ol O. Prosperous Mining Section STTanr WHERE WOOD ENGRAVING ¡TH E ORIGINATED — wuiiuveiby was at one ' " " e excited about tbe country «bat «ould claim to have originated wood engraving. A very simple process ""*• knmvu to the Egyptians for tbe production of stumps, and it has been assorted that tbe Chinese printed from blocks of pear tree as early us the tenth century. The in­ dependent origination of the art has been generally credited to Germany miong modem nations, Iu the Cologne district a St Christopher, which has >ofteD been reproduced, was out in 1483, a St Sel.astian in 1137, and a Madonna has been dated 1118. Playiug cards were, however, in use in France in the middle of the fourteenth century, and tr.h ire now Articles of Incorporati! ed at Salt Lake. W Will Begin Soon S.u L ake , Sept 6 — Articles of incorporation of the Coos Bay rail­ road project have been tiled in this city. Pierce, Critchlow & Barrette will look ufter tbe interests ot tho projectors at this ond of tbe lino. This is one of tbe first steps toward commencing the actual construction of tbe Great Central railroad, which will open up a new mining and grazing country betweeu this city and Coos Bay, Oregon, and from that point make a direct connection t ’amm Gloves ,tr„ «.specially adapted for Ifr. ],.ml,o.- ns to bo Free From Seams nt the vital ponds, double stiched nnd reinforced A PERFECT FIT F i’09 a n d e a s y on th e h an d , c u t to th e a c c u ­ r a to size. C a n give a b r o th e r 's G R I P anc! n o t s t r a in a s titc h . ¡-G R M 0 K R . menway c Burkholdei Tin re is no necessity of it when you can buy Ihe very best that is made ut bed-rock prices from our superb stock. Our assortment of high grade tools, builders’ hardware, stoves and tinware and evorythiu3 that is em­ braced in the line of hardware you will find here at prices that can’ t be duplicated, VEACTCH CO NOTICE TO CREClTOBS. Notice is hereby gtueii tn.it the undersigned hnve been, by the county Court o f Lane Couutv. Oregon appointed administrators o f tbe estate o f .1 11 IVrkliis, deceased, «art all peraoes Inn­ ing claims against the estate o f the Sabi .1 H Perkins. ik *ased ar>- hereby netifted te present lite same to us, duly veritted at the onice o f K K nklpworlii in Eugene, Oregon, n itimi six no mills from from ihe date hereof. • '-•ItaneDrove,Or. April : rd K ItSKIPW OllTH , Attorney f-ir the Estate. O AT It f t ; INK A l-KKKINS, J P CUR11IN Administrators o f the est te of ' J * H Perkins, / deceased. BANDITS DEFIANTS to Rft Dr Kin#’ » N hw Discovery f-r l onsuinpUon, Cough« ami Coliia, W H P.rowu, of LeeavilKe, Intore. Store Hewed. Miss Mary Bartels has moved stock of millinery goods into new building jus* completed Phillips & Wheeler tt faiu St posite tho Imperiti! Hotel. her the by op­ Not O oomi .-D Efl Lit*. "I was treated f“ r three years hy good doctors,” writ' - W V Geer, Mc- ConnelliYille, O ., “ fw piles, and Fistula, but, when 1 failed, Buclc- len’s Afnh-a Solve cured ine iu two weeks.” Cures Burns. Bruises, Cuts, Corns. Sores, Eruptions, «-air Kheuiu. Piles or no pav. 25c at J P Cuirin P acts , Sept 7.—A brief cSMegflCfii' has been received' here from Cape Havtien dated Semteiuber 7, saving the Firminist gunboat Crete-a-Pier- rot bad beeD sunt by the German gunboat Panther nnd that the crew of the Crete a-Picrrot had beeD drowned. A dispatch adds that General Jutneau, commander of the Firminist troops in the department of Artibouite, has taken the town of Mirabalais. WE HAVE HOT GOT INTO THE WHITE HOUSE YET. Bat we aro getting very close to 1 i t Tbe late Vice President Hobart I used in hiR residence a Needham ! piano, and Crvil Dodge secretary for Binger Herman bought a piano I from us. Next week you con see n letter in my show window which ought to bo proof of tho above fact. Mr Frank Jordan of this city, purchased from us a lino Chickering piano. Best in the world. Aod Mr and MrB Collins, ol Saginaw secured one of our fine Colonial style Need­ ham, a beauty. I can safely say that there is no better upright piano made than tbe Needham. We also carry some pther high grade pianos, anil Romo as low as $150 on terms to suit. Organs at all prices. From $1C up to $100, Reasonable dis count for cash. Cull at our store in Cottage Grove, Get our prices, than a piano or organ, and be hnppy. PERKINS.— Mr H J Perkins, of Balter C-i*.v, died at his home Cuban Merchants and Flan Sept, (i, 1902 with jaundice. ters Kidnaped fer Mr Perkins was born in Kentucky in 1838. He came to Oregon in 1364 Ransom. and has resided in Baker Co until his death. He was honored and respected by all who knew him. Mr Perkins had been visitiug at tho home of his son, 13 Perkins, of this city, for the past few months until a few weeks ago when be re­ turned to bis home and lived but a short time. The deceased leaves a wife and five children, four sons and one daughter, three brothers, Edwin, John nnd William all of Baker Co and two sisters. Mrs S E Wynne nnd A «art DIMppdi i>l i m ot- j J- Ik xtlcHAErsoN Ineffective liver medicine is a dis -1 Cottage Grove. Mrs J P Curriu, of this city, and a ------ ------ lare-e circle of friends to mourn bis appointment, but you don’t want to purge, ¿train and break the glands ot s Hr «.-11 tbr rest-vt «f blood pnrifl.r», the stomach and bowels. DetVitt’s j ACkvr’s Blood Elixir, under a positive iffa n t r f* BTOrtf! ^ Little Early Bisera never disappoint, j ^ « a n t e e . It will cure nil chronic ”ican blood mean* a T ithout it. Ca* v t U, Candy Ca.bar They cleanse the system of all poison i hDj other blood poisons If you have ,i.' < :ean y o r r blood u . - k«yp it d e a n , b ! and putrid matter anil do it so gently I erUptions or sores on your body, cr .11 in. Stirring up I w !n?y li er anc driving dl in. ly. Bern ti I that one enjoyes the pleasant effects | are pale, weak or ruu down. it is just p u T -t'4 irem the body R * * 'n ‘ Onlay " 'd u nwrd. We refund u-.oney if p.os, bous, blotches, biackhes«!.“ ! They are a tbnie to die liver. Cure , , s i r *n pimples, I •Vlv biliou s com plexión by taking And that siet'.y b.licyn . I I YOU arc BOt'satirflcd. 50c and 8 1 « . Basca rets, —beauty lor tea« cents. A ll d ru g js t s sitiefai uon guarantee: i. 10c.25i.Wo- One Hundred Victims of Ptomaine Affected Meat. D ehbv , Eng., Sept 9.— Great i citcment prevails here today accou nt of a wholesale poisotfing. As a result of eating affected pork pies, over 150 cases of ptomaine poisoning have been reported hero toduy. No estimate has been made as to the number of fatulitics caused by tbe poisoning, but investigation up to tbe present time ehoiVs tbut many of the victims are in a serious condition. No statement has been made as to whore tho poisoned meut bad been secured. LENGTHY TUNNEL One on Southern Pacifie to Be 34 ,9 0 0 feet in Length. S an - w F r a n cisco , Sept 10.— The Southern Pacific surveyors have completed plans for a tunnel 34,800 feet long through the Sierras. It will cost $14,000,000 and will cut down the summit grade 1,500 feet, and do away with all but three mil*» of 42 miles of n.ownheds. TbiB is said to be part of Harriman’s plan to modernize the svstem. BORNEO CHOLERA RAVAGES S an FnANcisco, Sept 10.— Latest, advices by Austrnliun steamers stata that the rholeru has alornst wiped out the native at my in Borneo.