The Leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1895-1903, August 08, 1902, Image 1

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    V. oí
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' 0/iesí and raost ì Vi deh/ nevi * A W r m a Prosperous Mining Section—
ol 2C T V
a s tía s r o
le w O'oods
a ro -7 -o ,
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i? or Fall
u 'jL s r - a s t
ow arriving and in the m santini;
w« are
n¿; o u t l i n e o f
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a i s t s
a tjs o t
° T10 E
•.-. tu : ,'LCJHtts-n
[ou’ro thinking; of a New Suit and of Where to get it to
1 Advantage. I f You’ ll accept our Suggestion you'll Buy it
t and Here.
i bought onr Clothing direct from the Largest Woolen Mill
, j inis'uiug the cloth they weave into Clothing,
reioiuiug bear« this gunrnntre,
Goods in thij Garment Contains no Cot-
rn y U th e z *
A d u l t o r a t io n .
a »a
rtn Ax to Grind Have You?
w ill
at $100 ii Cotton l?e found in the Warp
“’iiii.i.z of Same,”
Well, we have grindstones to do
it on, and their is none better made
than we keep. We also have the
tools to grind on it, too scythes,
axes, shers or seckles. On? stock
of farm implements, garden hose,
lawn mowers, and sprinklers are the
best to be found any where. I f you
need anything iu this line we have
in our up-to-date stock.
■ing your little chaps to our store and fit them out in
i Natty Yostee Suits, Ages 3 to 9 years. Knee pants suits
'ey., from I! to 12 years. Men’s and Hoy's Clotliing a full
all wool suits, lio shoddy, no cotton, as low as
" i suit. Suits for $d(> as good ns many i'20 to $25
lem en w ay
& Burkholder.
2>Tc. 12.
* rv
s t c ìie e
, r»
D avenport , Wash, Au
C.— Out-
law Tracy is deud.
He committed suicide sometime
last night on lake Creek Dear Daven­
port, Wash. His body is now nt
Davenport, where it was brought at
9 o’ clock this morning.
The whole top of Tracy’s head is
blown off by a six shooter, which
was found l.eside his body in a
wheat field.
He found himself hard pressed by
the posse and decided to die by his
own hand, rather than bo shot by
the posse or taken alive.
Hurry Tracy the outlaw murderer,
who has been defying Ibe authori­
ties of two states is dead. A hot
battle with the posse, iii which
the bandit was severely and per­
haps fatally wounded, was followed
by his suicide.
Yesterday morning young O H
Goldfinch came iuto Crestou with
the news of Tracy being at the Eddy
Iu tbe meantime Sheriff Gardner,
last night, and it was this shot
which ended the criminal’ s career.'
The officers did not dare .to make
an investigation on nccount of tho
This morning when the body was
found the outlaw still held tho
revolver with which he ended his
life. An examination showed that
he ha l beer, "hot in the leg, break­
ing the bona and severing the
artery. He appently gave up all
hopes of excaping after his leg wns
broken, and bringing the revolver
to his forehead, nearly blew tho top
of his head off.
Tlie body is now in the hands of
officials at Davenport. Tho posso
which came upon Tracy consists of
0 A S t r a u b . Dr L C Lanter, Mau­
rice Smith, G
J Morrison and
Krunk Lillingren, nil reported to be
from Creston, Wash.
.ranch- X h . W ,
T r a c y ban { L E R O Y L I N I N G
_ evenjiu..
b ec ____
the:» at 7 . : 0 Monday
1 » this time ttie posses were work­
ing iu another section further South.
Word spread quickly and a posse of
Directors of tho LeR oy Mining
four citizens made up. The posse Company, Bohemia, held an impor­
made all possible speed to the Eddy tant. business meeting in Eugene
ranch. They came upon L B Eddy, Monday.
the proprietor, who was working in
This company was incorporated
the field. While engaged iu conver­ the 10th of October last with a cap­
sation with Eddy n man was seen to ital stock of $300,000 divided into
come out of the barn. Eddy infor- 3,000,000 shares at 10 cents each.
ed the hunters that it was Tracy.
Yesteaday the shares were raised to
Quickley the party, divided, Lan- 15 cents and as something like 00,-
distance toward the Barn,
while the other men went
Notice is hereby ghicn that the undersigned fercut direction.
j have been, by the county Court of Lime County,
When Eddy reached tho barn
j Oregon apponiteli administrator« of tiie estate
■ f .1 ii iVrkins, deceased, and all persons hav-
Ji!^ dninis against the estate of t ie said J II Tracy came out to nssist in unhar-
Perkins, deceased are hereby notified to present
tin* >ann* to us, duly veriiiod at the office of K 1? nossiug the team. He carried no rifle,
HKlp-AT*rth in Eugene, Oregon, witluu six
j but a revolver.
months from from the date hereof.
Cottage Grove, Or. April 3rd
He caught sight of the strangers
E K SK IPW O K T H . Attoniti for tile Estate.
carving rifles and turning sharply
Administrators of the est te of J II Perkins,
jUi l e l Eddy who they were. Eddy
> informed him.
The men stepped forward and
MORSS- RUSSELL.— At the home ] commanded the outlaw to hold up
i... . . . . . ... ■ .... ,
shot«, preferring to wait till they
, con hi get a good view.
ViOd.vdOU By v,10 POoSG and Policeman Stauffer and Gemmrig,
Breeding From a Severed of Spokane; Jack O’Ferrel, of Daven-
j port, and others came upon tfco
Artery, He Preferred
Death By His Own
The posse heard a Bhot about 11
GRIFFIN &VEACTCH CD ter and Smith accompanying Eddy a
A fter that they surrounded the
field and waited. Tliev tiroj mi
l . short
000 shares at the original figures
wore sold to Eugene parties the
elevating of this stock will be of un­
usual local interest.
The LeRoy group consists of
seven claims of well-defined ledges
pronounced by mining exerts and
miners fimiliar with the properties
to bo the cream of the exitiro dis­
A car containing a two-drill air
compressor »nd boiler 35-horse­
power, pipes, tanks, drills and nil
“ A distressing and fatal accident
of liev Gardner, of Saginaw, Sun-, his bands,
necessary apparatus is being un­
occnrcd at Anlauf Saturday after-1
day, August 4, 1902, Mrs S E i
Tracy jumped behind Eddy, plac- loaded nt this place and they expect
noon at 4 o’ clock, tho victim being j
Itussell to Mr Morris.
ing both man and horse between to hav§ the drills boring tlicir way
Earnest Abbott, late of Cottage j
Both tho contracting parties nre i himself and the men. Tho hunters into the ledgts vvit.Lin 30 days,
It appears he was working (
\ng -L— An unknown Grove
well and favorably known in this commanded Eddy to lead tho horse These Brills wiil bore a hole 3 inches
whose identity was not iu the logging or piling camp at
by y jj feet deep within an
| city and the L eader joins in with a toward the barn, and when nearly
killed near Woodhurn Anlauf, and while engaged in felling
of friends in wishing them a there Tracy made a dart for the hollr They expect to advance from
l o g ! h‘,st
the overland train. trees on a mountain silo
door which ho reached safely.
- |0 10 fefct [lCr <]ay by the com-
long and happy life.
. met a horrible death, , rolled down upon him crushing him |
Immediately he reappeared with | presscJ air
system of tunneling,
J u s t L o o k At H er.
ned by an investigation ”] so severely that death camo to hie |
’ whereas by the old method of hand-
He i Whence came that sprightly step, his riffes.
by Coroner Clo gh, i relief after suffering two hours,
V running fire immediately took ,iri|!in„ fro;ll
t(, two feet per
6 1 faultless skin, rich, rosy complexion,
in the day, who was 1 resided nt Cottage Grove two years | nlllng face, fche looks good, feels place in which liacy fired several, ,|ay is the limit. These compressed
u-es wild shots and made off dow n the j ,
Iburu. The man was j ago where he conducted the ( ' »ttage ; „ f [,,[ Here’s her secret.
air drills are the first ever brought
on the brakes, and Grove Hotel. He was a good black- Dr King’s New Life rids! Result,— valley.
into the district aud will revolut­
pain pulled oat of thé smith and mechanic and a mau held | all organs active, digestion g >od, no
Others fire.l npon him, but ap-| ionize the work of development.
headaches, no chance f,>r blues. ”
Ho w s
E at Wcfodburn he bo- in high esteem.
The district is destined to become
Try them yourself, Only 25c ut J I , pa rent ly no shots took effect unti.
L'i ■ I with /the ir.ecbau years old and leaves a wife and one i Currin.
1 Tracy was partially under cover, | tbe J]eci.B ,,f o ^ o , , .
Many new
____ __________
br .kc, an .1 was dragged child to morn their sad loss. Fan- j
You K n o w W h a t Yon .41-« TaUIng
crouching behind a large rock. He mines nre being developed and old
|nn a mile, when the dis- era! services were conducted at tin: When you take Grove’s Tasteless soon found that this not a safe,
ones me showing up in fine slia pe.
vs noticed, and the tram M E Church by Rev Bock. The Chill Tonic because the formula is
retreat, and made for tbe wheat' Prospectors and capitalists aro
The body was fohnd
plainly piinted on every bottle
i remains were laid to rest in the
tract about two miles
! showing that it is simply iron and field, the posse firing upon him all [ swarming over tlio district, and
’.burn. Tho skull had j Masonic cemetry.
l quinine in a tasteless form. No the time.
more are coming in every .lay.
cd, and every particle j Mr; Abbott’» life was insured for
i had been torn $3000 in the Modern Woodman
T h r I > s f I'r fit r r ip t io n fo r .Malarin.
to u t Tolwicc:» Spit ir.ll Smoke Yoar Mte
Just as Tracy entered the field he
lv with the exception of . .
. . .
Chills and Fevers, is Grove’s Taste­
To qut*. tooacco easily one forever, bo ma,
, ,
, K
lodge in tms city,
a id.
j he body was,
.»tie. toll of life, nerve and > r * .
less Chill Ionic, it is simply irou
Mrs Abbott has the heatfeit sym­ Sue.
the wonder-w elter, tn a' e:aae- weal, ass i This led the officers to believe that
and there were
and quinine in a tasteless fori».
ijund fractures of the pathy of a liost of Cottage GooTe ced. Booklet and fsm nie free. Adores! I tbev had wounded him.
No cure, no pay. IYice 00c.
sterling Rem edy C o . »le s g o or S e e » e r k