p v v v v v V V W i r , i . , _ ► ^dvertisio| l a busy seasons bring» you your aliare o f triule; advertising in dull seasons brings you your Share ami also that o f the m erch­ ant that c a n 't aiford to advertise. J h u tk dtk WV lAr jfk W' V v ’v w » < < < At V v W » 1 J Tob prir,tiri4 1 Is a very Important factor In Dnsmes. Poor printing reflects no credit on a good business house, bet ns do your Job P rin tin g-w e Burautee satisfaction. The Oldest and most Widely Read Newspaper in a Prosperous Mining Section---Subscribe at Once. COTTAGE GKOVE IS THE GATEW AY TO THE GREAT BOHEMIA AND BLACK BUTTE MINES. — C o tta g e V o l. X III. • V V i A A A t A A/ • • • • G r o v e , O re g o n , F r id a y , F e b r u a r y 14, 1 9 0 2 , _ Y O U R . F A I T H 1 strong wUlbeBI as ours if you try= Shiloh’s COME IN AND SEE OUR REMNANT COUNTER We have some great bargains in odds and ends. offering many of them at at half cost or lese. We Consumption and ours is so strong w e guarantee a cure or refund m oney, and we send you f r e e t r i a l bottle i f you w rite fo r it. SH ILO H ’S costs 25 ceuts and w ill cure Con­ sum ption, Pneum onia, Bronchitis and all L u ng Troubles. W ill cure a cough or cold In a day. and thus prevent serious results. It has Seen d oin g tnese things for 50 years. s - c W e l l s & Co., I.e Roy. N. Y.__________ • are Eakin & Bristow. We Carry the Famous Cutter • • Shoes and • • Buckingham and • • Hecht Boots. ^ ^ . I J P t i Kari’a Clover Root Tea corrects (be Stomach £ X. A N D E R SO N , M. 1> P h ys ic ia n a n d S u rg e o n » ’ Surgery and Fem ale diseases A Specialty. All calls prom ptly attended to. Olllce in Sherw ood block ; N ight calls at N ew Era Drug Store. P h one 156 Main. NEW H A T S - - N E W ^ H A TS H . K IN G COTTAGE "We have Just Received a Large Shipment of Hats for [en and Boys. No Out-of-date or Shop-worn Goods. * N E W SHAPES CORRECT COLORS ^ Prices Right and Quality ¡ritical. to suit the most -Hemenway & Burkholder^ t jJV . A A A A. J**. A A. jdV A l A j f k A. A A A A A A j I h A A A » WV A- « j4k.jHk.JitL 1 Procrastination Is the Thief of Time 1 OKEGON. GUO VE, CARD OF THANKS. I thank my friends very kindly for the liberal patronage they have given mo and I will continue right on giving them the same close prices. 1 don’ t think it necessary to give long lists of prices as I think you understand I will not be undersold. Among my late Undertaking Goods is a latest Model Cooling Board. A splendid kit of Embalming Tools and Fluid also a $25.00 Church and Parlor Truck to carry the casket after remains are placed in i t All of which is the most modern equip­ ments. So if this sad duty must be done of takiDg care of the dead I am fully equipped. By 20th of February I will have as good selected stock of furniture to choose from as was evey shown in Cottage Grove. Dont think I have sold out but I am here to stay.— U. S. M a r t i n . Saved Her Child’s S c BI N C H I Ï Ï M Cottage P O B ox 8 > * > > Grove, Oregon. GREAT BARGAINS [? Ladies’ Tailor Made Waists apd Skirts At the Pacific Timber Company’s Store where they have received a large and carefully selected stock in both of these lines and are selling the same at the lowest possible prices. Wo . «•'will take pleasure in showing these goods and invite an early call. ►1 H 4 Life. “ In three weeks our chubby little boy was changed by Pneumonia almost to a skeleton, writes Mrs W Watkins, of Pleasant City O “ A ter- riblo cough set iu, that, iu spiglit of a good doctor’s treatment for several weeks, grew worse every day We then used Dr K ing’s New Discovery for Consumption, and our darling was eoon sound und well. We aro sure this grand medicine saved his life.” Millions know it’s the only sure euro for Coughs, Cold3 and all Lung diseases Currln’s Drug Store guaran­ tee satisfaction. 50c, $1.00. Trial bottles free. DO NOT PKOCKASTINATE LONG © ♦© ♦© ♦© ♦G ►I \< P A C IFIC TIM B E R C O M P A N Y °“ PRICES T H A T T E L L -C O O D S T H A T S E L L | ON THE FOLLOWING- LINES W IL L BE FOUND AT OUR STORE Hardware, Stoves. Tinware, Pumps, Plumbing Goods, Mining Supplies, Hercules Powder, Fuse, Caps, Sim- onds Saws, Studebaker Wagons, Canton Clipper Plows and Harrows,Gun Ammunition, Fishing Tackle and Sporting Goods, Barbed and Plain Wire, Wagon . Timber and Blacksmith Supplies. ^ R I F F I N -V E M T C H C O FRUIT GROWERS’ MIDWINTER MEETING. Among the speakers that partici­ pate in the deliberations o f the Horticultural Convention at Cor­ vallis, yesterday and today are: E L Smith, Hood River, Apples; J W Olwell, Central Point,Packing Ideals; W V Allen. Salem, Processing; A Sharpies, Goshen, Horticultural Education; G H Lambert, Portland, Lights and Shades; A Brownell. Al­ bany, Words of Caution; E Hofer, Salem, The Strawberry ;W K Newoll, Dilley, Evarorator Furnaces; L T Reynolds, Salem, Farm Impressions; J T Brumfield, Portland, Marketing Dried Fruits. Several other speakers were pre­ sent and took part in the discussions. A tto rn e y -a t-L a w S pecial attention g iven t o C ollections. O fllce over l ’ Jpcr & V anD en burg’ s H ardware. A curious case down in Linn county Laffles the skill of the physicians. The 17-year-old son of Mart Miller, of Knox’s Butte, lias been ill for four years. For seven months he has lain in bed in ab­ solutely one position, without the movement of a single muscle except those governing speech and digesti­ on, every effort to move causing in­ tense pain. His pulse has been constantly 130 to 150 per ininntc. The trouble has not been learned for certain. It is not paralysis. GENERAL ROAD MASTER. There are several applicants for the position of general road super­ visor or road master under a new law passed by the last Legislature. The law is capable of being con­ strued either as mandatory or optional, but the general opinion is that it merely authorizes tho County Court to appoint one or more persons to supervise roads, in addition to the authority conferred by law on the county court, on tho fifty or more road supervisors in the county who are elected by the people and allowed $2 per day, and on the County Sur­ veyor, and that none of these other laws are repeated unless by impli­ cation, which is doubtful. Under such a complication and division of authority, and in view of the fact that one man could not visit all parts of the county during the road­ working season and perform the duties prescribed by law, it seems to be the general opinion of citizens that no appointment should be made at least at the present titno. For these reasons no appointment has been made and whether any will be made depends on what seems to be for the best interests of tho people and in harmony with their wishes. A Tumisanil Dollars Thrown Away. Mr W W Baker, of Plainview, Neb, writes “ My wife had lund trouble for over fifteen years. We tried a number of doctors and spent over a thousand dollars without any relief. She was very low and I lost all hope, when a friend suggested trying Foley’s Honey and Tar, which I did ; and thanks be to this great remedy it saved her life. She is stronger and enjoys bettor healt than she has ever known in ten years. We shall never bo without Foley’s Honey and Tar and would ask those afflicted to try it. Benson Drug Co. COUNTY BOOK EXAMINED. Messrs J M Williams and M S Wallis, who were appointed by the County Court at the January term to examine the books and accounts of the Sheriff, Clerk, Treasurer, As­ sessor and School Superintendent submitted their report last Wednes Clerk’s W ise Suggestion. day. They spent about 18 days in " I have lately been much troubled with dyspepsia belching and sour the work and made a more complete stomach.” writes M S Mead, leading and thorough examination than has pharmacist of Atteboro, Mass. -‘I been customary heretofore, cs they could eat hardly anything without included tho offices of School Super suffering sevral hours. My clerk intendent and Assessor, which were suggested I try Kodot Dyspepsiu Cure , not included in other examinations. which I did with most happy results. 1 They found all the accounts correct I have had no more troublo and when and the books io good shape. The one can go to eating mince pie, cheese, I indebtedness of the county they candy and nuts atter such a time, their found to be about the same as a year digestion must he pretty good. I ago after deducting the cash on endorse Kodol Dyspepsia Cure heartily ■ hand applicable to payment on the You dont have to diet. Eat ail the j debt, about $105,000. They report- good food you want but don’t over \ ed no errors of any consequence in load the stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia the accounts of any of the officers Cure digests your food. Benson Drug and represented all the books to be Co. • 1 kept in proper form and in excellent I condition. The Lake View Register says: “Uncle L B Whorton has been quite Favorites Nearly Everywhere. Constipation means dullness, de­ poorly fur several weeks, having pression, headache, generally disor­ been confined to bis bed for a greater dered breath. DeWitt's Little Early portion of the time. Bisers stimulate the liver, open the S l o p , T h r ('»■■ a ll U o r h . n i r i h . « 'o l d bowels and relievo this condition. Safe Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne Tablets speedy and thorough. They never I cure a cold a cold in one day. No gript. Favorite pills, Benson Drug Cure, no Bay. Price 25 cents. Co. s I N o 41. DIED EN ROUTE. Sunday night about 11 o’clock M Howe of Eugene,» received a telegrame from Merlin, in Southern Oregon, conveying the sad and start­ ling intelligence that his brother James T Howe, who was bring to Eugene for burial the remains of his other brother, Daniel T Howe, bad died from pneumonia while on tho train enroute. A telegram was first received from Grants Pass stating that he was very ill and when Merlin was reached he had died. Merlin is the scene of the ashout which was detaining the trains. Under ordinary circum­ stances the bodies would have ar­ rived Monday morning but tho train did not arrive until late in tho evening. The double funeral was held Tues­ day and the brothers were laid sido by side in Masonic cemetery. ’Tis indeed a sad blow to their aged mother aud their brother. James T Howe was aged 50 years and leaves several children in Ban Francisco. A Legacy of tlie Grip Is often a run-down system. Weak­ ness, nervousness, lack of appetite, energy and ambition, with disordered livor and kidnoys ofton follow an at- tact of this wretched disease. Tho greatesi need then is Electric Bitters, tho splondid tonic blood purifier and regulator of Stomach, Liver and Kidneys. Thousands have proved that they wonderfully strengthen tho norves build up the system, aud re­ store to health and good spirits after and attack of Grip. If suffering try them. Only 50c. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed by Currin Drug Co. A Wortby Successor. “ S o i l l c I h l i i K New r u d e r T h e S u n - ’ All Doctors have tried to euro by the use of powder, acid gases, ihhnlers and drugs iu pasto form. Their powders dry up the mueuous membranes causing them to crack open and bleed. The powerful acids used in tho inhalers have eaten away tho same membranes that their makers hove aimed to euro, while pastes and ointments cannot rech tho diease. An old and experienced prac­ titioner who has for many years made a close study anu specialty of tho treatment or o a t t a r a h , has at last perfected a treatment which when raitthfully used not only relieves n once, but permanently cures c a t t a h a h by removing tho cuusa, stopping tho diseharges.and curing all inflamma­ tion. It is tho only remedy known to science that actunlly reaches tho afiicted parts. This wonderful remedy is known as “ b n u f f i . es tho o u a h a n t e e i > o a t t a r a h C uke ” and is sold at the ex tremely low price of One Dollar, each puckago containing internal aud ex­ ternal medicine sufficient for a full month’s treatment and everything necessary to its perfect use. “ s n u f f i . e s ” is the only perfect c a t a r r h c u r e ever made and is now recognized us the only safe and positive cure for that annoying and disgusting disease. It cures all inilainatlon quickly nnd permantly and is also wonderfully quick to relive h a y f e v e r or c o l d in too h e a d . c a t a r i i when neglected often leads to c o n s u m p t i o n — “ s n u f f l r b ” will s u v o you if you use it at once. It is no ordinary remedy hut a complete treat­ ment which is positively guaranted to cure c a t a r r h in any form or stago if used according to the directions which accompany each package. Don’t delay but send for it at once and write full particulars as to your condition and you will receive special advice from tho tho discoverer of this wonderful remedy regarding your ease without cost to you beyondtho regular price of “ s n u f f l e s ” tho g u a r a n t e e d c a t a r r h oattarah CURE.” Sent prepaid to any address in tho United States or Canada on receipt o f One Dollar. Address Dept E8H3 E dwin li G i l e s C o m p a n y , 2.130 and 2332 Murket Street, Philadelphia. Y ou Know W h a t You A r e T ok liiR . When you take Grove’e Tasteless Chill T od I c because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that It simply Iron and Quinine In a taste­ less form, No Cure, No Pay. 50c. What Shall We Have For Dessert? This question arises in tho family every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try Jell-O a delicious and healthful dessert. Prepared in two minutes. No boiling! no baking! simply add boiling water and set to cool, flavors:—Lemon, Orange, Rasp­ berry and Strawberry. Oet a pack­ age at your grocers to-day. lOcts. THE LEADER FOUJOJJ WORK.