*” The v o i 2 c r v Oldest and C o tta g - e most Widely Read O -ro T r© , O r e g o n ., Newspaper m a S E P irE M P -rT p . - f meantime we are I_iacLies Stiiipt W a i s t s a t cost At Greatly Reduced Prices. E A K IN & B R ISTO W . W h y Does # It pay you to look into the merits of a new Glove, that is so far ahead of the ordinary glove that a novice can see its advantages, and which is meeting with phenomenal Carson Gloves are especially adapted for the lumtier- tnan and miner, also for general teaming bo constructed os to be . Free From Seams nt the vital points, double sticbed and reinforced . A PEKFECT FIT I n T o . 15. How does a spider spin a thread from one bush to another at a height from the ground and then draw it so tight? asks a correspond­ ent in the New Century. Everyone who has ever walked through a country lane early in the morning has felt the strained threads upon the face, and often these threads ure many yards long, but the way in which it is done reinaine a mys­ tery. He does not fly across, draw­ ing the thread after him for he has no wings. Neither does he descend to the ground and then climb the opposite bush, for this would lead to immediate and Hopeless entangle­ ment of the gossamer tilament. How then does he do it? II Fnvier, a French scientist, haB discovered that a thread, one yard long, will support by its own buoy­ ancy in the air the weight of a young spider. It would thus be iD the power of a juvenile to spin a thread of that length and trust to air currents to carry it accross and attach it to an opposite bush so that be himself could then pass over and draw it tight. But many of these threads, to judge from their strength aDd consistency, are not the work of young spiders, and, as every ob­ server knows, they are often many yards long and drawn so tightly that the face is instantly aware ol in the night time, bo that observe Well, we have grmdstonea to do tion is difficult it on, and their iB none better made If the spider bad any human than we keep. We also have the nature in his make-up— and many tools to grind on it, too-ecythes, of his habits would lead us to sup­ axes, Bhers or seckles. Our stock pose that he has— he would be of form implements, garden hose, gratified at the perplexity which he lawn mowers, and sprinklers are the causes and would advertise his beet to be found any where. If you performances as zealously as to do need anything in this line we have I less gifted human gymnasts and in our up-to-date stock. | even some popular preachers. T amaqda , Pa. Aug 30.— Strike leaders went from door to door in the Panther Creek Valley lost night spreading the news of Gen Gobin’s stem warniug and bis instruction to the troops to shoot to kill if mo­ lested in any manuer, and this morning the troops escorted several hundred nonunion men to woik without being molested in any way. Companies E and F went out at day­ break with their guDs loaded and their best marksmen on the flank. When the soldiers passed, the crowds in the streets deliberately turned their backs on them. However, there was no hooting aDd jeering. Uewure of the K n i f e . No profession has advanced more rapidly of late than surgery, but it should not be used except where absolutely necessary. In cases of piles for example, it Is seldom needed. De- W itt’s Witch Hazel Salve cures qulok- Iv uud permanently. Unequalled for cuts, burns, bruises, wounds, skin diseases. Accept no counterfeits. " I was so troubled with hleediug piles that I lost much blood and strength,” says .1 C Phillips. Paris, 111. DeWitt’s W iteb Hazel Salve cured rae In a short time.” Soothes and heals. Sold by Benson Drug Co. THE PRESIDENT BADLY HURL Carriage. Instantly Killed a Guard. L enox , Mass, Sept 3 — President Roosevelt had a very narrow escape from death to day while riding in a carriage with Governor Cnw* of Massachusetts. The carriage was struck by an . electric car which was running at a speed of thirty miles an hour and overturned. A l i a r ’s w in » * H e *er t ile . President Roosevelt received a NOTICE TO CKBClTOKS. With fumtly around expecting him otherwise Notice 1» hereby gluen that the undersigned to die, and u son ridiDgfor life 18 miles scalp wound and was have been, by the county Court o l Lane County, to get Pr King’s New Discovery for severely bruised. Oregon appointed administrators o f the estate o f .1 H Perkins, deceased, and all persons hav­ Consumption, Coughs and Colds, W H Governor Cruno wns also injured ing claims aualnst the estate o f the said .1 il Perkins, deceased are hereby notified to present Browu, of Leesville, Ind., endured the same to us, duly verified at the ofltee o f E K death's agoules from asthma, but this though not seriously. Kkipworth iu Eugene, Oregon, wlthm »lx Guard Craig accompanying tho wonderful medicine gave instant re­ mouth, iron, from ^ wd E H SKn'W OKTH|^ , . . r n e y 1,,MU.KK,Us,e^ lie f aDd soon cured him. He writes: party was instantly killed. Other “ I now sleep soundly eveiy night.” guards were injured so it is thought .HM'UKKIN , „ „ .. Administrators of tile est .te of J H 1 erkins, Like marvelous cures of Consumption . t deceased. Pneumoula, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds , uudOrlp prove Us matchless merit -------- for all Throat and Lung troubles. | Killed by a Falling Tree, Word From John Hick«. A *400 Gift tor Children at Portland Carnivar. from Guaranteed bottles 50c and *1.00. | A sad accident occured i Bald- Children’s day at the Portland Word was received today irorn freeat J P Currlu’s drug cree’s logging camp a few miles Elks’ Carnival will be September John Hicks, better known as Jack, from Gardner Tuesday morning, --------■»»»■----- 12, the last day but one of the great who iu company with James Hart j ' August 26; by which Joseph Llovd, street fair. On that occasion a left the Grove about 3 months ago Rcbery at Creswell. 1 0f Point Terrace, wur instantly kill- Burglers marie made attempts, attempts, ” Sutur-| e j ^ tun - 1 Burglars pretty Shetland pony, with an up- to accept a contract of crosscut run to-date cart and harness, will be ueling at the Rainbow mine. Jack j j ay night, to enter and rob the ®‘ ’ The men were at work with a given away to some lucky boy or says that they are getting along Creswell stores. From reliable re­ donkey engine hauling logs and in­ girl who is present. The pony has fine and that it will take them until j p o r l s we learn that sometime during stead of all following the same track, been given by Dr W A W ise and about Xmas to complete their con - 1 tbe njght burglars entered the occasionally a log would elide be- ^ mak[ Qg it I10CC88ary to the cart is from StuJebaker’ s. Be tract. They expect to stay in the general nierchandi»e store.of Hazel- ^ Free and easy on the hand, cut to the accu­ rate size. Can give a brother's G R I P and not strain a stitch. 1 9 0 2 . THE MYSTERY OF ASPIDER’S TROOPS TOLD TO SHOOT SPINNING. TO KILL. New Goods For Fall Are now arriving and in the offering our line of Prosperous Mining Section--* GRIFFIN &VEACTCH CO FOR W 6 HR. H em en w a y & Burkholder. Upland Birds Scarce Sportsmen are beginning to take iterest in the upland birds, and ave bean looking about to learn if bey will be plentiful this fall. The pen season does Dot begin for a aonth yet, but it is with some dis- ppointmeut that reports are re­ vived of a great scarcity of birds n this county. From neurly every lirection tho reports are the same. iVhere in years past Chinese phea- ;cnts have been very plentiful, now mly a few are seen. There are two reasons for the scarcity. First, the birds were killed off very close last fall, and second, the wet weather of tiie past spring killed off manv of the young ones as soon as they were sides this equipment, it is probable tl^t a saddle, together with a hand­ somely embroidered saddle-cloth, will be given with the pony. Prize baby day will be September 5. mines all winter, Everything is ton and carried the cash' i unfa. teu the chain and take a new their way. He says it is a fide oat lo lho lumber yards of the & 1 | ^ ^ ^ bee|| ht country around and mostly settled i Co Co and anj thoro thoro tri tried to force it open e« to oho i F j w atu| Lloycd, accompanied they j ^ ^ h w e n t to u for with Indians. Their nearest post but probably becoming scared , ] tD0 rjooKieuuer, wen» tu it for office is Drew Ore. We wish them gave up the attempt. As there was lo0seuing it. The £ ^ u M |lwl the treo A Noltner, the veteran democratic success and glad to learn that they only a very little small change . : h e . register at the time so that had they | ^ ^ ^ ^ wm wr. pp#d> editor, has sold his Portland W eekly are doing well. a ami i>i*imppointoteitt. got the money the greates 3tn“ *'e ! was falling Dispatch subscription list to the fulling end rnd shoulod shouted to warn Ineffective liver medicine is a die- would have been the injury to e . ^ anJ hi# c allion The lat­ Portland Journal and will cease appointment, but you don’t want to regjgter. However failing iu this ............................. hatched. publication. purge, strain and break the glamls ot , Dext broke ¿uto Valkmire’ s ! ter lav down beside the log and was Not D o o m e d r « » _______ unhurt, but Lloyd attempting to the stomach and bowels l“ • Jru , 8lore aud succeeded in getting, " I was treated for ^ r e e ^ t r s b? or b lo o d r - i « . " , run out of the way of the dauger, Little Early Risers never disappoint.^ b rood doctors, writes A Gi . , Blood Elixir, under a positive VT " Z 1 They cleanse the **tem of all poison forty cents on « * * *. was cauglit by the tree an 1 instantly Chr° Die 1 and putrid matter and do It so gently then tried to pry open the windows killed. that one enj 'j es the pleasant effects o{ J a b b e r’s general merchandise u They are a tonic to the liver. Cure but in tllU1 .tten.-, t they failed Q N <£ K S __________ A L V_ B A A _ ___________ j are r ile, weak r run down, it is ]u Corns, Sores; Eruptions, Sa.t Rheum, ." a ,™ m A *• — r ; : ' Piles or no pay. *5c at J P Cumn you arc not satisfied. 50c and ?1.00. j drug store. .. , , r,,|,| liver und prevent D r«C o. 1» t h e m o s t h e a lin g s e is e in th e w o r ’et